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  • Caleb University Imota Lagos State, Nigeria
David O. Olukanni1, Peter A. Aderonmu2, Isaac I. Akinwumi1
1 Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Covenant University (NIGERIA)
2 Department of Architecture, College of Science and technology, Covenant University
Inadequate provision for required Traditional Knowledge (TK) is identified as a weakness in the
educational curricula that seek to birth adequately-trained and well-motivated professionals with the
capacity to pragmatically solve local problems with indigenous technology. The focus of this paper is
to review the present curricula of Architecture and Civil Engineering courses, identify the gaps and
recommend how they can be filled. The current pedagogical approaches and curriculum context-
relevance employed at the Architecture and Civil Engineering Departments of Covenant University
Ota, Nigeria were evaluated. Specific references were made to project-based courses that involve
architecture and civil engineering. Lectures, site visits, participatory projects and workshops were
identified as means of building the capacity of young professionals and students towards the
acquisition of the required TK and other relevant skills. It is expected that a successfully-integrated
indigenous design would connect all relevant sustainable indices of the design together at different
levels. In this way, the sustainability indices of (energy-efficient) designs, construction and
maintenance of infrastructure in the built-environment industry would not be compromised. The study
recommends the incorporation of all critical elements of traditional based curricula development for
best practices that will promote indigenous architecture and civil engineering education for future
Keywords: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Curriculum Gap, Professionals, Sustainability, Traditional
Education is the greatest investment that a nation can make for the quick development of its
economic, political, sociological and human resources [1]. Some of the knowledge and techniques
previously used to meet human needs in almost all the traditional societies of the world are being
gradually replaced with modern technologies. It is increasingly being realised that some of these
modern technologies are not sustainable enough to meet indigenous needs [2]. A major challenge,
however, is that the context-relevance needed to match-up with imminent indigenous (skill-curriculum
gap) challenges are missing as ingredients. If knowledge construction is to have any sustainable
measure, there is therefore a need for our educational curricula to facilitate the acquisition of
traditional knowledge, skills and technology for solving our societal problems. This need is naturally
insatiable, but the onus to initiate a change in project-based (architecture and engineering) education
is triggered by many factors: i.e. the natural resource depletion, climate change, ecological damage,
and energy-efficiency. These factors are among the indices for indigenous acceptability and
implementation of sustainable projects in professional practice [3]. Repositioning of curriculum to meet
human needs can be done through pedagogy; the art or science of teaching, and educational
methods. The teaching methods that offer services that meet local needs of culture and climate are
simply traditional or indigenous.
However, “Traditional knowledge” and “sustainable development” are misconstrued terms, with widely
varying definitions and interpretations. The current professional practices have been slow to respond
to the dire needs of the traditional societies of the world, perhaps being gradually preponderated by
modern technologies. These issues present a challenge to the educationist as well as to the students
of the project-based courses in Architecture and Civil Engineering; to reconcile what is taught at
school level to the actual human needs in the society. The Architectural and Civil Engineering
education are both administered by practicum pedagogy that supply human needs, especially in terms
of shelter, roads and other forms of infrastructures. The practice of green architecture and
Proceedings of EDULEARN15 Conference
6th-8th July 2015, Barcelona, Spain
ISBN: 978-84-606-8243-1
engineering embracing the concept of traditional knowledge (TK) is one of the ways which can
enlighten the individual on how structure in the ecological environment can survive longer in a
sustainable way. Currently, buildings consume approximately 50 per cent of the world’s resources. To
reduce this demand, the role of sustainable education needs to be examined and thoroughly
compared with TK requirements as needed in both the educational curriculum and professional
A sustainable architectural and engineering education, traditionally-dieted curriculum and program will
work to bridge the gap between the demands of the society and the ability of the existing and up-
coming professionals to address these demands towards improving the quality of education and its
relevance today, while enhancing the future plans altogether. Schools of architecture and engineering
need to examine their existing curricula and their future education plans. This should be done first by
examining the curriculum of the Nigerian University in terms of the capacity development of future
professionals in traditionally-conscious sustainable education and practice. It was based on this fact
that the National Policy on Education was formulated for the country. The policy seeks the inculcation
of national consciousness and national unity; the inculcation of the right type of values and attitudes
for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society; the training of the mind in understanding of
the world around; and the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competence both mental and
physical as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society [4]
Educational growth and social development in developing countries are hindered by a lack of
adequate, efficient delivery of quality sustainable education. This could be as a result of certain
challenges that curriculum issues faced in schools. The curriculum issues have suffered so much
neglect at the same time inextricably linked to matters on educational concerns and reforms around
the world. In a sense, experiences of educational reform strategies almost all over the world have
shown that curriculum is at the same time a policy and a technical issue, a process and a product,
involving a wide range of institutions and actors. Therefore, the term “re-integration,” in this context,
will be operated as a form of evaluation process-product strategic insertion of traditional ingredients
into the existing curriculum structure. This paper, therefore, drew heavily on the fundamental TK
content and context relevance of the existing curricula of architecture and civil engineering
departments of a private university in south-west Nigeria; as a pre-test measure of its sustainability
index. This afterwards can be employed as module for all other schools.
1.1 Traditional Education Curriculum in Nigeria
The role of architecture is to create places where users’ needs are met and where they feel more
relaxed and satisfied. Architecture, the art and science of making places, is influenced by such factors
as behavioral, socio-cultural and physical among others which inform the design of spaces created for
human activities. Based on this, there is need to identify specific needs of human and not design for
anonymous people. It has been observed that design studio is given casual approaches in the
conception of space and form; unfortunately they are not often part of the curricula of architectural
schools. Design studio briefs are often developed based on real life situations, so, architecture
students are left to imagine and interpret the needs of the clients. In most cases, these interpretations
did not address the users’ needs. The design studio is therefore central to architectural education that
proffers solutions to indigenous human needs. Therefore, architects, engineers and other allied
professionals must be aware of these factors to have successful designs and execution of
As a result of insufficient traditional diets in the existing curriculum, there has been a wide
disconnection or gap between the types of education offered informally at home and community and
formal one in school. This also reflects in the educational policy, its implementation, review,
development, and the performance in the practicing field. In order to establish a curriculum as an
institutional apparatus and improve the skills and welfare of the graduates, the delegates to the
National Political Reform Conference, in particular the National University Commission (NUC),
Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON), Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) and Nigeria
Labor Congress (NLC), needs to push for a well redesigned, monitored, controlled and TK-Oriented
curriculum programme. Also, conscious effort should be made by the stakeholders to agitate for
increase in funding of research for traditional aspect of the training as integral part of the general
educational policy and planning in the on-going national economic transformation program.
More importantly, the society needs competent graduates in the areas of improvisation, innovation,
fabrication, industrial design and manufacturing of well packaged indigenous products. Also, needed
are well trained artisans in building industry who can work out details in metal works, sculptures, wood
works, ceramics, textile designs, auto mechanics and truck drivers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians,
computer, database and Web/Network technicians, bookkeepers and clerks, foremen, technicians and
vocational expertise who can make the trainees to function well. The untrained emergency project
contractors, and technicians in the building industries causes more damages to building, vehicles, and
innocent people when they are contracted to service. Also, because of poor knowledge of indigenous
educational awareness in the training process, they have made many people to incur heavy debts and
others to their early grave. The current preoccupation with university education in Nigeria reduces
economic opportunities of those who are more oriented toward work than academic [6]. Not everyone
needs a university education. Many of the so-called “expatriate engineers” who are being paid huge
sum of money in dollars to build the houses, roads and bridges in Nigeria are graduates of vocational
colleges; yet, Nigeria is not taking this sector seriously.
1.2 Philosophical Underpinnings and Traditional Mindsets
The revolutionary measures of pedagogic repositioning as opposed to the traditional mindset stated
that instead of disconnecting students from the built up home and community experiences, schools
should therefore be seen as the extension of the home and the community. In this way, students
would expend much from practical knowledge on what they have picked up informally in family and in
their community. The school should aim in this wise through the ‘modus operandi’ of the curriculum to
deepen and entrench such understanding in context relevance of traditional knowledge in terms of the
school’s philosophy, policy, curriculum and syllabus. This will enable the young people to reflect upon
the traditional knowledge context and incorporate its value into their professional services and civic
engagements after graduation.
Professional Architect and Engineer need to have strong respect for traditional and indigenous values.
This has to do with tenets of instructions in vocations like carpentry, sewing, cooking and weaving
which makes one understand the basis of survival- the most neglected aspect of life by the theorist of
human conditions. In a bid to revive the context relevance of traditional knowledge in the educational
process, one may take a cue from some international agencies that have also proposed or adopted
principles for the use of TK in relation to sustainable development (SD). The International Council of
Science (TICS) and UNESCO, for instance, propose the following principles (ICSU 2002): they are to
(1) Ensure the full and effective participation of traditional knowledge holders during all stages of
elaboration of sustainable development policies, plans and programs, alongside the scientific and
technological community; (2) Acknowledge and respect the social and cultural bases, including the
authority and structures within which traditional knowledge is embedded; (3) Recognize the rights of
traditional people to own, regulate access and share benefits of their unique sets of knowledge,
resources and products (4) Ensure that traditional knowledge holders are fully informed of potential
partnerships and that these are only entered into with prior informed consent; (5) Promote models for
environmental and sustainable governance that incorporate principles of genuine partnership and
collaboration between scientific and traditional knowledge; and (6) Promote training to better equip
young scientists and indigenous people to carry out research on traditional knowledge.
Covenant University, a private university in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, was selected for this study. Two
(2) curricula were selected, both from Architecture and Civil Engineering Departments, respectively.
These were chosen because they both have pedagogic, professional affiliation, licensure and project-
based characteristics; hence their ‘modus operandi’ is similar enough for comparison. The curricula
were qualitatively analysed with the aim of comparing their education content and context relevance
with the core traditionally indigenous study areas identified in the literature, and by the Nigerian
National Universities Commission (NUC), Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON),
Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA), Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) as well as the Council for
the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). In this respect, courses examined may not
necessarily bear an obvious traditional nomenclature. Courses that deal with history of architecture,
traditional architecture, entrepreneurial development studies, and other traditionally-indigenous areas
of professional practice and procedures as well as sustainable technology were selected for
2.1 Curriculum Evaluation and Results
Table 1: Perceptual Indices of TK content in the Architecture Curriculum
Credit Load of
Courses per
Impact of TK
on Graduation
Capacity Building &
Sustainability Requirements
for Professional
Competence& Practice
100 Level
Graphics = 3 units
(2units), ARC113
3 units
0 units
3/175 = 0.017
Need to introduce the
simple elements of in terms
of site visits and excursions
to relevant places of
200 Level
(History of
Architecture- 2
units each)
ARC214 (Interior
(Building Structures
= 3 units each),
(Building Structures
= 3 units each).
18 units
Design Studio
= 4units
each); 8units
18/175 = 0.089
More emphasis on
pedagogic goals especially
in the integration of building
structures to architectural
design studio works; also
emphasis should be given
to construction material that
are being used in rural
areas. People usually
construct their houses
themselves as they are
used to using the locally
available materials. Great
tendency is often to try and
use new materials which are
not necessarily better than
the old ones.
300 Level
(History of
(Building Structures
= 3 units each)
Methods = 3 units
(Landscape = 2
UNITS); ARC324 (2
20 units
= 4 units);
20/175 = 0.114
Practical assignments be
given regularly and good
interconnections between
structural designs and
detailed understanding of
components involved inTk
400 Level
components &
methods v & vi)
(Introduction to
practice = 2 UNITS)
8 units
18/175 = 0.089
Introduction of Workshop
practice as part of the
curriculum, student
industrial work experience in
fabrication, construction in
timber, reinforced concrete
and steel building
The findings are discussed as follows: From Table 1, Architecture program in CU offers a total of 175
credit units of courses from year one to year four and out of the 175 units, a total number of 23 (55
units) VTE-related courses were incorporated into the curriculum, 6 (24units) ADS courses contents
are offered. While in Table 2, Civil Engineering offers 212 credit units courses from year one to year
five. Out of the 212 units, 68 units were designated for VTE courses. Further examination of the
curriculum revealed that two major courses (Building Structure, Building component and Methods)
were seriously hinted at VTE, while (ARC214) content has little context relevance to VTE in its
Table 2: TK-related courses in the Civil Engineering curriculum of CU
Civil Engineering
Impact of TK
on Sessional
l Units)
Impact of TK on
ion Units)
Capacity Building &
Requirements for
Competence& Practice
100 Level
EDS111 -
Development Studies I
(1 unit); EDS121 -
development Studies II
(1 unit)
2 units
2/47 = 0.043 =
2/212 = 0.009 =
Need to introduce the simple
elements in terms of site
visits and excursions to
relevant places of interests
200 Level
GEC213 -Material
Science and Raw
Material Studies (2
units); EDS211 -
Development Studies
III (1 unit); GEC229 -
Student Work
Experience Program (1
unit); EDS221 -
Development Studies
IV (1 unit); GST221 -
Nigerian People and
Culture (1 unit)
7 units
7/50 = 0.14 =
9/212 = 0.042 =
More emphasis on
pedagogic goals especially
in the aspect of introducing
students to Civil
Engineering. It is also
important to entrepreneurial
and computer programming
and aided design.
Excursions to villages can
be arranged for students by
their course instructors to
reinforce some TK concepts
of their courses
300 Level
CVE317 - Civil
Engineering Materials
(2 units); EDS311 -
Development Studies V
(1 unit); CVE328 -
Elements of
Architecture (1 unit);
EDS321 -
Development Studies
VI (1 unit)
5 units
5/42 = 0.119 =
14/212 = 0.066 =
Practical assignments are
given regularly and good
interconnections between
structural designs and
detailed understanding of
components involved.
Student should be taken
through practicals that will
enable them understand
theoretical concept.
400 Level
EDS411 -
Development Studies
VII (1 unit)
1 unit
1/29 = 0.034 =
15/212 = 0.071 =
Introduction of Workshop
practice as part of the
curriculum, student industrial
work experience in
fabrication, construction in
timber, reinforced concrete
and steel building
500 Level
EDS511 -
Development Studies
IX (1 unit); EDS521
Development Studies X
(1 unit)
2 units
2/46 = 0.043 =
17/212= 0.080 =
Exposing student to world of
work. Seminars, workshop
and skills that will help after
they are graduated. The
program should emphasize
strong foundations in critical
thinking and technical skills
and also incorporate cutting
edge laboratory and field
The courses that have TK input or provide allowance for course instructors to teach TK in the
undergraduate civil engineering curriculum of CU were selected based on critical assessment of the
course outlines of each of the courses in the curriculum. Table 1 shows that only 8% of the total
course credit units required for civil engineering students graduation have allowance for TK.
Discussion with some civil engineering course instructors, however, indicate that the actual
percentage of the total course credit units that a typical civil engineering graduate of CU is exposed to
is less than 8%. The unavailability of or few standard publications or literatures on indigenous earth
building construction, for instance, compared with those on modern construction technology may be
responsible for the less-emphasis on traditional earth building construction by the civil engineering
curriculum and course instructors [7]. However, student excursion to villages can be arranged by
course instructors to reinforce some TK concepts of their courses. TK-related courses in civil
engineering curriculum should introduce the undergraduate students to the use of indigenous
materials for construction and waste containment. Courses such as GEC213 (Material Science and
Raw Material Studies) and CVE317 (Civil Engineering Materials) provide their course instructors the
opportunity to introduce students to locally-available materials used for earth-building construction and
waste containment. GST221 (Nigerian People and Culture), CVE317 and CVE328 (Elements of
Architecture) should also introduce students to the traditional construction methods, processes and
designs, and their cultural variants. Our environment was reported to be more-friendly to living
organisms when traditional construction materials and technology were used by the early men. Thus,
TK plays a vital role in today’s drive for sustainability education.
The findings are discussed as follows: From Table 1, Architecture program in Covenant University
offers a total of 175 credit units of courses from year one to year four and out of the 175 units, from
year 1-4, a total number of 20 (55 units) TK-related courses were incorporated into the curriculum,
6(24units) ADS courses contents are offered. While in Table 2, Civil Engineering offers 212 credit
units courses from year one to year five. Out of the 212 units, 68 units were designated for TK
courses. Further, examination of the curriculum revealed that two major courses (Building Structure,
Building component and Methods) were seriously hinted at TK, while (ARC 214) content has little
context relevance to TK in its implementation. For the civil engineering program, a number of courses
are provided that place emphasis on the TK curriculum. The science and engineering programs
introduce practices and skills through supervised hands-on workshop and laboratory exercises. These
exercises include familiarization with basic tools that relates to each discipline in science and
engineering so as to entrench basic knowledge in the students. The former courses have considerable
TK-content and context relevance. It was however observed that although both relevant TK courses
actually addressed TK matters but there was no medium to integrate them together to address
professional practice demands. Seminars and Workshops will afford them the skills required after they
are graduated. The program should emphasize strong foundations in critical thinking and technical
skills and also incorporate cutting edge laboratory and field works.
Although, Covenant University has broken barriers in the field of entrepreneurial development studies
(EDS), customized in line with the vision of raising future generation leaders. In the same way, this
study has enumerated factors that contribute to the professional responsive methods of project design
and implementation- it emphasized a pragmatic problem-solving formula. The issues on context
relevance of the TK diets on architecture and civil engineering programmes emphasized dynamic
improvement on the conditions of professional training in terms of capacity building and development
of students to prepare them to meet different needs of the awaiting clients’ categories. The
incorporation and application of TK studies is also part of the architecture and engineering school
philosophy. Finally, this study concludes that capacity development of future professionals be
equipped with relevant TK Dieted-courses in a flexible manner that would allow to meet the needs of
clients, communities and nation at large. Also, avenues need to be created in terms of project based
assignments; student architects, engineers and others in the allied professions should be strategically
integrated by curriculum instruments while in school in order to foster their sense of synergy derivable
in team work before and after graduation.
3.1 Instituting Policy Framework for Indigenous Sustainable Education in
The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are universally recognized as catalysts in the socio-
economic development of any country. They are veritable vehicles for the achievement of
macroeconomic objective in terms of employment generation at low investment cost and the
development of entrepreneurial capabilities, indigenous technology, stemming rural-urban migration,
local resource utilization and poverty alleviation. Capitalizing on the catalytic role of the SMEs in
nurturing economic development, successive governments in Nigeria since the 1940s have been
formulating policies favourable to the development of the subsector though not well actualized in most
cases. But in order to synergize the potentials of sustainable curriculum values embedded in our
educational system which serves as input source of our development, then the output can be well
placed if there are good avenues to showcase their talents gifts, skills and other forms of potentials.
Moreover, it is pertinent at this economic stage of life that an ideological framework should be
established to synergize the economic values of education, vocation, community participation and
governance together. This is also necessary so that individuals can evaluate their inputs into the
societal system and maximize values on the output levels. Another way is to allow individuals to
showcase their talents in conference, exhibition and workshop presentations. This will enable
stakeholders and community to give patronage to their works. In this way, industrialists, manufacturers
and the elites can form a kind of ‘Bauhaus Ateliers’, whereby, competitions can be thrown open to
participants in order to win prize for a particular creative work done. Jurors or critics can be set up
among the stakeholders to evaluate such entries of works.
3.2 Teaching Mechanism and effective learning in Civil Engineering Program
In the national strategic planning goal, every State needs to set standards for student performance
and hold schools accountable in meeting those standards. The goal is to raise performance for all
students and close the achievement gaps thereby setting clear expectations for all students,
regardless of their background. Four (4) types of pathway standards were identified in literature,
i. Content standards
ii. Performance standards
iii. School delivery standards
iv. System performance standards
In all these, architectural and engineering education can interconnect these benchmark values to
establish a nexus that will dovetail the traditional pedagogic and practice skills into the required
professional pathways in a synergized form. There are bundles of prospects for professionals in these
fields: for instance, educators and practitioners must jointly establish content standards benchmark
through which required Traditional Knowledge and skills learnt in schools are clearly spelt out as a
way of bridging the gap between schools and practice. Also, educators and practitioners have the
obligation to setup performance standards benchmark which specifies the level of achievement
students should attain in schools and at graduation point; in order to be considered proficient.
In addition, accreditation board [Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC), Nigerian Institute of
Architects (NIA), Architects Registration Council of Nigeria (ARCON)], Nigerian Society of Engineers
(NSE) as well as the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) have the statuary
role to establish school delivery standards of monitoring, evaluating, control and review the resources.
It should also state the capacity that the schools should maintain with sincerity and on regular basis for
students to reach the required standards. Lastly, the school systems should establish a national policy
on system performance standards which emphasize practically the support they have in stock to
enable students to meet these standards. Therefore, availability of adequately trained and well-
motivated professionals with the capacity to solving problems of national concerns and indigenous
needs are very important. The architecture and engineering programs introduce practices and skills
through supervised hands-on workshop, design studio and laboratory exercises. These exercises
include familiarization with basic tools that relates to each discipline in architecture and civil
engineering so as to entrench basic knowledge in the students. The student at Covenant University
embarks on a 12 weeks student work experience program (SWEP) program that equips them with
skills in all practical engineering programs that is being offered in the University. However, the skills
acquired in SWEP cannot be compared with experienced gained when the students go for a six (6)
months industrial training, where they are exposed to real life practical that is related to the profession
of their choices.
The high Points of traditionalism and indigenous technologies are that (i) the lectures, site visits,
participatory projects and workshops have been identified in the past as vital means of capacity
building of professionals; be it instructors, young graduates and students; towards the acquisition of
the required traditional knowledge, skills and technology. Therefore, to redeem these professions from
colonial imposition and servitude, it is emergent that the integration of TK courses into the curricula
would connect all relevant sustainable indices of the design together in different scales. In this way,
the sustainability indices of (energy-efficient) designs, construction and maintenance of infrastructure
in the built-environment industry would not be compromised.
Therefore, the incorporation and engagement of all critical elements of traditional element be
employed in the curricula of schools; for best practices in the promotion of indigenous architecture and
civil engineering education of future professionals. More so, the disconnect between architecture,
engineering, and other students in allied programmes study relationship in school be bridged by
creating a nexus of participatory workshop practices, practical, site visits, and industrial attachment of
future professionals to specific architecture and civil engineering practicing firms in order to acquire
relevant knowledge, skills and acumen to meet societal needs and expectations. More so, the
proprietor base will do more to the system by supplementing and aligning their educational policies
and implementation strategies with specific emphasis ‘on active labour markets’ requirement and
ensure its effectiveness. Beyond aforementioned ingredients, much more can also be achieved by
improving labour force skills and competences through local and international linkages with education
and training systems adopted by the developed nations.
[1] EFRND (2010) Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dublin. ‘Education in Nigeria, 2004-
2010. Last update: 24/08/2010.
[2] Olukanni, D. O., Aderonmu, P. A., and Akinwumi, I. I. (2014) Re-Integrating Vocational
Technical Skill Acquisition into the Educational Curriculum: Capacity Building for Future
Professionals. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference of Education, Research and
Innovation, Seville, Spain, 17th-19th of November, 2014.
[3] Adewale, B. A., Aderonmu, P. A., Fulani, O. A, Jegede, F.O, Adeboye, A. B., Izobo-Martins, O.
(2014). Designing to meet Human Needs: Place of Environment-Behaviour Studies in
Architectural Education. Papers published in the 3rd world conference proceedings ‘on design,
arts and education Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2nd-3rd May, 2014,.
[4] FRN Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004) National Policy on Education. 4
edition, p.6 NERDC
Press, Lagos, Nigeria.
[5] Ogbulogo, C. U., George, T. O. and Olukanni, D. O. (2014) Teaching Aids, Quality Delivery, and
Effective Learning Outcomes in a Nigerian Private University. Proceeding of the 6th International
Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Barcelona, Spain, 7th-9th of July
[6] NPE, (2004) National Policy on Education, Fourth Edition. Published by Nigerian Educational
Development Council, Lagos, Nigeria.
[7] Akinwumi, I.I. (2014). Earth Building Construction Processes in Benin City, Nigeria and
Engineering Classification of Materials Used, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 13(4),
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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The role of architecture is to create spaces that meet the needs of users. Architecture of buildings is influenced by many factors such as behavioural, socio-cultural and physical which affect the design, meaning and use of space to different individuals and group of people. In view of this, some courses that deal with man-environment behaviour studies were incorporated into the curriculum of architecture schools, but it has been observed that the guiding principles of the curriculum formulation and implementation of these courses are yet to establish institutional ideology; to enforce the context relevance, and implementation in the instructional plans so that architects under tutelage can create environments that will respond to the need of users. Using secondary data from literature and curricula of four architectural schools in South-west Nigeria, this paper examines how adequately students are sensitize on the relationship between man and environment as an important way of meeting his needs. It was discovered that aspects of Environment-Behaviour studies were rarely incorporated into the curricula of the schools investigated. This paper recommended that curriculum review be done parametrically in favour of EBR pedagogic dynamics.
Conference Paper
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One of the observable problems facing most developing nations today is the non-availability of adequately trained and well-motivated professionals with the capacity to solving problems of national development. Many University graduate professionals complain of unemployment. However, there exist substantial employment opportunities in Africa and other developing nations but the major challenge being that, the skills to match up with imminent challenges are missing. There is, therefore a need to re-integrate vocational technical skill acquisition into the Educational Curriculum for young professionals with proper mental orientation and practical skills for solving societal problems. This paper underlined the necessity of re-integrating vocational technical education (VTE) courses with special targets on sustainability and capacity building aspect of citizenry lives with a view to ascertain the empowerment of students for self employment after graduation. In a bid to achieve this, the current pedagogical approach and curriculum dynamics employed at the Architecture and Civil Engineering Department of Covenant University Ota, Nigeria was evaluated. Specific reference was made in terms of knowledge application from fabrication, construction in timber, reinforced concrete and steel to the main architectural design project. As regards the capacity building development aspect within the architectural and civil engineering education, the application of the respective vocational technical knowledge, obtained through lectures, site works and work shop practices were of major essence in collaborative design projects. It is expected that the indispensability of VTE courses for a successfullyintegrated design would bind every element of the design together in different scales. In this way, the sustainability component of the designs in the studio, engineering workshop practice and energyefficient design would be put to use. The study recommended the investigation and application of all critical elements of VTE-based curriculum development for a sustainable capacity development of emerging future professionals. Keywords: Vocational Technical Skill, Educational Curriculum, Capacity Building, Future Professionals, Sustainability.
Conference Paper
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Globally, Universities exist to teach, carry out research and engage in community service. As knowledge centers and major contributors to the manpower resources of the nation's economy, the place of teaching, effective learning and quality delivery should not be underestimated. One of the key performance indicators (KPI) for World University Ranking by the Times Higher Education is teaching. Although teaching involves a series of activities to enhance learning, past studies have shown that students or learners get easily bored with long lecture sessions and worse still retain less than 25 percent of what is taught. Thus, new skills, processes and information intended may not be maximized. There is a suspicion that Universities in most of Africa, including Nigeria may not have appealed to the senses of the students through a multi-modal approach including the use of teaching aids. This study intends to examine the role of teaching aids (gadgets, resources and materials) in enhancing effective teaching outcomes and quality delivery at Covenant University, a Nigerian Private University with a view to drawing some lessons. The study has identified the range of teaching aids and processes adopted by the University in her drive towards the fulfillment of a global mandate of becoming one of the first ten Universities in the world. The study adopts the social learning theory and survey design for data collection. Results from the questionnaire administered to selected teaching staff and students as well as interviews of key personnel of the University formed the basis for conclusions and recommendations in this study. It is intended that the wider sociological, and technological implications will be emphasized just as we position teaching as an aspect of strategic communication.
Villages in Oka, Use and Uselu were visited and interviews of earth constructors in these locations were conducted to determine their mud house construction techniques. Earth building materials were also taken from these villages and laboratory tests were conducted on the soil samples in order to classify them. Natural moisture content, sieve and hydrometer analyses, and Atterberg limits tests were performed in the laboratory. The interaction between the culture, tradition and earth construction technique of the Benin people was revealed from the interview sessions. The soil samples at the three locations were suitable for mud house construction, based on the results of laboratory tests. It was revealed from the interview sessions that the construction technique widely used in these locations is similar in procedure to that of cob construction, except that straws are not added. The soil samples from the three villages were classified as silty, clayey sand (SC-SM), according to Unified Soil Classification System. According to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, soil samples from Use, Uselu and Oka were classified as A-4, A-6 and A-7, respectively. The soil samples taken from Use and Uselu were found to be more suitable for mud house construction than that from Oka, based on the results of laboratory tests.
Published by Nigerian Educational Development Council
NPE, (2004) National Policy on Education, Fourth Edition. Published by Nigerian Educational Development Council, Lagos, Nigeria.