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NB: This is the first edition. Second edition available from Springer November 2019. Implementing Mental Health Promotion provides a comprehensive overview and practical guide to implementing mental health promotion programmes with different population groups across a range of settings. It shows how information from research can be used to inform programme development and best practice. The text is written from a 'how-to' perspective, combining an exploration of current research with practical advice to support the planning and implementation of programmes. The book provides examples of successful international programmes illustrating the process of implementation. Case studies of practical aspects of project development and delivery from different countries are included in order to illustrate the real life application of programmes.
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... Furthermore, some studies have shown the potential for social interaction-based interventions to enhance mental health outcomes [36,37]. One additional factor that could be cited to explain the findings of the current study is that individuals who engage in walking for a greater number of days per week (regardless of the duration and intensity) actually enhance their likelihood of adopting and maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle [38,39]. Some studies have demonstrated that a healthy and active lifestyle can lead to improved mental well-being [40,41]. ...
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Background Selecting the most efficient type of physical activity that improves mental health can assist in choosing appropriate interventions. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the associations between physical activity and its various aspects, including weekly physical activity, weekly walking and exercise sessions, and the frequency of walking and exercise per week, with the mental health of Chinese adults. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in Hangzhou (2023) involving 512 adults aged 18 and 64. Each participant received a self-completed questionnaire comprising three sections. The initial section focused on gathering basic information about the participants, such as gender, age, annual income, and marital status. The second section consisted of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), which aimed to evaluate the mental health status of the participants. Lastly, the third section included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Version (IPAQ-SV), which assessed the metabolic equivalent (MET) of activities like walking, moderate-intensity exercises, and high-intensity exercises. Results The study found that mental health problems affected 25.74% of adults, while physical inactivity was prevalent in 49.63% of adults. The statistical model was highly significant (F = 25.143, p < 0.001), suggesting that at least one predictor has a significant impact on mental health. The model accounted for 39% of the variance in mental health, with all variables showing predictive value. Notably, the number of walking days per week emerged as the most influential predictor of mental health (β = -0.392), followed by level of weekly physical activity in MET, the number of exercise training sessions per week, weekly exercise training in MET, and weekly walking in MET (β = -0.312, -0.301, -0.212, and -0.202, respectively). Conclusions Adults can allocate more days per week to walking and their usual physical activity to improve their mental health.
... This shift aligns with the broader adoption of a health promotion perspective, which emphasizes the promotion of positive well-being rather than just the absence of illness. This transformation is also evident in the emergence of disciplines like positive psychology and the development of a well-being policy agenda (Barry, 2019). Moreover, basically the World Health Organization has defined mental health in more positive terms (World Health Organization [WHO], 2022). ...
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One of the right moments to comprehend people’s understanding of mental health topics is through World Mental Health Day (WMHD). This study aimed to explore themes related to mental health that are the conversation topics on Twitter as social reactions to WMHD 2021. We collected and analyzed Indonesian tweets that contained #WMHD or Mental Health keywords. From October 1 to 23, 2021, a total of 12,500 tweets were collected utilizing tweepy and request, a python programming-based library. Data cleaning processes left 7,126 tweets to be further analyzed with inductive thematic analysis. This study found seven themes from the most to the least frequently discussed, namely (1) positive mental health, (2) social network and social capital, (3) mental health literacy, (4) stressful events, (5) material economic well-being, (6) mental illness and (7) physical wellbeing. This research showed that social media has the capacity to investigate users’ knowledge and perception which might then serve as the foundation for providing relevant mental health education on various platforms to support the improvement of community well-being. Furthermore, knowing the topics of mental health-related conversations on twitter can be a precursor to the development of a measurement tool related to mental health understanding.
... Dos concepciones han dominado la construcción del conocimiento científico en el campo de la salud mental: la biomédica, que comprende la enfermedad como producto de factores anatómicos, fisiológicos o externos al sujeto que afectan el funcionamiento orgánico; y, la comportamental, que centra la atención sobre los factores de riesgo y los modos en que las personas se exponen a estos (Barry & Jenkins, 2007). ...
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Los esfuerzos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud por trascender los modelos biomédicos y comportamentales para la explicación de la salud han resaltado el bienestar como elemento clave en esta tarea. La inclusión del concepto de bienestar en las definiciones de salud mental ha provocado, en muchas ocasiones, la utilización de ambos conceptos como sinónimos, sin embargo, difícilmente el bienestar por sí solo puede dar cuenta de la salud mental de una persona. Este artículo de reflexión tiene como objetivo presentar el concepto de capacidad desde el campo del desarrollo humano, como respuesta a las limitaciones que presentan los modelos de bienestar, y los aportes que tendría su utilización en la construcción de una definición de salud mental a partir del enfoque socioeconómico y en la consolidación de una estrategia de promoción de la salud mental.
... The field of positive psychology has expanded traditional psychology by including and examining topics such as strengths, growth and well-being [17]. The promotion of wellbeing is now widely recognized as a new goal in mental health care to complement the traditional focus on preventing and treating problems [2,18,19]. Improved well-being has positive effects on health and personal functioning, resulting in health gains at both the individual and societal level [20]. ...
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Background Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the positive psychology intervention ‘Happiness Route’ compared to an active control condition in a vulnerable population with an accumulation of health and psychosocial problems. Methods We conducted a randomized, single-blind, actively-controlled, parallel group study in seven municipalities in the Netherlands. To be eligible, participants had to experience loneliness, health problems and low socio-economic status. Each group received several home visits by a counsellor (two in the control condition, two to six in the experimental condition). In the Happiness Route, a happiness-based approach was used, whereas the control condition used a traditional problem-based approach. The primary outcome was well-being, measured with the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF). Results Fifty-eight participants were randomized to the Happiness Route, 50 to the control condition. Participants were severely lonely, had on average three health problems and less than 5% had paid work. The total MHC-SF score, emotional and social well-being, depression and loneliness improved significantly over the nine-month period in both conditions ( p < .05), but there were no significant changes between the conditions across time. Languishing decreased significantly from 33% at baseline to 16% at follow-up among the Happiness Route participants but did not change significantly in the control condition. No significant improvement over time was found in psychological well-being, resilience, purpose in life, health-related quality of life and social participation. Cost-effectiveness analysis showed that expected saved costs per QALY lost was €219,948 for the Happiness Route, relative to the control condition. The probability was 83% that the Happiness Route was cost saving and 54% that the Happiness Route was cost-effective at a willingness to accept a threshold of €100,000. Conclusions Mental health status of both groups improved considerably. However, we could not demonstrate that the Happiness Route yielded better health outcomes compared to the control condition. Nevertheless, the results of the cost-effectiveness analysis suggested that the Happiness Route is an acceptable intervention from a health-economic point of view. Our results should be viewed in light of the fact that we could not include the planned number of participants. Trial registration Netherlands Trial Register: NTR3377 . Registered 2 Apr 2012.
... Cette dynamique d'innovation sociale reflète l'émergence de nouveaux contextes de promotion de la santé mentale (Barry et Jenkins, 2006). Elle implique la mise en place d'un double processus de médiation innovante (avec des caractéristiques de médiation sociale et de médiation technologique) basée sur la création de passerelles entre deux groupes sociaux (la personne souffrante et la société en général) qui favorisent une rencontre Cette démarche se fonde sur une vision interdisciplinaire (Droit, Infocom et Psychologie) de la notion de santé mentale et de la personne et sur une philosophie de réinscription sociale d'une minorité discriminée (avec une déconstruction des murs sociopolitiques d'isolement et d'exclusion physique et/ou symbolique). ...
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Maître de conférences en sciences de l'information et de la communication, Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, IDETCOM (EA 785) Les concepts ne surgissent pas de l'expérience humaine, sinon ils seraient bien faits. Les premières dénominations sont faites à partir des mots, ce sont des instruments pour délinéer les choses. Ainsi toute science reste longtemps dans la nuit, empê-trée dans le langage. (Lacan, Leçon 1, 18 novembre 1953, p. 3) R epenser au sens large et strict la communication et l'utilisation des médias de communication en tant qu'« objets scientifiques » (Davallon, 2004) caractérise ma démarche. Comme « le savoir est un fantasme qui n'est fait que pour la jouissance » (Lacan, 1984, p. 14), le but est ici pour moi simplement de présenter une idée nouvelle, mais pas tellement, une pensée, celle de « communication pour le changement social ». Pour essayer d'éviter (dans le sens de réduire) de tomber dans la « jouissance du blabla » (Lacan, 1975, p. 53) et pour me soustraire à une position narcis-sique souvent de toute-puissance (caractéristique éprouvée par certains de mes confrères enseignants-chercheurs), je tiens à préciser que cette présen-tation est le résultat d'un long, quoiqu'insuffisant, processus d'une réflexion non linéaire, dynamique et inachevée (Tilli, 2015). Sa particularité est d'être (avant même qu'elle soit rédigée) imparfaite et difficilement aboutie du fait
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Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the current research was to determine the effect of equitable education, resilience, and psychological well-being on promoting student's mental health. The researchers eagerly explored everyday situations happening in male elementary schools of district Lahore, focusing on pandemic situations with zeal and zest. Methodology: The researchers structured causal-comparative research focusing positivist paradigm on a sample of randomly selected 980 respondents enrolled in male elementary schools of district Lahore of Punjab-Pakistan. The authors collected the data after administering Scott (2006) Educational Equity and school reforms Scale, Prince-Embury (2013) Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents, Ryff’s (1989) Psychological Well-beings Scale, and Lukat et al. (2016) Positive Mental Health Scale. After ensuring ethical considerations, the researchers run regression technique, one way; ANOVA and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r) on the participants data. Main findings: The findings revealed that educational equity effect 81%, resilience 87.10%, and psychological well-being affect 66.60% in promoting students mental health. Educational equity, resilience, and psychological well-being have the same effect on 6th, 7th, and 8th grades students in promoting their mental health. Further a significant strong association between educational equity and mental health (r = .900**, n = 985, p < .05), resilience and mental health (r = .946**, n = 984, p < .05) and psychological well-beings and students mental health (r = .815**, n = 985, p < .05). Applications of this study: The results of the research will be applicable for headteachers, teachers, and parents to get aware of the worth of equitable education, resilience, and psychological well-being that play an enormous role in promoting students mental health. The debatable constructs of the current research will provide capable stakeholders to know the entire magnitude of mental health that drastically instigate and enhance student's vigour, attentiveness, dependability, intellectual ability, and optimism. Novelty/originality of this study: It is evident from the literature that less work is conducted inequitable education, resilience, and psychological well-being that play a massive role in promoting students mental health. In the case of Pakistan, the situation is very alarming and the meager because none of the researchers took initiative to framed research on these burning constructs. However, this research will opened new dimensions for the future researchers that will raise their intentions to explore the effect of primary, secondary, higher secondary, and tertiary level students equitable education, resilience, and psychological well-being on their mental health.
Anger and aggressive behaviour are part of everyday school-life and have been reported to be negatively associated with student well-being and academic performance. School-based interventions, developed to target anger and aggressive behaviour, are scarce. One such Danish intervention, the so-called Mini-Diamond, has been developed and implemented in several Danish municipalities. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the potential effects of the Mini-Diamond on student well-being in a controlled trial. Outcome measures included aspects of child- and parent-rated student well-being, including school connectedness, learning self-efficacy, and bullying. All children in grades 0–2 in Rødovre (intervention) and Herlev (control) municipalities participated and filled out the same questionnaires. No effects of the Mini-Diamond intervention were found on any of the outcomes. Potential reasons for this are discussed, including the possibility that there is no effect of the Mini-Diamond intervention on well-being, together with limitations and implications of the current study.
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Aims: Little is known about how municipal strategies, programmes and plans pay attention to the promotion of children’s mental health and whether it is discussed and reported in the municipal councils, boards and committees. The purpose of this study was to examine how municipalities in one Finnish region promote mental health, with a focus on the promotion of children’s mental health. Methods: Document analysis was used as a research method. Documents were selected for a one-year period (2018) from three municipalities of the North Savo region. Analysed documents (n=269) were municipal strategies, programmes and plans, as well as meeting minutes of municipal councils, boards and committees. Eight domains of the structural indicators of mental health were used as an analysis frame. Results: In total, 1169 mentions related to the structural indicators of mental health were found in the documents. In strategies, programmes and plans, parenting-related mentions were found most often. Regarding the minutes, the issues discussed and reported about the wellbeing of children focused on practical issues, such as the construction of day care buildings. Conclusions: Document analysis indicated that mental health promotion involved mostly the society and environment and not as much the age and setting. There was a lack of mentions regarding preschool experiences and family support/childcare and the promotion of mental health through schools and education, especially in the meeting minutes of municipal councils, boards and committees.
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Objective: This study evaluates the impact of the State of Mind Ireland-Higher Education (SOMI-HE) Mental Fitness intervention on student wellbeing, resilience, and physical activity (PA) participation. Design: A mixed-methods research design, comprising of a self-report questionnaire, and semi-structured focus group interviews at pre, post and follow-up phases were employed. Participants were a sample of 134 higher education students (29% male: 71% female; mean age range 18 to 25 years old). The quantitative outcome measures of wellbeing, resilience and PA data were analysed using SPSS version 26.0, (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) with appropriate statistical analysis. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis to capture the long-term outcomes and impact of the intervention. Results: The results indicate a significant intervention effect on participants' wellbeing (t (120) = -4.27, p < 0.001), PA levels (t (126) = 3.91, p < 0.001) and motivational readiness for exercise change (χ2 (1, n = 131) = 6.9, p < 0.009 (2-sided). Qualitative findings suggest a sustained long-term increase in PA and resilience skills for positive mental health, and reduced stigma and barriers to positive mental health. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the SOMI-HE evidence-based intervention, and beneficial outcomes of a salutary approach to higher education student mental health.
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