
The relationship between depression and Internet addiction

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Prior research has utilized the Zung Depression Inventory (ZDI) and found that moderate to severe rates of depression coexist with pathological Internet use.1 Although the ZDI was utilized for its expediency with on-line administration, its limitations include poor normative data and less frequent clinical use. Therefore, this study utilized the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which has more accurate norms and frequent usage among dual diagnostic patient populations. An on-line survey administered on a World Wide Web site utilized the BDI as part of a larger study. A total of 312 surveys was collected with 259 valid profiles from addicted users, which again supported significant levels of depression to be associated with pathological Internet use. This article discusses how a treatment protocol should emphasis the primary psychiatric condition if related to a subsequent impulse control problem such as pathological Internet use. Effective management of psychiatric symptoms may indirectly correct pathological Internet use.

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... Internet Gaming Disorder is commonly associated with psychological issues such as depression [3,4], anxiety and social anxiety [5], attention and hyperactivity disorder [6,7], obsessive passion [8], deficient self-regulation of emotions [9], and hostility [10]. Personality traits, representing distinct thought patterns that result in specific behaviors, may additionally predispose individuals to particular IGD behaviors. ...
... Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) [38], a widely used scale for evaluating pathological internet use correlations [4,39]. The BDI-II consists of 21 statements that assess the frequency of depressive symptoms listed in the DSM-5. ...
... The BDI-II consists of 21 statements that assess the frequency of depressive symptoms listed in the DSM-5. These emotions, thoughts and behaviors are often associated with IGD in the literature [4,40]. Each statement is assessed using by four items, ranging from 0 ("I never feel this way") to 3 ("I always feel this way"), with total score ranging from 0 to 63 and the following cut-offs: 0-13 (minimal depression), 14-19 (mild depression), 19-29 (moderate depression), and 30-63 (severe depression) (␣ c = 0.88). ...
... The first conceptualization of Problematic Internet Use (PIU) can be attributed to Shapira et al. (2000) that described a clinically important syndrome associated with distress, functional impairment, and psychiatric disorders. This perspective was derived from studies, based on the DSM-IV definition for pathological gambling and substance dependence, associating PIU with "Internet addiction" (see Beard & Wolf, 2001;Griffiths, 1998;Young & Rogers, 1998). From this point of view, PIU is conceived as a behavioral addiction similar in character to other impulse control disorders such as gambling (Beard & Wolf, 2001;Griffiths, 1998, Young, 1998Young & Rogers, 1998). ...
... This perspective was derived from studies, based on the DSM-IV definition for pathological gambling and substance dependence, associating PIU with "Internet addiction" (see Beard & Wolf, 2001;Griffiths, 1998;Young & Rogers, 1998). From this point of view, PIU is conceived as a behavioral addiction similar in character to other impulse control disorders such as gambling (Beard & Wolf, 2001;Griffiths, 1998, Young, 1998Young & Rogers, 1998). However, an aspect that has to be taken into account is that the so-called Internet 1.0, from the late 1990s to the beginning of the 2000s, was considerably different from today: first of all, few people used computer-mediated communication; further, online life was mostly separate from the offline life; and finally, the use of the Web produced a strong spill-over effect. ...
... This perspective was derived from studies, based on the DSM-IV definition for pathological gambling and substance dependence, associating PIU with "Internet addiction" (see Beard & Wolf, 2001;Griffiths, 1998;Young & Rogers, 1998). From this point of view, PIU is conceived as a behavioral addiction similar in character to other impulse control disorders such as gambling (Beard & Wolf, 2001;Griffiths, 1998, Young, 1998Young & Rogers, 1998). However, an aspect that has to be taken into account is that the so-called Internet 1.0, from the late 1990s to the beginning of the 2000s, was considerably different from today: first of all, few people used computer-mediated communication; further, online life was mostly separate from the offline life; and finally, the use of the Web produced a strong spill-over effect. ...
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This study analyses the role of social support in Internet use, focusing on when it leads to problematic or functional use in male and female adolescents. Three research hypotheses state: (1) when offline social support is low, online social support leads to a problematic Internet use; (2) when offline social support is high, online social support leads to a functional Internet use; (3) significant differences between male and female adolescents in both the online and offline dimensions considered. Results showed that the positive social interaction factor of online social support positively predicts problematic Internet use and that the latter is negatively affected by offline social support (affectionate dimension). Furthermore, online social support predicts functional Internet use (positive social interaction factor), while offline social support has no such effect. Finally, gender differences occur: males show higher problematic Internet use, and a higher number of friends and acquaintances than females, while females show higher online and offline social support than males. Implications of this research are particularly relevant for schools (e.g., teachers), families (parents, caregivers, etc.), and policy maker, so that they can support adolescents in the construction and development of offline friendly relationships and promote a functional use of the Internet for preventing its negative effects with active educational policies.
... American psychologist Kimberly Young (1998) began her internet addiction research in 1998. She asserted that the symptoms and features of internet addiction are similar to those of drug addiction. ...
... Internet addiction is defined as a person's inability to control their internet usage, which leads to psychological, social, academic, and occupational issues. (Young, 1998). ...
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Internet addiction can harm the psychological well-being of excessive internet users. It is important to study the correlation between the two scientifically. The study explores the link between internet addiction and psychological well-being among university students in Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The sample consisted of 150 university students. A random sampling technique was used to select respondents. Participants ranged in age from 18 to 30 years. The instruments used were the Internet Addiction scale and the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Test. Pearson correlation and T-test were used to test the hypothesis/ correlation between internet addiction, gender, and psychological well-being. A significant negative relationship between internet addiction and psychological well-being was found. Similarly, a significant gender difference in internet addiction and a non-significant gender difference in psychological well-being. Reduced internet use improves students' psychological well-being. Less internet use helps students' academic careers and reduces interpersonal conflicts.
... Compulsive internet use has broader social implications. Young and Rogers (1998) found a correlation between depression and Internet Addiction, suggesting a link between mental health and excessive internet use. King (1999) provided anecdotal evidence linking online pornography consumption to online gambling, suggesting interconnected addictive behaviors online. ...
... Young (1996) recognized Internet Addiction as a burgeoning clinical disorder, shedding light on the addictive potential of online activities. Subsequent research by Young and Rogers (1998) further underscored the relationship between depression and Internet Addiction, highlighting the intricate interplay between mental health and digital engagement. ...
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The widespread accessibility and consumption of internet pornography have raised concerns regarding its potential impact on cognitive functioning, sexual attitudes, and behaviors. This study investigates the influence of pornography consumption on working memory (WM) performance among adolescents and young adults. Drawing on neuroimaging evidence indicating heightened activations in emotion-related brain regions during the processing of sexual stimuli, as well as sparse research suggesting attention-capturing effects of pornographic content, the study hypothesizes that exposure to pornographic stimuli may interfere with WM capabilities, particularly due to the arousal elicited by sexual content. The study examines the broader societal implications of pornography consumption, including its portrayal of male sexual dominance and its potential reinforcement of sexist attitudes and abusive behaviors. While some argue that pornography serves as a means of sexual exploration and satisfaction, others contend that it promotes unrealistic body images and sexual behaviors, challenges traditional values of monogamy and fidelity, and contributes to the development of risky sexual behaviors. By investigating the cognitive and socio-cultural impacts of pornography consumption, this study aims to contribute to a nuanced understanding of the complexities surrounding its usage. Findings from this research have the potential to inform educational programs, interventions, and policies aimed at promoting healthy sexual attitudes and behaviors among adolescents and young adults in the digital age.
... The Social-Psychological-Physiological Model (SPPM) suggests that anxiety can be both a cause and a consequence of IUD [31,32]. In the view of the model, IUD is a complex psychological phenomenon that is governed by social, psychological and physiological factors and can lead to a variety of social, psychological and physiological consequences. ...
... Among the psychological factors are depression and anxiety. On the one hand, anxious and depressed people are more likely to develop IUD; on the other hand, IUD leads to anxiety, i.e., prolonged use of the Internet leads to the isolation of individuals from the real world which in turn leads to anxiety and depression [31][32][33]. ...
... Thus, the more people were anxious, the more they were scared to contract a disease, and the more they would refer to internet as a coping strategy to escape from unpleasant reality (Patias et al., 2021). This attempt to reduce discomfort turned out to be a dysfunctional choice since the addicted behaviour would conversely reinforce feelings of loneliness contributing to other psychological disorders (Akin & Iskender, 2011;Yao & Zhong, 2014;Young & Rogers, 1998), such as depression and, providing odds of longterm mental illness, especially for adolescents and emerging adults (Arslan & Coşkun, 2022;Ferraro et al., 2006;Hasan, 2019;Muratori & Ciacchini, 2020;Schimmenti & Caretti, 2010, 2017. It is widely known that some psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD after traumatic events, tend to be recursive and can lead to long-term damage to mental and physical health (Carmassi et al., 2014;Dell'Osso et al., 2011;Dell'Osso et al., 2015;Di Giuseppe et al., 2020;Iasevoli et al., 2012;Miniati et al., 2021;Orrù et al., 2009;Orrù et al., 2020;Piccinni et al., 2012;Sartori et al., 2017). ...
... Although several research have investigated psychological factors related to IA, such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and social isolation (Ceyhan & Ceyhan, 2008;Tokunaga & Rains, 2010;Young & Rogers, 1998), the causal relationship between these variables has not yet been established (Chou et al., 2005). In the attempt to discover a causal order in the empirical relationships between subjective feelings of loneliness and depression and symptoms of Internet Addiction, Yao and Zhong (2014) found that excessive Internet use increased feelings of loneliness over time and that online social contacts might not be an effective replacement for offline interactions, suggesting the existence of a worrisome vicious cycle between IAD and loneliness. ...
... Mezi přímé dopady nadměrného užívání digitálních technologií se řadí narušení denního rytmu, zanedbávání osobní hygieny, jídla a/nebo spánku, únava, bolesti hlavy, očí, zad nebo jiných částí pohybového aparátu a zhoršená orientace v čase (Young, 1999). Mezi dlouhodobé dopady nadměrného užívání internetu a digitálních technologií patří změna životního stylu, pokles fyzické aktivity, obezita, sociální stažení se z reálných mezilidských vztahů, ztráta přátel, problémy a konflikty v osobních vztazích, zanedbávání povinností, pozdní příchody, nesoustředěnost, snížená výkonnost a z toho pramenící problémy ve škole nebo v práci (Young a Rogers, 1998;Young, 2004;Chou a kol., 2005; Vondráčková Holcnerová a kol., 2009). ...
... Může mít za následek zdravotní problémy, problémy v sociální oblasti i vznik závislostní poruchy.Rizikové faktory nadužívání internetu a rozvoje digitální závislosti lze rozlišit na faktory na úrovni jednotlivce, rodiny i společnosti(Ropovik a kol., 2022). K často uváděným faktorům na individuální úrovni patří depresivní a úzkostné poruchy(Young a Rogers, 1998; Ho a kol., 2014; Abdul Aziz a kol., 2018; Li a kol., 2019; Yen a kol., 2019), agresivita (Ko a kol., 2009; Obeid a kol., 2019), impulzivita (Lin a kol., 2011; Lee a kol., 2012; Brand a kol., 2016) a nízké sebevědomí(Stieger a Burger, 2010). Jako jeden z rizikových faktorů je uváděna také porucha pozornosti a soustředění (ADHD)(Lee a kol., 2012). ...
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Tato zpráva je druhou souhrnnou zprávou o nadužívání digitálních technologií, tj. nadměrném trávení času na internetu, zejména na sociálních sítích a hraním digitálních her, které může vést ke vzniku a rozvoji závislostí, označovaných souhrnně v této zprávě jako digitální závislosti. Zpráva kromě výskytu tohoto fenoménu v populaci shrnuje dostupné informace o zdravotních a sociálních dopadech nadužívání digitálních technologií. Součástí je základní vymezení pojmů, popis národní strategie a politiky v této oblasti a podrobně jsou prezentována zjištění populačních i dalších výběrových studií, data ze zdravotnické statistiky týkající se léčby i data ze sítě adiktologických služeb pracujících se skupinou klientů s problémy v oblasti nadužívání digitálních technologií. Prezentovaná data shrnují situaci ke konci května 2023 – popisovány jsou tedy poslední dostupné výsledky (z běžných statistik jde obvykle o údaje za r. 2022) a tam, kde jsou dostupné časové řady studií, jsou prezentovány i trendy ve vývoji situace. This report is the second summary report on excessive use of digital technologies, i.e. excessive time spent on the Internet, especially on social media and digital (computer) games that can lead to the development of addiction, called in this report as digital addiction. The report summarizes the extent of this phenomenon in the adult and adolescent population, and available information on health and social consequences of the excessive use of digital technologies. It countains the description of the concept and definitions, description of the National Strategy and policy in this area, presents in detail the results of population and other sample surveys, treatment data from health statistics, as well as data from addictology services working with clients overusing digital technologies and at risk of digital addiction. Data presented summarize the situation as of the end of May 2023 - the latest available data from routine monitoring systems refer to 2022, and where available, time series, trends and developments are presented.
... Research indicates that anxiety is commonly associated with heightened levels of internet addiction among adolescents. Internet addiction refers to an individual's excessive, problematic, and compulsive engagement in internet-related addictive behaviors [14,15]. The compensatory Internet use theory posits that individuals often resort to the internet to regulate their emotions, especially when experiencing negative affect [16]. ...
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Background Adolescents may have anxiety due to a series of events such as school work and social interaction. Improper handling of anxiety often leads to some negative consequences, such as Internet addiction. Therefore, this study further explored the relationship between anxiety and Internet addiction, as well as the mediating role of inhibitory control between the two, and also considered the moderating role of physical activity between anxiety and inhibitory control. Methods A total of 1607 adolescents, comprising 664 boys and 943 girls with an average age of 15.86 years (SD = 0.73), from Shandong, Shanxi, Hebei, and Hunan provinces completed a self-report survey on physical activity, anxiety, inhibitory control, and Internet addiction. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and mediation test were conducted. Results The results revealed a significant positive correlation between anxiety and adolescent internet addiction (r = 0.413, p < 0.001), and a significant negative correlation with inhibitory control (r = -0.423, p < 0.001). Inhibitory control was found to be significantly positively correlated with physical exercise (r = 0.143, p < 0.001) and significantly negatively correlated with internet addiction (r = -0.368, p < 0.001). After controlling for demographic variables, anxiety significantly positively predicted Internet addiction (β = 0.311, p < 0.001) in adolescents, and it also indirectly predicted Internet addiction through inhibitory control (β = -0.231, p < 0.001). Physical activity significantly weakened the predictive effect of anxiety on inhibitory control (β = -0.092, p < 0.001). Conclusions This study further explored the issue of psychological mechanisms between anxiety and Internet addiction in adolescents, and added that physical activity alleviates the negative effects of anxiety on adolescents. Schools and families are encouraged to promote physical exercise among adolescents to alleviate the influence of negative emotions on their psychological and behavioral health.
... Internet addiction is a negative consequence of a person's high activity using the internet. According to (Young & Rogers, 1998) internet addiction is a loss of control and excessive preoccupation with the internet and its various applications. If the internet addiction behavior has affected the physical, psychological, or social life of the individual, then this behavior can be categorized as problematic internet use behavior. ...
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The phenomenon of problematic internet use is one of the phenomena that is rife in late adolescents. This is an important concern for many researchers, especially regarding excessive internet use, especially in accessing social media. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between problematic internet use and social anxiety in late adolescents who use social media in Bekasi City. This study involved 111 late adolescents in the city of Bekasi who actively used social media for 5 hours or more/day. This research is a quantitative research with a correlational type. The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was performed with the correlation technique of Pearson Product Moment using the program SPSS versi 25 for windows. Based on the result of research data analysis the value of corellation coefficient between those two variables is 0,661** with significant degree amount is 0,000, This suggest that there is a a positive relationship between problematic internet use and social anxiety among adolescents. So it can be concluded that the higher the problematic internet use in adolescents, the higher the level of adolescent anxiety.
... Internet addiction has generally been defined as an inability to control the use of the Internet, causing psychological, social, family, school and work impairment. 1,2 Although internet has made life a lot easier by making information more accessible to all and creating connections with different people around the world, but it has also led many people to spend too much time in front of computer leading to an internet or computer addiction. Thus, psycho-logists and educators are interested in studying the negative impacts of its use, and the related physical and psychological problems. ...
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Background: The internet is a recent technology which affects the life of people. It has emerged as an important tool since 1960. Today everyone uses the internet as it has become a necessity of today’s life. The growing dependency upon internet however becomes a reason for some psychological problems also. Excessive use of internet known as internet addiction is common among the adolescents, which eventually causes many physical and psychological problems among them. The present study deals with this particular phenomenon of internet addiction and how it affects the level of adolescents. Methodology: This study was conducted in 16 to 18 years old adolescents from Sunbeam School of Varanasi city in India. Young’s Diagnostic Questionnaire, CES-D (Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression) along with personal data blank was administered. The data was collected from 100 internet addicted and 100 non-addicted adolescents. Results: It was found that internet addicted adolescents were more depressed than nonaddicted adolescents. The correlation between Internet addiction and depression was found to be strong. Conclusion: The result supports the hypothesis which indicates that the internet addiction leads to depression.
... It is a typical user-generated content or network, with content provided by users rather than the organization. The software, which is accessed through cell phone, allows users to create short lip-sync, films, gaming, DIY, culinary, and dance clips in 3-15 or 60 seconds (TikTok -Real Short Videos, 2020) popularity grew since its inception as evident by over 2.6 billion downloads for TikTok app (Bhandari and it continues to gain popularity and a lot of people are engaging in short video composition, which ultimately leads to the creation of TikTok videos (Guo, 2022) increases amount of time spent on social networking is increasing among adolescents (Hernández-Serrano et al., 2022) leads to addictions conceptualised as the loss of control over Internet use (Young, 1998;Billieux, 2012)creates host of physical and mental health and social adaptation problems in everyday life, such as decreased sleep quality, decreased academic performance, interpersonal tension and many other negative effects (Jain, 2015)for instance, TikTok has an impact on self TikTok is one of the most current Social Network Apps (SNAs) that allow users to publish, edit, and upload short films and grew in popularity among teenagers, adolescents twenties i.e; teens likely to Gen Y those born between 1982 and ., 2022).Application owned by Byte Dance company seeks to inspire creativity and bring delight to users. generated content or network, with content provided by users rather than the organization. ...
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A considerable body of evidence highlights the profound effects of internet addiction on the younger generation. It has been observed that TikTok influences the self-concept of studentsby shaping their self-images. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between internet addiction, online self-presentation and self-concept clarity among UAE undergraduates. 592 students with age 18-30 years recruited from Fatima College of Health Sciences completed online questionnaires for Internet Addiction Test (IAT; Pawlikowski, Altstötter-Gleich, & Brand, 2013); Presentation of Online Self Scale (POSS; Fullwood, James, & Chen-Wilson, 2016) andSelf-Concept Clarity Scale (SCCS; Campbell et al.,1996). Results indicated a significant positive correlation between internet addiction and online self-presentation (r=.508; p<0.01) self-concept clarity (r=.443; p<.0.01) and its subscales. The outcomes and future implications are discussed based on the findings.
... Among the negative impacts of internet addiction are the corporal ones reflected in the feeling of headaches, double vision, fuzzy image, high eye pressure, social withdrawal, and the tendency for isolation (Shaw & Black, 2008). In addition, there are academic effects revealed by the study of (Young, R., 1998), which showed that 50% of students suffered from bad study customs and the low grades they obtained, which were on the verge of failure. Such a thing is caused by excessive use of the internet. ...
The study attempts to detect the impact of a guidance program based on the Choice Theory for improving life quality and self-control in a sample of internet-addict teenagers. An online sample comprising (32) individuals whose levels of life quality and self-control were low was selected. The sample was randomly divided into two groups: An experimental group comprising (16) individuals who participated in the program and a control group comprising (16) others who didn’t participate in any program. The guidance program comprised (12) sessions, (2) sessions a week. The findings of the study revealed that there were differences with statistical significance at the function level (α≤0.05) between the score mean of the experimental group and the control counterpart on the scales of life quality and self-control in the post-test in favor of the experimental group which indicated that the guidance program based on the choice theory had practically affected life quality and self-control, according to the two scales. The study recommends using remedial programs to restrict the phenomenon of internet addiction among school students because such programs positively reduce this problem
... This highlights the importance of educational interventions aimed at promoting healthy digital habits among students. The increasing trend of IA, which is linked to a range of psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, social isolation, low self-esteem and loneliness, makes it almost imperative for educators to take action on this issue [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. ...
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This study delves into the intricate dynamics of internet addiction among university students, leveraging a comprehensive quantitative approach to unravel the myriad factors influencing this modern-day malaise. Utilizing logistic regression analysis, this research delineates the predictive significance of Daily Internet Usage Time (DIUT) and Communicative Internet Use Frequency (CIUF) on the propensity for internet addiction, with the analysis substantiating these variables as potent predictors. The model elucidates a significant variance in internet addiction, affirming the complexity of internet addiction as influenced by a constellation of behavioral patterns. Amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic's exacerbation of digital dependency, this investigation sheds light on the escalation of internet use to addictive levels, prompted by prolonged isolation and the pivot to online learning platforms. This study underscores the resultant educational and psychological ramifications, highlighting a surge in addiction and its associated detriments such as diminished academic performance, social isolation, and a deterioration in mental health. Comparison of these findings with existing literature reveals a nuanced understanding of internet addiction, characterised by the interaction between individual behaviours and broader socio-economic and psychological contexts, such as the duration of daily internet use and the frequency of communicative internet use. This synthesis argues for a holistic strategy to address internet addiction, emphasizing the need for educational interventions, improving digital literacy and promoting healthy digital habits. By pinpointing the multifaceted nature of internet addiction and its predictors within the university student demographic, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on digital dependency, proposing a multidisciplinary approach to develop resilient academic environments and support systems. It underscores the urgent need for targeted research to identify predictive factors of internet addiction, thereby enabling the formulation of effective strategies and policies for mitigating its impact on students' academic and psychological well-being. This study not only captures the complexity of internet addiction but also provides critical insights crucial for developing informed educational strategies and interventions in the digital age.
... The increase in internet usage for online activities, especially surfing online video streaming and gaming websites, has the potential to lead to a severe problem: internet addiction. "Internet addiction" can be defined as "an individual's inability to control their internet usage, which eventually leads to psychological, social, academic, and work difficulties in their life" [9], [10]. College and university students, often in their 20s, are particularly vulnerable to internet addiction due to the attractions found on the web, contributing to a significant portion of addiction cases among internet users. ...
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The increased usage of the internet worldwide has led to an abundance of web pages designed to supply information to internet users. The use of web page classification is becoming increasingly necessary to organize the growing number of web pages. This classification model serves as a tool to restrict internet usage to specific categories of web pages. To develop the classification model, it’s crucial to check the quality of the dataset, as it determines the performance of the web page classification model. Raw datasets are typically unreliable and subject to noise, which complicates data analysis. This is why data pre-processing is necessary to prepare the dataset properly. In this study, website browsing records serve as the dataset. The primary goal of this paper is to investigate data pre-processing techniques for website browsing records, focusing on Game and Online Video Streaming web pages. Data pre-processing involves two main steps: data cleaning and web content pre-processing. After completing the data cleaning process, the datasets are reduced from the original. This demonstrates that many datasets can be eliminated due to their inactivity or unsuitability as the datasets for Game and Online Video Streaming web pages. Meanwhile, web content pre-processing removes noise from an HTML document, retaining only relevant words that can represent the web page by creating a word cloud image. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) will be used to construct a model for categorizing web pages to determine whether they fall under Game or Online Video Streaming. The pre-processed data will be used as the input for this model.
... In this context, psychological distress can be defined as general emotional disturbance related to negative mood (lonely), anxiety, and stress that most individuals will experience across their lifespan. Epidemiological studies show high levels of comorbidity between problematic Internet use and mood/anxiety disorders (Shaw and Black, 2006), and a positive correlation between psychological distress and severity of problematic Internet use (Young and Rogers, 1998;Caplan, 2002;Chak and Leung, 2004;Yuen and Lavin, 2004;Ebeling-Witte et al., 2007;Ceyhan and Ceyhan, 2008;Yeh et al., 2008). Davis's (2001) cognitive-behavioral model proposes that psychological distress, such as depression and anxiety, is an essential and significant catalyst of problematic Internet use. ...
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Objectives: This is from the most important study in Iraq that investigates the psychological alienation related to problematic internet use in married female students. Methods: The descriptive correlational study design is carried out by questioning individuals of the research population to describe the phenomena simply in terms of its type and degree of existence. Asking study participants about their problematic internet use, level of psychological alienation and emotional divorce, and how the descriptive approach is used. Since the problem of the study is related to the present, and its study will be done through direct asking, as well as this study aims to stop at the limit of description and correlation between study variables (problematic internet use vs. level of psychological alienation and emotional divorce). This study started from 10th November 2022 to 20th December 2023. and was approved by the council of the College of Nursing before the initiation of the study and distribution of the questionnaires to be completed by the sample, the targeted setting (Kerbala University). Results: the results show that there is a positive correlation between problematic internet use and psychological alienation. This indicates that the greater the use of the Internet, the greater the percentage of psychological alienation among the sample of women who underwent the research. Conclusion: This study aimed to bridge this gap by providing a more comprehensive overall picture of this issue through a quantitative synthesis. more than half of students who have met to some extent of problematic internet use have an average level of psychological alienation among married female students.
... [1] Moreover, investigations have pointed to the heightened vulnerability of the younger population, particularly college students, owing to their specific psychosocial and environmental characteristics. [2,3] Studies have shown that the prevalence of Internet addiction has increased in recent years from 3% to 26.8% in countries like Hong Kong and 46.8% in provinces of China. [4,5] Many experts attribute the main causes of PIU to excessive internet usage or the misuse of certain internet functions. ...
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A BSTRACT Background and Objective The 21 st century has witnessed a surge in global internet usage, particularly in developing nations like India. Internet addiction, also known as pathological internet use (PIU) or internet addiction (IA), has emerged as a mental health concern, especially among university students. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of IA among MBBS students in a medical college in Delhi, India, and explore the association of IA with sociodemographic and internet usage patterns. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional observational study was conducted among 300 undergraduate medical students. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire, which included the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) developed by Dr. Kimberley Young. The IAT measures various aspects of internet use, and scores are categorized as normal user, mild addiction, moderate addiction, and severe addiction. Descriptive statistics and chi-square tests were used for data analysis. Results The mean age of onset of internet use was 14.4 ± 1.6 years. Smartphones were the most common devices used for internet access (96.3%), and the mean daily internet usage was 2.9 h ± 0.9 (standard deviation [SD]). The study found that 70.7% of students maintained a permanent login status. The majority of subjects used the Internet for coursework (89.7%) and information searches (88.7%). The prevalence of IA was significant, with 90% of participants being addicted to varying degrees. The grading of IA revealed 10% with no addiction, 54.6% with mild addiction, 32% with moderate addiction, and 3.3% with severe addiction. Conclusion IA is a prevalent public health concern among medical students in Delhi, with a majority of participants being addicted to some extent. Females showed a higher proportion of addiction compared to males. Certain internet activities, such as social networking and watching online videos, were significantly associated with IA. The study highlights the need for recognizing IA as a public health concern and further research to understand its impact on the youth. Longitudinal studies are recommended to observe the development and progression of IA over time.
... Predictors of problematic and generalised internet-use disorders include a very wide range of psychological and social factors like introversion, psychotic disorders, social frustration combined with a high need for dominance, high levels of abstract thinking, individualism, non-conformism and dysfunctional attitudes toward the internet e.g., "In the real world I am worthless, but on the internet I have authority" [18: 100]. Low self-esteem, low motivation, fear of rejection and need for approval, and depression contribute to problematic internet use [19,20]. Loneliness plays an important role in the adolescent problematic internet use also, particularly due to the lack of social support from peers and parents and the lack of the necessary social skills required for good social relationships [4,21]. ...
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The aim was to analyse Ukrainianadolescents’ (14 to 15 year of age) internet activity including the prevalence of normative and problem-atic activities and identification of teenage e-usersprofiles. Gender and psychosocial variable differences were also analysed. Material and methods: The study was conducted in2020 on Ukrainian adolescents aged 14 to 15 livingin Lviv (n = 1085), Drohobych (n = 499) and sur-rounding rural area (n = 454). Due to pandemic restrictions, an online questionnaire was used inLviv while a traditional questionnaire was circulated in Drohobych and the countryside. The sourceof methodology was the Polish Mokotów Study. Results: Teenagers spend the most of their timeonline on social media followed by watching videos, communicating via messaging and playinggames. Teens showing problematic online activity are divided into two parts: “Gamers” prone toproblematic use of computer games (17%) and“Social media users” with problematic use of so-cial media (25%). The rest are “Safe/functionale-users” (58%). The analysis indicates 2.5 timesmore boys among “Gamers” and 3.5 times moregirls among “Social media users”. Problematic online activity among adolescents was associatedwith depressive symptoms and sensation-seeking,lower family cohesion and poorer parental moni-toring. Discussion: Normative and problematic online acti-vities have become part of teenagers’ lives as 14 to15-year-olds spend more time online than on anyother activities. However, a large group of teenagersonline activities are problematic. Conclusions: The study results indicate the need totake into account e-users profiles and related psy-chosocial factors when developing prevention pro-grammes to address adolescents’ problematic onlinebehaviour. Keywords: Adolescents, Social media, Online games,Problematic internet activities, E-users.
... Internet addiction can become a serious issue due to increased access to online activities, particularly the reckless browsing of gaming and online video websites. The term "internet addiction" refers to "individuals' inability to control their internet usage, leading to various problems in their lives, including psychological, social, school, and work difficulties" [9], [10]. According to an MCMC online survey, the majority of internet users are in their 20s, making college and university students more susceptible to internet addiction [4]. ...
... The pervasive shift to online platforms for work, education, and social interaction has potentially laid the groundwork for heightened susceptibility to internet addiction. Internet addiction refers to a behavioral pattern where individuals excessively rely on the internet, thereby affecting their daily life, academic performance, and interpersonal relationships (1)(2)(3)(4). Studies suggest that this extended reliance on digital connectivity might contribute to patterns of addictive behavior, encompassing challenges in managing online engagement and its impact on mental well-being (5)(6)(7). ...
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This study investigates how adolescents’ internet adaptation influences internet addiction, with a particular focus on the mediating role of internet cultural adaptation. Grounded in cross-cultural adaptation theory, the study proposes that internet cultural adaptation can mitigate the negative relationship between internet adaptation and internet addiction. Conducting a large-scale random survey among Chinese adolescents, and employing standardized measures for internet addiction, internet cultural adaptation, and internet adaptation, the study finds a significant negative correlation between internet adaptation and internet addiction. More crucially, internet cultural adaptation plays a pivotal mediating role, such that when adolescents have higher capabilities in adapting culturally to the internet, the negative relationship between their internet adaptation and addiction is effectively alleviated. These findings not only provide a new perspective in understanding adolescent internet addiction but also offer theoretical guidance for devising preventive measures. The study also discusses practical applications of the results, emphasizing the importance of enhancing adolescents’ internet cultural adaptation, and presents new strategies for preventing and mitigating issues of internet addiction.
... Adiksi internet dicirikan sebagai menetapnya individu secara online untuk bersenang senang dengan rata-rata 38 jam, atau lebih dalam satu minggu dengan keperluan bukan untuk akademis atau bukan untuk pekerjaan yang dapat memberikan dampak yang merugikan, seperti hubungan yang buruk pada siswa, perselisihan pasangan, dan penurunan kinerja karyawan (Young & Rogers, 1998). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan yang signifikan antara kesepian dengan adiksi internet pada remaja pengguna media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi pada penelitian ini yaitu remaja pengguna media sosial. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini memakai teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah 272 orang. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan skala Internet Addiction Test yang telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia serta telah diujikan dari Prasojo, Hasanuddin, dan Maharani (2018) dan UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3 dari Russel (1996). Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan analisis data korelasi pearson product moment dan didapatkan koefisien yang korelasi (r) = 0,655 dengan nilai signifikan sebesar = .000 (p<0,05) artinya terdapat hubungan yang positif signifikan kesepian dengan adiksi internet pada remaja pengguna media sosial. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan semakin tinggi kesepian maka semakin tinggi pula adiksi internet pada remaja pengguna media sosial.
... Financial sustainability is proxied by three variables; composite index estimated based on Eq. (5) [81] used as a robust check. Bank capitalisation was proxied by three variables. ...
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The study examines the effect of bank recapitalization and dividend policies on the financial sustainability of rural and community banks (RCBs) in Ghana. Data from 135 RCBs from 2011 to 2020 revealed an average financial sustainability index of 0.525 over the past decade, suggesting that RCBs can finance their operations and liabilities without diminishing shareholder value. Recapitalization and dividend payouts positively impact financial sustainability , with well-capitalized, highly pay-out RCBs showing faster improvements in sustainability compared to those with retention policy. This highlights the importance of RCBs bolstering their capital base, even when not mandated by regulators, to enhance financial sustainability. Furthermore, adopting a relaxed pay-out policy can signal operational efficiency and sustainability to shareholders.
... Behavioral explanation theory asserts that individuals resort to social networks as a means of seeking rewards, such as escapism and entertainment. In accordance with biomedical explanation theory, the presence of particular chromosomes, hormones, or deficiencies in certain brain-regulating chemicals can contribute to addiction [11,12]. Finally, cognitive explanation theory posits that social networking addiction arises from flawed cognitive processes, as individuals employ social networks to escape internal and external challenges [13]. ...
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Background The effect of social media (SM) on university students' educational progress and mental health has been studied in various contexts. However, the correlation between Chinese EFL learners' use of SM (problematic and non-problematic) and their language achievement, foreign language anxiety, and perfectionism requires further investigation. Objectives To address this gap, a mixed-method research design was utilized. This study recruited 480 English language learners from Ningbo University of Finance and Economics in China using convenience sampling. Method SM usage questionnaires, a perfectionism scale, a foreign language anxiety scale, self-assessment grids (CEFR) developed by the Council of Europe, and an interview checklist were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics (mean and SD) and Pearson correlation coefficient for each question were analyzed using SPSS. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the interviews. Results The results revealed that problematic use of social media is associated with several negative consequences, such as low language achievement, high foreign language anxiety level, high academic burnout, and negative aspects of perfectionism. Conclusions and implications These findings have theoretical and practical implications for language learners and teachers. The results can inform language educators about the potential negative effects of problematic SM use on language learning outcomes, mental health, and well-being. It is important to raise awareness of problematic SM use and to promote healthy SM habits among language learners. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of promoting the non-problematic use of SM as a potential resource to enhance language learning outcomes.
... Technology addiction can damage the user's social life, disrupt emotional functioning, affect school, family, and work, and negatively affect others in the user's milieu (Block 2008). Adolescents with technology addiction experience a lack of social skills and opposition, which have harmful implications on their relationships with their families (Davis, 2001;Samaha & Hawi, 2016), social (Frangos, Frangos, & Sotiropoulos, 2011), academic or work environments (Young & Rogers, 1998;Young, 2007;Amudhan et al., 2022). Among adolescents, pathological uses of technology include internet use, instant messaging, online gaming, social networking, and computer use (Choi & Kim, 2004;Wang et al., 2009;Charlton & Danforth, 2010;APA, 2013;Kaess et al., 2014). ...
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Technology may lead to many new problems, especially for students at high school level. The ease of using and accessing technology increases the risk of the younger pupils’ addiction to technology. Problematic uses of technology, especially among high school students, include internet use, instant messaging, online gaming, social networking and computer use. Given the large young population in Turkey, it is important to evaluate the internet-based technologies’ potentially positive effects as well as their undesirable effects. For this reason, the technology addiction levels of high school students before and after the pandemic and the change in technology addiction based on demographic characteristics (owning a computer, socio-economic level, time spent on social networks, grade level) were investigated. The cross-sectional survey method, one of the descriptive research designs, was used in the research. Participants consisted of 304 high school students selected via random sampling method. “Technology Addiction Scale” was used in the research. The data of the study was compared with the data of another study conducted with the same measurement tool and a similar sample before the pandemic. As a result of the research, when the addiction levels of adolescents before and after the pandemic are compared, it is seen that the students in the low-risk group move towards the risky and the addicted groups. In addition, it was determined that the percentage of highly-addicted students increased. It was observed that the students' highest addiction levels were in instant messaging, website use, social network use and online gaming, respectively. While the addiction levels of the participants varied based on the time spent on social networks and online gaming, the interaction effect between owning a computer and the family socioeconomic level also caused significant differences.
... The increase of internet use towards online activities especially surfing the Online Video Streaming and Game website could lead to a serious problem which is internet addiction. The term "internet addiction" can be defined as "individuals' incapability of controlling their internet usage, which in due course causes psychological, social, school and/or work difficulties in their life" [18,19]. The students in colleges and universities are more exposed to the internet addiction because their age which is 20's, contribute to the majority of internet users based on the internet survey by the MCMC. ...
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Game and Online Video Streaming are the most viewed web pages. Users who spend too much time on these types of web pages may suffer from internet addiction. Access to Game and Online Video Streaming web pages should be restricted to combat internet addiction. A tool is required to recognise the category of web pages based on the text content of the web pages. Due to the unavailability of a matrix representation that can handle long web page text content, this study employs a document representation known as word cloud image to visualise the words extracted from the text content web page after data pre-processing. The most popular words are shown in large size and appear in the centre of the word cloud image. The most common words are the words that appear frequently in the text content web page and are related to describing what the web page content is about. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) recognises the pattern of words presented in the core portions of the word cloud image to categorise the category to which the web page belongs. The proposed model for web page classification has been compared with the other web page classification models. It shows the good result that achieved an accuracy of 85.6%. It can be used as a tool that helps to make identifying the category of web pages more accurate
... La AI se ha propuesto como una entidad novedosa en relación con los patrones de adicción conductual de uso de la computadora en línea y fuera de línea (Shapira, Goldsmith, Keck, Khosla, & McElroy, 2000) similares a los pertenecientes al espectro de los trastornos de impulsar el control (Young & Rogers, 1998). La AI abarca un uso incontrolable de Internet, que es marcadamente angustioso, lleva mucho tiempo o da como resultado dificultades sociales o funcionales, y no sólo durante los episodios hipomaníacos o maníacos clínicos (Shapira et al., 2000). ...
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La dependencia tecnológica es causa del trastorno emergente llamado Adicción aInternet (AI). El objetivo del estudio es comparar el grado de AI entre estudiantes de nivelsuperior del Instituto Politécnico Nacional y de la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Seaplicó la escala de AI de Kimberly Young conformada por 20 ítems con 5 categorías derespuesta y tres grados de adicción. El diseño del estudio es no experimental, transversaldescriptivo. Se realizó la prueba t de Student para comparar las muestras de lasinstituciones en estudio, resultando una p≤0.001. Por lo tanto, existe diferenciaestadísticamente significativa entre las medias de ambos grupos, por lo que los grados deAI son diferentes entre las instituciones.
... It can act as a way to gain social recognition and Age (years) Boys(n =120) Girls(n =120) Total (n=240) 1 2 thus sustain the otherwise self-confidence of addicts (Wartberg et al., 2011). Correspondingly, spending time on the Internet instead of interacting with family and friends could make an individual feel isolated and potentially lead to depression (Young & Rogers, 1998 Table 2 Association between Varying Dimensions of Internet Addiction and Comorbid Mental Health Problems (N=240) Participants who used the internet compulsively had a strong association with anxiety (χ2=30.035, p≤0.05) which is a state of apprehension and uneasiness. ...
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Over the past few decades, internet usage has exploded, and internet addiction has become a significant problem across the globe. This study aimed to ascertain the prevalence of internet addiction among adolescents (18-20 years) in India and to identify its association with comorbid mental health problems. A total of 240 participants were from rural and urban degree colleges of Ludhiana using random sampling for this cross-sectional study. A self-reported questionnaire was used to collect data, including Young's 20 items internet addiction test to assess the internet addiction and depression anxiety stress scale by Lovibond and Lovibond. The overall prevalence of internet addiction and comorbid mental health problems was 27.1% and 19.58%. In chi-square analyses, internet addiction was significantly associated with depression, anxiety, stress and comorbid mental health problems (p < 0.05). Our study unmasked a greater pervasiveness of internet addiction among adolescents and depicted its association with depression, anxiety and stress. Therefore, measures should be taken to ascertain at-risk youngsters and invoke awareness concerning compulsive use of the internet and the risk of associated mental health problems. Adolescents should be educated to be smart users of technology to benefit from it constructively and productively
... Griffiths menyatakan bahwa kecanduan internet bisa berasal platform ataukah konten Internet (Andreassen et al., 2012). Young & Rogers (1998) menyatakan bahwa pecandu internet dibedakan dalam aspek-aspek yang berbeda terhadap penggunaan online. Dia membedakan antara ada tiga tipe pecandu internet: excessive gaming, online sexual preoccupation, and e-mailing/texting. ...
... [8] College students may be significantly exposed to IA due to psychological and environmental aspects. [9,10] This can have significant consequences for medical students aspiring to become health professionals, obstructing their studies and jeopardizing their long-term career ambitions. Furthermore, it may have far-reaching and adverse effects on future physicians' ability to deliver high-quality treatment to patients and the community. ...
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Background Internet addiction (IA) can affect young students’ professional development and jeopardize long-term career goals. Aim This study aimed to assess the proportion of medical graduate students having IA and to study the association of IA with stress, anxiety, and depression. Materials and Methods This cross-sectional, web-based study was done in a medical college from August 2021 to December 2021. Categorical data were presented as proportion, and continuous data as mean values and standard deviation (SD). The chi-square test, Spearman correlation test, and multivariate logistic regression were applied for statistical analysis. Results The participants’ mean (SD) age was 20.8 (1.171) years. The prevalence of IA was 52.8%. Most participants (40%) had mild IA, 11.4% had moderate IA, and 1.2% had severe IA. About 11.9% of participants had stress, 28.6% had depression, and 54.7% had anxiety. IA was found to be significantly correlated with stress ( r = 0.58, P < 0.01), depression ( r = 0.63, P < 0.01), and anxiety ( r = 0.59, P < 0.01). The multivariate regression models showed that age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.32, P = 0.002), current residence (AOR = 6.30 and 2.23, P < 0.01, 0.035), age at the time of initiation of internet use (AOR = 0.90, P = 0.046), stress (AOR = 1.19, P < 0.01), depression (AOR = 1.28, P < 0.01), and anxiety (AOR = 1.28, P < 0.01) were independent predictors of IA. Conclusion Indian medical graduate students had a higher prevalence of IA, and IA was associated with stress, depression, and anxiety. Provisions for periodic mental health counseling and therapeutic intervention for affected students should be made. Follow-up studies should be done to assess the cause-effect relationship between these variables.
... Mezi přímé dopady nadužívání digitálních technologií se řadí narušení denního rytmu, zanedbávání osobní hygieny, jídla a/nebo spánku, únava, bolesti hlavy, očí, zad nebo jiných částí pohybového aparátu a zhoršená orientace v čase [145]. Mezi dlouhodobé dopady patří pokles fyzické aktivity, obezita, omezení sociálních kontaktů mimo online prostředí a ztráta přátel, konflikty v osobních vztazích, zanedbávání volnočasových aktivit, nesoustředěnost a problémy v práci nebo ve škole [8,[146][147][148]. ...
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Souhrnná zpráva o závislostech v České republice 2022 je v pořadí druhou zprávou Národního monitorovacího střediska pro drogy a závislosti (NMS), která přináší komplexní přehled o situaci v oblasti užívání návykových látek a dalších forem závislostního chování v České republice. Zpráva shrnuje aktuální situaci a vývoj v oblasti legislativy a politiky, uvádí výsledky studií zaměřených na rozsah a vzorce užívání návykových látek, shrnuje situaci a změny v oblasti prevence, léčby a snižování rizik, popisuje vývoj kriminality a aktuální trendy na trzích s produkty se závislostním potenciálem. Popisovány jsou poslední dostupné výsledky (z běžných statistik jde obvykle o údaje za r. 2021, z výběrových šetření také výsledky z r. 2022) a tam, kde jsou dostupné časové řady studií, jsou prezentovány i trendy ve vývoji situace v posledních deseti letech. Tematické kapitoly shrnují situaci a vývoj podle jednotlivých témat politiky v oblasti závislostí. The Summary Report on Addictions is the second report of the Czech National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction bringing a complex overview of the situation in substance use and behavioural addictions in the Czech Republic. The report summarizes current situation in the field of legislation and policy, brings results of surveys on extent and patterns of substance use, describes current situation in the field of prevention, treatment and harm reduction, criminality and market trends. It brings the latest available data from registers and statistics (mostly for 2021) and data from surveys (2022), and where available, it presents trends in the last 10 years. Thematic chapters report on situation and trends by topics.
... Chiong et al. (2021a) observed, therefore, that the exponential increase in the use of media, with emphasis on messages on social media, can be used as a valuable source for monitoring mental health problems, including depression, through the use of methods machine learning to find behavioral patterns. Addiction research has shown that psychiatric illnesses such as depression are often associated with alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction (Young and Rogers, 1998). In some studies, researchers identified depression as a risk factor that influences and correlates with smartphone addiction, driven by nomophobia (Demi˙rci˙et al., 2015;Kim and Koh, 2018;Kim et al., 2017;Park and Lee, 2014;Wang et al., 2021). ...
Purpose This study aims to investigate the effects of nomophobia in the organizational environment, and the authors developed a research model consisting of the construct's loneliness, depression and anxiety. The growing competitiveness of the market and the need of many companies regarding the availability of employees demand attention. Design/methodology/approach The authors surveyed 454 Brazilian respondents and used covariance-based structural equation modeling to analyze the survey results. The model’s hypotheses proved significant, confirming the relationships proposed by the theoretical model. Findings Loneliness and depression, rather than anxiety, explained the influence of nomophobia on individuals’ ability to communicate when inserted in the professional context. Individuals were most likely to have high nomophobia incorporate psychological traits that involve emotional instability, and could benefit from the connection between people in a social group. Practical implications This study confirms that nomophobia can be a situational phobia evoked by the unavailability of a smartphone or by the idea of not having it, not being able to use it or losing it, even within the business context. Social implications The increase in loneliness and depression indicates a deficiency in the face of the smartphone’s benefits. Originality/value This paper provides contributions that seek to understand the effect of symptoms from smartphones in the workplace, also indicating that users may cause vulnerability. Companies can prevent vulnerability by creating policies prohibiting their use in the organization’s context and developing healthy habits that do not lead to addiction.
... Internet addiction (IA) has become a serious physical and mental health problem among students (Hu and Ma, 2010). Internet addiction is defined as the inability to control the use of the Internet and is a condition that leads to severe impairments of various life functions (Young and Rogers, 1998;Griffiths, 1999;Mok et al., 2014). With the popularity of smartphones and computers, students have become a high-risk group for IA, with the prevalence ranging from 0.8 to 26.7% in different countries or regions (Kuss et al., 2014;Ma et al., 2022a). ...
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Background Internet addiction (IA) has a significant negative impact on students. The condition of students with IA can be improved by exercise, which has been identified as an effective intervention strategy. However, the relative effectiveness of different exercise types and the most effective ones remains unknown. This study presents a network meta-analysis to compare six exercise types (team sport, double sport, single sport, team + double sport, team + single sport, and team + double + single sport) based on their effectiveness in reducing Internet addiction and maintaining mental health. Methods Systematic searches were conducted in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CNKI, Wan Fang, CQVIP, Web of Science, CBM, EBSCO, APA PsycNet, and Scopus, and all relevant studies from the beginning to 15 July 2022 were included on. According to the Cochrane Handbook 5.1.0 Methodological Quality Evaluation Criteria, the listed studies' bias risk was assessed, while the network meta-analysis was performed using STATA 16.0. Results A total of 39 randomized controlled trials that met all inclusion criteria including 2,408 students with IA were examined. The meta-analysis results showed that compared with the control group, exercising significantly improved loneliness, anxiety, depression, and interpersonal sensitivity (p < 0.05). Specifically, the network meta-analysis discovered that the single sport, team sport, double sport, team + double sport, and team + double + single sport had significant effects on improving Internet addiction as compared to the respective control group (p < 0.05); the single sport, team sport, and double sport tend to be effective compared with controls in improving mental health (p < 0.05). Compared with the other five types of sports, the double sport was ranked first and showed the greatest potential to be the best choice (cluster ranking value = 3699.73) in improving Internet addiction (SUCRA = 85.5) and mental health (SUCRA = 93.1). Conclusion Exercise could be suggested as the best alternative when treating IA in students, based on the extensive positive effects of exercise on IA, anxiety, depression, interpersonal sensitivity, loneliness, and mental health in IA students. Double sport may be the best type of exercise for Internet-addicted students. However, to further examine the benefits of exercise for IA students, more research is required. Systematic review registration, identifier: CRD42022377035.
... Computer games (Horzum 2011), which replaced the games that children and young people used to meet and play with their friends in their neighborhoods in the past, are compared to gambling games in terms of highlighting the problems of violence and attention deficit in schools (Gentile 2009). Young and Rogers (1998), Grüsser and Thalemann (2006) stated that technology addiction has negative physical, psychological and social effects. Physical effects, such as burning in the eyes, pain in the neck muscles, disturbances in body posture, and numbness in certain parts of the body; Psychological effects, such as low academic achievement and personal, family, and school problems; and social effects such as inability to control time, difficulty in communicating, lack of self-confidence, and inability to express oneself are listed (Chen et al., 2022;Cheung & Wong, 2011;Potas et al. ., 2022;Tao, 2013). ...
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This study aims to determine the relationship between primary school students' technology addiction levels and their participation in sports. For this purpose, in this study, technology addiction and sports participation levels of students studying in different primary schools in Almaty were examined according to their demographic characteristics. The study was conducted with the comparative correlational screening method, one of the general screening methods. The study sample consists of 252 private and public primary school students. "Technology Addiction Scale" and "Sport Participation Questionnaire" were used as data collection tools in the study. The data obtained from the study are expressed as mean and standard deviation (SD) values. T-tests from parametric tests and Pearson Product Moments Correlation technique analyses were used in the data analysis. The findings obtained from the study showed that primary school student's participation in sports is moderate, while their technological addiction is high. While the participation of primary school students in sports did not differ according to the gender variable, significant differences were observed in their technological addictions. Similarly, students' technological addictions differ according to their school types. Finally, a significant but negative relationship was found between primary school students' sports participation and technological addiction. It was observed that the technological addiction of the participants decreased as their participation in sports increased.
... The results of this research were consistent with many previous studies which found an association between Internet addiction and depression. The findings of Young and Rogers [34] indicated that increased levels of depression were associated with those who were addicted to the Internet. ...
Background Internet addiction is a serious and growing problem. There is an emerging public health concern over the increase in Internet usage, particularly among adolescents. Aim The purpose of this study was to assess the pattern of Internet use among university students and to evaluate the personality and the associated psychiatric disorders with students of Internet addiction. Participants and methods A total of 300 medical students were subjected to the Internet Addiction Test (IAT) developed by Young in 1998. Personality evaluation by Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and psychiatric interview by Arabic version of Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview were done for Internet addicts to assess any associated personality or psychiatric disorders. Results Students were divided into four Internet user groups according to their IAT total scores: normal Internet users ( n =117, 39.0%), mild Internet addicts ( n =116, 38.7%), moderate Internet addicts ( n =64, 21.3%), and severe Internet addicts ( n =3, 1.0%). Males were more prone than females to develop severe forms of Internet addiction. Family environment had a major effect on developing Internet addiction. Neurotics and introverts were more susceptible to develop Internet addiction than others. Depression and anxiety were significantly associated with Internet addiction. Conclusions This study suggests that students who use the Internet excessively exhibit significantly more psychiatric symptoms than students who use the Internet less frequently. In addition, pathological Internet addicts appear to have a distinctive personality and social profile when compared with nonpathological users.
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Although some studies have revealed the association between bullying victimization and internet addiction in adolescents, the mediating and moderating factors between the two need to be further discussed. This study aimed to discuss the chain mediating role of anxiety and inhibitory control between bullying victimization and internet addiction among Chinese adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted in seven schools in five provinces of China by convenience sampling from February to March 2024. A total of 1673 participants (695 boys and 978 girls) with an average age of 15.86 ± 0.74 years were included in this study. Subjective data on bullying victimization, internet addiction, anxiety, inhibitory control were collected and analyzed, and a mediation model test was carried out. After controlling for age and gender, bullying victimization was found to be a significant predictor of internet addiction (β = 0.098, p < 0.001). However, when anxiety and inhibitory control were added, the predictive effect was no longer significant (β = 0.006, p > 0.05). Bullying victimization can predict internet addiction through anxiety and inhibitory control. It is suggested that guardians should provide adequate support to adolescent bullying victims in order to reduce the negative impact of bullying victimization on adolescents and prevent the occurrence of internet addiction.
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Background In the digital age, the Internet has become integrated into all aspects of people’s work, study, entertainment, and other activities, leading to a dramatic increase in the frequency of Internet use. However, excessive Internet use has negative effects on the body, psychology, and many other aspects. This study aims to systematically analyze the research findings on the relationship between loneliness and Internet addiction to obtain a more objective, comprehensive effect size. Methods This study employed a comprehensive meta-analysis of empirical research conducted over the past two decades to investigate the relationship between loneliness and Internet addiction, with a focus on the moderating variables influencing this relationship. This meta-analysis adopted a unique approach by categorizing moderating variables into two distinct groups: the objective characteristics of research subjects and the subjective characteristics of researchers. It sheds light on the multifaceted factors that influence the relationship between loneliness and Internet addiction. Results A literature search in web of science yielded 32 independent effect sizes involving 35,623 subjects. Heterogeneity testing indicated that a random effects model was appropriate. A funnel plot and Begg and Mazumdar’s rank correlation test revealed no publication bias in this meta-analysis. Following the effect size test, it was evident that loneliness was significantly and positively correlated with Internet addiction (r = 0.291, p < 0.001). The moderating effect analysis showed that objective characteristics significantly affected the relationship. However, subjective characteristics did not affect the relationship. Conclusions The study revealed a moderately positive correlation between loneliness and Internet addiction. Moreover, this correlation’s strength was found to be influenced by various factors, including gender, age, grade, and the region of the subjects. However, it was not affected by variables such as the measurement tool, research design, or research year (whether before or after COVID-19).
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Introduction Addiction is a chronic, recurrent, relapsing disorder characterized by the compulsive pursuit of certain substances or certain behaviors, and the continuation of them despite the harmful consequences resulting from them and the long-term changes that occur in the brain. Excessive computer use meets the criteria for addiction. There are two types of addiction, physical addiction and non-physical addiction, such as Internet addiction. Methods and Materials A pivotal cross-sectional study, in which data were collected on a simple, random basis through an electronic questionnaire with three sections that was distributed to medical students at the Syrian Private University. 219 students were accepted into the sample (n = 219). Results The results presented that there is a significant correlation between Internet addiction and the percentile in the last academic year (P = .015), and there is a significant correlation between Internet addiction and the presence of previous traumas (P = .016) and the presence of severe family problems (P = .000). Discussion The results of our study were consistent with most of the results of previous studies, except that our study did not present any association of Internet addiction with gender, which has been proven to exist in other studies. Conclusion As evidenced by this brief study, the field of Internet addiction is advancing rapidly even without formal recognition of it as a separate and distinct behavioral addiction and with continuing disagreement over diagnostic criteria. The debate over whether IAD should be classified as a (behavioral) addiction, an impulse control disorder, or even obsessive-compulsive disorder cannot be satisfactorily resolved. But the symptoms we have observed in clinical practice present a great deal of overlap with symptoms typically associated with (behavioral) addiction.
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Purpose The present study investigated the contribution of internet addiction (IA) as a mediator in the relationships between time spent online on early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) and life satisfaction (LS) among a sample of Iranian adults. Methods The sample comprised 489 Iranian adults aged 19 to 62 years who completed an online survey. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS 26.0. Results The results confirmed the positive effect of time spent online on EMSs and IA and the negative effect of time spent online on LS. IA was positively associated with EMSs, which in turn, were negatively associated with LS. EMSs were also negatively related to LS. Further analyses showed that the relationship between time spent on online activities and EMSs and IA was higher among males. Conclusion The findings highlight a direct and indirect association between time spent online and IA in enhancing EMSs and diminishing LS among adults. The present study suggests consideration of the gender-specific components in the development and implementation of Internet addiction prevention programs.
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Internet addiction is continuous use of the internet so that it can interfere with daily life. In this case students experience health problems in society. The ease of internet access nowadays makes students more vulnerable to internet addiction. Factors that influence internet addiction such as academic stress, family closeness, closeness of peers and fast emotions. The characteristics of addiction from the emotional side are feeling better when opening favorite sites, feeling anxious when away from the internet, ignoring people around for internet access, losing interest in activities in the real world, starting to lie about what is done on the internet, preferring online from sleeping at night. The characteristics of addiction from the physical side are experiencing physical changes in the body, headaches, back pain, wrist pain due to holding gadgets for too long. To overcome this problem students need to limit the use of internet time, delete applications that are less useful, pursue interests and hobbies that do not use the internet. The purpose of this study was to find out whether students engage in behavior that leads to internet addiction. This research uses literature study method. This research can be concluded that the internet is very influential on the student environment because it starts to decrease student interest in learning. This is because the student's learning motivation also decreases because he is more concerned with his social network than his academic achievement. To minimize these negative impacts, as users we have to be smarter, smart internet is how an internet user can manage and use internet technology wisely according to their needs and not violate internet ethics and code of ethics.
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zet Teknolojinin etkin bir rol aldığı "modern dünya" olarak tabir edilen günümüz dünyasında teknolojinin yararları yanında bazı problemler de ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu problemler hem bireyler hem toplum hem de ülkeler açısından bazı riskler taşımaktadır. İlgili literatürde "siber" ön eki alarak tanımlanan bu problemleri incelemek ve detaylandırmak, yaygın bir etki potansiyeline sahip olmakla birlikte, toplum ve kurumlar için farkındalık geliştirecek niteliktedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı, dijital çağın beraberinde getirdiği çeşitli problemleri ele almak ve bu problemlerin birey ve toplum üzerindeki etkilerini genel bir şekilde incelemektir. Çalışmada, "Siber" kelimesi temel alınmış ve bu kelime ilgili üretilmiş riskler ve problemler üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca siber saldırı, siber zorbalık, siber aylaklık ve siber suçlar gibi konulara odaklanılarak, bu alandaki güncel tanımlamalar ve ilgili akademik çalışmalar ortaya koyulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda ise bireylerin ve kurumların siber risklere ve tehditlere karşı nasıl daha iyi korunabileceği, alınabilecek önlemler ve "Siber" ile ilgili problemlerin farkındalığının artırılması yolları literatür doğrultusunda rapor edilmiştir. Ek olarak; çalışmada bireyler açısından ise siber aylaklık ve dijital bağımlılık gibi günlük hayatımızı etkileyen diğer önemli konular da incelenmiş ve bu sorunların sosyal ve psikolojik boyutlarına değinilmiştir. Son olarak, çalışmada siber alanın getirdiği risklerle etkin bir şekilde başa çıkabilmenin yolları tartışılmış, siber riskler ve problemler açısından bir sınıflandırma yapılmış ve gelecekteki olası gelişmeler hakkında öngörülerde bulunulmuştur. Abstract In today's world, often referred to as the "modern world" where technology plays a significant role, the benefits of technology come with certain challenges.
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Riset tentang ibu milenial kebanyakan dikaitkan dengan kecanduan internet, medsos, dan belanja online, tidak banyak yang membicarakan bagaimana mereka menggunakan gadget untuk mengenalkan agama pada anak. Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap penanaman nilai-nilai agama Islam pada anak-anak mereka oleh para ibu milenial menggunakan gadgetnya.Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologik ini bersandar pada data wawancara dan observasi kepada 9 ibu milenial dan 9 anak prasekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ibu milenial secara intensif mengenalkan nilai-nilai agama Islam pada anak, mayoritas memanfaatkan chanel youtube. Konten youtube yang digunakan meliputi: serial animasi Malaysia Omar Hana, rico the series, kisah nabi, lagu anak Islami, dan animasi binatang. Perbedaan penggunaan konten youtube dipicu oleh faktor pendidikan, pekerjaan dan ekonomi keluarga. Selain itu, penggunaan konten youtube berimplikasi pada kualitas dan kuantitas pemahaman nilai agama anak prasekolah. Hasil riset merekomendasikan pengfungsian gadget sebagai faktor determinan bagi ibu milenial dalam mengenalkan nilai keagamaan kepada anak prasekolah di masa kini dan mendatang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Perawat Dan Pasien Rawat Inap Dalam Pemberian Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Hajja Andi Depu Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori komunikasi intrapersonal oleh Joseph A. Devito. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini bahwa Komunikasi Interpersonal Perawat Terhadap Pasien Rawat Inap Dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Hajja Andi Depu Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dilaksanakan dengan Keterbukaan dilakukan oleh perawat dengan memfasilitasi kondisi munculnya keterbukaan pasien, Empati dilakukan oleh perawat kepada pasien dengan memberikan perhatian dan kepedulian, Dukungan dilakukan oleh perawat kepada pasien dengan yang dilakukan dengan menerima ide-ide dan saran yang di tawarkan oleh pasien, Rasa Positif dilakukan oleh perawat kepada pasien dengan membangun semangat, tekad dan keyakinan pasien, Kesamaan dilakukan oleh perawat kepada pasien dengan memperlakukan pasien dengan adil dan manusiawi.
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The Internet has become an important component of ICT, and its use is rapidly increasing, with no signs of diminishing. It is rapidly infiltrating daily life and has a direct impact on people's ideas and behaviour patterns. Since the Internet is widely used, the study aimed to address the central query about the impact of the Internet on learning. The informants of the study were the students of higher education selected from Ravenshaw University, Odisha. This study employed a descriptive survey design to ascertain the current context of the problem and one hundred fifty students from postgraduate level were selected as a sample via stratified random sampling. The t-test and one-way ANOVA were employed for the analysis and interpretation of the results. The results show that there is no noticeable difference in learning outcomes and social behaviour as a result of internet use between male and female students, as well as between Arts and Science students. Additionally, the findings indicate that 6% of students suffer from internet addiction, with science students being more affected than arts students.
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada depresyon, kaygı ve stres belirtileri ile sosyal medya bağımlılığı arasındaki ilişkilerin ve bu değişkenlerin sosyal medya bağımlılığını yordama düzeyinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemi bir devlet üniversitesinin Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu’nda öğrenim gören 208’i kadın 73’ü erkek olmak üzere toplam 281 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılara Demografik Bilgi Formu, Sosyal Medya Bağımlılığı Ölçeği-Yetişkin Formu (SMBÖ-YF) ve Depresyon Anksiyete Stres Ölçeği (DASS) uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Demografik bilgiler ile sosyal medya bağımlılık ölçeği puanları karşılaştırıldığında günlük sosyal medya kullanımı dışındaki değişkenler bakımından farklılık olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Kullanılan sosyal medya uygulamalarına göre Instagram aplikasyonunu kullanan katılımcıların kullanmayan katılımcılara göre daha yüksek sosyal medya bağımlılık puanlarına sahip oldukları saptanmıştır. Regresyon analizi sonucunda, sırasıyla kaygı, günlük sosyal medya kullanımı ve stres düzeyi etkili olmakla birlikte bu üç değişkenin sosyal medya bağımlılığı puanlarını %32,6 oranında yordadığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile sosyal medya bağımlılığı ile depresyon, kaygı ve stres değişkenlerinin birbiriyle ilişkili olduğu ve kaygı, stres ve günlük sosyal medya kullanımının sosyal medya bağımlılığı puanlarını açıklamada etkili değişkenler olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Amaç -İşten sıkılma, internet bağımlılığı, iş tatmini, örgütsel yalnızlık ve kişilik özellikleri değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya koyulması; kişilik özelliklerinin işten sıkılma ile internet bağımlılığı, işten sıkılma ile iş tatmini ve işten sıkılma ile örgütsel yalnızlık arasında aracılık rolüne sahip olup olmadığının tespiti, bu çalışmanın amacıdır. Yöntem -Araştırma verileri Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren altı kamu kurumunda görev yapan 360 personelin katılımıyla, çevrimiçi ve yüz yüze anket yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Analizler SPSS 24 programı ile yapılmıştır. Değişkenler arası ilişkilerin analizleri için korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır. Bulgular -Yapılan analizler ile işten sıkılma ile iş tatmini arasında negatif, işten sıkılma ile internet bağımlığı ve işten sıkılma ile örgütsel yalnızlık arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca regresyon analizi ile kişilik özelliklerinin işten sıkılma ile internet bağımlığı, işten sıkılma ile iş tatmini ve işten sıkılma ile örgütsel yalnızlık arasında kısmi aracı etkiye sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Tartışma -Çalışmadan elde sonuçlara göre işten sıkılma düzeyi çalışanların iş tatmini ile negatif, internet bağımlılığı ve örgütsel yalnızlık ile pozitif bir ilişkiye sahiptir. Başka bir ifade ile işten sıkılma arttıkça iş tatmininde azalma, internet bağımlılığı ve örgütsel yalnızlıkta artma olacağı sonucuna varılabilir. Ayrıca çalışanın kişilik özellikleri değinilen etkileri kısmi olarak etkilemektedir. Sonuç olarak, yöneticiler tarafından çalışanın kişilik özelliklerini de dikkate alarak işten sıkılmayı azaltmaya yönelik faaliyetler gerçekleştirilmesinin organizasyon için faydalı olabileceği düşünülmektedir
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Introduction: Internet is one of the main sources of information & virtual communication media and new technology. The prevalence of Internet addiction in young people can be seen as tantamount as drug addiction. It is discussed as a serious crisis in individual and social life, family relationships, educational status, unhealthy behaviors, reduction of self-esteem and susceptibility to psychiatric disorders. Considering public access to computers and Internet, a growing population of users and lack of accurate statistics in this field. Material & Methods: This cross-sectional study group was comprised of two hundred one randomly selected students participate in this research. The first part of the data collection tool was a questionnaire included demographic information and the second part was Young's Internet Addiction Test (IAT), which has four levels: normal level (<21), weak (49-21), moderate (79-50) and severe dependency (100-80). The data was analyzed using computer software SPSS 16 (ANOVA, % 95 confidences). Results: According to findings of this study, 38.3% of students were in normal level. Dependency to internet was mild in 43.8%, moderate in 15.9% and sever in2%. Internet addiction prevalence in men was more than women, while there was a relationship between field of study, computer use and Internet access. Twenty seven point four percent of users don't use internet for educational applications, and 67.5% addicted students use internet as an entertainment. Conclusion: The results of this study show that it is necessary to pay more attention to this phenomenon as a widespread health problem facing young students and replace inappropriate an indiscriminate use of internet by desire use of computer, internet and it facilities through education in family and faculty centers.
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