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of Biology
Karen Hardy
ICREA (Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies), Departament de Prehisto`ria, Facultat de
Filosofia i Lletres, Universitat Auto`noma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
Jennie Brand-Miller
School of Molecular Bioscience and Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney
Sydney, New South Wales 2006 Australia
Katherine D. Brown
Research Department of Genetics, Environment and Evolution, University College London
London, WC1E 6BT United Kingdom
Mark G. Thomas
Research Department of Genetics, Environment and Evolution, University College London
London, WC1E 6BT United Kingdom
Les Copeland
Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, University of Sydney
Sydney, New South Wales 2006 Australia
The Quarterly Review of Biology, September 2015, Vol. 90, No. 3
Copyright © 2015 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
Volume 90, No. 3September 2015
human evolution, diet, carbohydrate, preformed glucose, salivary amylase genes,
copy number variation
We propose that plant foods containing high quantities of starch were essential for the evolution of
the human phenotype during the Pleistocene. Although previous studies have highlighted a stone
tool-mediated shift from primarily plant-based to primarily meat-based diets as critical in the devel-
opment of the brain and other human traits, we argue that digestible carbohydrates were also necessary
to accommodate the increased metabolic demands of a growing brain. Furthermore, we acknowledge the
adaptive role cooking played in improving the digestibility and palatability of key carbohydrates. We
provide evidence that cooked starch, a source of preformed glucose, greatly increased energy availability
to human tissues with high glucose demands, such as the brain, red blood cells, and the developing
fetus. We also highlight the auxiliary role copy number variation in the salivary amylase genes may
have played in increasing the importance of starch in human evolution following the origins of
cooking. Salivary amylases are largely ineffective on raw crystalline starch, but cooking substantially
increases both their energy-yielding potential and glycemia. Although uncertainties remain regarding
the antiquity of cooking and the origins of salivary amylase gene copy number variation, the hypothesis
we present makes a testable prediction that these events are correlated.
THE global increase in the incidence
of obesity and diet-related metabolic
diseases has intensified interest in ances-
tral or “Paleolithic” diets. Surprisingly,
however, there is little clear agreement on
what quantitatively constitutes a healthy diet,
or indeed a Paleolithic diet, with much con-
flicting information disseminated to the pub-
lic. Yet it is clear that—to a first order of
approximation—our physiology should be
optimized to the diet that we have experi-
enced during our evolutionary past. This has
led researchers to seek a better understand-
ing of the foods eaten during key stages of
hominin evolution and by modern hunter-
gatherers (Eaton et al. 1988; Lindeberg et al.
2003; Cordain et al. 2005). Key features in
human evolution that are considered di-
rectly linked to alterations in dietary compo-
sition include: changes in tooth morphology
and enamel striation patterns (Ungar and
Sponheimer 2011); a reduction in the size of
the digestive tract, achieved by 1.8 million
years ago (Aiello and Wheeler 1995); an in-
crease in brain size, which began around 2
million years ago but accelerated in the Mid-
dle Pleistocene, from around 800,000 years
ago (Lee and Wolpoff 2009); and increased
aerobic capacity by around 2 million years
ago (Bramble and Lieberman 2004).
Although the transition from a fibrous-
plant based diet to a predominantly meat-
based diet has been argued as a major driver
of these evolutionary changes (Aiello and
Wheeler 1995; Milton 2003; Snodgrass et al.
2009), reconstructing ancestral dietary com-
position is difficult and requires the integra-
tion of multiple lines of evidence, including
the chronology of human brain and body
size changes over the last 2 million years,
food source availability, food remains found
at archeological sites, stable isotopes (Spon-
heimer et al. 2013) and other biomolecular
markers, evaluation of human physiology
and nutritional requirements, and informa-
tion on modern hunter-gatherer diets.
Here, we argue that plant carbohydrates and
meat were both necessary and complementary
dietary components in hominin evolution. We
agree with Conklin-Brittain et al. (2002) and
Wrangham (2009) that concentrated starch
from plant foods was essential to meet the
substantially increased metabolic demands of
an enlarged brain and we argue that these
foods were also essential to support successful
reproduction and increased aerobic capacity
(Bramble and Lieberman 2004). However, al-
though the development of cooking has been
proposed at around 1.8 million years ago
(Wrangham et al. 1999; Wrangham and Con-
klin-Brittain 2003; Wrangham 2007, 2009;
Wrangham and Carmody 2010), empirical ev-
idence is lacking until considerably later. We
hypothesize that the multiplication of the sali-
vary amylase (AMY1), and possibly pancreatic
amylase (AMY2), genes would have become
selectively advantageous only when cooking be-
came widespread. Although the exact date of
the multiplication of the AMY1 genes remains
unknown, it is thought to be less than 1 million
years ago (Samuelson et al. 1996; Lazaridis et
al. 2014). Raw starches are only poorly digested
by salivary amylases, but their energy-yielding
potential is substantially increased when co-
oked (Butterworth et al. 2011). We propose
that after cooking became widespread, starch
digestion became the rate-limiting step in sta-
rch utilization, and the coevolution of cooking
and copy number variation (CNV) in the
AMY1 (and possibly AMY2) gene(s) increased
availability of preformed dietary glucose, per-
mitting the acceleration in brain size increase
observed from the Middle Pleistocene onward.
To evaluate the importance of dietary car-
bohydrate in human evolution we consider
estimates for the timing of controlled use of
fire for cooking, the physiological need for
preformed glucose from the diet, the effec-
tiveness of
-amylases in digesting raw and
cooked starches, and the origins of CNV in
salivary amylase genes. We contend that
in terms of energy supplied to an increas-
ingly large brain, as well as to other
glucose-dependent tissues, consumption of
increased amounts of starch may have pro-
vided a substantial evolutionary advantage to
Mid-to-Late Pleistocene omnivorous hominins.
Early Hominins and the Adoption of
Physical remains of early hominins are
rare and there is considerable uncertainty
regarding their ecologies and evolutionary
relationships (Lovejoy 2009; White et al.
2009; Lordkipanidze et al. 2013). Ardipithecus
was partially bipedal at 4.4 million years ago
(White et al. 2009), although whether it was
a direct human ancestor is unclear (Wood
and Harrison 2011). It is also uncertain
which of the many paleospecies of Australo-
pithecus was a direct ancestor to Homo habilis,
who lived from around 2.4 to 1.4 million
years ago (Berger et al. 2010). Recent finds
at Dmanisi in Georgia suggest that one spe-
cies, Homo erectus, spread out of Africa at least
1.8 million years ago (Lordkipanidze et al.
Regional paleospecies, including Homo ne-
anderthalensis, survived in Europe until some-
where between 41,000–39,000 years ago
(Higham et al. 2014), although the possibil-
ity remains that H. neanderthalensis persisted
in southern Iberia until 28,000 years ago
(Finlayson et al. 2006), while in Asia, the
purported Homo floresiensis is thought to
have survived until around 17,000 years
ago (Morwood and Jungers 2009). The
earliest known date for Homo sapiens is
195,000 years ago in Ethiopia (McDou-
gall et al. 2005).
Several key changes in hominin morphol-
ogy are associated with the emergence of
H. erectus: height and body weight increased
substantially, teeth reduced in size, changes
in skeletal structure suggest a reduction in
gut size, and a doubling of cranial capacity
indicates increased brain size between 2 mil-
lion and 500,000 years ago. These changes
are proposed to have occurred with a shift
from a high-volume, low-energy diet to a low-
volume, high-energy diet (Aiello and Wheeler
1995; Leonard et al. 2003, 2007; Milton
2003; Snodgrass et al. 2009). By 1.8 million
years ago the hominin gut is thought to have
been effectively modern in shape with a re-
duced stomach and long small intestine (Ai-
ello and Wheeler 1995). Cranial capacity
increased relatively slowly at first to reach
around 600 cc by 1.8 million years ago. The
rate of increase then accelerated from
around 800 kya, and this has been linked to
the adoption of cooking (Aiello and Wheeler
1995). Increased body size, particularly the
relative size of females and the presence of
fat deposits in infants, would have required
increased dietary intake to meet additional
daily energy expenditure, although a larger
body size may have improved the ability of
early Homo to procure food (Leonard and
Robertson 1997; Aiello and Key 2002; Steudel-
Numbers 2006). Encephalization has also been
proposed as a secondary change, occurring af-
ter dietary and other morphological changes
(Anto´n and Snodgrass 2012).
There was a generalized trend toward a
drier climate during the Late Pliocene and
Early Pleistocene—as changes in the hom-
inin body were occurring—with a corre-
sponding increase in open grasslands during
this period. The climate probably fluctuated
between moist and dry periods (Potts 2012),
suggesting a need for mobility and dietary
flexibility; the ability to deal with “ecological
shocks” is considered fundamental to the de-
velopment of the early hominins (Wells
2012a,b). The evolution of human character-
istics, including omnivory, incremental en-
cephalization, and the ability to colonize varied
environments, is proposed to have been the
result of positive feedback based on ecological
adaptability (Wells 2012a,b). Increased mobil-
ity and habitat range have been linked to an
increase in carnivory (O’Connell et al. 1999;
Aiello and Key 2002), with consumption of
meat suggested to act as a buffer against envi-
ronmental change and to support expansion
into unfamiliar environments (Potts 2012).
However, we propose that high-starch plant
foods would have been a plentiful, reliable,
and important part of the diet.
Humans are the only species that cook food
and this is considered to have been a transfor-
mational event in human evolution (Wrang-
ham et al. 1999; Wrangham 2007). Suggestive
evidence for an association between humans
and fire is found in a number of early African
sites, including Wonderwerk Cave (Berna et al.
2012), Swartkrans (Brain and Sillent 1988),
Chesowanja, Kenya (Gowlett et al. 1981),
and Koobi Fora (Bellomo 1994; Rowlett
2000), dating to at least 1.6 million years ago
(Roebroeks and Villa 2011). The site of
Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, in Israel, which dates
to around 780,000 bp, has charcoal, plant
remains, and burned microartifacts in con-
centrations that the excavators believe sug-
gests evidence for hearths (Alperson-Afil
2008). However, secure evidence of the use
of fire for cooking at these sites is still lack-
ing, and it has been suggested that there is
no secure evidence for the use of fire in
Europe until 300,000–400,000 years ago
(Roebroeks and Villa 2011). The well-known
site of Schöningen provides tentative evi-
dence for controlled use of fire at 400,000 bp
(Thieme 1997), although both the evidence
for use of fire and this date are currently
being reevaluated (Balter 2014). Qesem Cave
in Israel currently has the earliest secure evi-
dence for of fire use, displaying indications of
fire from 400,000 bp and repeatedly used
hearths from 300,000 bp (Shahack-Gross et al.
Although the timing of widespread cook-
ing is not known, Wrangham and Conklin-
Brittain (2003) argue that it was long enough
ago to allow for biological adaptations to
take place, including changes in digestive
anatomy around 1.8 million years ago, re-
duction in tooth size, and reduced capacity
for digestion of raw, fibrous foods. They fur-
ther propose that cooked foods were soft
enough to be palatable by infants, potentially
leading to earlier weaning and shorter inter-
birth intervals (also see Carmody et al. 2011).
Ancestral Diet
Plants produce a wide range of carbohy-
drates to serve as energy reserves or for struc-
tural functions. Reserve carbohydrates can
be deposited in underground storage organs
(USOs) such as roots, tubers, and rhizomes,
or above ground in seeds, certain fruits and
nuts, and in the inner bark of some trees.
Starch constitutes up to 80% of the dry
weight of edible roots and tubers and, if left
undisturbed in the ground, they remain sta-
ble and can be harvested as needed over a
period of months. USOs can also be dried to
increase durability and portability, and have
been proposed as important foods for early
hominins (Laden and Wrangham 2005).
The ability to exploit starch-rich roots and
tubers in early hominin diets is considered a
potentially crucial step in differentiating
early Australopithecines from other homi-
nids and to have permitted expansion into
new habitats (Wrangham et al. 1999; Laden
and Wrangham 2005). The consumption of
USOs could also explain differences in den-
tition between early hominins and African
apes (Laden and Wrangham 2005). USO-
rich aquatic habitats such as deltas have
been proposed as an intermediate niche
in the adaptation of early hominins to
savanna habitats, with the need to forage
in shallow water promoting bipedality
(Wrangham 2005, 2009). O’Connell et
al. (1999, 2002) suggest that postmeno-
pausal females played a central role in foraging
for USOs and food sharing, which directly en-
abled younger female relatives to reproduce
more frequently. They further proposed that
meat formed an irregular component of the
diet and that hunting by early hominins may
have been as much to do with status as nutri-
tion, something that has also been proposed
for chimpanzees (Nishida et al. 1992; Stanford
1998). Although meat may have been a pre-
ferred food, the energy expenditure required
to obtain it may have been far greater than that
used for collecting tubers from a reliable
source (Carmody et al. 2011).
Many other lines of evidence support con-
sumption of starchy USOs by early hominins.
Correlation of evidence for C4plants in the
diet of Australopithecus africanus and Paran-
thropus robustus, and specific-use wear traces
on teeth are proposed to be indicative of
consumption of sedge corms (Dominy et al.
2008; Ungar and Sponheimer 2011; Grine et
al. 2012; Ungar et al. 2012). A C4signal iden-
tified in the tooth enamel of a 3-million-year-
old Australopithecus bahrelghazali from Chad
has been interpreted as evidence for exploi-
tation of Cyperaceae sedge tubers (Lee-
Thorp et al. 2012). Evidence of abundant
suids in many African hominin sites has been
taken to suggest that USOs, the predomi-
nant food source for these animals, were
plentiful (Reed and Rector 2007). The pres-
ence of palms in the Olduvai Gorge region
date from around 1.8 mya (Albert et al.
2009); palms often have abundant edible
starch in their trunks, and some species also
produce dates. The roots of lilies (Liliaceae),
rushes (Juncaceae), and sedges (Cyperaceae)
have also been identified at Olduvai Gorge
from a horizon dated to between 1.89 and
1.75 million years ago (Bamford et al. 2008).
Edible USOs from these monocotyledons,
along with grasses (Poaceae) identified at
the same sites, offer evidence for the abun-
dance of edible starch at a time that hom-
inins were present.
Faunal remains (with cut marks suggest-
ing butchery) survive in numerous Middle
Pleistocene sites (Stiner et al. 2009; Yravedra
et al. 2010) and have been interpreted as
evidence of early hominin meat consump-
tion. In contrast, evidence for plant foods
rarely survives, making it difficult to estimate
their contribution and to reconstruct ances-
tral diet on the basis of physical remains
alone. We agree with Wrangham (2009) that
the reduction in gut size is more likely to
have occurred due to a gradual replacement
of fibrous plants by higher energy-yielding
plant foods, including starchy tubers.
Human Nutritional Requirements
The main dietary source of the monosac-
charide glucose is from the digestion of gly-
cemic carbohydrates (also referred to as
available carbohydrates). Available carbohy-
drates comprise 40–75% of modern dietary
energy intake (FAO 1998), of which starch is
the most abundant. Starch is digested slowly
and incompletely in raw crystalline form, but
more rapidly after cooking. Plants also con-
tain many other carbohydrates, including
cellulose and other structural polysac-
charides in cell walls, and various types of
mono-, di-, and oligosaccharides. How-
ever, many polysaccharides and oligosac-
charides are considered unavailable because
they are not hydrolyzed by human upper
gut enzymes, and pass into the large intes-
tine, where some are fermented by gut mi-
crobiota. Among the products of these
fermentations are the short-chain fatty ac-
ids, butyrate, propionate, and acetate, which
can be absorbed from the gut and provide
5–10% of the energy requirement of adults
(McNeil 1984).
Modern humans require a reliable source of
glycemic carbohydrate to support the normal
functioning of our brain, kidney medulla, red
blood cells, and reproductive tissues. The brain
alone accounts for 20–25% of adult basal met-
abolic expenditure (Fonseca-Azevedo and
Herculano-Houzel 2012). In addition to the
demands of the brain, red blood cells re-
quire approximately 20 g glucose per day
directly from the bloodstream (Mulquiney et
al. 1999). Under normal circumstances, a
glucose requirement of approximately 170
g/day is met by a mixture of dietary carbo-
hydrate and gluconeogenesis from noncar-
bohydrate sources, such as the glycerol
moiety of fats, some amino acids (e.g., ala-
nine), or absorbed propionate from gut fer-
mentations of dietary carbohydrates (Wong
et al. 2006).
There is debate on whether dietary carbo-
hydrates are actually essential for human
nutrition. In the absence of dietary carbohy-
drate, or during starvation, gluconeogenesis
alone is usually not sufficient and the brain
begins to utilize ketones, a byproduct of high
levels of fat oxidation (Westman 2002). Un-
der these conditions, about 80% of the
brain’s energy needs can be met from ke-
tones but to maintain normal brain function
in individuals adapted to an essentially
carbohydrate-free diet there remains an
absolute requirement for 30–50 g (Insti-
tute of Medicine 2006) of dietary glyce-
mic carbohydrate per day to fill the gap
between gluconeogenic capacity and the
brain’s requirement for glucose (Mac-
donald 1988). A daily carbohydrate intake
of about 50–100 g is considered essential to
prevent ketosis in adults (Institute of Medi-
cine 2006), and is consistent with a more
realistic recommendation for the practical
minimal requirement of 150 g/day of glyce-
mic carbohydrate intake beyond the ages of
3 to 4 years (Bier et al. 1999). Up to the age
of 3, while brain size increases rapidly, the
recommendation is that at least one-third of
dietary energy should be supplied from car-
bohydrates (Bier et al. 1999). The additional
need for pregnancy and lactation was not
It has been suggested that early Homo ac-
quired the capacity for endurance running,
considered essential to exhaust prey or out-
pace other scavengers in hunting, by 2 mil-
lion years ago (Bramble and Lieberman
2004). Although the need for thermoregula-
tion during sustained exercise has been ex-
plored (Wheeler 1991a,b; Liebenberg 2006;
Ruxton and Wilkinson 2011), the energy
source for prolonged high level aerobic ac-
tivity is also an important consideration. Glu-
cose is the only energy source for sustaining
running speeds above 70% of maximal oxy-
gen consumption (Romijn et al. 1993).
In healthy individuals, blood glucose levels
are maintained within a narrow range to
avoid the physiological consequences of
hypo- or hyperglycemia (Sanders and Lup-
ton 2012). In the fed state—up to five hours
after a meal—glucose enters the blood-
stream following digestion of various dietary
carbohydrates. Some glucose is oxidized im-
mediately to provide energy, with the re-
mainder used to build reserves of the polymer
glycogen in muscle and liver tissues. Muscle
glycogen provides a short-term energy reserve
for muscles, while liver glycogen maintains glu-
cose homeostasis in the bloodstream. In the
fasting or postabsorptive state, glycogen is
mobilized to provide glycemic carbohydrate
for the brain, red blood cells, and other tis-
sues that cannot use fatty acids as their en-
ergy source. Total body reserves of glycogen
are limited, providing glycemic carbohy-
drate for only 18–24 hours of fasting (Mac-
donald 1988). In more prolonged fasting,
or under starvation conditions, there is con-
siderable loss of tissue protein, which is bro-
ken down out of necessity to provide the
amino acids for gluconeogenesis. Indeed,
death due to starvation is as much a conse-
quence of critical loss of tissue protein to
supply energy to the brain as it is the reduc-
tion in the body’s fat stores (Institute of
Medicine 2006). In an evolutionary context,
large stores of glycogen must be generated
in order to provide sources of glucose for
periods of sustained fasting or hardship. To
build these reserves, the diet must consis-
tently provide energy surplus to basal meta-
bolic requirements.
There is a limit, considered to be 35–40%,
to the amount of energy requirements hu-
mans can derive from proteins; above this
ceiling protein toxicity can occur, which can
cause death quite rapidly (Speth 2010). It
has been suggested from evidence of the
dietary practices of hunter-gatherer popula-
tions, both present day and historical, that
humans avoid diets that exceed this limit for
protein (Speth 1989; Cordain et al. 2000).
The diets of traditional Arctic populations
are sometimes given as examples of success-
ful high-protein diets (Lindeberg 2009). An
estimate of their dietary composition sug-
gested that about 50% of the calories come
from fat, 30–35% from protein (or around
300 g per day and lower for pregnant women;
Speth 2012), and 15–20% from carbohy-
drate principally in the form of glycogen
from the meat they consume (Ho et al.
1972). Ethnographic evidence demonstrates
that nutrients, including essential vitamins,
minerals, and carbohydrates, were obtained
from eating the stomach contents of terres-
trial prey animals, and tundra plants and
kelp (Kuhnleini and Soueida 1992; Speth
2012). Meat frozen soon after slaughter will
retain much of its muscle glycogen (Varmin
and Sutherland 1995), providing another
source of available carbohydrate. It is likely
that circumpolar peoples ate more carbohy-
drate than is generally thought (Rabinowitch
1936; Sinclair 1953). Nevertheless, Inuit have
enlarged livers with an increased capacity for
gluconeogenesis, and have greater capacity
for excreting urea to remove ammonia, a
toxic byproduct of protein breakdown (Kaleta
et al. 2012). Indeed, a recent study has iden-
tified high frequencies of a nonsynonymous
G⬎A transition (rs80356779) leading to a
Pro479Leu change in the CPT1A gene—a
key regulator of mitochondrial long-chain
fatty-acid oxidation—in modern circum-
Arctic populations (Clemente et al. 2014).
Interestingly, the derived A-allele has been
shown to associate with hypoketotic hypogly-
cemia and high infant mortality. Ethno-
graphic texts record the Inuit habit of
snacking frequently (Klutschak 1987). This
custom may well be a direct consequence of
the rs80356779 ‘A’ allele gene as fasting,
even for several hours, can be deleterious
for people with this allele. The high fre-
quency of the CPT1A Pro479Leu change in
circum-Arctic therefore suggests that it is an
important adaptation to high meat, low-
carbohydrate diets.
Fats, mostly from marine sources, are the
major source of energy for nonglucose-
dependent tissues, thereby sparing glucose
for those tissues that require it, such as the
brain. Although a very high fat intake will pre-
vent protein toxicity and provide energy for
metabolism, it comes at the cost of high levels
ketones in the blood, which can compromise
reproductive function (Kim and Felig 1972).
Traditional Arctic Inuit populations are known
to have had a relatively low birth rate and a
highly seasonal pattern of reproduction,
which continued after widespread contact.
Whether the low and seasonal birth rate was
associated with seasonally varied diet, such
as possibly reduced access to plant foods
and carbohydrates in winter, or the pres-
ence at high frequency of the CPT1A
Pro479Leu change, or whether there are
other social and cultural explanations, are
matters for speculation (Condon 1982;
Scheffel 1988).
Glucose is the main energy source for fetal
growth, and low glucose availability can com-
promise fetal survival (Herrera 2000; Bau-
mann et al. 2002). Pregnant females have a
minimal requirement for 70–130 g/day of
preformed glucose or glucose equivalents to
maintain optimum cognitive function in the
mother and to nourish the fetus (Institute of
Medicine 2006). Although increased gluco-
neogenesis is one of the first metabolic ad-
aptations to pregnancy, maternal glucose
levels decline in early pregnancy (Butte
2000; Metzker 2010; Thame et al. 2010). As
pregnancy progresses, intrinsic insulin resis-
tance develops in order to redirect glucose
away from the mother and toward the grow-
ing fetus (Butte 2000). In healthy pregnant
women, fetal growth is directly correlated
with maternal glucose concentration (Metzger
et al. 2009); larger infants are born to women
with higher blood glucose (Butte 2000),
while a link has been made between mater-
nal gestational ketonemia and a reduced off-
spring IQ (Rizzo et al. 1991). Tests of glucose
deprivation in animals have repeatedly dem-
onstrated a link between maternal glucose
levels and offspring viability (Romsos et al.
1981; Taylor et al. 1983; Koski and Hill
1986). Offspring survival can also be affected
by the increased demand for glucose during
lactation. At peak lactation, mammary glands
require an additional 70 g glucose/day for
synthesis of lactose, the main sugar in milk
(Institute of Medicine 2006).
One argument for increased meat con-
sumption as the catalyst for brain expansion,
and for the development of certain patterns
of social organization, is founded on the
dietary need for very long-chain omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as docosa-
hexaenoic acid (DHA; (Kaplan et al. 2000;
Bunn 2007; Leonard et al. 2007; Brenna and
Carlson 2014). These fatty acids are critical
structural components of brain, retina, and
other nerve tissues, and are essential for the
growth and functional development of the
brain in infants, and for normal brain func-
tion in adults (Innis 2008). Dietary DHA
availability has been proposed as a limiting
factor in brain evolution (Leonard et al.
2007). Although meat is a source of these
essential fatty acids (Howe et al. 2006), DHA
can also be obtained directly from other di-
etary sources, or it can be synthesized from
other fatty acids such as
-linolenic acid
(ALA), which is present in oils from ocean
fish, eggs, seed oils, and various leafy plant
foods (Brenna and Carlson 2014). The po-
tential evolutionary value of plant-sourced
omega-3 fatty acids has been highlighted pre-
viously (Kuipers et al. 2010). More DHA may
be needed in the modern diet than was in
prehistory, due to the abundance in the
modern Western diet of omega-6 fatty acids,
which inhibit a key enzyme step in the con-
version of ALA to DHA (Simopoulos 2006).
Starch as a Glycemic Carbohydrate
Starch is composed of a mixture of two
polymers, amylose and amylopectin, and is
packed into discrete, stable, semicrystalline
granules (Copeland et al. 2009; Butterworth
et al. 2011). Native starch granules vary con-
siderably in their physicochemical properties
according to botanical source, including size
and shape, amylose-to-amylopectin ratio,
fine structure of the starch polymer mole-
cules, crystallinity, porosity, and structural
inhomogeneities (Copeland et al. 2009). Al-
though these properties can influence the
accessibility to digestion by
-amylases to
some extent, intact native granules are nev-
ertheless digested slowly in comparison to
granules that have been partially gelatinized
by hydrothermal treatment, such as cooking
(Tester et al. 2006; Butterworth et al. 2011;
Wang and Copeland 2013). For example,
gelatinization increases enzymic digestibility
of potato starch by around twentyfold
(Cummings and Englyst 1995). Addition-
ally, cooking disrupts the integrity of plant
cell walls so that the starch granules are
more accessible to
-amylase digestion, and
the digestion products more readily re-
leased from the food matrix (Singh et al.
2013). Consequently, cooking greatly in-
creases the glucose-releasing potential of
starchy plant materials in the gut, and so
provides improved support for the energy
needs of a large human brain and other
glucose-dependent tissues (Butterworth et
al. 2011).
Salivary Amylases
Humans have two types of
-amylases, one
expressed in salivary glands, and the other
expressed in the pancreas and secreted into
the small intestine. Both types of amylases
hydrolyse only
-1,4 glucodisic bonds, which
account for the majority of linkages between
the glucosyl moieties in starch (and glyco-
gen). Salivary amylase begins starch hydroly-
sis in the oral cavity. Chewing comminutes
the food and provides good mixing of en-
zyme and substrate, which affords the en-
zyme protection inside the bolus and allows
digestion to continue to some extent in the
low pH environment of the stomach (Butter-
worth et al. 2011). Starch digestion is contin-
ued by pancreatic amylases in the duodenum,
and by various
-1,4 and 1,6 glucosidases,
which break down branched chains and con-
vert oligosaccharides into glucose for absorp-
tion into the bloodstream. Young infants
have minimal pancreatic amylase activity.
When nondairy foods are introduced into
the diet following weaning, a large part of
starch digestion, possibly 50%, is accom-
plished by salivary amylases (Butterworth
et al. 2011). In contrast, a much greater
proportion of the starch molecules are bro-
ken down in the duodenum of adults (Lee et
al. 2013).
Human amylase genes are located in
a complex multigene cluster, which has
evolved as a result of two independent retro-
viral insertion events, as well as a number of
unequal homologous recombination events
(Gumucio et al. 1988; Samuelson et al. 1988;
Groot et al. 1989a). Pancreatic amylases are
encoded by the AMY2A and AMY2B genes,
and salivary amylase by the AMY1A,AMY1B,
and AMY1C genes (Groot et al. 1988, 1991).
There is also an inactive pseudogene, AMYP1,
located within the amylase gene cluster. The
haplotype structures of this multigene family
are complex and incompletely ascertained,
but it is known that there is significant vari-
ability in the total number of AMY1 genes
(Gumucio et al. 1988; Samuelson et al. 1988;
Groot et al. 1989a; Lafrate et al. 2004; Perry
et al. 2007; Carpenter et al. 2015), as well as
some variability in the copy number of AMY2
genes (Carpenter et al. 2015). Humans are
unusual in that they have high levels of the
-amylase, apparently due mostly to
multiple copies of AMY1 genes. Among pri-
mates, multiple copy numbers of AMY1
genes have been identified only in H. sapiens
(Groot et al. 1989b; Bank et al. 1992; Samu-
elson et al. 1996). Furthermore, a strong cor-
relation has been shown between AMY1
copy number and the concentration of am-
ylase in saliva (Bank et al. 1992; Perry et al.
2007) as well as oral starch digestion rate
(Mandel et al. 2010). Young infants, prior to
weaning in particular, who have a greater
requirement for preformed glucose (Bier et
al. 1999) and for whom salivary amylases
have greater importance in starch digestion
(Lee et al. 2013), may have benefitted from
multiple copies of the AMY1 genes. Interest-
ingly, domestic dogs have been found to
have multiple copies of the pancreatic amy-
lase gene AMY2B (dogs do not express am-
ylase in the saliva; Simpson et al. 1984),
suggesting parallel adaptation in dogs and
humans to diets rich in cooked and, there-
fore, highly digestible starches (Axelsson et
al. 2013).
The evolution of amylase gene cluster hap-
lotypes has not been fully elucidated, but
appears to be a result of multiple structural
rearrangements and retroviral insertions oc-
curring over millions of years. Comparative
genomic studies of humans and other pri-
mates indicate that the first major step in
primate amylase gene evolution was a tan-
dem duplication of an ancestral AMY2B-like
gene to give rise to AMY2A and AMY2B pre-
cursor genes of the pancreatic amylases
(Samuelson et al. 1990, 1996). The first ret-
roviral insertion in the amylase gene cluster
is thought to have occurred around 43 mya,
and from this point, precursors for AMY2A
and AMY2B evolved separately. AMY2A then
experienced a second upstream retroviral in-
sertion around 39 mya, which was subse-
quently duplicated, giving rise to AMY2A
and AMY1 precursors. It is the juxtaposition
of these independently inserted retroviral se-
quences that transformed the expression of
AMY1 precursors from the pancreas to the
salivary glands. Excision of the retroviral ele-
ment upstream of the AMY2A precursor
gene reverted its expression back to the pan-
creas. The AMY1 precursor is then thought
to have undergone a triplication event result-
ing in the three salivary amylase genes: AMY1A,
AMY1B, and AMY1C. Following this, dupli-
cations of a cassette contain AMY1A,AMY1B,
and the inactive pseudogene, AMYP1, gave
rise to much of the AMY1 CNV observed in
human populations today. However, it should
be noted that more complex amylase gene
cluster haplotypes are now apparent, includ-
ing those with CNV in AMY2 (Carpenter et
al. 2015).
Based on the sequence similarity among
the three human AMY1 genes, it has been
estimated that they have been evolving sepa-
rately for less than 1 million years (Gumucio
et al. 1988; Samuelson et al. 1990). This date
may be an underestimate if the region has
been subjected to positive selection or gene
conversion. However, while read-depth anal-
ysis of ancient DNA samples has shown that
AMY1 copy number in prefarming Europe-
ans is comparable to that found in modern
populations (Lazaridis et al. 2014; Olalde et
al. 2014), an AMY1 diploid copy number of 2
has been identified in H. neanderthalensis
(N⫽1) and Denisovans (N⫽1) (Lazaridis et
al. 2014). This latter observation does not
exclude the possibility of AMY1 CNV in the
common ancestors of H. sapiens and H. ne-
anderthalensis, since between species gene co-
alescence dates predate species divergence
dates, often by some considerable margin.
Additionally, AMY1 CNV could have been
lost in the largely carnivorous Neanderthal
lineage by relaxation of selective constraint.
Nonetheless, this observation does provide
some indication that the evolution of high-
copy number AMY1 haplotypes may post-
date the divergence of modern humans
from H. neanderthalensis and Denisovans.
The observed AMY1 diploid copy number
of2inH. neanderthalensis specimens (Lazari-
dis et al. 2014) does not exclude the possi-
bility of AMY1 CNV in this species, since only
one individual has been genotyped at this
locus. However, if specieswide, this absence
could be explained by the particular ecology
of H. neanderthalensis. Although there is
growing evidence to suggest that the diet of
Neanderthals (Henry et al. 2011; Hardy et al.
2012) and earlier Lower Paleolithic hom-
inins (Hardy et al. 2015) included plants,
stable isotope analyses indicate a mainly car-
nivorous diet for Neanderthals; a wider
range of isotopic values have been observed
in contemporary Middle Pleistocene H. sapi-
ens (Richards and Trinkaus 2009), indicating
that considerable differences in the levels of
starch consumption existed between these
two species. The high glucose demands of
the large Neanderthal brain could be met
with a meat/fat-rich diet by switching to glu-
coneogenesis. Although this pathway is in-
herently less efficient, a recent study of the
CPT1A gene—a key regulator of mitochon-
drial long-chain fatty-acid oxidation—in
modern Arctic populations (Clemente et al.
2014) shows that this switch can evolve very
rapidly. Indeed, the diet-driven, rapid evolu-
tion of other genes involved in fatty acid
metabolism has also been shown recently in
the carnivorous polar bear lineage, since its
split from omnivorous brown bears (Liu et
al. 2014).
This evolution of AMY1 gene CNV and its
associated increase in oral starch digestion
rates (Mandel et al. 2010) appears to overlap
the time frame for hominin adoption of fire
for cooking. It has been proposed that high
AMY copy number is correlated with the
quantity of starch in ancestral diets among
modern human populations (Perry et al.
2007), although concerns remain about data
quality and the assignment of test popula-
tions as “high” or “low” starch in that study
(Carpenter et al. 2015). We hypothesize that
cooking-driven increase in the availability of
digestible starches—probably arising in the
Middle Pleistocene—would have resulted in
salivary (and possibly pancreatic) amylase
levels becoming the rate-limiting step in
starch digestion, and so favoring the evolu-
tion of AMY1 (and possibly AMY2) CNV.
The coevolution of these two traits would
have resulted in the increased availability of
preformed glucose necessary to support the
energy requirements of an enlarging brain.
Cultural adaptation is more rapid, and in
many cases more flexible, than biological ad-
aptation (Richerson and Boyd 2008). It is
our contention that changes in starch con-
sumption—driven in part by the cultural
transition to controlled fire use and cook-
ing—is likely to have either activated positive
selection on standing variation in AMY1
(and possibly AMY2) CNV, or favored de
novo AMY1 CNV after cooking was adopted.
Dietary coevolution between culture and
genes is strongly supported in the case of
milk consumption (Holden and Mace 1997),
whereby the development of dairying prac-
tices during the early Neolithic led to in-
creased milk consumption (Evershed et al.
2008), and the evolution and spread of lac-
tase persistence (Swallow 2003; Itan et al.
2009, 2010; Gerbault et al. 2011).
Other digestible plant carbohydrates would
have been available in the diet, but their
contribution of preformed glucose would
have been small and highly variable. Honey,
which contains 36% glucose, 44% fructose,
and 20% water (Murray et al. 2001), is a
preferred food among some modern hunter-
gatherer populations, such as the Hadza and
the Ache´, due to its sweetness and energy
density (Kaplan et al. 1984; Skinner 1991;
Berbesque et al. 2011). The importance of
honey during hominin evolution has been
discussed (Crittenden 2011), however, it may
not have been widely available year-round in
sufficient quantities to meet the need for
glycemic carbohydrate of large groups of in-
dividuals (estimated at 50 g per day per per-
Depending on latitude, fruits and berries
can supply moderate amounts of carbo-
hydrate-based energy during parts of the
year (Hurtado et al. 1985); for example, Cor-
dain et al. (2000) suggested that as much as
41% of foods collected by Australian aborig-
ines were fruits. Uncultivated fruits are, how-
ever, typically not as rich in sugars as those
obtained from modern domesticated variet-
ies. Even today, berries typically contain only
3–4 g sugars per 100 g edible portion and
would need to be eaten in huge quantities
(about 3 kg) to provide 130 g glucose equiv-
alents per day. Sucrose, the main sugar in
fruit, is digested by sucrase-isomaltase to pro-
duce glucose and fructose in equal propor-
tion. Fructose can be absorbed as a source of
energy and some may be converted indi-
rectly to glucose via a pathway that requires
multiple enzymic steps (Delarue et al. 1993;
Elliott et al. 2002). However, although fruc-
tose could have had a glucose-sparing effect, its
relatively low abundance in food sources, even
when eaten in large quantities, would have
meant the contribution to glycemic carbohy-
drates was small. Fruits and berries may have
supplemented the diet depending on climate
and seasonality, in particular by providing es-
sential vitamins, but they are unlikely to have
provided a consistent contribution to carbohy-
drate energy requirements. Apart from fruits,
simple sugars do not occur widely in plant food
sources. Other carbohydrates of limited botan-
ical distribution include raffinose (galactosyl-
sucrose) oligosaccharides, which constitute
about 5–8% of the dry matter of some le-
gume grains (for example, peas, beans, and
lentils) and fructooligosaccharides and fruc-
tans, including inulins (60–70% of the dry
matter of onions, Jerusalem artichoke, Agave,
and other species). These carbohydrates are
not digested in the upper gut and do not
contribute preformed glucose. Trehalose, a
glucose disaccharide, occurs widely in insects
and fungi (including mushrooms) but is un-
common in plants (Avigad 1990). Most hu-
mans maintain functional trehalase activity
(Murray et al. 2000), but the low concentra-
tion of trehalose in most foods containing it
suggests that it only provided a small propor-
tion of the preformed glucose requirements
in ancestral humans.
High AMY1 CNV may not only be related
to human adaptation to increased digestible
starch availability, but also to the presence of
plant secondary metabolites, particularly
polyphenols such as tannins. Tannins, and
polyphenolic compounds more generally,
can act as ubiquitous, nonspecific inhibitors
of digestion enzymes and glucose transport-
ers (Manzano and Williamson 2010; Mimsek
et al. 2014), thereby reducing the rate of
digestion and absorption of key nutrients,
particularly glucose (Zucker 1983). Tannin-
rich food has been shown to affect the activ-
ity of salivary amylase in some animals by
increasing it in some cases (Ahmed et al.
1991; Da Costa et al. 2008; Lamy et al. 2010),
although the inverse has been observed in
cockerels (Ahmed et al. 1991).
Plant flavonoids are also known to inhibit
amylase activity as well as
-glucosidase activ-
ity in brush border enzymes (Kim et al. 2000;
Tadera et al. 2006; Shen et al. 2012; Barrett
et al. 2013). Two secondary advantages of
increased salivary amylase activity may have
been to render some plant foods more pal-
atable by mopping up polyphenols, and to
counterbalance amylase inhibition.
The rapid growth in hominin brain size
during the Middle Pleistocene will have re-
quired an increased supply of preformed
glucose. Such increased demands can be
met through a range of biologically and cul-
turally driven dietary adaptations. Noting
that there is considerable overlap in date
estimates for the origins of controlled fire
use and the origins of AMY1 CNV, we hy-
pothesize a gene-culture coadaptation sce-
nario whereby cooking starch-rich plant
foods coevolved with increased salivary amy-
lase activity in the human lineage. Without
cooking, the consumption of starch-rich
plant foods is unlikely to have met the high
demands for preformed glucose noted in
modern humans. Likewise, the improved ac-
cessibility of starch to
-amylases through
cooking would, in turn, have led to an in-
creased advantage for high levels of salivary
amylase expression, particularly in infants.
Carmody and Wrangham (2009) highlight
the increased speed of digestibility and con-
sequent energy gain provided by starch that
has been thermally processed; however,
AMY1 expression is also required for this to
be effective. In addition to the increased en-
ergy availability from starch, other advan-
tages of the coevolution of cooking and
AMY1 expression include a reduction in
chewing time, increased palatability and di-
gestibility of polyphenol-rich plant foods,
and improved reproductive function; a reli-
able supply of glycemic carbohydrate is likely
to have sustainably supported fetal growth,
provided the extra caloric intake needed
during lactation, and improved infant sur-
vival. The regular consumption of starchy
plant foods offers a coherent explanation for
the provision of energy to the developing
brain during the Late Pliocene and Early
Pleistocene while the development of cook-
ing, and a concomitant increases in salivary
amylase expression, explains how the rapid
increases in brain size from the Middle Pleis-
tocene onward were energetically affordable.
Testing this hypothesis will require a con-
vergence of information from archeology,
genetics, and human physiology. Despite a
number of high-profile studies on the amy-
lase gene cluster, it is becoming clear that
the locus remains incompletely character-
ized, that published estimates of AMY1 CNV
are problematic, and that the structural na-
ture of that CNV is more complex than pre-
viously thought (Carpenter et al. 2015). A
more complete understanding of amylase
gene CNV, and additional ancient DNA data
for this locus, will provide more reliable and
precise estimates of when AMY1 CNV arose
and was subjected to natural selection. It is
more difficult to predict when a broad arche-
ological consensus will be reached on the
timing of widespread adoption of fire use for
cooking. However, it seems likely that devel-
opments in the archeological sciences will
help to improve estimates considerably in
the coming years. Regarding the importance
of preformed glucose, this is currently a very
active area of research and evidence for the
essential nature of glucose in brain growth
and function, and in fetal development, is
likely to increase rapidly. Although our hy-
pothesis is potentially falsifiable with new
data from the research areas outlined in this
article, it is consistent with the current lines
of evidence discussed, and illustrates the syn-
ergies of addressing this complex topic using
data from different disciplines.
The authors would like to thank David Bender for his
insightful comments on the manuscript, and Yoan
Diekmann for his help in examining Neanderthal
DNA sequences.
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Handling Editor: Daniel E. Dykhuizen