
Consumers' Purchase Intentions and their Behavior

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Purchase intentions are frequently measured and used by marketing managers as an input for decisions about new and existing products and services. Purchase intentions are correlated and predict future sales, but do so imperfectly. I review and summarize research on the relationship between purchase intentions and sales that has been conducted over the past 60 years. This review offers insights into how best to measure purchase intentions, how to forecast sales from purchase intentions measures, and why purchase intentions do not always translate into sales.

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... Purchase intention can be defined as customers' interest in buying a specific product or service after being attracted to it (Younus et al., 2015). It serves as an important indicator for marketers' decision-making and sales predictions (Morwitz, 2014). Purchase intention reflects the customer's probability to buy a product from a certain brand and is a dominant concept in marketing studies (Crosno et al., 2009;Kim & Kim, 2004;Nasution et al., 2019). ...
... Purchase intention is crucial in marketing practices, used for market segmentation, examining new products, and advertising research (MacKenzie et al., 1986). Understanding purchase intention helps predict customer behavior, identify influential factors, and build marketing strategies (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975;Morwitz, 2014). Theories have shown a direct linkage between purchase intention and buying behavior (Warshaw, 1980;Engel et al., 1995;Howard & Sheth, 1969). ...
... Still, the local hotel industry seems not to have a mechanism for measuring how demographic indices influence aggregate demand for hotel products and services. Differences in customer demographic background can immensely influence customer choice in the hotel selection process, to cause weakness in profit margin and sustainable growth (Akkuş, Arslan, 2021;Nwokorie, Adeniyi, 2021;Bor et al., 2018;Uca et al., 2017;Cohen et al., 2014;Morwitz, 2014). These demographic indices are major customer characteristics that businesses adopt in discerning customer behaviour. ...
... Furthermore, Cohen et al. (2014) agreed that consumer purchase behaviour involves a set of the decision process that stimulates procurement, consumption, and disposal of products and services. Such decision processes also influence the consumer post-purchase behaviour in a specified geographical cluster of the hotel industry, as well as hotel products or services, which engender customer retention (Singh, Nika, 2020;Morwitz, 2014). ...
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This study examined the effect of customer intelligence on customer repurchase behaviour in hotels in South-West Nigeria. The model for the research was developed on the consequent variables of the study to test the research hypotheses. A total of 1972 copies of usable questionnaires were retrieved from customers of 160 conveniently sampled midscale and luxury hotels, and used for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic elements, while multivariate analyses were conducted to reveal the statistical relationship between customer repurchase behaviour and the customer intelligence constructs. The Pearson’s correlation was employed to test the research hypotheses to determine significant associations and relationships between the consequent variables of the study. Results showed the effectiveness of the regression model in identifying relationships between the consequent variables, in which the four null hypotheses were rejected. The study concludes that a consideration of the factors that have a significant effect on the various dimensions of customer repurchase behaviour, and the emergence of customer attrition and retention, can help hotel organizations make better product marketing decisions. Recommendations include that hotels should ensure that their customer analysis is directly targeted, to ensure the continuous retrieval of actual information that will directly influence business decisions.
... Still, the local hotel industry seems not to have a mechanism for measuring how demographic indices influence aggregate demand for hotel products and services. Differences in customer demographic background can immensely influence customer choice in the hotel selection process, to cause weakness in profit margin and sustainable growth (Akkuş, Arslan, 2021;Nwokorie, Adeniyi, 2021;Bor et al., 2018;Uca et al., 2017;Cohen et al., 2014;Morwitz, 2014). These demographic indices are major customer characteristics that businesses adopt in discerning customer behaviour. ...
... Furthermore, Cohen et al. (2014) agreed that consumer purchase behaviour involves a set of the decision process that stimulates procurement, consumption, and disposal of products and services. Such decision processes also influence the consumer post-purchase behaviour in a specified geographical cluster of the hotel industry, as well as hotel products or services, which engender customer retention (Singh, Nika, 2020;Morwitz, 2014). ...
This study examined the effect of customer intelligence on customer repurchase behaviour in hotels in South-West Nigeria. The model for the research was developed on the consequent variables of the study to test the research hypotheses. A total of 1972 copies of usable questionnaires were retrieved from customers of 160 conveniently sampled midscale and luxury hotels, and used for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic elements, while multivariate analyses were conducted to reveal the statistical relationship between customer repurchase behaviour and the customer intelligence constructs. The Pearson's correlation was employed to test the research hypotheses to determine significant associations and relationships between the consequent variables of the study. Results showed the effectiveness of the regression model in identifying relationships between the consequent variables, in which the four null hypotheses were rejected. The study concludes that a consideration of the factors that have a significant effect on the various dimensions of customer repurchase behaviour, and the emergence of customer attrition and retention, can help hotel organizations make better product marketing decisions. Recommendations include that hotels should ensure that their customer analysis is directly targeted, to ensure the continuous retrieval of actual information that will directly influence business decisions.
... Al, (2020), as a measurement tool, purchasing intention is considered reliable when designing promotional and marketing opportunities. Customer intent can facilitate repetition of the types of marketing-her content that should be included in advertising (Morwitz, 2014). Consumer intent may reflect the customer's knowledge of the product. ...
... Accurately measuring or understanding customer intent helps shape market activity to reach target users or segments and produce desirable outcomes, extreme consumer engagement, and products with a high return on investment . This is because there is no need to inform customers of the services or products offered by a company or brand before it is advertised (Morwitz, 2014). Consumer purchasing intentions, like other measures, is measured according to interaction databases and customer behavior data collected when consumers attempt to purchase a service or product and the purchase is unsuccessful or the transaction is cancelled. ...
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This study examines the moderating effect of social media on online reviews and consumer purchasing intentions in Kenya. Data were collected from a convenient sample of his 304 consumers who had made previous purchases based on online reviews. The results show that online reviews have a significantly positive impact on consumer purchasing intentions. Additionally, social media platforms can positively influence consumer purchasing intention, amplifying the impact of online reviews. However, the relationship between online reviews and consumer purchasing intention has been moderated by social media, with less impact for consumers who use social media platforms more. These findings suggest that Kenyan businesses and marketers should monitor and act on online reviews on social media platforms to increase their influence on consumer purchasing intentions. Additionally, businesses should target consumers who are less likely to use social media platforms to maximize the impact of online reviews on purchasing intention.
... PI is an important topic for marketers to predict consumers' actual purchase behavior. In accordance with the Theory of Planned Behavior, consumers have a greater possibility to perform a specific action in the future if they have a strong intention (Morwitz, 2014). However, in several previous work of literatures, SMM was found not to have a significant effect on Purchase Intention (Chan et al., 2020;Emini, 2021). ...
... Consumers are more likely to purchase a product if they have a strong purchase intention (Morwitz, 2014). According to the VAM (Kim et al., 2007) which specifically explained the role of PV in the context of social commerce, customers comprehensively analyze the trade-off between perceived benefits and perceived costs of a product or service. ...
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The rapid use of social media has skyrocketed over the past decade all over the world, including in Indonesia. Organizations can significantly benefit by utilizing social media as an integral part of their marketing strategy. However, there is no consensus regarding to which extent Social Media Marketing (SMM) is able to influence Purchase Intention (PI). The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of SMM on PI based on the Value-Based Adoption Model (VAM). The research population of this study is 791 thousand accounts of @halodoc Instagram followers. Halodoc becomes an interesting object to study because it is engaged in the healthcare sector, where consumers will be thoroughly evaluating the Perceived Value (PV) of the service offered. The sample consists of 130 respondents using the purposive sampling method. This study concludes that SMM has no direct influence on PI; SMM has a positive and significant effect on PV; PV has a positive and significant effect on PI and PV fully mediates the influence between SMM on PI. This study confirms that the SMM should be focusing on establishing consumers’ favorable internal response. Nevertheless, this research still has some technical limitations, where the prospective respondents were reluctant to reply direct messages from unknown senders. .
... Satın alma niyeti, yeni ve mevcut ürünler ve hizmetlere ilişkin kararların belirleyicisi olduğundan (Morwitz vd., 2007;Morwitz, 2014), pazarlamada en fazla araştırılan değişkenlerden biridir. Aynı zamanda satın alma niyeti pazarlama kampanyalarının sonucunu ölçebilmek için de önemli göstergeler sağlamaktadır. ...
Pazarlama iletişiminin önemli araçlarından biri haline gelen etkileyici pazarlamada dijitalleşme ve yapay zekanın etkisiyle sanal etkileyiciler de kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sanal etkileyicilere ve sanal etkileyicilerin pazarlama iletişiminde kullanılmasına yönelik tüketici tutumlarının ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda veri elde etmede nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden derinlemesine mülakat tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre sanal etkileyicilere yönelik negatif tutumlar gerçek dışılık ve yapaylık, duygusal eksiklikler, endişe oluşturma, reklam unsuru olma; pozitif tutumlar ise yenilik ve ilgi çekicilik, kolaylık, uzmanlık olarak ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, sanal etkileyicilerin pazarlama iletişiminde kullanımı kapsamında, sanal etkileyici kullanan markaya yönelik tutum ve satın alma niyeti ile, satın alma niyetini şekillendiren unsurlar da (sanal etkileyicilerin özellikleri, bireysel özellikler, kullanım stratejileri, ürün türü, ilgilenim) araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, markalara pazarlama iletişimi çerçevesinde öneriler sunulmaktadır.
... The behavior is rationally predicted by one's intention to purchase which is significantly correlated to attitude (Ajzen&Fishbein, 1980). The purchase intention is considered as to measure the demand of new product using concepts and products tests (Morwitz, 2014). Another research in psychology and marketing suggested that measuring purchase intentions for a product category increases the influence of brand choices and leads to persistent gain in terms of customer profitability for the firm (Chandon, Morwitz, & Reinartz, 2005). ...
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The consumers of powdered milk in Pakistan prefer imported powdered milk brands as compared to produced locally. The study attempts to determine the factors affecting consumers ’ intention to purchase powdered milk and e xplicate consumer buying behavior. The study includes elements of marketing and sales such as consumers ’ attitude toward taste of powdered milk, perception of safety and health, packaging, price, advertisement, product availability and display to understan d their impact of dependent variable, that is, consumers ’ intention to purchase powdered milk. The data were collected through a self administrated questionnaire on convenience based sampling technique from a sample of 288 respondents and multiple regress ion analysis was used to conclude findings and results. The results show that attitude toward taste, perception of safety and health and advertising have a significant impact on consumers ’ intention to purchase powdered milk. The study describes the point the better tasting, safe and health promising, well priced and well advertised powdered milk can draw the attention of its target customers and can even compete the foreign brands. The research tends to assist powdered milk producers to understand consumer s buying behavior and will help them improve their marketing inventiveness to serve consumer needs in a better way and promote locally produced brands.
... 29 Customer purchase intention and actual purchase behaviour are significantly correlated as there is empirical evidence that purchase intention is among the basic information being used by marketing managers in sales forecasts aimed at predicting how their actions will affect consumers' purchasing behaviour (Morwitz, 2014). Nevertheless, due to the shifts in human interactions resulting from enhanced internet access, the rising use of smartphones, and Nigeria's transition to a digital economy, online shopping is anticipated to gain significant traction (Adekunle & Dimowo, 2023). ...
... Green repurchases intention governs consumer behavior towards eco-friendly items. According to Morwitz [35], purchase intention comes from a person's desire to buy a product before making a purchase decision. Repurchase intention refers to customers' positive responses to consume a service or a product again because of its quality [36] and positive experiences in the past [37]. ...
... Purchase Behavior PB1 I have made purchases through various channels provided by this platform. Morwitz, 2014) PB2 ...
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This study investigates the impact of Information Push Notifications (IPNs) on consumer sentiment, cognitive appraisals, and behavioral outcomes in the Chinese e-commerce market using the Affect-as-Information Theory (AIT). A mixed-method approach was adopted, combining PLS-SEM, unobserved heterogeneity analysis (FIMIX-PLS and PLS-POS), and fsQCA, with data analyzed using Python 3.11.4 and SmartPLS 4.1. The findings reveal that perceived usefulness, ease of use, and information targeting significantly influence emotional responses (pleasure, fear of missing out) and cognitive appraisals (trust, perceived information burden), which mediate purchase intentions and behaviors. Practical contributions include strategies for optimizing notification design to enhance engagement. The study offers theoretical suggestions into AIT's application in e-commerce, demonstrating equifinality and heterogeneity in consumer decision-making. This research contributes originality by integrating advanced analytical tools to explore complex causal mechanisms.
... Due to rapid competition, in making a buying decision consumers are interested in understanding the value of the product and service they choose [7], [8]. The value of a product is determined by various factors starting from the quality of the product itself [9], the service provided [10], [11], the price of the product [12], the speed of delivery of goods to the hands of consumers which is determined by the sales channel [13], [14] to the conditions around which the product is offered [15], which ultimately forms the image of the product brand [16], [17]. ...
The success of a business is determined by its business strategy, one of which is the marketing strategy. In a latter strategy, purchasing decisions are one of the important aspects that need to be taken into account, so they need to be measured and analyzed. Besides individual factors of the customers in making decisions, external factors also might influence their purchasing decisions. Some of those factors are safety, convenience, service quality, and the seller's persuasion. This research aims to investigate and analyze the role of three factors that are related to purchase decisions, i.e.: store atmosphere, price, and promotion in purchasing decisions for retail products. The questionnaires were distributed to 170 respondents who were frequent customers of consumer retail goods at one of the supermarkets in Jakarta. The research was based on a case study and it is designed as a quantitative research using a causal analysis and a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive technique. The data analysis method uses Partial Least Square software (SmartPLS 3), intending to predict the relationship between constructs. With this approach, path graphs were analyzed and models of the coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing were applied. Every decision taken has an impact on consumers both in the short and long term. The importance of this research is analyzing and collecting information related to products, to achieve decision making. So this research can also indirectly identify and measure the level of technology readiness (TKT) of consumers in making purchasing decisions. The results of this study enrich the insight of the factors that influence marketing strategies in the digital era.
... (Zeithaml et al., 1996); Morrison, D. G. 1979). It is commonly referred to as the probability of a consumer buying a product based on their perceived benefits, emotions, and interactions (Morwitz, V (2012). In the domain of social media marketing, (Edy Yulianto Putra & Tasya 2023) defines PI as the inclination and readiness of a social networking site user to make a purchase based on a product recommendation. ...
Purpose: This study aims to explore the impact of social media marketing activities on purchase intention on millennials, with a particular focus on how customer experience mediates this relationship. The research applies the S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response) model, the research seeking to explicate the mechanisms through which social media marketing influences purchase intention. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 329 participants in Jharkhand, India who actively engage on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp. A purposive sampling method was used to ensure involvement of relevant respondents. To analyze the data Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 4 was used. Place and Duration of Study: The study, conducte­d between March and May 2024, targe­ted social media users in Jharkhand, particularly in East Singhbhum, Dhanbad, Ranchi, Ramgarh, Bokaro, Hazaribagh, Khunti, and De­ogarh. Findings: The analysis reveals that Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMAs) has a strong and positive influence on Purchase Intention (PI) and Customer Experience (CE). The link was established as means to both directly and indirectly, through Customer Experiences (CE). Positive customer experiences significantly enhance purchase intention, highlighting the pivotal role of customer experience in the efficacy of social media marketing. Originality/Value: Testing the relationship between customer experience as a mediator between Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMAs) and Purchase Intention (PI). The application of the S-O-R model offers a novel perspective on understanding consumer behavior in the context of social media marketing. The findings underscore the importance for businesses to focus on creating positive customer experiences through their social media marketing strategies to drive purchase intentions in Jharkhand.
... Es una medida de la actitud del consumidor hacia una compra futura y puede variar desde una simple consideración o interés hasta una firme decisión de realizar la compra. La intención de compra puede influenciarse por diversos factores, como las necesidades y deseos del consumidor, la percepción de la calidad del producto, la confianza en la marca, las recomendaciones de otros consumidores, los precios y promociones, entre otros (Morwitz, 2014). (2017), sobre el impacto de las redes sociales en la intención de compra del consumidor, se encontró que cuando se utilizan de manera adecuada, las redes sociales pueden ser una poderosa herramienta para desarrollar y mantener una ventaja competitiva. ...
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En un mundo digitalizado, el marketing de influencers se vuelve esencial para las empresas al colaborar con personas influyentes en redes sociales, que llegan a grandes audiencias y generan confianza. El estudio se centró en investigar el impacto del marketing de influencers en los consumidores mediante las redes sociales, analizando su influencia para comprender la efectividad de esta estrategia publicitaria. Se empleó un diseño mixto en dos fases. La primera fase realizó un análisis cualitativo de 30 artículos sobre el marketing de influencers en Google Academic. La segunda fase comprendió una encuesta en línea a través de Google Forms, explorando la influencia de la credibilidad y el valor del mensaje en la confianza del consumidor. Los datos se analizaron con el programa SPSS, complementando los resultados cualitativos con análisis estadísticos. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que los influencers ejercen un impacto significativo en las decisiones de compra y en las percepciones de marca. Las recomendaciones influyen directamente en la intención de compra y en la percepción personal del consumidor. La interacción y autenticidad en las plataformas, especialmente en TikTok, desempeñan un papel esencial en la difusión exitosa de mensajes. La creatividad exhibida por los influencers no solo atrae la atención, sino que también contribuye a generar confianza en la audiencia. Sin embargo, se destaca la vulnerabilidad de esta confianza ante comentarios negativos, destacando así la importancia de gestionar de manera proactiva la reputación online para preservar la percepción positiva del público. En conclusión, el marketing de influencers es una herramienta poderosa, construyendo confianza y ejerciendo influencia en decisiones de compra significativas. Así mismo la autenticidad y calidad del mensaje son aspectos cruciales que, al conjugarse, refuerzan la efectividad de esta estrategia.
... This theory has become the basis for studying consumer behaviour such as how marketing activities on social media platforms influence users' decision-making processes (Ahmed, 2018). Literature also suggests that increased purchase intention correlates with higher buying opportunities (Morwitz, 2014). ...
... Purchase intention provides clues or indications to producers regarding actual purchases (Morwitz, 2014). Purchase intention is also defined as consumer actions influenced by factors from outside and within the individual when deciding to purchase (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). ...
Background: As a country with the largest Moslem population in the world, halal products are in demand in Indonesia, and manufacturers need to start implementing halal supply chain practices to ensure that their products meet the halal standards of Moslem communities. Consumer knowledge about the Halal Supply Chain is now more essential, ensuring product compliance with halal standards and religious integrity. Purpose: This research analyzes the influence of consumers' knowledge about the Halal Supply Chain (such as sourcing, production, handling and storage, logistics and packaging, and retailing) on purchase intention for personal care and beauty products. Design/methodology/approach: The research uses an explanatory quantitative approach through an online survey with instrument test analysis, and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. Data were collected using convenience sampling and the snowball approach. Findings/results: The results of statistical tests on 104 valid consumer data show that halal resourcing positively influences consumers' purchasing interest in personal care and beauty products. Meanwhile, there needs to be more evidence that other aspects, namely halal sourcing, production, handling and storage, logistics and packaging, and retailing, positively affect purchasing interest. Conclusion: Developing a halal supply chain will be one strategy for responding to market demands. This requires producers to carry out production, storage, and delivery in a halal manner or under Islamic law. This research shows that consumer knowledge about halal raw materials significantly affects their intention to purchase halal personal care and beauty products. Managers must ensure that information about halal raw materials is communicated to consumers because it will attract their buying interest. Further research could enrich the results of this study with data from companies’ perspectives. Originality/value (state of the art): This research highlights the importance of consumer knowledge of halal supply chain practices in influencing purchasing interest in halal personal care and beauty products. Consumer understanding regarding halal products and halal supply chain practices is key to understanding increasingly religious purchasing behavior in Indonesia. This research contributes to supply chain management literature in the field of Halal Supply Chain as well as to Indonesian companies in the personal care and beauty industry. Keywords: purchase intentions, halal logistics, halal resourcing, halal supply chain, personal care and beauty products
... The construct of Internet Accurate Information (IAI) was developed for this research, to measure two hypothetically distinct dimensions, information accuracy (IA) and information pertinence (IP). The items measuring Purchase Intention (PI) and Purchase Behavior (PB) are taken from Dodds et al. (1991), Zeithaml et al. (1996), Henderson and Divett (2003), and Morwitz (2014), with adaptations made to align with the context of online purchases. See Table 1. ...
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This study investigates the interplay between platform information push, consumer emotions, and purchase behavior in Macau’s cross-border e-commerce context using PLS-ANN analysis and piecewise linear regression. The findings reveal nuanced effects of information push on pleasure and annoyance, with distinct patterns emerging at different levels. These emotional responses significantly influence purchase intentions and actual behavior. Pleasure has a positive impact, while annoyance negatively affects outcomes. To optimize consumer sentiment and drive sales, e-commerce platforms should strategically manage information content, presentation, and timing. Harnessing positive emotions, balancing information sufficiency and overload prevention, and fostering long-term emotional connections are crucial. Adapting push strategies to diverse market preferences is vital for cross-border success. The study expands affect-as-information and emotional contagion theories, offering actionable suggestions for precision marketing. Future research should explore additional emotive dimensions, individual differences, and contextual moderators to enrich the model.
... This study further pursues to comprehend the perception of social media influencers by probing the impact on customers' attitudes and buying intentions. Morwitz (2014) infers buying intention is an extensively practiced marketing instrument to evaluate the efficiency of a marketing approach that may be utilized to foresee auctions and market stakes. It is important to analyze the efficacy of the social media influencer and customers' intention to buy a product. ...
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Presently, influencer marketing is widely used to increase brand purchasing. Marketers employ various strategies using social media and celebrity endorsers for consumer engagement. This study has been conducted to understand the role and influence of celebrity endorsers through social media on the purchase behavior of Saudi consumers based on the advancing role of sustainability in the luxury industry. In this regard, a cross-sectional study design was employed and data was collected from 50 Saudi consumers using an online survey. A close-ended questionnaire was distributed to Saudi consumers based on celebrity credibility, familiarity, attitude towards celebrity endorsement, brand awareness, brand attitude, and purchase intentions. Factor analysis and path analysis were done using SPSS and AMOS version 25.0 to analyze the data collected. The findings show a positive and significant impact of celebrity credibility, familiarity, attitude, brand awareness, and brand attitude on the purchase intentions of Saudi consumers.
... This underscores the need for well-executed marketing techniques. By highlighting the intricacy of customer behaviour, Morwitz (2014) and Jiang et al. (2010) warn against supposing a clear relationship between buy intentions and actual sales. Leitão et al. (2018) and Chen (2008) found that elements like online reviews, suggestions, and social cues significantly impact purchase decisions when buying books. ...
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Purpose: This study investigates the effects of e-marketing on customer behaviour in book purchases regarding e-mail marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. It also examines the factors influencing the book-purchasing decision and how each e-marketing channel affects customer behaviour. These findings will be essential context for book industry marketers and stakeholders. Methodology: This quantitative analysis was drawn from survey data in which 205 university undergraduate students from 3 public universities were participated. It is designed to determine the customer's level of acceptance of this or that e-marketing strategy. Regression analysis has been employed to test the relationship between e-marketing strategies and book-buying behaviour, and cross-tabulation has been used to detect demographic patterns. Findings: Unlike social media and mobile marketing, e-mail marketing does not affect consumers' intent to purchase books. Regression analysis shows the significance of concentrated marketing campaigns in influencing consumer behaviour. Practical Implication: The study's insights might help those in the book sector improve their online advertising campaigns. Opportunities in the digital book market are increasing, and publishers and merchants may exploit them by targeting specific customer categories with tailored content. Originality: This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the different e-marketing strategies that affect people's decisions to buy books and the demographic factors that play a crucial role in creating these effects.
... This definition implies that purchase intention is driven by the need for prompt action towards a particular purchase. Purchase intentions are dynamic and can vary over time, influenced by various factors ranging from psychological (internal) to physical (external) attributes (Morwitz, 2012). This variability provides organizations with the opportunity to actively ensure that their products appeal to consumers and are chosen whenever a consumer intends to make a purchase. ...
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Social media influencer marketing encompasses the promotion of products or services involving product placement and endorsements from influencers. Influencers use their social media platforms to share videos, content, or images to shape consumers’ perceptions of various offerings. In this regard, this study examines how the trustworthiness and attractiveness of social media influencers influence consumers’ intentions to purchase different brands. The data were collected from 112 respondents residing in Tokha, Kathmandu, using a structured questionnaire distributed through convenient sampling. This research investigates the connection between influencers and consumer purchasing behaviour by employing descriptive, relational, and causal research designs. The results indicate a significant relationship between trustworthiness, attractiveness, and consumer purchasing intentions.
... An endorser with an inspirational image and high popularity can influence the consumer's buying intention (Staff, 2011). Purchase intention is a valuable factor for predicting market share and projected sales for a brand (Morwitz, 2014). ...
Social Media Influencers (SMIs) have gained popularity in recent years, resulting in the growth of Influencer Marketing (IM) as a crucial marketing approach. Despite increased focus from researchers and practitioners, the existing scholarly work in this field remains fragmented and incomplete. An in-depth and analytical evaluation of the current literature is urgently needed due to the critical role of Social Media Influencers (SMIs) in consumer-related outcomes and the changing landscape of this study subject. This paper addresses the gap by offering an initial thorough summary of the current research on social media influencers. Our study, comprising 16 publications sourced from the SCOPUS database, provides a thorough understanding of influencer marketing dynamics. This text elucidates the mechanisms that enhance the attractiveness of social media influencers and their significant influence on altering consumer intention and behavior. This research contributes to the existing understanding of instant messaging in social media and emphasizes its importance for both theory and practice. The study offers a thorough analysis of existing research and proposes future avenues for exploration, serving as a helpful tool for scholars, professionals, and advertisers engaged in influencer marketing.
... Purchase Intention refers to the willingness or unwillingness of a person to buy or procure a good or service (Zhang et al., 2022). Purchase intention is a measure of how well a customer or customer enjoys or perceives a product or service, thereby influencing consumer behavior (Morwitz, 2012;Montano & Kasprzyk, 2015;Shastry & Anupama, 2021). Several studies have been done in the area of consumer behavior to ascertain the factors that may influence a customer to re-purchase or for a new customer to purchase a product (Pena-García et al, 2020). ...
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Word-of-mouth (WOM) expressed as basic face-to-face WOM (bWOM) and electronic or internet-based WOM (eWOM) is the most common form of communication among consumers. The impact of socio-demographic characteristics on WOM preferences among consumers of pharmaceutical products is a largely unexplored area. The study aimed to examine the role of socio-demographic attributes or covariates (gender, age, educational status, and employment status) on preference for WOM behavior, and also, to determine the comparative impact of bWOM and eWOM on purchase intentions among consumers. A cross-sectional study of 1,118 randomly selected customers of community pharmacies in Nigeria with online questionnaires for data collection. Based on latent variable modeling and cognitive dissonance theory, hypotheses were developed and tested using the Multiple-Indicators Multiple-Causes (MIMIC) co-variance-based structural equation modeling technique. Results revealed that the developed measurement model for the study was adequately fitted and valid. The two-factor structure of WOM was confirmed. Positive correlations were found among exogenous covariates such as age, gender, employment, and educational status. Gender and educational status covariates did not influence respondents' preferences. Younger customers had a higher preference for bPOM. Unemployed respondents had higher tendency to use bWOM and eWOM compared to employed respondents. Also, eWOM had a stronger influence on purchase intentions compared to bWOM. Policymakers and regulators in the pharmaceutical industry should use knowledge of consumers' demographic disparities and communication preferences in formulating consumer awareness and education programs about proper drug use on social media platforms. The study adds to the literature by developing an integrated model to examine the effects of demographic disparities on consumer preferences using the MIMIC framework.
... Ajzen (1991) believes that perceived behavior control can significantly impact consumers' purchase intention because a higher level of perceived control can improve the intention of executing behavior. Although purchase intention cannot be wholly transformed into purchase behavior, it can be used to measure and predict purchase behavior under certain conditions (Morwitz, 2012). Therefore, we regard perceived behavior control as critical in explaining consumers' motivation to purchase green food. ...
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Introduction There exists a noticeable gap between consumers' willingness to purchase green food and their actual purchase behavior. However, the awareness of green development is a crucial factor influencing this purchase behavior and acts as an internal driving force promoting green consumption. Consumers' green development awareness is shaped by various psychological motivations, including environmental concern, health consciousness, knowledge, norms, and price considerations. The existing literature often focuses on specific regions or groups, lacking comprehensive cross-regional and multivariate evaluations, and frequently overlooks the potential impact of moderating variables such as economic development level, product type, and behavior type. Methods To clarify the overall effect of each motivational factor on green food purchase behavior, this study conducted a meta-analysis. We selected eight causal variables and three moderating variables that significantly influence consumers' green food purchase behavior. The analysis included 132 independent effect values from 45 research papers. Results The meta-analysis revealed that: Consumers' green food purchase behavior is significantly positively correlated with eight motivational factors: environmental awareness, health awareness, green attitude, green knowledge, subjective norms, price awareness, perceived behavior control, and perceived usefulness. Economic development level, product type, and behavior type significantly affect consumers' green food purchase behavior. The impact of motivational factors on actual purchase behavior is weaker than on purchase intention, suggesting that interventions should focus on converting purchase intentions into actual purchase behavior. The findings indicate that environmental responsibility, government policies, and marketing strategies can influence consumers' psychological motives, guiding them toward more responsible consumption choices. Discussion Enhancing consumers' environmental and health awareness is essential, and policy support and marketing strategies can effectively promote green food consumption. These insights underscore the importance of targeted interventions to bridge the gap between green purchase intention and behavior.
... Consumer purchase intention refers to the subjective judgment made by the consumers based on the evaluation made by one to avail the service or buy the product (Morwitz, 2014). Researchers have considered a different meaning to this statement by stating that either it is related to the willingness of the consumers to buy the product, repurchasing the product, or developing an intention to buy in the future. ...
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The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis on the impact of the digital disruption on the consumer purchase intention. The critical analysis of the literature revealed that consumers are associated with the digital platforms by getting connected with each other through social media. The literature review revealed important dimensions of digital disruption, which are selected as the independent variable in this study including electronic word of mouth, perceived quality and online advertising. By using these variables, research framework and hypotheses were developed. This study was conducted in China and focused on the customers population of the clothing industry in Guangdong Province. Guangdong Province in China is having the most clothes company and the apparel industry in Guangdong benefits from the province's strategic location, favorable economic climate, and efficient transportation and logistics networks. Respondents were identified randomly who are stay in Guangdong Province, China. The philosophical assumption of the study was positivist and methods were selected accordingly. The analysis was conducted on the responses while the response rate was 93%. The analysis compromised of the descriptive and inferential statistical tests. The results revealed that the selected independent variables created significant and positive impact on the consumer purchase intention. These findings also validate the findings from the previous studies. Based on the analysis conducted, conclusion was drawn along with revealing the practical and theoretical implications of the findings. In the end, recommendations were made for the conduction of the future research by identifying the limitations of this study.
... Purchase intention denotes a consumer's inclination or desire to acquire a product or service (Li et al., 2022). It is a crucial concept in marketing since it helps businesses and marketers understand what drives consumer behavior and how they can influence it (Morwitz, 2012). By understanding consumer purchase intentions, companies can tailor their marketing strategies to target better and engage their audience and ultimately drive sales (Agrawal & Trivedi, 2021). ...
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The rapid proliferation of social media platforms has sparked heightened interest among businesses seeking to leverage them to enhance customer purchase intentions. Consequently, there has been a surge in research exploring the intersection of social media marketing and consumer behavior. However, gaps persist regarding the primary themes within this research domain. This study analyzes 282 research papers spanning from 2012 to 2022, sourced from the Web of Science Core Collection, focusing on social media and customer purchase intentions. Leveraging Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) commands in STATA and VOSviewer software, the study investigates emerging trends and prevalent themes, visualizing the dataset. The findings indicate a notable increase in research output, particularly from developed countries, with significant collaboration between developed and developing nations. Moreover, the study identifies five principal research topics: 1) the impact of social media marketing on consumer purchase intention, 2) the consequences of online brand communities on purchase behavior, 3) factors influencing consumer purchase intention, 4) influencer effects on purchase intention, and 5) social media advertising and marketing strategies. Future inquiries should delve into various factors shaping customer purchase intentions, including the role of influencers, word-of-mouth dynamics, and advertising strategies while considering the diverse cultural contexts across different regions. This comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights for researchers and practitioners alike, guiding future endeavors in understanding and harnessing the power of social media in consumer decision-making processes.
... Similarly, the presence of various nutrient content claims on three different products (i.e., yogurt, lasagna, and cereal) influenced study participants to view the product as healthier and to increase purchase intentions [28]. Because purchase intentions can predict actual purchase behaviors [34][35][36], examining them in the context of FOP label claims is valuable. ...
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Front-of-package protein labels are frequently added to breakfast cereals, aimed at increasing purchases by consumers who believe they would benefit from eating more protein. However, the overall nutritional compositions of such products are often not significantly better than similar products without protein labels, and may contain more sugar, sodium, and calories to improve taste. We conducted an online survey with 1022 US adults to examine consumer perceptions of two cereals (Special K Original and Special K Protein). Participants perceived Special K Protein as healthier and more nutritious, though less tasty, than Special K Original. Special K Protein was perceived as providing greater health benefits, such as being more likely to help them build muscle, stay healthy, and live longer. Many participants perceived no differences in the amounts of certain nutrients between the cereals, such as sugar (54.5%), sodium (59.2%), and calories (49.1%). Yet, when serving sizes are equalized to one cup, Special K Protein has more sugar, sodium, and calories than Special K Original. Though most participants reported viewing the Facts Up Front label, only 21.3% correctly chose Special K Original as having the larger serving size. This pattern of results suggests the presence of a health halo surrounding the protein-labeled product.
... Lu et al. (2014) state that purchase intention is widely recognized as a reliable evaluation instrument that may be used to offer marketing opportunities and unique incentives. According to Morwitz (2014), while deciding on the marketing information to include in advertising, it is crucial to consider the consumer's objective. The reputation of a brand is recognized as a "distinctive capability" and is regarded as the most crucial commercial mechanism for transmitting information about the product (Kay, 1995). ...
This study investigates the impact of online reviews on brand reputation and customer purchase behavior within the digital commerce landscape. Recognizing the critical role of online customer evaluations in shaping consumer perceptions and decisions, the research synthesizes empirical findings, theoretical insights, and practical observations to explore the dynamics between online reviews, brand reputation, and purchasing actions. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the study employs surveys based on a purposive sampling strategy to collect data from 100 participants, assessing their opinions on online reviews' influence on their purchasing decisions through a Likert-scale questionnaire. Analysis of the data through frequency distribution, descriptive, and inferential statistics reveals significant insights into how online reviews affect consumer behavior and brand perception. The findings highlight a pronounced reliance on online reviews among consumers, with positive reviews significantly enhancing the likelihood of purchases. Age and gender emerge as notable demographic factors influencing the impact of reviews, with younger and female respondents showing greater receptiveness to online evaluations. Despite the study's contributions to understanding online review impacts, it acknowledges limitations such as potential response bias and suggests future research could benefit from a mixed-methods approach for deeper insights. This research enriches the discourse on digital marketing strategies by emphasizing the importance of managing online reviews to bolster brand reputation and stimulate consumer purchase behavior.
... Intention (INE) is what motivates a person to plan and perform a behaviour (Vabø and Hansen, 2016). Individual behaviour is guided by a lot of factors in their decision making decision-making (Morwitz, 2014). The intention is a trigger of behaviour (Das, 2014). ...
... Numerous studies have confirmed these findings (Özsomer & Altaras 2008, Akram, Merunka & Shakaib Akram 2011, Xie, Batra & Peng 2015, Hussein & Hassan 2018. The interest in this topic is well understandable, as buyers' declared purchase intentions are among the most critical information used by marketing managers in assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities and forecasting future sales (Morwitz 2014). ...
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Objective: The purpose of the article is to establish the current state of research on the perceived brand globalness / localness (PBG / PBL) dichotomy. It analyses and assesses the changes in the research problems and identifies the areas upon which PBG / PBL research is currently focused. Research Design & Methods: The research method used in the article is bibliometric analysis, supplemented by content analysis of literature selected from the Scopus database. A four-step procedure was used to collect data and conduct bibliometric analyses: stage 1 – searching and identifying primary literature, stage 2 – review of the literature (screening), stage 3 – data export, stage 4 – bibliometric analysis supplemented by a content analysis of the literature. In addition, a co-occurrence analysis of keywords was carried out using VOSviewer. Findings: The research on PBG / PBL issues is concentrated in five main areas: 1) brand value signaling, 2) PBG / PBL interaction, 3) PBG impact on purchase intentions, 4) PBL impact on purchase intentions, and 5) the effect of country of origin/consumer ethnocentrism on consumer preference for foreign (global) vs. domestic (local) brands. The study also examines changing trends in PBG / PBL research. Implications / Recommendations: Recent world events including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and trade wars have slowed globalisation. Since buying behaviour is visibly changing under the influence of socio-economic factors, there is a need for further research to verify consumer preferences vis-à-vis global / local brand positioning. Contribution: The review and analyses performed enrich the existing literature on PBG / PBL, while the findings presented can serve as a starting point for further research.
... Selain itu, perilaku kewarganegaraan pelanggan, teori penciptaan bersama nilai, dan pemasaran media sosial telah ditemukan memengaruhi niat beli (Dermawan et al., 2022;Huang & Liu, 2019;Pandey et al., 2018). Penting untuk dicatat bahwa niat beli tidak selalu merupakan prediktor sempurna dari perilaku pembelian aktual, tetapi merupakan indikator berharga dari potensi penjualan (Morwitz, 2012). Niat beli terhadap produk halal dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, terbukti dari beberapa penelitian, Awan et al (2015) beli terkait produk berlabel halal. ...
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Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country, so halal products are important for the community. Most cosmetics are produced by non-Islamic countries, which can lead to disagreements about whether the raw materials used are halal. This study aims to examine the effect of religiosity and attitude toward halal cosmetics on purchase intention. This field of research is still relatively scarce despite advances in the halal cosmetics business in Indonesia. The method used in this study utilized a sample of the millennial generation and was further analyzed using SEM. The results show that religiosity plays an important role in shaping attitudes and purchase intentions. In the end, it was found that attitude has a mediating role in the impact of religiosity on purchase intention. Therefore, industry stakeholders need to prioritize religiosity considerations in their product promotion efforts, as this can effectively stimulate purchase intention.
... It refers to the consumer's willingness to pay and the likelihood that the consumer plans or is willing to buy from a certain brand in the future (Huang et al. 2011). Directly related to the consumer's attitude, behavior and perceptions, purchase intention is applicable to consumer decision-making about current and new products and/or services (Morwitz 2014). An increase in purchase intention mirrors an increase in the chance of actual purchase behavior. ...
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Environmental, social and governance (ESG) has recently been gaining attention as an important consideration for corporate management strategies worldwide. Drawing on the literature surrounding equity theory and customer equity, this study aimed to investigate the influence of ESG on the customer equity of retail banks in Hong Kong. Based on a survey of 300 banking customers, the study found governance initiatives affected customer attitude, while environmental initiatives and social initiatives had no significant effect on it. Customer attitude provided a strong explanation for value equity, brand equity and relationship equity. Value equity and relationship equity had a positive influence on purchase intention, but the relationship between brand equity and purchase intention was insignificant. Customer attitude also mediated the relationship between governance initiatives and customer equity. The findings of this study add value to the understanding of sustainable marketing initiatives and responsible banking. The study contributes to the development of the ESG and customer equity literature and advances the implementation of sustainable banking practices. Practically, the results of this study suggest that banking practitioners should focus on governance initiatives as a primary driver of customer equity and purchase intention. Understanding the role of ESG initiatives in customer attitude and customer equity can help to develop and improve sustainable marketing strategies. Policymakers can use a governance approach to promote sustainable and responsible banking practices.
... Marketing researchers shed light on this concept to: 1. understand individuals' intention/s to make a purchase action for any product and/or service; 2. verify consumers' conscious plan/s for buying any brand; 3. examine people's willingness of purchasing behavior in any specific situation or at any precise timing, and 4. predict customers' inclination for procurement/s shortly. Accordingly, marketers often apply and measure this construct as input for comprehending buyers' decisions about newly launched and/or existing brand/s, product/s, and service/s (Morwitz, 2012;Wang, Pelton, and Hsu, 2019;Wu and Huang, 2020;Anisa, et al. 2023;Yusron, & Suryandari, 2023). ...
This study explores the interrelationships among customer perceived value (CPV), technology acceptance model (TAM), and purchase intention in the context of Taiwan’s badminton market for synthetic feather shuttlecocks. The appropriate theoretical and practical statistical relationships among these constructs are developed and verified. Using survey data from 206 out of 500 randomly selected badminton players, this study employs structure equation modeling (SEM) to scrutinize the research hypotheses. The findings reveal that (1) perceived product quality has significant influences on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intentions, (2) perceived economic value (price) has noteworthy effects on perceived usefulness and behavioral intentions, (3) both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have significant impacts on behavioral intentions, & (4) the indirect impacts of both perceived quality and perceived economic value (price) on behavioral intentions confirm the mediating effects of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This pioneer exploratory research offers practical guidelines for promotion strategies. The findings and the statistical results provide supportive evidence for implementing appropriate sports marketing management on antecedents of purchase intention to reinforce the appreciation of synthetic feather shuttlecocks.
... Niat beli mengacu pada rencana untuk membeli produk atau jasa tertentu pada waktu tertentu. Konsep niat beli memiliki arti penting dalam bidang pemasaran Niat berbeda dari sikap dan dapat didefinisikan sebagai motivasi seseorang untuk mencoba melakukan suatu perilaku sesuai dengan rencana sadarnya (Morwitz, 2014), "kesediaan masyarakat untuk mempertimbangkan dan memilih produk ramah lingkungan dibandingkan produk konvensional atau tradisional dalam proses pengambilan keputusan" (Lasuin & Ching, 2014). ...
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Abstract In particular, this study tries to use a significant factor, namely "Perceived price sensitivity", as a moderating variable to further examine consumer intentions, how this factor moderates the relationship between perceived determinants and purchase intentions for cultivated products classified as environmentally friendly. The purpose of this study was to examine consumer intention in West Sulawesi Province to buy environmentally friendly products, the method of the data analysis process of the research to be carried out using the associative statistical analysis method, the expected results can show statistically the relationship between each variable. This study shows that most of the variables are not significant based on the research objectives. This is due to the lack of public acceptance of seaweed cultivation products. From the results of the study it can be concluded that consumers, especially in West Sulawesi Province, do not have a thorough understanding of seaweed cultivation products. In addition, the attitudes that consumers have do not effectively encourage them to buy seaweed aquaculture products. Keywords : Price Sensitivity, Determinants, Purchase Intention. Abstrak Secara khusus, penelitian ini mencoba menggunakan faktor yang signifikan yaitu “Persepsi sensivitas harga”, sebagai variabel moderasi untuk mengkaji lebih lanjut niat konsumen, bagaimana faktor ini memoderasi hubungan antara persepsi determinan dengan niat beli produk hasil budidaya yang tergolong ramah lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji niat konsumen di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat untuk membeli produk ramah lingkungan, metode proses analisis data penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan menggunakan Metode analisis statistik asosiatif, hasil yang diharapkan dapat memperlihatkan secara statistik hubungan setiap variabel. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar variabel yang tidak signifikan berdasarkan tujuan penelitian. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya penerimaan masyarakat terhadap produk budidaya rumput laut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumen khususnya di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat belum memiliki pemahaman menyeluruh terhadap produk hasil budidaya rumput laut. Selain itu, sikap yang dimiliki konsumen tidak secara efektif mendorong mereka untuk membeli produk hasil budidaya rumput laut. Kata Kunci : Sensivitas Harga, Determinan, Minat Beli.
... Bireylerin bir davranışı gerçekleştirmeye yönelik iradesinin önemli göstergelerinden birisi olan niyet kavramı, tutum ve davranışların değiştirilmesinde oldukça önemli olmakta ve bir eylemin önceden isteyerek planlanması olarak ifade edilmektedir (Morwitz, 2014). Bu açıdan Bagozzi'ye göre (1983) niyetler, gelecekte gerçekleştirilmesi muhtemel olan bir eylemin planını açıklamaya yardımcı olan bir seçim durumudur. ...
Çalışmanın amacı çevreci reklamlarda yer alan bireylerin statü düzeylerine göre katılımcıların satın alma niyetlerinde ortaya çıkacak farkların belirlenmesi, gösterişçi tüketimin satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkisinin değerlendirilmesi ve bu ilişkide statü düzeyinin rolünün ortaya çıkarılması olmuştur. Buradan hareketle, toplumsal açıdan, yüksek ve düşük statülü bireylerin yer aldığı çevreci reklamlara maruz kalan iki farklı örneklemden veri toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın analizleri 494 katılımcıdan elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda SPSS 20 ve AMOS 20 programları ve Spss Process v2.16.3 eklentisi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Araştırma amaçları doğrultusunda yarı deneysel tasarım oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmada kullanılan çevresel manipülasyon yönteminin etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Yapılan analiz sonuçlarına göre satın alma niyetinin statü düzeylerine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaştığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bir gruba ait olma isteği ve dikkat çekme ve farklı olma isteğinin satın alma niyeti üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Öte yandan prestijli olma isteğinin satın alma niyeti üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür. Bunlara ek olarak statü düzeyinin gösterişçi tüketim niyeti alt boyutları ile satın alma niyeti ilişkisinde yordayıcı bir etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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This article aims to discover the influence of Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on consumer purchase intentions within the context of TikTok Shop, with particular attention given to household products. The motivation behind this study is to explain key variables that determine the role of eWOM as a major driver of consumer behavior in the digital market. A detailed model was also recommended to clearly establish how information perceived as useful and reader attitudes towards shared content influence purchasing behaviors. Conducting a mixed-methods investigation, this study aims at collecting the necessary data on 500 consumers from Ho Chi Minh City, then analyzing it via SPSS 24 and SmartPLS 4. The findings indicate the mediating effect of the acceptance of eWOM, its high impact on purchase intentions, as well as its relation to a great many other variables. These discoveries could guide some corporate strategies aimed at enhancing eWOM for maximum customer engagement on the worldwide stage for competitive marketing.
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This article aims to discover the influence of Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on consumer purchase intentions within the context of TikTok Shop, with particular attention given to household products. The motivation behind this study is to explain key variables that determine the role of eWOM as a major driver of consumer behavior in the digital market. A detailed model was also recommended to clearly establish how information perceived as useful and reader attitudes towards shared content influence purchasing behaviors. Conducting a mixed-methods investigation, this study aims at collecting the necessary data on 500 consumers from Ho Chi Minh City, then analyzing it via SPSS 24 and SmartPLS 4. The findings indicate the mediating effect of the acceptance of eWOM, its high impact on purchase intentions, as well as its relation to a great many other variables. These discoveries could guide some corporate strategies aimed at enhancing eWOM for maximum customer engagement on the worldwide stage for competitive marketing.
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This study examines the influence of street entrepreneurs' selling skills on tourists' purchase intention in beach tourism context. Selling various oceanic products is a majour source of livelihood for many of the host populations in beach destinations. Even though most of them are in the bottom of the pyramid, they possess enormous entrepreneurial potential. Such selling skills is one of the triggering factors for the purchase intention of tourists. Upgrading such entrepreneurial skills can effectively reduce unemployment, alleviate poverty and boost economic growth. But existing beach tourism literature rarely addressed this aspect, which is the motive behind the present study. The selling skills of vendors are measured in three dimensions: interpersonal skills, salesmanship skills, and technical skills. The primary data was collected from 200 tourists who have visited Fort Kochi Beach in South India. The sampling method was purposive and inferential statistics were used to derive results. The study's findings have enormous implications by attracting the attention of policymakers to formulate skill enhancement schemes for micro-entrepreneurs in the beach destinations.
This study aims to assess the effects of online consumer reviews on the cosmetic purchasing behaviour in Nepal, based on 384 responses from individuals aged 15 to 60. Correlation analysis revealed positive associations (moderate, weak, or strong) with customer purchasing plans. Regression analysis helped determine the alignment of variables using P-values. The outcome revealed that review quality and quantity have a strong relationship with purchasing intentions, thus supporting the hypothesis. In contrast, source credibility and valence did not show a significant impact. Influencers, such as bloggers and celebrities, played a mediating role, affecting purchase decisions through their critiques. This underscores the importance of positive reviews, and the trust customers place in influencers. For marketing companies, it is crucial to carefully select brand influencers to effectively leverage potential customers’ buying decisions.
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Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model, this study examines the impact of wine influencers' characteristics on consumers' attitudes, purchase intentions, and actual buying behavior. A survey of 404 social media users was conducted using a structured questionnaire. The structural modeling analysis found that perceived credibility impacts attitudes toward influencers but not recommended brands. However, perceived expertise and trust strongly predict attitudes toward influencers and brands. Congruence has no significant impact. Attitudes toward influencers and brands positively correlate with purchase intention, which, in turn, leads to actual purchases. These insights offer marketers a roadmap for leveraging wine influencers' characteristics to impact consumer behavior effectively
The pre-loved luxury market, particularly for handbags, is undergoing a period of rapid growth, driven by digital platforms and attracting younger consumers who are more environmentally conscious. This chapter identifies the key motivations for purchasing pre-loved luxury handbags, considering Self-Determination Theory (SDT), including hedonic pleasure, economic benefits, social belonging and a desire for uniqueness. The authors identified new motivations for purchasing pre-loved luxury handbags based on a survey of 1,002 respondents: circumventing luxury brand exclusivity, creating social media content, finding sold-out items, addressing past purchase regrets, and the limited online availability of certain handbags. The findings of this study highlight the significant influence of pleasure and exclusivity on consumer behavior and, provide valuable guidance for brands and online platforms to effectively engage with this market.
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The concept of Tourism Destination Image (TDI) regarded as a crucial factor in determining tourist behavior and tourist destination success. Therefore, there is a substential literature investigating the TDI of the many sites in Asia, America, Australia, and Europe as destinations, all of which attempt to divulge the factors of tourist attractions from the visitor’s perspectives. According to the efforts of the "National Plan for the Development of the Territory: Horizons 2030", which aims to permanently enhence the image of Algeria, and given the scarcity of literature that scrutinizes the image of Algeria as a tourist destination, the purpose study is to address the topic more comprehensively and to respond to previous consideration of Algeria has a negative image. This study aims to (1) identify the sources of TDI formation, (2) estimate the attractiveness of the TDI attributes of the destinations under study, (3) examine the dynamic relationships between its various dimensions, (4) and reveal the influence of TDI dimensions on tourist satisfaction and tourist behavioral outcomes. Hence, the problematic that leads our study is: To what extent do the attributes of the TDI contribute to influencing tourist behavioral intentions? A cross-sectional study based on a large-scale survey was used by selecting four domestic destinations most frequently visited by Algerian tourists, after collecting data from 534 actual visitors, and after applying appropriate statistical approches, the results found that: (1) social networking sites (SNSs) and actual visits are the most relied sources in assessing TDI, while magazines and newspapers are the least reliable, (2) the proposed conceptual model can be relied upon and the scale of measurement is appropriate in the Algerian setting, (3) there are positive associations among the TDI components, (4) the dimensions of TDI affect tourist satisfaction, (5) and datisfaction affects the intention to revisit and the intention to recommend. These findings are valuable contributions to all tourism stakeholders and pave the way to unified and harmonious marketing efforts in order to achieve tourism overall performance. Improving the tourist experience and deploying outstanding tourism communication tools are critical consedirations for developping and enhancing the TDI, and thus attracting the visitors
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This article aims to identify the main areas of works devoted to the topic of counterfeit goods/brands consumption and to present the dynamics of changes in researchers' interest in this subject. The research method used in the article was bibliometric analysis, complemented by content analysis of literature selected from the Scopus database. Research results: The main areas of research on the issue of counterfeit product consumption focused on 1) online consumer behavior and ethical aspects, 2) consumption of counterfeit products and brands, and 3) social aspects of consumption of counterfeit products. The earliest publications focus on purchasing behavior in the context of buying counterfeit products, followed by researchers who have focused on the ethical aspects of consuming counterfeit goods. More recent studies focus on the consumption and trade of counterfeit goods on the Internet. Conclusions: The ever-expanding global trade in counterfeit products poses a major challenge-it erodes business revenue, undermines innovation, and hampers economic growth. To eff ectively mitigate these phenomena, it is essential to have up-to-date knowledge of the latest scientifi c advances in the fi eld. Research into the buyer behavior in the context of counterfeit goods can provide useful information for manufacturers about the scale of the problem and the possible need for remedial action.
Purpose Unboxing is a relatively new social media occurrence, where a YouTube unboxer’s amateur video gradually unwraps and reviews a new product for the followers. The phenomenon has caught the attention of both the marketing industry and academia due to its potential to influence purchase intent. The present research focuses on the relevant unboxing literature with a special focus on source characteristics, purposive motives, and nonpurposive motives; hypothesizes a research model and empirically tests it to probe how the unboxing phenomenon influences purchase intention. Design/Methodology/Approach The researchers conducted an online survey for data collection from 705 social media users and used structural equation modeling and moderation analysis for data analysis. Findings The present research proposed and tested a model of unboxing using parasocial interaction (PSI). It found that PSI does influence purchase intent in unboxing and found support for six out of seven antecedents of PSI hypothesized in the model. Practical Implications The findings of the study can help marketing organizations to understand the importance of YouTube influencer-induced PSI to design effective advertising campaigns through influencer marketing in order to drive purchase intent. Originality/Value The present study aims to understand the unboxing phenomenon by analyzing the proposed model. This study contributes to the limited literature on the nascent YouTube unboxing in an emerging economy context and extends previous research in this field by incorporating new variables. Also, it studies the effect of gender as a moderator in an unboxing context for the first time.
The impact of customer intelligence on customer retention in midscale and luxury hotels in south-west Nigeria was examined in this study. A model was developed for the consequent variables to test the research hypotheses relative to the impulse buying theory. A total of 1 972 research instruments were retrieved from customers of 160 conveniently sampled midscale and luxury hotels, and used for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the demographic elements, while the Pearson Correlation was utilised to reveal the statistical relationship between customer retention and the customer intelligence constructs. The linear regression model was employed to test the research hypotheses and determine significant relationships between the consequent variables of the study. Results showed the effectiveness of the regression model in identifying relationships between the consequent variables, in which a positive relationship was revealed between customer intelligence and customer retention in the hotel industry. The study concludes that data generated through customer intelligence can filter customer preferences, help hotels prioritise purchases, and further create a sense of need in their customers. Recommendations include that hotels should consider their products and services as tangible elements that would become routine in due time, while considering customer reviews as vital for analysing weaknesses in the service delivery processes. KEYWORDS: consumer behaviour, customer analytics, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, guest expectation
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This study aimed at establishing the economic factors affecting consumer purchasing decisions in the Kenya motor industry The independent research variables were motor vehicle cost, consumer income level and consumer credit access. The dependent variable was consumer purchasing behavior. The main research question was whether economic factors affect the consumer purchasing decisions in the Kenya motor industry. Using descriptive research design, correlational analysis and primary data that was centered on a target population of 92,157 buyers of the 107,499 cars that got new registration numbers in Kenya in the year 2021, the study adopted a sample size of 398 respondents as derived from the Solvin's formula through whom the questionnaires were distributed. The study findings reveal concluded a statistically significant strong negative relationship between motor vehicle cost on consumer purchasing decisions. The study also concludes that both consumer income and credit access has a statistically significant positive relationship on consumer purchasing decision.
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Changes in the way of working have begun to occur along with changes in the environment. This study aims to see the direct effect of flexible work arrangements in terms of flexibility of place and time with conflict between roles such asWork-Home and Home-Work Conflict and to see the moderating effect of strong ties to work (on the job embeddedness) and strong ties outside of work oroff the job embeddednessto voluntary turnover during the pandemic. This research was conducted through the distribution of questionnaires in October to December 2021 to 200 employees of the foreign-owned Transportation Management Services Industry assigned to the administration, finance, marketing and human resources departments operating in Indonesia. Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SmartPLS was used to analyze the data obtained. The results of the study show that flexible working arrangements has almost the same negative effect on Home-Work Conflict and Work-Home Conflict. And both conflicts have a positive effect on Voluntary Turnover with a greater positive influence on Home-Work Conflict and on the moderation of On and Off The Job Embeddedness found only in the moderating effect of Off The Job Embeddedness which moderates the positive influence between Home-Work Conflict and Voluntary Turnover..
This research presents a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics within the Chinese e-commerce market, focusing on the profound impact of social media marketing, social media influencers, consumer behavior, consumer engagement, and online advertising on purchase intention. The study employs a robust methodology, integrating both primary and secondary data collection approaches, with a sample size of 390 respondents drawn from various Chinese e-commerce platforms. Drawing from insights derived from six well-established theoretical frameworks, the research constructs a novel conceptual framework to illuminate the relationships among these key variables. The results highlight the substantial influence of social media marketing on consumer behavior, emphasizing the noteworthy role played by both social media marketing and influencers in shaping consumer engagement. Additionally, the study identifies a significant nexus between consumer behavior, consumer engagement, online advertising, and purchase intention. While providing valuable insights into the factors influencing purchase intention in the Chinese e-commerce market, it is crucial to note the study's limitations. The scope is confined to Chinese domestic online consumers, and caution is exercised against making broad generalizations about diverse cultural backgrounds or international consumer contexts. Nevertheless, this research contributes original perspectives, offering a deeper understanding of the pivotal elements driving purchase intention in the dynamic landscape of the Chinese e-commerce market. Download fulltext from -- or
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Internet-based purchasing ("online") is an alternative to traditional purchasing in a physical store ("offline"). First "online" purchasing is analyzed in the context of digital transformation, as a consequence of digitization (switching from analog to digital processes) and digitalization (introduction of computers and the internet). Secondly, "online" purchases are examined through three perspectives: (1) frequency of "online" purchasing, (2) consumer preferences during "online" purchasing, and (3) the amount of money spent on "online" purchasing. Finally, in last two decades we witness the increasing role of "online" purchasing versus the decreasing role of traditional "offline" purchasing in physical stores.
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The Juster Scale is a purchase probability scale used to predict the actual purchase rate in a population from a sample of consumers from that population. Several overseas studies have demonstrated the predictive ability of the Juster Scale, particularly for cars. This paper reports the findings of two New Zealand studies involving the Juster Scale. The first confirms the superior predictive ability of the Juster Scale compared to buying intentions scales, and both studies confirm the practicality of using the Juster Scale for predicting purchases of a range of items including durables, services and fast-moving consumer goods. The ability of the Juster Scale to accurately predict car purchases was corroborated, but the accuracy of predictions for other items was variable.
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To explain the question-behavior effect, that is, the effect of answering an intention question on subsequent behavior, this article takes on a motivational perspective and proposes that answering an intention question automatically activates an intention. The activation of this motivational state influences subsequent brand choices due to changes in brand accessibilities. Three studies provide support for the assumption that responding to an intention question affects brand choices through a motivational mechanism, such that (1) answering an intention increases the accessibility of motivation-related information and decreases the accessibility of motivation-competing information which increases the choice for the intention-related brand; (2) intention completion temporarily reverses the foregoing accessibility patterns, instigating a reversal of the brand choices for an immediate, second brand choice; and (3) the changes in brand accessibilities and thus the behavioral effect persist as the delay between the intention question and brand choice occasion increases until intention completion.
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In this paper, we develop four models to investigate the role of intentions (stated and true) and explanatory variables in forecasting purchase based on the social psychology view that true intentions determine purchase behavior. We found that a weighted average of stated intentions together with the complementary FED variables are powerful indicators of future purchase behavior. For intention survey designers, these results imply that a conversion scale is needed to convert stated intentions to true intentions and intentions questions would yield more useful information if it is formulated in terms of probabilities rather than in terms of yes/no answers.
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This paper examines the suitability of the Juster Scale for predicting demand for different brands of fast moving consumer goods, within two product categories. The products used in the study were three brands of canned soup (Watties, Campbells and Heinz), and four brands of yoghurt (Ski, Yoplait, Fresh and Fruity, and No-Frills). The purchase probability data was obtained from the 1992 Palmerston North Household (face-to-face) Omnibus survey. Respondents were reinterviewed by telephone, four weeks after the omnibus survey to obtain recalled estimates of actual purchases. The Juster scale overestimated purchases, both for product categories and for brands. Purchase rates for soup were overestimated by 5% and for yoghurt by 6%. The overestimate for individual brands were slightly larger; the average over all 7 brands being 8%.Although the accuracy of the predictions of purchase rates was disappointing, the predictions of brand share were more accurate. This study has demonstrated that it is possible to obtain quite accurate estimates of market share for branded products using the Juster Purchase Probability Scale, as well as accurate estimates of the purchase rate for each brand.
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Marketers often promote socially beneficial actions or discourage anti-social behaviors to the benefit of their firms, target markets, and society at large. One means by which such influence may be accomplished is through use of a technique referred to as the self-prophecy effect—the behavioral influence of a person making a self-prediction. Prior research has yet to establish the efficacy of self-prophecy to influence large target markets. Additionally, the theoretical mechanism underlying the effect remains in question. The current work reports two field studies demonstrating successful application of self-prophecy via mass-communicated prediction requests. Further, theoretical support for a dissonance-based explanation for self-prophecy is provided in three laboratory experiments. A discussion of practical implications for marketers wishing to influence socially normative behavior is provided.
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Tested 3 replications of a structural equation model that represents M. Fishbein and I. Ajzen's (see record 1978-20968-001) theoretical framework for the prediction of behavior in a panel study of 228 college students, using data from questionnaires that assessed attitudes, subjective norms, intentions, and behavior. Although these models were rejected by chi-square goodness-of-fit tests, alternative theoretical models fit the data adequately. The models show that intentions may be directly influenced by factors other than attitudes and subjective norms (i.e., previous behavior), in contradiction to Fishbein and Ajzen's schema. Results also show that the effects of attitudes and previous behavior on subsequent behavior are, to a significant extent, not mediated by intentions (i.e., a nontrivial portion of behavioral variability is predictable from attitudes and previous behavior with the effects of intentions partialled out). The proposed models represent a generalization of Fishbein and Ajzen's theory of attitude–behavior relations in the sense that their theory is embedded within these models. It is argued that the proposed models supersede the Fishbein-Ajzen theory in their ability to reflect the dynamics of attitude–behavior relations in various behavioral domains. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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In two studies, students contacted by telephone were asked to predict whether they would perform a particular behavior (registering to vote or voting, respectively) in the next few days. The proportion who predicted that they would do these socially desirable behaviors exceeded the proportion of control subjects who performed the behavior without first being asked to predict whether they would. Further, in the voting study these errors of overprediction were self-erasing in the sense described by S. J. Sherman ( Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980, 39). That is, subjects who were asked to predict whether they would vote—all of whom predicted that they would—actually did vote with substantially greater probability than did the no-prediction control subjects. (Actual voting was verified by consulting official voter rolls.) Asking people to predict whether they will perform a socially desirable action appears to increase their probability of performing the action. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Intentions data often contain systematic biases; intentions change over time and may not accurately predict actual purchases. Ignoring the discrepancies between intentions and purchasing can produce biased estimates of variable coefficients and biased forecasts of future demand. This study proposes a unified model that takes into account various sources of discrepancies between intentions and purchasing and forecasts purchasing probability at the individual-level by linking explanatory variables (e.g., socio-demographics, product attributes, and promotion variables) and intentions to actual purchasing. The proposed model provides an empirically better explanation of the relationship between stated intentions and purchasing and offers more accurate individual-level purchase predictions than do other existing intention models.
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Implementation intentions are specific plans regarding how, when, and where to pursue a goal (Gollwitzer). Forming implementation intentions for a single goal has been shown to facilitate goal achievement, but do such intentions benefit multiple goals? If so, people should form implementation intentions for all their goals, from eating healthily to tidying up. An investigation into this question suggests that the benefits of implemental planning for attaining a single goal do not typically extend to multiple goals. Instead, implemental planning draws attention to the difficulty of executing multiple goals, which undermines commitment to those goals relative to other desirable activities and thereby undermines goal success. Framing the execution of multiple goals as a manageable endeavor, however, reduces the perceived difficulty of multiple goal pursuit and helps consumers accomplish the various tasks they planned for. This research contributes to literature on goal management, goal specificity, the intention-behavior link, and planning.
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Combining prior theory about really-new products with temporal construal theory, the authors show in four field studies that consumers follow-through less often on positive purchase intentions to buy really-new products relative to intentions to buy incrementally-new products, with the decrement growing with time. Compared to consumers of incrementally-new products, consumers of really-new products are less likely to think concretely about the circumstances of buying and using the products and are more poorly calibrated in their expectations of initial product use. The authors discuss implications for marketing of really-new products and market research on really-new products.
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A common objective of social science and business research is the modeling of the relationship between demographic/psychographic characteristics of individuals and the likelihood of certain behaviors for these same individuals. Frequently, data on actual behavior are unavailable; rather, one has available only the self-reported intentions of the individual. If the reported intentions imperfectly predict actual behavior, then any model of behavior based on the intention data should account for the associated measurement error, or else the resulting predictions will be biased. In this paper, we provide a method for analyzing intentions data that explicitly models the discrepancy between reported intention and behavior, thus facilitating a less biased assessment of the impact of designated covariates on actual behavior. The application examined here relates to modeling relationships between demographic characteristics and actual purchase behavior among consumers. A new Bayesian approach employing the Gibbs sampler is developed and compared to alternative models. We show, through simulated and real data, that, relative to methods that implicitly equate intentions and behavior, the proposed method can increase the accuracy with which purchase response models are estimated.
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Purchase intentions are routinely used to forecast sales of existing products and services. While past studies have shown that intentions are predictive of sales, they have only examined the absolute accuracy of intentions, not their accuracy relative to other forecasting methods. For example, no research has been able to demonstrate that intentions-based forecasts can improve upon a simple extrapolation of past sales trends. We examined the relative accuracy of four methods that forecast sales from intentions. We tested these methods using four data sets involving different products and time horizons; one of French automobile sales, two of US automobile sales, and one of US wireless services. For all four products and time horizons, each of the four intentions-based forecasting methods was more accurate than an extrapolation of past sales. Combinations of these forecasting methods using equal weights lead to even greater accuracy, with error rates about one-third lower than extrapolations of past sales. Thus, it appears that purchase intentions can provide better forecasts than a simple extrapolation of past sales trends. While the evidence from the current study contradicts the findings of an earlier study, the consistency of the results in our study suggest that intentions are a valuable input to sales forecasts.
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The mere measurement of a person's intention to behave has been shown to influence his or her likelihood of engaging in the behavior. The mere measurement effect has been attributed to an increased accessibility of the attitude toward the behavior. Another source of the mere measurement effect may be the redundancy in the cognitive processes used to generate the mere measurement response and the cognitive processes used to decide whether to engage in the behavior. Process redundancy creates a fluency that can be interpreted as supportive of the behavioral tendency. Across eight studies, the authors show that processing fluency also contributes to the mere measurement effect. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Two laboratory studies investigate how behavior prediction and personal norms interact to influence whether or not people repeat their past behavior. We find that asking people about their future behavior increases their likelihood of repeating past behaviors when personal norms are weak but reduces it when personal norms are strong. By identifying a new consequence of asking question about future behavior (behavior repetition) and a new moderator (personal norm strength), our results contribute to the debate regarding the relative importance of habits and intentions in guiding behavior and reconcile some seemingly contradictory past findings in mere-measurement and self-prophecy research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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We compare the incidence, timing, and profitability of repeated online grocery purchases made by a cohort of consumers whose purchase intentions were measured with those of similar consumers whose intentions were not measured. We find that measuring intentions increases the likelihood of repeat purchase incidence and shortens the time until the first repeat purchase but that these two mere-measurement effects decay rapidly after 3 mo. Still, we find persisting gains in customer profitability over time because the accelerated purchases of the first 3 mo. lead to faster subsequent purchases in the remainder of the period. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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The predictive accuracy of a widely used pre-test-market model (ASSESSOR) is analyzed. The standard deviation between pre-test-market and test-market shares is 1.99 share points before adjustments for achieved awareness, distribution, and sampling and 1.12 share points after adjustment. Sixty-three percent of those products tested passed the pre-test screen and 66% of these were subsequently successful in test market. A Bayesian decision analysis model is formulated and a "typical" case shows a positive value of information. Although some conditions are identified under which a test market may be bypassed, in the authors' opinion both pre-test and test-market procedures should be used in all but exceptional situations.
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This paper reports some further analyses and applications of Morrison's model of the predictive relationship between measures of intentions and subsequent purchasing behavior. A review of published studies bearing on the threats to predictive validity of intention scales represented in Morrison's model is presented. Findings from a test-retest study of intention ratings for concept stimuli are shown to be consistent with the levels of reliability expected under the model's assumptions of beta binomial distributed scores. Evidence of the predictive validity of intention measures is found in a re-analysis of several sets of relevant data but a different form of predictive relationship is shown to hold for generic durable goods as compared to branded packaged goods. Whereas a linear relationship is supported in the case of durable goods, the presence of a threshold phenomenon in the branded packaged goods data suggests the use of a piecewise linear model. There is reason to believe that the nature and sources of systematic error present in intentions ratings are different for these two types of purchases.
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Previous research has demonstrated that merely asking consumers purchase intent questions has a significant impact on their actual purchase incidence in the category. Our article extends this research to explore the impact of the "mere-measurement" effect at the brand level. We hypothesize that there are predictable patterns of brand-level purchase effects that depend on whether a consumer has previously made a purchase in the product category. The results demonstrate that current owners of cars are more likely to repurchase the brands they currently own when they are asked intent questions. In addition, the purchase behavior of current car owners is more consistent with their brand attitudes when they are asked intent questions. First-time car buyers, on the other hand, are more likely to purchase brands that have large market shares when asked intent questions. Finally, we discuss both the implications of these results and opportunities for future research. Copyright 1996 by the University of Chicago.
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The authors illustrate how a firm can face the challenge of forecasting consumer reaction for a really-new product. For the case of an electric vehicle, the authors describe how one firm combines managerial judgment and state-of-the-art market measurement to determine whether (1) the really-new product would be a viable business venture at its target launch date, (2) the firm should plan for improvements in technology that would reduce price and/or increase benefits enough so that the business venture would be profitable, or (3) the firm should stop development. The new market measurement system combines existing methods with a multimedia virtual-buying environment that conditions respondents for future situations, simulates user experience, and encourages consumers to actively search for information on the product. The authors comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology and summarize the lessons they have learned from this application.
82 female undergraduates were assigned to 1 of 4 experimental groups--predict-request, information-request, predict only, and request only--in which requested tasks involved writing a counterattitudinal essay or singing over the telephone. In 3 experiments, Ss overpredicted the degree to which their behavior would be socially desirable and these errors of prediction proved to be self-erasing. Having mispredicted a given behavior, Ss were likely to have these predictions confirmed in later behavior, indicating that prediction of a behavioral sequence evokes a specific cognitive representation of that sequence which is subsequently accessed. Results demonstrate the strong effects on behavior of engaging in prebehavioral cognitive work. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
The author develops a probabilistic model that converts stated purchase intents into purchase probabilities. The model allows heterogeneity between nonintenders and intenders with respect to their probability to switch to a new "true" purchase intent after the survey, thereby capturing the typical discrepancy between overall mean purchase intent and subsequent proportion of buyers (bias). When the probability to switch of intenders is larger (smaller) than that of nonintenders, the overall mean purchase intent overestimates (underestimates) the proportion of buyers. As special cases, the author derives upper and lower bounds on proportions of buyers from purchase intents data and shows the consistency of those bounds with observed behavior, except in predictable cases such as new products and business markets. However, a straightforward modification of the model deals with new product purchase forecasts.
The authors show how to incorporate actual purchase behavior data (usually from diaries) into the calculation of standard errors for making inferences about the proportion of purchasers from self-reported purchase intent. The case considered is for a single sample and two products, where interest is in the difference between the two groups in probability of purchase.
Derived and reported utility functions for members of a high school junior's family were used to predict actual college applications made the next year. The manipulations were whether or not advance deliberations were prompted before the utility measurement and whether or not subjects imagined an imminent commitment deadline. The predictions were poorer when subjects did not deliberate in advance or imagine a commitment was imminent. The reported utilities gave better predictions than the derived ones.
The author compares the information content from intention surveys with management's judgmental estimates of consumers' intentions. Results indicate that both consumer data and judgmental estimates provide management with significant incremental information.
The authors investigate whether the use of segmentation can improve the accuracy of sales forecasts based on stated purchase intent. The common current practice is to prepare a sales forecast by using purchase intent and observed historical patterns in purchase rates given level of intent. The authors show that the accuracy of sales forecasts based on purchase intent can be improved by first using certain kinds of segmentation methods to segment the panel members. The main empirical finding is that more accurate sales forecasts appear to be obtained by applying statistical segmentation methods that distinguish between dependent and independent variables (e.g., CART, discriminant analysis) than by applying simpler direct clustering approaches (e.g., a priori segmentation or K-means clustering). The results further reveal that meaningful segments are present and identifiable that vary in their subsequent purchase rates for a given level of intent. This identification has important implications for areas such as target marketing, as it indicates which customer segments will actually fulfill their intentions. One key substantive finding is that households in a (demographic/product-usage-based) segment having an a priori high propensity to purchase are also more likely to fulfill a positive intention to purchase.
Marketing research often finds weak correspondence between purchase intentions and subsequent behaviors. The author claims lack of contextually specific measures is partially responsible. Existent research supports this contention. The study reported empirically compares direct and conditional intentions as predictors of soft drink purchases. The conditional format is more predictive.
Forecasts of consumer buying trends are more frequently being based on surveys of consumers' "subjective purchase probabilities," rather than on their verbal "buying intentions." However, a planning horizon of 6 months or longer is usually employed. What happens to the speed, accuracy, and usefulness of these forecasts when the horizon is shortened to 90-day probabilities?
When respondents say they are "definitely interested" in buying a test product, do they really mean it? This study provides a partial answer.
This study used meta-analysis to quantify the relationship between intentions and behaviour in prospective studies of condom use. The effects of six moderator variables were also examined: sexual orientation, gender, sample age, time interval, intention versus expectation and condom use with ‘steady’ versus ‘casual’ partners. Literature searches revealed 28 hypotheses based on a total sample of 2532 which could be included in the review. Overall, there was a medium to strong sample-weighted average correlation between intentions and condom use (r+ = .44), and this correlation was similar to the effect sizes obtained in previous reviews. There were too few studies of gay men to permit meaningful comparison of effect sizes between homosexual versus heterosexual samples. Gender and measurement of intention did not moderate the intention-behaviour relationship. However, shorter time intervals, older samples and condom use with ‘steady’ rather than ‘casual’ partners were each associated with stronger correlations between intentions and condom use. Factors which might explain the significant effects of moderator variables are discussed and implications of the study for future research on intention-behaviour consistency are outlined.
Researchers have consistently shown that questioning people about a future behavior influences the subsequent performance of that behavior. Since its first demonstration by Sherman (1980), two groups of researchers have built parallel streams of research investigating the self‐prophecy and mere‐measurement phenomenon. Both sets of scholars have clearly demonstrated the importance of questioning as a social influence technique and have shed light on at least two of the theoretical processes underlying observed effects. In the current paper, these researchers formally adopt a common label—the question–behavior effect—for these and similar effects. After providing a review of prior work in the area, the authors detail directions for future researchers interested in joining the investigation of this unique and persuasive form of social influence.
In this article, the authors focus on the formation of intentions to quit among salespeople and the link between these intentions and subsequent quitting behavior. Building on the foundations of the recently developed judgment uncertainty and magnitude parameters (JUMP) model, which statistically and simultaneously separates the drivers of judgment magnitude from those of judgment uncertainty, the authors present a model of the formation of uncertain intentions that decomposes a stated intention into a magnitude and an uncertainty dimension. The authors then develop hypotheses regarding the impact of affective and continuance commitment and critical sales events on intention magnitude and the effect of critical sales events and role stress on intention uncertainty. Subsequently, the authors develop a threshold model of the intention-behavior link that articulates a psychological mechanism within which uncertainty-laden intentions translate into actual behavior. Empirically, results from sales force intention and turnover data provide strong support for the theorizing. In addition to identifying some drivers of intention-to-quit magnitude and uncertainty, the authors identify the crucial role of intention uncertainty in shaping both the probability and timing of subsequent behavior. Consistent with the psychological underpinnings of the threshold model, the authors find that intention uncertainty lowers the probability of intended behavior. The results regarding the timing of quitting support an uncertainty avoidance conjecture: Given a stated intention, likely quitters with greater intention uncertainty quit faster than those with lower intention uncertainty.
Services managers are dependent on forecasting purchase behavior when making resource allocation decisions. Purchase intentions are commonly used as a basis to forecast purchase behavior. This practice is, however, not without its critics. In a study of restaurant patrons, it was found that the patrons who expressed strong purchase intent and made a subsequent purchase demonstrated distinct attitudes differences when compared to those patrons who also expressed strong purchase intent but failed to make a subsequent purchase. The results suggest that the service manager could be misled, and therefore could make costly service mix mistakes, if purchase intent is used solely to model purchase behavior. Specific strategy implications are discussed.
This study concerns the implications of Peter Gollwitzer's concept of implementation intentions for Icek Ajzen's theory of planned behavior. Attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intentions were assessed before an intervention that required subjects to make implementation intentions concerning when and where they would perform breast self-examination during the next month. Behavior was assessed by self-report 1 month later. Results supported Gollwitzer's contention that goal intentions that have been supplemented by implementation intentions concerning where and when the behavior is to be performed are more likely to be enacted. Evidence suggested that implementation intentions were effective because they provided a mechanism that facilitated the retrieval of intentions in memory. Implementation intentions also reduced the capacity of past behavior to predict future behavior, suggesting that implementation intentions mimic the effect of habit in human action. Implications for applications of models of attitude-behavior relations are outlined.
Examines a study carried out on the acquisition of consumer durables by a selection of English households. Reveals the class structure of ownership, the proportion of first acquisitions and replacements, and the reasons for timing. Presents an analysis based on the returns of 548 households successfully interviewed and extensive use of tables by way of explanation. Summarises that the data gathered demonstrated the method employed and the results indicate it was worthwhile.
Researchers have largely overlooked the distinction between behavioral intention and behavioral expectation as predictors of one's own behavior. Moreover, the distinction between purely volitional behavior and behavioral goals, the latter of which may be impeded by such nonvolitional factors as lack of ability, lack of opportunity, habit, and environmental impediments, has also been blurred in the literature. Behavioral expectation is theorized to be based on a cognitive appraisal of one's behavioral intention and all other behavioral determinants of which one is aware. The present study argues and gives evidence that, although behavioral expectation and behavioral intention may have similar predictive accuracy for volitional behaviors, behavioral expectation is adequate, but behavioral intention may be inadequate for prediction of the accomplishment of behavioral goals.
Prior work has established that measuring intents can influence the likelihood of behavior. Laboratory and field experiments extend past work and show that intentions are unique memorial structures that, once accessible, have profound influences on information processing and behavior. The results consistently demonstrate that measurement influences behavior and that measuring intent has a stronger influence on behavior than measuring attitudes. In addition, the laboratory experiment shows that measuring intents influences the accessibility and extremity of related yet previously unmeasured attitudes. However, measuring attitudes did not influence previously unmeasured intents. The research furthers our understanding of measurement effects and their impact on cognitive structure and behavior, and has implications for survey methodology and public policy. In addition, the research highlights the need for additional research on how intentions are represented in memory. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Despite multiple calls for the integration of time into behavioral intent measurement, surprisingly little academic research examines timed intent measures directly. In two empirical studies, the authors estimate individual-level cumulative adoption likelihood curves - curves calibrated on self-reported adoption likelihoods for cumulative time intervals across a fixed horizon - of 478 managerial decision makers, self-predicting whether and when they will adopt a relevant technology. A hierarchical Bayes formulation allows for a heterogeneous account of the individual-level adoption likelihood curves as a function of time and common antecedents of technology adoption. A third study generalizes these results among 354 consumer decision makers and, using behavioral data collected during a two-year longitudinal study involving a subsample of 143 consumer decision makers, provides empirical evidence for the accuracy of cumulative adoption likelihood curves for predicting whether and when a technology is adopted. Cumulative adoption likelihood curves are shown to outperform two single-intent measures as well as two widely-validated intent models in predicting individual-level adoption for a fixed time period of two years. The results suggest great promise for future research on using and optimizing cumulative timed intent measures across a variety of application domains.
We demonstrate that the mere-measurement effect occurs because asking an intention question is not perceived as a persuasion attempt. In experiments 1 and 2, we show that when persuasive intent is attributed to an intention question, consumers adjust their behavior as long as they have sufficient cognitive capacity to permit conscious correction. In experiment 3 we demonstrate that this finding holds with product choice and consumption, and we find that persuasion knowledge mediates the effects. In experiment 4, we show that when respondents are educated that an intention question is a persuasive attempt, the behavioral impact of those questions is attenuated.
Surveys of consumer intentions to buy are inefficient predictors of purchase rates because they do not provide accurate estimates of mean purchase probability. This is a consequence of the fact that intentions surveys cannot detect movements in mean probability among nonintenders, who account for the bulk of actual purchases and for most of the time-series variance in purchase rates.Comparison of predictions from alternative surveys, one of subjective purchase probabilities and the other of buying intentions, indicates that purchase probabilities explain about twice as much of the cross-section variance in automobile purchase rates as buying intentions. Similar but not quite so conclusive differences are obtained from analysis of selected household durables. The probability variable predicts more accurately than the intentions variable largely because it divides nonintenders, and those who report that they “don't know” about their buying intentions, into subgroups with systematically different purchase rates.
This paper compares consumer likelihood of purchase ratings for a proposed new product to their actual purchase behavior after the product was introduced. The ratings were obtained from a mail survey a few weeks before the product was introduced. The analysis leads to a model for forecasting new product sales. The model is supported by both empirical evidence and a reasonable theoretical foundation. In addition to calibrating the relationship between questionnaire ratings and actual purchases, the empirical evidence demonstrates the significant effect of alternative promotion/distribution vehicles on new product sales. The model uses questionnaire data to extend the results of a limited market trial to alternative target markets, product specifications, and prices.
Given the importance of forecasting the performance of new products and services in the marketplace, numerous new product forecasting models have been developed over the years, both in industry and academia. This paper evaluates strengths and weaknesses of these models and outlines a research agenda to enhance their implementation and further development.
This paper compares the Conference Board's buying intentions for consumer durable goods with forecasts constructed using simple time-series extrapolation over 177 months. The results show that simple time-series extrapolations provide more accurate forecasts than the judgmental approach. Very little support is found for using buying intentions as a forecasting tool for predicting the sales of durable goods.
The present research uses a technique that permits unique estimation of both automatic and effortful processes in the question-behavior link. Results show that individuals asked to report behavioral intent (vs. those not asked) are more likely to choose options that are highly accessible and positively valenced, regardless of cognitive resources available at the time of processing. This suggests that the effect of intent questions on subsequent behavior is primarily the result of automatic, as opposed to effortful, processing. Practically, this suggests that efforts to debias this robust effect need to affect nonconscious processes and adjust for the automatic impact of being asked an intention question on respondents' behavior.
In three experiments, we examined the mere-measurement effect, wherein simply asking people about their intent to engage in a certain behavior increases the probability of their subsequently engaging in that behavior. The experiments demonstrate that manipulations that should affect the ease of mentally representing or simulating the behavior in question influence the extent of the mere-measurement phenomenon. Participants who were asked about their intention to engage in various behaviors were more likely to engage in those behaviors than participants not asked about their intentions in situations in which mentally simulating the behavior in the intention question was relatively easy. We tested this ease-of-representation hypothesis using both socially desirable and socially undesirable behaviors, and our dependent variables comprised both self-reports and actual behaviors. Our findings have implications for survey research in various social contexts, including assessments of risky behaviors by public health organizations.
Purchase intention and willingness-to-pay (WTP) questions are often analyzed without considering that a respondent's utility maximizing answer need not correspond to a truthful answer. In this paper, we argue that individuals act, at least partially, in their own self-interest when answering survey questions. Consumers are conceptualized as thinking along two strategic dimensions when asked hypothetical purchase intention and WTP questions: (a) whether their response will influence the future price of a product and (b) whether their response will influence whether a product will actually be offered. Results provide initial evidence that strategic behavior may exist for some goods and some people. Copyright Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007
In surveys individuals are routinely asked to predict their future behavior, that is, to state their intentions. This article studies the relationship between stated intentions and subsequent behavior under the “best-case” hypothesis that individuals have rational expectations and that their responses to intentions questions are best predictions of their future behavior. The objective is to place an upper bound on the behavioral information contained in intentions data and to determine whether prevailing approaches to the analysis of intentions data respect the bound. The analysis focuses on the simplest form of intentions questions, those that call for yes/no predictions of binary outcomes. The article also discusses “forced-choice” questions, which are distinct from, but are sometimes confused with, intentions questions. A primary lesson is that not too much should be expected of intentions data. It is shown that intentions data bound but do not identify the probability that a person will behave in a given way. The derived bounds are nonparametrically estimable and may be used to test the best-case hypothesis. Contrary to assertions in the literature, there is no reason to think that individual-level differences between intentions and behavior should “average out” in the aggregate.