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Biophotons- The Light in Our Cells.

  • Institute for Future Science & Medicine
... According to Van Wijk et al. [96], there are significant correlations between the fluctuations in biophoton emission and fluctuations in the strength of electrical alpha wave production in the brain. Some unpublished observations suggest that the state of the biophoton field of a person may be connected to the state of the brain as measured by the EEG (e.g., degree of synchronization and coherence) [9]. Certain meditative states characterized by a high degree of coherence in the EEG may well be accompanied by a high degree of coherence in the biophoton field [9], although measurements correlating the coherence of the biophoton field and the EEG readings have not been made yet. ...
... Some unpublished observations suggest that the state of the biophoton field of a person may be connected to the state of the brain as measured by the EEG (e.g., degree of synchronization and coherence) [9]. Certain meditative states characterized by a high degree of coherence in the EEG may well be accompanied by a high degree of coherence in the biophoton field [9], although measurements correlating the coherence of the biophoton field and the EEG readings have not been made yet. ...
... During natural metabolic processes taking place in diverse living organism, permanent and spontaneous ultraweak biophoton emission has been observed without any external excitation [1,9,29,36,37,49,50,54,66,70,77,83,89,96,97,107]. The emergence of biophotons is due to the bioluminescent radical and non-radical reactions of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS), and involves simple cessation of excited states [52,61,102]. ...
In this paper we argue that, in addition to electrical and chemical signals propagating in the neurons of the brain, signal propagation takes place in the form of biophoton production. This statement is supported by recent experimental confirmation of photon guiding properties of a single neuron. We have investigated the interaction of mitochondrial biophotons with microtubules from a quantum mechanical point of view. Our theoretical analysis indicates that the interaction of biophotons and microtubules causes transitions/fluctuations of microtubules between coherent and incoherent states. A significant relationship between the fluctuation function of microtubules and alpha-EEG diagrams is elaborated on in this paper. We argue that the role of biophotons in the brain merits special attention.
... In contrast, BI in healthcare is a functional, non-computer-based biosensing technology of the coherent, biogenic, optogenetic bioinformation system of the human body [4][5][6][7]. Various technologies have been developed that have advanced BI testing; possibly the most advanced is Biospectral Emission Sequence Testing (BES), a technology that enables the practitioner to access the electromagnetic signatures (EMS) emitted by DNA and the human organizing principles for the purpose of precision, real-time, adjunctive diagnostics and treatment selections that work in harmony with the natural structure and function of the body. ...
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The many advancements in medical technology of the last century have continually sought to improve the sensitivity of testing and the specificity of treatment of human maladies. Conventional physical and pharmaceutical treatment is largely an imprecise process, stimulating the impetus for the advancement of machine learning-enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) medical technologies. Biospectral Emission Sequencing (BES) is a bioregulatory intelligence (BI) technology already in use as an adjunct to conventional testing. Biospectral Emission Sequencing provides a functional system of dynamic real-time adjunctive testing and treatment selection. This paper discusses the parallel technologies of present and future AI and BI technologies in medicine.
... По данным [34], существует корреляция между ко лебаниями излучения биофотонов и колебаниями амплитуды альфа-ритма. Считается, что состояние биофотонного поля человека может быть связано с состоянием мозга, характеризуемым электроэнце фалограммой (ЭЭГ) (например, степенью синхронизации и когерентности), хотя исследования, досто верно подтверждающие согласованность биофотонного поля и показаний ЭЭГ, пока не проведены [35]. ...
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Widespread in nature ability of biological objects to emit photons (biophotons) made it possible to create devices for non-invasive and continuous monitoring of the metabolism of organs and tissues, used as a powerful clinical diagnostic tool, as well as for visualisation and spatio-temporal analysis of functioning organs and, in particular, the brain. Numerous experimental data indicating the participation of biophotons in the processes of inter- and intracellular communication served as a theoretical basis for the medical use of low-intensity light therapy for the effective treatment of a wide range of diseases, including delayed wound healing, pain in arthritis, and acute stroke.
... These electromagnetic radiations span from the ULF range of less than 30 Hz, up through the visible light spectrum, and continue past the ultraviolet range up to approximately 1015 Hz. Although not usually visible to the naked eye, the light can be reliably measured using photomultipliers (Bischof, 2005;Popp, Gu, & Li, 1994). ...
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The lack of an identified mechanism of action for the placebo response contributes to its perception as clinically unimportant in Western medicine and minimizes its value as a contributing factor to the effectiveness of both conventional and alternative medical treatments. The therapeutic ritual is one of the principle contributors to the placebo response. Two key elements predicting salutogenic outcomes in both the placebo response and therapeutic ritual are patient meaning making and the patient/healer relationship. A detailed examination of human biofield dynamics shows its role in storing, communicating, and regulating the flow of information associated with healing in Western and non-Western medical models. The human biofield is particularly responsive to psychospiritual inputs, which may provide a model explaining the mechanism of action for these otherwise anomalous healing responses. Transpersonal studies provide methodological tools suitable to addressing the multiple paradigms found to be effective within the placebo response and therapeutic rituals, leading to the possible development of a transpersonal medicine.
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The general ideas of \blockquote{TGD and EEG} are discussed in the first part of the book so that it is enough to explain the organization of \blockquote{TGD and EEG: Part II}. The book contains parts. \begin{enumerate} \item The first part represents chapters devoted to TGD inspired models for hearing, music experience, and language. Also included are two chapters about the notion of bioharmony which started as a model of musical harmony based on the properties of icosahedron and tetrahedron. Surprisingly, the model led to successful models for the genetic code. Gene would be analog of a music piece consisting of N codons represented as 3-chords of light. This led to an identification of the bioharmony for the "music of light" as a correlate for emotions. Bio-communications between genes can be seen as music based on 3N-cyclotron resonances for dark genes with N codons of dark gene generating dark 3N-photon. The latest discovery was that the bioharmony corresponds to the so-called icosa-tetrahedral tessellation of hyperbolic 3-space playing a central role in TGD. In many respects this tessellation is completely unique, and this could make s genetic code a universal way to represent information using 6-bit sequence as a basic unit. \item The second part contains topics related to the arrow of time in neuroscience. A vision that sensory perception and motor action represent time reversals of each other in zero energy ontology (ZEO) is introduced. Also the notion of quantum statistical brain is discussed. \end{enumerate} \item The second part contains topics related to the arrow of time in neuroscience. A vision that sensory perception and motor action represent time reversals of each other in zero energy ontology (ZEO) is introduced. Also the notion of quantum statistical brain is discussed. \end{enumerate}
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El bienestar es un tema de gran relevancia por ser un asunto humano de importancia central para la calidad de vida de las personas. Abarca muy diversas dimensiones de la vida humana que, sumadas, logran brindar bienestar integral a todo individuo; entre ellas podemos ubicar la dimensión afectiva que, es posible considerarla incluida en diversos conceptos acuñados desde diferentes ámbitos de estudio –como el denominado “bienestar mental” (ámbito de la medicina), el “bienestar subjetivo” (ámbito de la sociología) o el “bienestar psicológico” (ámbito de la psicología). La afectividad conjunta emociones, sentimientos y pasiones de una persona. Se trata de constructos que pertenecen a la naturaleza innata del ser humano, que son fundamentales; al ser parte necesaria e inseparable de la cognición que influye en la percepción, en el aprendizaje, la salud, la comunicación y aun en la toma de decisiones –de forma racional–. Sin embargo, por mucho tiempo y todavía en la actualidad, no se le ha dado toda la importancia que tiene. En nuestro mundo contemporáneo, solamente hasta poco antes del final del siglo XX, al fin se ha empezado a tomar conciencia de que nuestro estado emocional determina cómo vivimos y, por lo tanto, nuestro bienestar. En este marco, nace este libro con el objetivo de plantear la presencia y relevancia de la dimensión afectiva para fomentar bienestar integral en las personas a través del diseño. El texto surge del trabajo permanente de reflexión y discusión de la Red Académica de Diseño y Emociones (RADE) integrada por académicos que, desde diversas instituciones a nivel superior ubicadas alrededor del mundo, desarrollamos nuestra labor de investigación precisamente en relación con el tema “diseño y emoción”. El presente libro representa el tercer texto de la RADE, convocado en esta ocasión por la inquietud académica de llevar a cabo una exploración-reflexión sobre cuáles pueden ser las aportaciones de la perspectiva emocional del diseño para fomentar y contribuir al bienestar de las personas a largo plazo, y de manera significativa para los individuos y la sociedad. Así, se pretende aportar a la discusión teórica que guía la actividad proyectual en la disciplina del Diseño.
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Besides general problems, which might be regarded as philosophical, the anomalies of the physicalistic world view have served as the source of inspiration. Several poorly understood phenomena have played a central role in the "Poiroting-like" process leading to the development of TGD based views about quantum biology. Mention only the effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain, biophotons, water memory, Pollack effect, and Comorosan effect. The notion of syntropy by Fantappie, which challenges the belief that the arrow of time is not always the same in living systems, has been also inspiring. In this article I will discuss the TGD based vision and the above listed phenomena, which are often forgotten. I will also compare the TGD based view with the proposed interpretation of morphogenetic field as em field generated by DNA and realizing genetic code discussed in the articles of Savelev et al, and compare it with the TGD based models of genetic code realized in terms of dark nucleons and dark photons. The findings described in these articles and in the articles of Yolene Thomas about water memory also provide new tests for the TGD based view. As always, this kind of process led to some new ideas and insights.
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