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Abstract and Figures

A variety of instruments have been developed to assess different dimensions of playing videogames and its effects on cognitions, affect, and behaviors. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale (GTPS) that assesses non-volitional phenomena experienced after playing videogames (i.e., altered perceptions, automatic mental processes, and involuntary behaviors). A total of 1,736 gamers participated in an online survey used as the basis for the analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to confirm the factorial structure of the GTPS. The five-factor structure using the 20 indicators based on the analysis of gamers’ self-reports fitted the data well. Population cross-validity was also achieved and the positive associations between the session length and overall scores indicate the GTPS warranted criterion-related validity. Although the understanding of GTP is still in its infancy, the GTPS appears to be a valid and reliable instrument for assessing non-volitional gaming-related phenomena. The GTPS can be used for understanding the phenomenology of post-effects of playing videogames. It can also be used in conjunction with diagnostic criteria for measuring problematic gaming and gaming addiction.
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Published as: Ortiz de Gortari, A.B., Pontes, H.M. & Griffiths, M.D. (2015). The Game
Transfer Phenomena Scale: An instrument for investigating the non-volitional effects of
video game playing. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 18, 588-594.
A variety of instruments have been developed to assess different dimensions of playing
videogames and its effects on cognitions, affect, and behaviors. The present study examined
the psychometric properties of the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale (GTPS) that assesses
non-volitional phenomena experienced after playing videogames (i.e., altered perceptions,
automatic mental processes, and involuntary behaviors). A total of 1,736 gamers participated
in an online survey used as the basis for the analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was
performed to confirm the factorial structure of the GTPS. The five-factor structure using the
20 indicators based on the analysis of gamers’ self-reports fitted the data well. Population
cross-validity was also achieved and the positive associations between the session length and
overall scores indicate the GTPS warranted criterion-related validity. Although the
understanding of GTP is still in its infancy, the GTPS appears to be a valid and reliable
instrument for assessing non-volitional gaming-related phenomena. The GTPS can be used
for understanding the phenomenology of post-effects of playing videogames.
Keywords: Game Transfer Phenomena, videogame post-effects, non-volitional phenomena,
gaming assessment, confirmatory factor analysis
The proliferation of videogames has resulted in an increased interest in investigating
their effects1. A variety of standardized assessment tools for measuring different dimensions
of playing videogames have been developed.1-3 Current assessment tools can be categorized
into two broad types. Firstly, there are instruments that assess in-game behaviors and
phenomena experienced while gaming. For example, scales for assessing subjective sense of
presence4, dispositional flow5, game engagement6, cyber-sickness or simulator sickness
malaise (e.g., fatigue, headache, eyestrain, etc.)7, 8, motivations for playing3, 9-11, character
attachment12, and identification with avatars13. Secondly, there are instruments or tasks that
have been developed to better understand the psychosocial effects of gaming. These have
either focused on examining dysfunctional gaming involvement employing modified
diagnostic criteria for gambling, substance-induced disorders, and more recently Internet
gaming disorder to measure gaming addiction1, 14-17 or have been to explain the cognitive,
affective or behavioral effects of playing violent videogames.
Some of the better known are the homonymous decision task that assesses risk-related
cognitions by completing a list of words18, and the Taylor Competitive Reaction Time task
that assesses the level of hostility based on the intensity of the punishment provided to an
opponent (e.g., aversive noise blasts, making them eat spicy sauce)19, 20. Measures and
behavioral tests of aggression have been criticized for the way the results have been
interpreted and their lack of external validity21-23, although some evidence supports the
generalization of the results to real-world aggression24. Furthermore, the influence of
unrealistic depictions of real world in media on the perception of the real world have been
assessed25. Cultivation effects (i.e., generalized influence on estimates of the probability of
events, and judgments that reflect beliefs) have only been found in direct relation to
videogame content. In light of the debate about videogame playing and its potential effects on
gamers, it is important to develop new psychometrically sound assessment tools for
examining the direct outcomes of playing videogames, thus facilitating the examination of
causal effects.
Research into Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) a multimodal research approach
for investigating the transfer of videogame experiences into the real world by examining
altered perceptions, spontaneous mental processes, and behaviors and actions experienced
mostly after stopping playing26 suggests that the effects of videogames tend to be directly
related to the content and experiences in the videogame27-31. The GTP research approach has
explored the relationship between videogame structural characteristics (e.g., visual or aural
features) and in-game activities directly related to gamers’ transfer of experiences. The GTP
framework makes distinction between the inner and outer manifestation of non-volitional
phenomena, and whether they are interpreted as self-generated or not (e.g., inner-speech,
auditory hallucinations), and if they occurred voluntarily or involuntarily (e.g., deliberate use
of videogame slang for amusement, involuntary verbal outbursts). GTP are divided in three
main modalities: altered perceptions, automatic mental processes, and behaviors and
Altered perceptions are understood as perceptions and/or sensations related to the
videogame when not playing and can take place in all the sensory modalities, across
modalities or be multisensory. Altered perceptions related to playing videogames have been
identified in the following dimensions27-32:
Altered visual perceptions include mind visualizations, pseudo-hallucinatory
experiences (e.g., seeing game icons above people’s heads), visual adaptations (e.g.,
perceiving objects or environments distorted), and visual misperceptions (e.g.,
confuse physical objects with those in the game)28, 31.
Body and other altered perceptions experiences include prioperception (e.g.,
sensations of body or limb movement), tactile perception (e.g., pushing buttons of
gamepad) and cronoceptive perception (e.g., feeling time slow down)28.
Altered auditory perceptions include auditory involuntary imagery (e.g., hearing
auditory cues in the head), auditory hallucinations (e.g., hearing sounds coming from
objects), inner-speech (e.g., hearing one’s own thoughts preserving features from
videogame character’s voices), and auditory misperceptions (e.g., confusing physical
sounds with those from the game)29.
Automatic mental processes manifest as thoughts, urges, and automatic mental
actions. These range from thoughts about the game (e.g., thinking continuously about the
game) to cognitive biases (e.g., experiencing attention bias toward game-related cues,
jumping to conclusions bias), and source monitoring errors (e.g., confusing what an in-game
character said with what a person said)27, 31, 32.
Behaviors and actions can range from experiencing involuntary motor activations
(e.g., involuntary movements of limbs) to performing actions inspired by the videogame or
changes in behavior influenced by the videogame (e.g., avoiding specific places, mimicking
videogame characters, having verbal outburst)27, 31, 32.
Given the aforementioned theoretical underpinnings of GTP, the aim of the present
study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale
(GTPS), the first ever theory-driven scale developed for measuring non-volitional phenomena
such as altered perceptions (i.e., visual, bodily, and auditory), automatic mental processes,
and behaviors and actions experienced after playing videogames and understanding the
underlying mechanisms of videogame effects.
Participants and Procedure
A total of 1,736 gamers were recruited online and split into two groups for the
purposes of factor analysis (i.e., Sample 1 [S1], n = 1,078; Sample 2 [S2], n = 658) using
opportunity sampling and an online survey methodology. Participants were recruited via
online gaming forums, Facebook, and groups. Ethical approval for the study was
granted by the research team’s University Ethics Committee.
Socio-demographics: The survey included questions regarding participants’ gender, age, and
Gaming profile: Included questions about typical videogame session length and frequency of
videogame playing, as well as gamer type (i.e., newbie, causal, hard-core, or professional).
Game Transfer Phenomena Scale (GTPS): The GTPS included 20 items comprising five
different dimensions: altered visual perceptions, altered body perceptions, altered auditory
perceptions, automatic mental processes, and behaviors and actions. These were derived
based on a theoretical framework concerning GTP developed from previous analyses of over
1,600 gamers’ self-reports26-31. The participants’ responses are rated on a 5-point Likert scale:
1 (“never”), 2 (“once”), 3 (“sometimes”), 4 (“many times”), or 5 (“all the time”). Examples
of items included: “seen videogame images with eyes open when not playing”, “experienced
bodily sensations of movement as in a videogame”, “heard game music when not playing”,
“wanted or felt the urge to do something in real life after seeing something that reminded of
the videogame”, “acted differently in real life situation because an experience in a
videogame” (The final version of the GTPS can be obtained by contacting the first author).
The following modalities were assessed in the GTPS via five first-order latent variables:
The altered perceptions modality assesses (i) visual experiences (visualizing or seeing
images, visual pseudo-hallucinations, distorted perceptions and misperceptions of physical
objects and environments), (ii) auditory experiences (auditory involuntary imagery,
auditory/verbal hallucinations or inner-speech and auditory misperceptions, and (iii) body-
related experiences (motion sickness, tactile hallucinations, other body-related altered
perceptions/sensations, and altered perception of time). The mental processes modality
assesses automatic mental processes such as (i) perseverative mental actions after playing, (ii)
thoughts and urges either about wanting to use videogame elements in a real life context or
performing something from the game in physical contexts, and (iii) source monitoring errors
between videogame and real life events. The behaviors and actions modality assesses (i)
involuntary movements of limbs elicited by automatic associations, (ii) verbal outbursts, (iii)
performing behaviors influenced by a videogame, and (iv) change of behavior due to
previous videogame experiences.
Statistical Analysis and Analytical Strategy
Statistical analysis comprised (i) descriptive statistics of the main sample’s
characteristics and (ii) a psychometric examination of the GTPS. In order to assess the scale’s
psychometric properties, validity (i.e., construct, criterion-related, and population cross-
validity) and reliability (i.e., internal consistency and factor determinacy) were scrutinized.
Moreover, construct validity was investigated by performing a confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA) on the GTPS in S1; criterion-related validity was assessed by examining the
bootstrapped correlation coefficients with Bias-corrected accelerated 95% confidence
intervals (i.e., Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients) between the GTPS overall
scores and participants’ self-reported videogame session length across both samples; and
population cross-validity was further investigated by performing an additional CFA for
replication purposes on S2. Finally, reliability analysis comprised an in-depth examination of
the Cronbach’s alpha of the GTPS instrument as a whole and also across the five subscales in
both samples, while factor score determinacies for each latent variable were also computed.
All the aforementioned analyses were performed on both MPLUS 7.233 and IBM SPSS
Statistics Version 2034
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 summarizes the samples’ main socio-demographic characteristics. Most
participants were male (92.7% in S1 and 80.9% in S2) and were aged ‘between 18 to 22
years’ (52.9% in S1 and 42.1% in S2). Additionally, most participants reported being a
‘student’ (54.8% in S1 and 38.8% in S2). In regards to participants’ gaming-related habits
and behaviors, the majority were ‘hardcore’ players (65% in S1 and 55.8% in S2), played
videogames mostly ‘between 3 to 6 hours’ (41.2% S1 and 43.2% S2) and reported a weekly
gaming frequency of ‘2 to 4 days a week’ (42.6% in S1 and 28.3% in S2). However, in S2,
40.3% (n = 265) reported playing videogames ‘everyday’ (see Table 1).
Construct Validity
In order to address the construct validity of the GTPS and also further verify the
suitability of the five theoretical factors proposed, a CFA with maximum likelihood with
robust standard errors estimation method (MLR) was performed on S1 (n = 1.078) on the 20
GTPS indicators. Because there is no consensus on the fit indices for evaluating structural
equation modelssee 35, 36, 37, the goodness of fit was based on several fit indices using the
following thresholds: χ2/df [1;4], Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)
[.05;.08], RMSEA 90% confidence interval with its lower limit close to 0 and the upper limit
below .08, p-close > .05, Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) [.05;.08],
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and Tucker-Lewis Fit Index (TLI) [.90;.95]. In light of the
aforementioned assumptions, all 20 indicators were entered into a five first-order factorial
solution (see Figure 1). As a result, the analysis of the first-order five factors model provided
an acceptable model fit for the GTPS with acceptable item loadings (i.e., .50). More
specifically, χ2[160] = 628.4, χ2/df = 3.9; RMSEA = .052 (90% CI: [.048–.056]), p-close =
.203; SRMR = .040, CFI = .94; TLI = .93 (see Table 2 and Figure 1).
Criterion-related Validity
Recent empirical findings suggested that GTP experiences are heightened by greater
videogame session length38. Therefore, an observed positive association between
participants’ session length and the overall score obtained in the GTPS would be indicative of
the scale’s criterion-related validity since these variables are expected to co-vary both at the
theoretical and empirical level. As shown in Table 3, positive statistically significant
associations between videogame session length and the overall GTP scores were found both
in S1 and S2 (see Table 3).
Population Cross-validity
Population cross-validity was assessed by examining if the results obtained in one
sample (i.e., S1) of a population could also be replicated in another sample (i.e., S2) drawn
from the same populatione.g., 39, 40. Therefore, in order to obtain evidence for population
cross-validity, a second CFA was performed on another sample recruited from the same
population (i.e., S2, n = 658) to test the initially underlying conceptual assumptions (i.e.,
first-order model with five latent variables) verified in the first CFA. Moreover, the results
obtained in S2 (χ2 [160] = 492.7, χ2/df = 3.1; RMSEA = .056, 90% CI: [.051–.062]; p-close =
.140; SRMR = .047; CFI = .93; TLI = .92) were highly consistent and comparable with the
results previously found in S1, providing further empirical evidence that the five-factor
model fits the data well, thus warranting population cross-validity.
As shown in Table 4, the GTPS internal consistency as measured by the Cronbach’s
alpha was satisfactory (i.e., .60) at several levels. In most occasions, internal consistency
could not be improved by excluding any items and inter-item correlations were relatively
high (i.e., .30) in general. In regards to the GTPS factor determinacy, this coefficient
reflects the degree of the correlation among the indicators and their respective factors, with
values of .80 being indicative of a strong correlation33, 41, 42. Accordingly, factor
determinacies in the present study ranged from .93 (i.e., Factor 1) to .95 (i.e., Factor 3) (see
Table 2), further supporting the GTPS reliability (see Table 4).
The purpose of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the
first ever instrument developed for measuring non-volitional phenomena (i.e., altered visual
perceptions, body and other altered perceptions, altered auditory perceptions, automatic
mental processes, and behaviors and actions) related to videogame playing. Accordingly, the
first-order model including the five dimensions proposed for the GTPS was confirmed given
the results obtained from the CFA in both samples yielded acceptable fit indices and factor
loadings. Additionally, the validity of the GTPS at the construct, criterion-related, and
population cross-validity level was warranted and its internal consistency was adequate.
As suggested by previous research43, game-biased perceptions and associations with
videogame content comprise physical objects (i.e., gaming memories triggered by objects or
people), sounds and music (i.e., gaming memories triggered by auditory cues or cravings for
playing), vocabulary and expressions (i.e., use of slang, abbreviations and expressions from a
game), daydreams (i.e., fantasies and thoughts with game contents that pop up), and night
dreams (i.e., dreams about the game or insertion of videogame elements into dreams). In the
present study, the five dimensions of the GTPS were found to be comparable to a certain
degree to those related to the concept of game-biased perceptions. Studies examining GTP
have demonstrated that game-related cues not simply elicit memories of the game but they
also trigger for example altered perceptions (e.g., seeing menus while in a conversation
because gamers expect to see them as in the game)26, 28.!
The present findings relating to the GTPS are still preliminary in nature and therefore
additional rigorous psychometric testing of the GTPS is paramount. A first descriptive
analysis using the GTPS showed very high prevalence of GTP (97%) when using the criteria
to endorse at least one of the 20 GTPS items, and most participants endorsed six to ten
different types of GTP (95%)44. When interpreting the GTPS’ scores it is recommended that
researchers take into consideration the frequency of the number of GTP experiences for
assessing the level of GTP strength, as well as correlating with variables that assess distress
or impairment in areas of functioning for understanding the effects of videogames. In
addition, the prevalence of GTP should be investigated using more representative samples of
GTP appear to be a temporal and are relatively common phenomena among gamers.
Analysis of gamers’ self-reports has shown that gamers can perceive GTP as something both
positive and/or negative.26-29 In a survey of over 2,300 gamers, GTP were perceived as more
pleasant than unpleasant and some gamers even wanted the experiences to re-occur.
However, one in five (20%) reported that they had experienced distress and/or impairment in
important areas of functioning at some point as a consequence of GTP. It has been suggested
that the content of the game, the frequency of GTP and the circumstances where GTP were
experienced play a role in the consequences of GTP26,44. Further research should be
undertaken to better understand why some gamers experience distress due to GTP
experiences while others do not”. Moreover, the majority of the gamers surveyed that
reported having experienced GTP, were from a non-clinical population and had never used
drugs38 (or were under the influence of them) when GTP occurred44 . However, GTP have
been significantly associated with medical conditions, and a small number of those that have
experienced GTP (3.5%) consider they are problem gamers or suffer from gaming
addiction38. Gamers that have experienced GTP reported playing excessively but playing
excessively is not a requisite for experiencing GTP. Future studies should assess the
associations between GTP as measured by the GTPS and other measurable gaming-related
phenomena (e.g., immersion, game engagement, gaming addiction, etc.).
Limitations: The present study has a number of limitations. Currently, there are no similar
measures to further assess the GTPS validity (e.g., concurrent validity). Additionally, it is
necessary to ascertain the invariance of GTPS to determine if its psychometric properties
hold across both genders and different cultural contexts. Only one indicator was used to
assess criterion validity (i.e., length of gaming session). However, this is the only factor that
has been consistently been found to be associated with GTP in previously published
empirical studies. Further criterion testing could be done once other associated factors found
in future empirical GTP studies have been carried out. The present study was based on
retrospective self-report data and is therefore prone to well know biases (e.g., recall bias,
social desirability bias). Future studies could perhaps assess to what extent GTP experiences
may be related to normal or abnormal functioning and gaming-related behaviors. The
development of the GTPS provides a psychometric framework for further exploratory and
empirical research into GTP and associated behaviors.
Conclusion: The findings of the present study demonstrate that GTP as measured by the
GTPS represents a validly and reliably approach at several levels. The GTPS is the first
instrument developed that assesses a broad variety of post-play gaming-related sensorial
perceptions, cognitions, and behaviors. The GTPS may be an additional useful instrument to
use in studies examining the underlying mechanism of problematic gaming or gaming
addiction, and may help to differentiate between non-volitional phenomena induced by
gaming and symptoms of psychopathology.
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Table 1.
Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Sample 1 and Sample 2
Gender (male, n, %)
Age group (n, %)
18 to 22 years
23 to 27 years
28 to 32 years
33 to 38 years
39 to 43 years
44 to 48 years
49 to 53 years
54 or older
Occupational status (n, %)
Full-time employment
Part-time employment
Disabled to work
Other occupations
Self-reported type of player (n, %)
Average videogame session length (n, %)
Less than 1 hour
1 to 2:59 hours
3 to 5:59 hours
6 to 7:59 hours
More than 8 hours
Video gaming weekly frequency (n, %)
Less than once
2 to 4
5 to 6
Table 2.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the 20 items of the Game
Transfer Phenomena Scalea.
Factor 2
Factor 3
Factor 4
Factor 5
Correlation Between Factors
Further Psychometric Information
Factor determinacies
Note: All factor loadings are significant at least at p < .0001. Factor 1: altered
visual perceptions; Factor 2: altered body perceptions; Factor 3: Altered auditory
perceptions; Factor 4: Automatic mental processes; Factor 5: Actions and
a: Instructions: Have you ever experienced any of the following: visual GTP,
body sensation GTP, auditory GTP, automatic GTP, behavior GTP.
b: Item wording was omitted for the sake of clarity. The final version of the GTPS
can be obtained upon author’s request.
Table 3.
Bootstrapped1 correlation matrix with bias-corrected accelerated 95% confidence interval
between GTPS overall scores and videogame session length (VSL)
GTPS Overall Scores
BCa 95% CI
1. Bootstrap results are based on 10,000 bootstrap samples
* Correlation is significant at .01
Table 4.
Reliability analysis of the GTPS across Sample 1 (n = 1,078) and Sample 2 (n = 658)
Internal Consistency (α)1
1: The Cronbach’s alpha provided relates to all 20 GTPS items (i.e., whole scale).
Notes: Cronbach’s alpha could not be improved upon exclusion of any item on most
occasions. Factor 1: Altered visual perceptions; Factor 2: Altered body perceptions; Factor
3: Altered auditory perceptions; Factor 4: Automatic mental processes; Factor 5: Actions
and Behaviors.
... In recent years, the debate about the potential negative effects of playing video games has become central due to the acknowledgment of internet gaming disorder (IGD) in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5-TR; APA, 2022, and its inclusion, as a formal disorder, in the 11 th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019). Symptoms of IGD include neglecting interpersonal relationships, deceiving family members, and jeopardising job and school performance (Pontes & Griffiths, 2015). ...
... Several studies with different samples of players from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds (N >7,000) have reported that at least 95% of gamers acknowledged experiencing an instance of GTP of any kind at least once in the past 12 months (Ortiz de Gortari, 2019; Ortiz de Gortari & Diseth, 2022;Ortiz de Gortari & Panagiotidi, 2023), with lower prevalence reported in only two studies (75.3% in Cudo et al., 2022 and82% in Ortiz de Gortari, 2017). Despite the high prevalence of GTP, most players tend to score low to medium on the GTP-20 scale (Ortiz De Gortari, Pontes, & Griffiths, 2015). The highest scores are typically found on the automatic thoughts and auditory subscales, intermediate scores on the altered perceptions subscales and the lowest scores on the automatic behaviours and actions subscale (Ortiz de Gortari, Oldfield & Griffiths, 2016;Ortiz de Gortari & Griffiths 2017;Ortiz de Gortari & Panagiotidi, 2023). ...
... The short form of IGD contains 9-items (Pontes & Griffiths, 2015), and is used to evaluate nine criteria for the IGD suggested by the American Psychiatric Association. It has been found to be valid across different cultures and is highly suitable for measuring IGD. ...
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Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) refer to the involuntary transfer of video game experiences into the real world, which can manifest as altered sensory perceptions, automatic thoughts, and behaviors. This study aimed to examine whether GTP shares characteristics with other spontaneous cognitive phenomena, such as daydreaming and mind-pops. Additionally, it explored schizotypal traits and working memory capacity, which have been linked to involuntary cognitions, as well as game-related variables (e.g., Internet Gaming Disorder [IGD]), psychological distress, and impulsivity as potential predictors of GTP. A total of 352 players (Mage = 25.38, SD = 5.90; 76% male) participated by completing online questionnaires and working memory tasks. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that GTP was significantly predicted by IGD, positive schizotypy, daydreaming, mind-popping, anxiety, and motor impulsivity. Further mediation analysis showed that positive schizotypy and mind-popping partially mediated the relationship between IGD and GTP. These findings highlight the relevance of psychopathological traits and the frequency of involuntary cognitions in predicting GTP susceptibility. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of GTP and suggests that it may belong to a broader category of involuntary cognitive phenomena.
... Qualitative researchers argue that gaming experiences can provide immersive scenarios that parallel real-life situations, facilitating the acquisition of specific content knowledge. Ortiz de Gortari et al. (2015) coined the term "Game Transfer Phenomena" (GTP) to describe how gamers associate elements from games with real-life situations, influencing thoughts, sensations, and actions applicable in personal, academic, or professional domains. This phenomenon: "Tetris Effect" extends to expand communicative competence as well. ...
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This research aims to study the psycho-social impact of video games on K12 students. For this, a probabilistic topic modelling analysis method based on text mining approach has been performed. This process is based on nodes’ connectivity and it has been developed through K Means approach; by launching the Jenks-Breaks algorithm. The sex differences are calculated according to a nonlinear dynamics approach based on Hurst exponent and multifractal function and the influence of time with the application of the Sobel test. The results show which are the most used video games by K12 and their psycho-social impact on students based on four categories: (1) boredom and sadness, (2) happiness and socialization, (3) immersion, and (4) families' conflicts. There are significant differences between boys and girls depending on the games they use, a factor that increases when playing more than two hours a day. For boys, games like FIFA and Fortnite produce higher levels of immersion and family conflict, while for girls, games are perceived as sources of greater happiness and a means to reinforce friendship and camaraderie, particularly with games like Brawl Stars, Rocket League, and PKXD.
... A total of 244 students enrolled in esports programs at Swedish high schools answered a survey Most were male (mean age = 16.72 years, SD = 0.841). Scales used: The problematic online gaming questionnaire (Pápay et al., 2013), the Internet gaming cognition scale (King & Delfabbro, 2014) (i.e., gaming perfectionism [GPerf]: e.g., not satisfied until having done everything in the game; gaming emotion regulation [GEmot]: counting on videogames to feel better), and the GTP scale (Ortiz de Gortari, et al., 2015). ...
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Past esports books focus on specific areas of esports (e.g., esports medicine, esports business/management, esports history, collegiate esports, etc.). A reference source is lacking in the literature that provides a broad overview of esports. The editors on this panel propose to address this gap with the creation of a wide-reaching, interdisciplinary Handbook of Esports, intended for publication with a well-established global publisher. The purpose of this interactive panel discussion is for the editors of the proposed Handbook of Esports to receive feedback on this project’s content outline, to discuss the expectations for chapter structure and style, and to solicit interest from the Esports Research Network (ERN) membership and conference attendees who would like to be considered for writing, co-writing, or peer reviewing chapters. Planned as an overall reference text, the objectives of the Handbook of Esports are for readers to be able to: 1) Describe a global overview of esports, 2) Utilize the handbook as an all encompassing esports reference tool, 3) Understand the interdisciplinary nature of esports, 4) Evaluate the current issues surrounding the esports ecosystem, and 5) Immediately implement practical evidence-based strategies and recommendations regarding a plethora of areas relating to esports.
... A total of 244 students enrolled in esports programs at Swedish high schools answered a survey Most were male (mean age = 16.72 years, SD = 0.841). Scales used: The problematic online gaming questionnaire (Pápay et al., 2013), the Internet gaming cognition scale (King & Delfabbro, 2014) (i.e., gaming perfectionism [GPerf]: e.g., not satisfied until having done everything in the game; gaming emotion regulation [GEmot]: counting on videogames to feel better), and the GTP scale (Ortiz de Gortari, et al., 2015). ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the pandemic’s economic impact on the esports industry, taking into account varying types of stakeholders (i.e., primary esports activities performed, legal status, business size), using France as a case example. Guiding research questions included: What were the economic consequences of the pandemic upon the esports market? Did the additional media exposure that esports received during the prime pandemic period (i.e., March 2020 to February 2021) have a positive effect upon esports market revenue? Has the pandemic had the same or varied impact on the different types of esports stakeholders, based upon their activities, legal status, or size?
... A total of 244 students enrolled in esports programs at Swedish high schools answered a survey Most were male (mean age = 16.72 years, SD = 0.841). Scales used: The problematic online gaming questionnaire (Pápay et al., 2013), the Internet gaming cognition scale (King & Delfabbro, 2014) (i.e., gaming perfectionism [GPerf]: e.g., not satisfied until having done everything in the game; gaming emotion regulation [GEmot]: counting on videogames to feel better), and the GTP scale (Ortiz de Gortari, et al., 2015). ...
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The number of esports education programs continue to rise globally (Jenny et al., 2021; Jenny, Gawrysiak et al., 2021). Quality programs teach transferrable skills which are needed within the esports ecosystem and other job sectors (Scott et al., 2021). Esports can be used as a tool to motivate students and teach knowledge, skills, and competencies within a holistic learning experience. There are six papers presented within this “Esports and Education” track at the 2022 Esports Research Network Conference. First, Trotter and colleagues offer an examination of the impact of school esports program participation on student health and psychological development. Next, Becka and colleagues discuss how an esports training space may impact students, teachers, and graduates, as well as complement the higher education, at a public university in Argentina. In addition, Rusk and Ståhl provide an analysis of gaming inside and outside of school from the Finnish student player perspective. Fesharaki and colleagues then describe the development of a dual career higher education program being launched at Jönköping University in Sweden that aims to offer opportunities for student athletes in both esports and traditional sports. Moreover, King and Burton examine varying perspectives regarding mental health, burnout, and performance with a United States collegiate Overwatch esports team through single case design. Last, Gortari and colleagues research the motivations to enroll in high school esports programs in Norway while investigating gaming habits and potential mediators for motivations and risk factors.
... The Game Transfer Phenomena Scale (GTPS) was created to measure the phenomenon of the experience of altered sensory perceptions, automatic thoughts, and behaviors related to video game content and mechanics when not playing. The GTPS assesses five dimensions, three of which are linked to (i) altered perceptions, which include (ia) altered visual perceptions, (ib) altered body perceptions, and (ic) altered auditory perceptions, along with (ii) automatic mental processes, and (iii) actions and behaviors [51]. The questionnaire comprises 20 items concerning the frequency of occurrences of states that manifest when an individual is not engaged in gaming. ...
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Purpose This study aims to adapt and verify the psychometric properties of the Craving for Internet Gaming Scale (CIGS) in a Polish sample. Craving, although observed as significantly associated with Internet Gaming Disorder, is not currently included in its diagnostic criteria. This research addresses the need for scales to measure craving in this particular context. Methods The research involved a sample of 575 participants. Psychometric analysis, including confirmatory factor analysis, was conducted to assess the CIGS’ reliability and validity. Additional scales, such as the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale, Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, were used for concurrent validity analysis. Results The study results demonstrate the excellent psychometric properties of the Polish adaptation of the CIGS. It showed high reliability in terms of internal consistency and provided evidence for construct validity. Furthermore, it exhibited a positive correlation with various scales associated with problematic video game use and gaming addiction, while also showing a moderate negative correlation with self-control. Conclusions Our findings suggest that the CIGS retains its psychometric properties in different cultures, making it a valuable instrument for comprehending craving within the context of Internet gaming disorder. Future research should focus on the adaptation of the CIGS to various cultural settings and the exploration of potential intergroup differences.
Background Screen time among children and adolescents has increased dramatically, raising concerns about its impact on development and mental health. While research highlights both potential benefits and risks, excessive use has been linked to issues like anxiety, depression, and gaming addiction. Despite growing concern, effective interventions are scarce. Recognizing the importance of family dynamics in child development, we propose a family-centered program to address problematic gaming and excessive screen use in a clinical population. By involving both children and parents, we aim to create a more comprehensive approach to prevention and treatment. Objective This study aims to determine the possibility of distributing and evaluating a family-centered group program for problematic gaming and excessive screen use (FAME) in a clinical child and adolescent psychiatry (CAP) population. We will monitor the recruitment rate; track the retention and attendance rates of both parents and children; and assess whether each session’s objectives are met, the content is delivered within the allotted time, and the necessary resources (eg, facilitators and materials) are available. Additionally, we will gather qualitative and quantitative feedback from participants through postprogram surveys and individual interviews with both children and parents. Methods A total of 10 families with ongoing contact with CAP in Skåne, Sweden, will be recruited and offered participation in a family-centered group program targeting children aged 10-18 years with reported difficulties regarding screen gaming or screen use. The intervention to be tested is a newly developed, family-centered, psychoeducational, cognitive behavioral therapy–based intervention addressing both positive and negative aspects of screen use; setting boundaries; the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; conflict triggers; and sleep hygiene. The primary goal of the pilot study is to test the feasibility of the program, as well as recruitment and the analysis of participants’ experiences with the program. Results A total of 11 children and their parents were enrolled during first quarter of 2024. A 4-session pilot was delivered in first quarter of 2024, and the first results are expected in the third quarter of 2024. Conclusions The overarching goal of this pilot study is to determine the possibility of distributing and evaluating a family-centered group program for problematic gaming and excessive screen use (FAME) in a clinical CAP population. The insights gained from this study will guide our future research, which will focus on conducting a larger-scale evaluation of the intervention’s impact on family screen time conflicts and inform future strategies for the implementation of family-centered interventions in child and youth clinics. Trial Registration NCT06098807; International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID) DERR1-10.2196/56387
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Background and aims Gaming disorder [GD] risk has been associated with the way gamers bond with their visual representation (i.e., avatar) in the game-world. More specifically, a gamer's relationship with their avatar has been shown to provide reliable mental health information about the user in their offline life, such as their current and prospective GD risk, if appropriately decoded. Methods To contribute to the paucity of knowledge in this area, 565 gamers ( M age = 29.3 years; SD =10.6) were assessed twice, six months apart, using the User-Avatar-Bond Scale (UABS) and the Gaming Disorder Test. A series of tuned and untuned artificial intelligence [AI] classifiers analysed concurrently and prospectively their responses. Results Findings showed that AI models learned to accurately and automatically identify GD risk cases, based on gamers' reported UABS score, age, and length of gaming involvement, both concurrently and longitudinally (i.e., six months later). Random forests outperformed all other AIs, while avatar immersion was shown to be the strongest training predictor. Conclusion Study outcomes demonstrated that the user-avatar bond can be translated into accurate, concurrent and future GD risk predictions using trained AI classifiers. Assessment, prevention, and practice implications are discussed in the light of these findings.
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The external validity of artificial "trivial" laboratory settings is examined. Past views emphasizing generalizability of relations among conceptual variables are reviewed and affirmed. One major implication of typical challenges to the external validity of laboratory research is tested with aggression research: If laboratory research is low in external validity, then laboratory studies should fail to detect relations among variables that are correlated with aggression in "real-world" studies. Meta-analysis was used to examine 5 situational variables (provocation, violent media, alcohol, anonymity, hot temperature) and 3 individual difference variables (sex, Type A personality, trait aggressiveness) in real-world and laboratory aggression studies. Results strongly supported the external validity of trivial laboratory studies. Advice is given on how scholars might handle occasional descrepancies between laboratory and real-world findings.
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Establishing the Behavioral Function of Video Game Use: Development of the Video Game Functional Assessment A great deal of attention has been focused on individuals who play video and computer games despite physical and psychological consequences. Unfortunately, instruments that have been developed to determine problematic gaming have not completely measured the behavioral component of video game addiction. Identifying the behavioral functions of video game play would allow for the development of behavioral interventions specifically targeted at reducing or replacing those functions. A behavioral perspective may provide valuable information as to why gamers continue to play video games despite encountering difficulties in other areas of their lives as a result of their video gaming habits. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the four reinforcing functions that maintain video game play and develop an instrument to measure these functions. Results supported a three-factor measurement model associated with the functions that maintain continued video game play, including (a) escape, (b) tangible, and (c) attention. Discussion and implications are provided.
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This paper describes the phenomenon of game-biased perceptions and associations, or how, through intensive game play, elements from the game world can trigger thoughts and imagery outside the game world, influencing the perception and interpretation of stimuli in everyday life. Examples include the insertion of game elements in thoughts, perceptions and dreams, the use of specific vocabulary or slang – typical to the game world – in everyday conversations, and the association of real-life objects with game elements. Results from an online survey with habitual players of World of Warcraft confirm the existence of this phenomenon and show that the occurrence of these game-biased perceptions and associations is reinforced by increasing playing time and narrative involvement.
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This paper begins with an argument that most measure development in the social sciences, with its reliance on correlational techniques as a tool, falls short of the requirements for constructing meaningful, unidimensional measures of human attributes. By demonstrating how rating scales are ordinal-level data, we argue the necessity of converting these to equal-interval units to develop a measure that is both qualitatively and quantitatively defensible. This requires that the empirical results and theoretical explanation are questioned and adjusted at each step of the process. In our response to the reviewers, we describe how this approach was used to develop the Game Engagement Questionnaire (GEQ), including its emphasis on examining a continuum of involvement in violent video games. The GEQ is an empirically sound measure focused on one player characteristic that may be important in determining game influence.
Previous qualitative studies suggest that gamers experience Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP), a variety of non-volitional phenomena related to playing videogames including thoughts, urges, images, sounds when not playing. To investigate (i) which types of GTP were more common and (ii) their general characteristics, the present study surveyed a total of 2,362 gamers via an online survey. The majority of the participants were male, students, aged between 18 and 27 years, and ‘hard-core’ gamers. Most participants reported having experienced at least one type of GTP at some point (96.6%), the majority having experienced GTP more than once with many reporting 6 to 10 different types of GTP. Results demonstrated that videogame players experienced (i) altered visual perceptions (ii) altered auditory perceptions (iii) altered body perceptions (iv) automated mental processes, and (v) behaviors. In most cases, GTP could not be explained by being under the influence of a psychoactive substance. The GTP experiences were usually short-lived, tended to occur after videogame playing rather than during play, occurred recurrently, and usually occurred while doing day-to-day activities. One in five gamers had experienced some type of distress or dysfunction due to GTP. Many experienced GTP as pleasant and some wanted GTP to happen again.
Previous qualitative and quantitative studies examining Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) have demonstrated that GTP experiences are common. These studies have shown that many gamers report altered perceptions, involuntary thoughts and behaviors after playing video games (e.g., pseudo-hallucinatory experiences, automatic motor activations, etc.). However, the factors associated with GTP are unknown. In the present study, a total of 2362 gamers were surveyed using an online questionnaire to examine the relationship between GTP and socio-demographic factors, gaming habits, individual characteristics, and motivations for playing. Results showed that having a pre-existing medical condition, playing for 3–6 h, and playing for immersion, exploration, customization, mechanics and escape from the real world were significantly associated with having experienced GTP. Those who were 33–38 years old, playing sessions for less than one hour, being a professional player, being self-employed, and never recalling dreams, were significantly more likely to have not experienced GTP. The findings suggest that attention should be paid to young adults and the length of gaming sessions, as well as taking into consideration underlying factors such as medical conditions that may make gamers more prone to GTP.
Video game playing is a popular activity and its enjoyment among frequent players has been associated with absorption and immersion experiences. This paper examines how immersion in the video game environment can influence the player during the game and afterwards (including fantasies, thoughts, and actions). This is what is described as Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP). GTP occurs when video game elements are associated with real life elements triggering subsequent thoughts, sensations and/or player actions. To investigate this further, a total of 42 frequent video game players aged between 15 and 21 years old were interviewed. Thematic analysis showed that many players experienced GTP, where players appeared to integrate elements of video game playing into their real lives. These GTP were then classified as either intentional or automatic experiences. Results also showed that players used video games for interacting with others as a form of amusement, modeling or mimicking video game content, and daydreaming about video games. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate how video games triggered intrusive thoughts, sensations, impulses, reflexes, visual illusions, and dissociations.
This study describes the development of a screening tool for gaming addiction in adolescents – the Gaming Addiction Identification Test (GAIT). Its development was based on the research literature on gaming and addiction. An expert panel comprising professional raters (n = 7), experiential adolescent raters (n = 10), and parent raters (n = 10) estimated the content validity of each item (I-CVI) as well as of the whole scale (S-CVI/Ave), and participated in a cognitive interview about the GAIT scale. The mean scores for both I-CVI and S-CVI/Ave ranged between 0.97 and 0.99 compared with the lowest recommended I-CVI value of 0.78 and the S-CVI/Ave value of 0.90. There were no sex differences and no differences between expert groups regarding ratings in content validity. No differences in the overall evaluation of the scale emerged in the cognitive interviews. Our conclusions were that GAIT showed good content validity in capturing gaming addiction. The GAIT needs further investigation into its psychometric properties of construct validity (convergent and divergent validity) and criterion-related validity, as well as its reliability in both clinical settings and in community settings with adolescents.