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Subarachnoidal pleural fistula after resection of intradural thoracic disc herniation and multimodal treatment with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV)



Subarachnoid pleural fistula (SPF) is a type of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula that can arise as a complication following transthoracic resection of intervertebral disc herniation in the thoracic spine. It is an abnormal communication between the subarachnoid and pleural space. Negative intrapleural pressure promotes CSF leak due to a suction effect into the pleural cavity, with little chance of spontaneous closure. Due to the risk of severe complications with CSF leak into the thoracic cavity, early diagnosis and treatment are mandatory. However, management can be challenging. We report a case of a 72-year-old woman who underwent anterior thoracic surgery to treat thoracic myelopathy caused by an ossified intradural disc herniation. The postoperative period was complicated by a subarachnoidal pleural fistula. We describe our successful treatment of this using noninvasive positive pressure ventilation and lumbar CSF drainage and review other methods reported in the literature.
Subarachnoidal pleural fistula after resection of intradural
thoracic disc herniation and multimodal treatment
with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV)
Holger R. Schlag
Samiul Muquit
Tanyo B. Hristov
Guiseppe Morassi
Bronek Maximilian Boszczyk
Masood Shafafy
Received: 2 May 2015 / Revised: 12 July 2015 / Accepted: 14 July 2015
ÓSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Subarachnoid pleural fistula (SPF) is a type of cere-
brospinal fluid (CSF) fistula that can arise as a complica-
tion following transthoracic resection of intervertebral disc
herniation in the thoracic spine. It is an abnormal com-
munication between the subarachnoid and pleural space.
Negative intrapleural pressure promotes CSF leak due to a
suction effect into the pleural cavity, with little chance of
spontaneous closure. Due to the risk of severe complica-
tions with CSF leak into the thoracic cavity, early diagnosis
and treatment are mandatory. However, management can
be challenging. We report a case of a 72-year-old woman
who underwent anterior thoracic surgery to treat thoracic
myelopathy caused by an ossified intradural disc hernia-
tion. The postoperative period was complicated by a sub-
arachnoidal pleural fistula. We describe our successful
treatment of this using noninvasive positive pressure ven-
tilation and lumbar CSF drainage and review other meth-
ods reported in the literature.
Keywords Subarachnoidal pleural fistula Intradural disc
herniation Thoracic spine
Case report
A 72-year-old woman, with no significant past medical
history, presented with a 1 year history of thoracic back
pain and a 2 week history of progressive lower extremity
weakness. Neurological examination revealed MRC grade
3/5 power including and distal to the L2 myotome. She had
reduced pin-prick sensation below L1 bilaterally. Reflexes
were brisk in the lower limbs and both planters were
upgoing. Neurological examination of the upper limbs was
normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (Fig. 1) and a CT
scan (Fig. 2) demonstrated a central calcified disc hernia-
tion at the level T9–T10 level causing spinal cord com-
pression with T2 signal change in the spinal cord. The
calcified disc prolapse occupied more than 60 % of the
cross-sectional area of the spinal canal.
We performed transthoracic discectomy with continuous
intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring (SSEPs and
MEPs). The patient was placed in a right lateral position. A
left-sided minimally invasive lateral transthoracic
transpleural approach between the 9th and 10th ribs was
used. After the retractor system (MaXcess, NuVasive, Inc.,
San Diego, CA, USA) was introduced, the pleura was
&Holger R. Schlag
Centre of Spinal Studies and Surgery, Queens Medical
Centre, Campus of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS
Trust, West Block, D Floor, Derby Road,
Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
Department of Neurosurgery, Cologne-Merheim Medical
Center, University of Witten-Herdecke, Campus Cologne-
Merheim, Witten, Germany
Eur Spine J
DOI 10.1007/s00586-015-4137-1
incised and dissected. The left 10th rib head was removed
to allow visualisation of the posterolateral aspect of the
disc and the vertebral body. Subsequently, we performed a
wedge-shaped osteotomy of the vertebral body and cranial
aspect of the T10 pedicle to allow exposure of the dura and
calcified disc prolapse. Under the microscope we began
careful dissection of the calcified disc. It became evident at
this stage that the herniated disc prolapse was firmly
adherent to the dura and had a transdural component,
necessitating resection of the surrounding dura to allow
safe and complete removal of the disc prolapse whilst
protecting the spinal cord. The dural defect was sealed with
three layers of dural substitute (TachoSil, Baxter), fibrin
glue (Tisseel, Baxter) and a fourth layer of gelatine sponge
(Spongistan, Johnson & Johnson). After the dural repair
was complete, no CSF leakage was observed with valsalva
manoeuver. The pleura was sutured to provide an addi-
tional layer of coverage. A chest drain with water seal
chamber and without suction was placed prior to the clo-
sure of the thoracotomy wound.
Following surgery, the patient was kept sedated and
ventilated on the intensive care unit for a period of 24 h.
The ventilator was set on Bilevel positive airway pressure
(BiPAP)—Assisted Spontaneous Breathing (ASB) with
of 0.4, Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) set
to 6 cmH
O and ASB peak of 16 cmH
O. Sedation was
stopped and the endotracheal tube was removed on the
second day after surgery. Examination of the chest and
chest radiograph at this stage showed lung re-expansion
and no evidence of pleural effusion.
Fluid output from the chest drain was moderate during
the first 48 h following surgery, measuring a total of
250 ml. Over the subsequent 24 h only a further 20 ml was
produced. The patient was stable and comfortable at this
On the fourth postoperative day, however, the patient
developed chest pain, dyspnoea and headache. The chest
drain output increased to a total of 700 ml of clear fluid
over the next 24 h and chest radiograph revealed bilateral
pleural effusion (Fig. 3). The fluid drained from the chest
Fig. 1 Preoperative MRI. T2
sagittal (a) and axial (b) images
showing a large thoracic disc
herniation with deformation of
the spinal cord
Fig. 2 Preoperative sagittal
(a) and axial (b) spinal CT scan
showing a calcified disc
herniation at T9–10 level
Eur Spine J
drain tested positive for b2-transferrin (a sensitive marker
for CSF). These findings led to the diagnosis of a sub-
arachnoidal pleural fistula.
To manage the CSF fistula, we inserted a lumbar CSF
drain and aimed to drain 10 ml/h. The patient was kept flat
in bed. Despite these measures, the chest drain continued to
drain large amounts of CSF and the patient’s respiratory
function deteriorated, requiring increasing levels of
inspired oxygen. Due to the cerebrospinal fluid depletion,
the patient had worsening headache with nausea and
dizziness. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
(NPPV) with a face-mask was applied to counteract the
inspiratory negative intrapleural pressure, which was pro-
moting flow through the CSF fistula. In the following days,
the symptoms resolved and the fluid output through the
chest tube reduced. We were subsequently able to clamp
the chest drain for a couple of days. The patient’s condition
remained stable and the chest radiograph showed a sub-
stantial reduction in the pleural effusion allowing removal
of chest drain and discontinuation of NPPV. The lumbar
drain was removed after a two more days. The follow-up
X-radiographs of the chest revealed no further pleural
collection and the patient recovered well.
Subarachnoid pleural fistula (SPF) is an abnormal com-
munication between the subarachnoid and pleural space,
which occurs in the presence of coexisting defects in the
arachnoid and dura mater as well as the parietal pleura [1].
SPF can arise from blunt or penetrating trauma [2], as a
complication of thoracic and spinal surgery [3], or spon-
taneously [4]. Pleural pressure is generally below atmo-
spheric pressure (range between -2 and -8 cmH
During inspiration the intrapleural pressure becomes most
negative. Given the positive pressure within the sub-
arachnoid space CSF flows along the pressure gradient in
the presence of a SPF and accumulates within the pleural
space [5]. As 500 ml of CSF is produced per day in human
adults there is a continuous flow of CSF preventing a
spontaneous closure of the fistula. The presence of a chest
tube with water seal chamber promotes flow through the
fistula by removing CSF collecting in thoracic cavity [1].
The pleura is able to absorb CSF but its ability to do so
can be overwhelmed, leading to a pleural collection. An
example of this can be seen with ventriculopleural shunts, a
long established treatment of hydrocephalus. The incidence
of pleural effusion has been reported to range from 2–20 %
in these cases [6]. Conversely small CSF leaks may go
unnoticed. Fluid absorption by the pleural depends on
pleural lymph flow in addition to hydraulic and osmotic
forces. It is estimated that maximum lymph flow can
potentially increase to 700 ml per day [7]. However, as
non-clearance is determined by several factors, this rate of
CSF clearance may not be possible.
In these cases clinical suspicion should be raised when
symptoms of chest pain, dyspnoea, tachypnoea and cough
appear. Chest radiographs usually confirm the presence of
large pleural effusion. If the diagnosis remains uncertain
additional investigation with ultrasound or computer
tomography (CT) is recommended, as they are more sen-
sitive at detecting small effusions [8].
Respiratory compromise due to a substantial pleural
effusion may require thoracentesis or chest tube insertion;
which allows lung re-expansion. To confirm SPF, pleural
fluid should be tested of the presence of b2-transferrin [9],
a biochemical marker that provides a high sensitivity
(94–100 %) and specificity (98–100 %) for confirming
presence of CSF [10]. Small CSF leaks can be difficult to
identify, in which case CT myelography and radionuclide
cisternography are indicated. Both have been reported as
suitable and sensitive investigations to detect a SPF. Of
these, CT myelography provides a better anatomical
description whereas radionuclide cisternography has a
higher sensitivity in detecting small SPF [1].
Drainage of large volumes of CSF through a SPF can
lead to intracranial hypotension [11]; the symptoms of
which are headache, nausea, vomiting, neck pain, changes
in hearing and dizziness. In addition, there is a risk of
subdural hematoma and cerebellar haemorrhage [12].
Disc herniation in the thoracic region comprises only
3 % of all disc herniation in the spine. Intradural disc
herniations (IDH) are rare accounting for 0.26–0.3 % of all
herniated discs [13]. Thoracic disc herniations are
Fig. 3 Chest X-ray AP (antero-posterior) in supine position shows
bilateral pleural effusion (chest drain in situ on the left side)
Eur Spine J
frequently calcified [3] which in itself raises the possibility
of intradural encroachment. More than 60 % of calcified
thoracic discs are found intraoperatively to have either an
intradural component or are strongly adherent to (incor-
porated into) the dura [14]. Unfortunately there is no reli-
able diagnostic method to confirm intradural encroachment
of a thoracic disc prior surgery. Magnetic resonance (MRI)
with Gadolinium and CT can only give an indication as to
whether this is likely; unless, as is very rarely encountered,
an extradural CSF collection is visible [11], in which case
one can be certain of a dural defect. It is vital that in all
cases of calcified thoracic disc, one makes provisions for
managing a dural defect and CSF leak in the pre-operative
planning prior to embarking on surgery.
In the case described in our report we chose a
transthoracic approach due to the central location of the
disc herniation, its calcified nature and the patient’s
symptoms of myelopathy. Several authors have reported on
the advantages of an anterolateral transthoracic approach,
particularly for centrally located calcified discs [1519].
Other approaches have been reported, including costo-
transversectomy and posterior; however, we suggest that
anterior approaches provide the best access to resect almost
all thoracic disc herniations and also provide the best
exposure for repair of a dural defect.
Cerebrospinal fluid leakage during transthoracic disc
surgery has been reported in up to 15 % of the cases [3], and
is either due to intradural disc herniation or iatrogenic causes.
When identified intraoperatively, every effort should be
made to repair the leak so as to prevent serious pulmonary
and neurological complications in the postoperative period.
The dural defect may be large and a watertight primary
closure may not be possible. Alternative means of closure
have been reported including multilayer techniques with the
use of dural patches, fibrin glue or muscle patches. Some
authors recommended the routine intraoperative placement
of a lumbar drain whenever a dural defect is encountered.
However, this is not necessary if a good closure with
watertight seal is achieved during surgery. A lumbar drain
can be subsequently inserted if a significant SPF is diagnosed
post-operatively. If insertion is indicated we agree with the
recommendation that the lumbar drain is kept in for several
days after the chest drain is removed [20].
The use of prophylactic antibiotics is controversial, but
as with other CSF leaks the body of evidence goes against
prophylactic use to avoid infections with resistant organ-
isms [1].
Positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) with a bilevel posi-
tive airway pressure (BiPAP) has been suggested as a
beneficial intervention in managing SPF [2123]. It is
suggested that this counteracts the negative pleural pres-
sure and promotes a spontaneous closure of the dura [1].
Kurata et al. treated two patients with SPF following
anterior thoracic spine surgery and showed a successful
closure of the CSF leakage after 14 days of NPPV in one
patient and after 5 days in the other [23]. Yoshor et al. also
report a case where use of NPPV was necessary for 5 days
[21]. Our experience was similar, as 6 days of NPPV was
necessary (in addition to lumbar drainage) for the CSF leak
to close. Although only a handful of reports have been
published, the most effective way of conservatively treat-
ing a SPF appears to be with nonivasive positive pressure
ventilation (NPPV) plus lumbar CSF drainage.
If conservative management fails after 7–10 days, if
severe symptoms persist or there is clinical deterioration,
surgical treatment must be considered [1]. The target of
revision surgery is the identification of the leakage and
watertight closure.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors report no conflict of interest con-
cerning the materials or methods used in this study or the findings
specified in this paper.
Patient consent statement The patients’ next of kin have consented
to the submission of the case report for submission to the journal.
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Eur Spine J
... SPF is an abnormal communication between the subarachnoid and the pleural spaces. This type of fistula has been reported after spine surgery with transthoracic approach [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], thoracic surgery [12][13][14][15][16], penetrating trauma or even spontaneously [17]. SPF was found to be a complication of 2.7% of resection of spinal tumors; the incidence after resection of a herniated disc is not determined but is probably lower [2]. ...
... Another interesting proposed strategy was the use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) that counters the negative intrapleural pressure and consequently decreases the CSF flow through the fistula (Fig. 4) [24]. Five patients were put on NIPPV and were successfully treated, with no subsequent surgical repair [1,4,5,11]. Treatment duration ranged from 5 [4] to 14 days [5], and patients were most of the time ventilated continuously. ...
Subarachnoid-pleural fistula (SPF) is a rare complication of spine surgery with a transthoracic approach. The outcome of such an injury is affected by not only the pulmonary status due to the pleural effusion but also the neurological one, secondary to the intracranial hypotension. After reviewing the few published cases of SPF, the journey to diagnosis seams heterogenous and the management plan non-uniform. We report the case of a 48-year old women who underwent a right transthoracic discectomy that was complicated by an SPF. The diagnosis, although suspected perioperatively, was established with the gathering of an abundant post-operative pleural effusion, a subdural hematoma on head Computerized Tomography after drainage and Cerebro-Spinal Fluid markers present in the pleural fluid. The defect was effectively corrected with a radiological procedure. We compare our clinical and paraclinical findings and management plans to those reported in the few other published cases of SPF.
... Successful repair of dorsal fistulas using dural grafts, [10] omental flaps obtained from cadavers, [11] and the application of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) have been described. [12] When the point of the leak is unknown or difficult to treat, an EBP may be performed. [8] Herein, we present the case of a patient who developed an SPF after undergoing transthoracic surgery for a lateral thoracic meningocele. ...
Subarachnoid-pleural fistula (SPF), a rare complication following transthoracic spinal surgery, results in the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the pleural space. Hindered spontaneous closure, attributed to negative pleural pressure, gives rise to CSF hypotension and subdural blood collections. Despite numerous reported cases, achieving consensus on management remains elusive. Treatment options encompass conservative measures, surgical repair, epidural blood patch, and diverse approaches such as multilayer dural closure or meningocele resection. Presented herein is a distinctive case following lateral thoracic meningocele surgery, where SPF-induced CSF hypotension found successful resolution through the innovative use of titanium hemostatic clips to occlude the meningocele. This novel approach, emphasizing the utility of titanium clips, deviates from conventional strategies. Surgical SPF exclusion, particularly leveraging titanium clips, emerges as a potential solution, effectively alleviating symptoms of CSF hypotension. The article also aims to present a personal experience, contributing an effective and alternative approach for the etiological treatment of thoracic meningocele.
... A careful monitoring of the cranial symptoms is extremely important and in case of deterioration, application of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation with lumbar CSF drainage has been used successfully in the past. 10 Treatment of the fi stula generally requires surgical revision to seal the breach with glue and fi lling of the dead space with muscle or fat tissue. Postoperatively, non-invasive ventilation with 6 cm H 2 O positive fi nal expiration pressure is recommended, in combination with lumbar drainage. ...
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We report a case of a 72-year-old woman who underwent transthoracic discectomy for a giant disc herniation at T9-T10 level causing significant cord compromise. Following removal of her non-suction chest drain, she was transferred to the acute spinal-orthogeriatric unit where she was under regular review by elderly care physicians as part of their spinal liaison role. Approximately four weeks after the operation, she started becoming dyspnoeic and her chest X-ray showed moderate left-sided pleural effusion which tested positive for β2-transferrin, a sensitive marker of cerebrospinal fluid, supporting a diagnosis of subarachnoid-pleural fistula. This is a very unusual cause of breathlessness in a postoperative patient.
... Treatments for PSF include surgery and non-surgery. Although surgical treatment is a little more common than non-surgery strategy, there are more kinds of conservative measurements including thorax drainage, lumbar cisterna drainage, keeping supine position [10], epidural blood patch [12,14], positive pressure ventilation [15][16][17][18], biological glue injection percutaneously [19,20], and so on. Percutaneous injection of biological glue was newly reported treatment. ...
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Background: Pleural-subarachnoid fistula (PSF) is a rare disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat. Secondary intracranial hypertension and the treatment are seldom mentioned previously among PSF. Case presentation: A 1-year-old boy diagnosed PSF developed into secondary intracranial hypertension after conservative treatment. He was finally cured by down-step treatment of mannitol, avoiding form ventricle-peritoneal shunt. Then, we reviewed the literature of pleural-subarachnoid fistula. Fifty-six cases have been reported so far. Most of the cases (51.8%) were caused by surgery; only 17.9% were caused by car accidents. Regarding the treatment, half of the cases cured by surgery and the other by conservative measures. Our case is the first one involving secondary intracranial hypertension and cured by down-step treatment of mannitol. Conclusions: A comprehensive examination should be performed before the treatment to avoid any inappropriate medical strategies. Secondary acute intracranial hypertension may be cured by down step treatment of mannitol, evading from the long-term ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
... The repair can be augmented with a secondary layer of sealants such as fibrin glue, epidural blood patch, Tisseel, DuraSeal (Integra Lifesciences, Plainsboro, NJ), or Onyx (Medtronic-Covidien, Minneapolis, MN) [1,6,8,12]. Alternatively, noninvasive positive pressure mask ventilation combined with chest tube drainage can be used to increase intrathoracic pressure, which decreases CSF flow by decreasing the pressure gradient between the subarachnoid and pleural spaces [5,13]. ...
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Formation of a dural-pleural fistula is uncommon after anterior thoracic spine surgery, tumor, or trauma. The goal of surgical management is to terminate the connection between the pleura and subarachnoid space. We describe a case of chronic dural-pleural fistula in a 70-year-old woman and present a unique surgical treatment option. The patient presented 25 years after an anterior thoracic surgery she had undergone for a thoracic disc herniation, with a dural-pleural fistula and ventral herniation of the spinal cord into the defect. She was treated with a bovine pericardium sling patch to cover the defect. This case highlights the identification of a chronic thoracic dural-pleural fistula and surgical treatment with double intradural and extradural layering of bovine pericardium sling patch, which has not been described previously for chronic thoracic dural-pleural fistula.
... The true effectiveness of NPPV for CSF leakage to the thorax has not been established because there are only three case reports of NPPV for CSF leakage to the thorax. 9,11,12 As cons of this treatment, NPPV has risks in patients with disturbed consciousness, and those with an uncontrolled pneumothorax. 9,13 Therefore, careful investigation before application of NPPV is mandatory and close observation of the patient is essential. ...
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Background Dural tear and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage is known to be a complication of anterior thoracic spine surgery. If dural tear occurs on the ventral side of dura in combination with a pleural injury, it potentially becomes a subarachnoid-pleural fistula. The pressure gradient permits continuous flow of CSF from the subarachnoid space into the cavum thorax, resulting in an intractable subarachnoid-pleural fistula. We report two cases of successfully treated subarachnoid-pleural fistula using noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV). Methods Two patients, a 52-year-old man and a 54-year-old woman, underwent anterior thoracic spine surgery to treat thoracic myelopathy caused by spinal tumor and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. During surgery, dural tear and CSF leakage to the cavum thorax due to perforation of the dura was observed. We treated with polyglycolic acid sheet (Neovel ® ) in combination with fibrin glue; a suction drainage tube was placed at the subfascial level and the wound was drained with negative pressure. However, after removal of the drainage tube, subarachnoid-pleural fistula was proven. We applied NPPV to the patients. Results We used the application of NPPV for 2 weeks in the first patient and 1 week in the second patient. In both of them, subarachnoid-pleural fistula was attenuated without apparent adverse events. Conclusion NPPV is noninvasive and potentially useful therapy to attenuate subarachnoid-pleural fistula after thoracic spinal surgery.
Pleural fistula is an abnormal communication between the pleural cavity and an adjacent structure. The interplay of anatomic and physiologic factors including proximity to various intrathoracic structures, deep pleural recesses, and negative pleural pressures makes the pleura an easy victim of fistulization. Iatrogenic creation followed by necrotizing infections and malignancies are the most common causes. While the overall incidence and size of postsurgical pleural fistulas are decreasing with increased adoption of vascularized flaps for high-risk resections, the smaller fistulas that develop in the setting of post-radiation therapy changes, with necrotizing infections in immunosuppressed patients, and with use of newer antiangiogenic chemotherapies can be challenging to visualize directly. Imaging signs in clinical practice are often subtle and indirect. Multimodality imaging and biochemical pleural fluid analysis can offer important adjunctive information when a diagnosis is only suggested with the first imaging study. Certain pleural fistulas are inconsequential, some spontaneously close with or without diversion of flow or use of positive-pressure ventilation, while others carry a higher risk of complications or recurrence. Estimated fistula size, factors that impair healing, and the possibility of diversion are important considerations when deciding between endoscopic or surgical closure. The authors have tailored this article for a general imager or clinical practitioner and review 10 types of pleural fistulas, ranging from routine to rare, with regard to their etiology, pathophysiology, clinical cues, imaging features, nuances of pleural fluid analysis, and management options available today. ©RSNA, 2022.
NIV is a valuable tool in the management of pulmonary comorbidities in patients requiring neurointensive care. This paper reviews the literature on the use of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in neurocritical care. Established and innovative uses of NIV in a number of neurologic and neurosurgical conditions are described.
Ossification of the poster longitudinal ligament (OPLL) lessens the sagittal diameter of the canal and compresses the spinal cord anteriorly. Anterior decompression directly relieves the spinal cord, as well as restores the spinal cord to its original position. Anterior decompression for OPLL is a rational operative method. In the case of the thoracic spine, the approach method differs depending on the spinal level. The manubrium splitting approach is indicated for cases of OPLL located from cervical to T3. Transpleural approach is indicated below T2 level to thoraco-lumbar level. For 55 cases, we performed anterior decompression for thoracic OPLL, and noted the surgical approach, surgical result. The JOA (Japanese Orthopedic Association) scores were investigated. We modified the scoring system for cervical myelopathy established by the JOA by excluding items involving the upper extremities. Surgical approaches were transpleural approach in 47 cases and manubrium splitting approach in 8 cases. The mean recovery rate was 42.7% for manubrium splitting approach and 53.8% with transpleural approach. The frequency of laryngeal nerve palsy was over 50% with manubrium splitting approach. Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid in the thoracic cavity was seen frequently with the transpleural approach; however, it healed spontaneously without additional treatment. Although the anterior approach is associated with some problems (such as surgical invasiveness and postoperative complications), this surgical method resulted in positive outcomes, indicating that it is a useful technique.
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Giant herniated thoracic discs (GHTD) remain a surgical challenge. When combined with calcification, these discs require altered surgical strategies and have only been infrequently described. Our objective was to describe our surgical approaches in the management of calcified GHTD. This was a retrospective cohort study of all patients with calcified GHTD operated between 2004 and 2012. Data were collected from review of patients' notes and radiographs and included basic demographic and radiological data, clinical presentation and outcome, operative procedure and complications. During the study period, there were 13 patients with calcified GHTD, including 6 males and 7 females (mean age 55 years, range 31-83 years). The average canal encroachment was 62 % (range 40-90 %); mean follow-up 37 months (12-98). All patients were treated with anterior thoracotomy, varying degrees of vertebral resection, removal of calcified disc and with or without reconstruction. The average time for surgery was 344 min (range 212-601 min) and estimated blood loss 1,230 ml (range 350-3,000 ml). Post-operatively, 8 patients improved by 1 Frankel grade (62 %), 2 improved by 2 grades (15 %) and 3 did not change their grade (23 %). The complication rate was 4/13 (31 %; 3 patients with durotomies (2 incidental, 1 intentional) and 1 with recurrence). Calcified GHTD remain a surgical challenge. Anterior decompression through a thoracotomy approach, and varying degrees of vertebral resection with or without reconstruction allowed us to safely remove the calcified fragment. All patients remained the same (23 %) or improved by at least 1 grade (77 %) neurologically, without radiographic failure at final follow-up.
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A retrospective review of a case series. Giant thoracic disc herniations remain a surgical challenge and historically have been associated with significant complications. While neurological outcomes have improved with the abandonment of decompressive laminectomy, the attempt to minimize surgical complications and associated morbidities continues through less-invasive approaches. With the current study, we describe a surgical technique to treat giant thoracic disc herniations while minimizing approach-related morbidity. Demographic and radiographic data; clinical outcome and perioperative complications were retrospectively analysed for patients with single-level giant thoracic disc herniations who underwent mini-thoracotomy and selective microsurgical anterior spinal cord decompression without instrumented fusion. Between 2007 and 2012, 7 consecutive patients with giant thoracic disc herniations were treated (average age of 53 years; range 45-66 years). The average canal encroachment was 73.2 % (range 40-92 %) with 5 grossly calcified discs of which 3 had transdural components. All patients had gradual myelopathic progression. The average Nurick grade was 3.5 (range 2-5). All patients were successfully treated with anterior microsurgical decompression without instrumentation. Uninstrumented fusion with rib graft was performed only in one patient with advanced degenerative changes. Average time of surgery was 337.8 min (range 220-450 min). The average length of hospital stay was 7.4 days (range 6-11 days). The average neurological status at follow-up (average 23.5 months; range 9-36 months) using the modified Nurick grading scale was 1.28. No vertebral collapse or loss of spinal alignment developed. There were no neurological complications. One patient developed an acute headache and diplopia, 10 days after surgery, following sneezing associated with a post-operative thoracic cerebrospinal fluid leakage requiring revision. Two patients suffered an approach-related complication in form of intercostal neuralgia; one was persistent. Anterior decompression using a mini-transthoracic approach provides sufficient exposure for microsurgical decompression of giant thoracic disc herniations without disrupting the stability of the spine. Microsurgical decompression without instrumentation does not appear to lead to vertebral collapse or spinal malalignment.
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Subarachnoid-pleural fistula (SPF) is a rare complication of chest or spine operations for neoplastic disease. Concomitant dural and parietal pleural defects permit flow of cerebrospinal fluid into the pleural cavity or intrapleural air into the subarachnoid space. Dural injury recognized intraoperatively permits immediate repair, but unnoticed damage may cause postoperative pleural effusion, intracranial hypotension, meningitis, or pneumocephalus. We review two cases of SPF following surgical intervention for chest wall metastatic disease to motivate a detailed review of the anatomy of neural, osseous, and ligamentous structures at the intervertebral foramen. We further provide recommendations for avoidance and detection of such complication.
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Ventriculo-pleural shunt (VPLS) is an acceptable alternative in the management of hydrocephalus. Imbalance between the production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid an lead to formation of pleural effusion in patient with VPLS and on occasion produce symptoms. Pleural effusion could be a transudate or a non-specific exudate. We report our experience with this modality in relation to formation of pleural effusion and review the literature to make recommendation for its management. Information related to patients' demographics, smoking history, prior pulmonary and occupational history, indication, duration and complications of the VPLS and their management was gathered to substantiate current recommendation with our experience.
Background: We describe a case of a 56-year-old woman who developed a recurrent pleural effusion after a thoracoscopic resection of an anterior bulging thoracic disc hernia (level D9-D10). Despite several evacuating pleural punctions, dyspnea reoccurred due to recurrent pleural effusion, the same side as the disc resection. Because of increasing headache after each punction, a subarachnoidal pleural fistula (SAPF) was suspected. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed features suggestive of SAPF, there was not enough evidence to justify a new thorascopy. Methods: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage into the thoracic and abdominal cavity has been described as a result of trauma or surgery. Detection of beta-trace protein (BTP, a brain-specific protein) has been described to detect CSF fistulae causing rhino- and otoliquorrhea. Similarly, BTP determination could be used to identify the presence of CSF at other anatomical sites such as the thoracic cavity. Therefore, we decided to determine the concentration of BTP in the pleural effusion of this patient. BTP was assayed using immunonephelometry. Results: The patient's BTP pleural fluid concentration was 14·0 mg/l, which was a 25-fold increase compared with the BTP serum concentration. After insertion of a subarachnoidal lumbal catheter, a video-assisted thorascopy was performed. Leakage of liquor through the parietal pleura into the thoracic cavity was observed. The SAPF was closed using a durasis patch and DuraSeal®. Postoperatively, there was no reoccurrence of pleural fluid. Conclusions: SAPF has to be included to the differential diagnosis of patients with persistent pleural effusion after spinal surgery. This case illustrates the importance of BTP in diagnosing SAPF, especially in cases where major therapeutic consequences may need to be drawn.
An 81-year-old man was referred for evaluation of a chronic transudative pleural effusion that required 8 therapeutic thoracenteses over 11 months for relief of dyspnea. Extensive lumbar disk surgery had been performed 2 years prior to his onset of dyspnea. The diagnosis of duro-pleural fistula was confirmed by finding the presence of beta(2)-transferrin in the pleural fluid. The 'water-like' pleural fluid had a total protein of <1 gm/dl, an LDH of 92 IU/I, a glucose of 101 mg/dl, and pH of 7.55. beta(2)-Transferrin has a sensitivity approaching 100% and a specificity of 95% in identifying CSF leaks from head trauma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of beta(2)-transferrin in pleural fluid from a duro-pleural fistula. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.
There is no standardized system to grade pleural effusion size on CT scans. A validated, systematic grading system would improve communication of findings and may help determine the need for imaging guidance for thoracentesis. CT scans of 34 patients demonstrating a wide range of pleural effusion sizes were measured with a volume segmentation tool and reviewed for qualitative and simple quantitative features related to size. A classification rule was developed using the features that best predicted size and distinguished among small, moderate, and large effusions. Inter-reader agreement for effusion size was assessed on the CT scans for three groups of physicians (radiology residents, pulmonologists, and cardiothoracic radiologists) before and after implementation of the classification rule. The CT imaging features found to best classify effusions as small, moderate, or large were anteroposterior (AP) quartile and maximum AP depth measured at the midclavicular line. According to the decision rule, first AP-quartile effusions are small, second AP-quartile effusions are moderate, and third or fourth AP-quartile effusions are large. In borderline cases, AP depth is measured with 3-cm and 10-cm thresholds for the upper limit of small and moderate, respectively. Use of the rule improved interobserver agreement from κ = 0.56 to 0.79 for all physicians, 0.59 to 0.73 for radiology residents, 0.54 to 0.76 for pulmonologists, and 0.74 to 0.85 for cardiothoracic radiologists. A simple, two-step decision rule for sizing pleural effusions on CT scans improves interobserver agreement from moderate to substantial levels.
Thoracic disc herniations are associated with serious neurological consequences if not treated appropriately. Although a number of techniques have been described, there is no consensus about the best surgical approach. In this study, the authors report their experience in the operative management of patients with thoracic disc herniations using minimally invasive lateral transthoracic trans/retropleural approach. A series of 33 consecutive patients with thoracic disc herniations who underwent anterior spinal cord decompression followed by instrumented fusion through lateral approach is being reported. Demographic and radiographic data, perioperative complications, and clinical outcomes were reviewed. Forty disc levels in 33 patients (18F/15M; mean age, 52.9) were treated. Twenty-three patients presented with myelopathy (69 %), 31 had radiculopathy (94 %), and 31 had axial pain (94 %). Among patients with myelopathy, 14 (42.4 %) had bladder and/or bowel dysfunction. In the last eight cases (24 %), the approach was retropleural instead of transpleural. Patients were followed up for 18.2 months on average. The mean length of hospital stay was 5 days. None of the patients developed neurological deterioration postoperatively. Among 23 patients who had myelopathy signs, 21 (91 %) had improved postoperatively. The mean preoperative visual analog scale pain score, Oswestry Disability Index score, SF-36 PCS, and mental component summary scores were 7.5, 42.4, 29.6, and 37.5 which improved to 3.5, 33.2, 35.5, and 52.6, respectively. Perioperative complications occurred in six patients (18.1 %), all of which resolved uneventfully. Minimally invasive lateral transthoracic trans/retropleural approach is a safe and efficacious technique for achieving adequate decompression in thoracic disc herniations in a less invasive manner than conventional approaches.
A report on 2 cases of subarachnoid pleural fistula (SAPF) treated with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV). To highlight the efficacy of NPPV in patients with SAPF. SAPF is a rare but distressing type of cerebrospinal fluid leakage. It is known to be a complication of anterior thoracic spine surgery. The pressure gradient between the subarachnoid space and the pleural cavity maintains the cerebrospinal fluid leakage and precludes the spontaneous closure of the dura. Surgical interventions such as primary repair, patch grafts, muscle flaps, and omental flaps have been advocated. Only limited reports were found with reference to NPPV applied to SAPF. Two patients, a 45-year-old woman and a 39-year-old woman, underwent anterior thoracic spine surgery to treat thoracic myelopathy caused by ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. After surgery, they developed SAPF due to perforation of the dura during surgery. Placement of thoracostomy tubes and subarachnoid drains had no effect and an NPPV device was applied. During application of the NPPV device, 14 days in the first patient and 5 days in the second patient, the raised intrapleural pressure obstructed the fluid leakage and successfully treated the fistula. No recurrence of SAPF was observed after removal of the NPPV device and the patients avoided surgical interventions. SAPF is often resistant to conservative therapies and has been treated in an invasive manner. NPPV should be considered as an alternative before such interventions because it is effective, noninvasive, and safe.
A case of spontaneous subarachnoid pleural fistula following rupture of a thoracic meningocele into the pleural cavity is described in this article. The patient had symptoms of low-pressure headache and difficulty in breathing. The fistulous opening was closed near the foramina by rotating a vascularized muscle flap. After showing initial improvement the patient had a recurrence of symptoms after 6 weeks, with a small leak at the closure site. A lumbar thecoperitoneal shunt led to permanent cure. In this article we discuss the course of the disease, the symptoms, the diagnostic methods, and the various treatment modalities for subarachnoid pleural fistula.