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Indonesia's blue carbon: a globally significant and vulnerable sink for seagrass and mangrove carbon

  • Tropical Coastal & Mangrove Consultants
  • Center for International Forestry Research Bogor Indonesia & Department of Geophysics and Meteorology IPB University Bogor

Abstract and Figures

The global significance of carbon storage in Indonesia’s coastal wetlands was assessed based on published and unpublished measurements of the organic carbon content of living seagrass and mangrove biomass and soil pools. For seagrasses, median above- and below-ground biomass was 0.29 and 1.13 Mg C ha−1 respectively; the median soil pool was 118.1 Mg C ha−1. Combining plant biomass and soil, median carbon storage in an Indonesian seagrass meadow is 119.5 Mg C ha−1. Extrapolated to the estimated total seagrass area of 30,000 km2, the national storage value is 368.5 Tg C. For mangroves, median above- and below-ground biomass was 159.1 and 16.7 Mg C ha−1, respectively; the median soil pool was 774.7 Mg C ha−1. The median carbon storage in an Indonesian mangrove forest is 950.5 Mg C ha−1. Extrapolated to the total estimated mangrove area of 31,894 km2, the national storage value is 3.0 Pg C, a likely underestimate if these habitats sequester carbon at soil depths >1 m and/or sequester inorganic carbon. Together, Indonesia’s seagrasses and mangroves conservatively account for 3.4 Pg C, roughly 17 % of the world’s blue carbon reservoir. Continued degradation and destruction of these wetlands has important consequences for CO2 emissions and dissolved carbon exchange with adjacent coastal waters. We estimate that roughly 29,040 Gg CO2 (eq.) is returned annually to the atmosphere–ocean pool. This amount is equivalent to about 3.2 % of Indonesia’s annual emissions associated with forest and peat land conversion. These results highlight the urgent need for blue carbon and REDD+ projects as a means to stem the decline in wetland area and to mitigate the release of a significant fraction of the world’s coastal carbon stores.
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1 23
Wetlands Ecology and Management
ISSN 0923-4861
Wetlands Ecol Manage
DOI 10.1007/s11273-015-9446-y
Indonesia’s blue carbon: a globally
significant and vulnerable sink for seagrass
and mangrove carbon
D.M.Alongi, D.Murdiyarso,
J.W.Fourqurean, J.B.Kauffman,
A.Hutahaean, S.Crooks, C.E.Lovelock,
J.Howard, D.Herr, et al.
1 23
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Indonesia’s blue carbon: a globally significant
and vulnerable sink for seagrass and mangrove carbon
D. M. Alongi .D. Murdiyarso .J. W. Fourqurean .J. B. Kauffman .
A. Hutahaean .S. Crooks .C. E. Lovelock .J. Howard .
D. Herr .M. Fortes .E. Pidgeon .T. Wagey
Received: 31 May 2015 / Accepted: 21 July 2015
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015
Abstract The global significance of carbon storage
in Indonesia’s coastal wetlands was assessed based on
published and unpublished measurements of the
organic carbon content of living seagrass and man-
grove biomass and soil pools. For seagrasses, median
above- and below-ground biomass was 0.29 and
1.13 Mg C ha
respectively; the median soil pool
was 118.1 Mg C ha
. Combining plant biomass and
soil, median carbon storage in an Indonesian seagrass
meadow is 119.5 Mg C ha
. Extrapolated to the
estimated total seagrass area of 30,000 km
, the
national storage value is 368.5 Tg C. For mangroves,
median above- and below-ground biomass was 159.1
and 16.7 Mg C ha
, respectively; the median soil
pool was 774.7 Mg C ha
. The median carbon
storage in an Indonesian mangrove forest is 950.5 Mg
. Extrapolated to the total estimated mangrove
area of 31,894 km
, the national storage value is 3.0
Pg C, a likely underestimate if these habitats sequester
carbon at soil depths [1 m and/or sequester inorganic
carbon. Together, Indonesia’s seagrasses and man-
groves conservatively account for 3.4 Pg C, roughly
17 % of the world’s blue carbon reservoir. Continued
D. M. Alongi (&)
Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB 3,
Townsville MC, QLD 4810, Australia
D. Murdiyarso
Bogor Agricultural University, Kampus Darmaga,
Bogor 16810, Indonesia
J. W. Fourqurean
Department of Biological Sciences and Southeast
Environmental Research Center, Florida International
University, Miami, FL 33199, USA
J. B. Kauffman
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA
A. Hutahaean T. Wagey
Agency for Research and Development of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries, Jakarta 12770, Indonesia
S. Crooks
Environmental Science Associates, 550 Kearny St Ste
800, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
C. E. Lovelock
School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland,
Saint Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
J. Howard E. Pidgeon
Marine Climate Change Program, Conservation
International, 2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington,
VA 22202, USA
D. Herr
International Union for Conservation of Nature, Rue
Mauverney 28, 1196 Gland, Switzerland
M. Fortes
Marine Science Institute CS, University of the Philippines
Diliman, 1101 Quezon City, Philippines
Wetlands Ecol Manage
DOI 10.1007/s11273-015-9446-y
Author's personal copy
degradation and destruction of these wetlands has
important consequences for CO
emissions and dis-
solved carbon exchange with adjacent coastal waters.
We estimate that roughly 29,040 Gg CO
(eq.) is
returned annually to the atmosphere–ocean pool. This
amount is equivalent to about 3.2 % of Indonesia’s
annual emissions associated with forest and peat land
conversion. These results highlight the urgent need for
blue carbon and REDD?projects as a means to stem
the decline in wetland area and to mitigate the release
of a significant fraction of the world’s coastal carbon
Keywords Blue carbon Carbon sequestration
Mangrove Seagrass Wetland Indonesia
Indonesia, one of the world’s largest countries in area
and population, straddles nearly one-tenth (5120 km)
of the equator, encompassing 13,466 islands
of which
only about 4000 are inhabited. The coast of Indonesia
stretches for more than 95,180 km in length, giving it
one of the longest coastlines in the world, and houses
some of the world’s richest tropical marine ecosys-
tems, including coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass
meadows, within 3.6 million km
of territorial seas.
These ecosystems form a large part of the Coral
Triangle of the Indo-Pacific, termed ‘the center of
origin’ for many of the world’s tropical marine flora
and fauna (Veron et al. 2011).
Indonesia’s coral reefs and coastal wetlands are,
however, in trouble. Most of the nation’s coral reefs
are destroyed or badly degraded (Tun et al. 2008), and
nearly half of the archipelago’s mangroves have been
lost mostly to aquaculture and coastal development
during the past 50 years (Kusmana 2014). Of the
31,894 km
of existing mangrove wetland (Spalding
et al. 2010), 31 % are in good condition, 27 % are
moderately degraded and the remaining 42 % of
mangrove forests are heavily degraded (ASCNM
2009). The status of Indonesia’s seagrasses is poorly
known; some local seagrass beds are well described as
are the distribution of the major seagrass species, but
there is no national or regional inventory (Nadiarti
et al. 2012). At least one source (UNEP 2008) quotes a
decline in Indonesian seagrass cover of 30–40 % since
the 1960s and Green and Short (2003) estimate that
seagrasses cover 30,000 km
of Indonesian seas, but
there is little quantitative data. What can be said for
certain is that the trend is for a decline in seagrass area
(Ooi et al. 2011; Short et al. 2014).
Considering the large losses of mangrove and
seagrass habitats and the continuing trends throughout
Indonesia, it is important to know and conserve the size
of their below- and above-ground carbon pools because
the carbon from these destroyed and degraded ecosys-
tems is eventually lost to the atmosphere and coastal
ocean. Recent calculations (Donato et al. 2011;
Pendelton et al. 2012; Alongi and Mukhopadhyay
2014) indicate that the global destruction of mangrove
carbon stocks at the current deforestation rate of 1 %
results in an annual release of 90–970 Tg C years
the atmosphere/ocean pools, and add an additional
10 % to global CO
release from deforestation of
tropical terrestrial forests. This estimate reflects the fact
that mangroves store more carbon (956 t C ha
2014) than other ecosystems, such as rainforests (481 t
) and salt marshes (593 t C ha
); mangrove
carbon is stored mostly (75 %) below-ground as it is in
seagrass meadows ([90 %). Recent assessments of the
carbon sequestration capacity of seagrasses (Four-
qurean et al. 2012;Duarteetal.2013a,b;Lavery
et al. 2013; Siikama
¨ki et al. 2013; Macreadie et al.
2014) indicate that, like mangroves, they are among the
most effective ecosystems for storing carbon, and that
losses of seagrass meadows could contribute an addi-
tional 11–90 Tg C years
to the atmosphere (Four-
qurean et al. 2012; Pendleton et al. 2012).
The carbon stored in these vegetated ecosystems
(including salt marshes that are mainly temperate) has
been termed ‘blue carbon’ (Pendleton et al. 2012). A
growth of schemes to conserve and restore wetland
blue carbon (but not solely as part of the REDD?
GIS surveys beginning in 2011 have reduced the widely-
accepted island total from 17,080. This difference is due to the
increased accuracy of GIS as well as to not including inlets under
the definition of island in the UN Law of the Sea Convention
REDD?stands for efforts to reduce emissions from defor-
estation and degradation, and the role of conservation, sustain-
able management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon
stocks in developing countries (1).
Wetlands Ecol Manage
Author's personal copy
umbrella) has emerged over the past few years. Their
objective is to enhance carbon sequestration both as a
means to ameliorate the rise in carbon emissions and to
protect and conserve these rapidly disappearing habi-
tats—partly to avoid the return of these considerable
carbon sinks to the atmosphere and coastal ocean
(Mcleod et al. 2011; Pendleton et al. 2012). Naturally,
Indonesia stands out as a high-priority nation for such
blue carbon projects, owing to the areal extent and size
of its mangrove forests and seagrass meadows, but to
date only one assessment of mangrove carbon stocks
(Murdiyarso et al. 2015) has been made.
This paper addresses this lack of information by
using published and unpublished measurements of the
organic carbon content (C
) of living seagrass and
mangrove biomass and soil pools to estimate the size
and significance of Indonesia’s blue carbon stocks
compared to the global wetland C stores. We also
estimate the magnitude of the continuing losses and
return of Indonesia’s wetland carbon to the atmo-
sphere/ocean pools compared with the current rates of
deforestation. We hope that these estimates will
highlight the global importance of Indonesia’s coastal
Data sources, assumptions and carbon estimates
Data on seagrass and mangrove C
content of living
biomass and C
content and dry bulk density (DBD)
of soils were compiled from a number of locations
(Fig. 1) to deliver preliminary estimates of carbon
stocks of these Indonesian ecosystems. These data are
from published sources obtained using literature
values and augmented by unpublished data, when
available. Different data sources invariably use dif-
ferent methods, but we treated all data equally and
standardized all nomenclature across the data. Units
are in Mg C ha
except where noted.
An additional criterion for data selection was that each
source contains empirical data from individual sites
for at least two of the three carbon pools: above-
ground biomass, below-ground biomass and the soil
pool. The total soil C
pool was standardized to a soil
depth of 1 m. Soil surface values were extrapolated to
1 m using the formulae derived by Fourqurean et al.
(2012) from all known seagrass soil C
data: for C
Fig. 1 Distribution map of Indonesia’s mangrove forests and seagrass meadows. The locations of the references cited in Tables 1and 2
are highlighted as ‘M’ for mangrove and ‘S’ for seagrass
Wetlands Ecol Manage
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-0.005 ±0.003log
?1) cm
; for DBD,
8.6 ±4.0 (mg (dry weight) ml
, except in
one study (Alongi et al. 2008a) where the known
maximum depth of core penetration was less (Fig. 2).
Seagrass biomass (DW) was converted to C
the C
content measured for the dominant species in
each reference listed in Table 1.
All seagrass meadows sampled in Indonesia were
composed of sandy soils, or in some cases, were
growing on coral rubble (Table 1), and were domi-
nated by Enhalus acoroides,Thalassia hemprichii,
Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea rotundata,orCy-
modocea serrulata. The data from all sites (Fig. 3)
showed asymmetric distribution with very few values
greater than 0.6 Mg C ha
for above-ground carbon
TOC (% soil dry weight)
Depth (cm)
Fig. 2 Vertical profiles of mean (±1 SE) organic carbon
concentrations (as % soil dry weight) with increasing soil depth
in three seagrass meadows in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Site SB1 was
a meadow dominated by Enhalus acoroides and located a few
meters from the mouth of a mangrove-lined creek, with very fine
sandy soil (40 % CaCO
). Site SB2 was a meadow dominated
by E. acoroides,Halodule uninervis, and Cymodocea rotundata
and located further seawards, composed of very fine sandy soil
(70 % CaCO
). Site SB3 was a meadow located adjacent to a
coral reef, composed of fine carbonate (83 % CaCO
) sand, and
dominated by the above species as well as C. serrulata and
Thalassia hemprichii. Alongi et al. (2008a) provides a full
description of these sites and soil C methods. Briefly, triplicate
sediment samples were taken using a hand-held stainless steel
corer. Dried sub-samples were processes for determination of
total C (TC) on a Perkin-Elmer 2400 CHNS/O Series II
Analyzer and for total organic carbon (TOC) on a Shimadzu
TOC Analyzer with solid sampler. Total inorganic carbon was
assumed CaCO
, as determined by difference between the TC
and TOC concentrations
AGCG (Mg C ha -1)
Number of observations
BGCB (Mg C ha -1)
Number of observations
Soil C (Mg C ha -1)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
01 345
50 100 150 200 250 300
Number of observations
Fig. 3 Frequency distribution of reported observations of
above-ground carbon biomass (AGCB, top histogram), below-
ground carbon-biomass (BGCB, middle histogram) and soil
carbon (bottom histogram) from individual sample sites in
Indonesian seagrass meadows (mean values for locations are in
Table 1)
Wetlands Ecol Manage
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biomass (AGCB) and 3 Mg C ha
for below-ground
carbon biomass (BGCB). AGCB ranged from 0.01 to
1.15 Mg C ha
with a median of 0.29 and a mean (±1
SE) of 0.32 ±0.03 Mg C ha
(Table 1). BGCB was
greater than ABCG at all locations and ranged from
0.02 to 4.84 Mg C ha
with a median of 1.13 and a
mean (±1 SE) of 1.23 ±0.11 Mg C ha
(Table 1).
The largest carbon pool was the soil, ranging from
31.3 to 293.3 Mg C ha
with a median of 118.1 and a
mean (±1 SE) of 129.9 ±9.6 Mg C ha
(Table 1).
Seagrass AGCB and BGCB correlated positively
(Pearson’s r =0.501; P \0.00000167) but biomass
did not correlate with soil carbon. The sum of these
three pools is the median carbon storage for an
Indonesian seagrass meadow, which is 119.5 Mg C
. Extrapolating this value to the total area of
seagrasses (30,000 km
) gives a total seagrass carbon
storage value in Indonesia of 368.5 ±19.5 Tg C or
0.3685 ±0.002 Pg C.
An additional criterion for the acceptance of mangrove
data sources was documentation in appropriate detail
of above- and below biomass and of soil C stocks to a
soil depth of 1 m or down to bedrock; other biomass
data exist for Indonesia, but these sources had
inadequate methodological details, lack of replicate
sample plots, and/or insufficient soil data, so they were
excluded from our analysis. We realize that soil
carbon stocks of mangroves are frequently [1 m (see
Donato et al. 2011), but in order to make comparisons
we limited to this depth. Similarly, references con-
taining only soil C data but no or insufficient above-
and below-ground biomass data were also excluded.
These criteria resulted in the acceptance of only two
sources (Table 2). Nevertheless, both of these pub-
lished sources used identical methods (Howard et al.
2014) and contain data from 37 different mangrove
forests in Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, West Papua and
Kalimantan and encompass all known forest types
(estuarine, riverine, fringing, carbonate settings).
The data from all forest plots (Fig. 4) showed
asymmetric distribution especially for above-ground
carbon biomass (AGCB) with very few values greater
than 350 Mg C ha
. AGCB ranged from 8.2 to
478.4 Mg C ha
with a median of 159.1 and a mean
AGCB (Mg C ha -1)
Number of observations
Soil C (Mg C ha -1)
Number of observations
BGCB (Mg C ha -1)
0 100 200 300 400 500
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
0 102030405060
Number of observations
Fig. 4 Frequency distribution of reported observations of
above-ground carbon biomass (AGCB, top histogram), below-
ground carbon-biomass (BGCB, middle histogram) and soil
carbon (bottom histogram) from individual sample sites in
Indonesian mangrove forests (mean values for locations are in
Table 2)
Wetlands Ecol Manage
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Table 1 Mean (±1 SE) above-(AGCB) and below-ground carbon (BGCB) biomass and soil carbon storage in various seagrass beds
throughout Indonesia. Soil stocks are to a depth of 1 m except where noted
Location Dominant species
(by biomass)
(Mg C ha
(Mg C ha
Soil C
(Mg C ha
Salayer, Flores
E. acoroides,
T. hemprichii
0.73 ±0.41 1.07 ±0.63 NA (medium carbonate
sand to coral rubble)
Nienhuis et al. (1989)
Taka Bone Rate,
Flores Sea
H. uninervis,T.
0.71 ±0.42 1.01 ±0.67 NA (medium carbonate
sand to coral rubble)
Komodo E. acoroides,
T. hemprichii
0.63 ±0.33 1.29 ±0.76 NA (fine carbonate sand to
coral rubble)
Sumbawa T. hemprichii,
C. serrulata
0.57 ±0.40 1.92 ±2.71 NA (fine carbonate sand to
coral rubble)
NW Java E. acoroides,
C. rotundata H.
C. serrulata,
T. hemprichii
0.66 ±0.32 1.75 ±0.82 62.4 ±12.4
Kiswara (1992)
S Sulawesi T. hemprichii,
E. acoroides
0.31 ±0.16 1.79 ±0.80 31.3 ±2.1
Erftemeijer and
Middelburg (1993),
Erftemeijer (1994),
and Erftemeijer and
Herman (1994)
T. hemprichii,
Halodule univervis
E. acoroides
0.34 ±0.16 1.81 ±1.09 NA (fine to coarse
carbonate sand)
Mixed 0.38 ±0.24 1.30 ±0.05 NA (fine to coarse
carbonate sand)
C. rotundata,
T. hemprichii,
E. acoroides,
H. univervis
0.55 ±0.25 2.84 ±1.53 NA (fine to coarse
carbonate sand)
E. acoroides 0.26 ±0.20 0.55 ±0.36 148.4 ±22.2
T. hemprichii,
C. serrulata
0.15 ±0.07 0.59 ±0.28 NA (terrigenous sandy
Moluccas H. univervis (sparse) 0.03 ±0.01 0.21 ±0.05 NA Delongh et al. (1995)
H. univervis 0.07 ±0.01 0.52 ±0.10 NA
SW Sulawesi T. hemprichii 0.73 ±0.19 1.18 ±0.52 NA Stapel et al. (2001)
SW Sulawesi E. acoroides 0.33 ±0.17 1.53 ±0.22 239.2 ±44.9
Priosambodo (2006),
Alongi et al. (2008a),
and Alongi (unpubl)
C. rotundata,
C. serrulata,
E. acoroides,
H. univervis
0.38 ±0.21 1.82 ±0.39 102.9 ±29.3
C. rotundata,
C. serrulata,
E. acoroides
0.61 ±0.18 2.41 ±0.50 87.9 ±28.4
Wetlands Ecol Manage
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(±1 SE) of 191.2 ±20.2 Mg C ha
(Table 2).
Below-ground carbon biomass (BGCB) was less than
AGCB at all locations, ranging from 2.5 to 58.6 Mg C
with a median of 16.7 and a mean (±1 SE) of
21.1 ±2.7 Mg C ha
(Table 2). The largest reservoir
was the soil pool, ranging from 18.8 to 1569.3 Mg C
with a median of 774.7 and a mean (±1 SE) of
761.3 ±73.6 Mg C ha
(Table 2). In one Sumatran
forest growing atop a relict coral reef, the largest C
pool was the mangrove forest canopy (Alongi et al.
2008b). Mangrove AGCB and BGCB correlated
positively (Pearson’s r =0.436; P \0.007) but nei-
ther biomass pool correlated with soil carbon.
Summing the median AGCB, BGCB and soil pools
(limited to 1 m depth), we derive a median carbon
storage value for an Indonesian mangrove forest of
950.5 ±29.9 Mg C ha
. Extrapolating this value to
the total area of mangroves (31,894 km
) results in a
total mangrove carbon storage in Indonesia of
3.0 ±0.1 Pg C.
The sum of seagrass and mangrove carbon storage in
Indonesia is 3.4 Pg C and can be compared to the
global estimate of carbon storage for all coastal
wetlands of 20 Pg C (10 PgC estimated by Chmura
et al. (2003) for tidal marshes and mangroves, plus an
equivalent C
storage (Fourqurean et al. 2012) for
seagrasses). If accurate, we can estimate that Indone-
sia’s estuarine and marine wetlands store roughly
17 % of the world’s blue carbon. Unfortunately, due to
the lack of sufficient data on mass sediment accumu-
lation of mangrove and seagrass soils in Indonesia, it is
not possible to derive an annual carbon burial rate.
Table 1 continued
Location Dominant species
(by biomass)
(Mg C ha
(Mg C ha
Soil C
(Mg C ha
S Sulawesi T. hemprichii
(closed canopy)
0.41 ±0.01 2.19 ±0.06 NA Vonk et al. (2010)
T. hemprichii (open
0.16 ±0.01 1.77 ±0.06 NA
E Kalimantan H. univervis
0.01 ±0.01 0.02 ±0.01 243.3 ±30.2
Van Katwijk et al.
H. univervis
0.05 ±0.03 0.19 ±0.11 121.6 ±14.8
H. univervis
0.14 ±0.09 0.23 ±0.16 80.0 ±10.2
E Kalimantan H. univervis 0.04 ±0.00 0.18 ±0.02 NA Christianen et al. (2012,
H. univervis
0.06 ±0.01 0.18 ±0.02 NA
H. univervis
0.10 ±0.01 0.18 ±0.01 NA
S Sulawesi E. acoroides,
T. hemprichii,
C. rotundata
0.27 ±0.03 0.86 ±0.03 214.4 ±48.7
Supriadi et al. (2014)
Median 0.29 1.13 118.1
Mean 0.32 ±0.03
(n =82)
1.23 ±0.11
(n =82)
129.9 ±9.6 (n =32)
An average sediment dry bulk density (g ml
) of 0.92 was used for terrigenous deposits (Fourqurean et al. 2012) and 1.39 for
carbonates (Campbell et al. 2015)
Estimated using a median surface soil C
value of 0.595 % (by sediment dry weight) for these deposits (Booij et al. 2001; Pratono
et al. 2009)
Soil depth only to 50 cm
Range of increasing soil dry bulk densities (g ml
) with soil depth (Alongi, unpublished data)
Wetlands Ecol Manage
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Such data is urgently needed. Sequestration rates can
be derived for plant biomass (assuming such stocks are
not burned or clear-felled), but these are wholly
inadequate because soils account for 82 and 99 % of
the total carbon reserves for the archipelago’s man-
groves and seagrasses, respectively (Tables 1,2). One
empirical estimate indicates carbon sequestration
(estimated from sediment accretion using surface
elevation tables) in mangroves in Bali of
2.2 ±0.6 Mg C ha
(Sidik 2014) which is
very close to the global mean burial rate of 1.7 Mg C
. Using the Bali estimate, this means that
approximately 7 Tg of carbon is buried in mangrove
soils throughout Indonesia annually.
Refinement of the carbon storage estimates in the
future may result in an even higher percentage of the
world’s total, especially for Indonesia’s seagrasses, for
several reasons. First, the areal coverage of Indone-
sia’s seagrass meadows is most likely greater than
30,000 km
because many of the shallow coastal
waters of the country’s 13,466 islands remain unsur-
veyed (Ooi et al. 2011). Green and Short (2003)
themselves maintained that their figure was a likely
underestimate. Second, only the senior author has
made any attempt to sample Indonesian seagrass
deposits to maximum depth of penetration; most of the
available studies (Table 1) sampled only surface soils.
Third, in other areas of Southeast Asia experiencing
increased river runoff due to deforestation (Terrados
et al. 1998; Gacia et al. 2003), many seagrass
meadows in Indonesia likely inhabit finer sediment
deposits than those locations cited in Table 1. Thus,
the average soil carbon pool in an Indonesian seagrass
meadow is probably much greater than estimated here,
considering also that recent seagrass carbon studies
(Fourqurean et al. 2012) have been able to penetrate
seagrass meadows across the globe to a soil depth of
1 meter. The mangrove soil data are also
Table 2 Mean (±1 SE) above-(AGCB) and below-ground carbon (BGCB) biomass and soil carbon storage in various mangrove
forests throughout Indonesia
Location Dominant species AGCB
(Mg C ha
(Mg C ha
Soil C
(Mg C ha
S. Sumatra Avicennia marina 24.3 ±4.6 3.1 ±2.8 174. 8 ±27.2
(50 cm)
Alongi et al. (2008b)
Rhizophora stylosa 18.2 ±4.1 4.4 ±2.6 1169.3 ±227.6
R. stylosa,R. apiculata 117.1 ±6.8 18.2 ±9.9 18.8 ±4.4
(12 cm)
W. Sulawesi Sonneratia caseolaris,
S. lanceolata,
Lumnitzera racemosa
30.0 ±3.4 8.2 ±3.8 777.4 ±110.4
(50 cm)
E Sumatra A. marina, R. apiculata,
R. stylosa, R. alba, R.
mucronata, Bruguiera
spp., Xylocarpus
311.8 ±77.2 27.9 ±4.4 979.5 ±152.4 Donato et al. (2011) and
Murdiyarso et al.
N Java 18.8 ±6.4 2.5 ±3.3 571.6 ±200.3
W Kalimantan 159.1 ±69.5 14.2 ±6.0 620.9 ±61.2
S. Kalimantan 159.5 ±62.9 21.3 ±12.3 1059.2 ±188.9
N Sulawesi 111.9 ±30.3 14.9 ±10.8 811.7 ±630.1
W Papua 213.8 ±129.8 36.7 ±18.8 660.5 ±282.1
W Papua 338.4 ±61.7 43.6 ±19.4 1014.8 ±189.0
W Papua 282.9 ±158.5 27.2 ±13.7 965.1 ±169.2
Bali Avicennia spp.,
Rhizophora spp.,
Sonneratia spp.,
tagal, X. granatum
171 ±43 40 ±5 290 ±40 Sidik (2014)
Median 159.1 16.7 774.7
Mean 191.2 ±20.3
(n =37)
21.1 ±2.7
(n =37)
761.3 ±73.6
(n =37)
Wetlands Ecol Manage
Author's personal copy
underestimates of the true soil stocks as a number of
studies (Donato et al. 2011; Murdiyarso et al. 2015)
have found significant carbon stocks deeper than 1
meter. Further, it has been demonstrated that when
mangroves are disturbed carbon losses from depth [1
m have been measured (Ong 1993; Kauffman et al.
The data reported here for Indonesia’s mangroves is
likely more spatially representative than that for the
seagrasses, but nevertheless, many islands remain
unsurveyed (Fig. 1). Alongi et al. (2008b)discovered
that many coral reefs throughout the archipelago have
been smothered by catchment soils due to enhanced
land erosion and subsequent transport, leading to
colonization and development of mangroves. Although
no quantitative data exist, sedimentation has increased
since the 1970s to the extent that fringing reefs are
rapidly disappearing and being replaced by mangroves
and seagrasses (Budiman et al. 1986;Yuliantoetal.
2004;Alongietal.2008b; Sekiguchi and Aksornkoae
2008). Therefore, despite ongoing deforestation, there
are some areas where mangrove and seagrass ecosys-
tems area are expanding at the expense of the
archipelago’s coral reefs, providing that increased
sediment loading does not decrease the amount of light
reaching the bottom to fuel seagrass photosynthesis.
The net result of enhanced land erosion may well be
enhanced coastal carbon storage.
That Indonesia’s coastal wetlands store approxi-
mately one-fifth of the world’s blue carbon is not
totally unexpected if one considers that the archipe-
lago’s mangroves and seagrasses account for about
21 % of the global total coverage of mangroves and at
least 10 % of seagrasses (Green and Short 2003;
Spalding et al. 2010). Further, the carbon stocks of
mangroves located at lower latitudes are higher than
those of higher latitudes (Alongi 2009). Indonesian
seagrasses may or may not store more carbon in soils
as we only report on the top 50 cm; data currently in
hand would suggest that Indonesian seagrasses may
store less C
in above- (mean =0.32 Mg C ha
and below-ground biomass (mean =1.23 Mg C ha
than the global averages of 0.76 and 1.76 Mg ha
recorded by Fourqurean et al. (2012). The ‘average’
mangrove forest in Indonesia stores roughly as much
(mean =950.5 Mg C ha
) as they do globally
(mean =956 Mg C ha
), but slightly more propor-
tionally below-ground (83 vs 75 %) in soil and roots
(Alongi 2014). But these differences with the global
averages may be more representative of the small
sample size in Indonesia compared with the global
dataset rather than of true differences in the distribu-
tion of carbon.
While Indonesia likely has at least one-fifth of the
world’s blue carbon stores, continuing and alarming
destruction and degradation of the nation’s mangrove
forests and seagrass meadows does have important
consequences. This is not limited only to coastal
stability and sustainability, but also in terms of
greenhouse gas emissions. CO
emissions have been
both estimated (Alongi et al. 1998; Pendleton et al.
¨ki et al. 2012) and observed after
degradation of mangrove forests (Lovelock et al.
2011; Sidik and Lovelock 2013;Kauffmanetal.
2014). Given the continuing mangrove deforestation
rate of 1 % of area annually, and assuming that 88 % of
the entire carbon store in above- and below ground
biomass as well as in soil to a depth of 1 meter is
oxidized to CO
during the destruction process (Kauff-
man et al. 2014), the amount of CO
returned annually
to the atmosphere/ocean pools is roughly 26,400 Gg
or 29,040 Gg CO
if we make the identical
assumptions for seagrasses (see Kennedy et al. (2014)
for level of uncertainty and validity of these assump-
tions). This estimate is equivalent to about 3.2 % of the
annual CO
emissions associated with forest and net
forest and peatland conversion (906,874 Gg CO
) in Indonesia (FAO 2012), which is roughly
proportional to the total area of coastal wetlands to
forest area (World Bank 2012). Our emissions estimate
is only a small proportion of the 0.15–1.02 Pg CO
may be released by land-use change of all of the world’s
coastal wetlands (Pendleton et al. 2012).
Nevertheless, REDD?and other climate mitiga-
tion projects that conserve the present carbon stores
as well as those activities that restore mangrove and
seagrass habitats are urgently required. This is not
simply to maintain and restore Indonesia’s carbon
stocks and the other important ecosystem services
that arise from these ecosystems, but to prevent a
significant fraction of the world’s marine carbon
reserves from being lost to the atmosphere and
ocean carbon pools.
Acknowledgments This is contribution no. 736 from the
Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida
International University and is a publication of the Blue
Carbon Initiative, Washington DC.
Wetlands Ecol Manage
Author's personal copy
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Wetlands Ecol Manage
Author's personal copy
... Indonesia possesses the capacity to sequester carbon amounting to 3.4 gigatons, which is equivalent to roughly 17% of the blue carbon produced worldwide (Alongi et al. 2016). According to the findings of Wahyudi et al. (2020), the potential carbon stock of the seagrass ecosystem in Indonesia is estimated to be between 0.94 and 1.15 tons C ha -1 for vegetation and 558.35 tons C ha -1 for sediment. ...
Full-text available
Supratman O, Farhaby AM, Henri, Septiyati MU, Adi W. 2024. Carbon stock, density, and biomass of seagrass in South Bangka, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 25: 1736-1742. As a component of the carbon ecosystem, seagrass meadows play a crucial role in preventing climatic change. The execution of Indonesian programs pertaining to carbon economic value, carbon trading, and other endeavors aimed at attaining the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) requires estimated data on seagrass carbon stocks. The present study investigates the seagrass density, vegetation carbon stock, and sediment carbon stock of South Bangka, Indonesia. The investigation is carried out in the following stages: i) data collection on-site, ii) laboratory sample analysis, and iii) data analysis. The accumulation of data on-site utilizes a square transect method, which includes the gathering of sediment, sample biomass, and density information. The carbon composition of sediment and seagrass vegetation is ascertained through laboratory analysis employing the Loss of Ignition (LOI) method. The investigation uncovered eight species of seagrass in South Bangka. Cymondocea rotundata, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis, Oceana serrulata, Siringodium isotifolium, and Thalassia Hemprichii are the identified species of seagrass. In South Bangka, the combined carbon stock of seagrass (above and below ground carbon) varies between 0.049±0.057 and 1.323±1.581 Mg C Ha-1. The range of sediment carbon is 110.53±42.07 Mg Corg Ha-1 extrapolated to a depth of 1 m. The results of this study suggest that the seagrass meadows in South Bangka are characterized by a significant species diversity and effectively sequester carbon in the form of biomass and sediment. This supports the National Climate Change Mitigation Program for Blue Carbon Ecosystems, an initiative that seeks to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change by utilizing the carbon sequestration capabilities of mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and tidal marshes.
... Even with this minimal cover, mangroves provide an invaluable ecosystem. They serve as carbon sinks as much as five-fold relative to terrestrial forests and breeding grounds and nurseries for diverse sets of organisms [70,71]. ...
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Coastal ecosystems are often overlooked sinks of anthropogenic marine debris (AMD), persistent human-made materials with sizes ranging from 1 mm to 1 m which are mostly plastics. Although serving as transition zones between terrestrial and marine environments, the degree and extent of plastic pollution in coastal environments. The chapter will discuss the background and history, composition, sources, and endpoints of AMD. Its spatiotemporal variabilities will be presented with case studies together with other related discoveries in coastal plastic pollution. The impacts of AMD pollution, specifically in mangroves and seagrass ecosystems, will be explored in depth. Discussions on public health implications, waste management initiatives, and future directions will conclude the chapter.
... Mangroves are one of the most carbon-rich biomes, mangroves only contribute about 1% of carbon sequestration by the world's forests, but as coastal habitats, they contribute 14% of carbon sequestration by the oceans [25]. Table 6 shows that the highest carbon storage is found in natural forests, namely 57.63 Mg ha-1 above ground level and 12.07 Mg ha−1 below ground level. ...
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Perlis Village is around the mangrove forest in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia. This village has several barren lands potentially planted with mangroves. They were considering that the livelihoods of most of the people were fishermen and mangrove crab catchers. It is necessary to plant and rehabilitate damaged mangrove forests to restore and repair the ecosystem in Perlis Village. Planting activities were carried out in locations considered suitable for planting 200 seedlings. Three transects were made to obtain vegetation analysis data and carbon content. Each transect consists of six plots in natural forest and restoration forest. When the seedlings at the planting location were 3 months old, observations were carried out again, and of the 135 plants, approximately 67.16 percent were still alive from a total of 200 seedlings planted. Carbon storage in natural forests is 69 Mg ha-1 and 41.64 Mg ha-1 in restoration forests. By enriching the methods and estimating the potential carbon stocks of natural and rehabilitated mangroves in Perlis village in the context of Indonesia's climate change mitigation strategy, it is hoped that this information has the potential to help the blue carbon research community and policymakers.
... Lamun pada sistem ekologi di lingkungan laut berperan untuk mendukung komunitas ikan, terutama pada sebagian tahapan siklus hidup, sehingga sangat penting untuk keberlanjutan sumber daya perikanan pesisir (Beck et al., 2001;Nagelkerken 2009), sumber makanan dan tempat mencari makan kura-kura (Abdulqader & Miller, 2012;Preen et al., 2012), dan meningkatkan kualitas air (Duffy, 2006). Selain itu padang lamun memiliki peran dalam penyerapan karbon (Fourqurean et al., 2012;Alongi et al., 2015). ...
Mangrove forest ecosystems are known to sequester large quantities of carbon, becoming a significant carbon source when disturbed. This paper presents a quantification in aboveground (standing trees, palm, shrub, standing dead trees, downed wood and litter), belowground (root and soil) and ecosystem carbon stocks in mangrove forests along the Carigara Bay in Leyte, Philippines. The carbon stocks in the different mangrove forest types (fringe and riverine) and zones (landward, middleward, and seaward/along water) were compared. Further, the relationship between environmental factors (eg, interstitial soil salinity, soil water content and soil depth) and ecosystem carbon stocks was examined. The study yielded an ecosystem carbon stock of 558.02±51.13Mg ha-1, partitioned into aboveground and belowground carbon stocks of 251.96±31.08 and 306.06±28.50Mg ha-1, respectively. The ecosystem carbon stocks of the riverine (805.89±80.57Mg ha-1) greatly exceeded that of the fringe mangrove forests (310.15±24.59Mg ha-1). In general, biomass and soil both store a similar proportion of carbon, corresponding to 57% and 43%, respectively. In addition, regression analysis revealed that soil depth was a reasonable predictor of ecosystem carbon stocks, whereby increasing ecosystem carbon stocks were associated with deeper soil deposits. Overall, the study’s results highlight the exceptionally high amount of carbon stored in the mangrove ecosystems, indicating their potential role in climate change mitigation.
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Mangrove forests are one of the most complex forest ecosystems on earth. Focusing on the unique vegetation composition of mangrove ecosystems, these forests are classified as true mangroves, riveting attention to their distinct ecological significance. The world has 64 mangrove species distributed throughout coastal ecosystems. 18.75% of the total mangrove species have been considered ‘threatened’ by the IUCN. 14.93% of the world’s 2.1 million km of coastline is protected by mangrove ecosystems, which sequester approximately 1% of the carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Mangrove forest ecosystems also provide habitat to many important fauna and multiple ecosystem services to coastal communities. Mangrove ecosystems are situated in such a complex biome between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems that 14% of the carbon considered blue carbon is stored within the mangrove ecosystems. Multiple climatic, edaphic, and hydrological conditions are behind the complex mangrove ecosystems. Due to various factors, mangrove ecosystems have been significantly degraded in the past two decades. However, the conservation efforts of multiple organizations at the global level have potentially reduced the degradation. Other threats to these forest biomes include anthropogenic disturbances, indirect impacts of climate change, etc. Thus, the conservation and restoration of mangrove forests are major challenges to mitigating the adverse effects of climate change in the riverine, coastal, deltaic, and estuarine zones where these forests exist. Conservation and restoration of the aquatic and terrestrial components of mangrove ecosystems through the implementation of activities, namely afforestation, reforestation, and revegetation (ARR), wetland restoration and conservation (WRC), and REDD+ are important tools for the protection of mangrove forest ecosystems.
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p>DDT (1,1,1-Tricholor-2,2-bis(chlorophenil)ethane) and its two derivatives, DDD (1,1-Dicholor-2,2-bis(chlorophenil)ethane) and DDE (1,1-Tricholor-2,2-bis(chlorophenil)-ethylene) were identified in the coastal sediment of Citarum Estuary, Jakarta Bay.Eight stations of the sediment sampling were designed in order to obtain the changing of their concentration sadjacent to the estuary as possible input. Sediment samples were collected in the surface layer within a less than 5 cm depth. In addition to pesticides, texture of sediment and total organic carbon were analyzed. Generally, fine fractions (silt and clay) were predominant grain-size of the sediment ranging 21–35,8 % and 17,6–65,6 %, respectively, while total organic carbon (TOC) ranged from 0,30–1,49 %. Concentrations of p’,p’-DDT varied from 0,621–1,187ppb, concentrations of p’,p’-DDD ranged from 0,176–2,153 ppb and concentrations of p’,p’-DDE were from 0.181–2,254 ppb. The occurrence of total DDT (ΣDDT+DDD+DDE) tended to correlated positively to the fine fraction indicating as transport agent. DDD and DDE as DDT metabolites were formed by biological and chemical processes within predominantly aerobic condition. Keywords: pesticide, DDT, DDD, DDE, sediment, transport agent, Citarum, Jakarta Bay </p
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Indonesia is an archipelagic country of more than 17,504 islands with the length of coastline estimated at 95,181 km, which bears mangroves from several meters to several kilometers. They grow extensively along the inner facing coastlines of most of the large islands and estuarine. They consist of various community types, either mixed or pure stands, mainly distributed in the five big islands (Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua). In 2009, the Agency of Survey Coordination and National Mapping (Republic of Indonesia) of Indonesia reported the existing mangrove forest area in Indonesia of about 3,244,018 ha; however, at 2007 the Directorate General of Land Rehabilitation and Social Forestry, Ministry of Forestry (Ditjen RLPS MoF) of Indonesia reported about 7,758,411 ha of mangrove area (including an existing vegetated mangrove area). It was further reported that of those mangroves 30.7 % were in good condition, 27.4 % moderately destroyed and 41.9 % heavily destroyed. There are at least five ministries responsible for mangrove resource allocation and management in Indonesia, in which the Ministry of Forestry has the major authority. Nowadays, two Bureaus of Mangrove Forest Management, the National Mangrove Working Group and the Local (Provincial and Regency/City) Mangrove Working Group, as well as the Presidential Decree (PerPres) No. 73/2012 regarding National Strategy of Mangrove Management have been setup to strengthen the sustainable mangrove forest management. Currently the Indonesian Government leases a 85,000-ha mangrove forest in Bintuni, Papua and 28,280 ha in Batu Ampar, West Kalimantan to three forest concessioner companies to be harvested using seed tree method silvicultural systems. To enhance the conservation focus as stated on the Presidential Decree (Kepres) No. 32/1990, the width of the mangrove green belt in any coastal area should be set up about 130 × annual average of the difference between the highest and lowest tides. In Indonesia some mangrove forests have been destroyed by various causes, mainly conversion to other uses. In order to recover the destroyed mangroves, the Indonesian Government (c.q. Ministry of Forestry and Ministry of Marine and Fishery) collaborated with stakeholders (domestic and international) and executed rehabilitation as well as restoration of those destroyed mangroves, either in or outside state forest area.
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Mangroves provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including nutrient cycling, soil formation, wood production, fish spawning grounds, ecotourism and carbon (C) storage1. High rates of tree and plant growth, coupled with anaerobic, water-logged soils that slow decomposition, result in large long-term C storage. Given their global significance as large sinks of C, preventing mangrove loss would be an effective climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy. It has been reported that C stocks in the Indo-Pacific region contain on average 1,023 MgC ha−1 (ref. 2). Here, we estimate that Indonesian mangrove C stocks are 1,083 ± 378 MgC ha−1. Scaled up to the country-level mangrove extent of 2.9 Mha (ref. 3), Indonesia’s mangroves contained on average 3.14 PgC. In three decades Indonesia has lost 40% of its mangroves4, mainly as a result of aquaculture development5. This has resulted in annual emissions of 0.07–0.21 Pg CO2e. Annual mangrove deforestation in Indonesia is only 6% of its total forest loss6; however, if this were halted, total emissions would be reduced by an amount equal to 10–31% of estimated annual emissions from land-use sectors at present. Conservation of carbon-rich mangroves in the Indonesian archipelago should be a high-priority component of strategies to mitigate climate change.
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Konsep blue carbon yang diperkenalkan oleh UNEP, FAO dan UNESCO pada tahun 2009 memasukkan padang lamun sebagai salah satu ekosistem yang mempunyai peran dalam penyerapan karbon global. Karbon yang diserap disimpan dan dialirkan dalam beberapa kompartemen, antara lain di sedimen, herbivora, kolom air, ekosistem lain dan dalam bentuk biomassa. Penelitian dilakukan di Pulau Barranglompo, Makassar, untuk melihat potensi stok karbon yang tersimpan dalam biomassa lamun. Kepadatan lamun diukur dengan melakukan sampling menggunakan metode transek kuadrat dengan ukuran 50cm x 50cm. Sedangkan untuk biomassa dilakukan dengan transek 20cm x 20cm. Hubungan antara kepadatan, biomassa dan kandungan karbon dari lamun digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah stok karbon. Kepadatan lamun disurvei pada 236 titik, sedangkan untuk pengambilan sampel biomassa dilakukan pada 30 titik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunitas lamun mempunyai total stok karbon sebesar 73,86 ton dari total luas padang lamun 64,3 ha. Karbon di bawah substrat sebesar 56,55 ton (76,3%), lebih tinggi dibanding karbon di atas substrat yang hanya 17,57 ton (23,7%). Jenis lamun Enhalus acoroides menyumbang lebih dari 70% terhadap total stok karbon. Berdasarkan kelas karbon, kontribusi terbesar ditemukan pada kelas 100-200 gC.m-2 sebesar 29,41 ton (39,7%). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa ekosistem lamun berperan sangat penting dalam menjaga stok karbon di laut sehingga perlu mendapatkan perhatian untuk konservasinya.
p>DDT (1,1,1-Tricholor-2,2-bis(chlorophenil)ethane) and its two derivatives, DDD (1,1-Dicholor-2,2-bis(chlorophenil)ethane) and DDE (1,1-Tricholor-2,2-bis(chlorophenil)-ethylene) were identified in the coastal sediment of Citarum Estuary, Jakarta Bay.Eight stations of the sediment sampling were designed in order to obtain the changing of their concentration sadjacent to the estuary as possible input. Sediment samples were collected in the surface layer within a less than 5 cm depth. In addition to pesticides, texture of sediment and total organic carbon were analyzed. Generally, fine fractions (silt and clay) were predominant grain-size of the sediment ranging 21–35,8 % and 17,6–65,6 %, respectively, while total organic carbon (TOC) ranged from 0,30–1,49 %. Concentrations of p’,p’-DDT varied from 0,621–1,187ppb, concentrations of p’,p’-DDD ranged from 0,176–2,153 ppb and concentrations of p’,p’-DDE were from 0.181–2,254 ppb. The occurrence of total DDT (ΣDDT+DDD+DDE) tended to correlated positively to the fine fraction indicating as transport agent. DDD and DDE as DDT metabolites were formed by biological and chemical processes within predominantly aerobic condition. Keywords: pesticide, DDT, DDD, DDE, sediment, transport agent, Citarum, Jakarta Bay </p
Despite their importance in sustaining livelihoods for many people living along some of the world's most populous coastlines, tropical mangrove forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Occupying a crucial place between land and sea, these tidal ecosystems provide a valuable ecological and economic resource as important nursery grounds and breeding sites for many organisms, and as a renewable source of wood and traditional foods and medicines. Perhaps most importantly, they are accumulation sites for sediment, contaminants, carbon and nutrients, and offer significant protection against coastal erosion. This book presents a functional overview of mangrove forest ecosystems; how they live and grow at the edge of tropical seas, how they play a critical role along most of the world's tropical coasts, and how their future might look in a world affected by climate change. Such a process-oriented approach is necessary in order to further understand the role of these dynamic forests in ecosystem function, and as a first step towards developing adequate strategies for their conservation and sustainable use and management. The book will provide a valuable resource for researchers in mangrove ecology as well as reference for resource managers.