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Abstract and Figures

Wound contraction facilitates tissue repair. The correct balance between too little contraction, which leads to non-healing wounds, and too much contraction, which leads to contractures, is important for optimal healing. Thus, understanding which cells cause wound contraction is necessary to optimize repair. Wound contraction is hypothesized to develop from myofibroblast (cells which express alpha-smooth muscle actin; ACTA2) contractility, while the role of fibroblast contractility is unknown. In this study, we utilized ACTA2 null mice to determine what role fibroblasts play in wound contraction. Human scar contractures were immunostained for ACTA2, beta-cytoplasmic actin (ACTB), and gamma-cytoplasmic actin (ACTG1). Full-thickness cutaneous wounds were created on dorsum of ACTA2(+/+) mice and strain-matching ACTA2(+/-) and ACTA2(-/-) mice. Wound contraction was quantified. Tissue was harvested for histologic, immunohistochemical and protein analysis. Compared with surrounding unwounded skin, human scar tissue showed increased expression of ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1. ACTA2 was focally expressed in clusters. ACTB and ACTG1 were widely, highly expressed throughout scar tissue. Wound contraction was significantly retarded in ACTA2(-/-) mice, as compared to ACTA2(+/+) controls. Control mice had increased epithelialization, cell proliferation, and neovascularization. ACTA2(-/-) mice had lower levels of apoptosis, and fewer total numbers of cells. Smaller amount of collagen deposition and immature collagen organization in ACTA2(-/-) mice demonstrate that wounds were more immature. These data demonstrate that myofibroblasts contribute to but are not necessary for wound contraction. Mechanisms by which fibroblasts promote wound contraction may include activation of contractile signaling pathways, which promote interaction between non-muscle myosin II and ACTB and ACTG1.Laboratory Investigation advance online publication, 14 September 2015; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2015.116.
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Myofibroblasts contribute to but are not necessary for
wound contraction
Mohamed M Ibrahim
, Lei Chen
, Jennifer E Bond
, Manuel A Medina
, Licheng Ren
, George Kokosis
Angelica M Selim
and Howard Levinson
Wound contraction facilitates tissue repair. The correct balance between too little contraction, which leads to non-healing
wounds, and too much contraction, which leads to contractures, is important for optimal healing. Thus, understanding
which cells cause wound contraction is necessary to optimize repair. Wound contraction is hypothesized to develop from
myofibroblast (cells which express alpha-smooth muscle actin; ACTA2) contractility, while the role of fibroblast contractility
is unknown. In this study, we utilized ACTA2 null mice to determine what role fibroblasts play in wound contraction.
Human scar contractures were immunostained for ACTA2, beta-cytoplasmic actin (ACTB), and gamma-cytoplasmic actin
(ACTG1). Full-thickness cutaneous wounds were created on dorsum of ACTA2
mice and strain-matching ACTA2
and ACTA2
mice. Wound contraction was quantified. Tissue was harvested for histologic, immunohistochemical and
protein analysis. Compared with surrounding unwounded skin, human scar tissue showed increased expression of ACTA2,
ACTB, and ACTG1. ACTA2 was focally expressed in clusters. ACTB and ACTG1 were widely, highly expressed throughout
scar tissue. Wound contraction was significantly retarded in ACTA2
mice, as compared to ACTA2
controls. Control
mice had increased epithelialization, cell proliferation, and neovascularization. ACTA2
mice had lower levels of
apoptosis, and fewer total numbers of cells. Smaller amount of collagen deposition and immature collagen organization in
mice demonstrate that wounds were more immature. These data demonstrate that myofibroblasts contribute
to but are not necessary for wound contraction. Mechanisms by which fibroblasts promote wound contraction may
include activation of contractile signaling pathways, which promote interaction between non-muscle myosin II and
Laboratory Investigation advance online publication, 14 September 2015; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2015.116
Wound contraction facilitates tissue repair. The correct
balance between too little contraction, which leads to
non-healing wounds, and too much contraction, which leads
to contractures, is important for optimal healing. Thus,
understanding which cells cause wound contraction is
necessary to optimize repair. Modified fibroblasts with
smooth muscle (SM)-like features, including the expression
of alpha-SM actin (ACTA2), were first observed by Gabbiani
and colleagues in granulation tissue of healing wounds. This
led him to suggest that myofibroblasts promote wound
contraction and collagen production.1,2 Subsequent in vitro
studies by Hinz et al demonstrated that myofibroblasts
generate increased contractile force, as compared to fibro-
blasts, and that the mechanism is related to ACTA2
incorporation into stress fibers and increased focal adhesion
size.36ACTA2 levels were found to associate with a
fibroblast's ability to wrinkle a deformable substrate and
enhance collagen gel contraction.7
The compelling hypothesis that myofibroblasts are essential
for wound contraction is balanced by a counter hypothesis
that myofibroblasts are not essential for wound contraction.
Ehrlich et al found that human sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus
wounds contract without a high density of myofibroblasts
being present, ACTA2 is absent in free-floating collagen
lattice contraction, full thickness excisional wounds in rats
are capable of unwounded wound contraction in the absence
of myofibroblasts, and prevention of ACTA2 expression in
rodents treated with vanadate does not alter wound
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Departments of Surgery and Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA;
Department of Burn Surgery,
First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China;
Department of Burns and Reconstructive Surgery, Xiangya Hospital, Central South
University, Changsha, Hunan, China and
Department of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
Correspondence: Dr H Levinson, MD, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Departments of Surgery and Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
27710, USA.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 13 January 2015; revised 1 July 2015; accepted 28 July 2015; published online 14 September 2015 | Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 1
Laboratory Investigation (2015), 110
2015 USCAP, Inc All rights reserved 0023-6837/15
contraction.812 In 2002, Wrobel et al13 demonstrated that
fibroblasts and myofibroblasts produce similar contractile
To determine the role of ACTA2 in wound contraction, we
used human scar tissue, Acta2 null (Acta2
) mice and
murine open wound contraction model.14 Human tissue was
immunostained for ACTA2, beta-cytoplasmic actin (ACTB),
and gamma-cytoplasmic actin (ACTG1). Human scar tissue
showed increased expression of ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1.
ACTA2 was focally expressed in clusters. ACTB and ACTG1
were widely, highly expressed throughout scar tissue. Wound
contraction was significantly retarded in ACTA2
mice, as
compared to ACTA2
controls. Control mice had increased
epithelialization, cell proliferation, and neovascularization.
mice had lower levels of apoptosis, and fewer total
numbers of cells. The smaller amount of collagen deposition
and immature collagen organization in ACTA2
demonstrate that the wounds were more immature. We
conclude that the expression of ACTA2 is beneficial but not
essential for wound contraction.
Human Tissue
A total of 18 human scar samples with surrounding
unwounded tissue were obtained following approved
IRB protocols: 12 samples were obtained from First
Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in accordance
with IRB protocol, and 6 samples were obtained from
Duke University Medical Center (DUMC) Department of
Pathology. Samples were collected within 1 year of cicatriza-
tion. All the included samples exhibited obvious contrac-
ture (Supplementary Figure 1). Samples were categorized
according to patientsrace, gender, age, and scar location
(Table 1).
Male and female Acta2
, and Acta2
(1012 weeks old and weighing from 18 to 23 g) were used
in this study. The Acta2
mice used in this study were
established by inserting the Pol2NeobpA cassette15 into the
+1 start site of the Acta2 gene.16 Acta2
, and
mice from the same breeding colony were obtained
from Warren E Zimmer, PhD at Texas A&M Health Science
Center. All mice were monitored for signs of toxicity.
The mice were housed under protocols approved by the
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of
Duke University.
Excisional Wounds and Gross Examination
All procedures were performed in accordance with a protocol
approved by Duke University IACUC. Mice were anesthetized
using gas anesthesia (oxygen, 2 l/min, isoflurane, 2%). The
back of the mouse was shaved with metallic clippers. The back
was then sterilized using alcohol. Full-thickness excisional
wounds were created using 8-mm biopsy punches (Miltex,
York, Gibbstown, PA, USA) in the area between mices
scapular angles. The wounds were then covered by Tegaderm
(Transparent Film Dressing Frame Style, 3M Health Care, St
Paul, MN, USA). Dressings were changed daily for the first
4 days and then removed. Wounds were measured and
photographed daily using Canon PowerShot A470 digital
camera. Wound contraction was measured by gravitational
planimetry and expressed as percentage of original
wound size.
Tissue Collection
Mice were euthanized and tissue was collected. Collected
tissue was cut into equal halves. One half was preserved in
10% formalin for histological (HIS) analyses and the other
half was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen for additional
analyses. Prior to staining, tissue sections were deparaffinized
by warming at 65 °C overnight, immersed in xylene for
15 min, and rehydrated with decreasing concentrations of
ethanol in distilled water.
Table 1 Patient demographic of selected scar samples
Group N
All 18
Caucasian 6
Asian 12
Male 12
Female 6
Age (years)
o20 8
420 10
Scar location
Head and trunk 9
Upper extremities 3
Lower extremities 6
Scar ages
15 months 7
610 months 6
410 months 5
A total number of 18 skin lesions with typical contraction scar and surround-
ing unwounded skin between 1 and 12 months were matched according to
patientsrace, gender, age, scar location, and scar ages.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al
2Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 |
HIS, Immunohistochemical, and Immunofluorescence
For HIS analysis, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E,
Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA) staining was performed
following standard techniques. Massons Trichrome staining
was performed by use of Trichrome Stain kit
(Sigma-Aldrich), for collagen evaluation. The collagen index
value was calculated as collagen index =B+G/2 R+B+G for
each pixel within the image (where R, G, and B represent the
red, blue, and green pixel values, respectively). The value
of the collagen index ranged from 0 for extremely red
objects to 1 for completely bluegreen objects. The average
collagen index of three (HPF) images for each time point was
For immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis, immunostain-
ing was done. Briefly, to inhibit endogenous peroxidase
activity, rehydrated sections were immersed in 3% hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) for 10 min to block endogenous peroxidase.
Slides were rinsed with deionized water and then placed
under retrieval solution (Target Retrieval Solution, Dako
North America Carpinteria, CA, USA) in a water bath (98 °C)
to unmask antigens. After further tris-buffered saline (TBS,
TBS Automation Washing Buffer, Biocare Medical, Concord,
CA, USA) rinsing, sections were treated with 10% goat serum
(Normal Goat Serum, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame,
CA, USA) for 1 h to block non-specific antibody binding.
The primary antibody was incubated overnight at 4 °C. The
primary antibodies used included (1) for human scar tissue
IHC: rabbit anti ACTA2 polyclonal antibody (1:100 dilution,
Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA), mouse anti ACTB
monoclonal antibody (1:5000 dilution, Abcam), mouse
anti-ACTG1 monoclonal antibody (1:1000 dilution, Santa
Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA); and (2) for mice
wound tissue IHC: rabbit anti-Ki67 monoclonal antibody
(1:400 dilution, Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA), rabbit
anti-CD31 polyclonal antibody (1:200 dilution, Abcam). After
washing with TBS, the slides were incubated with appropriate
secondary antibody. The secondary antibodies used were:
biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:200 dilution, Vector
Laboratories), goat anti-mouse IgG (1:200 dilution, Vector
Laboratories), and horse anti-mouse IgG (1:200 dilution,
Vector Laboratories). The reactions were developed with an
avidinbiotin complex reaction (Vector Laboratories).
For immunofluorescence analysis, Terminal deoxynucleo-
tidyltransferase (TdT) dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL)
staining was performed by using in situ Cell Death Detection
POD kit (Roche, IN, USA) according to the manufacturers
instructions. 40,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) counter
stain was performed with Vectashield Mounting Medium
(Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA). Labeled cells
were visualized by use of a Nikon eclipse E600 microscope
and images were captured with a Nikon DXM 1200 digital
camera under the same setting. Morphometric evaluations
were done from sections through the center of wounds in
order to obtain the maximum wound area for evaluation.
Measurements of epidermal thickness,17,18
collagen content,19 positive immunostaining intensity,20 and
counting2123 were performed with NIH ImageJ software,
and all the analyses were run as triplicates. To quantify
non-muscle myosin II (isoform a, b, c, and ASMA) level of
expression in scar vs normal tissues by immunochemical
stained image analysis, the 24-bit RGB images per region
(300 p.p.i.) were converted to 8-bit gray value images with
pixel intensity values ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white)
using NIH ImageJ software. An 8 × 8 mm sample region
containing both scar and normal tissue was selected for
analysis. The sample image was divided into an 8 ×8 grid
(each box =1mm
). A mean pixel intensity value for each
box was measured using ImageJ. The middle four columns
were excluded from analysis since the area contains both
scar and normal tissues. As a result, 16-sample pixel
intensity values were each obtained for normal and
scar tissue. Statistical analysis was performed using
JMP software (SAS Institute ver. 7). The means of the two
samples were compared via Studentst-test. Differences
were considered to be statistically significant at values of
Statistical Analysis
All data are presented as the mean and s.e.m. of three
independent experiments. Statistical differences were
determined using Studentst-test or one-way ANOVA with
Bonferronispost hoc test. The difference was considered
significant when the P-value was 0.05 or less.
Expression of ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1 in Unwounded
Human Skin and Human Contracture Scar
In unwounded skin, expression of ACTA2 was absent in the
epidermis and dermal fibroblasts, but expression was detected
in SM cells of blood vessels and skin appendages, whereas
ACTB and ACTG1 were expressed both in the epidermis and
all the dermis including dermal fibroblasts (Figure 1a, upper
row) of unwounded skin. In contracted scar, the epidermis
was thickened and flattened, and the appendages were
missing. ACTA2 expression in scar epidermis was absent.
The expression of ACTA2 in scar dermis was detected in
vascular SM cells and in cells located in the nodular structure
in the deeper layers of the scar. ACTB and ACTG1 expression
in scar epidermis was present similar to that in the
unwounded skin epidermis, and the expression in the scar
dermis was increased in comparison with ACTA2 (Figure 1b,
upper row). The overall expression of ACTA2, ACTB, and
ACTG1 (Figure 1c) was found to be significantly increased in
contracted scar tissue when compared with unwounded
human skin tissue (1.8-fold for ACTA2, 2.5-fold for ACTB
and ACTG1; P0.01). Variation caused by patientsrace,
gender, age, scar location, and staining intensity of ACTA2,
ACTB, and ACTG1 in unwounded tissue and scar were
detected and summarized (Table 2).
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al | Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 3
The Effect of ACTA2 Deficiency on Murine Wound
On day 2, compared with Acta2
mice (85.5 ±1.9%),
relative wound areas were significantly larger in Acta2
(92.1 ±2.0%). There is no significant difference between
and Acta2
groups at days 3 and 4 after injury;
however, the impaired wound contraction in Acta2
in comparison with that of Acta2
mice still presented
significant difference afterwards except day 9. In comparison
with the wound size of the Acta2
mice (70.4 ±1.7%) the
relative wound size on day 3 was significantly lager in Acta2
mice (78.9 ±2.1%) and the delay in wound contraction in
mice group was observed up to day 11. Finally,
11 days after injury, the wounds of Acta2
mice healed to
the same degree as those of Acta2
and Acta2
(Figure 2). Collectively, the gross wound contraction was
delayed in the absence of ACTA2.
The Effect of ACTA2 Deficiency on Wound Evaluation
Microscopic assessment using H&E of wounds demonstrated
that fibroblasts were the dominant cell type on days 7 and 11
in the wound area (Figure 3a). All the wounds in the mice
Figure 1 ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1 expression in the remodeling phase of repair. (a) Representative human unwounded skin. (b) Scar specimens
investigated by IHC staining are shown to reveal the expression pattern of ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1. Scale bars, 400 μm for × 4 (upper panel of (a) and
(b)) and 100 μm for ×40 (lower panel of (a) and (b)) images; e, epidermis; d, dermis. (c) The staining intensity of human unwounded skin tissue and
contraction scar over time was quantified. Data are expressed as mean ± s.e.m. *Po0.05, tested by one-way ANOVA with Bonferronispost hoc test,
performed on 6- to 10-month vs 410-month scar for ACTB expression. ANOVA, analysis of variance; IHC, immunohistochemistry.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al
4Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 |
were re-epithelialized by day 11. Increased numbers of
fibroblasts were arranged in parallel to the epidermis and
were observed in the scar area. Follicular sebaceous glands
were present at the wound edge and juxtaposed unwounded
tissue, but absent in the scar. The scar showed increased
epidermal thickness compared to surrounding unwounded
tissue (Figure 3b).
The Effect of ACTA2 Deficiency on Collagen Deposition
in Wound Sites
Massons Trichrome staining showed more collagen
surrounding the fibroblasts in the granulation tissue area on
day 11 compared to day 7 in all groups. Wounds in Acta2
and Acta2
mice showed scant collagen deposition
(Figure 4a). Our analysis19 has demonstrated a decrease in
collagen accumulation in Acta2
and Acta2
compared to that observed in Acta2
mice (Figure 4b).
The Effect of ACTA2 Deficiency on Cellularity
To further assess the granulation tissue area in the different
mice, Ki67, a nuclear antigen expressed in proliferating cells,
was used to evaluate the proliferative activity of the
fibroblastic area (Figure 5a). The number of Ki67-positive
cells in the dermis of Acta2
mice wound was increased on
days 7 and 11 compared to mice expressing ACTA2
(Figure 5b). Cellular apoptosis was assayed using TUNEL
staining (Figure 6a), as apoptosis is a mechanism of
myofibroblast resolution. The cellular apoptosis observed in
the granulation tissue area of Acta2
mice was approxi-
mately half that compared to that observed in the granulation
tissue area of Acta2
mice on days 7 and 11 (Figure 6b).
DAPI staining was used to quantify cellularity. Acta2
had decreased number of cells in the granulation tissue area
only on day 7 compared to that in mice expressing ACTA2
(Figure 6c). In summary, ACTA2
mice had a greater
number of cells (as determined by DAPI) earlier in the wound
Table 2 ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1 expression comparison
among groups
Group P-value
All 52.0 ± 1.7* 107.5 ± 3.7 104.3 ± 2.9*
Caucasian 49.5 ± 4.0 100.7 ± 7.7 98.2 ± 5.7
Asian 53.3 ± 1.6 110.8 ± 3.9 107.4 ± 3.0
Male 51.6 ± 2.2 110.1 ± 4.5 103.6 ± 3.1
Female 52.8 ± 2.8 102.2 ± 6.5 105.8 ± 6.4
Age (years)
o20 52.9 ± 1.9 111.7 ± 5.2 105.5 ± 4.1
420 51.3 ± 2.7 104.1 ± 5.2 103.4 ± 4.2
Scar location
Head and trunk 50.8 ± 4.5 103.7 ± 8.9 103.8 ± 6.9
Upper extremities 52.1 ± 3.2 114.6 ± 2.3 103.4 ± 9.1
Lower extremities 53.8 ± 2.2 109.5 ± 6.8 105.6 ± 4.1
Expression levels of ACTA2, ACTB, and ACTG1 in human contraction scar
were measured by IHC staining intensity analysis. Values are indicated as
mean ± s.e.m., for groups matched according to patientsrace, gender, age,
scar location, and scar ages, *Po0.01 tested by one-way ANOVA with
Bonferronispost hoc test, performed on ACTA2 vs ACTB, respectively. For
groups matched according to tissue type, *Po0.01 tested by Studentst-test,
performed on unwounded skin tissue vs scar tissue. ANOVA, analysis of var-
iance; IHC, immunohistochemistry.
Figure 2 Skin wound healing of Acta2
, and Acta2
(a) Representative macroscopic views from wounded mice are shown at
days 0, 3, 7, and 11 post wounding. All pictures were taken at the same
distance. (b) The fraction of wound area at indicated time point in
comparison to the original wound area (quantified as described in
Material and Methods section) was plotted and shown. Values are
represented as mean ± s.e.m. (n= 25, 31 and 38 for Acta2
and Acta2
mice group). *Po0.05, tested by one-way ANOVA with
Bonferronispost hoc test, performed on Acta2
vs Acta2
, and Acta2
vs Acta2
, respectively. ANOVA, analysis of
variance. A full color version of this figure is available at the Laboratory
Investigation journal online.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al | Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 5
repair process; however, due to the increased proliferation
and decreased apoptosis in ACTA2
and ACTA2
as observed on day 7, and relative reduction of proliferation
and increase in apoptosis in ACTA2
mice, as observed on
day 7, the level of cellularity in ACTA2
and ACTA2
mice eventually equaled that of ACTA2
mice on day 11.
These observations relate to wound size and may simply
reflect the need to heal the wound.
Neovascularization in Acta2
To assess neovascularization, CD31 immunostaining was
performed (Figure 7a). Neovascularization relies upon SM
Figure 3 Histological evaluation of wounded skin. (a) H&E staining was performed at days 4, 7, and 11 after injury. Representative results from Acta2
, and Acta2
mice are shown. The dotted lines indicate the margin areas of the wound. Scale bars, 200 μm for × 10 images; e, epidermis; d,
dermis. (b) Epidermal thickness was measured in Acta2
, and Acta2
mice at day 11 after injury. Data are expressed as mean ± s.e.m. (n=3
per genotype). **Po0.05 tested by one-way ANOVA with Bonferronispost hoc test, performed on Acta2
vs Acta2
and Acta2
vs Acta2
respectively. ANOVA, analysis of variance; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin. A full color version of this figure is available at the Laboratory Investigation
journal online.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al
6Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 |
cells, so mice deficient in ACTA2 could have defects in blood
vessel formation that would affect healing. Compared to
mice, the granulation tissue areas of Acta2
mice had a surprisingly significantly greater number
of vessels (Figure 7b). This result is consistent with previous
mice wound contraction data and suggested that mice lack
of ACTA2 expression have significantly enhanced level of
angiogenesis than that of Acta2
In our current study, the use of Acta2
mice allowed us to
directly test the role of alpha-SM actin-expressing myofibro-
blasts in wound contraction. Wound contraction started after
surgery, and the contraction observed in Acta2
mice was
significantly slower than that of Acta2
mice at all time
points except day 2. The wound contraction difference
between Acta2
and Acta2
mice peaked around day 7
post injury and then slowed down afterwards. Nonetheless,
control mice healed their wounds. Collectively, these results
identify a role for ACTA2 in wound closure but not an
absolute necessity.
The wound healing process is a stepwise sequence of
overlapping events, which often results in scar.24 Persistent
wound contraction after a wound has epithelialized leads to
contractures, whereas delayed wound contraction leads to
chronic non-healing wounds.24 Current theories posit that
Figure 4 Representative wound section following Massons Trichrome
staining. (a) Collagen deposition and organization in days 7 and 11. Blue
area represents collagen. (b) Collagen deposition results are shown as
mean ± s.e.m. (n= 3 per genotype). *Po0.05 tested by one-way ANOVA
with Bonferronispost hoc test, performed on Acta2
vs Acta2
day 7 mice tissue, on Acta2
vs Acta2
and Acta2
vs Acta2
day 11 mice tissue, respectively. Scale bars, 100 μm for × 40 images.
ANOVA, analysis of variance.
Figure 5 Proliferation activity in wound dermis. (a) Days 7 and 11
, and Acta2
mice wound specimens were evaluated
by staining with anti-Ki67 antibody. Representative photos are shown and
Ki67-positive cells are indicated by black arrows. Level of cell proliferation
was determined by the number of positive-stained nuclei in wound
dermis. Scale bars, 100 μm for × 40 images. (b) Quantified data are
represented as means ± s.e.m. (n= 3 per genotype). *Po0.01 tested by
one-way ANOVA with Bonferronispost hoc test, performed on Acta2
vs Acta2
, and Acta2
vs Acta2
, respectively.
ANOVA, analysis of variance.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al | Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 7
alpha-SM actin-expressing myofibroblasts are necessary for
wound contraction.1Although myofibroblasts are clearly
present in granulation tissue during wound closure and in
pathological contracture tissues, questions have arisen as to
whether they are essential for collagen/granulation tissue
contraction.25 It is clear that traction forces that are generated
by fibroblasts as they migrate on a compliant substratum
can reorganize collagen matrices.26 In fact, in free-floating
collagen lattices the resulting reduction in lattice diameter is
entirely due to fibroblast traction forces, which are generated
by fibroblast migration and contractility.27 This is sufficient
to result in wound closure, this makes the involvement of a
specialized contractile cell unnecessary.9
The gross evaluation from our study showed that the
wound contraction rate of Acta2
mice do not match that of
and Acta2
mice but the wounds still contracted
and closed. This actin expression defect disturbs the balance
of wound contraction and regeneration, which sequentially
upregulates the proportion of dermal regeneration in wound
closure process.28 As present results demonstrate, although
mice showed impaired wound contraction, they have
increased neovascularization and cell proliferation in the
wound bed as compared to Acta2
and Acta2
mice. The
increase level of neovascularization in Acta2
mice implies
that the absence of ACTA2 did not intervene the development
and formation of new blood vessels, which complies with the
previous finding of Ehrlich et al12 that the development of
ACTA2 in fibroblasts requires signals different from those
required for these structures to appear in SM cells.
Wound contraction and scar contracture share a similar
mechanism of action, namely, the contraction of the
granulation bed.3Our current study started with IHC analysis
of human contracture scar. Except blood vessels, ACTA2 was
detected in the nodular structure found in contracture scar
Figure 6 Apoptosis at wound sites. (a) TUNEL staining of wound sections were used for apoptosis detection (green), and DAPI staining was performed
to visualize the total cell number (blue). Scale bars, 75μm for × 20 images. Cell counting was performed at ×20 magnification. Quantification of
apoptosis ratio was achieved by plotting the number of TUNEL-positive cell against that of DAPI-positive cells (b). Wound cellularity was quantified by
counting the number of DAPI-positive cells (c). Data are represented as means ± s.e.m. (n= 3 per genotype). *Po0.05 tested by one-way ANOVA with
Bonferronispost hoc test, performed on Acta2
vs Acta2
, respectively. ANOVA, analysis of variance; DAPI, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole;
TUNEL, terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) dUTP nick-end labeling.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al
8Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 |
samples, which is consistent with previous reports.29,30 It
appears that the existence of the particular nodule structure
may have a relationship with the gross contractile characteristic
of these samples.30 The expression of ATCB and ACTG1 in
the scar was significantly higher in comparison with that in
unwounded tissue. In contrast with the local, nodular
expression of ACTA2, ATCB, and ACTG1 was widely
expressed throughout the scar. The proportional difference
in actin isoform expression within scar brought up the same
questions proposed by a sizeable body of studies8,9,11,12,25,3133
concerning the controversial role of ACTA2: (1) is the
contribution of ACTA2 expression necessary for contractile
force generation and tissue remodeling? (2) Will ACTB and
ACTG1 expression sufficiently compensate the function
of ACTA2?
In addition, there are variations in different investigations
concerning the ACTA2 expression level in scar tissue.29,30,34
Possible explanations for this inconsistency are: (1) differences
in the sources of samples related with species, patients with
demographic distribution; (2) differences in the samples'
inclusion and exclusion criteria; (3) percentages of scar in
different stages of repair process; (4) differences in the
evaluation methods; and (5) sizes of sample population and
observer variance. Our current research focuses on determin-
ing the relationship between actin isoforms and wound
contraction. We observed a statistically significant higher
expression of each actin in scar tissue, consistent with reports
of Ehrlich et al,30 our laboratories previous work,20 Tian
et al35 and Wang et al.34
While our manuscript was in preparation, Tomasek et al36
reported on wound healing in the Acta2
mouse. Analogous
to our study, he found that ACTA2 expression was not
necessary for wound closure. He reported that alpha-SM actin
null fibroblasts become more contractile in response to
TGF-βand that compensatory increases in actin isoforms,
such as cardiac muscle α-actin, cytoplasmic β-actin,
cytoplasmic γ-actin, skeletal muscle α-actin, and SM γ-actin
could explain normal wound contraction rates. Differential
expression of actin isoforms enabled non-alpha-SM actin
isoform-expressing myofibroblasts to form. He also found
a statistically different rate of wound contraction between
animals, but not at all time points, as we observed. We believe
that the discrepancies can be attributed to: (1) smaller wound
sizes in his study, and (2) fewer time points to closure;
meaning he may have missed statistically significant
differences at more time points. Nevertheless, our work is
in agreement with his that alpha-SM actin is not necessary for
wound closure.
The present study has demonstrated that alpha-SM actin-
expressing myofibroblasts contribute to but are not necessary
for wound contraction. Although Acta2
mice showed
impaired wound contraction, they have increased neo-
vascularization and cell proliferation in the wound bed as
compared to Acta2
and Acta2
mice. Compensatory
increases in actin isoform expression may explain why wound
contraction still occurs until wound closure. Thus, we posit
that targeting contractile elements different than actin
isoforms; yet, shared by myofibroblasts and fibroblasts
(eg, non-muscle myosin II) may be a necessary approach
for promoting healing of chronic wounds or reducing scar
Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Laboratory
Investigation website (
Figure 7 Angiogenesis in mice skin after wounding. (a) Days 7 and 11
, and Acta2
mice wound sections were evaluated by
staining with anti-CD31 antibody. Representative micrographs are shown
and CD31-positive vessels were indicated by black arrows. Scale bars,
100 μm for × 40 images. (b) Levels of vascularization were determined by
the number of vessels stained positive for CD31 per high-power field in
wound area. Data are represented as means ± s.e.m. (n= 3 per genotype).
*Po0.05 tested by one-way ANOVA with Bonferronispost hoc test,
performed on Acta2
vs Acta2
for day 7 mice tissue, on Acta2
vs Acta2
, and Acta2
vs Acta2
for day 11 mice
tissue, respectively. ANOVA, analysis of variance. A full color version of
this figure is available at the Laboratory Investigation journal online.
Myofibroblasts and wound contraction
MM Ibrahim et al | Laboratory Investigation | Volume 00 2015 9
This work was supported by a Plastic Surgery Foundation National
Endowment Grant and by a grant from the National Institutes of Health
K08GM085562. We thank Dr Bruce Klitzman for his supervision of animal
experiment, Dr Zuowei Su for his advice and technical assistance for
immunohistochemical experiments, Dr Luisa A DiPietro for her technical
assistance, and Gloria Adcock for her assistance with tissue processing. We
also thank Warren E Zimmer, PhD at Texas A&M Health Science Center for
providing the ACTA2
mice used in this study and Dr Shaohai Qi for
providing the human scar samples used in this work.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... α-Smooth muscle actin (αSMA) expression is another marker used to characterize wound regeneration as it represents myofibroblast activation and differentiation which is critical for wound healing (43,46). However, excessive myofibroblast activation, which can be quantified through αSMA expression, is indicative of scar tissue development (43,46). ...
... α-Smooth muscle actin (αSMA) expression is another marker used to characterize wound regeneration as it represents myofibroblast activation and differentiation which is critical for wound healing (43,46). However, excessive myofibroblast activation, which can be quantified through αSMA expression, is indicative of scar tissue development (43,46). αSMA expression within the wound was quantified through the analysis of stained frozen skin tissue samples collected on days 7 and 12 after skin biopsy. ...
... However, by day 12, elevations in αSMA were significantly less marked in the TGM-treated wounds compared with the PBS vehicle treated control (Fig 3F and G). Furthermore, gene expression analysis of skin wounds by qRT-PCR of Acta (αSMA) levels confirmed attenuated expression by myofibroblasts in TGM-treated wounds on day 12 ( Fig 3H) (46). Together, these data suggest suppression of myofibroblast activation which may contribute to reduced scarring in wound beds after TGM treatment. ...
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Skin wound healing due to full thickness wounds typically results in fibrosis and scarring, where parenchyma tissue is replaced with connective tissue. A major advance in wound healing research would be to instead promote tissue regeneration. Helminth parasites express excretory/secretory (ES) molecules, which can modulate mammalian host responses. One recently discovered ES protein, TGF-β mimic (TGM), binds the TGF-β receptor, though likely has other activities. Here, we demonstrate that topical administration of TGM under a Tegaderm bandage enhanced wound healing and tissue regeneration in an in vivo wound biopsy model. Increased restoration of normal tissue structure in the wound beds of TGM-treated mice was observed during mid- to late-stage wound healing. Both accelerated re-epithelialization and hair follicle regeneration were observed. Further analysis showed differential expansion of myeloid populations at different wound healing stages, suggesting recruitment and reprogramming of specific macrophage subsets. This study indicates a role for TGM as a potential therapeutic option for enhanced wound healing.
... The collagen index ranges from 0 for primary (extremely red) to 1 for fully matured (completely bluegreen) collagen deposition. 87 Picrosirius red staining (PSR) was also used to highlight the types of collagen fibers deposited on the wound site for day 15. To do so, the processed samples were photographed by polarizing OLYMPUS microscope BH-2 BHMPUS microscope, which displayed the stained collagen fibers from bright green to orange red. ...
... On day 15 postsurgery, a fully mature, homogeneous granulation tissue with the score of 5 filling the wound bed to the surface of the adjacent normal tissue was observed in all samples of CUR−PYR.ung group. As a wound matures, fibroblast fibers are getting connected and aligned 87 which is clearly seen in CUR.ung and VAS groups with score of 4 ± 0.71. Wounds treated with CUR+PYR.ung and PYR.ung demonstrated robust but somehow disorganized fibroblasts across the wound, signifying maturation within the granulation tissue (4.4 ± 0.89). ...
Pharmaceutical cocrystals ( Regulatory Classification of Pharmaceutical Co-Crystals Guidance for Industry; Food and Drug Administration, 2018) are crystalline solids produced through supramolecular chemistry to modulate the physicochemical properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Despite their extensive development in interdisciplinary sciences, this is a pioneering study on the efficacy of pharmaceutical cocrystals in wound healing and scar reducing. Curcumin-pyrogallol cocrystal (CUR-PYR) was accordingly cherry-picked since its superior physicochemical properties adequately compensate for limitative drawbacks of curcumin (CUR). CUR-PYR has been synthesized by a liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) method and characterized via FT-IR, DSC, and PXRD analyses. In vitro antibacterial study indicated that CUR-PYR cocrystal, CUR+PYR physical mixture (PM), and PYR are more effective against both Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis) bacteria in comparison with CUR. In vitro results also demonstrated that the viability of HDF and NIH-3T3 cells treated with CUR-PYR were improved more than those received CUR which is attributed to the effect of PYR in the form of cocrystal. The wound healing process has been monitored through a 15 day in vivo experiment on 75 male rats stratified into six groups: five groups treated by CUR-PYR+Vaseline (CUR-PYR.ung), CUR+PYR+Vaseline (CUR+PYR.ung), CUR+Vaseline (CUR.ung), PYR+Vaseline (PYR.ung), and Vaseline (VAS) ointments and a negative control group of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (NS). It was revealed that the wounds under CUR-PYR.ung treatment closed by day 12 postsurgery, while the wounds in other groups failed to reach the complete closure end point until the end of the experiment. Surprisingly, a diminutive scar (3.89 ± 0.97% of initial wound size) was observed in the CUR-PYR.ung treated wounds by day 15 after injury, followed by corresponding values for PYR.ung (12.08 ± 2.75%), CUR+PYR.ung (13.89 ± 5.02%), CUR.ung (16.24 ± 6.39%), VAS (18.97 ± 6.89%), and NS (20.33 ± 5.77%). Besides, investigating histopathological parameters including inflammation, granulation tissue, re-epithelialization, and collagen deposition signified outstandingly higher ability of CUR-PYR cocrystal in wound healing than either of its two constituents separately or their simple PM. It was concluded that desired solubility of the prepared cocrystal was essentially responsible for accelerating wound closure and promoting tissue regeneration which yielded minimal scarring. This prototype research suggests a promising application of pharmaceutical cocrystals for the purpose of wound healing.
... From a classical perspective, the presence of a-SMA has been considered a marker of myofibroblast differentiation, but myofibroblasts not always express a-SMA in vivo (Wicks et al, 2006). Fibroblasts expressing a-SMA contribute to but are not necessary for wound contraction (Ibrahim et al, 2015). ...
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Fetal skin at early gestational stage is able to regenerate and heal rapidly after wounding. The exact mechanisms and molecular pathways involved in this process are however still largely unknown. The numerous differences in the skin of the early fetus versus skin in later developmental stages might provide clues for the mechanisms of scarless healing. This review summarizes the differences between mammalian fetal skin and the skin at later developmental phases in healthy and wounded conditions, focusing on extracellular matrix components, which are crucial factors in the microenvironment that direct cells and tissue functions and hence the wound healing process.
... Myofibroblasts' pathophysiological foundation of shrinking wounds, how scars react to tension [82], and the role of ongoing inflammation were initially unknown. Wound contracture can occur even without myofibroblasts [52]; the mechanism of myofibroblast generation and inhibition is an ongoing research topic [53]. ...
Scar treatment has always depended on the current state of science and knowledge and reflected society’s view of the world. In ancient times, it was honorable to have scars like a warrior, demonstrating the fights survived and the opponents defeated. If the wounds were too heavy to survive, people died as heroes. The remaining problem was disabling or disfiguring scars. These scars were considered a punishment that should not be interfered with by beliefs in god(s); therefore, the treatment of scars was often considered dishonorable and outrageous, such that the range of methods was limited to conservative and spiritualistic ones. Surgery has been an outlawed business for centuries. It took the age of enlightenment to create the preconditions and toolboxes for advanced treatment. The history of scar treatment reflects the development of modern medicine. It requires the prerequisites of high-level knowledge of human anatomy at the macro- and microscopic level as well as knowledge of physio- and pathophysiology, the functions of vessels, and nourishment processes of skin and muscles. In addition, the improvement of adequate analgesic and anesthetic methods at the local and systemic level was required as well as the development of mechanical tools used for advanced surgery. With all the tools for flaps, plasties, skin and tissue transplants artificial dermal and epidermal substitutes, it should not be forgotten that the reconstruction of scars is a long endeavor that will never reconstitute the state of unhurt skin; rather, it will only ameliorate the consequences of a trauma. The demand for function before aesthetics has changed to function and aesthetics; the level of success is often determined by patient satisfaction.
... Furthermore, TGF-β is released in conjunction with certain matrix proteins, which trigger fibroblasts to become myofibroblasts (46). Although α-SMA expression is a hallmark of mature myofibroblasts, its precise role in wound healing, particularly in the regulation of fibroblast activity, remains incompletely elucidated (47). Here, we have shown conclusive proof of the impact of silicone patches containing MOF-808 on rabbit ear wound healing and HS formation, as well as the interaction of MOF-808 with TGF-1, α-SMA, and collagen I in vivo. ...
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Background/aim: Hypertrophic scars (HS) are an abnormal cutaneous condition of wound healing characterized by excessive fibrosis and disrupted collagen deposition. This study assessed the potential of a silicone patch embedded with chemically stable zirconium-based metal-organic frameworks (MOF)-808 structures to mitigate HS formation using a rabbit ear model. Materials and methods: A silicone patch was strategically engineered by incorporating Zr-MOF-808, a composite structure comprising metal ions and organic ligands. Structural integrity of the Zr-MOF-808 silicone patch was validated using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The animals were divided into three groups: a control, no treatment group (Group 1), a silicone patch treatment group (Group 2), and a group treated with a 0.2% loaded Zr-MOF-808 silicone patch (Group 3). HS suppression effects were quantified using scar elevation index (SEI), dorsal skin thickness measurements, and myofibroblast protein expression. Results: Histopathological examination of post-treatment HS samples revealed substantial reductions in SEI (34.6%) and epidermal thickness (49.5%) in Group 3. Scar hyperplasia was significantly diminished by 53.5% (p<0.05), while collagen density declined by 15.7% in Group 3 compared to Group 1. Western blot analysis of protein markers, including TGF-β1, collagen-1, and α-SMA, exhibited diminished levels by 8.8%, 12%, and 21.3%, respectively, in Group 3, and substantially higher levels by 21.9%, 27%, and 39.9%, respectively, in Group 2. On the 35th day post-wound generation, Zr-MOF-808-treated models exhibited smoother, less conspicuous, and flatter scars. Conclusion: Zr-MOF-808-loaded silicone patch reduced HS formation in rabbit ear models by inducing the proliferation and remodeling of the wound healing process.
... In our study, probably wound closure was caused by increasing the number of fibroblasts inside the wound under the influence of magnesium. A possible mechanism in the literature for this finding is that fibroblasts were converted into myofibroblasts due to phenotypic changes after the burn and the wound was closed through α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) contraction [33]. ...
... They produce various structural macromolecules and proteolytic enzymes responsible for the deposition and remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM), thus when activated aberrantly supporting fibrosis (Talbott et al. 2022). When differentiated into myofibroblasts, a highly contractile α-smooth muscle actin+ (α-SMA+) phenotype (Hinz et al. 2007), fibroblasts represent an important cell population contributing to (but are not necessary for) wound contraction (Ibrahim et al. 2015). Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) resemble the myofibroblast-like phenotype modulating the biological properties of tumors (Nurmik et al. 2020). ...
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Identification of therapeutic targets for treating fibrotic diseases and cancer remains challenging. Our study aimed to investigate the effects of TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 on myofibroblast differentiation and extracellular matrix deposition in different types of fibroblasts, including normal/dermal, cancer-associated, and scar-derived fibroblasts. When comparing the phenotype and signaling pathways activation we observed extreme heterogeneity of studied markers across different fibroblast populations, even within those isolated from the same tissue. Specifically, the presence of myofibroblast and deposition of extracellular matrix were dependent on the origin of the fibroblasts and the type of treatment they received (TGF-β1 vs. TGF-β3). In parallel, we detected activation of canonical signaling (pSMAD2/3) across all studied fibroblasts, albeit to various extents. Treatment with TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 resulted in the activation of canonical and several non-canonical pathways, including AKT, ERK, and ROCK. Among studied cells, cancer-associated fibroblasts displayed the most heterogenic response to TGF-β1/3 treatments. In general, TGF-β1 demonstrated a more potent activation of signaling pathways compared to TGF-β3, whereas TGF-β3 exhibited rather an inhibitory effect in keloid- and hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts suggesting its clinical potential for scar treatment. In summary, our study has implications for comprehending the role of TGF-β signaling in fibroblast biology, fibrotic diseases, and cancer. Future research should focus on unraveling the mechanisms beyond differential fibroblast responses to TGF-β isomers considering inherent fibroblast heterogeneity.
... Studies have shown that ACTA2 expressed in intestinal smooth muscle cells (iSMCs) [10][11][12][13][14]. David Fawkner Corbett and Tyler R. Huycke indicated that ACTA2 is a maker to observe the development of fetal iSMCs, respectively [12,[15][16][17][18]. Hongyu Qiu et al. found that, in the vascular smooth muscles cells, the expression level of ACTA2 increased, resulting in more contractile [19]. In Mohamed M Ibrahim's study, they found that fibroblasts from Acta2 −/− mice had diminished contractility, resulting in slower wound contraction closure [20]. In iSMCs, we speculated that the expression of ACTA2 is also associated with contractility. ...
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Background Actin Alpha 2 (ACTA2) is expressed in intestinal smooth muscle cells (iSMCs) and is associated with contractility. Hirschsprung disease (HSCR), one of the most common digested tract malformations, shows peristaltic dysfunction and spasm smooth muscles. The arrangement of the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle (SM) of the aganglionic segments is disorganized. Does ACTA2, as a marker of iSMCs, exhibit abnormal expression in aganglionic segments? Does the ACTA2 expression level affect the contraction function of iSMCs? What are the spatiotemporal expression trends of ACTA2 during different developmental stages of the colon? Methods Immunohistochemical staining was used to detect the expression of ACTA2 in iSMCs of children with HSCR and Ednrb−/− mice, and the small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) knockdown technique was employed to investigate how Acta2 affected the systolic function of iSMCs. Additionally, Ednrb−/− mice were used to explore the changes in the expression level of iSMCs ACTA2 at different developmental stages. Results The expression of ACTA2 is higher in circular SM in the aganglionic segments of HSCR patients and Ednrb−/− mice than in normal control children and mice. Down regulation of Acta2 weakens the contraction ability of intestinal smooth muscle cells. Abnormally elevated expression of ACTA2 of circular smooth muscle occurs since embryonic day 15.5 (E15.5d) in aganglionic segments of Ednrb−/− mice. Conclusions Abnormally elevated expression of ACTA2 in the circular SM leads to hyperactive contraction, which may cause the spasm of aganglionic segments in HSCR.
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Chronic diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a significant complication of diabetes mellitus, often leading to amputation, increased morbidity, and a substantial financial burden. Even with the advancements in the treatment of DFU, the risk of amputation still exists, and this occurs due to the presence of gangrene and osteomyelitis. Nonhealing in a chronic DFU is due to decreased angiogenesis, granulation tissue formation, and extracellular matrix remodeling in the presence of persistent inflammation. During wound healing, the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and keratinocytes play a critical role in extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, angiogenesis, and epithelialization. The molecular factors regulating the migration, proliferation, and differentiation of these cells are scarcely discussed in the literature. The literature review identifies the key factors influencing the proliferation, migration, and differentiation of fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), which are critical in wound healing. This is followed by a discussion on the various novel factors regulating the migration, proliferation, and differentiation of these cells but not in the context of wound healing; however, they may play a role. Using a network analysis, we examined the interactions between various factors, and the findings suggest that the novel factors identified may play a significant role in promoting angiogenesis, granulation tissue formation, and extracellular matrix remodeling during wound healing or DFU healing. However, these interactions warrant further investigation to establish their role alone or synergistically.
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3D printing (3DP) is an accessible platform being increasingly utilized by independent researchers in fields ranging from industrial manufacturing to medicine. 3D bioprinting is a form of 3D printing that makes use of “bioinks,” organic or synthetic polymer formulations that are often laden with cells. The wide range of materials available means that bioinks can be tailored to the types of tissue that they are meant to emulate. Human skin has a complex microenvironment consisting of numerous layers, cell types, growth factors, and molecular signaling pathways. 3D bioprinting's flexibility and ability to create complex, bioactive structures means that it has great potential in creating artificial skin constructs for skin wound regeneration. While the available materials and cell types for 3DP are large, an ideal bioink for printing artificial skin remains yet to be found. This review will cover the various types of 3DP, the bioinks commonly used, the functionalization of printed artificial skin constructs, challenges that arise in the 3D bioprinting of skin, and future directions for the field. The structure of skin and the wound healing process will also be discussed, as sufficient understanding of these subjects is key to the development of therapeutic artificial skin constructs.
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Scar contracture is believed to be caused by the cell contractility during the remodeling phase of wound healing. Cell contractility is mediated by non-muscle myosin II (NMMII) and actin, but the temporal-spatial expression profile of NMMII isoforms A and B (IIA and IIB) during the remodeling phase and the role of NMMII in scar fibroblast tissue remodeling are unknown. Human scar tissue immunostained for IIA and IIB showed that both isoforms were highly expressed in scar tissue throughout the remodeling phase of repair and expression levels returned to normal after the remodeling phase. Human scar tissue immunostained for β-, γ- and α-smooth muscle actin showed that all isoforms were consistently expressed throughout the remodeling phase of repair. The β- and γ-smooth muscle actin were widely expressed throughout the dermis, but α-smooth muscle actin was only locally expressed within the dermis. In vitro, fibroblasts explanted from scar tissue were shown to express more IIA than fibroblasts explanted from normal tissue and scar fibroblasts contracted collagen lattices to a greater extent than normal fibroblasts. Blebbistatin was used to demonstrate the function of NMMII in collagen lattice contraction. In normal tissue, fibroblasts are stress-shielded from external tensile stress by the extracellular matrix. After dermal injury and during remodeling, fibroblasts are exposed to a matrix of increased stiffness. The effect of matrix stiffness on IIA and IIB expression was examined. IIA expression was greater in fibroblasts cultured in collagen lattices with increasing stiffness, and in fibroblasts cultured on glass slides compared with polyacrylamide gels with stiffness of 1 kPa. In conclusion, NMMII and actin isoform expression changes coordinately with the remodeling phase of repair, and NMMII is increased as matrix stiffness increases. As NMMII expression increases, so does the fibroblast contractility.
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We have studied the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin, smooth muscle myosin, and desmin in granulation tissue during the healing of an open wound in the rat by means of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, at the light and electron microscopic levels, using specific antibodies directed against these proteins. Important amounts of the three antigens were always expressed in pericytic and/or smooth muscle cells of neoformed small vessels. In fibroblastic cells, microfilaments were absent 4 days after wounding but accumulated gradually, starting from the 6th up to the 15th day; at this time, they were evident in about 70% of fibroblastic cells (myofibroblasts). They then regressed progressively, and on the 30th day, microfilaments were no longer present in scar fibroblasts. alpha-Smooth muscle actin, but not smooth muscle myosin and desmin, was always present in microfilament bundles of myofibroblasts. The staining intensity was progressive from the 6th to the 15th day and decreased thereafter; no staining was seen at the 30th day. Between the 20th and the 25th day, many apoptotic figures were seen in fibroblastic and endothelial cells, suggesting that apoptosis is the mechanism of their disappearance. We conclude that myofibroblasts develop gradually from granulation tissue fibroblasts and temporarily express a marker of smooth muscle differentiation. These results may be relevant for the understanding of the mechanisms of normal and pathologic wound healing.
The contractile phenotype and function of myofibroblasts have been proposed to play a critical role in wound closure. It has been hypothesized that smooth muscle α-actin expressed in myofibroblasts is critical for its formation and function. We have used smooth muscle α-actin-null mice to test this hypothesis. Full-thickness excisional wounds closed at a similar rate in smooth muscle α-actin-null and wild-type mice. In addition, fibroblasts in smooth muscle α-actin-null granulation tissue when immunostained with a monoclonal antibody that recognizes all muscle actin isoforms exhibited a myofibroblast-like distribution and a stress fiber-like pattern, showing that these cells acquired the myofibroblast phenotype. Dermal fibroblasts from smooth muscle α-actin-null and wild-type mice formed stress fibers and supermature focal adhesions, and generated similar amounts of contractile force in response to transforming growth factor-β1. Smooth muscle γ-actin and skeletal muscle α-actin were expressed in smooth muscle α-actin-null myofibroblasts, as shown by immunostaining, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and mass spectrometry. These results show that smooth muscle α-actin is not necessary for myofibroblast formation and function and for wound closure, and that smooth muscle γ-actin and skeletal muscle α-actin may be able to functionally compensate for the lack of smooth muscle α-actin in myofibroblasts.
This study describes the direct association of in vivo burn scar contraction with the level of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in scar tissue, in a porcine burn model. The expression of α-SMA was investigated in 100 biopsies from 44 6-week old burn scars and in 85 biopsies from 16 2-week old burn wounds. Statistical analysis showed that the levels of α-SMA in 6-week old scars were significantly negatively correlated to scar size (r=-0.68) and the higher levels of α-SMA were observed in smaller scars. Moreover, α-SMA was also found to be significantly positively correlated to re-epithelialisation time (r=0.57) and scar thickness (r=0.58) and higher levels of α-SMA were detected in thicker scars with delayed wound closure. Further statistical analysis revealed that scar contraction can be explained best by the level of α-SMA expression and partially by scar thickness. Other variables, such as different dressings and individual pig, may also partly contribute to scar contraction. At week 2 after-burn, the level of α-SMA expression in 16 burn wounds was significantly related to the depth of burns and wound healing outcome. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide in vivo evidence of the association of α-SMA expression with scar contraction, scar thickness, re-epithelialisation time and the depth of burn in a large animal burn model with scars similar to human hypertrophic scar.
Stromal-epithelial interactions are important during wound healing. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signaling at the wound site has been implicated in re-epithelization, inflammatory infiltration, wound contraction, and extracellular matrix deposition and remodeling. Ultimately, TGF-beta is central to dermal scarring. Because scarless embryonic wounds are associated with the lack of dermal TGF-beta signaling, we studied the role of TGF-beta signaling specifically in dermal fibroblasts through the development of a novel, inducible, conditional, and fibroblastic TGF-beta type II receptor knockout (Tgfbr2(dermalKO)) mouse model. Full thickness excisional wounds were studied in control and Tgfbr2(dermalKO) back skin. The Tgfbr2(dermalKO) wounds had accelerated re-epithelization and closure compared with controls, resurfacing within 4 days of healing. The loss of TGF-beta signaling in the dermis resulted in reduced collagen deposition and remodeling associated with a reduced extent of wound contraction and elevated macrophage infiltration. Tgfbr2(dermalKO) and control skin had similar numbers of myofibroblastic cells, suggesting that myofibroblastic differentiation was not responsible for reduced wound contraction. However, several mediators of cell-matrix interaction were reduced in the Tgfbr2(dermalKO) fibroblasts, including alpha1, alpha2, and beta1 integrins, and collagen gel contraction was diminished. There were associated deficiencies in actin cytoskeletal organization of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein-containing lamellipodia. This study indicated that paracrine and autocrine TGF-beta dermal signaling mechanisms mediate macrophage recruitment, re-epithelization, and wound contraction.
Matrix metalloproteinase- (MMP-9) is involved in processes that occur during cutaneous wound healing such as inflammation, matrix remodeling, and epithelialization, To investigate its role in healing, full thickness skin wounds were made in the dorsal region of MMP-9-null and control mice and harvested up to 14 days post wounding. Gross examination and histological and immunohistochemical analysis indicated delayed healing in MMP-9-null mice. Specifically, MMP-9-null wounds displayed compromised reepithelialization and reduced clearance of fibrin clots. In addition, they exhibited abnormal matrix deposition, as evidenced by the irregular alignment of immature collagen fibers. Despite the presence of matrix abnormalities, MMP-9-null wounds displayed normal tensile strength. Ultrastructural analysis of wounds revealed the presence of large collagen fibrils, some with irregular shape. Keratinocyte proliferation, inflammation, and angiogenesis were found to be normal in MMP-9-null wounds. In addition, VEGF levels were similar in control and MMP-9-null wound extracts. To investigate the importance of MMP-9 in wound reepithelialization we tested human and murine keratinocytes in a wound migration assay and found that antibody-based blockade of MMP-9 function or MMP-9 deficiency retarded migration. Collectively, our observations reveal defective healing in MMP-9-null mice and suggest that MMP-9 is required for normal progression of wound closure.
Fibroblasts can condense a hydrated collagen lattice to a tissue-like structure 1/28th the area of the starting gel in 24 hr. The rate of the process can be regulated by varying the protein content of the lattice, the cell number, or the concentration of an inhibitor such as Colcemid. Fibroblasts of high population doubling level propagated in vitro, which have left the cell cycle, can carry out the contraction at least as efficiently as cycling cells. The potential uses of the system as an immunologically tolerated "tissue" for wound healing and as a model for studying fibroblast function are discussed.
To understand the normal, physiological role of the c-src proto-oncogene, a null mutation was introduced into the gene by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells. Two independent targeted clones were used to generate chimeras that transmitted the mutated allele to their offspring. Intercrossing of heterozygotes gave rise to live born homozygotes, but most of these mice died within the first few weeks of birth. Histological and hematological examination of the homozygous mutants did not reveal detectable abnormalities in the brain or platelets, where src is most highly expressed. However, these mutants were deficient in bone remodeling, indicating impaired osteoclast function, and developed osteopetrosis. These results demonstrate that src is not required for general cell viability (possibly because of functional overlap with other tyrosine kinases related to src) and uncover an essential role for src in bone formation.