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The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

  • The OEIS Foundation Inc.


We all recognize 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,... but what about 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 9, 12, 8, 10, 5, 15,...? If you come across a number sequence and want to know if it has been studied before, there is only one place to look, the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (or OEIS). Now in its 49th year, the OEIS contains over 220,000 sequences and 20,000 new entries are added each year. This article will briefly describe the OEIS and its history. It will also discuss some sequences generated by recurrences that are less familiar than Fibonacci's, due to Greg Back and Mihai Caragiu, Reed Kelly, Jonathan Ayres, Dion Gijswijt, and Jan Ritsema van Eck.
arXiv:math/0312448v1 [math.CO] 24 Dec 2003
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
N. J. A. Sloane
1. Introduction
This article gives a brief introduction to the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (or
OEIS). The OEIS is a database of nearly 90, 000 sequences of integers, arranged lexicograph-
ically. The entry for a sequence lists the in itial terms (50 to 100, if available), a d escription,
formulae, programs to generate the sequence, references, links to relevant web pages, and other
2. To consult the database
Since 1996, an electronic version [
20] has been accessible via the Internet, at the URL
If a list of numbers is entered there, the reply will display the entries for all matching sequences.
For example, suppose you were trying to count the ways to insert p arentheses into a string
of n letters so that the parentheses are balanced and there are at least two letters inside each
pair of parentheses. The outer pair of parentheses is to be ignored. For n = 3 and 4 there are
respectively 3 and 11 possibilities:
n = 3 : abc, (ab)c, a(bc);
n = 4 : abcd, (ab)cd, a(bc)d, ab(cd), (ab)(cd), (abc)d,
a(bcd), ((ab)c)d, (a(bc))d, a((bc)d), a( b(cd)) .
Fur ther work shows that for n = 1, . . . , 5 the numbers are 1, 1, 3, 11, 45. Entering these into
the web page produces nine matching sequences, but they are sorted, with the most probable
match appearing first. Indeed, this entry tells you that these are the numbers (sequence
arising from “Schr¨oder’s second problem”, and are also known as “super-Catalan numbers”.
The reply (an abridged version is shown in Figure
1) gives 21 references, ranging from
Schoder (1870) [
17] to articles published electronically in the last few years. There is an
Neil J. A. Sloane is with AT&T Shannon Labs, Florham Park, NJ. His email address is
explicit formula:
a(n) =
2n k 2
n 1
n 2
, n > 1 ,
a r ecur rence:
a(1) = a(2) = 1 ,
(n + 1)a(n + 1) = 3(2n 1)a(n) (n 2)a(n 1) , n > 1 ,
programs to produce the s equence in Maple and Mathematica, and much more.
There’s no other reference work that will carry out this kind of search.
The Encyclopedia can also be consulted via email. There are two addresses. Sending email
to with a line in the body of the message saying
lookup 1 1 3 11 45
will trigger the same s earch that the web page performs, only now the results are sent, almost
immediately, via email. Superseeker ( carries out a more sophis-
ticated analysis and tries hard to find an explanation for the sequence, even if it is not in the
database. If the simple lookup fails, Superseeker carries out many other tests, including:
applying over 130 transformations to the sequence, including the binomial, Euler, obius,
etc. transforms [
1], and checking to see if the result is in the database
applying Pad´e approximation metho ds to try, for example, to express the n
term as
a rational f unction of n (using the “gfun ” package of Salvy and Zimmermann [
16], th e
“guesss” program of Derksen [5] and the “RATE” program of Kratthentaler [8])
checking to see if changing one or two characters produces a sequence in th e database.
Since Superseeker carries out a nontrivial amount of calculation, users are asked to submit
only one sequence per h our.
The electronic version of the Encyclopedia had its origins in the books [18] (1973) and
[21] (1995). Disk space is cheap, and the present incarnation (excluding illustrations) contains
about 72 times as much data as the 1995 book. The history of the Encyclopedia is d escribed
in more detail in [
3. Applications
Most people us e the Encyclopedia to identify a sequence, as illustrated above. It has been
around long en ough so that there is a good chance that your sequence will be there. If not,
you will s ee a message encouraging you to submit it.
Most of these applications are unspectacular, akin to looking up a word in a dictionary (cf.
2]). One encounters a s equ en ce in the middle of a calculation, perhaps
1 2 4 6 10 12 16 18 22 28 30 . . . ,
and one wants to know quickly what it is p referably a formula for the n-th term (in this
case it is probably prime(n) 1, A6093) or a recurrence. Successful applications of this type
usually go unremarked. Some are more dramatic: there is a web page
that lists several
hundred articles that acknowledge help from the OEIS. One quotation will serve to illustrate
this. Emeric Deutsch of Poytechnic University, Brooklyn, said in a r ecent email message: “...
your database is invaluable. For example, for a certain sequence a
, usin g Maple I found the
first 100 or so indices i for which a
is odd. Only th e OEIS could tell me that the sequence of
these i’s is a know n sequence related to the Thue-Morse sequence. Of course, th is had to be
followed by further reading and proof.”
The other main application is to find out the cur rent status of work on a prob lem for
example, the search for Mersenne primes (see
A43), the enumeration of Hadamard matrices
A7299), L atin s quares (A315) or meanders (A5316) of order n, the latest information about
the decimal expansion of π (
A796) or, better, its continued fraction expansion (A1203).
Of course people tryin g to solve puzzles or IQ tests find the database useful. A5228 is a
1 3 7 12 18 26 35 45 56 69 83 . . .
There are also s ome less obvious applications. One is in simp lifying complicated integer-
valued expressions. You might, for example, have encountered the sum
4n + 1
2n 2k
n + k
There are powerful methods for evaluating such sums [
12], [13], b ut it doesn’t take long to
work out the first few terms: 1, 12, 240, 5376, and to look them up in the database. In this
case you would have been lucky. The reply suggests that this is sequence A6588, 4
and supplies, with references, the binomial coefficient identity you were hoping for.
Another application is in proving inequalities. You might suspect that σ(n) < n
n for
n > 2, where σ is the sum-of-divisors function (
A203). If the initial terms of [n
n] σ(n)
(where [ ] denotes the “floor” function) are submitted to the database, the r ep ly s uggests that
this is
A55682, and points you to a reference that gives a proof of your inequality.
I cannot resist mentioning sequence
A57641, which gives the values of
+ exp(H
) log(H
)] σ(n)
for n 1, where H
is the harmonic number
1/i. Lagarias [
9], extending earlier work of
Robin [15], has shown that this sequence is non negative if and only if the Riemann hypothesis
Although the database contains a number of sequences of both of th e above typ es, I have
not made a systematic search through reference works such as [
7], [11] and it would be nice to
get many more examples.
The database can also be used to save sp ace when referring to particular sequences. When
introducing the Motzkin numbers, for example, instead of giving the definition, references and
the rst few terms it is simpler just to say . . . the Motzkin numbers M
A1006 of
One can also search the database for sequences that mention a particular name (Riemann,
say), and there is a separate alphabetical index, useful for keeping track of all sequences on a
certain topic e.g. the entry for groups lists abelian (
A688), primitive permutation (A19),
transitive permutation (
A2106), simple (A5180), total number (A1), . . ..
In the past year the main look-up page has been translated into 28 languages, with the goal
of making it easier to use throughout the world. The entries from the database still appear in
English, but the headings in the r ep lies and the error messages have also been translated.
4. The database
To be included in the database a sequence should be integer-valued, well-defined and interest-
The main sources are combinatorics, numb er theory and recreational mathematics, but
most branches of mathematics are represented (e.g.
A27623, the number of rin gs with n
elements), and there are hundreds of entries from chemistry and physics (e.g. A8253, the
co ordination sequence for d iamond : the number of carbon atoms that are n bonds away from
a particular carbon atom).
Sequences of rational numbers are entered as a linked pair giving numerators and den omi-
nators s ep arately. The Bernoulli numbers B
Triangular arrays of numbers are read row-by-row, so that Pascal’s triangle gives A7318:
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1, . . . .
Square arr ays are r ead by anti-diagonals, so that the Nim-addition table
0 1 2 3 4 5 . . .
1 0 3 2 5 4 . . .
2 3 0 1 6 7 . . .
3 2 1 0 7 6 . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
produces A3987:
0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, . . . .
Most well-defined submissions get accepted, since an open-door policy seems the best. The
amazing coincidences of the Monstrous Moonshine investigations [
4], for example, m ake it
difficult to say that a particular sequence, no matter how obscure, will never be of interest.
Sequences that are discouraged are those that depend on an arbitrary an d large p arameter:
primes of the form x
+ y
+ 2003, say, whereas primes of the form x
+ y
+ 1 form a perfectly
acceptable sequence (
The Encyclopedia currently receives between 10, 000 and 12, 000 downloads per day. The
rate of arrival of new sequences has remained constant at about 10, 000 per year for the past
seven years, with roughly the same number of comments and updates. To keep this ood of
information from getting out of control, people are asked to use a web form
when submitting
new sequences or comments.
For most of its life the Encyclopedia has been maintained by the author, but in the past
year a board of associate editors has been formed to help with the work. There is also a
group of regular users who constantly sen d corrections and extensions, and help maintain the
accuracy of the entries.
Even so, much remains to be done. There are more journals and e–print servers now than
ever, and the trained eye sees integer sequences everywhere. I still discover articles in the
library or on the web where authors h ave published sequences without sending them to the
Encyclopedia. If you come across an integer sequence in your own work or elsewhere, please
submit it to the Encyclopedia!
Of course, accuracy is a major concern in maintaining the database. The entries in [
and [
21] were checked very thoroughly, and almost all th e errors that have been discovered in
those books were already present in the sour ces from which the sequences were taken . As the
number of sequences has increased in recent years, it has become more difficult to check them
all. However, the number of users h as also increased, and a large number of the entries carry
a comment that the sequence has been extended (or sometimes, corrected and extended) by
someone. Contributors see a reminder that the standards are those of a mathematics reference
work, and all submissions should be carefully checked. So, on the whole, users can be confident
that the sequences are correct. The keywords “uned” and “obsc” indicate sequences that have
not yet been edited or for wh ich the definition is unclear. These serve both as warnings to
users and to indicate places where volunteers can help.
One of the pleasures of maintaining the database is seeing the endless ow of new sequences.
I will end by mentioning a few recent examples:
Home primes (A37274), [6]: a(n) is the prime reached when you start with n, concatenate
its prime factors, and repeat until a prime is reached (a(n) is defin ed to be 1 if no prime is
ever reached, although it is conjectured that this never happens). E.g. 8 = 2 ×2 ×2 222 =
2 × 3 ×37 2337 = 3 ×19 × 41 31941 . . . (after 13 steps) 3331113965338635107,
a prime; so a(8) = 3331113965338635107:
1 2 3 211 5 23 7 3331113965338635107 311 773 11 223 13 . . . .
The EKG sequence (
A64413), [10]: a(1) = 1, a(2) = 2 and, for n 3, a(n) is th e smallest
natural number not in {a(k) : 1 k n 1} with the property that gcd{a(n 1), a(n)} 2:
1 2 4 6 3 9 12 8 10 5 15 18 14 7 21 24 16 20 22 11 . . . .
Lacing a shoe (
A78601), [14]: Number of ways to lace a shoe that has n pairs of eyelets.
The lace must follow a Hamiltonian path through the 2n eyelets, and at least one of the
neighbors of every eyelet must be on the other side of the shoe.
1 3 42 1080 51840 3758400 382838400 52733721600 . . . .
A “bootstrap” sequence (A79000), [3]: a(n) is taken to be the smallest positive integer
greater than a(n 1) which is consistent with the assertion n is a member of the sequence if
and only if a(n) is o dd.”
1 4 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 . . . .
[1] M. Bernstein and N. J. A. Sloane, Some canonical sequences of integers, Linear Alg. Appl.,
226–228 (1995), 57–72; Erratum 320 (2000), 210. [arXiv: m ath.CO /0205301]
[2] B. Cip ra, Mathematicians get an on-line fingerprint file, Science, 265 (22 July, 1994), 473.
[3] B. Cloitre, N. J. A. Sloane and M. J. Vandermast, Numerical analogues of Aronson’s
sequence, J. Integer Sequences, 6 (2003), #03.2.2. [arXiv: math.NT/0305308]
[4] J. H. Conway and S . P. Norton, Monstrous moonshine, Bull. London Math. Soc., 11
(1979), 308–339.
[5] H. Derken,
An algorithm to compute generalized Pad´e-Hermite forms, Report 9403, De-
partment of Mathematics, Catholic Un iversity Nijmegan, 1994.
[6] P. De Geest,
Home primes < 100 and beyond, published electronically at, 2003.
[7] H. W. Gould, Combinatorial Identities, Morgantown, WV, 1972.
[8] C. Krattenthaler, RATE-A Mathematica guessing machine, available electronically from
[9] J. C. Lagarias, An elementary problem equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis, Amer.
Math. Monthly, 109 (2002), 534–543.
[10] J. C . Lagarias, E. M. Rains and N. J. A. Sloane,
The EKG sequence, Experimental Math.,
11 (2002), 437–446. [arXiv: math.NT/0204011]
[11] D. S. Mitrinovi´c, J. andor and B. Crstici, Handbook of Number Theory, Kluwer, Dor-
drecht, 1996.
[12] I. Nemes, M. Petkovˇsek, H. S. Wilf and D. Zeilberger, How to do Monthly problems with
your computer, Amer. Math. Monthly, 104 (1997), 505–519.
[13] M. Petkovˇsek, H. S. Wilf and D. Zeilberger,
A = B, Peters, Wellesley, MA, 1996.
[14] B. Polster, What is the best way to lace your s hoes?, Nature, 420 (Dec. 5, 2002), 476.
[15] G. Rob in, Grandes valeurs de la fonction somme des diviseurs et hyp oth`ese de Riemann
[Large values of the sum-of-divisors function and th e Riemann hypothesis], J. Math. Pures
Appl., 63 (1984), 187–213.
[16] B. Salvy and P. Zimmermann,
Gfun: a Maple package for the manipulation of generating
and holonomic functions in one variable, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
20 (1994), 163–177.
[17] E. S chr¨oder, Vier combinatorische Probleme [Four combinatorial problems], Zeit. f. Math.
Phys., 15 (1870), 361–376.
[18] N. J. A. Sloane, A Handbook of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, NY, 1973.
[19] N. J. A. Sloane, My favorite integer sequences, in Sequences and their Applications (Pro-
ceedings of SETA ’98), edited by C. Ding, T. Helleseth and H. Niederreiter, Springer–
Verlag, London, 1999, pp. 103–130. [arXiv: math.CO/0207175]
[20] N. J. A. Sloane,
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, published electronically
at, 2003.
[21] N. J. A. Sloane and S. Plouffe,
The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press,
Figure 1: Part of the reply when the s equence 1, 1, 3, 11, 45 is submitted to the On-Line
Encyclopedia. Many references, links and comments have been omitted to save sp ace.
1of1 1/31/20031:21PM
ReplyfromOn-LineEncyclopedia file:///F|/tmp/A1006c.html
... The Star numbers, denoted by S n , are commonly referred to as the centered 12gonal numbers or centered dodecagonal numbers. The formula expressing the n th star number is given by S n = 6n(n − 1) + 1, and the first few star numbers [18, A.131], [24,(OEIS), A003154] are as follows {S n } n≥1 = 1, 13,37,73,121,181,253,337,433,541,661,793,937,1093,1261,1441,1633,1837,2053, . . . . ...
... These numbers appear in many number theoretic problems. Some well-known formulas include [24,(OEIS), A306980] ...
... Geometrically, the n th star number consists of a central point along with the 12 copies of (n − 1) th triangular number t n−1 . A notable observation is that infinitely many star numbers are also triangular numbers and among the initial instances, we have S 1 = 1 = t 1 , S 7 = 253 = t 22 , S 91 = 49141 = t 313 , and S 1261 = 9533161 = t 4366 [24,(OEIS), A156712]. The star numbers are used for a new set of vector-valued Teichmüller modular forms, defined on the Teichmüller space, strictly related to the Mumford forms, which are holomorphic global sections of the vector bundle [17]. ...
The Frobenius coin problem involves computing the largest integer, known as the Frobenius number, that cannot be expressed as a non-negative integral linear combination of given relatively prime positive integers. A more generalized version of this problem, termed as the p-Frobenius number , aims to find the largest integer that has at most p representations, where p is any non-negative integer. In this paper, we give the closed-form expressions of the p-Frobenius numbers for the numerical semigroup generated by triplets of the star numbers for the case p = 0, 1, 2.
... Let d(n) = |D n | for n ≥ 1, with d(0) = 1. In [6], it was shown d(n) = n k=0 w(n − k, k) for n ≥ 0 and that d(n) is equal to the sequence A052955[n − 1] in [9] for n ≥ 1. These combinatorial interpretations for A052955 in terms of restricted compositions and diagonal water cell sums are apparently new. ...
... by (9), which implies (8) for n ≥ 5. Since both sides of (8) are seen to equal zero for 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, the proof of (8) is complete. ...
... Generalizing the argument given above for (9), and using the fact n i=0 p n−i F i = F n+2 −p n+2 , we have ...
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In this paper, we study additional aspects of the capacity distribution on the set Bn\mathcal{B}_n of compositions of n consisting of 1's and 2's. Among our results are further recurrences for this distribution as well as formulas for the total capacity and sign balance on Bn\mathcal{B}_n. We provide algebraic and combinatorial proofs of our results. We also give combinatorial explanations of some prior results where such a proof was requested. Finally, the joint distribution of the capacity statistic with two further parameters on Bn\mathcal{B}_n is briefly considered.
... For example, we have R 4 = A 4 − {1231}, where A 4 is as given above. Then |R n | for all n ≥ 1 is given by sequence A005773[n] in the OEIS [23], which we will denote here by L n . Note that L n for n ≥ 1 enumerates the set L n of lattice paths from (0, 0) to the line x = n − 1 that never go below the x-axis and use u = (1, 1), d = (1, −1) and h = (1, 0) steps, the members of which are known as Motzkin left factors (see, e.g., [2, p. 111]). ...
... Remark: The q = 1 cases of the array a(n, i) and of the row sum b(n) = n i=1 b(n, i) correspond respectively to entries A033184 and A287709 of the OEIS [23], which may be realized by applying ı and . ...
... Further, R * n,1 is seen to correspond to the subset of the Motzkin paths of length n − 1 whose members contain no low h's, which are called Riordan paths. Thus, |R * n,1 | = R n−1 for all n ≥ 1, where R n denotes the n-th Riordan number (see A005043 in [23]). Define S * n,i where 1 ≤ i ≤ n and T * m,j where m, j ≥ 1 analogously, where we require members of S n,i or T m,j to not contain any adjacent entries equal to 1. Let r * (n), r * (n, i) and s * (n, i) denote the capacity distribution on R * n , R * n,i and S * n,i , respectively, and t * (m, j) the area distribution on T * m,j , where we have omitted here the q argument in each function. ...
... We now consider members of I n for which the outer perimeter is a minimum. Inspection of the terms of a(n) for the first several values of n suggests that the coefficient corresponding to the smallest term q 2n+2 is given by M n−1 , the (n − 1)-st Motzkin number (see A001006 in [19]). Though we do not have a complete analytic proof of this result, a simple combinatorial explanation can be given. ...
... Upon putting an up step u = (1, 1), a down step d = (1, −1) or a horizontal step h = (1, 0) according to if π i+1 − π i equals 1, −1 or 0, respectively, one sees that members of I n for which the minimum oper is achieved are in one-to-one correspondence with the set of Motzkin paths of length n−1, which establishes the first statement. Further, this bijection shows that the minimal members of I n,j are synonymous with first quadrant lattice paths containing u, d and h steps and ending at the point (n − 1, j − 1), and hence are enumerated by the array A064189[n − 1, j − 1] from [19]. ...
... We remark that we did not find this sequence (or its absolute value) in the OEIS [19] nor have we found an explicit expression for it. In the next two subsections, we consider the degree and minimum q-exponent of the polynomial b(n), the first and last coefficients of b(n) and the value of the derivative of b(n) evaluated at q = 1. ...
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The integer sequence π = π 1 ‧‧‧ π n is said to be an inversion sequence if 0 ≤ π i ≤ i – 1 for all i . Let ℐ n denote the set of inversion sequences of length n , represented using positive instead of non-negative integers. We consider here two new statistics defined on the bargraph representation b ( π ) of an inversion sequence π which record the number of unit squares touching the boundary of b ( π ) and that are either exterior or interior to b ( π ). We denote these statistics on ℐ n recording the number of outer and inner perimeter squares respectively by oper and iper. In this paper, we study the distribution of oper and iper on ℐ n and also on members of ℐ n that end in a particular letter. We find explicit formulas for the maximum and minimum values of oper and iper achieved by a member of ℐ n as well as for the average value of these parameters. We make use of both algebraic and combinatorial arguments in establishing our results.
... We will establish basic identities for generalized simplicial d-polytopic numbers, in particular for generalized triangular and tetrahedral numbers. These sequences are part of the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [13]. Some known q-identities are found, [9,12]. ...
... Some specializations of generalized tetrahedral numbers are " n`2 3 ( 3,´2 are the sequences A001655, A099930, and A006096, respectively, in [13]. The sequence n`2 ...
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In this article, we introduce the simplicial d-polytopic numbers defined on generalized Fibonacci polynomials. We establish basic identities and find q-identities known. Furthermore, we find generating functions for the simplicial d-polytopic numbers and for the squares of the generalized triangular numbers. Finally, we compute sums of reciprocals of generalized Fibonacci polynomials and generalized triangular numbers. Here we introduce the Zeta function defined on generalized Fibonacci polynomials.
... More generally, given our proximity model, the maximum number of regions for R items in an S-dimensional space is Fig. 2 A two-dimensional mapping with four items or response variables. The four points indicate the positions of the items, while the circles indicate the regions of endorsement with P(Y ir ) ≥ 0.5 , that are regions where participants have a probability larger than 0.5 to endorse the specific item (Sloane 2003;Yaglom and Yaglom 1987). A perfect representation can be found in dimensionality S = R − 1 . ...
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We propose a new mapping tool for supervised and unsupervised analysis of multivariate binary data with multiple items, questions, or response variables. The mapping assumes an underlying proximity response function, where participants can have multiple reasons to disagree or say “no” to a question. The probability to endorse, or to agree with an item depends on an item specific parameter and the distance in a joint space between a point representing the item and a point representing the participant. The item specific parameter defines a circle in the joint space around the location of the item such that for participants positioned within the circle the endorsement probability is larger than 0.5. For map estimation, we develop and test an MM-algorithm in which the negative log-likelihood function is majorized with a weighted least squares function. The weighted least squares function can be minimized with standard algorithms for multidimensional unfolding. To illustrate the new mapping, two empirical data sets are analyzed. The mappings are interpreted in detail and the unsupervised map is compared to a visualization based on correspondence analysis. In a Monte Carlo study, we test the performance of the algorithm in terms of recovery of population parameters and conclude that this recovery is adequate. A second Monte Carlo study investigates the predictive performance of the new mapping compared to a similar mapping with a monotone response function.
... An example is given in Figure 6. 1, 2, 7, 30, . . . for the number of 2-noncrossing increasing trees with a white root is recorded as A006013 in Sloane's celebrated online encyclopedia [13]. Some of the structures counted by this sequence are presented in this section in which their bijections with 2-plane trees (which are in turn in bijection with 2-noncrossing increasing trees) are established. ...
A 2-noncrossing tree is a rooted tree drawn in the plane with its vertices (colored black or white) on the boundary of a circle such that the edges are line segments that do not intersect inside the circle and there is no black-black ascent in any path from the root. A rooted tree is said to be increasing if the labels of the vertices are increasing as one moves away from the root. In this paper, we use generating functions and bijections to enumerate 2-noncrossing increasing trees by the number of blacks vertices and by root degree. Bijections with noncrossing trees, ternary trees, 2-plane trees, certain Dyck paths, and certain restricted lattice paths are established.
We find the two-variables generating function for the statistic which counts the number of variations in a word bounded by 1. Thus, we refine and extend previous results concerning staircase words, which are words in which the variation between all consecutive letters is bounded by 1. We obtain the analogue results for cyclic words.
Building on an idea of Borcherds, Katzarkov, Pantev, and Shepherd-Barron (who treated the case e=14), we prove that the moduli space of polarized K3 surfaces of degree 2e contains complete curves for all e62e\geq 62 and for some sporadic lower values of e (starting at 14). We also construct complete curves in the moduli spaces of polarized hyper-Kähler manifolds of K3[n]\mathrm {K3}^{[n]}-type or Kumn\mathrm {Kum}_n-type for all n1n\ge 1 and polarizations of various degrees and divisibilities.
In this paper, we introduce a finite q analogue of multiple t-function of any general level which can be also thought of as a finite q analogue of multiple harmonic series. To begin with, we investigate some special values of these functions at roots of unity. Later, we establish algebraic relation between special values of these functions with complete exponential Bell poly-nomials and generalized Stirling numbers. Finally, we study some special values of finite q analogue of multiple star t-function of any general level at roots of unity.
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Aronson's sequence 1, 4, 11, 16, ... is defined by the English sentence ``t is the first, fourth, eleventh, sixteenth, ... letter of this sentence.'' This paper introduces some numerical analogues, such as: a(n) is taken to be the smallest positive integer greater than a(n-1) which is consistent with the condition ``n is a member of the sequence if and only if a(n) is odd.'' This sequence can also be characterized by its ``square'', the sequence a^(2)(n) = a(a(n)), which equals 2n+3 for n >= 1. There are many generalizations of this sequence, some of which are new, while others throw new light on previously known sequences.
We describe the GFUN package which contains functions for manipulating sequences, linear recurrences or differential equations and generating functions of various types. This document is intended both as an elementary introduction to the subject and as a reference manual for the package.
A quick summary of the recent amazing discoveries about the Fischer-Griess "MONSTER " simple group.