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PEDIATRIC NURSING/May-June 2015/Vol. 41/No. 3 141
iaper dermatitis is the most
common skin disorder diag-
nosed during infancy (Bor -
kowski, 2004; Scheinfeld,
2005). At least half of all infants
exhibit diaper dermatitis at least once
during their diapering years (Shin,
2005). Diaper-related conditions ac -
count for approximately one million
pediatric outpatient visits each year
for children four years of age and
under (Ward, Fleischer, Feldman, &
Krowchuk, 2000). Diaper-related diag-
noses include diaper dermatitis, Can -
didiasis of unspecified location, bal-
anitis, intertrigo, and vulvovaginitis.
Diaper dermatitis necessitates quick
treatment because it can progress to
skin breakdown with secondary infec-
tions, such as Candida albicans or
Staphylococcus aureus, and may re quire
hospitalization (Nield & Kamat,
Although frequent diaper change
is a primary means to prevention and
treatment of diaper dermatitis (Adalat,
Wall, & Goodyear, 2007; Borkowski,
2004; Heimall, Story, Stellar, & Davis,
2006; Nield & Kamat, 2007; Visscher,
2009), parents of the 5.7 million chil-
dren under three years of age who live
in poverty in the United States may
struggle to provide diapers for their
children (Addy & Wright, 2012). Eco -
nomic constraints may force parents
to make choices between the pur-
chase of sufficient diapers and the
purchase of other necessities, such as
food and clothing (Raver, Letourneau,
Scott, & D’Agostino, 2010). Purchas -
ing diapers with Supplemental Nu -
trition Assistance Program (SNAP)
funds (previously known as Food
This expected wet diaper guide-
line extrapolates to 2,555 diapers
needed per year (7 diapers/365 days)
with a total annual cost of approxi-
mately $945.00 for disposable dia-
pers, using an averaged per-unit cost
as found on an Internet-based retail
diaper distributor (
Based on the average 6.3 diapers used
per day for American infants, diaper
manufacturers estimate the cost high-
er at $1,500 annually (Browne, 2011;
Karp, 2011; Neff, 2011). The cost of
diapers may be even higher for fami-
lies with low incomes. Because of eco-
nomic constraints, these families
often cannot buy in bulk; lack trans-
portation to supermarkets, discount
stores, and warehouses with the low-
est diaper prices; have limited or no
Internet access for purchasing; and
must rely on local convenience stores
to purchase diapers. Cloth diapers are
seen by some as cost-saving because
they may be reused; however, low-
income families may not have ade-
quate resources required for the pur-
chase of sufficient amounts and facil-
ities for daily laundering. Further,
many child care centers require in -
fants to wear disposable diapers.
Diapers are considered a basic
necessity by almost all mothers (Raver
et al., 2010). With 48% of infants and
toddlers under three years of age in
the United States living in low-
income families, diapers may be a dif-
ficult-to-afford basic necessity (Addy
& Wright, 2010). Families need ap -
proximately twice as much income as
the federal poverty line’s estimate of
Stamps) or through the use of Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
vouchers is not permitted. A gap,
referred to as diaper need, is created
when the amount of diapers needed
to keep infants comfortable and dry is
more than the ability to afford them
without resorting to cut backs on
other basic essentials.
The potentially severe complica-
tions of diaper need to infants, par-
ents, and society should motivate
pediatric nurses to work to lessen the
diaper gap and its consequences.
Pediatric nurses may address the eco-
nomic, causative factors with strate-
gies that tackle diaper need, thereby
helping to alleviate diaper-related
conditions and providing holistic
family-centered care. This article dis-
cusses the need for and economics of
diapers and the impact pediatric nurs-
es can make regarding diaper need on
both the patient-family and within
the pediatric system of care.
Diaper Economics
Diapers are expensive necessities
that help parents both maintain and
monitor their infant’s health. New -
borns should be changed frequently,
as often as every hour; older infants,
every three to four hours (Shin, 2005).
Pediatric nurses advise parents to look
for six-to-eight wet diapers per day to
determine that their infant is suffi-
ciently hydrated and taking in ade-
quate volumes of breast milk and/or
Although diapers are essential for child health, nearly one in three American fam-
ilies cannot afford them (National Diaper Bank Network, 2013). A gap referred to
as diaper need, the difference between the numbers of diapers infants require to
stay clean and comfortable less the amount of diapers a family can afford without
cutting back on other basic essentials, can have severe consequences for
infants, parents, and society. Within the context of the need for and economics
of diapers, these severe consequences alert pediatric nurses to the impact they
can have to bridge the diaper gap, thereby helping to alleviate diaper-related
conditions and providing holistic, family-centered care.
Sallie Porter, DNP, PhD, APN, is an
Assistant Professor, the University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School
of Nursing, Newark, NJ.
Lorraine Steefel, DNP, RN, is an Adjunct
Assistant Professor, the University of
Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School
of Nursing, Newark, NJ.
Diaper Need: A Change for Better Health
Sallie Porter and Lorraine Steefel
142 PEDIATRIC NURSING/May-June 2015/Vol. 41/No. 3
what it takes to make ends meet just
to provide basic needs, such as hous-
ing and food (Addy & Wright, 2010).
Diaper need may be of significant
concern to many families with infants
and young children, with 27.5% of
pregnant and parenting women re -
porting diaper need in a recent study
(Smith, Kruse, Weir, & Goldblum, 2013).
Consequences of Diaper
As shown in Table 1, diaper need
creates economic and health issues.
Norovirus, rotavirus, and other infec-
tious agents can contaminate feces.
Leaking and soiled diapers can lead to
the spread of illness within the family
Diaper Need: A Change for Better Health
economic resources (Raver et al.,
Because diaper changes are a rou-
tine part of infant caregiving, the in -
ability to meet an infant or toddler’s
need for sufficient diaper changes
may negatively affect maternal feel-
ings, such as a mother’s feelings of
being a good parent (Raver et al.,
2010). Mothers are distressed by dia-
per dermatitis (Heimall et al., 2006).
Mothers with infants who exhibit fre-
quent or severe diaper dermatitis may
have feelings of embarrassment, guilt,
and frustration. If diaper dermatitis is
severe and prolonged, allegations of
child abuse and neglect may occur
(Kazaks & Lane, 2000; Scheinfeld,
2005). Stress and concern related to
diaper need might have a negative
impact on parent-infant interaction.
This is especially important because
women with mental health issues
report a higher diaper need than
women without mental health con-
cerns, creating potentially greater risk
for negative social and emotional
effects (Smith et al., 2013). In order to
reduce diaper costs, mothers may
attempt developmentally inappropri-
ate toilet training.
Implications for Pediatric
Approximately one-quarter (21%
to 27.5%) of parenting women report
diaper need in which they lack ade-
quate diapers to keep their child suffi-
ciently diapered for hygiene and com-
fort (Raver et al., 2010; Smith et al.,
2013). This, as well as the high fre-
quency of diaper dermatitis in very
young children, and the fact almost
half of infants and toddlers in the
United States live in low-income fam-
ilies, make it likely that pediatric nurs-
es will care for a child and family
experiencing diaper need (Addy &
Wright, 2012; Shin, 2005).
Diaper dermatitis is most often
managed in primary care settings
(Nield & Kamat, 2007) where routine
diaper dermatitis management advice
includes more frequent diaper chang-
ing and potential use of medications,
as well as parental support and educa-
tion (Gupta & Skinner, 2004). Pedia -
tric nurses need to consider diaper
need as a contributing factor or
underlying cause of diaper dermatitis
and include ways to ease the factors
causing diaper need as part of the
management plan.
and community (e.g., child care, com-
munity pools). Frequent hand-to-
mouth behavior by infants can exacer-
bate the spread of germs from soiled
diapers. Less frequent disposable dia-
per changes increase the risk of urinary
tract infection (Sugimura et al., 2009).
Without sufficient diapers, par-
ents may elect to keep children
home from child care, early child-
hood education, early Head Start,
early intervention, and therapy
appointments, thus limiting early
development/early education oppor-
tunities that are especially important
for low-income children (Palley,
2012). Diaper need may also cause
parents to stay at home and miss
work or school, further diminishing
Table 1.
Potential Consequences of Diaper Need
Factors Potential Consequences
Physical Discomfort or pain
Increased diaper-area breakdown
Urinary tract infection
Communicable disease
Poor hygiene
Oral-fecal contamination
Skin infections
Children kept home from child care and early childhood
development programs
Negative impact on peer relationships during toddler years
Reduced opportunities for enrichment
Parental attempts at developmentally inappropriate toilet training
Economic Purchase less clothing, food, or other necessities or baby care items
Borrow money or diapers
Utility bills or rent not paid
Medication prescriptions not filled
Parents miss work or school to tend to ill child
Payment of child care bills delayed
Maternal guilt
Maternal frustration
Maternal embarrassment
Negative impact on mother’s feelings of parenting
Cause parents to stay home and miss appointments
Allegations of child abuse and neglect
Family dynamics disrupted
Negative impact on parent-infant interaction
PEDIATRIC NURSING/May-June 2015/Vol. 41/No. 3 143
A first step toward addressing dia-
per need is taken with the recognition
of diaper need and the underlying
social factors that impact child and
family health. These factors may
include poverty, inadequate housing,
and low health literacy. To identify
individual families who are experi-
encing diaper need, the pediatric
nurse should complete a comprehen-
sive family social history at the child’s
first health encounter in a particular
pediatric setting. The family social
history should include assessment of
difficult economic circumstances
(e.g., job loss, food insecurity, health
insurance changes, homelessness)
and of new and chronic family stres-
sors. The family social history should
be updated at each subsequent child/
family health encounter. Pediatric
nurses should be aware of those fami-
lies who may be at special risk for dia-
per need, including parents with
more than one child in diapers,
mothers with mental health con-
cerns, and infants with conditions
that increase stooling (e.g., diarrheal
illness, neonatal abstinence syn-
drome, and short gut syndrome)
(Smith et al., 2013; Sublett, 2013).
After assessing child and family
needs, pediatric nurses may access
The Community Services Locator of
the MCH Library of Georgetown
University (http://www.mchlibrary.
ty.html) and share relevant informa-
tion with parents in a non-stigmatiz-
ing way about national, state, and
their practice setting, pediatric nurses
may also establish a micro diaper
bank at their place of practice where
parents may obtain or donate diapers.
Pediatric nurses may initiate a diaper
drive with a local business, profes-
sional as sociation, or pediatric confer-
ence. They may reach out to their
local diaper bank to offer pediatric
health ex pertise to further the diaper
bank’s efforts.
Pediatric nurses should gather
stories about families experiencing
diaper need, document the frequency
of diaper need in their own practice
setting, and inform policy makers
(personal communication, Joanne
Goldblum, July 7, 2012). They should
also share the concept of diaper need
with other health care professionals
in staff meetings, grand rounds, child
health listservs, and professional asso-
ciations to raise awareness of diaper
need and advocate for child health
and well-being. Raising general com-
munity awareness about diaper need
may be an important role for pedi-
atric nurses and may be accomplished
through civic group speaking engage-
ments and letters to the editor.
Pediatric nurses may also encourage
the development of a mobile app to
assist families in locating local diaper
need resources.
Adalat, S., Wall, D., & Goodyear, H. (2007).
Diaper dermatitis-frequency and con-
tributory factors in hospital attending
children. Pediatric Dermatology, 24(5),
local resources available to assist with
concrete needs, such as the provision
of food, housing, utilities, or child
care. From resource listings available
at the National Diaper Bank Network
pediatric nurses can connect families
to a local diaper bank as a resource
that assists families to obtain diapers
(see Table 2). The pediatric nurse may
also find it helpful to keep an onsite
listing of local organizations and
groups that assist families.
Some families may need assis-
tance with transportation or navigat-
ing bureaucratic barriers to obtain
needed services. When providing in -
formation, pediatric nurses must con-
sider parents’ literacy level and their
culture and language, and provide
support and explanations where
needed. Reinforcement of verbal in -
formation via brochures, bulletin
boards, and websites may be helpful.
Additional support and explanations
may be necessary for parents who are
adolescents, have a disability, or are
Diaper need has advocacy impli-
cations for pediatric nurses. As child
advocates, pediatric nurses may advo-
cate for the elimination of health dis-
parities and inequities by supporting
polices that address social determi-
nants of health. The conditions and
systems in which people live and
work that are shaped by the distribu-
tion of money, power, and resources
(Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2013). In concert with
Table 2.
United States Diaper Need Resources
Resource Website
Austin Diaper Bank Austin, TX
Baby2Baby, Los Angeles, CA
DC Diaper Bank, Washington, DC
Detroit Area Diaper Bank, Metro Detroit and Southwest MI
The Diaper Bank, North Haven, CT
Diaper Bank of South Arizona, Southern Arizona
Help A Mother Out, California, Nationwide
Infant Crisis Services, Oklahoma City, OK
LA Diaper Drive, Los Angeles, CA
National Diaper Bank Network, Nationwide
Nestlings Diaper Bank, Holland, MI
Project Undercover, Cranston, RI
TriCities Diaper Min, Bristol, VA
West Side Baby, Seattle, WA
144 PEDIATRIC NURSING/May-June 2015/Vol. 41/No. 3
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Diaper Need: A Change for Better Health