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Sustainable Development in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia


Abstract and Figures

This paper examines the progress and prospects for sustainable development in the Cameron Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia, focusing especially on agriculture. Vegetable, flower and fruit production in the Highlands have caused extensive forest clearance and the excavation of valley sides and floors. This causes loss of biodiversity, unstable ground that is liable to landslide, soil erosion and agrochemical pollution of streams. Unsustainable agriculture has severe impacts on the Cameron Highlands environment, wildlife, tourism, and local people's well being, and its effects are felt further afield, especially through the degradation of quality and quantity of water supplies which flow to surrounding lowlands. The silting of streams and reservoirs also increases the risk of flood damage. Because impacts will be felt across broad swathes of the lowlands it is in the interests of the federal government and surrounding states to invest in Cameron Highlands improvements. The new highway from Ipoh, opened in 2003, is likely to prompt further horticultural development in once remote parts of the Cameron Highlands. There are opportunities to develop sustainable agriculture and to integrate it with tourism development and the improvement of local people's livelihoods, including indigenous peoples. These opportunities should be grasped before it is too late. ABSTRAK Kertas ini meneliti kemajuan dan prospek pembangunan berterusan di Cameron Highlands, Semenanjung Malaysia dengan tumpuan utamanya kepada pertanian. Pengeluaran sayuran, bunga dan buah-buahan di tanah tinggi ini menyebabkan penebangan hutan secara meluas dan penggalian dasar dan lereng lembah. Tindakan tersebut menyebabkan kehilangan kepelbagaian biologi, ketidakstabilan yang membawa kepada tanah runtuh, hakisan tanih dan pencemaran agrokimia alur sungai, ketidakmampanan pertanian menyebabkan kesan besar kepada persekitaran, hidupan liar, pelancongan, dan penduduk tempatan Cameron Highlands dan kesannya lebih menyeluruh terutamanya melalui kemerosotan kualiti air dan kuantiti bekalan air yang mengalir ke persekitaran tanah rendah. Pemendapan saliran dan waduk juga meningkatkan risiko kemusnahan banjir. Disebabkan kesannya yang melewati sempadan tanah rendah adalah menjadi minat kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri berhampiran untuk melabur di Cameron Highlands. Lebuhraya baru dari Ipoh yang dibuka dalam tahun 2003, dilihat mempercepatkan pembangunan hortikultur di
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hMalaysian Journal of Environmental Management 6 (2005): 41 - 57
Sustainable Development in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
This paper examines the progress and prospects for sustainable development in
the Cameron Highlands, Peninsular Malaysia, focusing especially on
agriculture. Vegetable, flower and fruit production in the Highlands have
caused extensive forest clearance and the excavation of valley sides and floors.
This causes loss of biodiversity, unstable ground that is liable to landslide, soil
erosion and agrochemical pollution of streams. Unsustainable agriculture has
severe impacts on the Cameron Highlands environment, wildlife, tourism, and
local people’s well being, and its effects are felt further afield, especially
through the degradation of quality and quantity of water supplies which flow to
surrounding lowlands. The silting of streams and reservoirs also increases the
risk of flood damage. Because impacts will be felt across broad swathes of the
lowlands it is in the interests of the federal government and surrounding states
to invest in Cameron Highlands improvements. The new highway from Ipoh,
opened in 2003, is likely to prompt further horticultural development in once
remote parts of the Cameron Highlands. There are opportunities to develop
sustainable agriculture and to integrate it with tourism development and the
improvement of local people’s livelihoods, including indigenous peoples. These
opportunities should be grasped before it is too late.
Kertas ini meneliti kemajuan dan prospek pembangunan berterusan di Cameron
Highlands, Semenanjung Malaysia dengan tumpuan utamanya kepada
pertanian. Pengeluaran sayuran, bunga dan buah-buahan di tanah tinggi ini
menyebabkan penebangan hutan secara meluas dan penggalian dasar dan
lereng lembah. Tindakan tersebut menyebabkan kehilangan kepelbagaian
biologi, ketidakstabilan yang membawa kepada tanah runtuh, hakisan tanih dan
pencemaran agrokimia alur sungai, ketidakmampanan pertanian menyebabkan
kesan besar kepada persekitaran, hidupan liar, pelancongan, dan penduduk
tempatan Cameron Highlands dan kesannya lebih menyeluruh terutamanya
melalui kemerosotan kualiti air dan kuantiti bekalan air yang mengalir ke
persekitaran tanah rendah. Pemendapan saliran dan waduk juga meningkatkan
risiko kemusnahan banjir. Disebabkan kesannya yang melewati sempadan tanah
rendah adalah menjadi minat kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri berhampiran
untuk melabur di Cameron Highlands. Lebuhraya baru dari Ipoh yang dibuka
dalam tahun 2003, dilihat mempercepatkan pembangunan hortikultur di
42 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management 6 (2005): 41 - 57
kawasan pedalaman di Cameron Highlands. Terdapat peluang untuk
membangunkan pertanian mampan dan menyepadukannya dengan
pembangunan pelancongan dan mempertingkatkan taraf hidup penduduk
tempatan termasuk masyarakat orang asli. Peluang ini seharusnya diambil
sebelum terlambat.
In India, Ceylon, Malaya, and elsewhere „hill stations‟ were developed in
the early twentieth century to provide a refuge in hot seasons, for
convalescence, recreation, and for testing and adapting potential crops
(Spencer & Thomas 1948; Tempany & Curtler 1933; Voon & Khoo
1980; Shirasaka 1988; Freeman 1999). Peninsular Malaysian hill resorts
the Cameron Highlands, Fraser‟s Hill, Genting Highlands, Bukit Larut,
Penang Hill; and Maxwell Hill, lie in fragile and vulnerable forested
highlands (Raine 1995) (Figure 1). Having lost much of the lowland
biota, Malaysia‟s highland areas are important refuges for biodiversity.
The Cameron Highland forest traps passing cloud, which would
otherwise fail to precipitate; it thus acts as a crucial catchment for large
parts of lowland Malaysia. Cleared of forest cover less precipitation is
captured (perhaps a reduction of 900 mm y-1) which means erratic
streamflow, higher peak flows, and water shortages in dry periods
this impacts on the lowlands and affects large numbers of people (Chan
2000a; Chan et al. 2003). Steep slopes and deeply weathered soils and
underlying rock coupled with heavy rainfall mean that landslides and
high rates of erosion are an ever-present threat if development disturbs
highland forest. The rich hill-slope flora and fauna is easily lost and that
of streams is vulnerable to eroded silt, agricultural pollution and sewage.
Damage to forests in the Cameron Highlands has been caused by
selective logging, plantations (there are around 2800 ha of tea estates in
the Cameron Highlands), farming, and extraction of forest products like
rattan, bamboo (which is widely used for scaffolding and locally by
farmers as rain shelter supports) fruit, resins, medicinal herbs, and orchids
(Wazir-Jahan 1990).
There is little expansion of tea estates nowadays, and this causes
limited environmental damage because it is a perennial crop that is
treated with little or no chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.
Annual cropping producing temperate vegetables and cut-flowers has
expanded markedly since the 1960s and is a major cause of
environmental degradation. There are also indications that forest product
extraction by indigenous peoples is increasing. As well as damaging the
environment the farming is generally unsustainable with current
practices. Many of the farmers have installed yield-boosting facilities, so
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reduction of environmental damage and efforts to improve sustainability
are not hampered by poverty.
Figure 1. Location of Cameron Highlands and main towns and villages
Rapid and insensitive development has not gone unopposed in the
highlands, a number of NGOs have been actively seeking to improve
environmental management and local people‟s well being. These include
the Society of Regional Environmental Awareness of Cameron Highlands
(REACH) and the Malaysian Nature Society. However, the farming is
44 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
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profitable and the produce saves Malaysia considerable amounts of
foreign exchange, so there may be reluctance to control it.
Roads and telecommunication installations have improved access to
farm sites and aid forest product extraction. The Cameron Highlands are
partly under the jurisdiction of the State of Pahang, and with many
administrative offices at least five-hour drive away in Kelantan and
Terengganu, co-ordination can be a problem. Administrative
responsibilities are divided between five state governments, local
authorities, and Federal Government departments (Oh 2000). Most of the
Cameron Highland farmers are Chinese and have links with Perak, rather
than Pahang (Clarkson 1968).
While Malaysia has excellent lowland national parks management,
the development of highland areas has resulted in extensive deforestation,
growing pollution, and settlement growth. Hill resorts like the Genting
Highlands (ca.2000 m) and Fraser‟s Hill (1524 m) have suffered
considerable real-estate development. The Cameron Highlands are a 1500
m-high plateau surrounded by forest-clad peaks rising to 2032 m. More
extensive and less spoilt than the aforementioned hill resorts, the
Cameron Highlands are nevertheless „at risk‟ especially from
unsustainable farming, speculative building, and insensitive tourism.
Farming is expanding up valleys and into the forested hills (the actual
distribution of farms has not been recently mapped and a survey of the
farming areas to establish trends would be valuable).
There are ways to reduce the impact of agriculture in the Cameron
Highlands. It is also possible to develop conservation and tourism so as to
help the transition to sustainable but possibly less profitable farming or
offer alternative or supplementary livelihoods. Environmental damage
caused by farming damages tourism and conservation so these have a
mutual interest in improving agriculture: they could all be better
integrated to help reduce environmental impacts, achieve sustainable
development and improve livelihoods. The Orang Asli (indigenous
peoples) in the Cameron Highlands should be more involved in such
developments, and can contribute much (Passoff 1991; Foucat 2002;
Chan et al. 2003). Presently they have limited involvement with
commercial agriculture, and that is unlikely to change much.
Sustainable development attracted serious media and academic
attention after about 1987, partly as a consequence of the „Brundtland
Report‟. There is no single universally acceptable definition of
sustainable development, although it is widely recognised: that there are
environmental limits to development; that environmental protection and
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development are interrelated and mutually dependant; that together with
environmental care there must be concern for the poor; and that there
needs to be intergenerational equity i.e. people should pass on to future
generations at least as good potential and range of options they enjoy. It
also depends on establishing (if none are already present) and
maintaining appropriate social institutions to support management and
help adapt to challenges (World Bank 2003). Sustainable development is
not „cost-less‟ it demands trade-offs. In the Cameron Highlands some of
the present day profits will have to be reinvested to achieve sustainable
development; agriculture, biodiversity conservation and tourism have the
potential to generate funds for sustainable development and pressures for
change these are unlikely to come from the agricultural community
alone. Integrated efforts in the Cameron Highlands may just be sufficient;
however, lowlands will benefit from improvements and it would make
sense to citizens in those areas to also contribute. The authorities need to
explore these issues.
Malaysia is pledged to take appropriate action to ensure that
development is sustainable and balanced (Government of Malaysia 1996:
589). A Business Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia was
founded in 1992, and there has subsequently (1995) been the
establishment of a Business Charter for Sustainable Development.
Malaysia thus has a firmly voiced commitment to supporting sustainable
It is important that those involved in sustainable development can
call upon adequate social capital - the arrangements, traditions, and
obligations which back-up individuals, families and groups in time of
need so that they can survive and to support innovation. Often social
capital is in decline, which can mean problems maintaining
environmental quality socio-economic conditions, which favour tourism.
Village and regional officials may not perceive loss of social capital, so
studies would be valuable for sustainable development efforts in the
Cameron Highlands. Presently tourism suffers from farming impacts, but
potentially agriculture could reduce the damage in return for a share in
tourism income; agritourism could also help tourism diversify and attract
longer stay and more affluent visitors. The key is to develop co-operation
and integrated development. Various organisations and businesses can
work for sustainable development but action needs to be promoted and
co-ordinated (Selman 1996). In the Cameron Highlands farmers and
tourism entrepreneurs will have to embrace a paradigm shift and invest
some of their profits in environmental management and sustainable
development or in the longer term their lifestyles will suffer (Shepherd
46 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
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El Niño events occasionally cause drier conditions, and acid
deposition and global warming pose a growing threat to Cameron
Highland vegetation. Presently there is little threat in highland Malaysia
from forest fire or goat grazing, problems, which commonly blight other
tropical uplands. If conditions become more arid through such factors and
as a consequence of forest clearance causing regional warming bush fires
may become a threat; however, for foreseeable future such threats are
minimal. Sustainable development must be adaptable to such threats and
to socio-economic changes: especially uphill shift of vegetation zones;
altered precipitation; new patterns of disease transmission; and the
introduction of problematic exotic flora and fauna.
Ecological footprint analysis has been used to measure progress
toward sustainable development by a number of cities, businesses and
various sectors (Gösling et al. 2002). It would be interesting to apply eco-
footprinting to Cameron Highlands agriculture so that its overall impact
can be weighed against economic profits. Agricultural produce from the
Cameron Highlands is in demand in Malaysian cities and earns export
income; it would be useful to see the true costs of production allowing for
stream pollution, forest loss, etc.
Tourists are increasingly seeking more differentiated and interesting
attractions, and host countries and funding agencies like the promise of
non-destructive natural resource exploitation offered by green tourism. A
form of green tourism - ecotourism appeared during the 1980s and has
spread rapidly 2002 was declared the UN International Year of
Ecotourism. Ecotourism is difficult to presently define; the Ecotourism
Society1 suggested it be: “...responsible travel to natural areas which
conserves the environment and improves the welfare of local people.”
Ecotourism is essentially a set of principles, which can be allied to any
nature-related tourism. But, unlike other forms of green tourism,
ecotourism should be a symbiotic relationship, whereby environment
attracts tourists, and they pay a significant amount for environmental
management; hopefully the process can help initiate and support
sustainable development (Lindberg & Hawkins 1993; Fennell 1999;
Wearing & Neil 1999; Page & Dowling 2001; Pforr 2001; Weaver 2001).
Ecotourism should put back more than it takes out of the environment
and local culture; for example, tourists will often pay to do voluntary
conservation or farm work, or other environmental management tasks and
can be charged quite a lot for relatively basic accommodation. Some
ecotourism supporters argue that it must not only fund environmental
management and contribute to local livelihoods, but that it should also
educate the tourists to develop ongoing environmental and cultural
awareness and responsible behaviour (Orams 1995).
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Several developing countries have invested in ecotourism: the
Galapagos Is. (Ecuador), Tanzania, Belize, Rwanda, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Yucatan (Mexico), Zimbabwe, and others2. Some of these depend upon it
for much of their conservation funding and it is a major foreign exchange
earner. Malaysian structure plans and tourist authorities acknowledge the
potential for green tourism, but have made limited progress in co-
ordination and development of policies seeking to promote ecotourism as
a key element in a sustainable development strategy. In the Cameron
Highlands there are many opportunities to link conservation and tourism
and to use it to encourage and aid farming to become more sustainable.
Ecotourism can make use of facilities like redundant mansions, old
plantation management buildings, and suchlike. The profits from tourists
staying in such places helps pays to maintain production and adequate
environmental management; the production of crops like tea provide a
tourist interest and resort „image‟. The attraction of ecotourism for many
administrators is that it can yield foreign exchange, looks sustainable and
„green‟, and can be established with reasonable investment and limited
socio-economic change. In the Cameron Highlands it could provide ways
of encouraging and cushioning change from environmentally damaging
cultivation to greener, sustainable, but less profitable production. For
example, tourists might be attracted to agritourism or ecotourism and
could be charged enough to make alteration to sustainable farming viable.
In time organic production from sustainable plots may command better
prices and need less support from tourism. Part of a strategy seeking
sustainable agriculture in the Cameron Highlands should be to assess the
potential for developing organic production. In the EU consumers seem
willing to pay up to 30% more for organic produce (Dabbert et al. 2004).
Ultimately organic and sustainable agriculture could be as profitable or
better than the present chemical-enhanced semi-permanent cultivation.
The basic elements of a Cameron Highlands sustainable
development strategy should be:
Assess the current situation and trends.
Identify suitable ecotourism solutions.
Plan to keep tourist impacts to a minimum and ensure local
activities do not deter visitors.
Manage and steer ecotourism, conservation and agriculture
which require the assessment of sustainability performance
(using effective indicators, benchmarks, and monitoring
Ensure there is adequate co-ordination and planning, and an
overall strategy.
Explore land use zoning to support conservation, tourism and
48 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
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One strategy, which could be useful in the quest for sustainable
development in the Cameron Highlands, is (as already mentioned) to
zone areas according to their sensitivity, and then try to give maximum
protection to pristine and vulnerable localities. Buffer zones around these
would help to protect them from more intensive exploitation. Less
sensitive zones could be used for tourism activities that are less
environmentally sound and for agriculture; buffer areas could support
ecotourism and carefully controlled forest extraction (perhaps with some
enhancement of products like bamboo and rattan tolerant forest
management). Migration corridors should ideally link pristine areas; and
sufficient regard must be given to the possibility of climate change,
increasing regional air pollution (acid deposition, etc.), and natural
disasters. Too rigid and unimaginative zoning, with insufficient
adaptability will not sustain flora and fauna. Mapping such zones in the
Cameron Highlands and other Malaysian highlands would be a valuable
Golf, trekking, agritourism, cultural tourism, wildlife photography
and birdwatching are potential tourism growth fields in the Cameron
Highlands (Berry & Ladkin 1997; Garrod & Feyall 1998; Mowforth &
Munt 1998; Stabler 1998; McCool 2001). Well-planned and effectively
managed ecotourism is compatible with many other land uses, and can
play an integrative role (Ashton & Ashton 2002). The ideal is to
„dovetail‟ mutually supportive activities to integrate local resources, and
involve local people (Boo 1990; Cater 1995; Duffy 2002). The Cameron
Highlands have opportunities for such dovetailing, and could more
actively seek eco-tourists from Malaysia and further afield.
South East Asian lowlands are hot, humid and increasingly urban-
industrial environments; areas like the Cameron Highlands offer a
relatively cool, varied and attractive refuge. The risk is that poor planning
control will allow speculative building, excessive farming, tourism-
related pollution, track and forest damage and littering.
Cameron Highland agricultural produce is in great demand in
Malaysian cities and is exported to Singapore and further afield. Given
the profits involved, the employment provided, and the foreign exchange
earned, the authorities are unlikely to suddenly restrict it. However,
present land use is virtually shifting cultivation, with plots are mainly
leased from the Government for only 15-years. Farmers use large
amounts of chicken waste, chemical fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides
to enhance crop yields, few practice effective soil and water conservation,
and there is virtually no use of compost, mulch, or green manure (Plate
1). Many farmers invest in plastic sheet rain-shelters and drip or trickle-
irrigation but this is primarily focused on boosting crop yield and quality,
rather than sustaining production and preventing soil erosion. Streams
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draining the farmed areas are polluted by chemical runoff, excess
nutrients and soil washed from the fields. Once yields decline farmers
apply for a new licence and dig new fields from the hillsides, resulting in
destruction of biodiversity and severe loss of soil to streams.
Plate 1. Farms in the Cameron Highlands cut into steep forested hillside.
Streams draining the area have heavy silt loads, even long after the
cutting of terraces and establishment of crops. Every 15 years or so
new plots are cut and even more silt is generated.
Until recently the only main road into the Cameron Highlands was
narrow and twisting and helped restrict the spread of farming; in 2003 a
new highway was opened into the areas furthest from the old road, this
may well stimulate further agricultural expansion. The expansion of un-
sustainable farming must be halted, but to do so other sources of income
will have to be tapped. Ecotourism and agritourism could offer a
sustainable way to help stabilise livelihoods and improve environmental
management. Questionnaire surveys conducted between 2003 and 2005
indicate visitors to the Cameron Highlands were attracted by
environmental features and disliked pollution and forest degradation
(Clifton et al. 2003). However, the majority of tourists interviewed made
short-stays of 2 to 3 nights and were relatively low spenders. Most were
under 35-years of age and came from Malaysia, Singapore, SE Asia, and
to a lesser extent, Europe or the Americas, and were not well informed
about the attractions available. Advertising might alter the tourist
clientele to improve its earnings and help select those interested in
50 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
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World wide there is a keen interest in trekking, and the Cameron
Highlands offers some of the most spectacular and safest „exotic‟
trekking trails in the tropics. Trekking is presently poorly regulated and
so far there had been little investment in developing it. Guides are often
untrained and poorly registered and marketing is weak. There is great
potential for improvement, especially better marketing overseas and more
regulation (Chan 2000b, 2000c). Agritourism is already established in a
limited way, but could be developed further to support more sustainable
horticulture (Fennell et al. 2003). A number of Orang Asli has found
employment as golf course caddies or „pros‟, and many work in service
jobs such as cooking, labouring, and taxi driving. However, there has
been limited development of their handicrafts or cultural tourism, and few
Orang Asli act as ecotourism guides or trekking guides. Orang Asli and
other peoples in the Cameron Highlands have cultures, handicrafts, and
skills which could become tourist attractions (Nicolas 2000). They could
play a greater part in development, which would improve their
livelihoods, aid their integration into wider society, and possibly help
discourage the expansion of forest products collection (Barrow et al.
There is a need for more co-ordinated, proactive, adaptive and
integrated management of Cameron Highland development (Oh 2000;
Government of Malaysia 2001). A strategic overview is crucial to ensure
various efforts do not conflict and, if possible, support each other. The
authorities should review the potential for sustainable development based
on expanded ecotourism, agritourism and cultural tourism. A co-
ordinating body can also prepare visitor itineraries linking one activity
and site with another to compile a varied, attractive, and longer vacation.
It also enables pressure to be removed from sites which are being
degraded and offers ways to steer tourists and cope with bad weather,
seasonal changes, and so on. Ecotourism should be part of an overall
sustainable development strategy. Such a co-ordinating body could direct
some of the profit from tourism to support a shift to sustainable
agriculture, ideally with and the adoption of organic farming, and
improved environmental management.
The Malaysian Government called for an Intergovernmental
Committee on Highlands in 1996, and a Cabinet Committee was
established in 2000 to co-ordinate, monitor and ensure sustainable
development of hill and island resorts in Malaysia. However, little
progress seems to have been made so far. Within the Cameron Highlands
hoteliers and other local entrepreneurs have themselves taken the
initiative to establish a group which seeks to improve standards for
trekking guides, taxi firms, and hotels and act as a „watchdog‟ body. A
study to promote more effective co-ordination, including sustainable
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development in the Main Range of Peninsular Malaysia was launched in
2000 (Government of Malaysia 2001), and, in 1996 a National Eco-
tourism Plan was drawn-up to provide a framework (Government of
Malaysia 2001: 441). There is clearly Government desire to reduce
environmental impacts associated with tourism (Government of Malaysia
2001). A useful step would be to conduct a thorough eco-audit of the
Cameron Highlands - or better, the whole Main Range, to help stocktake,
set goals, and establish priorities for action.
Ecotourism in the Cameron Highlands could be developed in the
following ways:
There should be well-planned and co-ordinated trekking, nature
and scenic photography tourism. Orang Asli guides could be used
to support this.
Agritourism can be better promoted. Already, tourists visit
gardens, nurseries and tea plantations, but mainly as short-stay
attractions. There could be developments, which attract visitors
to spend longer participating in activities like conservation,
agritourism, guided wildlife observation, and so on. In some
countries plantations run hotels, have way-marked walks and
wildlife guides, which support stays of a week or more. The
Cameron Highlands should try to attract richer tourists for longer
It may be possible to interest tourists in the sponsorship of
wildlife paying for environmental management activities. For
example, for a fee a tree could be dedicated to a loved one,
perhaps as a memorial or to celebrate an event like the birth of a
child or an anniversary, or as a sign a company supports nature.
Initially some famous people could be induced to establish a
fashion for commemorative tree planting.
There should be profitable opportunities for bird watching
Profits might be made from spa development and health farm
Cycle and mountain bike tracks could be established with
controls placed on these activities elsewhere. Off-road use of
motorcycles and 4-wheel-drive vehicles should be strictly
In many countries communities generate funds through cultural
events for example, literature festivals, drama, opera, and much
more such events can pack in tourists for weeks at a time and
provide funds for environmental management.
There could be facilities for weddings and other key events.
52 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
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Residential courses could be offered on photography, art,
traditional culture, and so on.
Occasional events are already established and could be a means
of publicising other attractions the Cameron Highlands cycle
races are widely viewed on TV in the USA, Europe and
It is important to establish websites to encourage and steer
tourism, especially to promote ecotourism.
If it is to work, sustainable ecotourism demands a proactive, adaptive,
and multidisciplinary approach. Even the best techniques and skilled
planning will fail to predict everything, monitoring may not give
adequate advanced warning of problems, and tourist behaviour can be
fickle. So, sustainable ecotourism must maximise its adaptability. Both
ecotourism and sustainable development are fields which can act as a
unifying and integrative catalysts which disparate interests can identify
with (Cater 2000). Ecotourism and sustainable development share a key
core feature: they demand reinvestment of adequate surplus into
maintaining, and if possible improving, the environment and society (and
in the Cameron Highlands case into helping agriculture become
sustainable). Guidelines that can be enforced and independent
certification are likely to be crucial. The latter could be through an
environmental management system (EMS), like the ISO 14000 series.
Codes, guidelines and ethical standards have been published; e.g. by the
Ecotourism Society of Australia, and in the USA, by the Ecotourism
Society). Using strategic environmental assessment and strategic
environmental management approaches could strengthen co-ordination
and help develop a Cameron Highlands sustainable development strategy.
Provided there is not economic depression or increased travel fears
there should be a growing number of tourists from the west, SE Asia, and
Malaysia interested in ecotourism, craftwork, archaeology, and so on
(Luck 2002). There appears to be a promising future for sustainable
development in the Cameron Highlands, if the environment is not further
degraded. But environmental degradation must be adequately addressed
soon. It is crucial to control the use of fertilisers, pesticides and
herbicides used by farmers and to reduce land clearance and the erosion
of soil which carries silt to streams. People, in the Cameron Highlands
and surrounding lowlands, including the Orang Asli, who drink the water
or consume fish from streams, are vulnerable to agriculture-and tourism-
related pollution. Forest clearance already seems to have caused a
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warming of the Cameron Highlands‟ climate over the last 50 years or so -
further deforestation and global warming is likely to make it worse.
Orang Asli collect and sell forest products to visitors, farmers, and
others; this needs monitoring to reduce impacts on biodiversity.
Collecting rattan, bamboo, butterflies and orchids should be more closely
controlled. But for this to be possible alternative livelihood opportunities
must be offered them; bamboo and rattan might be semi-cultivated in
areas zoned for tolerant forest management and there are ecotourism
opportunities. It is less likely that Orang Asli will participate in
commercial farming for cultural reasons.
The Cameron Highlands needs to develop a proactive, integrative,
and sufficiently powerful body to control development, co-ordinate
necessary research, and draw-up and maintain a sustainable development
strategy. The goals would be to reduce environmental damage; improve
local people‟s benefits; encourage ecotourism, agritourism and cultural
tourism; attract more long-stay tourists, and identify ways to make
farming and tourism less environmentally-damaging and more
sustainable. It would be wise to gazette as much land as possible soon to
enforce biodiversity conservation (plans for a Biodiversity Action Plan
were announced in the Eighth Malaysia Plan). There is a need for much
tighter control of deforestation and forest disturbance mainly by
restricting further expansion of agriculture. Farmers rely on Temporary
Ownership Licenses (TOLs), valid from 5 to 15 years (Midmore et al.
1996); if these were restricted it would help discourage the cutting of new
plots from hillsides and encourage sustainable practices. In 2000
Cameron Highland farmers were supplying around 60% of Malaysia‟s
agricultural produce so there may be some resistance to control. The
priority is to sustain and improve production on existing farms and
strengthen soil and water conservation practices used by farmers.
Authorities should encourage and increasingly demand environmentally-
friendly farming methods: it would be relatively easy to require each farm
to install a system of drains and sumps to collect as much polluted runoff
as possible before it can reach streams (Plate 2). More use might be made
of green manure and mulching. Composting organic waste from
settlements and hotels might help sustain farmed plots and assist with
highland refuse disposal. If there is insufficient material to compost it
may be possible to compost organic waste in the lowlands and use the
new highway to deliver it. To date, few TOLs have been revoked for poor
soil and water conservation practices. This needs to be reviewed. There
should be some control of plastic rain-shelters used by farmers to ensure
there is no littering or burning of the materials when these are
periodically replaced.
54 Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L.
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management 6 (2005): 41 - 57
Plate 2. Rain shelters and drip-irrigation using plastic bags to hold plants. These
cultivation techniques are very widely used in the Cameron Highlands,
although some crops are planted directly in the soil in beds. Here at a
research station a catch-drain surrounds the shelter; with a suitable
sump and waste disposal regime, this sort of installation could prevent
much of the agrochemical pollution of streams at reasonable cost.
There is already commercial cultivation of watercress in some of the
cleaner streams of the Cameron Highlands (Rahman 1980). Watercress
and other plants like reeds or Azolla might be planted in silt-trap lagoons
to catch eroded soil and lock-up some of the nutrients from agricultural
and sewage pollution. Periodic harvesting of these plants and silt could
provide useful crops or compost for sustaining farms, as well as reducing
downstream problems. It is crucial to „dovetail‟ development activities to
enhance sustainable development. With good co-ordination a range of
ecotourism activities could be fitted together in a flexible and adaptive
way to encourage longer stays and more spending, some of the profits can
then be used to help establish sustainable agriculture and improve
biodiversity conservation.
1 The Ecotourism Society founded in the USA in 1991 - holds regular
workshops and publishes guidelines e-mail:
² Guidelines on ecotourism, with source address details are listed in Lindberg &
Hawkins (1993: 42-54).
Barrow, C.J., Clifton, J., Chan, N.W. & Tan, Y.L. 55
Malaysian Journal of Environmental Management 6 (2005): 41 - 57
We wish to thank the British Council for funding (HEL No 74); also the
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for facilities support and warm friendship. We
are also grateful for fieldwork assistance and data inputting by students of the
Geography Department, School of Humanities, USM, and particularly thank
W.F. Chang, C.F. Wong, P.L. Ting, B.H. Lee and Y.L. Tan. We also
acknowledge the help and hospitality from many individuals and bodies in the
Cameron Highlands.
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1 Development Studies, School of Social Sciences & International Development
University of Wales Swansea
2 Department of Geography
University of Portsmouth
3 School of Humanities
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Penang, MALAYSIA.
... The chemical influx from pesticides, fungicide, and fertilizers applications due to agricultural activities on hilly farms could be carried and deposited downstream [13]. This could eventually alter the chemical concentration such as sodium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals in the irrigation water which affect the crop physiological process [14]. cover and interactions between two or more factors [5,[15][16][17]. ...
... For the agriculture alone, main crop covers identified are tea, vegetables, fruits, and varieties of valuable flowers. This finding support with the previous reports by several researchers who worked in the same study watershed [5,14,23]. Moreover, this study adopts the same supporting practices (P factor) as that of prepared by the Department of Agriculture [18]. ...
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Soil erosion is a serious environmental challenge which persistently diminishes available land resources globally.The impact of soil erosion is more severeat hilly regions where various techniques are deployed to evaluateits risk levels. However, the traditional approach of estimating the magnitude of erosion is tedious, costly, and considerably time consuming. This study was intended to assess the risk associated with soil erosion at hilly areas of Cameron Highlands through geospatial means. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with 5m resolution from Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) was utilized to generate the slope inthe highlands. Soil erosion rates was estimated using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), while information about land use and cover were sourced from relevant government agencies. Inversed Distance Weighted (IDW) method of spatial interpolation was applied to predict the values of unknown pixels. The analysis shows that, there is 217.5 km2of the highlands which is greater than 45-degreeaccounted for about 30.5% of the total land area. Moreover, erosion risk assessment indicated that 66.3%, 11.4%, 11.7% and 10.8% are respectively classified as very low, law, moderate and high susceptible to soil erosion. In general, the risk of soil erosion is relatively low and could be attributed to den sevegetation coverage within the study watershed despite the steep slopes where it was found to be at very high risk to soil erosion susceptibility. However, there is need to deploy best management practices to reduce the effect of soil disturbances at hilly areas and prevent excessive soil loss in future.
... Hence, these CFs have negative relationships with the occurrence of soil erosion. Slope steepness increases run-off velocity (Lucà et al., 2011;Valentin, Poesen, & Li, 2005) and presence of fractured and weathered terrain coupled with heavy rainfall in the study area favoured soil erosion (Barrow, Clifton, Chan, & Tan, 2005). Thus, topographic nature of Cameron Highlands with higher LS-factor and presence lineament positively influenced the occurrence of soil erosion which concurred with the findings of Lucà et al. (2011), Kachouri et al. (2015 and many other researchers. ...
... Rainfall erosivity had a positive relationship with the occurrence of erosion as it measures the aggressiveness of rainfall to induce erosion (Lal, 2001). The study area is characterized by heavy rainfall (Gasim et al., 2009) that increases the tendency of triggering soil erosion (Barrow et al., 2005). It was observed that drainage density had the lowest contributions to the formation of soil erosion in Cameron Highlands. ...
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Susceptibility analysis and mapping are prerequisites to sustainable land-use management and erosion prevention. Selection of appropriate erosion causative factors (CFs) is crucial in developing valid and accurate susceptibility models. However, existing literature lacks specific guidelines for its selection. As such, some important dynamic CFs are often not considered in several previous studies. Thus, this study quantitatively evaluates the impacts of the addition of dynamic CFs to frequently used non-redundant static CFs in erosion susceptibility mapping using remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS) and statistical technique. Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) was used to quantify soil loss and CFs’ maps for Cameron Highlands were developed in the GIS environment. The watershed was delineated, and the corresponding CFs were evaluated for each sub-watershed. The frequently used non-redundant CFs considered were lineament density, drainage density, soil erodibility, length-slope and normalized difference vegetation index. Hierarchical regression technique was adopted to evaluate the impacts of the addition of land surface temperature (LST), rainfall erosivity and soil moisture index (SMI). The results revealed that frequently used CFs accounted for 17.9% variation in soil loss. However, the successive inclusion of dynamic CFs such as LST, rainfall erosivity and SMI to the model further increased by 28.9%, 6.0% and 16.4%, respectively. This suggests that dynamic CFs, which often neglected in erosion susceptibility assessment could further increase modelling accuracy.
... Net Promoter Score (NPS) (Reichheld, 2003). (2018) Barrow (2005), Ching (2020) ...
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This study was conducted to analyze successful tourism management models in various locations worldwide that share similar tourism development conditions with Dalat, Vietnam. The aim of this study was to propose eective solutions for Dalat. The authors analyzed sustainable tourism management strategies in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia; Cameron Highlands, Malaysia; and Chiang Mai, Thai-land. The results of the expert opinion survey were processed using the Net Promoter Score (NPS) tool to identify the key content selected by the experts. Based on the ndings, the study proposes a sustainable tourism management model for Dalat, which includes six components: destination planning and development, stakeholder engagement and participation, capacity building for local businesses and communities, sustainable tourism practices, infrastructure and facilities, and marketing and promotion. The study's ndings oer valuable insights for policymakers, tourism planners, and other stakeholders involved in sustainable tourism management in Dalat. These insights are also applicable to other destinations around the world, particularly high-altitude areas with cool, fresh climates.
... Indiscriminate land clearing for farming and agriculture has created untold damage and pollution to its once pristine environment. Unsustainable agriculture has severe impacts on the environment, wildlife and tourism of Cameron Highlands (Barrow et al. 2005;Razali et al. 2018). The different types of plant present at different habitats may help in identifying the species of non-volant small mammals (Haziq et al. 2021). ...
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Deforestation in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia has increased significantly in the past few years to accommodate the growing population of Cameron Highlands. This led to a rapid urbanisation in Cameron Highlands which increased anthropogenic activities, causing degradation of the natural environment. Such environmental changes highlight the necessity of wildlife and resource inventories of available forested areas to improve existing conservation and management plans, especially for threatened taxa such as the non-volant small mammals. However, very few studies are known to focus on the effect of deforestation on non-volant small mammals, especially in the adjacent forest. This survey aimed to document non-volant small mammals from four habitat types (restoration areas, boundary, disturbed and undisturbed areas) of Terla A and Bertam, and undisturbed forest of Bukit Bujang Forest Reserve, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. Samplings were conducted in two phases between August 2020 to January 2021. A total of 80 live traps were deployed along the transect lines in all three study sites, and 10 camera traps were set randomly in each forested area. Results demonstrated that species diversity (H') is higher at Terla A Forest Reserve compared to Bertam and Bukit Bujang Forest Reserve. In contrast, species diversity in the boundary area (S = 8, H' = 2.025) and disturbed forest area (S = 8, H' = 1.992) had similar number of species (S) compared to others study habitat; restoration area had the lowest species diversity (S = 3, H' = 0.950). Berylmys bowersi was the most captured species from trappings and Lariscus insignis was the most frequently recorded species from camera trappings for all study sites. The results of the survey provided new information on non-volant small mammals in Cameron Highlands for future research, conservation, and management.
... The entire region is surrounded by mountains, and a crucial watershed is located within tropical rainforests. The forest captures passing clouds that would otherwise not precipitate, serving as a vital catchment for much of lowland Malaysia (Barrow C.J et al., 2005). The Cameron Highland is located in the Titiwangsa Range and is drained into the Malacca Strait by the Perak River system in the west. ...
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Highland regions in Malaysia are mainly linked with the watershed of the primary river system due to their geomorphological forms, habitat characteristics, and dynamic ecosystem. Malaysia's economic development has caused a high demand for natural resources for more than half a century. It has resulted in environmental issues, particularly in the highlands region. The rapid development caused the temperature in the highlands to increase tremendously, affecting the environment's physical processes and posing a threat to humans. Rising temperatures also threaten the economy of the upland population who depend on agricultural activities. Climate change also indirectly invites natural disasters by increasing rainfall above normal levels and causing slope failure and mudslides in the highlands. Temperature and precipitation changes will cause changes in land and water cycles, affecting agricultural growth and productivity. Temperature rise directly affects pest reproduction, survival, spread, and population dynamics which will cause damage to plants. This paper addresses the issue and challenge of climate vulnerability and the need for a comprehensive approach to more climate change scenarios.
... Land clearing is cultivated on hill gradients and isolated forests, contributing to several damages such as mudslides and landslides and leading to water pollution (Khoo 2016; Razali et al. 2018). Consequently, the soil's chemical run-off erodes into the river (Saadati et al. 2012) and threatens the faunas inhabiting the hill gradients (Barrow et al. 2005). According to Blaustein et al. (1994), nearly all amphibians and reptiles have limited home range and exist within a small landscape patch. ...
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The conversion of forests to agricultural farmland modifies lands into small patches, making amphibians more susceptible to external environmental changes. It is important to restore the forest ecosystem so that fauna species, especially anurans, could gradually recover and help create a balanced ecosystem in the restoration process. The aims of this study are to determine diversity, richness, and evenness of the anuran species, and to investigate the relationship of the anuran species with environmental variables of restoration areas and adjacent forests of Terla Forest Reserve (FR), Cameron Highlands, Pahang. The study recorded 14 species belonging to six families with higher species diversity, whereby the Shannon Wiener (H’) value in the adjacent forest (H’ = 1.71) was higher as compared to the restoration area (H’ = 0.77). The anuran species in the restoration area showed an adaptation to bare soil, herbs, and shrubs. Meanwhile, in the forest, forest litter was favoured by the anuran species. Species abundance demonstrated correlation towards microclimate. The adaption of two species to the restoration area showed that temperature had a significant and negative correlation with Duttaphrynus melanostictus; relative humidity was significant and positively correlated with Polypedates leucomystax; while relative humidity had a significant and negative correlation with Microhyla annectens, a forest specialist. A deeper understanding of environmental factors that affect the presence of anurans, especially in restoration areas, can facilitate forest management in evaluating the effectiveness of forest restoration in this region.
... This includes soil organic matter, aggregate sizes, infiltration, surface roughness and clay contents. Barrow et al. (2005) reported several techniques for sustainable agriculture in Cameron Highlands such as to develop strategies of converting environmentally damaging cultivation to greener and sustainable. For example, tourists could be drawn to agritourism or ecotourism and be paid enough to make sustainable farming viable. ...
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This work describes the effect of different agricultural land use on potential soil erodibility (K) at cultivated farming areas in Cameron Highlands. Ordinarily, soils are assigned with K factors depending on geological properties only which can result into erroneous calculation of soil erosion. This study explores roles of different agricultural land use on the spatial variability of soil erodibility on hilly farms at Cameron Highlands. Soil samples, slopes and spatial locations were collected based on crop types being cultivated. Meanwhile, the land use and type of equipment for each crop are recorded and ranked depending on the degree of soil disturbances. The results showed that, K values are ranged from 0.0084 to 0.0161. Shallow-root crops, such as vegetables and flowers have higher K values due to shallow soil rootzone and frequency of surface operations. However, tea cultivated areas and forests have low K values, indicating comparably higher ability to resist erosion. Furthermore, the erodibility factor for tea farms shows increasing patterns along the developmental stages while the reverse was found in vegetable farms. Spatial variability of the K is influenced by various farming operations at different growing stages and the peculiarity of each crop. This work demonstrated that, the soil erodibility factor can be determined considering the crops and stages of development, in addition to geological attributes.
... Abdullah (2016) reported that about 45% of agriculture lands in the area have more than 25 o slope with runoff causing erosion and massive river siltation. More so, the presence of weathered underlying rocks (Barrow et al., 2005), topography and heavy rainfall make the region highly prone to erosion and landslide that threatens the development on the highlands (Pradhan et al., 2010). Meteorological records showed that the area received high average rainfall ranging between 2500 and 3000 mm annually (Gasim et al., 2009) with high intensity that increases the aggressiveness of raindrops to trigger soil erosion. ...
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Over the years, Cameron Highlands have witnessed extensive land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes due to the massive agricultural and urbanization activities. This significantly contributed to the erosion problems in the area. Rainfall erosivity that measures the aggressiveness of raindrop in triggering soil erosion is one of its major components that could be influenced by the LULC changes in watersheds. However, the research relating to theLULC changes with the erosivity especially in the complex landscape is scarce. Hence, this study applies geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing techniques to assess the LULC changes and their influence on the rainfall erosivity distribution in mountainous watershed of Cameron Highlands. Four Landsat images and the rainfall data from the period of thirty years were analysed for the development of LULC and erosivity maps respectively in ArcGIS environment. The study showed that the study area experienced immense land-use changes especially in agriculture and urbanization which affected the erosivity distribution. The LULC change for agriculture increased linearly in the last 30 years from 7.9% in 1986 to almost 16.4% in 2016. The results showed that urban development increased from 5.1% in 1986 to 11.4% in 2016. The increasing urbanization trend was targeted to meet up with tourism requirement in Cameron Highlands. However, forest class declined tremendously due to the exploration of land for agriculture practice and other various types of development. Watershed managers and other stakeholders should find this study beneficial in tackling erosion and its associated ecological challenges.
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Agro and ecotourism activities in Cameron Highlands Malaysia play a vital role in promoting growth to its surrounding region. Tourism activities generate income to the local residents including the indigenous community that lives in settlements scattered within this tourism hub. Although previous studies have highlighted the economic needs to also introduce indigenous tourism to this area, limited studies have actually evaluated its potentials and limitations as a tourism product. Hence this study embarks on appraising indigenous tourism potentials and developing strategies for its successful implementation. SWOT analysis was performed to detail its internal strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats. TOWS matrix was used as a situational analysis in developing strategies for the implementation of the proposed indigenous tourism product. The SWOT analysis shows this product has 13 strengths, 10 weaknesses, 13 opportunities and 9 threats. These points are used in the TOWS matrix and relevant strategies were proposed. This study concludes that indigenous tourism has great potential to be explored in this region but appropriate measures must be considered in its development and implementation. Key words: Tourism Economics, Indigenous Tourism, Cultural, SWOT/TOWS Analysis
Sustainable development is the single most important consideration for those working in the tourism industry. Presenting a discussion by leading contributors on the impacts of tourism on local culture and the environment, this new edition moves forward the debates in sustainable tourism, covering new locations, concepts and perspectives, and new case studies providing a global outlook for a universal issue.
The author argues that the conventional project mode of operation, with its short time frame and unrealistic attempts to deal with uncertainties through the exercise of control, is no longer viable. Funders must become genuine stakeholders with long-term time perspectives, and evaluation must replace appraisal as the key procedure for resource allocation. This, the author suggests, would allow rural development practitioners to work in a participatory, gender-sensitive, holistic manner, evolving their strategy and organisation to make the maximum possible contribution to positive and sustainable developmental processes. The end-result of such an approach would be to put ordinary rural people firmly in the driving seat, with development agencies playing a supporting role. The book links together advances in content, approach and organisation to provide an integrated new framework for development practice. It provides detailed coverage of a wide range of policy issues and of the implications of the new paradigm for each of the different types of organisation involved in rural development. The author concludes that most need to change substantially and sets out a range of agendas for development practice, management and policy into the twenty-first century.
Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world and the fastest growing component of it is ecotourism. The current growth rate of tourism means that there will be approximately 650 million international tourists by 2002. However it is natural area tourism which is one of the most rapidly growing segments of tourism. Reflecting this huge growth in ecotourism, the authors introduce students to the primary aspects of this global industry. From the relationship between tourism and the environment to nature based tourism and ecotourism impacts, the book presents students with a comprehensive examination of what ecotourism is, where it lies within tourism, and the issues that have arisen in the development of ecotourism within such a huge global industry.
There are many highland settlements known as “hill stations” or “summer resorts” in Southeast Asian countries under the tropical and subtropical climate. The hill station is not a native institution, but one developed during the nineteenth century by the British and Dutch colonial masters in order to make sojourns in a foreign land more comfortable. In southern Japan, the worst period is from June through August, though its intensity does not compare with that farther south. In Malaysia and Indonesia, the period extends throughout the year. The Cameron Highlands is the most famous hill station in Peninsular Malaysia being one of colonial origin. The Cameron Highlands is located between 1, 000 and 1, 500 meters above sea level on the main range of central Malaysia. Today, the Cameron Highlands is mainly a summer resort, but it is also a very important mid-latitude vegetable growing area. The development of the Cameron Highlands began only after 1926, though it was discovered by, and named after, William CAMERON in 1885. Almost simultaneous with the opening of the Cameron Highlands as a hill resort was the growth and development of vegetable farming by farmers of Chinese origin. There are also three new vegetable farming settlements developed after World War II. Some 47 per cent of the inhabitants of the Cameron Highlands are Chinese Malaysian, and they shoulder the vegetable growing business. The temperate vegetables in the Cameron Highlands are mostly to be found above 1, 000 meters above sea level. Some twenty-five types of mid-latitude vegetables are cultivated here, though the main crops are Chinese cabbage, English cabbage and tomatoes, which are popular with most of the people in Malaysia. Almost all the vegetable seeds are imported from Japan. Farm labor on the vegetable farms, which average one to two acres in the Highlands, is normally family labor. Large amounts of chicken dung are used as fertilizer, and farming is very intensive. Crops such as spinach, bell pepper (paprika), and celery are grown under cover to protect them from the rather heavy rains that fall around here. Each farmer follows his own judgement in the choice of crops to grow with a mind to the vegetable price in the markets. Therefore, there is no established cycle of crops. Today, most of the vegetables produced in the Cameron Highlands are transported by large trucks to the main cities in Peninsular Malaysia, and some 25-30% are exported to Singapore.
The principles of sustainable development are widely accepted, but, given the conflicts of interest that occur over time and space, their resolution is likely to be problematic. Nowhere is this more evident than in the field of tourism. There is probably no other economic activity which cuts across so many sectors, levels and interests. The relationship between tourism development, socio-economic development and the environment is circular and cumulative. Most tourism activity places additional pressures on the environmental resources upon which it is based, compromising the present and future interests of tourist and host populations as well as of tourism organizations. Without adequate environmental protection, prospects for development will be undermined. There is an essential need to build on the positive links between the environment and tourism and to break the negative links. The latter will not be easy, however, owing to the conflicts of interest that occur. The positive links may be described as win-win situations, benefiting environment and development prospects alike. Negative links are also likely to occur however. To break these, trade-offs will have to be made between conservational and developmental goals. An identification of the extent and nature of these trade-offs will be facilitated by environmental accountancy procedures which include environmental auditing.