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Morphological and DNA Barcoding Evidence for Invasive Pest Thrips, Thrips parvispinus
(Thripidae: Thysanoptera), Newly Recorded From India
Kaomud Tyagi, Vikas Kumar,
Devkant Singha, and Rajasree Chakraborty
Centre for DNA Taxonomy, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata 700 053, West Bengal, India
Corresponding author, e-mail:
Subject Editor: Roland Muehlethaler
J. Insect Sci. (2015) 15(1): 105; DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev087
ABSTRACT. South East Asia pest thrips species, Thrips parvispinus (Karny), is a serious pest on a number of agricultural and horticultural
crops in a number of plant families. Based on an integrated approach of morphology and DNA barcoding, invasion of this serious pest
is reported first time from India on papaya plantations. Molecular data have corroborated with the morphological identification.
Haplotyping data suggested that the Indonesia may be a probable source of invasion of this pest to India.
Key Words: invasive pest, thrips, COI, new record, papaya
Members of insect order Thysanoptera with two recognized suborders,
the Terebrantia and Tubulifera, are commonly called thrips. Out of
nearly 6,000 known species, a few have been documented as economi-
cally important, i.e., pollinator, predator, pest, and vector for plant vi-
ruses (Lewis 1997, Pappu et al. 2009, ThripsWiki 2015). As insect
vectors, thrips are sole transmitters of Tospoviruses (genus Tospovirus,
family Bunyaviridae) affecting a number of plant species in unrelated
plant families across the globe (Riley et al. 2011). The peculiarity in
tospoviruses transmission by thrips is that larvae can acquire the vi-
ruses, while adult can transmit (Whitfield et al. 2005).
Hence identification of both adults and larvae thrips is of prime impor-
tance for pest and vector management. Considering their minute size, cryp-
tic behavior, high degree of similarity of various developmental stages,
polymorphism, intraspecific variations, and complex morphology make
morphological characters of limited use to nonspecialist for accurate and
speedy identification especially those of pest and vector species (Asokan
et al. 2007). Nuclear markers like ribosomal ITS have also been used for
molecular identification in thrips (Toda and Komazaki 2002, Rugman-
Jones et al. 2006, Farris et al. 2010). However, mitochondrial COI (DNA
barcoding, Hebert et al. 2003) has been found to be the most suitable for
molecular identification within the genus Thrips (Glover et al. 2010). DNA
barcoding has been widely used in thrips identification (Rugman-Jones
et al. 2010, Kadirvel et al. 2013), development of species specific markers,
and phylogenetic analysis (Buckman et al. 2013). Integration of both mor-
phological and DNA barcoding data may be immense use for accurate spe-
cies identification and phylogenetic analysis (Mound et al. 2010).
Thrips parvispinus,amemberof“Thrips orientalis group” (Mound
2005), is a widespread pest thrips species of quarantine importance and
has been recorded from Thailand to Australia (Mound and Collins 2000)
as a serious pest on a number of unrelated plant families. It is reported on
papaya in Hawaii, greenhouse Gardenia plants in Greece, vegetable
crops like chili, green beans, potato, and eggplant from other countries
(Murai et al. 2009). Identification of an invasive pest is the first step
which unlocks the barriers for further research in planning appropriate
management strategies for the pest involved. The objective of this article
is to report invasive pest, T. parvispinus from India based on specimens
collected on papaya and elucidation of probable source of invasion.
Materials and Methods
Specimens were collected and stored in 70% ethanol at 80
DNA isolation and amplification of partial fragment of mtCOI gene,
purification of amplified PCR products, and sequencing were per-
formed as earlier protocol using non-destructive techniques (Buckman
et al. 2013, Kumar et al., 2014). Voucher specimens have been retrieved
after DNA isolation and mounted in Canada balsam onto glass slides
and identified as T. parvispinus using the morphological keys (Mound
2005). The voucher specimens have been submitted to National
Zoological Collections, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, India.
Eleven DNA sequences generated in this study were aligned against
80 sequences of T. parvispinus from Indonesia as retrieved from
National Centre for Biotechnology Information. Further, the generated
sequences were submitted to GenBank database to acquire the acces-
sion numbers for T. parvispinus (KM485659–KM485667) and Thrips
orientalis (KM507077–KM507078). T. orientalis is used as it is a
member of the “Thrips orientalis group.” Frankliniella schultzei
(KC513151) is used as outgroup. Evolutionary genetic divergences
with Kimura-2-parameter model and neighbor-joining (NJ) phyloge-
netic tree were constructed in MEGA 6.0 with 1,000 bootstrap replica-
tions (Tamura et al. 2013). Haplotyping was carried out in DNaSP, and
median joining networks were produced in Network 4.1 (Bandelt et al.
1999, Librado and Rozas 2009).
Results and Discussion
Morphological Data. Thrips parvispinus (Karny)
Isoneurothrips parvispinus Karny, 1922: 106.
Diagnosis. Body brown, head, and thorax paler than abdomen. Legs
yellow, forewings brown with pale base. Head broader than long, ocel-
lar pair III arising at the anterior margin of ocellar triangle; postocular
setae I and IV longer than III (Fig. 1). Antennae seven segmented, seg-
ments III and IV each with forked sense cone. Pronotum with two pairs
of posteroangulars setae and two pairs of posteromarginal setae
(Fig. 1). Metanotum reticulate medially and with faint internal reticules;
median setae long and placed behind the anterior margin; campaniform
sensilla absent (Fig. 2). Fore wing first and second vein with continuous
row of setae (Fig. 3). Posterior margin of tergite VIII without comb, a
few microtrichia present laterally. Abdominal sternites III–VI with
accessory setae, absent on II and VII.
Male. Body yellow. Posterior margin of tergite VIII without comb.
Abdominal sternites II–VI each with pore area.
Material examined. Thirteen females, two males, India: Karnataka:
Bangalore, 10.ii.2014, Kamlajayanti (Reg. No. 5618/H17 to 5628/H17,
5994/H17, 5998/H17, 5999/H17, 6000/H17 to 6001/H17).
The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Entomological Society of America.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits
non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact jou
Journal of Insect Science
by guest on December 18, 2015 from
Molecular Data
Homology search using BLAST search option resulted in 99–100%
similarity to T. parvispinus sequences from Indonesia. W e analyzed 91
partial mtCOI sequences of T. parvispinus and T. orientalis in this study.
Out of which 11 sequences were generated in this study and rest of the 80
sequences were retrieved from National Centre for Biotechnology.
Complete dataset after trimming have 604 nucleotides, which shows 89
variable sites with 87 parsimony informative sites. However, the dataset
of 89 sequence of T. parvispinus yielded only 14 variable sites out of
which 10 were parsimony informative.
Analysis of 89 sequences of T. parvispinus yielded four haplotypes
(Hap_1 to Hap_4) (Fig. 4). Hap_1 and Hap_3 were from Indonesia.
Hap_2 includes 18 sequences from India and Indonesia. Hap_4 is rep-
resented by a single specimen from India (Table 1). The data show that
there is no host-plant or geographical locality specific haplotyping. The
total number of segregating sites between four derived haplotypes
varies from 1 to 13 (Table 1). Further, out of 14 segregating sites, 11
were detected as synonymous changes and 3 as nonsynonymous
changes corresponding to nine transitions and five transversions. The
analysis of NJ tree yielded two major clades with high bootstrap sup-
port; clade I includes 89 sequences of T. parvispinus from Indonesia
and India, while clade II is represented by two sequences of T. orientalis
(Fig. 5). F. schultzei is used as outgroup. NJ tree provided here is only
to segregate two species based on the reciprocal monophyly criteria and
not to interpret phylogeny of genus Thrips.
Both morphological and molecular evidences verify that the speci-
mens collected on papaya represents T. parvispinus. The presence of
this pest species on an economically important crop plant like papaya in
India raise serious issues and is a concern for quarantine authorities.
Occurrence of T. parvispinus in other parts of India needs systematic
monitoring as it is likely to acquire pest status in future. Molecular evi-
dence for shared haplotype (H_2) between Indonesia and India indi-
cated that there is a flow of genetic material, and Indonesia may be a
probable source of invasion of this species to India. However,
Figs. 1–3. T. parvispinus, female (1) head and pronotum; (2) meso- and metanotum, (3) fore wing.
by guest on December 18, 2015 from
molecular data on this species from other countries may be helpful to
trace exact route of invasion.
We are grateful to Director, Zoological Survey of India for his
encouragement and moral support and providing necessary facilities.
We are thankful to Dr. L. A. Mound (CSIRO, Australia) for his sug-
gestions, constant encouragement, and comments on earlier draft of
this manuscript. This study was supported by the SERB (Science and
Engineering Research Board), Department of Science & Technology,
Delhi, through DST Young Scientist Project entitled “Molecular
Systematics and Phylogeny of Economically Important Thrips
(Thysanoptera: Insecta) of India” (SR/FT/LS-24/2012) to K.T. and
ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) supported research
project outreach program on Management of Sucking Pests in
Horticultural Crops (ORP-SP) to V.K.
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......... C. . . .
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Received 29 April 2015; accepted 1 July 2015.
by guest on December 18, 2015 from