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Content uploaded by Birk Hagemeyer
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Birk Hagemeyer on Jul 23, 2015
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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
When “Together” Means “Too Close”: Agency Motives
and Relationship Functioning in Coresident and
Living-Apart-Together Couples
Birk Hagemeyer, Felix D. Schönbrodt, Franz J. Neyer, Wiebke Neberich, and Jens B.
Online First Publication, September 14, 2015.
Hagemeyer, B., Schönbrodt, F. D., Neyer, F. J., Neberich, W., & Asendorpf, J. B. (2015,
September 14). When “Together” Means “Too Close”: Agency Motives and Relationship
Functioning in Coresident and Living-Apart-Together Couples. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
When “Together” Means “Too Close”: Agency Motives and Relationship
Functioning in Coresident and Living-Apart-Together Couples
Birk Hagemeyer
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Felix D. Schönbrodt
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Franz J. Neyer
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Wiebke Neberich
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, International Max Planck
Research School LIFE
Jens B. Asendorpf
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The present research addresses the interplay between agency motives and objective dyadic closeness with
regard to the functioning of intimate couple relationships. Applying a Person ⫻ Situation approach, we
hypothesized (a) that partners’ implicit and explicit agency motives predict their selection of dyadic
living arrangements characterized by high or low objective closeness (coresidence or living-apart-
together), (b) that agency motives have more negative effects on relationship functioning in coresident
couples, (c) that agency motives predict agentic motivational states in coresident couples, and (d) that
agentic states predict day-to-day changes in relationship satisfaction under conditions of high objective
closeness. We found support for these between- and within-couple hypotheses in cross-sectional and
prospective analyses of an age-heterogeneous sample of 548 heterosexual couples, and in a 2-week diary
study with a subsample of 106 couples. Most notably, agentic motive dispositions and motivational states
related to relationship functioning more negatively under conditions of high objective closeness. The
overall positive effect of objective closeness on relationship functioning was diminished by strong
agentic motivation. Perspectives for future research on agency motives in couple relationships are
Keywords: agency, implicit motives, intimate relationships, living-apart-together, relationship quality
Supplemental materials:
The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving
someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.
—Ernest Hemingway
Close relationships are among the most highly valued human
goals (Ben-Ari & Lavee, 2007; Caldwell & Peplau, 1982; Reis &
Shaver, 1988), and there is little debate among scholars that the
satisfaction of the need for closeness and communion is important
for relationship functioning as well as for individual well-being
and health (Baumeister & Leary, 1995; Hofer & Busch, 2011;
Holt-Lunstad, Smith, & Layton, 2010; McAdams & Vaillant,
1982; Patrick, Knee, Canevello, & Lonsbary, 2007; Prager &
Buhrmester, 1998). In adult life, romantic partnerships are mostly
viewed as the closest type of relationship, and couples’ relation-
ship quality and stability have been found to depend on the amount
of closeness that is actually experienced (Aron, Aron, & Smollan,
1992; Berscheid, Snyder, & Omoto, 1989b; Hassebrauck & Fehr,
2002; Smith, Snyder, Trull, & Monsma, 1988). However, humans
also possess individualistic or agentic needs for independence,
mastery, and self-sufficiency (Bakan, 1966; Hagemeyer & Neyer,
2012; McAdams, Hoffman, Day, & Mansfield, 1996; Prager &
Birk Hagemeyer, Institut für Psychologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena;
Felix D. Schönbrodt, Department Psychologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München; Franz J. Neyer, Institut für Psychologie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
Jena; Wiebke Neberich, Institut für Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
International Max Planck Research School LIFE; Jens B. Asendorpf, Institut für
Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Wiebke Neberich is now at Affinitas GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
This research was funded by grants of the German Research Foun-
dation to Franz J. Neyer (NE 633/5-1), Jens B. Asendorpf (AS 59/16-1),
and Felix Schönbrodt (SCHO 1334/1-1). The authors thank Marcus
Mund as well as the members of the scientific network “Psychometrics
of Implicit Motives,” Holger Busch, Michael Dufner, Stefan Engeser,
Georg Hosoya, Gregor Kappler, Tobias Koch, Fridtjof Nussbeck, and
Elisabeth Zureck, for valuable comments and fruitful discussions about
the current research.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Birk
Hagemeyer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Institut für Psychologie, Hum-
boldtstraße 11, D-07743 Jena, Germany. E-mail: birk.hagemeyer@
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology © 2015 American Psychological Association
2015, Vol. 109, No. 10, 000 0022-3514/15/$12.00
Buhrmester, 1998; Wiggins, 1991), which may be understood as
antagonistic motivational forces in couple relationships: Whereas
communal needs strive for, and are fulfilled by, closeness, agentic
needs are at risk of being frustrated if closeness comes at the cost
of impaired individual freedom and independence (Baxter, 1990;
J. A. Feeney, 1999; Goldsmith, 1990; Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012;
Hagemeyer, Neyer, Neberich, & Asendorpf, 2013; Kumashiro,
Rusbult, & Finkel, 2008). A major challenge for couples’ relation-
ship regulation therefore lies in the integration of the partners’
agentic needs, and, in fact, research has shown that too much
closeness can have negative effects on relational as well as indi-
vidual well-being (Frost & Forrester, 2013).
Applying a Person ⫻ Situation approach, the present investiga-
tion looks into the interplay of two factors that are assumed to play
important roles in the regulation of couples’ closeness, and thus for
optimal relationship functioning: the partners’ motive disposi-
tions—that is, individual differences in the strength of the need for
agency—and couples’ living arrangements (coresidence (COR) vs.
living-apart-together (LAT)), which provide differential contexts
for the regulation of dyadic closeness and distance. In two studies,
we investigated the relevance of agency motives for relationship
functioning in COR and LAT couples from between-couple and
within-couple perspectives. Study 1 focused on between-couple
differences in implicit and explicit agency motives in a large
age-heterogeneous sample of heterosexual couples. Study 2 was a
2-week diary study examining the day-to-day dynamics between
motivational states, dyadic closeness, and relationship quality
within COR and LAT couples.
Dyadic Closeness and Couples’ Living Arrangements
Closeness is a heterogeneous concept in relationship research
(see Ben-Ari & Lavee, 2007, and Berscheid, Snyder, & Omoto,
1989a, for overviews of different conceptualizations). In the pres-
ent research context, it is important to differentiate subjective
closeness, which is usually experienced as pleasant and fulfilling,
and thus includes an evaluation of relationship quality (e.g., Aron
et al., 1992), and more objectively defined and externally observ-
able types of closeness like spatial proximity, the amount of time
partners spend together, and dyadic interdependence (i.e., the
extent to which the two partners influence each other; H. H. Kelley
et al., 1983). Whereas the former type of closeness is an individual
variable (although partners may, to some extent, concur in their
subjective closeness ratings), the latter types can only be under-
stood as dyadic characteristics, that is, as variables that describe a
couple and are thus identical for both partners (Kenny, Kashy, &
Cook, 2006). Although the two kinds of closeness may not be
empirically independent (e.g., high subjective closeness without
some extent of objective closeness is hardly imaginable), they are
conceptually distinct. The focus of this article lies on closeness as
dyadic variables that are, in principle, accessible to external ob-
servation. To ensure a clear distinction from individual and sub-
jective sentiments of closeness, we will henceforward use the term
objective closeness for such variables.
Couples’ living arrangements provide an interesting context for
the study of agency motives and relationship functioning, because
they constitute differential relationship conditions that foster or
hinder objective closeness. We focus here on the differences
between two prototypical living arrangements. COR, in which
partners share a common household, is the conventional form of
couple life in Western cultures, and the majority of couples engage
in it (e.g., Asendorpf, 2008; Haskey, 2005). COR is characterized
by high objective closeness as manifested in high amounts of time
spent together, frequent routine interactions, and shared responsi-
bilities. LAT, on the other hand, in which the partners retain
separate households, is an unconventional living arrangement that
affords less objective closeness and more individual freedom,
independence, and privacy. LAT is also a heterogeneous type of
relationship. It includes couples in the early stages of their rela-
tionships who will eventually move in together (or separate) as
well as long-term LATs who live in close proximity to each other
or engage in long-distance relationships (Schneider & Ruckde-
schel, 2003). However, a common feature that distinguishes all
LAT couples from COR relationships is the greater opportunity for
individual freedom and privacy.
To date, LAT has received little attention in psychological
research, but sociologists have found some evidence that this type
of relationship becomes increasingly common and accepted in
Western societies (e.g., Duncan & Phillips, 2010; Haskey, 2005;
Milan & Peters, 2003; Schneider & Ruckdeschel, 2003; Strohm,
Seltzer, Cochran, & Mays, 2009). For the German population,
Asendorpf (2008) analyzed the data from the nationally represen-
tative German Socioeconomic Panel Study and found that the
relative proportion of LAT adults increased from 8.5% in 1992 to
10.9% in 2006. This historical trend was especially pronounced in
middle and late adulthood (age ⬎37 years), for which LAT in-
creased from 4.7% to 8.2%. Analyses by age showed that the
probability of LAT decreased until the age of about 40, and then
remained on a relatively constant level. Furthermore, the proba-
bility of moving in together within an assessment period of 6 years
was markedly lower for participants older than 37 years.
Qualitative interview studies have shed some light on the rea-
sons for having a LAT relationship (Holmes, 2006; Karlsson &
Borell, 2005; Levin, 2004; Milan & Peters, 2003; Roseneil, 2006;
Strohm et al., 2009). Overall, these reasons can be grouped into
external pressures and individual preferences. Among the most
frequently named external pressures are educational or work-
related requirements (especially for long-distance relationships),
care for children from a previous relationship or elderly relatives
living in the household, and the partner’s preference for living
apart. Individual preferences for LAT revolve around gaining
higher autonomy and privacy, and avoiding too much closeness,
intimacy, and daily hassles with the partner.
Sociological research thus provides some support for the as-
sumption that LAT is becoming a viable alternative to the more
conventional and close COR, especially for people who (a) are
around 40 or older, and (b) have a preference for agentic values
and goals. The increasing prevalence of LAT in middle and late
adulthood may be partially explained by a biologically induced
shifting of relationship priorities (Asendorpf, 2008). Around the
age of 40, women have to come to a final decision about having
(biological) children (Heckhausen, Wrosch, & Fleeson, 2001), and
after menopause, the wish to raise a new family is much less likely
to be a viable motivation for moving in with one’s partner. On the
contrary, if a new relationship is commenced at this age and there
are still children from a former relationship in the household, this
will favor the decision for LAT (Levin, 2004). In addition, LAT is
viewed by many who engage in this living arrangement as more
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
suitable than COR for the fulfillment of their agentic needs.
Especially if the partners’ households are in close proximity to
each other, LAT may be viewed as providing favorable conditions
for the integration of closeness with the partner and individualistic
commitments, interests, and goals (Karlsson & Borell, 2005;
Levin, 2004).
Agency Motives and Couple Relationships
Motive dispositions differentiate individuals with regard to their
preferences for the attainment of specific classes of incentives
(McClelland, 1985; Schultheiss, 2008). In the case of agency
motives, these incentives refer to self-oriented, individualistic ex-
periences and goals related to independence, self-reliance, domi-
nance, and mastery. According to Bakan (1966), agency entails a
tendency to form separations from others and a focus on the
individual self. Agency is thus reflected in self-protection, self-
assertion, and self-expansion. Drawing on Bakan’s original defi-
nition, Hagemeyer and Neyer (2012; see also Hagemeyer, Neyer,
et al., 2013) conceptualized agency motives in couple relationships
as relationship-specific dispositions that focus on the propensity to
form physical or psychological separations from the partner,
thereby seeking experiences that confirm the self as an indepen-
dent and capable individual. The proposed significance of
relationship-specific agency motives for individual well-being and
relationship functioning is twofold. People with strong agency
motives are assumed to seek out individual activities and distance
from their partners regularly. If, on the one hand, agentic strivings
are successful, this will lead to feelings of reward and satisfaction
on behalf of the actor, although the partner may feel deserted. On
the other hand, if agentic strivings are thwarted by too much
closeness (or other interferences), the resulting feelings of frustra-
tion and dissatisfaction will be more profound the stronger the
motive is. Such negative experiences will, in the long run, also
affect the partner’s satisfaction as they may spark quarrels and
conflicts (Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012).
Implicit and Explicit Motives
We use the term agency motives in its plural form because we
differentiate between implicit and explicit motive dispositions.
According to McClelland’s dual motives theory, the two kinds of
motives pertain to distinct motivational systems and guide differ-
ent kinds of behavior (McClelland, 1980; McClelland, Koestner, &
Weinberger, 1989). On the one hand, implicit motives are assumed
to operate largely outside awareness and guide operant (or spon-
taneous) behavior. A key function of the implicit motivational
system is the regulation of affective processes during goal pursuit.
Thus, implicit motives not only direct and energize behavior but
also influence its emotional consequences. Affective experiences
of reward after successful goal attainment, but also frustration after
failure, increase with the strength of the corresponding implicit
motive (Brunstein, Schultheiss, & Grässmann, 1998; Schultheiss,
Jones, Davis, & Kley, 2008). Because they are not consciously
represented, implicit motives are measured in an indirect way,
usually with Picture Story Exercises (PSEs; e.g., Schultheiss &
Pang, 2007), which are research variants of the Thematic Apper-
ception Test (TAT; Morgan & Murray, 1935) (Morgan & Murray,
1935). Explicit motives, on the other hand, are assumed to guide
respondent (or controlled) behavior, such as deliberate choices
between a limited number of alternatives (Brunstein, 2008; Mc-
Clelland et al., 1989). In contrast to implicit motives, explicit
motives pertain to an individual’s cognitively elaborated self-
concept and guide behavior via conscious decision making and
goal selection. They reflect a person’s social values, and their
attainment provides a sense of meaning and coherence rather than
hedonic experiences (Cantor & Malley, 1991). Because they are
represented in a propositional format, explicit motives can be
assessed by self-reports, usually via standardized questionnaires
(e.g., Hagemeyer, Neyer, et al., 2013; Schönbrodt & Gerstenberg,
2012). Applied to relationship-specific agency motives, dual mo-
tives theory suggests that individuals are characterized by two
motive dispositions that are similar in the aspiration of individu-
alistic goal contents, but different in their functional underpin-
The theoretical distinction between implicit and explicit motives
originated from the repeated finding that indirect and direct motive
measures are largely uncorrelated (McClelland, 1980; McClelland
et al., 1989). A recent meta-analysis confirmed this for the most
frequently studied motives of achievement, power, and affiliation
using 56 independent samples from six decades of motive research
(Köllner & Schultheiss, 2014). The average correlations between
implicit and explicit motives were below .15 in all three domains.
According to this low convergence, the interindividual variation of
intrapersonal constellations of implicit and explicit motives is
nearly unrestricted. This raises the question about the conse-
quences of congruent or incongruent implicit– explicit motive con-
stellations (McClelland et al., 1989). Because of their common
goal content and complementary functional properties, the two
motivational systems may amplify each other’s effects, if implicit
and explicit motives are congruently strong in a person. In fact, a
recent study on communal motives suggests that motive (in)con-
gruence plays a significant role in relationship functioning, as a
strong implicit motive increased the positive actor effects of the
explicit motive on relationship satisfaction. Moreover, incongruent
intrapersonal motive constellations predicted a heightened risk of
relationship breakup over the time of 1 year (Hagemeyer, Ne-
berich, Asendorpf, & Neyer, 2013). These findings correspond to
other studies outside the area of couple research showing that
intrapersonal motive constellations are relevant for individual
well-being (e.g., Brunstein et al., 1998; Hofer, Chasiotis, & Cam-
pos, 2006). However, studies on the consequences of agentic
motive (in)congruence for couple relationships are missing.
Agency Motives and Relationship Functioning
Previous research has shown that both implicit and explicit
agency motives are related to various aspects of relationship func-
tioning. For the relationship-specific implicit agency motive,
Hagemeyer and Neyer (2012) found negative intra- and interper-
sonal effects of both partners’ motives on their accounts of rela-
tionship satisfaction. Notably, these effects were independent of
the complementary communal motive, thus corroborating the
unique significance of agentic motives for couple relationships. In
addition, a strong implicit need for power (a facet of agency) in
men has been related to impaired relationship satisfaction, a
heightened probability of separation, unrestricted sociosexuality,
and aggressive sexual behavior (Hofer et al., 2010; Stewart &
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Rubin, 1976; Zurbriggen, 2000). Explicit agentic motives and
goals depicting the motivation to establish independence, social
distance, and solitude are also associated with indicators of poor
relationship functioning, such as low relationship satisfaction,
avoidant romantic attachment, and low perceived support from
one’s partner (Craddock, 1997; Dewitte & De Houwer, 2008;
Hagemeyer, Neyer, et al., 2013). Thus, although, to date, the
literature on the consequences of agency motives in couple rela-
tionships is not very extensive, the existing studies are quite
consistent in identifying strong agency motives as potential prob-
lems for couple relationships in general. This applies to both
implicit and explicit motive dispositions.
In terms of Karney and Bradbury’s model of couples’ satisfac-
tion and stability, agency motives therefore qualify as enduring
vulnerabilities, that is, as dispositions that impair relationship
quality (a) by increasing the likelihood of stressful events (e.g.,
conflicts), and (b) by weakening the couple’s capacity to cope with
and adapt to such events (vulnerability-stress-adaptation model;
Karney & Bradbury, 1995). However, previous research falls short
of accounting for two important aspects of the interplay between
agency motives and relationship functioning. First, the role of
intrapersonal constellations of implicit and explicit agency motives
in relationship functioning has not been examined yet. Second, no
prior studies have considered between-couple differences in the
conditions of objective closeness provided by different living
arrangements as potential moderators.
The Present Research
We conducted two studies examining the relevance of implicit
and explicit agency motives for relationship functioning in hetero-
sexual COR and LAT couples from a between-couple (Study 1)
and a within-couple (Study 2) perspective. COR and LAT are
introduced to motive research as two prototypical living arrange-
ments that provide a great deal of the proximal relationship con-
texts in which the partners’ motive dispositions operate. In Study
1, we relied on a large age-heterogeneous sample of German
couples, and Study 2 employed a subsample of these couples for a
2-week diary study. COR couples were required to have a serious
romantic relationship and share the main household, irrespective of
their marital status (married or unmarried). LAT couples were
likewise required to see themselves as being in a serious relation-
ship, and, in addition, the partners’ separate households had to be
in relative proximity to each other, such that partners were able to
see each other every day if they wanted to. The former criterion
was used to exclude uncommitted dating couples, and the latter
was used to exclude long-distance relationships, which are often
living apart because of external pressures (e.g., job or educational
affordances) rather than individual preferences (Schneider &
Ruckdeschel, 2003). In addition, long-distance relationships differ
from proximal LATs and CORs in their ability to establish close-
ness on a daily basis and are therefore viewed here as a third and
distinct type of relationship that was not included in the current
research project.
Study 1 tested (a) whether individual differences in relationship-
specific agency motives predict the selection of living arrangement
(LAT vs. COR), and (b) whether cross-sectional and prospective
associations between the partners’ agency motives and indicators
of relationship functioning are moderated by couples’ living ar-
rangements. Study 2 complements these between-couple analyses
(a) by linking agentic motive dispositions to agentic motivational
states, and (b) by examining the consequences of day-to-day
variations of agentic motivational states and objective closeness
within couples for their daily relationship satisfaction, thereby
capturing potential differences in the motivational dynamics of
relationship functioning between COR and LAT couples.
Study 1
Hypothesis 1: Selection of Living Arrangement
People in LAT relationships often name agentic reasons for
having this living arrangement, such as career goals, greater per-
sonal freedom, and privacy (Holmes, 2006; Karlsson & Borell,
2005; Levin, 2004; Roseneil, 2006). Thus, individuals with strong
agentic motives who particularly value these qualities are expected
to prefer LAT over COR. Especially in the postreproductive life
phase (women’s age ⱖ40 years), when the wish to raise a family
together becomes less relevant for relationship decisions, agency
motives are expected to predict the choice of LAT. We tested
Hypothesis 1 with regard to explicit and implicit motive disposi-
tions, because we assume that the motivational processes under-
lying couples’ decisions on living arrangements involve both de-
liberate choices as well as more subtle and spontaneous
evaluations. The vast majority of intimate relationships start out
living apart. If the relationship seems to work out, most couples
come to a point when moving in together becomes an important
question, which is contemplated and debated among the partners,
and finally a decision is made. This decision reflects a choice
between two (or three) alternatives: staying LAT or moving in
together (or breaking up). According to dual motives theory, such
choices are expected to be guided more by explicit than implicit
motives (McClelland et al., 1989). These debates and decisions
involve explicit arguments exchanged in interactions with the
partner, but also gut feelings about preferences that are based on
less accessible, implicit motivations, and in some couples, a
change of living arrangement may not even become a topic at all.
Such more subtle, implicit selection processes are expected to
depend on implicit agency motives. In addition, we tested the
contribution of the interaction between implicit and explicit
agency motives to examine potentially amplifying effects of mo-
tive congruence.
Hypothesis 2: Moderation by Living Arrangement
We expected that living arrangement (LAT vs. COR) is a
moderator of the overall negative associations between
relationship-specific agency motives and relationship functioning
that were reported in prior studies (Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012;
Hagemeyer, Neyer, et al., 2013). Specifically, we expected nega-
tive intra- and interpersonal effects of agency motives on the
partners’ subjective accounts of their relationship quality to be
stronger in COR couples. In addition, the amount of dyadic con-
flicts, a more behavioral indicator of relationship functioning,
should show stronger associations with agency motives in COR
couples. It is a fundamental assumption of motivational psychol-
ogy that the expression and the consequences of motive disposi-
tions depend on contextual variables (e.g., Atkinson, 1981). Al-
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
though we believe that the obligations that come with any serious
relationship present a challenge to individuals with strong agency
motives, this challenge should become a real problem under cir-
cumstances of obligatory high objective closeness as provided by
COR. Thus, irrespective of whether the living arrangement was
deliberately chosen or not, strong agency motives are at a higher
risk of being frustrated in COR relationships. To render a com-
prehensive account of the differential role of agentic motivational
dispositions, we tested Hypothesis 2 for implicit and explicit
motives as well as for the Implicit ⫻ Explicit interaction.
Participants and procedure. We used data from a larger
research project on distance regulation in couples (see Hagemeyer,
Neberich, et al., 2013, Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012, and Hage-
meyer, Neyer, et al., 2013, for previous publications partially
based on the current data). A sample of 714 German heterosexual
couples was recruited by a mass mailing to households in a
metropolitan area (Berlin-Charlottenburg) and in a rural area
(counties of Lower Saxony), and subsequent nationwide press
announcements and newspaper ads. Couples were invited to a
research project on different living arrangements and applied for
participation by phone. A brief telephone prescreening and under-
sampling of younger couples made sure (a) that the couples were
either COR or LAT, (b) that all participants spoke German flu-
ently, and (c) that the sample comprised similar numbers of cou-
ples from each age decade between 18 and 68 years (as defined by
women’s age). Participants could opt for a paper-and-pencil ver-
sion, which they received via mail, or an online questionnaire.
Participating couples were compensated with €20 and offered an
individual, confidential feedback for each of the two partners about
their personality and relationship. In the present study, we included
all couples with complete data on implicit and explicit agency
motives. The resulting sample comprised 548 couples (332 CORs,
216 LATs), with age ranging from 18 to 73 years (M ⫽ 40.4, SD ⫽
14.1). The partners’ reports on relationship duration were highly
correlated (r ⫽ .995), and thus averaged, ranging from 1 month to
53 years (M ⫽ 11.2 years, SD ⫽ 12.5). Participants reported 0 to
4 own children (62% had at least one child), and 42% were married
to their current partners. Fifty-eight percent had a German Abitur
(high school degree) or a higher educational degree.
One year after the first assessment (Time 1 [T1]), participants
were contacted again and asked to participate in a follow-up study
(Time 2 [T2]). As an incentive, participants were offered to take
part in two lotteries with prices amounting to a total of €3,700.
Response rate was 77% within the 548 T1 couples (at least one
partner of a couple responded). In the present longitudinal analy-
ses, we included T2 data from all stable couples who maintained
their T1 living arrangements and for which at least one partner
gave information on the current relationship quality. This was true
for 235 COR and 100 LAT couples. Missing data were treated with
the full information maximum likelihood procedure (Enders,
2010). A logistic regression predicting participation in the
follow-up study by all T1 variables of this investigation showed
that T2 couples were older (odds ratio [OR]⫽ 1.536, p ⬍ .001),
reported fewer conflicts (OR ⫽ 0.774, p ⫽ .002) and were less
likely to be LAT (OR ⫽ 0.393, p ⬍ .001) than T1 couples who
dropped out. This pattern is plausible, reflecting that dropout was
partially explained by relationship break-up and LAT couples
moving in together between T1 and T2.
Measures. The questionnaires administered at T1 and T2 in-
cluded a variety of measures of diverse aspects of the relationship,
as well as both partners’ motives and personality. In the following,
only the methods relevant for the present study are described.
Agency motives. Relationship-specific implicit and explicit
agency motives were assessed at T1. The implicit agency motive
was measured with the Partner-Related Agency and Communion
Test (PACT; Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012), a relationship-specific
variant of the PSE, which is the most frequently applied approach
to the assessment of implicit motives (Schultheiss & Pang, 2007).
The PACT is comprised of eight picture cues showing interper-
sonal situations in the form of either line drawings or distorted
photographs. Participants are instructed to invent fantasy stories
about romantic relationships that describe the depicted scenes.
Three questions regarding the protagonist of the respective story
have to be answered in response to each picture cue: “What is
important to this person in this situation, and what is he/she
doing?,” “How is the person feeling in this situation, and how are
his/her feelings for his/her partner?,” and “Why is the person
feeling this way?” Participants’ answers are scored by trained
coders for the occurrence of agentic contents that pertain to one of
eight thematic categories referring to power, independence, and
individuality in couple relationships: Dominance (i.e., personal-
ized power), Help for Partner (i.e., socialized power),
tiation (i.e., elaborated differences between partners), Indepen-
dence (i.e., pursuit of individualistic interests), Self-Growth (i.e.,
individualistic development), Alternative Contacts (i.e., social ac-
tivities in absence of the partner), Conflict (i.e., quarrels related to
differences between partners), and Fear of Dependency (i.e., neg-
ative affect related to overdependence). Motive raw scores are
derived from summing up the frequencies of all agentic categories
across all eight PACT tasks
(for details on PACT administration
and scoring, see Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012).
In the present sample, PACT answers were scored by four trained
coders who worked on different cases that were randomly assigned to
them. Absolute agreement among coders as assessed in a random
subsample of 65 cases was acceptable (intraclass correlation ⫽ .76,
p ⬍ .001). Participants generated 0 to 11 agentic themes (M ⫽ 4.23,
SD ⫽ 2.09). Women had higher raw scores than men (see Table 1),
The Help for Partner category is scored for contents that indicate
support given out of a concern for one’s own power rather than out of
sympathy and compassion for the partner. However, one might argue that
this category introduces communal contents into the implicit agency mo-
tive score, which might lead to biased results. Therefore, all major analyses
of this article were repeated with a reduced score of the implicit agency
motive, omitting the Help for Partner category. The two scores correlated
at .95 and the results of all control analyses were very similar to the main
Coefficient ␣ for the implicit agency motive score was modest (.51 for
women and .52 for men). However, internal consistency of TAT-like
motive measures such as the PACT is typically low. It is plausible that the
response processes in these tests are complex and do not follow the
assumptions of classical test theory (e.g., dynamic fluctuations of responses
across pictures, idiosyncratic instigating potentials of picture cues), which
makes measures of internal consistency questionable indicators of test
reliability. Thus, low internal consistency does not preclude validity of
TAT-like measures (see Lang, 2014, for an elaborated account of this
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
but this difference was mainly attributable to women’s longer answers
and was not significant after word count was controlled, t(547) ⫽
1.632, p ⫽ .103, d= ⫽ 0.05. Because the raw motive scores were
correlated with the length of the answers, r ⫽ .28, p ⬍ .001, word
count was partialed out in the total sample before further analyses to
avoid confounding with verbal fluency. The correlation of these
corrected motive scores between partners was significant (see Table
1), indicating modest similarity of implicit agency motives within
The explicit agency motive was measured with the Desire for Being
Alone scale from the ABC of Social Desires questionnaire (Hage-
meyer, Neyer, et al., 2013). Participants reported, on a 7-point scale
(1 ⫽ never,4⫽ sometimes,7⫽ always), the frequency of appetitive
(four items; e.g., “I prefer being alone”) and aversive (four items; e.g.,
“I avoid being completely alone”) experiences regarding solitude and
self-reliance. Aversion items were reversed, and all eight items were
averaged to obtain explicit motive scores. Internal consistencies were
good (␣⫽.83 in men and .84 in women), and previous research
established high 1-year stabilities of the scale (r ⬎ .70; Hagemeyer,
Neyer, et al., 2013). As displayed in Table 1, women reported slightly
stronger explicit agency motives than men, t(547) ⫽ 5.201, p ⬍ .001,
d= ⫽ 0.16, and the between-partner correlation again indicated mod-
estly similar motives within couples. However, as expected from dual
motives theory, explicit and implicit agency motives were nearly
unrelated within individuals.
Although they do not seem to address identical contents, both the
direct and the indirect motive measure were developed to assess
individual differences in the propensity to create distance to one’s
partner, which is a core aspect of relationship-specific agency moti-
vation (Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012; Hagemeyer, Neyer et al., 2013).
To assess the explicit motive, this propensity could be directly ad-
dressed in a self-report questionnaire. To assess the implicit motive
with the PACT, we identified, in a previous study, themes and
expressions in fantasy stories about romantic relationships that reflect
distance motivation (Hagemeyer & Neyer, 2012). These content cat-
egories comprised themes of power and independence in the relation-
ship. An experimental validation study showed that both power and
independence categories occurred more frequently in stories from
participants who were primed with the motivation for solitude and
distance to their partners compared with a control group (see Hage-
meyer & Neyer, 2012, for a detailed description of PACT develop-
ment). Thus, despite their obvious differences, both measures address
the same core aspect of relationship-specific agency motives, but on
different levels of representation (implicit vs. explicit).
Subjective relationship quality (SRQ). We view SRQ as a
hierarchically organized multifaceted construct. It entails various
evaluations of specific relationship aspects (e.g., commitment or sex-
uality), which can be diverging, but are all informed by a generalized
evaluation of the relationship (see Fletcher, Simpson, & Thomas,
2000, for empirical support and a comparison with other conceptual-
izations of SRQ). We thus opted for an extensive measurement
strategy and assessed various aspects of SRQ using single items and
brief scales at T1 and T2.
At T1, SRQ was assessed with five variables: General relationship
satisfaction and sexual satisfaction were measured with the items,
respectively, “How satisfied are you with your relationship in gen-
eral?” and “How satisfied are you with the sexuality in your relation-
ship?” Both items were answered on an 11-point scale (0 ⫽ not at all,
10 ⫽ a great deal). Sexual interest in the partner was assessed with
three items: “How often do you think of sex with your partner?,”
“How often do you feel sexual lust for your partner?,” both rated on
a 7-point frequency scale (1 ⫽ never,4⫽ about once a week,7⫽
several times a day), and “How strong is your lust for your current
partner compared with your lust for other potential sex partners?,”
rated on a 7-point scale (1 ⫽ more lust for others,7⫽ more lust for
partner). The three items were z-standardized and averaged. Commit-
ment to the partner was assessed with one item: “Could you imagine
that your current partner is the one for the rest of your life?,” rated on
a 5-point scale (1 ⫽ no, never;2⫽ rather no;3⫽ sometimes;4⫽
rather yes;5⫽ yes, fully so). Finally, perceived available support was
assessed with an item adapted from Asendorpf and Wilpers (1998):
“If I have problems, I would turn to this person to talk about my
problems.” This item was rated for six types of potentially supporting
persons (partner, mother, father, children, friends, colleagues) on a
5-point frequency scale (1 ⫽ never,5⫽ always). Only the ratings
concerning support from one’s partner were used.
At T2, general relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, sexual
interest in the partner, and commitment were assessed in exactly the
same way as at T1. However, perceived available support was not
reassessed, but two additional aspects of relationship quality were
measured. First, emotional closeness to the partner was measured with
the item “How close (emotionally) to your partner are you currently
feeling?,” answered on a 7-point scale (1 ⫽ very distant, 7 ⫽ very
close). Second, COR and LAT couples reported their satisfaction with
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics and Correlations (Study 1)
Men Women Correlations
MSD M SD 12345
1. Implicit agency motive 4.01 2.04 4.45 2.12 .150
.083 ⫺.132
2. Explicit agency desire 4.02 1.00 4.29 0.96 .083 .204
3. T1 SRQ 0.02 0.71 ⫺0.01 0.75 ⫺.289
4. T2 SRQ 0.01 0.76 ⫺0.03 0.80 ⫺.223
⫺.092 .618
5. Dyadic conflicts
1.95 0.55 1.95 0.55 .157
Note. N varies between 204 and 548 because of missing T2 data. Male correlations are above the diagonal. Female correlations are below the diagonal.
Correlations within couples are on the diagonal. Correlations of the implicit agency motive were controlled for word count. SRQ ⫽ subjective relationship
quality; T1 ⫽ Time 1; T2 ⫽ Time 2.
Because dyadic conflicts is a dyadic variable, M and SD are identical for men and women, and no within-couple correlation is reported.
p ⬍ .05.
p ⬍ .01.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
the living arrangement responding to the item “How satisfied are you
with your current living arrangement?” on a 7-point scale (1 ⫽ not at
all, 7 ⫽ completely).
To obtain comparable SRQ indices at T1 and T2, the four variables
that were assessed at both measurement occasions— general relation-
ship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, sexual interest in the partner, and
commitment—were z-standardized across men and women, and the
standardized scores were averaged within each time point. For the
T1-SRQ index, internal consistency was acceptable (⫽.73 for
women and .69 for men),
and there was no significant mean sex
difference, t(547) ⫽ 0.957, p ⫽ .339, d= ⫽ 0.03. The between-partner
correlation (see Table 1) indicated substantial similarity in SRQ, but
also individual variation within couples. The T2-SRQ index also had
acceptable internal consistency (⫽.81 for women and .77 for men),
showed no mean sex difference, t(203) ⫽ 0.750, p ⫽ .452, d= ⫽ 0.04,
and the between-partner correlation was similar to T1. The correla-
tions between the indices at T1 and T2 indicated high 1-year stability
of individual differences in SRQ for both women and men (see Table
Dyadic conflicts. The amount of dyadic conflicts was assessed
at T1 in nine different domains derived from modified and amended
categories from Argyle and Furnham’s (1983) Sources of Conflict
scale: Finances, Communication, Planning of Visits and Activities,
Long-Term Life Planning, Other Persons (But Not Jealousy), Dealing
With Other Potential Partners, Shared Responsibilities, Personal Prob-
lems, and Living Arrangement. Participants rated how often they
experienced conflicts with their partners in each of these domains on
a 5-point scale (1 ⫽ not at all,5⫽ very much). The two partners’
ratings in the nine conflict domains correlated between .24 and .53 (all
ps ⬍.001), indicating substantial agreement between partners, but also
individual divergence because of subjective influences. Because we
were interested in the actual amount of conflicts that characterizes a
couple, we obtained a dyadic index by averaging both partners’
reports (internal consistency ⫽.84). As displayed in Table 1,
amount of conflicts showed only modest correlations with SRQ, and
is thus not statistically redundant as an additional indicator of rela-
tionship functioning.
Results and Brief Discussion
Analysis strategy. To test our two hypotheses, we employed
logistic regression (for Hypothesis 1) and linear dyadic path models
with multiple-group analysis (extensions of the actor–partner interde-
pendence model; Kenny et al., 2006; for Hypothesis 2) using SPSS
22 and Mplus 7 (Muthén & Muthén, 1998 –2012). All contin-
uous variables (predictors, covariates, criteria) were
z-standardized across men and women and across living arrange-
ments. Resulting (unstandardized) coefficients can thus be inter-
preted as standardized in the total sample.
Covariates. To control for potential confounding variables, age,
relationship duration, and the presence of additional cohabitants (e.g.,
children, parents, relatives, or friends who share the household with
the participants) were entered as covariates in all analyses. The
rationale for these controls is twofold. First, all three covariates
showed differences between living arrangements in the present sam-
ple: LATs were, on average, younger than CORs (M ⫽ 37.0 years,
SD ⫽ 13.2 vs. M ⫽ 42.6 years, SD ⫽ 13.8), t(1,094) ⫽ 6.548, p ⬍
.001, d ⫽ 0.41, reported shorter relationship durations (M ⫽ 4.3 years,
SD ⫽ 6.5 vs. M ⫽ 15.7 years, SD ⫽ 13.3), t(512.269) ⫽ 13.313, p ⬍
.001, d ⫽ 0.89, and were more likely to live with additional cohabi-
tants (57.9% vs. 43.4%),
(1) ⫽ 11.004, p ⫽ .001, Cramer’s V ⫽
.142. Second, these variables showed associations with predictor
(agency motives) and criterion variables (SRQ, dyadic conflicts)
within the COR and LAT groups (r ranging from –.28 to .29). In order
to avoid confounds on both levels, we controlled for age, relationship
duration, and additional cohabitants in both the between-group and
the within-group analyses. Like relationship duration, age was highly
correlated between members of a couple (r ⫽ .94), and, for parsi-
mony, average age was used as covariate. Additional cohabitants was
entered as a dyadic dummy-coded variable (0 ⫽ no additional cohab-
itants, 1 ⫽ at least one additional cohabitant).
Sex differences. In order to determine whether men and women
had to be distinguished in the dyadic analyses, we conducted a priori
omnibus tests of sex differences as proposed by Kenny et al. (2006):
Using structural equation modeling, all predictors and criteria of a
given model are correlated with each other and each mean, each
variance, and each covariance is set equal between the sexes. If this
model fits the data well, further analyses can be conducted assuming
indistinguishable partners, which increases parsimony and statistical
power of the analyses. If the model does not fit the data, male and
female variables have to be distinguished in further analyses.
Hypothesis 1: Selection of living arrangement. Hypothesis 1
stated that strong agency motives predict a preference for LAT over
COR, especially in postreproductive couples. To test this hypothesis,
we conducted a hierarchical logistic regression analysis of couples’
living arrangement (COR vs. LAT) on their implicit and explicit
agency motives and (post)reproductive age group. Age group was
entered as a dyadic dummy variable (reproductive couples ⫽ wom-
en’s age ⬍40 were coded 0; postreproductive couples ⫽ women’s
age ⬎39 were coded 1; see Heckhausen et al., 2001, for a similar
demarcation of the developmental deadline for motherhood). As in-
dicated by the omnibus test of sex differences, male and female
motives had to be distinguished in the logistic regression model:
(28) ⫽ 87.306, p ⬍ .001, comparative fit index (CFI) ⫽ 0.962, root
mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) ⫽ .062. In the first
step of the logistic regression, relationship duration and additional
cohabitants were entered as covariates. Next, age group and both
partners’ agency motives were entered. This block of predictors made
an additional significant contribution to the explanation of living
arrangement above and beyond the covariates,
(5) ⫽ 49.875, p ⬍
.001. More specifically, the probability of being LAT was increased
for the postreproductive group and for couples for which women
reported a high explicit desire for agency (see Table 2). In a third step,
the product interactions between motives and age group were added
to the model, which rendered a further increase in predictive power,
(4) ⫽ 16.310, p ⫽ .003. Two interaction effects became significant
(see Table 2). Women’s implicit agency motive predicted an in-
creased probability of LAT in postreproductive couples (b ⫽ 0.344,
p ⫽ .048, OR ⫽ 1.411), but not in the reproductive group
(b ⫽⫺0.126, p ⫽ .421, OR ⫽ 0.881). Similarly, men’s explicit
Note that for the indices of subjective relationship quality and dyadic
conflicts, we report coefficient instead of the more commonly used ␣.In
contrast to ␣, does not rely on the assumption of essential -equivalence
(i.e., that all items measure the underlying construct equally well). Because
this assumption is likely untenable, especially in the case of heterogeneous
scales such as these indices, ␣ would tend to underestimate reliability, and
is the more appropriate measure (K. Kelley & Cheng, 2012).
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
agency motive predicted LAT in the postreproductive (b ⫽ 0.468,
p ⫽ .009, OR ⫽ 1.596), but not in the reproductive age group (b ⫽
0.154, p ⫽ .327, OR ⫽ 1.167). Finally, in a fourth step, we examined
whether the interactions between implicit and explicit motives and the
three-way interactions Implicit ⫻ Explicit ⫻ Age Group would make
incremental contributions. This was not the case,
(4) ⫽ 1.244, p ⫽
.871. Thus, we dropped these interaction terms from the model. Steps
2 and 3 of the final logistic regression model, as depicted in Table 2,
rendered a substantial prediction of living arrangement (combined
change in Nagelkerke’s R
⫽ .115).
In summary, we found support for Hypothesis 1. After controlling
for relationship duration and additional cohabitants, postreproductive
couples were more than twice as likely to be LAT as reproductive
couples. In addition, strong agency motives were related to an in-
creased probability of being LAT. Women’s explicit agentic desire
was predictive irrespective of age, and their implicit motive was
associated with being LAT only in postreproductive age. Men’s
explicit desire was associated with being LAT, again, only in
postreproductive age. These findings corroborate the relevance of
(post)reproductive age and agency motives for couples’ selection of
living arrangements. Both partners’ motives contributed to the pre-
diction of living arrangement. Women’s explicit motive had a stron-
ger simple effect than men’s (Z ⫽ 3.193, p ⫽ .001), but no other sex
difference between corresponding effects reached significance (Z ⱕ
0.896, p ⱖ .370).
Hypothesis 2: Moderation by living arrangement. We ex-
pected that living arrangement (LAT vs. COR) moderates intra-
and interpersonal associations between agency motives and indi-
cators of relationship functioning such that strong motives have
more negative effects in COR relationships. To test this hypothe-
sis, we ran three dyadic path models with multiple-group analysis,
in which T1-SRQ, T2-SRQ, and amount of conflicts, respectively,
were regressed on agency motives, controlling for age, relationship
duration, and additional cohabitants.
Model 1: T1-SRQ. In Model 1, both partners’ accounts of
SRQ at T1 were regressed on both partners’ concurrently assessed
implicit and explicit agency motives and on the Implicit Motive ⫻
Explicit Motive interaction within persons. The a priori omnibus
test of sex differences indicated that men and women had to be
distinguished in the analysis,
(20) ⫽ 88.516, p ⬍ .001, CFI ⫽
0.820, RMSEA ⫽ .079. A multiple-group analysis assuming all
corresponding actor and partner effects of the motive variables on
SRQ to be equal across COR and LAT couples did not fit the data
well, and thus indicated overall moderation by living arrangement,
(12) ⫽ 29.756, p ⫽ .003, CFI ⫽ 0.945, RMSEA ⫽ .073. To
determine which single effects in the model were moderated, we
conducted further multiple-group analyses, each with one single
effect constrained to be equal across CORs and LATs. Table 3
displays the results of chi-square difference tests from these mod-
els. Aside from significant group differences in the intercepts of
men and women, these analyses showed that living arrangement
significantly moderated four effects: The simple actor and partner
effects of men’s implicit motive and the actor and partner effects
of men’s Implicit ⫻ Explicit interaction.
Inspection of the path coefficients from the unconstrained model
(see Table 3) revealed that the moderation effects for the male
Because relationship duration, age, and additional cohabitants were
associated with living arrangement, the moderating effect of living arrange-
ment could be attributable to these variables. To rule out such potential
confounds, we reran Model 1 using propensity score matching to balance
the COR and LAT groups with regard to the three covariates (Rosenbaum
& Rubin, 1983; Thoemmes, 2012). A weighted multiple-group model
assuming the four effects that were moderated by living arrangement in the
original analysis to be equal across CORs and LATs did not yield a good
(4) ⫽ 17.485, p ⫽ .002, CFI ⫽ .914, RMSEA ⫽ .119, thus
confirming moderation by living arrangement in the balanced sample.
Inspection of the path coefficients from the unconstrained model showed
that the moderation was in the expected direction of stronger negative
effects of agency motives in CORs than in LATs (see Table S8 of the
online supplemental materials). Multiple-group tests of single-path mod-
eration revealed that three of four moderation effects remained substantial
in the balanced analysis,
(1) ⱖ 3.128, p ⱕ .077. Only the moderation of
the actor effect of men’s Implicit Motive ⫻ Explicit Motive interaction was
reproduced as a nonsignificant trend,
(1) ⫽ 1.289, p ⫽ .256. In sum,
men’s agency motives had stronger negative actor and partner effects on
SRQ in COR couples, even after group differences in relationship duration,
age, and additional cohabitants were controlled. This supports our inter-
pretation that the moderating effects of living arrangement are largely
attributable to group differences in objective closeness and not to other
group characteristics.
Table 2
Logistic Regression of Living Arrangement (COR vs. LAT) on (Post)Reproductive Age Group, and
Agency Motives (Hypothesis 1)
Predictors b (SE) pOR 95% CI
Constant ⴚ2.103 (0.396) ⬍.001 0.122 —
Age group 0.869 (0.307) .003 2.385 [1.387, 4.102]
Male implicit motive ⫺0.070 (0.127) .572 0.932 [0.717, 1.212]
Female implicit motive ⫺0.091 (0.131) .472 0.913 [0.704, 1.184]
Male explicit desire 0.094 (0.128) .437 1.099 [0.844, 1.430]
Female explicit desire 0.371 (0.124) .002 1.449 [1.117, 1.879]
Male Implicit ⫻ Age Group 0.206 (0.280) .433 1.229 [0.757, 1.997]
Female Implicit ⫻ Age Group 0.562 (0.282) .028 1.755 [1.106, 2.785]
Male Explicit ⫻ Age Group 0.524 (0.288) .048 1.689 [1.051, 2.716]
Female Explicit ⫻ Age Group 0.471 (0.335) .119 1.601 [0.948, 2.705]
Note. COR was coded 0. LAT was coded 1. Reproductive age (women’s age ⬍ 40 years) was coded 0.
Postreproductive age (women’s age ⬎ 39 years) was coded 1. Significant effects (p ⬍ .05) are printed in
boldface. Not displayed: covariates relationship duration and additional cohabitants. COR ⫽ coresidence;
LAT ⫽ living-apart-together; b ⫽ unstandardized regression weights; SE ⫽ bootstrapped standard errors of
regression weights (10,000 resamples); OR ⫽ odds ratio; 95% CI ⫽ 95% confidence intervals of odds ratios.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
agency motives were all in the expected direction of stronger
negative effects in COR couples. Specifically, simple actor and
partner effects of men’s implicit agency motive were significantly
stronger in CORs. The corresponding effects of men’s explicit
motive tended to be more negative in CORs, but the group differ-
ences were not significant. In addition, the simple actor and partner
effects of men’s motives were further qualified by significant
Implicit ⫻ Explicit interaction effects in COR couples. In LAT
couples, by contrast, a nonsignificant trend for a positive actor
interaction effect was observed. Figure 1 (Panels A and C) displays
this pattern of results for the male agency motives. In COR, but not
LAT couples, the overall negative actor effect of the implicit
agency motive was increased if accompanied by a strong (M ⫹ 1
SD) explicit motive (simple slope b ⫽⫺0.372, p ⬍ .001) and
decreased in the presence of a weak (M–1 SD) explicit motive
(b ⫽⫺0.078, p ⫽ .224; Panel A). The same was true for the
corresponding partner effect (b ⫽⫺0.363, p ⬍ .001, and
b ⫽⫺0.027, p ⫽ .674). Further, the average levels of SRQ as
reported by women and men were higher in COR couples (see the
intercepts in Table 3). However, in COR couples with men high in
both implicit and explicit agency motives (M ⫹ 1 SD), male as
well as female partners’ predicted SRQ was even slightly lower
than in the average LAT couple. The pattern of results emerging
for women looked rather different (Figure 1, Panels B and D).
First, women’s implicit and explicit motives also had negative
actor and partner effects on SRQ, but these effects were compa-
rable in size across COR and LAT couples (see Table 3). Second,
there were no significant Implicit ⫻ Explicit interaction effects of
women’s motives in neither COR nor LAT. Taken together, the
amounts of variance explained by male and female motive vari-
ables in the unconstrained model above and beyond the covariates
were markedly higher in COR than in LAT couples (17.7% in male
and 15.6% in female SRQ vs. 9.9% and 8.2%, respectively).
These findings corroborate Hypothesis 2 for male, but not for
female agency motives. For a further exploration of sex differ-
ences, we conducted additional multiple-group tests for all path
coefficients that were significant for one sex, but not for the other,
within the groups of COR and LAT. In CORs, this was the case for
three paths (see Table 3). Whereas the partner effect of women’s
explicit motive was not significantly different from the effect of
men’s motive,
(1) ⫽ 1.427, p ⫽ .232, the actor and partner
effects of the Implicit ⫻ Explicit interaction term both showed
substantial sex differences,
(1) ⱖ 3.694, p ⱕ .055. In the LAT
group, the actor and partner effects of the implicit agency motive,
as well as the actor effect of the explicit motive, showed sex
differences, all of which were at least marginally significant,
(1) ⱖ 3.410, p ⱕ .065. These findings imply that sex differences
within both groups contributed to the sex-specific moderation
effects of living arrangement.
Model 2: T2-SRQ. In the next step, we examined whether the
cross-sectional results were replicable in a prospective analysis of
SRQ assessed 1 year after motive assessment. Therefore, Model 2
was identical with Model 1, except that T1-SRQ was replaced with
T2-SRQ. Again, the omnibus test showed significant sex differ-
(20) ⫽ 79.423, p ⬍ .001, CFI ⫽ 0.729, RMSEA ⫽ .074,
and thus male and female motives were distinguished in Model 2.
The multiple-group analysis with all corresponding effects of the
motive variables set equal across COR and LAT couples indicated
significant group differences in the pattern of associations between
agency motives and SRQ,
(12) ⫽ 30.671, p ⫽ .002, CFI ⫽
0.878, RMSEA ⫽ .096. Subsequent multiple-group tests of single-
effect moderation revealed the same four significant group differ-
ences that were found in Model 1 (see Table 4). In addition, the
moderation of the actor effect of men’s explicit motive was mar-
ginally significant.
Inspection of the path coefficients from the unconstrained model
(see Table 4) revealed a pattern that was very similar to the
cross-sectional results. Again, stronger negative actor and partner
effects of men’s implicit motives and the Implicit ⫻ Explicit
interaction were observed in COR compared with LAT couples.
Table 3
Cross-Sectional Actor and Partner Effects of Agency Motives on Subjective Relationship Quality in COR and LAT Couples
(Hypothesis 2, Model 1)
Predictors Effects
b (SE) p 95% CI b (SE) p 95% CI
Intercept M 0.062 (0.071) .383 [⫺0.078, 0.201] ⴚ0.405 (0.128) .002 [⫺0.664, ⫺0.156] 10.533 .001
Intercept F ⫺0.006 (0.081) .942 [⫺0.172, 0.145] ⴚ0.385 (0.128) .003 [⫺0.647, ⫺0.141] 6.821 .009
Implicit motive M ¡ M ⴚ0.225 (0.050) ⬍.001 [⫺0.324, ⫺0.130] 0.062 (0.069) .371 [⫺0.077, 0.195] 12.649 ⬍.001
F ¡ F ⴚ0.235 (0.058) ⬍.001 [⫺0.350, ⫺0.122] ⴚ0.254 (0.072) ⬍.001 [⫺0.390, ⫺0.106] 0.052 .821
M ¡ F ⴚ0.195 (0.058) .001 [⫺0.310, ⫺0.083] 0.023 (0.060) .705 [⫺0.094, 0.143] 6.825 .009
F ¡ M ⴚ0.159 (0.049) .001 [⫺0.259, ⫺0.064] ⴚ0.163 (0.078) .037 [⫺0.316, ⫺0.013] 0.002 .964
Explicit desire M ¡ M ⴚ
0.232 (0.052) ⬍.001 [⫺0.337, ⫺0.133] ⴚ0.231 (0.061) ⬍.001 [⫺0.352, ⫺0.110] ⬍0.001 .985
F ¡ F ⴚ0.134 (0.060) .025 [⫺0.252, ⫺0.016] ⫺0.060 (0.062) .334 [⫺0.180, 0.065] 0.706 .401
M ¡ F ⴚ0.175 (0.056) .002 [⫺0.284, ⫺0.062] ⫺0.068 (0.072) .341 [⫺0.211, 0.073] 1.645 .200
F ¡ M ⫺0.078 (0.054) .148 [⫺0.186, 0.024] 0.054 (0.065) .411 [⫺0.079, 0.178] 2.371 .124
Implicit ⫻ Explicit M ¡ M ⴚ0.147 (0.046) .002 [⫺0.242, ⫺0.056] 0.109 (0.075) .149 [⫺0.053, 0.246] 9.626 .002
F ¡ F 0.001 (0.070) .984 [⫺0.135, 0.138]] 0.003 (0.071) .962 [⫺0.136, 0.141] 0.001 .982
M ¡ F ⴚ0.168 (0.054) .002 [⫺0.271, ⫺0.059] 0.074 (0.071) .298 [⫺0.078, 0.199] 8.139 .004
F ¡ M 0.008 (0.056) .892 [⫺0.107, 0.112] 0.007 (0.080) .934 [⫺0.138, 0.178] ⬍0.001 .992
Note. M ¡ F denotes the partner effect of male predictor on female outcome and vice versa. Significant coefficients (p ⬍ .05) are printed in boldface.
Not displayed: covariates age, relationship duration, and additional cohabitants. COR ⫽ coresident couples; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together couples; b ⫽
unstandardized path coefficients; SE ⫽ bootstrapped standard errors (10,000 resamples); 95% CI ⫽ 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals; M ⫽
male; F ⫽ female.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Figure 1. Cross-sectional joint and interactional effects of implicit and explicit agency motives on SRQ and
amount of conflicts in COR and LAT couples (Hypothesis 2). Results are plotted for predictor and moderator
values one standard deviation below and above the grand mean. Panel A: Male actor effects on SRQ. Panel B:
Partner effects of female motives on male SRQ. Panel C: Partner effects of male motives on female SRQ. Panel
D: Female actor effects on SRQ. Panel E: Male effects on dyadic conflicts. Panel F: Female effects on dyadic
conflicts. SRQ ⫽ subjective relationship quality; COR ⫽ coresidence; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
The additional trend for moderation of the male explicit actor
effect was also in line with Hypothesis 2, as men’s explicit agency
motive had a negative effect on SRQ in COR, but not LAT
couples. Women’s agency motives showed significant negative
effects on SRQ in COR couples that were similar to those observed
in Model 1. As also observed in Model 1, none of these effects
were moderated by living arrangement. With few exceptions, all
path coefficients in both groups fell within the boundaries of the
95% confidence intervals obtained in the cross-sectional Model 1.
Thus, the pattern of within-group associations between agency
motives and SRQ from Model 1 was very well reproduced despite
the time lag of 1 year. This highlights the stability of the observed
relations between agency motives and SRQ. The total amount of
variance in T2-SRQ explained by male and female agency motives
was again markedly higher in COR than in LAT couples (24.4% in
male and 18.0% in female SRQ vs. 10.6% and 6.4%, respectively).
Having established temporally stable group differences in
motive-SRQ associations, we turned to the prediction of differen-
tial change in SRQ. To this end, male and female accounts of SRQ
at T1 were added as covariates to Model 2. Significant change
effects would support our assumption of a causal pathway from
agency motives to SRQ. However, given the high stability of SRQ
(see Table 1), we did not expect to find large change effects.
Accordingly, the multiple-group test of overall moderation did not
reach significance,
(12) ⫽ 18.122, p ⫽ .112, CFI ⫽ .985,
RMSEA ⫽ .055. Subsequent multiple group tests of single-effect
moderation revealed one significant group difference. In line with
Hypothesis 2, men’s explicit agency desire predicted decreases in
their own SRQ in COR couples (b ⫽⫺0.110, p ⫽ .023), but not
in LAT couples (b ⫽ 0.143, p ⫽ .242),
(1) ⫽ 6.821, p ⫽ .009.
This moderation effect was not observed in the cross-sectional
Model 1, which might be explained by shared method variance
between the Explicit Desire scale and the SRQ index that would
enhance associations in both groups, thereby obscuring the true
group difference. No other path coefficient in neither COR nor
LAT couples reached the 5% level of significance, but two addi-
tional findings should be mentioned. First, and in line with Hy-
pothesis 2, men’s implicit agency motive tended to predict de-
creases in their own SRQ in COR couples (b ⫽⫺0.097, p ⫽ .073),
but not LAT couples (b ⫽ 0.085, p ⫽ .433),
(1) ⫽ 3.372, p ⫽
.066. Second, there was another marginal trend for moderation
concerning the partner effect of women’s explicit motive,
(1) ⫽
3.826, p ⫽ .051. However, this trend was inconclusive, because
the partner effect was not even marginally significant in either
group. A full account of the change results can be found in the
online supplemental materials (Table S1). In sum, men’s agency
motives tended to predict decreases in their own SRQ in COR, but
not LAT relationships, which was consistent with the cross-
sectional analyses and further corroborates Hypothesis 2.
Model 3: Dyadic conflicts. Next, we examined the cross-
sectional associations between agency motives and the amount of
dyadic conflicts in COR and LAT couples. Model 3 comprised the
same covariates and predictors as Model 1 and Model 2, and
amount of conflicts was entered as a dyadic criterion variable. The
omnibus test of sex differences was significant again,
(15) ⫽
87.089, p ⬍ .001, CFI ⫽ 0.394, RMSEA ⫽ .094, and thus male
and female predictors had to be distinguished. The multiple-group
model with all corresponding effects of the motive variables set
equal between LAT and COR couples did not yield a good fit,
(6) ⫽ 19.204, p ⫽ .004, CFI ⫽ 0.813, RMSEA ⫽ .090, indi
cating overall moderation by living arrangement. Further multiple-
group analyses showed that the effects of men’s implicit motive
and women’s explicit motive on dyadic conflicts were signifi-
cantly moderated by living arrangement (see Table 5).
The path coefficients from the unconstrained model displayed in
Table 5 indicated that these moderations were in the expected
direction. Men’s implicit agency motive predicted an increased
amount of conflicts in COR, but not LAT relationships. This
Table 4
Prospective Actor and Partner Effects of Agency Motives on Subjective Relationship Quality 1 Year After Motive Assessment in COR
and LAT Couples (Hypothesis 2, Model 2)
Predictors Effects
b (SE) p 95% CI b (SE) p 95% CI
Intercept M ⫺0.041 (0.096) .667 [⫺0.231, 0.147] ⫺0.327 (0.273) .231 [⫺0.933, 0.151] 1.255 .263
Intercept F ⫺0.105 (0.104) .313 [⫺0.315, 0.095] ⫺0.201 (0.234) .390 [⫺0.696, 0.227] 0.163 .686
Implicit motive M ¡ M ⴚ0.310 (0.067) ⬍.001 [⫺0.443, ⫺0.180] 0.115 (0.129) .373 [⫺0.120, 0.395] 10.267 .001
F ¡ F ⴚ0.211 (0.068) .002 [⫺0.344, ⫺0.075] ⫺0.164 (0.154) .289 [⫺0.435, 0.169] 0.111 .739
M ¡ F ⴚ0.216 (0.066) .001 [⫺0.348, ⫺0.090] 0.109 (0.131) .406 [⫺0.124, 0.394] 5.940 .015
F ¡ M ⴚ0.139 (0.065) .031 [⫺0.268, ⫺0.013] ⫺0.049 (0.154) .748 [⫺0.335, 0.272] 0.367 .545
Explicit desire M ¡ M ⴚ0.290 (0.065) ⬍.001 [⫺0.420, ⫺0.166] ⫺0.044 (0.149) .767 [⫺0.327, 0.256] 3.731 .053
F ¡ F ⫺0.117 (0.072) .103 [⫺
0.260, 0.023] 0.036 (0.165) .829 [⫺0.276, 0.367] 1.080 .299
M ¡ F ⴚ0.183 (0.068) .007 [⫺0.317, ⫺0.053] ⫺0.104 (0.116) .370 [⫺0.338, 0.115] 0.403 .526
F ¡ M ⫺0.008 (0.068) .907 [⫺0.140, 0.125] ⫺0.131 (0.155) .398 [⫺0.411, 0.191] 0.632 .427
Implicit ⫻ Explicit M ¡ M ⴚ0.215 (0.065) .001 [⫺0.348, ⫺0.092] 0.190 (0.143) .182 [⫺0.105, 0.458] 9.655 .002
F ¡ F ⫺0.027 (0.071) .702 [⫺0.166, 0.116] ⫺0.170 (0.188) .365 [⫺0.507, 0.219] 1.006 .316
M ¡ F ⴚ0.194 (0.061) .002 [⫺0.313, ⫺0.071] 0.072 (0.122) .556 [⫺0.178, 0.311] 4.153 .042
F ¡ M ⫺0.021 (0.074) .778 [⫺0.152, 0.139] ⫺0.096 (0.168) .570 [⫺0.419, 0.251] 0.227 .634
Note. M ¡ F denotes the partner effect of male predictor on female outcome and vice versa. Significant coefficients (p ⬍ .05) are printed in boldface.
Not displayed: covariates age, relationship duration, and additional cohabitants. COR ⫽ coresident couples; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together couples; b ⫽
unstandardized path coefficients; SE ⫽ bootstrapped standard errors (10,000 resamples); 95% CI ⫽ 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals; M ⫽
male; F ⫽ female.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
association was further qualified by a significant Implicit ⫻ Ex-
plicit interaction in CORs. Figure 1 (Panel E) illustrates this
pattern of results. In COR couples, the overall positive effect of
men’s implicit agency motive on conflicts was stronger in the
presence of a strong (M ⫹ 1 SD) explicit motive (simple slope b ⫽
0.358, p ⬍ .001) than in the presence of a weak (M –1SD) explicit
motive (b ⫽ 0.104, p ⫽ .130). Further, in LAT couples, the
average amount of conflicts was higher (see the intercept in Table
5), and male agency motives were no significant predictors. How-
ever, in COR couples, the combination of high scores (M ⫹ 1 SD)
on implicit and explicit motives in men predicted amounts of
conflicts that slightly exceeded the average level of conflicts in
LAT couples. Regarding men’s motives, the pattern of results for
dyadic conflicts was thus very similar to the findings for SRQ. The
findings for women’s motives, again, looked different (see Table 5
and Figure 1, Panel F). In LAT couples, a strong explicit motive
was related to lower amounts of conflicts, whereas there was no
significant effect in CORs. Although this is plausible, no compa-
rable effects were found in the other models, and thus this effect
should be interpreted with caution. There was also a marginally
significant moderation of women’s Implicit ⫻ Explicit interaction
effect (see Table 5). However, because this interaction did not
reach significance within either group it is not interpreted. Overall,
male and female agency motives explained more variance in COR
than in LAT relationships (11.4% vs. 7.0%).
In summary, consistent with the findings for SRQ, men’s
agency motives tended to have stronger effects on dyadic conflicts
in COR couples than in LAT couples. Diverging from SRQ, the
female explicit motive predicted lower amounts of conflicts in
LATs, but not CORs. If this effect is reliable, it would point to the
possibility that agency motives might have even beneficial effects
for couples, if the contextual conditions are right. Finally, we
explored sex differences in the path coefficients employing the
same strategy as in Model 1. In the LAT group, the effect of
women’s explicit agency motive differed from the male motive,
(1) ⫽ 7.310, p ⫽ .007. In the COR group, this was not the case,
(1) ⫽ 2.709, p ⫽ .100, but the implicit ⫻ explicit interaction
effect showed a significant sex difference,
(1) ⫽ 5.679, p ⫽
.017. Thus, as observed for SRQ, significant sex differences in
both groups contributed to the sex-specific moderation effects of
living arrangement.
Mediation analysis. In a final step, we specified a variant of
Model 1, in which dyadic conflicts were added as mediators of the
paths from agency motives to SRQ in the groups of COR and LAT.
The results for COR couples showed that eight of the nine signif-
icant effects observed in Model 1 (see Table 3) were mediated by
dyadic conflicts (indirect effects ab ranging from ⫺0.111
to ⫺0.053, p ⱕ .029; see Table S2 of the online supplemental
materials for detailed results). However, for six of these mediated
paths, the direct effects remained significant (b ranging
from ⫺0.180 to ⫺0.092, p ⱕ .022), indicating that the negative
effects of agency motives on SRQ cannot be fully explained by
increased dyadic conflicts. In the LAT group, by contrast, none of
the three significant effects from Model 1 were mediated by dyadic
conflicts (ab ranging from ⫺0.018 to ⫺0.005, p ⱖ .258). These
findings further highlight the differential role of couples’ living
arrangements for the expression of agency motives, as negative
associations with SRQ in CORs are partially grounded in different
processes than the corresponding effects in LATs.
Supplemental analyses. To further corroborate the robustness
and generalizability of the findings regarding Hypothesis 2, we
conducted a number of supplemental analyses. First, we reran
Model 1 and Model 2 using all information on SRQ that was
assessed at T1 and T2. In these analyses, the T1-SRQ index
comprised five measures (perceived available support was added),
and the T2-SRQ index comprised six measures (emotional close-
ness and satisfaction with the living arrangement were added). The
results were nearly identical to the original analyses. In both
models, all significant moderation effects were replicated (see
Tables S3 and S4 of the online supplemental materials for detailed
results). This highlights the generalizability of the moderating
function of living arrangement across different operationalizations
of SRQ.
Second, we tested variants of Models 1 through 3 in which
implicit and explicit agency motives were replaced with the com-
plementary communal motives as assessed with the PACT (Hage-
meyer & Neyer, 2012) and the ABC scales (Hagemeyer, Neyer, et
al., 2013), respectively. The multiple-group analyses of the cross-
sectional (Model 1) and prospective (Model 2) associations be-
tween communal motives and SRQ showed no significant overall
moderations by living arrangement,
(12) ⫽ 9.703, p ⫽ .642,
CFI ⫽ 1.000, RMSEA ⫽ .000, and
(12) ⫽ 10.625, p ⫽ .561,
Table 5
Cross-Sectional Effects of Agency Motives on the Amount of Dyadic Conflicts (Hypothesis 2, Model 3)
Predictors Effects
b (SE) p 95% CI b (SE) p 95% CI
Intercept ⫺0.100 (0.070) .151 [⫺0.238, 0.035] 0.197 (0.139) .156 [⫺0.080, 0.456] 4.052 .044
Implicit motive M 0.231 (0.055) ⬍.001 [0.122, 0.337] 0.051 (0.059) .388 [⫺0.065, 0.167] 4.598 .032
F 0.171 (0.052) .001 [0.066, 0.270] 0.073 (0.059) .219 [⫺0.043, 0.190] 1.325 .250
Explicit desire M 0.122 (0.054) .025 [0.015, 0.227] 0.018 (0.066) .781 [⫺0.111, 0.144] 1.514 .219
F ⫺0.020 (0.056) .720 [⫺0.130, 0.092] ⴚ0.247 (0.077) .001 [⫺0.394, ⫺0.092] 6.438 .011
Implicit ⫻ Explicit M 0.127 (0.050) .011 [0.030, 0.227] ⫺0.009 (0.065) .889 [⫺0.139, 0.120] 2.538 .111
F ⫺0.061 (0.060) .315 [⫺0.172, 0.063] 0.094 (0.062) .132 [⫺0.040, 0.207] 2.852 .091
Note. Significant coefficients (p ⬍ .05) are printed in boldface. Not displayed: covariates age, relationship duration, and additional cohabitants. COR ⫽
coresident couples; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together couples; b ⫽ unstandardized path coefficients; SE ⫽ bootstrapped standard errors (10,000 resamples); 95%
CI ⫽ 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals; M ⫽ male; F ⫽ female.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
CFI ⫽ 1.000, RMSEA ⫽ .000, respectively. Inspection of the
unconstrained paths in CORs and LATs mainly revealed positive
actor and partner effects of the explicit communal motive on SRQ
that were of comparable size in both groups (see Hagemeyer,
Neberich, et al., 2013, for related analyses of the present data on
communal motives). The analysis of dyadic conflicts (Model 3)
revealed significant overall moderation by living arrangement,
(6) ⫽ 14.006, p ⫽ .003, CFI ⫽ 0.954, RMSEA ⫽ .070, but the
group-specific patterns of effects were different from the analysis
of agency motives (see Table S5 of the online supplemental
materials). These findings have two implications. First, the group-
specific associations found for agentic motives cannot be attrib-
uted to overlap with their communal counterparts. Second, the
group differences observed for agency motives are not attributable
to a general effect of higher interdependence in COR relationships
that would increase the effects of all relevant personality disposi-
Finally, we specified moderated actor–partner interdependence
models using multilevel regression as an alternative analysis strat-
egy to reproduce the cross-sectional and prospective findings from
Model 1 and Model 2 concerning SRQ (Kenny et al., 2006).
Complementing the multiple-group analyses, the multilevel ap-
proach provides (a) controls of between-group (but not within-
group) differences in the three covariates, and (b) direct tests of all
Predictor ⫻ Sex interactions. The results of the cross-sectional
multilevel model fully confirmed the findings from Model 1 (see
Table S6 of the online supplemental materials). Most notably, the
four-way interaction term Sex ⫻ Living Arrangement ⫻ Implicit
Motive ⫻ Explicit Motive showed significant actor and partner
effects (b ⫽ 0.066, p ⫽ .037, and b ⫽ 0.063, p ⫽ .043, respec-
tively). The results of the prospective model were similar, albeit
that the partner effect of the four-way interaction was marginally
significant (see Table S7 of the online supplemental materials).
Thus, the sex-specific patterns of moderation by living arrange-
ment were robust, irrespective of the methodological approach.
Summary. The findings concerning Hypothesis 2 can be
summed up as follows. First, both implicit and explicit agency
motives had independent and interactional effects on SRQ and
dyadic conflicts as indicators of relationship functioning. Second,
negative effects of agency motives on relationship functioning
were, as expected, more pronounced in COR couples than in LAT
couples. Third, this moderation was mainly found for men’s mo-
tives; women’s explicit motives overall had fewer negative effects
on relationship functioning than men’s, and only one effect of
women’s motives was moderated by living arrangement. Thus,
across different indicators of relationship functioning and cross-
sectional and prospective analyses, Hypothesis 2 was consistently
confirmed for men’s, but not for women’s, agency motives. The
benefits of the greater objective closeness provided by COR seems
to be diminished in the presence of congruently strong implicit and
explicit agency motives in men.
Study 2
Study 1 exclusively addressed the dispositional level of agency
motives and thus focused on between-couple differences. To get a
more comprehensive picture, we conducted a 2-week dyadic diary
study to examine the interplay between agentic motivational states,
objective closeness, and relationship functioning at the within-
couple level. It is noteworthy that the within-couple perspective of
Study 2 is complementary to the between-couple analyses of Study
1, and renders additional insights into relationship processes that
cannot be observed with the between-couple approach of Study 1
(Molenaar, 2004). In order to establish a link between the two
studies, however, the first research question of Study 2 addressed
the between-couple level, namely, whether typical agentic moti-
vational states in COR and LAT relationships could be predicted
by dispositional agency motives (Hypothesis 3). In particular,
we focused on a motivational state in which persons long for
more agency, which we will henceforward call agency appe-
tence. Second, we investigated, on the within-couple level,
whether the interaction between daily agency appetence and
objective closeness was predictive of daily relationship satis-
faction (Hypothesis 4).
Hypothesis 3: Agency Motives Predict Daily Agency
Appetence, Especially in COR Relationships
A defining feature of motive disposition is the propensity to be in
a specific motivational state (Atkinson, 1981; McAdams & Constan-
tian, 1983). Hence, dispositional agency motives were expected to
predict the mean level of daily agentic motivational states in our diary
study. However, dynamic theories of human motivation make specific
predictions when an association between a disposition and corre-
sponding motivational states should be expected (Atkinson, 1981;
Bischof, 1975, 1993). According to these theories, the current moti-
vational activation depends on the discrepancy between a set point
(the need or motive strength) and the current level of need satisfaction.
If the current level is below the set point, a motivational activation is
triggered with the goal to reduce the discrepancy. If the goal is
achieved, consummatory actions or experiences reduce the motiva-
tional activation (see also Kumashiro et al., 2008, for a similar
motivational mechanism applied to the regulation of personal vs.
relational concerns). Environmental factors play an important role in
this process, because they can foster or hinder immediate need satis-
faction. For example, a person with a strong dispositional agency
motive might rarely experience the corresponding state of agency
appetence when he or she is able to satisfy the need immediately. In
contrast, a person with a strong agency motive who lives in an
environment that hinders the satisfaction of that need will soon
experience a state of appetence.
Applied to our current study, the relationship environment pro-
vided by different living arrangements (COR vs. LAT) is expected
to interact with the strength of agency motives in the prediction of
motivational states. Specifically, we expected that agency appe-
tence would be better predicted by agency motives in COR cou-
ples, because living together provides more obligatory objective
closeness, which makes the satisfaction of agentic needs more
difficult. Comparable with Study 1, we tested Hypothesis 3 for
implicit and explicit agency motives and the Implicit ⫻ Explicit
Hypothesis 4: Daily Relationship Satisfaction Is
Predicted by the Interaction of Objective Closeness
and Motivational States
The overarching assumption of the present investigation was that
relationship functioning depends on the match or mismatch between
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
agency motives and objective closeness. Hypothesis 4 addresses this
assumption at the daily within-couple level. We expected relationship
functioning within couples to be poor when a mismatch between the
individual agency appetence and the actual objective closeness oc-
curred. More specifically, relationship satisfaction was expected to
decrease on days when high amounts of time spent with one’s partner
were counteracted by high agency motivation. In addition, we hy-
pothesized that this association is most pronounced in COR relation-
ships, because the average amount of time spent with the partner is
higher, and much of the time spent together in COR relationships is
likely obligatory proximity (e.g., routine actions like getting dressed,
having breakfast, watching one’s favorite TV show, etc., are usually
carried out with the partner nearby). This makes the regulation of
closeness in accordance with one’s needs more difficult, and thus
increases the probability of experiencing dissatisfaction and frustra-
Participants and procedure. A subsample of 106 couples
from Study 1 participated in the 2-week diary study (48 COR, 58
LAT). Couples who had participated in Study 1 were invited to take
part in the diary study and selected for a balanced number of COR and
LAT couples. Participants were compensated with €40 per couple and
an individual, confidential feedback about the trajectory of their
relationship quality across the diary-study period. The average age
was 40.8 years (SD ⫽ 13.7, ranging from 18 to 72), and the average
relationship duration was 7.8 years (SD ⫽ 9.5 years, ranging from 5
months to 40 years). Thus, couples who took part in the diary study
had significantly shorter relationships compared with nonparticipating
couples from Study 1, t(546) ⫽ 3.219, p ⫽ .001, d ⫽ 0.336, probably
because of oversampling of LAT couples.
The diary data were completely assessed online. For each couple,
the assessment period started on a Monday and ended on Sunday 13
days later. The first and the last day were used for pre- and postdiary
questions that are not included in the current analyses. Thus, the diary
lasted for 12 days, from a Tuesday to a Saturday. Each partner
received an individual access code for each day of assessment by
e-mail that expired after answering the required questions. To ensure
confidentiality and some control about the assessment situation, par-
ticipants were instructed to answer all questions of the day at once
when the partner was not present. During the diary phase, the access
codes were sent at 6:00 p.m., and participants were instructed to
answer the questions between 8:00 p.m. and noon of the next day.
Analyses of the log-in times showed that 64% of the participants
reported on a day before 2:00 a.m. the next day, and 96% before noon
of the next day.
Missing data. The study design consisted of 106 couples ⫻ 2
persons ⫻ 12 days ⫽ 2,544 observations. Five days (0.39%) were
missing completely, which reduced the final data set to 2,534
observations. Other missing values were rare (⬍2.5% for each
variable) and were excluded on a per-analysis basis.
Background data. From the data of Study 1, the following
variables were used in the present analyses: implicit relationship-
specific agency motive (assessed with the PACT), explicit desire
for being alone (eight items, response scale 1 to 7), age, relation-
ship duration, and additional cohabitants (see Study 1 for details).
Daily measures. To assess agentic motivational states, partic-
ipants completed the item “The amount of time I had for myself
today was . . .,”
with a rating on a 7-point scale (⫺3 ⫽ too little,
0 ⫽ just right,3⫽ too much). Ratings ⬍0 indicated agency
appetence, and ratings ⬎0 indicated agency aversion. To obtain a
linear measure of agency appetence, ratings of 1 to 3 were set to
0, and ratings of ⫺3to⫺1 were reversed. Daily relationship
satisfaction was measured with the item “How satisfied with your
relationship are you today?,” rated on an 11-point scale (0 ⫽ not
at all,10⫽ a great deal). Finally, participants reported the amount
of time spent together with the partner on a given day in hours. It
was treated as a dyadic variable (i.e., we used the average of both
partners’ reports, which were nearly identical), and the maximum
was set to 18 hr (i.e., 24 hr excluding sleeping time).
Results and Brief Discussion
Mean differences. Table 6 shows descriptive statistics of the
daily measures. Before testing our Hypotheses, we examined using
multilevel models mean differences between living arrangements,
sex, or between specific cells of living arrangement and sex. For
the sake of brevity, we only report the results for group differences
at p ⬍ .10. As expected, COR couples spent on average more daily
hours together than LAT couples (M ⫽ 7.85, SD ⫽ 4.56 vs. M ⫽
4.40, SD ⫽ 4.69 hr), t(104.19) ⫽ 7.52, p ⬍ .001. Thus, COR
relationships were indeed characterized by higher objective close-
ness. Furthermore, average daily relationship satisfaction tended to
be higher in COR couples than in LAT couples (M ⫽ 7.90, SD ⫽
2.13 vs. M ⫽ 7.39, SD ⫽ 2.52), t(103.90) ⫽ 1.839, p ⫽ .069,
which was in line with the results from Study 1. Finally, there was
a significant sex difference in agency appetence. Irrespective of
living arrangement, women experienced agency appetence on
more days (see Table 6), t(2,380.30) ⫽ 5.504, p ⬍ .001, and made
higher appetence ratings, t(2,379.00) ⫽ 7.007, p ⬍ .001, than men.
Analysis strategy. The dyadic diary data were analyzed
with multilevel models (Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013) using the
lme4 package (Bates, Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2014) for
the R Statistical Environment (R Core Team, 2014). This sta-
tistical approach models the within-person causal process at
Level 1, treats couples as random factors at Level 2, accounts
for dyadic nonindependence of the couple members, and allows
for disentangling within-person and between-person processes.
The original German wording was “Die Zeit, die ich heute für mich
allein hatte, war mir . . .,” which implies a focus on the individual self and
privacy, thus reflecting a core aspect of relationship-specific agency mo-
Table 6
Descriptive Statistics of the Daily Measures (Study 2)
Men Women
Hours spent together (0–18)
5.96 4.94 5.96 4.94
Relationship satisfaction (0–10) 7.60 2.29 7.65 2.43
% of days with agency appetence
rating ⬎ 0 24.86 43.24 36.15 48.06
Agency appetence (0–3) 0.37 0.72 0.63 0.96
Because hours spent together is a dyadic variable, M and SD are identical
for men and women.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
It has been suggested that all within-person intercepts and
slopes should be allowed to vary randomly between persons,
which yields a conservative approach that preserves Type I
error rates (D. J. Barr, Levy, Scheepers, & Tily, 2013). This
approach, however, has also been criticized, as it involves
estimations from a large number of variances, which can lead to
degenerate variance– covariance matrices with small data sets
(Pinheiro & Bates, 2000). In our analyses, random slopes fre-
quently led to convergence problems. Thus, we fixed the slopes
and only included a random intercept for couples to control for
dyadic nonindependence.
To keep the multilevel models parsimonious, we fitted the
models to the data in a stepwise procedure, testing whether
additional blocks of potential predictors (e.g., interactions with
sex) increased the model fit. Model comparisons were con-
ducted via chi-square difference likelihood ratio tests and the
difference in Akaike Information Criterion (⌬AIC; Burnham,
Anderson, & Huyvaert, 2011). In general, the model with the
smaller AIC shows a better fit to the data. Rough guidelines
(e.g., Burnham & Anderson, 2002) suggest that an AIC differ-
ence ⱕ2 is regarded as marginal, and both models fit roughly
equally well. If 4 ⬍⌬AIC ⬍7, one would favor the model with
the smaller AIC, but not discard the other model yet. Models
with ⌬AIC ⬎10 have essentially no support.
Centering. Agency appetence, which is a central variable in
the analyses, has a natural zero point: Zero describes a day in
which no appetence was experienced, and positive values describe
an increasing appetence with a maximum value of 3. The number
of hours partners spent together was a dyadic variable and centered
at Level 1 within couples (Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013). Hence, the
Level 1 effect of hours spent together refers to deviations from a
couple’s typical level. The dependent variable daily relationship
satisfaction was kept in its original metric ranging from 0 to 10. All
variables on person level were z-standardized across men and
Covariates. We included time as a covariate on Level 1 in all
models. Although we were not primarily interested in temporal
change, it is necessary to include this variable to control for
possibly spurious effects attributable to third variables (Bolger &
Laurenceau, 2013). For this purpose, time was centered at the
middle of the measurement period and rescaled such that one unit
expresses 1 week. Furthermore, in line with the analyses of Study
1, mean-centered age and relationship duration, as well as effect-
coded sex and additional cohabitants, were entered as covariates in
all models.
Sex differences. We made no a priori predictions about sex
differences in the hypothesized effects. Thus, the multilevel mod-
els were initially specified irrespective of sex. The contributions of
the interactions between predictors and sex were tested in a sub-
sequent step to explore sex differences. If these interaction terms
did not yield a better model fit, they were omitted for parsimony.
Hypothesis 3: Agency motives predict agency appetence,
especially in COR relationships. For the prediction of average
agency appetence, we fitted four nested models with increasing
numbers of predictors to the data. The baseline model included
the covariates time, sex, age, relationship duration, and addi-
tional cohabitants. Next, we added the focal predictors implicit
and explicit agency motives, living arrangement, and the Mo-
tive ⫻ Living Arrangement two-way interactions. This model
had a significantly better fit than the baseline model, ⌬
(5) ⫽
34.4, p ⬍ .001, ⌬AIC ⫽ 24.4. Next, the interactions between
sex and all predictor variables were added, which further in-
creased the model fit, ⌬
(5) ⫽ 55.5, p ⬍ .001, ⌬AIC ⫽ 45.5.
Thus, sex was retained in the model as a moderating variable.
Finally, we added the interaction between implicit and explicit
motives along with the three-way and four-way interactions
between the motives, living arrangement, and sex. This last
block of variables made no further significant contribution to
the prediction of agency appetence, ⌬
(4) ⫽ 2.1, p ⫽ .722,
⌬AIC ⫽⫺5.9, and was thus excluded from the model.
Table 7 shows the results of the final model. There were
significant effects of living arrangement and the explicit agency
motive. However, these simple effects were further qualified by
significant interaction effects. The explicit motive interacted with
sex, and living arrangement interacted with sex and the implicit
Table 7
Multilevel Model for the Prediction of Average Daily Agency Appetence by Implicit and Explicit
Agency Motive Dispositions, Living Arrangement, and Sex (Hypothesis 3)
Predictors b (SE) p 95% CI
Intercept 0.573 (0.060) ⬍.001 [0.460, 0.699]
Sex (M ⫽⫺1; F ⫽ 1) 0.097 (0.018) ⬍.001 [0.060, 0.131]
Living arrangement (LAT ⫽⫺1; COR ⫽ 1) 0.114 (0.046) .014 [0.024, 0.202]
Implicit motive 0.031 (0.023) .173 [⫺0.015, 0.076]
Explicit desire 0.117 (0.027) ⬍.001 [0.069, 0.159]
Living Arrangement ⫻ Implicit Motive 0.040 (0.029) .079 [⫺0.008, 0.089]
Living Arrangement ⫻ Explicit Motive 0.026 (0.028) .262 [⫺0.024, 0.071]
Sex ⫻ Living Arrangement ⫺0.023 (0.018) .185 [⫺0.061, 0.012]
Sex ⫻ Implicit Motive ⴚ0.113 (0.023) ⬍.001 [⫺0.161, ⫺0.068]
Sex ⫻ Explicit Motive 0.046 (0.023) .028 [0.005, 0.088]
Sex ⫻ Living Arrangement ⫻ Implicit Motive ⴚ0.128 (0.022) ⬍.001 [⫺0.172, ⫺0.085]
Sex ⫻ Living Arrangement ⫻ Explicit Motive 0.026 (0.021) .218 [⫺0.015, 0.066]
Note. Significant coefficients (p ⬍ .05) are printed in boldface. Not displayed: covariates time, age, relation-
ship duration, and additional cohabitants. b ⫽ unstandardized regression weights; SE ⫽ standard errors of
regression weights; 95% CI ⫽ 95% bootstrap confidence intervals; M ⫽ male; F ⫽ female; COR ⫽ coresident
couples; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together couples.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
motive in the prediction of agency appetence.
Figure 2 displays
this pattern of results. First, the explicit agency motive was positively
related to agency appetence, and this association was stronger in
women (simple slope b ⫽ 0.162, p ⬍ .001) than in men (b ⫽ 0.071,
p ⫽ .018; Panels A and B). Living arrangement was not a significant
moderator, but there was a nonsignificant trend indicating that the
stronger effect of the female explicit motive was largely attributable to
women in COR relationships. Second, the implicit agency motive
predicted higher agency appetence only for men in COR relationships
(b ⫽ 0.312, p ⬍ .001; Panel C). In COR women, unexpectedly, this
association showed a negative tendency (b ⫽⫺0.169, p ⫽ .001;
Panel D). In LATs, there was no significant association between the
implicit agency motive and agency appetence in neither women (b ⫽
0.006, p ⫽ .875) nor men (b ⫽⫺0.024, p ⫽ .595; Panels C and D).
In sum, this pattern of results lends partial support to Hypothesis 3.
As expected, dispositional agency motives were significantly linked
to agentic motivational states. However, the expected context sensi-
tivity was found only for the implicit motive disposition and only in
Hypothesis 4: Daily relationship satisfaction is predicted by
the interaction of objective closeness and motivational states.
For the prediction of daily relationship satisfaction, we specified a
lag model using the agency appetence rating from yesterday (t
interaction with today’s (t
) hours spent with the partner to predict
today’s (t
) relationship satisfaction. This was the most reasonable
causal link, as the questionnaire ratings were given at the end of
each day. In addition, we controlled for yesterday’s (t
) relation
ship satisfaction to model day-to-day changes in relationship sat-
To make sure that the moderating effect of living arrangement indicated
by this three-way interaction was not attributable to potential confounding of
living arrangement with the covariates age, relationship duration, or additional
cohabitants, we conducted three control analyses to test whether these cova-
riates had a similar moderating effect as living arrangement. In each of these
analyses, living arrangement was replaced by one of the covariates as a
moderator in the final multilevel model for Hypothesis 3. Age and relationship
duration had no significant moderating effects (p ⫽ .152 and p ⫽ .186,
respectively). However, the presence of additional cohabitants had a signifi-
cant moderating effect (b ⫽ 0.067, p ⫽ .002). Thus, we tested the moderations
by living arrangement and additional cohabitants simultaneously in a final
control analysis. The results showed that the effect of the three-way interaction
Sex ⫻ Implicit Motive ⫻ Living Arrangement was robust (b ⫽⫺0.099, p ⬍
.001) when the interactions with additional cohabitants were controlled. In
sum, the control analyses showed that the moderating effect of living arrange-
ment cannot be attributed to confounding with any of the covariates.
Figure 2. Prediction of average daily agency appetence by explicit and implicit agency motives in COR and LAT
relationships (Hypothesis 3). Results were plotted for predictor values one standard deviation below and above the
grand mean. Panel A: Male effects of explicit agency desire on agency appetence in COR and LAT couples. Panel
B: Female effects of explicit agency desire on agency appetence in COR and LAT couples. Panel C: Male effects of
implicit agency motive on agency appetence in COR and LAT couples. Panel D: Female effects of implicit agency
motive on agency appetence in COR and LAT couples. COR ⫽ coresidence; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Again, we fitted the model in a stepwise procedure. The
baseline model included the covariates yesterday’s relationship
satisfaction, time, sex, age, relationship duration, and additional
cohabitants. Next, we added the focal predictors living arrange-
ment, today’s hours spent together, and yesterday’s agency
appetence along with their two-way and three-way interaction
terms. This block of variables made a highly significant con-
tribution to the prediction of daily relationship satisfaction,
(7) ⫽ 124.04, p ⬍ .001, ⌬ AIC ⫽ 110.1. Finally, we entered
the interaction terms between sex and all predictor variables.
This step did not lead to a better model fit, ⌬
(7) ⫽ 4.2, p ⫽
.760, ⌬AIC ⫽⫺9.9. The interaction terms with sex were
therefore dropped from the model.
Table 8 presents the results of the final model. First, the
number of hours spent with the partner on a given day was
significantly associated with increased relationship satisfaction
on this day. This finding at the within-couple level underlines
the overall beneficial role of daily objective closeness and
complements previous studies that found positive associations
between objective closeness and relationship functioning at the
between-couple level (e.g., Berscheid et al., 1989b; Smith et al.,
1988). Second, there was a marginal trend for yesterday’s
agency appetence to predict decreases in today’s relationship
satisfaction. Finally, these two simple effects were further qual-
ified by a significant three-way interaction effect of Living
Arrangement ⫻ Hours Spent Together ⫻ Agency Appetence.
Figure 3 shows the pattern of this interaction. As expected, the
overall positive effect of hours spent together (simple slopes b
ranging from 0.103 to 0.142, all ps ⬍ .001) was diminished and
even reversed in sign, if participants in COR relationships
experienced high agency appetence (b ⫽⫺0.023, p ⫽ .645).
This effect of the mismatch between high objective closeness
and high agency appetence confirms Hypothesis 4.
To control for potential confounding of living arrangement with the
covariates in this three-way interaction effect, we employed the same
strategy as in the control analyses for Hypothesis 3 (see Footnote 6). Again,
neither age nor relationship duration had significant moderating effects
(p ⫽ .461 and p ⫽ .842), but the interaction effect of Additional Cohab-
itants ⫻ Hours ⫻ Agency Appetence was significant (b ⫽ 0.026, p ⫽
.028). However, a subsequent simultaneous analysis showed that the effect
of the interaction Living Arrangement ⫻ Hours ⫻ Agency Appetence
remained substantial (b ⫽⫺0.022, p ⫽ .078) when the interactions with
additional cohabitants were controlled. Thus, as in all previous analyses,
the moderating effect of living arrangement cannot be attributed to con-
founding with age, relationship duration, or additional cohabitants. We also
tested whether individual differences in dispositional agency motives mod-
erated the within-couple effect of the mismatch between agency appetence
and objective closeness in two additional models, in which either explicit
or implicit agency motives, along with all of their product-interaction terms
with all other predictors, were added to the final model for the test of
Hypothesis 4. In both models, the hypothesized three-way interaction
effect Living Arrangement ⫻ Hours Spent Together ⫻ Agency Appetence
remained significant (b ⱕ ⫺0.028, p ⱕ .026), and the four-way interaction
Living Arrangement ⫻ Hours Spent Together ⫻ Agency Appetence ⫻
Motive Disposition was not significant (p ⱖ .564).
Table 8
Lag Multilevel Model for the Prediction of Daily Changes in Relationship Satisfaction by Daily
Agency Appetence, Daily Hours Spent Together, and Living Arrangement (Hypothesis 4)
Predictors b (SE) p 95% CI
Intercept 5.209 (0.215) ⬍.001 [4.753, 5.646]
Relationship satisfaction (t–1) 0.318 (0.020) ⬍.001 [0.282, 0.358]
Living arrangement (LAT ⫽⫺1; COR ⫽ 1) 0.189 (0.118) .112 [⫺0.047, 0.443]
Hours together (t0) 0.104 (0.011) ⬍.001 [0.081, 0.127]
Agency appetence (t–1) ⫺0.090 (0.049) .067 [⫺0.188, 0.008]
Living Arrangement ⫻ Hours Together ⬍0.001 (0.011) .997 [⫺0.023, 0.021]
Living Arrangement ⫻ Agency Appetence ⫺0.065 (0.048) .177 [⫺0.150, 0.027]
Hours Together ⫻ Agency Appetence ⫺0.015 (0.012) .219 [⫺0.041, 0.007]
Living Arrangement ⫻ Hours ⫻ Appetence ⴚ0.027 (0.012) .022 [⫺0.049, ⫺0.006]
Note. Significant coefficients (p ⬍ .05) are printed in boldface. Not displayed: covariates sex, time, age,
relationship duration, and additional cohabitants. b ⫽ unstandardized regression weights; SE ⫽ standard errors
of regression weights; 95% CI ⫽ 95% bootstrap confidence intervals; COR ⫽ coresident couples; LAT ⫽
living-apart-together couples.
Figure 3. Prediction of day-to-day changes in relationship satisfaction by
the interaction of daily hours spent together and daily agency appetence in
COR and LAT relationships (Hypothesis 4). Results were plotted for
deviations of 4 hr below and above the couple-specific average level of
hours spent together and minimum (⫽ 0) and maximum (⫽ 3) values of
agency appetence. COR ⫽ coresidence; LAT ⫽ living-apart-together.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
General Discussion
Applying a Person ⫻ Situation perspective, we investigated the
interplay between relationship-specific agency motives and objec-
tive dyadic closeness on the between-couple and the within-couple
levels. As an important environmental factor that affects objective
closeness, we introduced the distinction of two prototypical dyadic
living arrangements to the study of motive dispositions in couples:
living-apart-together (LAT) and coresidence (COR). Our analyses
showed, first, that implicit and explicit agency motives and
(post)reproductive age contributed to the prediction of couples’
living arrangements. Second, congruently strong implicit and ex-
plicit agency motives in men were associated with impaired rela-
tionship functioning in COR, but not LAT couples. Third, implicit
and explicit agentic motive dispositions contributed to the predic-
tion of daily agency appetence, and, fourth, concurrently high
agency appetence and objective closeness impaired relationship
satisfaction on a day-to-day level. In sum, these findings highlight
the benefits of a motivational Person ⫻ Situation approach to
couple research, and corroborate the assumption that relationship
functioning depends on the match or mismatch between the part-
ners’ agency motives and the objective closeness realized in the
It is noteworthy that the present investigation relied on the
concept of relationship-specific agency motives as introduced by
Hagemeyer and Neyer (2012; see also Hagemeyer, Neyer, et al.,
2013). Consequently, the employed motive measures, especially
the self-report questionnaires, focused on the propensity to seek
distance from one’s partner, reflecting preferences for indepen-
dence, self-reliance, and privacy. In our opinion, these incentives
are core aspects of agentic motivation that are crucial for the
understanding of couples’ distance regulation and relationship
functioning, and the reported findings corroborate this assumption.
However, agency is a broad psychological construct, and other
measures emphasize different aspects, such as dominance and
assertion (e.g., Bartz & Lydon, 2004; Suh, Moskowitz, Fournier, &
Zuroff, 2004), achievement and competence (e.g., Sheldon &
Cooper, 2008), or self-esteem and self-validation (e.g., Greenberg
& Goldman, 2008; Prager & Buhrmester, 1998). Generalizations
of the current findings to other conceptualizations and operation-
alizations of agentic motives and goals should therefore be treated
with caution. In the following, we discuss further implications and
limitations of the two studies as well as perspectives for future
research related to the four hypotheses.
Selection of Living Arrangement
As expected, the selection of either COR or LAT depended
on (post)reproductive age and the partners’ agency motives.
Specifically, strong agency motives in women predicted being
in a LAT relationship. Whereas their explicit motive was pre-
dictive irrespective of age, women’s implicit motive was pre-
dictive only in postreproductive age. In addition, a strong
explicit agency motive in men was associated with being LAT
in postreproductive age. These findings support our assumption
that couples tend to select a relationship context that suits the
partners’ agentic needs with regard to objective closeness,
especially when otherwise predominant relationship goals like
having children together tend to lose relevance. The results are
also in line with previous findings from demographic and
sociological studies showing (a) that the historical trend for
more LAT relationships is most pronounced in postreproductive
age (Asendorpf, 2008), and (b) that the subjective reasons for
LAT are often agentic in nature (Holmes, 2006; Karlsson &
Borell, 2005; Levin, 2004; Roseneil, 2006). The present study
suggests that such reasons are rooted in dispositional implicit
and explicit motives, and thus in the partners’ personalities.
Overall, the explicit agency motive was a stronger predictor of
living arrangement than the implicit motive. This is in line with
the assumption of dual motives theory that deliberate choices
between limited numbers of alternatives are guided mainly by
explicit motives (McClelland et al., 1989). However, the find-
ing that the implicit motive in postreproductive women made an
additional prediction suggests that more subtle and affective
processes play a role in the selection of living arrangement, too.
However, because this was a cross-sectional and correlational
analysis, we cannot rule out the reverse causal relation, that is,
living arrangement affected the agency motives. In fact, a dynamic
transactional relationship between motives and couples’ environ-
ments is plausible, as intimate relationships have been shown to
provide important contexts for personality development (Mund,
Finn, Hagemeyer,