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Analytic Database Design Choices: Vertica's Experience and Perspective


Abstract and Figures

This paper describes the high level architecture of the Vertica Analytic Database, and some lessons learned during its development. While the system's overall features have been described elsewhere in more breadth[1], the goal here is to present some of the good and bad choices that were made over the last 10 years, and to give a sense of how the fundamental design decisions interact with each other.
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Analytic Database Design Choices: Vertica's Experience
and Perspectives
Chuck Bear, Shilpa Lawande, Nga Tran,
Ben Vandiver, Stephen Walkauskas
Hewlett Packard (Vertica)
150 Cambridgepark Drive
Cambridge, MA, 02140 USA
+1 617 386 4400
This paper describes the high level architecture of the Vertica
Analytic Database, and some lessons learned during its
development. While the system's overall features have been
described elsewhere in more breadth[1], the goal here is to present
some of the good and bad choices that were made over the last 10
years, and to give a sense of how the fundamental design
decisions interact with each other.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.2.2 [Database Management]: Physical Design. H.2.4 [Data-
base Management]: Systems Relational Databases, Parallel
Databases. H.3.2 [Information Storage And Retrieval]:
Information Storage – File Organization.
General Terms
Design, Performance.
Vertica, Analytic Databases, Columnar Databases, Database
Execution Engines, JIT Compilation and Vectorization, Mistakes.
Since 2010, the market for SQL-based analytic RDBMSs has
rapidly consolidated[3][4][5][6][7]. However, there is renewed
interest in building SQL engines, particularly within the Hadoop
ecosystem [8][9][10][11][12]. While it took Vertica half a decade1
to build a solid analytic SQL database engine from scratch, we
hope that if we share our experience and mistakes, those who are
building new engines can learn from us and cut their
implementation and productization time down to 5 years.
1Vertica was founded in 2005, based on the C-Store paper [2].
While Vertica generated revenue prior[13] to the 2010 release of
4.0[14], it is the opinion of the authors that this was the first
production-ready, broadly-deployable version.
This article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution
License(, which permits
distribution and reproduction in any medium as well as allowing
derivative works, provided that you attribute the original work to the
author(s) and CIDR 2015.
7th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR
’15) January 4-7, 2015, Asilomar, California, USA.
2.1 Design Motivation
Vertica is a SQL RDBMS designed for analytics. Generally,
analytic workloads are dominated by operations over many rows
per request, rather than workloads consisting of high numbers of
requests per second, each retrieving or altering only a handful of
rows. Vertica's original design was inspired by the C-Store[2]
academic project, though much elaboration was required during
commercialization[1], and progress has been made on broader
workloads, with features such as fast key lookup queries and
flexible schemas[22].
2.2 Physical Storage Layout
Vertica's data storage scheme is perhaps best presented in the
context of an example. Consider, as the logical data set, stock
trade data. As trades come in, we could record the symbol, date,
time, price, quantity/volume, etc., in “insertion order” (Figure 1).
Data will be written as rows; the computer will store the values
for each row (a trade) sequentially, followed by values for the
next row. Inserting data into this structure will be relatively fast,
as it is simply appended.
Q1: SELECT SUM(volume) FROM trades
WHERE symbol = 'HPQ' AND date =
However, if we have a query (Q1) that requests the sum of shares
traded (volume) with predicates on symbol and date/time (which
we may reasonably expect are common), insertion order is not an
optimal storage format with regard to disk I/O or CPU
computation. Data may be localized with respect to date and
time, as those are highly correlated with when data was loaded,
and this may enable some data access optimizations for date
predicates. But, with regard to stock symbol, the selected rows
(highlighted in Figure 1) are not near each other on disk, nor are
they far enough apart to be accessed individually in an efficient
Figure 1: Insertion order for stock trade data.
… … … …
HPQ 05/13/11 01:02:02 PM 40.01 100 …
IBM 05/13/11 01:02:03 PM 171.22 10
AAPL 05/13/11 01:02:03 PM 338.02 5 …
GOOG 05/13/11 01:02:04 PM 524.03 150
HPQ 05/13/11 01:02:05 PM 39.97 40
AAPL 05/13/11 01:02:07 PM 338.02 20
GOOG 05/13/11 01:02:07 PM 524.02 40
… … … …
manner even if they were indexed. Hence, our first refinement is
to keep the physical data sorted by symbol, date, and time (Figure
By sorting the data by symbol and date+time, our query can, by
any of a variety of mechanisms, skip rows that are not relevant to
a query such as Q1, and get to the relevant (highlighted) rows
quickly. However, more improvements can be made. Since our
query only requires three columns from the table (symbol, date,
and quantity), by storing data for each column in a separate file
(thus making Vertica a column store), we can reduce the I/O of
this query to just the table cells that will contribute to the result
(Figure 3).
The next thing we can do is apply compression to the columns
(Figure 4). If data is sorted by symbol, date, and time, the symbol
column would be highly compressible with run length encoding
(RLE)2. Other columns are also highly compressible, for slightly
more complex reasons3.
Once compression has been applied, it is clear that Q1 will require
much less I/O than in the initial storage layout. The RLE'd
symbol and date columns become quite tiny, and are probably
popular enough to end up in a cache. The only I/O that may be
necessary is retrieval of the volume data to be summed.
It is also apparent that Q1 would benefit from parallel processing
(MPP). Partial sums can be computed by multiple processors
(such as machines in a cluster), and then combined.
In the Vertica (and C-Store) lexicon, the physical structure that
stores data is called a projection. Projections specify how the
2In one data set tested, the symbol column had 8,000 distinct
values, whereas there were two billion trade rows per year.
3For example, while stocks vary in price from pennies to 100K+
USD, once the data is organized by symbol and time, only a few
distinct values are seen in a section of the column, hence in
practice it is highly compressible using block dictionary
logical data is to be segmented across a cluster of machines,
sorted, and compressed when it is stored persistently.
2.3 Implementation Details
It is a common4 misconception that Vertica splits data into
columns first, and then sorts each column separately. This would
make tuple reconstruction exceedingly difficult. Instead, the data
is sorted first; hence the nth record can be constructed by
retrieving the nth value from each column file. Retrieving the nth
value from a column is facilitated by a structure called the
position index, which is a sparse mapping of positions to file
offsets (Figure 5).
4Among job interview candidates, though perhaps not the readers
of this paper
Figure 5: Position
Last P
Comp Sz
Null Count
Last P
Comp Sz
Null Count
Last P
Comp Sz
Null Count
Figure 4: Trade data sorted, columnized, and run length
(8K Distinct) (250/yr)
… 22
GOOG (x18M) 05/13/2011 (x150K) 150
… 40
HPQ (x22M) 05/13/2011 (x220K) 100
… 40
… 200
IBM (x19M) 05/13/2011 (x150K) 10
Figure 2: Stock trade data, sorted by symbol, date, and time.
… …
AAPL 05/13/11 01:02:07 PM 338.02 20
AAPL 05/13/11 01:02:03 PM 338.02 5
… …
GOOG 05/13/11 01:02:04 PM 524.03 150
GOOG 05/13/11 01:02:07 PM 524.02 40
… …
HPQ 05/13/11 01:02:02 PM 40.01 100
HPQ 05/13/11 01:02:05 PM 39.97 40 …
… …
IBM 05/13/11 01:02:03 PM 171.22 10
… …
Figure 3: Stock trade data, sorted and stored by column.
AAPL 05/13/11 01:02:07 PM 338.02 20
AAPL 05/13/11 01:02:03 PM 338.02 5
GOOG 05/13/11 01:02:04 PM 524.03 150
GOOG 05/13/11 01:02:07 PM 524.02 40
HPQ 05/13/11 01:02:02 PM 40.01 100
HPQ 05/13/11 01:02:05 PM 39.97 40
IBM 05/13/11 01:02:03 PM 171.22 10
Each position index entry records the position number, the file
offset for the data, the compressed and uncompressed sizes of the
data, and a few statistics, such as a CRC and minimum and
maximum values. Thus, retrieving a value at worst requires a
binary search of the in-memory5 position index, followed by a file
read and decompression. As this could be expensive for large
numbers of tuples, Vertica access paths exclusively use forward-
only “skip-scans” of the columns.
2.4 Updates
When considering support for inserts, updates, and deletes, it
quickly becomes evident that sorting, optimal compression, and
unfragmented storage are fundamentally at odds with efficient
implementations of tiny modifications. Leaving “holes” for new
data works against compression and scan efficiency. Rebuilding
the structure on each modification would also be be prohibitively
inefficient on many workloads.
Instead, Vertica does not modify its files. Each large load of new
data is stored in a new set of sorted, compressed files. (Smaller
loads are collected in memory before being sorted and
compressed.) Data is also not directly deleted or updated; instead
a sorted list of deleted positions (see 2.3) is kept, and the affected
rows are skipped at query time.
2.5 Background Data Reorganization
Giving each load a separate set of files and never truly deleting
records would eventually lead to large numbers of tiny files.
5Position indexes are sparse and are designed to be 1/1000th the
size of column data, so as long as there is 1GB of memory for
each TB of data stored per node, this is a reasonable
The solution to this is to reorganize data as a low-priority
background operation. Vertica's tuple mover handles this, and is
tasked with combining small files into larger ones, purging the
deleted records, and so forth.
It is important to note that the tuple mover combines files of like
size into exponentially larger files (Figure 6). In this way, it is
possible to put an upper bound on the number of times a tuple
will be rewritten in its lifetime. (This is generally only a handful.)
While not glamorous, the importance of the tuple mover and its
maturity cannot be understated. Back in 2010, prior to a major
redesign, the tuple mover was a source of significant pain for
customers and the support department. Problems were largely
alleviated by the idea of combining files of like size (which,
unlike the old scheme, requires no tuning), and concurrent tuple
mover operations within the same projection. With these
enhancements, Vertica accepts most sustained load rates with data
batched every second or so, without a significant backlog of
maintenance tasks.
2.6 Parallel Processing
Vertica is designed to run on a cluster of commodity machines.
Vertica parallelizes computations across nodes for operations that
either have no inter-row dependencies, or where data can be
partitioned into groups of related rows. There are no assigned
“leader nodes”; all nodes are capable of planning queries and
distributing work to other nodes for execution. This is possible
because the table, projection, segmentation, and other global
definitions are replicated and synchronized across all nodes.
In practice, Vertica uses segmentation (distribution of data across
nodes, generally via consistent hashing) for more than just
uniform data layout. GROUP BY and JOIN operations benefit
when data is pre-segmented on their keys, as do analytics with
Vertica is designed and implemented for a shared nothing
environment[15]. The basic idea here is that each compute node
is connected to its own local storage, and other nodes cannot reach
that storage directly. The benefits of this approach are largely in
terms of price and performance; there is no expensive
interconnect between compute and storage, and there is no
potential for a bottleneck in a compute-to-storage switching
fabric. On the other hand, this requires that Vertica implement
many features from scratch in software, which otherwise could be
delegated to the storage layer. Such features include expansion
and contraction of compute and storage, rebalancing data across
machines, backup/restore, and disaster recovery. At this point,
these trade-offs seem to be worthwhile for most customers.
2.7 Transactions and Recovery
The decisions to make Vertica a parallel database and to use an
append-only storage organization have deep implications for the
transaction and recovery systems.
The use of append-only storage makes implementation of queries
in “read committed” isolation trivial. No locks or other
concurrency devices are needed; the query simply reference
counts the relevant files upon starting, and can be assured that no
transactions will update the files or otherwise interfere.
Loads and inserts are also concurrent and transactional; each load
builds its own set of sorted files, which it then either attaches to
the local catalog if asked to commit, or discards if asked to abort.
Transactions demanding serializable isolation are accommodated
with table-level locks.
Figure 6: Data files are merged with files of like size, leading
to an upper bound on the number of rewrites per tuple.
Maximum ROS size (~1/2 disk or less)
Negligible ROS size (1 MB/column or less)
ROS Size (Sum of all columns). Log scale.
Merge Strata (Blue dots represent ROSs)
Start Epoch, End Epoch
Full Stratum
(ready to merge)
...up to the number of strata
Stratum 0
Stratum 1
Stratum 3
Stratum 4
The use of a cluster of machines contributes to high availability.
Projections are defined so that rows are each sent to two (or more)
machines, such that when a node is unavailable, data can still be
accessed on another buddy node. Because Vertica's storage is
append-only, if a node fails and recovers with its persistent
storage intact, it can retrieve all the new data it missed during the
outage from its buddies.
2.8 Nothing Novel Except the Combination
One interesting observation is that Vertica was not the first
product to bring sorting[16], columnar databases[17], MPP
clusters[18], or compression[19] to the database market. Instead,
its strength is a combination of complementary design choices,
from storage format to transaction model, that emphasize analytic
workloads over OLTP[20].
2.9 Live Aggregate Projections
As a result of being a standard SQL database with a unique
architecture, many features found in other databases have Vertica
counterparts, though with significantly different implementations.
For example, many databases have some form of materialized
views, one use of which is to preaggregate data to speed up
queries. Study has been given to the efficient maintenance of
such views, with early or deferred maintenance as primary
Vertica's Live Aggregate Projections(LAP) feature[23] also
preaggregates data to speed up queries, but the implementation is
generally unlike that of databases that do in-place updates.
Figure 7 illustrates the high-level design of the LAP feature. Data
from each load transaction is copied and stored in multiple
projections (a). For example, a copy of the full data batch may be
placed in a base projection, while a second copy undergoes
aggregation (summation, counting, min/max, most recent, etc.)
per partitioning key. Loaded data is committed or rolled back as
an atomic unit, ensuring transactional consistency. Background
tuple mover tasks (b) combine small partial aggregates into larger
ones (by summing the sums, taking the maximum of the
maximums, etc.), further aggregating the data. Lastly, if multiple
partial aggregates remain, they are combined at query time (c).
Stored data for LAPs is sorted by the aggregation key, so
combining partial aggregates is an efficient “merge” operation
applied to sorted streams, and data for individual keys can be
found by searching, rather than scanning. This design supports
contention-free bulkloads, while keeping the answers returned by
the aggregate projection completely consistent with those found in
the logical table.
3.1 Early vs. Late Materialization in Joins
In the case of column stores like Vertica, it is a compelling idea to
scan some columns and apply filtering to eliminate tuples before
retrieving values from other columns. Implementation of this
concept is fairly straightforward for predicates, but, from even
early versions of Vertica, this was also applied to queries with
fk IN (SELECT pk FROM d)
For purposes of illustration, let us consider the query Q26. Figure
8 illustrates several approaches for executing this query.
The baseline “unoptimized” execution strategy is shown in (a).
First, all data rows and columns are scanned. Optionally, data can
6We have intentionally organized the underlying table projection
such that the join key is much easier to retrieve than the value to
be aggregated.
Figure 8: Four of many execution possible plans for Q2
Scan 'fk' key column
(Filter out keys that
will not join)
Perform Join of 'fk'
against 'pk' IN list
Materialize columns
from rows
that joined
SUM 'sv' from rows
Scan all columns
Perform Join of 'fk'
against 'pk' IN list
Final 'sv' SUM
Scan 'fk' key column
(Filter out keys that
will not join)
Perform Join of 'fk'
against 'pk' IN list
Final 'sv' SUM
Pre-SUM 'sv' data
against 'fk' join key
Pre-SUM 'sv' data
Against 'fk' join key
Scan 'fk' key column
Perform Join of 'fk'
against 'pk' IN list
Materialize columns
from rows
that joined
SUM 'sv' from rows
Figure 7: Basic Design
of Live Aggregate
a) Load Operation
b) Tuple Mover Consolidation
c) Query-Time Consolidation
be preaggregated on the join key to (hopefully) reduce data
processed by the join. After executing the join, final aggregation
is required. We call this join strategy early materialization
(EMJ), as all data is materialized before the join.
Strategy (a) is obviously suboptimal, because data that will not
join is still scanned. Vertica's first improvement, implemented in
the early days, is illustrated in (b). Here, only the key column is
scanned before the join, and the remaining columns are
materialized later, only for rows that joined. This data is then
summed. We refer to strategy (b) as late materialization(LMJ).
Later in Vertica's evolution, a new strategy for joins was
developed[24]. As shown in Figure 9, the join first loads the
smaller relation. Second, information about the keys present is
passed to the scan operation for the larger relation, Third, the scan
for the larger relation proceeds. This scan need not emit rows that
will be eliminated by the join (though it may emit them anyway,
without affecting correctness).
Figure 8 (c) and (d) show execution strategies involving SIPS.
These are similar to (a) and (b) respectively, except that the scan
does not emit most tuples that will ultimately be filtered out by
the join. In (c), the scan loads and filters the fk column first, and
then loads the remaining columns, essentially achieving the
benefits of LMJ.
Table 1 shows performance results for query Q2, with varying
selectivity ratios. As expected, strategy (a) shows constant run-
time across the selectivity range, while LMJ and SIPS provide
much more efficient execution when most rows are eliminated by
the join.
There are several notable points here:
1. SIPS is never significantly harmful. This is because
SIPS turns itself off, avoiding runtime overhead, if it
detects that it is not being helpful.
2. While LMJ is harmful in one case, it it is because of
how it changes the application of the grouping operation
3. While not illustrated here, the LMJ optimization goes
over a performance cliff if the join has a large number
of keys to apply to the outer 'fact' table. If we cannot
handle the inner join keys in main memory, we would
have to do a lot of reorganization of the outer to make
late materialization efficient. In fact, Vertica bails out in
this case and retries the query with SIPS only.
4. SIPS is much more graceful in its performance
degradation with large key sets. It can pass information
across that admits “false positives” while still filtering
rows, or it can be disabled completely, leading to
performance equal to the normal ordering of operations.
It is notable that SIPS alone is generally the most efficient option.
However, LMJ was far more difficult to implement than SIPS,
due to the difficulties of keeping tuple reconstruction context, etc.
Ultimately, while Vertica engineering was initially quite proud of
late materialized joins, this was not the best course, and while we
have not thrown them out, we wouldn't bother to implement them
if we didn't have them already.
3.2 Execution Engine Design
It is easy to start with an execution engine design based on tuple
iterators[25], and materialization of intermediates (a la M/R)
avoids many implementation difficultines. When performance is
considered however, both design elements can be dismissed as
“too slow”, so the first versions of Vertica opted for a directed
acyclic graph (DAG) [26] data flow model, to provide block
execution efficiency without any overhead associated with
obligatory materialized intermediates.
The pre-3.0 Vertica executor fed all the files related to a query's
table projections into a DAG executor, which would apply
relevant flow control, and finish when all results reached the root
operator, which returned data to the client. Within the executor,
all nodes in the DAG which did not require input from other
operators (such as scans) would start running. When their outputs
were ready for consumption by downstream operators, data would
start flowing, and eventually all data would stream through the
query execution plan.
This “push” DAG executor was eventually mostly scrapped in
2007-2008, for a handful of reasons, largely revolving around data
relevance and parameterization. (The rest were “just bugs”.) In a
DAG execution strategy, many leaf nodes execute initially, only to
eventually be halted by full output buffers, as the downstream
operations (such as a join) are not ready for input. More
importantly, some operations have important data to share with
their inputs, such as join key data (see 3.1), and it is not possible
to do true subquery execution with a DAG executor, as this
certainly requires a cyclical data flow.
Instead, Vertica largely uses a “pull” tree for execution, but with
data arranged in block groups for efficiency (see 4.1). Essentially,
this is just the iterator model, but with each invocation returning a
block of rows. The exceptions are INSERT, COPY, DELETE,
MERGE DML statements, which cause 'X'-shaped execution
plans; the input is a typical execution tree, but the output splits to
several downstream targets using DAG dataflow principles.
There are other problems with DAGs, and Vertica encountered
several manifestations of one of them, the diamond problem. If,
within the DAG, there is a producer that sends data to multiple
outputs, to then be combined by a consumer with multiple inputs,
there is peril that the control flow between the producer and
Figure 9: Sideways Information Passing Scheme (SIPS)
Table 1: Performance of execution strategies for Q2, with
varying join selectivity
Selectivity Neither Feature LMJ o nly SIPS on ly SIPS+LMJ
0.00% 1206 39 23 2 7
1.00% 1202 63 33 3 9
2.00% 1200 75 50 5 7
3.00% 1208 121 7 5 79
5.00% 1207 151 93 116
10.00% 1200 195 141 191
20.00% 1202 362 405 360
50.00% 1202 1050 1086 1047
100.00% 1204 1720 1222 1724
consumer could be overconstrained. Within the first 8 months, we
had observed scan operations providing positions faster than
materialization operations could accept them, and it took years
before segment+merge combinations were free of deadlock bugs.
3.3 Partitioned Hash Join
Early versions of Vertica did not support joins unless the smaller
relation fit in cluster main memory. The first external join
algorithm, available in Vertica 3, was a variant of partitioned hash
join[27]. When the execution engine was redesigned in Vertica 4,
sort merge join was implemented instead for external joins. At
the time, this was done for several reasons:
1. It was simple to implement. The sort code was already
available in the new executor, but the partitioning code
was not.
2. The implementation of PHJ had become notorious for
its flakiness, and was known to completely wedge the
Linux CFQ scheduler (circa 2008).
3. Vertica was adding support for fast inequality and range
predicates, which depend on sorting anyway.
This turned out to be a good choice for other reasons, which
became clear later:
4. SMJ was found to be faster, more efficient, and more
scalable than PHJ (Figure 10). Since then, as Vertica's
sort has become more efficient with the addition of JIT
compilation, the gap has probably widened.
5. Some sorting in SMJ can be skipped if either input is
already sorted.
6. Generating useful filtering data for SIPS is easier in
3.4 Buddy Projection Sort Order
As discussed above (2.7), Vertica achieves high availability by “k-
safety”, keeping multiple copies of the data, with the copies
shifted around the cluster. Vertica initially claimed that these
buddy projections were superior to straightforward replication in
that the buddy projections need not be sorted the same way, hence
the extra disk space could be used to better optimize for the query
workload. However, this suggestion has several drawbacks, some
of which are obvious in retrospect:
1. While the queries are in fact sped up when all nodes are
available, when a node is down all queries will get
slower because they will have to use data from a non-
optimized projection. In a synthetic benchmark, pretty
much any speedup/slowdown factor can be achieved,
but in one real example, ~3x speedup with all nodes up
resulted in a 42x slowdown in the case of node-down
2. The query optimizer, which takes the sort order into
account at a very deep level, was encumbered by
significant complexity.
3. Rebuilding a node from scratch was slow. Data had to
be decompressed, sent across the network, sorted to the
new order, and compressed again, whereas with
replicas, the compressed files are simply copied across
the network.
4. Rebuilding a node from scratch was not even always
possible if the disk utilization was higher than
recommended, because there was insufficient temporary
space for the external sort algorithm.
Needless to say, all large production customers of Vertica
currently use replica buddy projections.
4.1 JIT Compilation and Vectorization
Processing data via sequences of operations that are only known
at run-time can lead to a variety of CPU inefficiencies, such as
indirect branches, conditional logic, and so on. As JIT
compilation and vectorization are standard techniques for
spending less CPU cycles on figuring out what to do vs. actually
doing it, use of these techniques in databases has, of course, been
The value of running batches of tuples through an operation
before proceeding to the next operation, thus amortizing program
control flow costs, has been a key consideration in Vertica's
execution engine design since long before the first customer paid
us money. The approach provides significant rewards with only
minor implementation cost; in the first Vertica experiment a
simple aggregation query went from a CPU-bound 5 minutes to a
significantly I/O-bound 2 minutes in just an afternoon of
adjustments to the expression evaluator. Since that early
validation, we have batched everything. Such batching also
provides for the possibility of vectorization, though this is
currently left up to the compiler.
The most complex use of batching is in joins, where either data
input block can become empty, the data output block can become
full, or other things may need attention. In this case, coroutines
were applied (despite the slight complexity of getting these to
work in C++), to preserve the performance benefits of batching,
while keeping the code sane.
JIT compilation is significantly more complex to implement, and
somewhat trickier to debug. However, some operations, like
comparing, merging, and sorting, are best handled in a row-by-
row manner. For this reason, JIT compilation of low-level tuple
operations was added in Vertica 4.1 (2009).
The first attempt at JIT compilation in Vertica was built using
LLVM[29], however the tool exhibited high compilation time
(several milliseconds per query), resulting in unacceptable query
Figure 10: Join run time (vertical) vs number of
concurrent joins (horizontal)
setup overhead7. The AsmJIT[30] tool was used instead, despite
the resulting optimization only applying to x86 architectures.
Figure 11 shows the performance achieved in a simple test
dominated by the cost of merging streams of tuples. (Note that as
streams are added, tuples are added, so a line at constant slope up
and to the right would mean that performance was not impacted
by merge degree.) It is clear that vectorization of the merge's
output is helpful, but that JIT compiling tuple comparison and
movement provides an additional performance boost.
4.2 Collect Data
The foundation of “Big Data” analytics is that organizations
should collect data from the outset, and not “throw anything
away”. This enables questions to be answered correctly and
promptly, with such benefits as tight feedback cycles for product
and process improvement[31]. Organizations that don't place a
cultural emphasis on data collection and don't value empirical
evidence will suffer competitive disadvantage. Hence, an analytic
database that does not provide insights into its own operation, to
its users and to its creators, would be severely hypocritical.
As of 4.1, Vertica provides SQL-queryable logs of many things.
Among the data logged are system statistics (CPU, network
protocols, disk, memory, etc.), user requests, errors, query
optimizer choices, table and projection usage, individual executor
row counts and run times, tuple mover and other background
tasks, file lineage, upgrades, configuration changes, and backup
history. This data is available to database administrators and users
via direct SQL, useful views joining the logs together, and the
Vertica Management Console, which provides visualizations of
the underlying data.
Vertica also collects this data from customers, particularly when
incidents are reported to the support department. At the most
recent Vertica Customer Advisory Board, all companies in
attendance (with the predictable exception of two banks and an
insurance company) were not merely supportive, but enthusiastic
about automatic collection, as they understand the value of data as
an input into continuous product improvement.
The result is that when developers or product managers ask, for
example, “does anyone actually use this feature”, there is no need
to guess. Figure 12, for example, shows which Vertica features
7Run-time of our unit test suite, which is a blend of small queries,
roughly doubled.
were used to design the physical data layout projections for a
variety of customer databases8.
The Vertica Database is the product of the hard work of many
engineers who took their fair share of wrong turns. Without the
guidance of academics and other practitioners (the references
section below is but an incomplete list), the number of such
wrong turns would have undoubtedly been larger. Having the
BSD-licensed PostgreSQL[32] as a starting point allowed
engineers to immediately start working on the aspects that make
Vertica unique, without spending much time on items such as a
SQL parser or testing harness. Vertica also owes its timing to
AMD64, as commodity 64-bit technology was an essential
ingredient to a cost-effective the business model. Further
acknowledgment goes to our investors and early adopter
customers, without which development would not have been
started, or would have been prematurely aborted.
[1] Lamb, A., Fuller, M., Varadarajan, R., Tran, N., Vandiver, B.,
Doshi, L., and Bear, C. 2012. The Vertica Analytic
Database: C-Store 7 Years Later. In Proc. VLDB '12, 1790-
[2] Stonebraker, M., Abadi, D. J., Batkin, A., Chen, X.,
Cherniack, M., Ferreira, M., Lau, E., Lin, A., Madden, S.,
O'Neil, E., O'Neil, P., Rasin, A., Tran, N., Zdonik, S. 2005.
C-store: a column-oriented DBMS. In VLDB '05, 553-564.
[3] Kanaracus, C. 2010. Teradata Buys Analytics Vendor
Kickfire. InfoWorld.
[4] EMC Corporation. 2010. EMC To Acquire Greenplum.
[5] IBM Corporation. 2010. IBM To Acquire Netezza.
[6] HP. 2011. HP To Acquire Vertica.
8This particular illustration was created by a developer who
wanted to know if “Implement Temp Design” was ever used; the
answer is apparently “rarely”.
Figure 11: Run time for a merge, with various execution
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Original (ms)
Copy (ms)
JIT Compiled
Number of Merge Streams
Merge Time (ms, Nehalem)
Figure 12: Source of physical database design (vertical), for a
selection of customers (horizontal)
[7] Teradata. 2011. Teradata To Acquire Aster Data.
[8] Kornacker, M. and Erickson, J. 2012. Cloudera Impala:
Real-Time Queries in Apache Hadoop, For Real.
[9] Sears, J. 2014. Discover HDP 2.2: Even Faster SQL Queries
with Apache Hive and
[10] Hausenblas, M. and Nadeau, J. 2013. APACHE DRILL:
Interactive Ad-Hoc Analysis at Scale. In Big Data 1, 2 (June
[11] Harris, D. 2012. How one startup wants to inject Hadoop
into your SQL. Gigaom.
[12] Xin, R. 2014. Shark, Spark SQL, Hive on Spark, and the
future of SQL on Spark.
[15] Dewitt, D. and Gray, J. 1992. Parallel Database Systems:
The Future of High Performance Database Processing. In
Comm. ACM 35, 6 (June 1992), 85-98. DOI=
[16] Knuth, D. 1998. The Art of Computer Programming:
Sorting and Searching, 2 ed., vol. 3. Addison-Wesley.
[18] Tandem Database Group. 1989. NonStop SQL, A
Distributed High Performance, High Availability
Implementation of SQL. In Proceedings of HPTPS, 1989.
[19] Graefe, G. and Shapiro, L. D. 1991. Data Compression and
Database Performance. In Proceedings of the Symposium on
Applied Computing.
[20] Stonebraker, M. and Cetintemel, U. 2005. "One Size Fits
All": An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone. In
Proceedings of the 21st ICDE (ICDE '05). IEEE Computer
Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2-11.
[21] Zhou, J., Larson, P., and Elmongui, H. 2007. Lazy
Maintenance of Materialized Views. In Proc VLDB '07. 231-
[22] HP. 2014. HP Vertica Flex Tables Quick Start
[23] HP. 2014. Live Aggregate Projections.
[24] Shrinivas, L., Bodagala, S., Varadarajan, R., Cary, A.,
Bharathan, V., and Bear, C. 2013. Materialization Strategies
in the Vertica Analyti Database: Lessons Learned. ICDE '13.
[25] Graefe., G. 1994. Volcano— An Extensible and Parallel
Query Evaluation System. IEEE Trans. on Knowl. and Data
Eng. 6, 1 (February 1994), 120-135.
[26] MapR. 2012. Anatomy of a Spark Job.
[27] Dewitt, D. and Naughton, J. 1995. Dynamic Memory
Hybrid Hash Join.
HybridHashJoin.pdf. University of Wisconson, Madison.
[28] Sompolski, J., Zukowski, M., and Boncz, P. 2011.
Vectorization vs. Compilation in Query Execution. In
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Data
Management on New Hardware (DaMoN '11). ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 33-40.
[29] LLVM.
[30] AsmJit.
[31] Kiron, D., Ferguson, R. B., and Prentice, P. K. 2013. From
Value to Vision: Reimagining the Possible with Data
Analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review.
[32] PostgreSQL.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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This paper describes the system architecture of the Vertica Analytic Database (Vertica), a commercialization of the design of the C-Store research prototype. Vertica demonstrates a modern commercial RDBMS system that presents a classical relational interface while at the same time achieving the high performance expected from modern "web scale" analytic systems by making appropriate architectural choices. Vertica is also an instructive lesson in how academic systems research can be directly commercialized into a successful product.
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The last 25 years of commercial DBMS development can be summed up in a single phrase: "One size fits all". This phrase refers to the fact that the traditional DBMS architecture (originally designed and optimized for business data processing) has been used to support many data-centric applications with widely varying characteristics and requirements. In this paper, we argue that this concept is no longer applicable to the database market, and that the commercial world will fracture into a collection of independent database engines, some of which may be unified by a common front-end parser. We use examples from the stream-processing market and the data- warehouse market to bolster our claims. We also briefly discuss other markets for which the traditional architecture is a poor fit and argue for a critical rethinking of the current factoring of systems services into products.
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Materialized views can speed up query processing greatly but they have to be kept up to date to be useful. Today, database systems typically maintain views eagerly in the same transaction as the base table updates. This has the effect that updates pay for view maintenance while benefi- ciaries (queries) get a free ride! View maintenance overhead can be significant and it seems unfair to have updates bear the cost. We present a novel way to lazily maintain materialized views that relieves updates of this overhead. Maintenance of a view is postponed until the system has free cycles or the view is referenced by a query. View maintenance is fully or partly hidden from queries depending on the system load. Ideally, views are maintained entirely on system time at no cost to updates and queries. The efficiency of lazy mainte- nance is improved by combining updates from several trans- actions into a single maintenance operation, by condensing multiple updates of the same row into a single update, and by exploiting row versioning. Experiments using a prototype implementation in Microsoft SQL Server show much faster response times for updates and also significant reduction in maintenance cost when combining updates.
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Apache Drill is a distributed system for interactive ad-hoc analysis of large-scale datasets. Designed to handle up to petabytes of data spread across thousands of servers, the goal of Drill is to respond to ad-hoc queries in a low-latency manner. In this article, we introduce Drill's architecture, discuss its extensibility points, and put it into the context of the emerging offerings in the interactive analytics realm.
Like most applications, database systems want cheap, fast hardware. Today that means commodity processors, memories, and disks. Consequently, the hardware concept of a database machine built of exotic hardware is inappropriate for current technology. On the other hand, the availability of fast microprocessors, and small inexpensive disks packaged as standard inexpensive but fast computers is an ideal platform for parallel database systems. The main topics are basic techniques for parallel database machine implementation, the trend to shared-nothing machines, parallel dataflow approach to SQL software, and future directions and research problems.