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Anti-aging cosmetics and its efficacy assessment methods
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2015 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 87 012043
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Anti-aging cosmetics and its efficacy assessment methods
Xiang Li1
School of Perfume and Aroma Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technology,
Shanghai 201418, China
E-mail: lixiang0902@hotmail.com
Abstract. The mechanisms of skin aging, the active ingredients used in anti-aging cosmetics
and evaluation methods for anti-aging cosmetics were surmised in this paper. And the
mechanisms of skin aging were introduced in the intrinsic and extrinsic ways. Meanwhile, the
anti-aging cosmetic active ingredients were classified in accordance with the mechanism of
action. Various evaluation methods such as human evaluation, in vitro evaluation were also
1. Introduction
As skin ages, it loses its natural elasticity and becomes thinner, more fragile and laxer, taking on a
wrinkled appearance. The aging process of the skin generally has two kinds of forms: natural aging
and light aging. The former mainly refers to the growth with the age, aging from within the body
caused by such as genetic, gravity, endocrine and immune function of irresistible factors; while the
latter is mainly due to the role of ultraviolet light, a series of changes in the weather and environmental
pollution etc. which aggravates the natural aging process.
According to the mechanism of the senescence of skin, three kinds of methods can be summarized,
basically including: protecting the skin from external environmental stimuli; scavenging intracellular
free radicals; repair, supplement nutrition to skin cells. The use of some categories of personal care
products to improve the appearance of aging is necessary.
The mechanisms of skin aging, the active ingredients used in anti-aging cosmetics and evaluation
methods for anti-aging cosmetics were surmised in this paper. And the mechanisms of skin aging were
introduced in the intrinsic and extrinsic ways.
2. The mechanisms of skin ageing
Aging of the skin has been attributed to two processes referred to as intrinsic or extrinsic processes.
The intrinsic process
2.1. The intrinsic process
The intrinsic process occurs through the passage of time, and appears as fine wrinkles on the skin. The
endogenous mechanism of skin aging is very complex, and representatives of the aging theory mainly
1 Address for correspondence: Xiang Li, School of Perfume and Aroma Technology, Shanghai Institute of
Technology, Shanghai 201418, China. E-mail: lixiang0902@hotmail.com.
2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012043
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
include: the free radical theory, theory of genetic gene, mitochondrial DNA damage theory and other
2.1.1. The theory of free radical. The free radical theory was introduced by Harman in 1956, its core
includes: free radicals are common intermediates in the life of organisms with high chemical activity;
On the normal physiological conditions, generation and elimination of free radicals are in dynamic
equilibrium in the body; Once this balance is disrupted, resulting in excessive production of free
radicals; The excessive free radical toxicity can cause the aging body by attacking on the chromosome,
mitochondria, cell membrane and connective tissue and other biological tissues [1].
2.1.2. The theory of genetic gene. The theory of genetic gene, mainly analyzes the aging phenomenon
from the chromosome and gene level. The doctrine said that, aging is the phenomenon of life
determined by a genetic program. Along with the growth of the age, the modified gene loss, DNA
methylation and phosphorylation reaction decreases, telomere shortens, DNA self-repair ability drops,
oncogene and tumor suppressor gene regulation can result in chromosome mutation, normal cell
differentiation [2, 3], all of these can lead to skin aging.
2.1.3. The theory of mitochondrial DNA damage. In 1980, Miquel and Cowiker [4] proposed the
hypothesis of aging mitochondrial, they thought that mitochondrial DNA damage is the molecular
basis of cell aging and death. At the perspective of cell biology, 90% of the energy is produced by
mitochondria, which is needed for cells life. While mitochondrial DNA is damaged, the energy
producing is reduced, affecting the energy supply of cells, causing a recession of cell, tissue, organ
function. Therefore, mitochondria degeneration, rupture and leakage are important reasons for the
2.2. The extrinsic process
The extrinsic process is often referred to as the effects of the environment (such as sun) and other
exposures (such as weather) on the skin.
3. The active ingredients in anti-aging cosmetics
According to their functions or effects, anti-aging cosmetics can be divided into three categories:
moisturizing cosmetics, antioxidant cosmetics and the biological activity of cosmetics. Active
ingredients of different kinds of cosmetics are different. As the study on the bioactive components of
knowledge continues to improve, the active ingredients used in anti-aging cosmetics are increasing.
The ingredients of scavenging free radicals, cell repairing, moisturizing and UV absorption are
discussed here.
3.1. The ingredients of scavenging free radicals
Oxidation is the greatest threat to skin ageing, unhealthy diet, sun, stress, environmental pollution, can
make skin free radicals overflow, resulting in looking bleak, and water lack. Therefore, it’s necessary
to pay attention to the antioxidant in daily life for the health skin.
Vitamin E, vitamin C, superoxide dismutase, coenzyme Q10, zinc sulfate, ferulic acid, green tea,
idebenone, polyphenols and carotenoids are the types of scavenging free radicals ingredients.
Djerassi D [5] found that vitamin E can penetrate into the skin and continue to accumulate, so that
the skin becomes soft and smooth. Vitamin E is a good active substance to prevent light aging. The
effect of sunscreens with vitamin E is more effective, and when the vitamin E and vitamin C are used
in combination, the effect is better. In addition, vitamin E also has effects on anti-aging, inhibiting
erythema solare, reducing wrinkles and anti-inflammatory.
Pinnell S R [6] conducted the skin penetration absorption experiment and found that any form of
vitamin C can be identified and play a role in the body after being converted to ascorbic acid. Hoppe U,
Bergemann J et al. [7] found that a concentration of 0.3% ubiquinone can significantly reduce eye
2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012043
wrinkles depth. There are also documents said, by UV ray irradiation, coenzyme Q10 can inhibit
human fibroblast collagenase expression.
3.2. The ingredients of cell repairing
The decrease of dermal collagen will lead to the decline of skin elasticity and the appearance of
wrinkles. Therefore, promoting the growth of collagen can also alleviate the aging of the skin. Vitamin
A, retinoic acid, tartaric acid, cell growth factor, collagen protein, beta hydroxy acid, beta glucan are
this kind of materials.
Oblong JE, Bissett D L [8] mentioned in their book, retinol and retinyl propionate can effectively
reduce facial wrinkles at low concentrations. Duell E A [9] through the skin permeation experiments
found, retinol skin permeation effect is better than retinol esters, even better than acid. Djerassi D also
found that vitamin A can enhance the skin elasticity, improve complexion and skin texture. Study of
Kafi R, Kwak H S et al. [10] shows that, vitamin A has a good repair capacity of natural aging skin.
Yaar M, Gilchrest B A [11] proved that all trans retinoic acid can improve the fine wrinkles,
pigmentation and depigmentation, facial nevus. Rabe J H, Mamelak A J, McElgunn P J et al. [12] said
that the reason that retinoic acid has the efficacy may be due to the fact they have the ability to
promote the synthesis of collagen.
Bermann P E [13] found that retinoic acid may contribute to the retention of water to increase the
skin. Robert L [14] proved that, long-term use of alpha hydroxy acids (such as glycolic acid, lactic
acid, citric acid, malic acid and so on) can improve the skin wrinkles, roughness and color due to light,
and may also increase the thickness of epidermis, dermis, collagen synthesis induced by the increased
water retention, thereby improving the elasticity of the skin and appearance.
3.3. The ingredients of moisturizing
The decrease of moisture content of the skin will lead to the decline of protease activity, causing the
skin peeling, so moisture is an essential part of anti-aging.
The ingredient of moisturizing is a kind of agent which can lead to the water being attracted to the
horny layer so as to increase the skin moisture content. Moisturizing agents currently used in anti-
aging cosmetics mainly include: pyrrolidone carboxylic acid salt, sorbitol, glycerol, polyethylene
glycol, cholesterol and oleic acid, hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and some microbial fermentation
metabolites. Hyaluronic acid is one of the most widely used.
3.4. UV absorption
The effect of UV radiation on skin can lead to DNA damage directly, the apoptosis or growth arrest.
The light aging and natural aging together, cause the skin barrier degradation and the formation of
wrinkles and pigmentation, which may cause malignant change and other changes. Therefore, a
sunscreen for anti-aging is very necessary. Using ultraviolet light scattering agent or UV absorber can
reduce skin damage caused by the sun.
4. The efficacy evaluation of anti-aging cosmetics
4.1. In vitro evaluation
Determination of free radical scavenging capacity and fibroblast proliferation ability of detection are
in vitro evaluation.
According to the free radical damage theory, the free radical is the main cause of natural aging and
photo-aging skin. Therefore, it’s one of the most important indexes that whether the anti-aging
cosmetics (raw material) have the ability of scavenging free radicals. At present, the free radical
scavenging ability evaluation indexes mainly include: the ability of cleaning 2, 2-diphenyl-1-
picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH), the ability of scavenging hydroxyl free radical and superoxide anion.
Can Xin, Zhenyu Wang et al. [15, 16] measured black water extract and Lonicera edulis ethanol
elution effect on scavenging superoxide anion free radical, hydroxyl radical, DPPH radical,
2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012043
respectively, and confirmed that black bean water extract and ethanol elution of Lonicera edulis have
a good ability of scavenging free radicals, and thus can be used in cosmetics.
4.2. In vivo evaluation
Methods of human evaluation include: expert evaluation, high-quality image analysis, transepidermal
water loss, horny protein changes and clinical data of erythema and dryness and so on [17].
Fu J J J and Hillebrand G [18] through an 8-week, randomized, parallel-group study to compare the
efficacy of a cosmetic moisturizer regimen vs. a prescription regimen with 0.02% tretinoin for
improving the appearance of facial wrinkles, they found that the cosmetic regimen significantly
improved wrinkle appearance after 8 weeks relative to tretinoin, with comparable benefits after 24
weeks. The cosmetic regimen was significantly better tolerated than tretinoin through 8 weeks by all
Watson S, Ogden L F [19] conducted a randomized controlled experimental study on photo-aging
effect of anti-aging cosmetics on skin using a baseline assessment, showing that, 43% of the
volunteers who used testing products for 6 consecutive months, have an improvement on facial
wrinkles. The study also shows that, fibrinogen is the effective biomarkers to repair the leather
damaged by the light.
Liu Xiaoying [20] verified that the brown algae extract have effects on improving wrinkles and
skin elasticity through the methods of using a high resolution UVA camera measuring the optical
properties of skin, the cutometry instrument measuring the elasticity, smoothness, the appearance of
wrinkles of skin .
Lerong Zhao [21] used a cream with green plum-blossom extract for 30 volunteers for 4 weeks, by
measuring the roughness and elasticity of the skin, and found that cream with green plum-blossom
extract can decrease the roughness and the depth of shallow wrinkles of the skin, and strengthen skin
5. Conclusion
As our knowledge and technology continue to grow, more and more active ingredients are found and
used in cosmetics. The mechanism of anti-aging cosmetics according to its active ingredients can be
roughly classified into four kinds, moisturizing, removing free radicals, cell repair and UV absorption
type. For evaluation of the efficacy of anti-aging cosmetics method, it mainly includes in vitro
evaluation and in vivo evaluation. Determination of free radical scavenging capacity and fibroblast
proliferation ability of detection are in vitro evaluation. Methods of human evaluation include: expert
evaluation, high-quality image analysis, transepidermal water loss, horny protein changes and clinical
data of erythema and dryness, etc. It will be an important task to improve the existing evaluation
methods and to develop the new model in the field of anti-aging cosmetics in the future.
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2015 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012043 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012043