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A Platform for Safety Mashup Composition
Carlo Marcelo Revoredo da Silva, Ricardo Batista Rodrigues,
Rafael Roque de Souza and Vinicius Cardoso Garcia
Informatics Center, CIn, Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE, Av. Jornalista Aníbal Fernandes, s/n,
Cidade Universitária, Recife, Brazil
{cmrs, rbr, rss4, vcg}
Keywords: Web Mashups, Security Policies, Information Flow.
Abstract: This article describes the SafeMash project, a platform that provides an environment for the construction,
safe consumption and standardized of Mashups. The platform proposal is to offer functionalities focused in
security aspects regarding the integration between web applications, the users and third parties APIs. Which
is based in one specification to build an standardized Mashup. Those resources are based in security
approaches specified by organizations such as OWASP and OpenMashup Alliance.
With the advent of the Web 2.0, the content
produced and published was no longer for only
reading: now the users interact sharing information
on sites and services that make the data available,
making the web programmable, allowing that
computers and humans work on a cooperative way
(Governor et al., 2009).
In this context, arises the Mashups, applications
able to combine existing functionalities, data and
interfaces in order to reach a more complex goal.
The data from heterogeneous sources are integrated,
normally available through Web Services. The result
of the integration of all service invocations may, for
example, be presented in a site with usability
resources, through technologies such as the
Extensible Markup Language (XML) and
Asynchronous Javascript and XML (Ajax) (Bozzon
et al., 2009).
On the other hand, one of the obstacles is the
lack of standardization, besides; problems related
with security must also be highlighted. According to
(Allen, 2001), we may relate Information Security
with the protection of the set of information aimed to
one organization or user, based in characteristics of
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA),
being applied to all aspects of information and data
Also according to (Allen, 2001), a Security
Policy represents a set of controls established and
that must not be violated, in order to minimize
vulnerabilities in APIs, preventing them from being
exploited by attacks such as the Cross Site Script
(XSS), which is defined as the possibility of
malicious users to inject scripts in the client side,
with huge consequences, such as for example
changes on the graphic interface of the application,
compromising the integrity of the content displayed
(OWASP: XSS, 2013).
According to a group of researchers from the
University of California at Berkeley, the lack of
standardization of APIs is among the ten biggest
obstacles to the adoption of Cloud Computing
solutions (CN) (Armbrust et al., 2009).
Each Content Provider implements the API in its
own way, causing problems of standardization and
divergence between the security offered and desired.
With this, the interfaces present with heterogeneity,
which hinders the insertion of a Security Policy
efficiently, making your users feel afraid to enter
their information, to the extent that the data traffic
are becoming increasingly valuable.
This article has the goal to describe a platform
called SafeMash, presented as an architectural model
that may be applied in any domain that wishes to
execute Mashup compositions. The proposal is to
make available an environment for three main
objectives: (i) sanitize input and output data between
parties involved at Mashup consumption, (ii) where
users can build Mashup with standard specification,
and (iii) analyse the compliance of security policies
intended by Mashup services.
This work is presented with the following
structure: in the section 2, security questions in a
standard Mashup environment are described; in the
section 3 the proposal of our methodology is
presented, and parcial result of an objective of our
proposal. Finally, in the section 4 final conclusions
and future goals are described.
The work is focused in the communication flow
between Mashups and other parties involved. For a
better understanding of the problem, this information
flow will be described, in this section, being
represented as an ecosystem. And finally, the goal is
to research some relevant aspects about information
security in those scenarios.
2.1 The Mashup Ecosystem
The goal of Mashups is to collect several data
through one or more APIs, which are inherent to
third party services, known as Content Providers
(CP). Those data will be transformed in a combined
content, which will be presented as an answer to the
Mashup Consumer (MC) requisition. As an example
scenario, the MC may be a web application that
requires content through a specification made
available by the Mashup site and waits, as an
answer, a graphic, functional component, adaptable
to its graphic interface.
Therefore, being able to interact with user and
application, this kind of component is called a
Widget (Wilson et al., 2012). In Figure 1, a
workflow of a Mashup ecosystem is illustrated,
where the application makes a requisition and
receives, as the answer, a Widget.
2.1.1 The Consumer
For a better understanding, consider that the web
application in the example is a webmail, that has in
its first page a widget that presents itself to the user
as a calendar, coming from an external service called
MashCalendar, which is used by the user to manage
its appointments.
The webmail makes available a section where
the user configures the widget, informing its access
credentials to the MashCalendar service. After
confirming the sending of information, the user is
redirected for the main page. It is in this moment
that the webmail starts its role as a Mashup
2.1.2 The Intermediate
Following the flow, the webmail will communicate
through a specification based interface (Mashup
specification), previously agreed by the managers of
the MashCalendar service and will demand the
calendar for the Mashup application of the
MashCalendar, which will make requisitions with
one or more CP distributed in the web.
For each CP, it will be an obligation of the
Mashup application, that is, of MashCalendar
managers, the implementation of the communication
with each CP respective API.
2.1.3 The Third-Party
Each CP will answer its requisition with a given
data. For example, the application Mashup will
demand information of national or regional holidays,
maps describing the location and transit on the user
displacement to each scheduled meeting, among
other information. Because of that, the Mashup site
will combine those answers, generating this way the
content that the webmail application waits as an
answer, which will result the calendar with the
appointments scheduled by the user.
2.2 Security Issues
Based in this example is possible to consider some
worrying aspects in relation to Security. The first is
when the user gives to the webmail his
MashCalendar credentials, which will need to make
available for the webmail a specification that allows
reliability and integrity of the information that will
An important aspect is related to the answer that
will be generated by MashCalendar, the webmail
must be sure that it will not bring information and
behaviors that might harm the user. Such as XSS or
other attacks such as: Cross Site Request Forgery
(CSRF), which consists in inserting malicious
requisitions in a browser session opened by the user,
allowing it to be stolen, and in that way
compromising its credential confidentiality
(OWASP: CSRF, 2013). Another potential attack
vector for environments with graphical user
interface is an attack known as clickjacking, is when
an attacker uses multiple transparent or opaque
layers that overlap one form to trick the user had the
intention of clicking a link or button that is overlaid
Figure 1: Mashup Ecosystem Workflow.
With this, the attacker "hijacks" user click,
redirecting it to another application or domain.
Nothing prevents this technique is also used to
hijack clicks of a digital keyboard, often used in
internet banking (OWASP: Clickjacking, 2013).
These attack vectors are exploited vulnerabilities
in browsers. Every browser has a security layer in its
architecture, which is based on behavior policies.
One of these is known as the same-origin policy,
that it is a practice where it inhibits JavaScript (JS)
code load HTML documents, forms or frames from
other domains.
However, this does not apply to the loading of
other JS code, potentially able to break this policy
through mechanisms that use XMLHttpRequest
(Barth et al., 2008), such as jQuery (JQuery, 2013),
JSONP (JSONP, 2013) and YQL (YQL, 2013).
In order to reach the goals proposed in this work,
one research was made in literature about the state of
the art of techniques of vulnerability detection and
web applications/services. Publications from Open
Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
(OWASP: Top Ten Project, 2013) and Open
Mashup Alliance (OMA) (Open Mashup Alliance,
2013) are considered as the fundaments for this
work and, in order to ease references, at this work
will be named as specifying organizations (SO).
3.1 Users Scenarios
In Figure 2, based on the previous example, we
present a workflow of same widget consumption,
but running at SafeMash platform. Regarding the
utilization of SafeMash, 3 user scenarios must be
considered: Consumer, Developer and
Administrator, they interact with 4 main components
such as "Sanitization Filter", "Integration Manager",
"Security Policy" and “Services Repository”, which
relate between 14 main actions: “Request Content”,
“Build Mashup”, “Search API/Mashup,”, “Define
Policies”, “Manage Mashup”, “Sanitize Request”,
“Sanitize Response”, “Combines Content”,
“Response Data”, “Integrate Services”, “Get Service
Policies”, “Search Service”, “Process Response” and
“Get Content” as illustrated in Figure 3.
3.1.1 The Consumer User
This scenario happens when one user, guest or
registered, accesses the platform. In this case the
user action will only have the intention to use a
service or composition cataloged or built in the
platform through the resource through the action
“Request Content”. When the content is asked for,
the action called “Search Service” will be used,
which will search services cataloged or built in the
The user request will be monitored by the
component “Sanitization Filter”, where it will be
analyzed with the goal to minimize attacks based in
malicious injections and vulnerabilities. This layer
will use a meta-model based on techniques used by
the SO.
However, it is important to mention that,
independently of the outlook presented, some user
requests, be them in the Consumer, Developer or
Administrator scenario, established by the platform
itself, will be considered inexorable to be measured
by this layer.
The next step will be to redirect the user request
for the Mashups or services requested, where they
will be analyzed by the component “Security
Policies”, with the goal of verifying if the solicited
CP is fulfilling the specified security policy.
This layer is also based on a meta-model based
in the SO recommendations. And finally, the
platform makes the action “Response Content”, to
retrieve the required response in providers contents
spread around the web.
Figure 2: Mashup Ecosystem Workflow at SafeMash Platform.
Figure 3: The main components and actions of SafeMash Architecture.
3.1.2 The Developer User
This scenario happens when the platform is accessed
by a registered user that wishes to create a Mashup.
Available to the user is a control panel that offers
basically three actions:
The first action allows the user to build its
Mashup, where it is possible to insert syntaxes
through the action named “Build Mashup”, making
use of the component “Integration Manager”, with
syntaxes according the specification Enterprise
Markup Mashup Language (EMML), created by the
OMA, based in XML, with the intention to make the
creation of Mashups more homogeneous.
The second action allows the user to search for
available CPs through the action “Search
API/Mashup”, where the user may perform a
semantic filtering and search for contents,
catalogued in the component “Services Repository”,
that it wishes to use to compose its Mashup. These
are then interpreted into action “Integrate Services”.
In this stage, it is also possible to make restrictions
in which the user will specify which security
resources might be considered. From this, the
platform will use the component “Security Policy”
in order to filter by Mashups or APIs that fulfill the
specified resources. The third action allows the user
to attribute a set of policies in its own Mashups,
through the action “Define Policies”. In this context,
it will specify all security resources applied to its
composition. This information will later be analyzed
and tested by the platform administrators.
3.1.3 The Administrator User
An administrator is a user with privileges to perform
an analysis through the action “Manage Mashup” in
each composition created by a Mashup developer.
From that analysis, the proposed composition will be
released or not to the public, through the component
“Security Policies”.
This practice will contribute to other users, that
in the future will consume, to have knowledge about
which security aspects are being considered by it,
thus characterizing the environment of continuous
security and standardization control.
3.2 Proposal Goals
In this section, we present some practices applied on
the platform, which are directed to reach 3 desired
goals by our proposal.
3.2.1 Sanitize Input/Output Flow
As a practical approach, we use a development
release of our component "Sanitization Filter", in
order to observe the impacts to be considered when
it is inserted in real environments.
We develop a simple mashup that consumes a
service through the Yahoo! Weather API (Yahoo!
Weather, 2013), with parameter WOEID assuming
the value 26802884 (City of Recife), where our
component, through action "Sanitize Response," do
a read from a byte array that represents the content
as response.
Upon receiving this response, called the Mashup
our component that makes a filter removing possible
threats in response, for example, XSS, CSRF and
Clickjacking techniques as described in Table 1, and
Table 2 is an example of XSS attack using one of the
techniques mentioned above.
Table 1: Some techniques applied to detect vulnerabilities.
Threat Behavior
Malicious JS codes and
tags; suspect code at JSON
data blocks; HTML and
URI encodeds; Inadequate
uses of eval() or
JSON.parse() functions;
Clickjacking Malicious embed JS;
Overlap suspect elements
HTTP headers suspects;
Tags IMG with suspect
values in “src” attribute.
Table 2: An example of XSS attack using HTML/HEX
3.2.2 Standardize Composition
The Platform users have at their disposal a set of
tools, such as drag and drop elements, a declarative
language, besides a wizard composition, which will
be responsible for any abstract complexity in the
development of a Mashup, through action "integrate
Services ", and consumption, through action"
Combines Content ".
All content of the presentation layer will be
transformed into EMML, bringing an oblique
language between the control layer and presentation
platform. The component "Specification Notation"
will be responsible for performing validations syntax
and operations EMML conversions in the code,
resulting in a more specific language for the domain
logic platform.
3.2.3 Promote Security Policies
The users themselves will describe what type of
security practices should engage external services,
such as the developer can define, through action
"Define Policies" which a particular content of your
Mashup can only be consumed from external service
to perform the traffic content through https, or
Customer may request, through the action "Get
service Policies", the content at issue must be from
an external service that has a well-structured policy
which is committed to ensuring privacy in data
All these settings users will be managed by the
component "Security Policy", and will be
periodically evaluated by the Administrators of the
platform, through the action "Manage Mashup".
In this article we present an environment ecosystem
Mashups, describing benefits and purposes, as well
as their weaknesses regarding security issues and the
lack of standardization in these environments.
As proposal, we present a platform with the
objective of minimizing the obstacles addressed.
Currently, the proposal is in the implementation
stage of its main components and documentation of
architectural decisions.
As future works, the intention is to present the
main non-functional requirements that must be
fulfilled by the platform, in order to define the main
functionalities. For the formal documentation the
intention is to have Use Case Diagrams, which
according to (Fowler, 2003), describe functionalities
through diagrams with Unified Modeling Language
(UML) notation, and that has the objective to
elaborate a documentation describing functionalities
in a graphic and intuitive way.
According an example in Figure 4, which describes
the actions of Consumer, Developer and
Administrator users, and the Behavior of the
“Sanitization Layer” and “Policy Layer”
components in the SafeMash Platform.
Figure 4: UML Use Case Diagram of SafeMash Actors.
Additional, we are developing two artifacts in
low-level details: one which documents the main
components and their relationships in the
architecture, and one which specifies the layered
architecture known as Layered View, which
according to (Bachmann et al., 2001) provides
greater flexibility in development since the
architecture subdivides into distinct layers,
facilitating the identification of the main features of
the system and assists in the practice of reuse.
And we intend to present experimentations of the
main components of the platform in real
environments, using formal techniques to metric in
an experiment in order to obtain satisfactory results
in our goals.
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