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Multiscale modelling of the textile composite materials


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents an initial computational multiscale modelling of the fibre-reinforced composite materials. This study will constitute an initial building block of the computational framework, developed for the DURCOMP (providing confidence in durable composites) EPSRC project, the ultimate goal of which is the use of advance composites in the construction industry, while concentrating on its major limiting factor " durability ". The use of multiscale modelling gives directly the macroscopic constitutive behaviour of the structures based on its microscopically heterogeneous representative volume element (RVE). The RVE is analysed using the University of Glasgow in-house parallel computational tool, MoFEM (Mesh Oriented Finite Element Method), which is a C++ based finite-element code. A single layered plain weave is used to model the textile geometry. The geometry of the RVE mainly consists of two parts, the fibre bundles and matrix, and is modelled with CUBIT, which is a software package for the creation of parameterised geometries and meshes. Elliptical cross sections and cubic splines are used respectively to model the cross sections and paths of the fibre bundles, which are the main components of the yarn geometry. In this analysis, transversely isotropic material is introduced for the fibre bundles, and elastic material is used for the matrix part. The directions of the fibre bundles are calculated using a potential flow analysis across the fibre bundles, which are then used to define the principal direction for the transversely isotropic material. The macroscopic strain field is applied using linear displacement boundary conditions. Furthermore, appropriate interface conditions are used between the fibre bundles and the matrix.
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Proceedings of the 22nd UK Conference of the
Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering
2-4April2014,University ofExeter,Exeter
*Zahur Ullah, Łukasz Kaczmarczyk, Michael Cortis and Chris J. Pearce
School of Engineering, Rankine Building, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, G12 8LT
This paper presents an initial computational multiscale modelling of the fibre-reinforced composite ma-
terials. This study will constitute an initial building block of the computational framework, developed
for the DURCOMP (providing confidence in durable composites)EPSRCproject,theultimategoalof
which is the use of advance composites in the construction industry, while concentrating on its major
limiting factor ”durability”. The use of multiscale modelling gives directly the macroscopic constitutive
behaviour of the structures based on its microscopically heterogeneous representative volume element
(RVE). The RVE is analysed using the University of Glasgow in-house parallel computational tool,
MoFEM (Mesh Oriented Finite Element Method), which is a C++ based finite-element code. A single
layered plain weave is used to model the textile geometry. ThegeometryoftheRVEmainlyconsistsof
two parts, the fibre bundles and matrix, and is modelled with CUBIT, which is a software package for
the creation of parameterised geometries and meshes. Elliptical cross sections and cubic splines are used
respectively to model the cross sections and paths of the fibrebundles,whicharethemaincomponents
of the yarn geometry. In this analysis, transversely isotropic material is introduced for the fibre bundles,
and elastic material is used for the matrix part. The directions of the fibre bundles are calculated using
apotentialflowanalysisacrossthefibrebundles,whicharethen used to define the principal direction
for the transversely isotropic material. The macroscopic strain field is applied using linear displacement
boundary conditions. Furthermore, appropriate interface conditions are used between the fibre bundles
and the matrix.
Key Words: multiscale modelling; composite material; Transverse isotropy; MoFEM; CUBIT
1. Introduction
Conventional materials, e.g. steel, aluminium and metallicalloyscannolongersatisfythedemandsfor
materials with exceptional mechanical properties and ultimately requires the design of new material [1].
These new materials are designed by changing their microconstituents at a scale, which is very small
as compared to the physical structures. Due to the complicated micro-structure of these materials, direct
macro-level modelling is not possible and requires a detailed modelling at the micro-level. Textile or fab-
ric composites is a class of these new materials which provides full flexibility of design and functionality
due to the mature textile manufacturing industry and is commonly used in many engineering applica-
tions, including ships, aircrafts, automobiles, civil structures and prosthetics [2]. Numerous analytical
and computational methods have been proposed to analyse textile composite materials, which includes
the calculation of the overall macro homogenised response and properties from the micro-heterogeneous
representative value element (RVE) [3] and is often referredasmicro-to-macrotransitionorhomogeni-
sation [4].
This paper presents the computational multiscale modellingofthetextilecomposites,usingtheUniver-
sity of Glasgow in-house computational tool MoFEM. The RVE inthiscaseconsistsoffibrebundles
and matrix, which is modelled and meshed in CUBIT using a Python parametrized script. CUBIT also
facilitates the insertion of interfaces between the fibres and matrix. Transversely isotropic material are
used for the fibres and isotropic martial are used for the matrix. Five material parameters are required
for the transversely isotropic material, i.e. Ep,νp,Ez,νpz and Gzp where Epand νpare Young’s mod-
ulus and Poisson’s ratio in the transverse direction respectively, while Ez,νpz and Gzp are the Young’s
modulus, Poisson’s ratio and shear modulus in the fibre directions respectively. For the matrix part, only
two material parameters are required, i.e. Young’s modulus Eand Poisson’s ratio ν.Although,periodic
boundary conditions [5, 6] gives better estimates of the homogenised response and properties as com-
pared to traction and linear displacement boundary conditions, linear displacement boundary conditions
are used in this paper due to its simple implementation. This will subsequently be extended to periodic
boundary conditions in future work. Fibre directions are calculated at each integration point by solving
2. Theoretical background
Computational multiscale modelling is used in this paper to analyse the textile composite ma-
terials, in which a heterogeneous RVE is associated with eachintegrationpointofthemacro-
homogenous structure as shown in Figure 1, in which BR3and BR3are macro and mi-
cro domains respectively. The calculation of the RVE boundary conditions from the macro-strain
integration point
hgap warp
hgap weft
Figure 1: Transition from macro-to-micro and micro-to-macro
ε=!ε11 ε22 ε33 2ε12 2ε23 2ε31 "Tat macroscopic integration point x=!x1x2x3"T
is known as macro-to-micro transition, while subsequent calculation of the homogenised stress σ=
!σ11 σ22 σ33 σ12 σ23 σ31 "Tand tangent moduli is known as micro-to-macro transition. The
macro-strain is applied as linear displacement boundary conditions, which leads to satisfaction of Hill-
Mandel principle [7], i.e.
where Vis the volume of the RVE, while σand εare stresses and strains associated with a point y=
!y1y2y3"Tof the RVE. The micro displacement field u=!u1u2u3"T,iswrittenas
where uis known as Taylor displacements and $
uis the unknown displacement fluctuations. The Taylor
component is written as
where nis the number of nodes and Diis the coordinate matrix and is given as [4]
Finally, the homogenised stress is calculated as
where nbis the number of nodes on the boundary Bof the RVE, and fext
iis the external nodal force
3. Numerical example
AsampleRVE,whichwasusedin[2],isusedherewiththesamegeometrical and material parameters,
as shown in Figure 1, where the subscripts warp and weft represent the corresponding directions of
fibre bundles. The geometrical and material parameters are defined in Table 1. This RVE is referred
Parameters Values Parameters Values
Wwar p 0.3 Wwe f t 0.3
Hwar p 0.1514 Hwe f t 0.0757
hgap war p 0.09 hgap we f t 1.2
LRVE 3.0 vgap 0.012
WRVE 0.8
HRVE 0.3
Fibres properties Matrix Properties
EpEzνpνzGpz Eν
40 270 0.26 0.26 24 35 0.35
Table 1: RE V g e o m e t r i c al and mate r i a l p r o p e r ties (a l l d i m e n sions in mm while Eand Gare in GPa)
(a) Textile RVE (b) 0/90 non-crimp RVE
oo(c) Fibres directions
Figure 2: Crimp and non-crimp RVEs and sample fibre directions
as unbalanced, where the dimensions of fibre bundles are dierent in warp and weft directions. The
manufacturing processes and crossing of the warp and weft yarn will lead to non-circular cross sections
of the fibre bundles; therefore, elliptical cross sections are used in this paper, which are then sweeped
over the cubic spline fibres’ path to generate the fibres. Four-node tetrahedral elements are used for both
the fibre bundles and the matrix, while six-nodes prism elements are used as an interface between fibres
and matrix.
The textile RVE is analysed using two dierent meshes with 41,193 and 106,011 DOFs and is subjected
to 1 % strain in xdirection, i.e. εxx.ThefinestmeshandcoordinatessystemareshowninFigure2(a),
where xand zare warp and weft directions respectively, while sample fibredirectionsvectorareshown
in Figure 2(c). The resulting homogenised stress σxx versus applied strain εxx for the two meshes and a
reference value from [2] are shown in Table 2, in which Mesh-2 with 106,011 DOFs provides satisfactory
results. The small dierence between current and reference results may be due to theuseoflenticular
cross-sections for the fibres, use of 8-node 3D linear brick element and 4- node linear tetrahedron ele-
ment for fibres and matrix respectively and the use of perfect bonding between fibres and matrix in [2].
Furthermore, The eect of fibres dimensions and crimp pattern are analysed, for which a new 0o/90o
non-crimp RVE with 103,095 DOFs (shown in Figure 2(b)) is generated and is subjected to the same
strain state. Comparison of the homogenised stress σxx for both crimp and non-crimp RVEs are given
in Table 3, where relatively lower value of homogenised stresses σxx in the crimp RVE is due to the
waviness of the fibre bundles. Furthermore, both crimp and non-crimp RVEs are subjected to 1 % strain
in zdirection, i.e. εzz and comparison of their homogenised stress in the zdirection, i.e. σzz are shown in
Tab l e 3, where aga in σzz is lower for the crimp RVE. Due to the small size and higher waviness of the
weft fibre bundles, the values of σzz are relatively smaller than the corresponding values of σxx.
σxx (MPa)
εxx (%) Mesh-1 Mesh-2 Reference
1749.82 508.771 541.278
Table 2 : σxx versus εxx for dierent mesh levels
σxx (MPa) σzz (MPa)
εxx (%) Crimp Non-Crimp εzz (%) Crimp Non-Crimp
1508.771 751.507 183.9317 125.065
Table 3: Co m p a r i s o n o f σxx versus εxx and σzz versus εzz for crimp and non-crimp RVE
4. Conclusions
This paper described an initial computational modelling framework for the DURACOMP project. Tex-
tile composite RVE geometry, which consists of two parts, i.e. fibre bundles and matrix is modelled and
meshed using CUBIT, where fibres are modelled using cubic spline with elliptical cross sections. The
University of Glasgow in-house computational tool MoFEM is used to analyse the RVE using trans-
versely isotropic material for the fibre bundles and isotropic material for the matrix. Linear displacement
boundary conditions and elastic interfaces between fibre bundles and matrix are used in this paper. Direc-
tion of the fibre bundles are calculated using a potential flow analysis. Two dierent level of meshes are
used to solve the RVE, and it is found that the homogenised stress calculated in the case of Mesh-2 are in
crimp RVE is lower than the corresponding non-crimp RVE. Furthermore, it is also observed that due to
the relatively smaller dimensions and more waviness patternfortheweftfibrebundles,thehomogenised
stress σzz is lower than the corresponding stress σxx in the warp direction.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council through the Providing Confidence in Durable Composites (DURACOMP) project (Grant Ref.:
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... Furthermore, nonlinearities associated with the matrix elasto-plasticity and fibre-matrix decohesion make the computational modelling even more challenging. Multiscale computational homogenisation (CH) provides an accurate modelling framework to simulate the behaviour of FRP composites and determine the macro-scale homogenised (or effective) response, based on the physics of an underlying, microscopically heterogeneous, representative volume element (RVE) [4][5][6][7][8][9]3]. The homogenised properties calculated from the multi-scale CH are subsequently used in the numerical analysis of the macro-level structures. ...
... An alternative approach is used in this paper, in which the yarns directions are determined by solving the potential flow along these yarns. A detailed description of this approach and how to transfer the stiffness matrix from the local to global coordinate axes is given in [6,3,[7][8][9]]. ...
Full-text available
A three-dimensional multi-scale computational homogenisation framework is developed for the prediction of nonlinear micro/meso-mechanical response of the fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Two dominant damage mechanisms, i.e. matrix elasto-plastic response and fibre-matrix decohesion are considered and modelled using a non-associative pressure dependent paraboloidal yield criterion and cohesive interface elements respectively. A linear-elastic transversely isotropic material model is used to model yarns/fibres within the representative volume element (RVE). A unified approach is used to impose the RVE boundary conditions, which allows convenient switching between linear displacement, uniform traction and periodic boundary conditions. The computational model is implemented within the framework of the hierarchic finite element, which permits the use of arbitrary orders of approximation. Furthermore, the computational framework is designed to take advantage of distributed memory high-performance computing. The accuracy and performance of the computational framework are demonstrated with a variety of numerical examples, including unidirectional FRP composite, a composite comprising a multi-fibre and multi-layer RVE, with randomly generated fibres, and a single layered plain weave textile composite. Results are validated against the reference experimental/numerical results from the literature. The computational framework is also used to study the effect of matrix and fibre-matrix interfaces properties on the homogenised stress-strain responses.
... Due to their complicated and heterogeneous microstructure, Computational Homogenisation (CH) provides an accurate modelling framework to simulate the behaviour of FRP composites and determine the macro-scale homogenised (or effective) properties, including mechanical stiffness, thermal conductivity and moisture diffusivity, based on the physics of an underlying, microscopically heterogeneous, representative volume element (RVE) [6][7][8][9][10]. ...
Full-text available
A coupled hygro-thermo-mechanical computational model is proposed for fibre reinforced polymers, formulated within the framework of Computational Homogenisation (CH). At each macrostructure Gauss point, constitutive matrices for thermal, moisture transport and mechanical responses are calculated from CH of the underlying representative volume element (RVE). A degradation model, developed from experimental data relating evolution of mechanical properties over time for a given exposure temperature and moisture concentration is also developed and incorporated in the proposed computational model. A unified approach is used to impose the RVE boundary conditions, which allows convenient switching between linear Dirichlet, uniform Neumann and periodic boundary conditions. A plain weave textile composite RVE consisting of yarns embedded in a matrix is considered in this case. Matrix and yarns are considered as isotropic and transversely isotropic materials respectively. Furthermore, the computational framework utilises hierarchic basis functions and designed to take advantage of distributed memory high-performance computing.
A three-dimensional multi-fibre multi-layer micromechanical finite element model was developed for the prediction of mechanical behaviour and damage response of composite laminates. Material response and micro-scale damage mechanism of cross-ply, [0/90]ns, and angle-ply, [±45]ns, glass-fibre/epoxy laminates were captured using multi-scale modelling via computational micromechanics. The framework of the homogenization theory for periodic media was used for the analysis of the proposed ‘multi-fibre multi-layer representative volume element’ (M2RVE). Each layer in M2RVE was represented by a unit cube with multiple randomly distributed, but longitudinally aligned, fibres of equal diameter and with a volume fraction corresponding to that of each lamina (equal in the present case). Periodic boundary conditions were applied to all the faces of the M2RVE. The non-homogeneous stress–strain fields within the M2RVE were related to the average stresses and strains by using Gauss’ theorem in conjunction with the Hill–Mandal strain energy equivalence principle. The global material response predicted by the M2RVE was found to be in good agreement with experimental results for both laminates. The model was used to study effect of matrix friction angle and cohesive strength of the fibre–matrix interface on the global material response. In addition, the M2RVE was also used to predict initiation and propagation of fibre–matrix interfacial decohesion and propagation at every point in the laminae.
In theories of the overall mechanical behaviour of polycrystals, composites, or other heterogeneous media, the transition from microscopic to macroscopic levels depends on finding connexions between suitably defined macro-variables and volume averages of microfields over a representative sample. Some connexions are established here for unrestricted deformation and internal rotations, without regard to constitutive properties. General measures of stress and finite strain are considered, together with objective fluxes of stress. The comparative advantages of such variables are assessed, more especially in relation to the averaging of tensor products. A bilinear differential form, akin to Poincare's integral invariant in Hamiltonian dynamics, plays an important role in the analysis.
Formulation of the scale transition equations coupling the microscopic and macroscopic variables in the second-order computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials and the enforcement of generalized boundary conditions for the representative volume element (RVE) are considered. The proposed formulation builds on current approaches by allowing any type of RVE boundary conditions (e.g. displacement, traction, periodic) and arbitrary shapes of RVE to be applied in a unified manner. The formulation offers a useful geometric interpretation for the assumptions associated with the microstructural displacement fluctuation field within the RVE, which is here extended to second-order computational homogenization. A unified approach to the enforcement of the boundary conditions has been undertaken using multiple constraint projection matrices. The results of an illustrative shear layer model problem indicate that the displacement and traction RVE boundary conditions provide the upper and lower bounds of the response determined via second-order computational homogenization, and the solution associated with the periodic RVE boundary conditions lies between them. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
 The paper investigates algorithms for the computation of homogenized stresses and overall tangent moduli of microstructures undergoing small strains. Typically, these microstructures define representative volumes of nonlinear heterogeneous materials such as inelastic composites, polycrystalline aggregates or particle assemblies. We consider a priori given discretized microstructures, without focusing on details of specific discretization techniques in space and time. The key contribution of the paper is the construction of a family of algorithms and matrix representations of the overall properties of discretized microstructures. It is shown that the overall stresses and tangent moduli of a typical microstructure may exclusively be defined in terms of discrete forces and stiffness properties on the boundary. We focus on deformation-driven microstructures, where the overall macroscopic deformation is controlled. In this context, three classical types of boundary conditions are investigated: (i) linear displacements, (ii) constant tractions and (iii) periodic displacements and antiperiodic tractions. Incorporated by the Lagrangian multiplier method, these constraints generate three classes of algorithms for the computation of equilibrium states and the overall properties of microstructures. The proposed algorithms and matrix representations of the overall properties are formally independent of the interior spatial structure and the local constitutive response of the microstructure and are therefore applicable to a broad class of model problems. We demonstrate their performance for some representative model problems including elastic–plastic deformations of composite materials.
Multi-scale modeling of textile composites
  • T W Chua
T. W. Chua. Multi-scale modeling of textile composites. Master's thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, January 2011.
  • D Perić
  • E A De Souza Neto
  • A J Molina
  • M Partovi
D. Perić, E.A. de Souza Neto, A.J. Carneiro Molina, and M. Partovi. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, volume 7, pages 165-185. Springer Netherlands, 2007.