... In this direction, within the framework of Economics and economic psychology, researches are conducted by such scientists as: Grishina N. P., 2012;Mordashkina Yu., 2013;Goretskaya V. A., 2014;Korshunova G. V., Nemtsev A. D., and Romanova L. E., 2017;Cechin V. V., 2017, etc.). As for foreign researchers, it is worthwhile mentioning such researchers as Loewenstcin, 1996;Carmon, Z. and Ariely, D. 2000;Wertenbroch, K. 2002, Ariely, Loewenstein, andPrelec, 2003;Ariely, D., Bracha, A., and L'Huillier, J.-P. 2010;Shiv B., Carmon Z., and Ariely D., 2005;Samson, A., 2015. Individual cognitive features along with perception, memory and thinking (Kornilova, 2002;Vavilov, 2005;Nenasheva, 2009), which influence the financial decision-making process, include cognitive style as well. ...