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The capacity of the human iliotibial band to store elastic energy during
Carolyn M. Eng
, Allison S. Arnold
, Daniel E. Lieberman
, Andrew A. Biewener
Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
article info
Article history:
Accepted 15 June 2015
Elastic energy storage
Iliotibial band
Musculoskeletal modeling
The human iliotibial band (ITB) is a poorly understood fascial structure that may contribute to energy
savings during locomotion. This study evaluated the capacity of the ITB to store and release elastic energy
during running, at speeds ranging from 25 m/s, using a model that characterizes the three-dimensional
musculoskeletal geometry of the human lower limb and the forcelength properties of the ITB, tensor
fascia lata (TFL), and gluteus maximus (GMax). The model was based on detailed analyses of muscle
architecture, dissections of 3-D anatomy, and measurements of the muscles' moment arms about the hip
and knee in ve cadaveric specimens. The model was used, in combination with measured joint kine-
matics and published EMG recordings, to estimate the forces and corresponding strains in the ITB during
running. We found that forces generated by TFL and GMax during running stretch the ITB substantially,
resulting in energy storage. Anterior and posterior regions of the ITB muscletendon units (MTUs) show
distinct length change patterns, in part due to different moment arms at the hip and knee. The posterior
ITB MTU likely stores more energy than the anterior ITB MTU because it transmits larger muscle forces.
We estimate that the ITB stores about 1 J of energy per stride during slow running and 7 J during fast
running, which represents approximately 14% of the energy stored in the Achilles tendon at a compar-
able speed. This previously unrecognized mechanism for storing elastic energy may be an adaptation to
increase human locomotor economy.
&2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Because bipedalism is a fundamental derived feature of homi-
nins (species more closely related to humans than chimpanzees),
many distinctive features of the human spine and lower extremity
are adaptations to improve bipedal locomotor performance. Many
adaptations for standing and walking, for example, appear early in
hominin evolution including a inferiorly-oriented foramen mag-
num, a lordotic lumbar spine, and a sagittally-oriented ilium (see
Aiello and Dean (1990) and Zollikofer et al. (2005)). Additional
features that rst appear later in the genus Homo may reect
selection for endurance running, including a stabilized sacroiliac
joint, an expanded attachment of gluteus maximus, and shorter
toes (Bramble and Lieberman, 2004;Lieberman et al., 2006;Rolian
et al., 2009). Although the selective factors underlying the evolu-
tion of both walking and running are debated, it is likely that
locomotor economy played a key role. Hypothesized energy-
saving features for walking include long legs and dorsally oriented
ischia (Crompton et al., 1998;Pontzer et al., 2009;Robinson, 1972;
Sockol et al., 2007). Energy saving features for running in the
genus Homo include a long, compliant Achilles tendon and a
spring-like median longitudinal arch, which are known to store
and recover elastic energy during running in other vertebrates
(Biewener, 2003;Ker et al., 1987;Roberts, 2002). In addition, the
human lower extremity has a number of fascial structures with
elastic properties that are not present in apes, but whether these
structures store energy or serve another function remains poorly
One of the most interesting of these structures is the iliotibial
band (ITB). The ITB is a thickening of the lateral fascia of the thigh
that originates on the pelvis and inserts on the tibia; it receives
muscle bers from the tensor fascia lata (TFL) anteriorly and from
the gluteus maximus (GMax) posteriorly (Gottschalk et al., 1989;
Gray et al., 1995;Kaplan, 1958;Ober, 1936;Stern, 1972). The ITB is
traditionally considered to function as a strutduring walking,
stabilizing the hip in the frontal plane (Gottschalk et al., 1989;
Inman, 1947;Kaplan, 1958). However, the high compliance of the
ITB (Butler et al., 1984;Derwin et al., 2008;Gratz, 1931), the fact
that it crosses both the hip and knee, and the presence of in-series
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0021-9290/&2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Correspondence to: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown
University, 34 Olive St., Box G-B204, Providence, RI 02912, USA.
E-mail address: (C.M. Eng).
Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 33413348
muscles suggest that the ITB may play other roles. If the ITB
stretches substantially while transmitting muscle forces, storing
elastic energy, then it may decrease the metabolic cost of loco-
motion. Prior studies have estimated that energy recovered from
the Achilles tendon during running reduces muscle work by as
much as 35% (Alexander and Bennet-Clark, 1977;Ker et al., 1987).
Whether the ITB also stores and recovers elastic energy, and how
this compares to Achilles tendon energy recovery, is unknown.
As a rst step toward evaluating the ITB's role in locomotor
economy, this study examined the capacity of the ITB to store
elastic energy at running speeds ranging from 2 to 5 m/s. We
hypothesized that forces generated by TFL and GMax stretch the
ITB during running, storing elastic energy that may be recovered
later in the stride. We tested this hypothesis by developing a
musculoskeletal model of the ITB and inserting muscles. Our
model characterizes the 3-D skeletal geometry, the hip and knee
kinematics, and the attachments and forcelength (FL) properties
of the ITB, TFL and GMax for an average-sized adult male (femur
length: 39.8 cm; tibia length: 36.2 cm). Because existing repre-
sentations of TFL and GMax were not sufciently accurate for this
study, we performed detailed analyses of these muscles' archi-
tecture and measured their moment arms (MAs) about the hip and
knee in cadaveric specimens. The TFL has largely been neglected in
previous studies of muscle architecture (e.g., Ward et al. (2009)
and Wickiewicz et al. (1983)) and locomotor function (e.g., Dorn
et al. (2012) and Sasaki and Neptune (2006)), despite being active
during running (Andersson et al., 1997;Mann et al., 1986;Mon-
tgomery et al., 1994;Paré et al., 1981). GMax is routinely modeled
as a uniarticular hip extensor that inserts on the femur (e.g.,
Arnold et al. (2010) and Delp et al. (1990)), despite evidence that a
substantial portion of GMax inserts on the ITB (Gray et al., 1995;
Stern, 1972). Our rened musculoskeletal model, which addresses
these limitations, is available on SimTK ( Using this
model, we estimated the forces transmitted to anterior and pos-
terior regions of the ITB at body positions corresponding to run-
ning, predicted the length changes of each region, and calculated
the corresponding ITB strain energies over the course of a stride
based on published measurements of the tissue's elastic modulus
(Butler et al., 1984;Derwin et al., 2008).
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Muscle architecture measurements
We characterized the isometric force-generating capacity of TFL
and GMax based on measurements of muscle architecture in three
formalin-xed human cadavers (Table 1). Specimens were dis-
sected and the muscles isolated and removed. Total mass (M)of
each muscle was measured; in addition, the masses of four regions
of the GMax were measured separately. A muscle fascicle was
carefully dissected from each region of GMax and from two
regions of TFL and the fascicle lengths (L
) measured. Surface
pennation angles between the fascicles and ITB were also mea-
sured. Under magnication, muscle ber bundles were isolated
from each fascicle and mounted on slides. Following Lieber et al.
(1990), bundle sarcomere length (L
') was determined by laser
diffraction and used to calculate optimal fascicle length (L
LL m
=‵ ()
where 2.7
m is the optimal sarcomere length for human muscle
(Lieber et al., 1994). Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA)was
calculated from muscle mass and optimal fascicle length (Powell
et al., 1984)
is muscle density (1.056 g/cm
;Mendez and Keys, 1960).
Our architecture data for GMax are consistent with data reported
by Ward et al. (2009).
2.2. Muscle moment arm measurements
We measured MAs of the muscle-ITB paths in ve fresh frozen
cadaveric hemi-pelvises obtained from MedCure (Portland, OR).
MAs were determined for hip ex/extension, rotation, ab/adduc-
tion, and knee ex/extension using the tendon excursion method
(An et al., 1984;Brand et al., 1975). We approximated TFL with two
Kevlar thread paths (Fig. 1A and B) and GMax with four paths
(Fig. 1A and C). The ITB was left intact during these measurements.
Each thread was anchored to a screw eye at the path's insertion,
routed over the ITB through plastic tubing to a screw eye at the
path's origin, and attached to one of two cable-extension position
transducers (PTX101, Celesco, Canoga Park, CA) that measured
length changes with an accuracy of 70.32 mm while applying a
tension of 1.4 or 2.8 N. The tubing ensured a repeatable path along
the surface of the ITB and decreased friction. Detailed procedures
for dening each path are described in Supplementary materials.
Hip and knee angles were measured simultaneously with
muscle-ITB length changes using a motion tracking system (Pol-
hemus Fastrak, Colchester, VT) and custom software (LabView,
National Instruments Corporation, Austin, TX). Receivers were
rigidly attached to the pelvis, femur, and tibia to track the seg-
ments' positions and orientations. Segment coordinate systems
were dened along anatomical axes by digitizing bony landmarks
and determining the hip center (Fig. S1), as described in the
Supplementary materials. For each muscle-ITB path, we digitized
the origin, insertion and key viapoints that constrained the path
with hip or knee motion. We also tracked the relative motions of
nine marker pairs sutured along the ITB using high-speed video.
These data guided development of the model and were analyzed
to determine the hip and knee angles at which the anterior and
posterior ITB began to stretch.
Each specimen was mounted in a custom frame (Fig. 2) that
allowed independent control of hip ex/extension, rotation, ab/
adduction, and knee exion following Arnold et al. (2000).
Alignment and mounting of the specimen comprised four main
steps, each performed with real-time feedback to ensure that the
pelvis, femur, and tibia were secured to within 5 mm and 2°of the
desired alignment. First, the pelvis was secured to a table and
aligned with either its medial-lateral axis (for ex/extension MAs)
or anteriorposterior axis (for ab/adduction MAs) perpendicular to
the table. Second, the femur was mounted on a cart equipped with
two concentric rings. The femur was secured to the inner ring so
that the femur's long axis (from hip center to the midpoint
between femoral epicondyles) was centered perpendicular to the
plane of the rings. Third, the base of the cart was adjusted so that
Table 1
Muscle architecture of tensor fascia lata (TFL) and gluteus maximus (GMax).
Muscle Mass (g) Optimal fascicle
length (cm)
Pennation angle
TFL 35.579.6 9.8 70.7 1.171.1 3.271. 0
GMax 412.1769.7 14.4 70.7 26.375.0 30.6 75.1
Data from 3 elderly cadaveric specimens (2 male, 1 female; mean age: 7876 years)
are expressed as mean7s.e.m.
Pennation angle is not included in the PCSA calculation since our SIMM model
multiplies PCSA, specic tension, and pennation angle to determine a muscle's
maximum isometric force.
C.M. Eng et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 334133483342
its wheels rolled in an arc about the specimen's hip center. Fourth,
the tibia was secured to a locking hinge attached to the inner ring.
When measuring knee MAs, the hinge was removed and the tibia
was exed and extended. When measuring hip rotation MAs, the
inner ring was rotated relative to the outer ring, which internally
and externally rotated the hip. When measuring hip ex/extension
or ab/adduction MAs, the cart was rotated about the specimen's
hip center, thereby ex/extending or ab/adducting the hip. When
measuring MAs about one axis, the other axes were locked in a
neutral position (hip exion¼0°, hip rotation ¼5°, hip
adduction¼0°, knee exion¼0°). To verify alignment, we mon-
itored coupling of hip angles and ensured that hip adduction
varied o2°and hip rotationo4°over a 75°range of exion. When
the specimen was aligned for hip ab/adduction, we ensured that
hip exion varied o2°and hip rotation o4°over a 50°range of
To measure muscle-ITB MAs, the excursion of each thread path
was recorded while slowly moving the specimen through its range
of hip and knee motion. Excursion and joint angle data were
sampled at 10 Hz (National Instruments BNC-2090 A/D converter).
The lengthening excursion versus joint angle data were t with a
fourth order polynomial, and the derivative of the polynomial was
averaged across trials to estimate the MA. A minimum of ve trials
was collected for each condition.
Following MA measurements, muscles were freed, cleaned of
fat and connective tissue, and weighed (Table 2). In two speci-
mens, the regions of GMax were carefully dissected to determine
the relative masses of the portions that insert on the ITB versus the
2.3. Model of TFL, Gmax, and ITB F-L properties
We modied the paths of TFL and GMax muscletendon units
(MTUs) in the model reported by Arnold et al. (2010) to match our
digitized attachments and MA data (Fig. 3). Using SIMM (Software
Fig. 1. (A) Lateral view of the human ITB showing paths of the inserting muscles, TFL and GMax, as characterized during the moment arm measurements, (B) Lateral diagram
showing the anterior and posterior paths of TFL and (C) Posterior diagram showing the superior (Gmax1,2) and inferior (GMax3,4) regions of GMax. Muscle-ITB paths are
described in the Supplementary materials.
Fig. 2. Hardware and procedure for measuring hip ab/adduction and rotation
moment arms. The hardware consisted of a xed table for aligning and securing the
pelvis, an adjustable cart for moving the femur through a range of hip ab/adduction
angles, and a set of concentric rings for rotating the femur about its mechanical
axis, following Arnold et al. (2000). Receivers (shown in gray) were rigidly attached
to the pelvis, femur, and tibia to track their motions in real time. (1) The pelvis was
secured to a xed table with its anteriorposterior axis perpendicular to the table,
(2) the femur was secured to the inner of the two rings so that the femur's long axis
was centered perpendicular to the plane of the rings, (3) the bases of the cart were
adjusted so that the cart's wheels rolled in an arc about the specimen's hip joint
center and (4) the tibia was secured to a locking hinge. Hip ex/extension moment
arms were measured by re-orienting the pelvis on the table so that its medial-
lateral axis was perpendicular to the table. More details are provided in the Sup-
plementary materials.
C.M. Eng et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 33413348 3343
for Interactive Musculoskeletal Modeling, v7.0, MusculoGraphics,
Santa Rosa, CA), we initially created two paths for TFL and eight for
GMax (four to the ITB and four to the femur). Via points and
wrapping surfaces were iteratively adjusted so that the model's
paths reproduced the three-dimensional paths digitized during
the experiments and the model's MAs matched the experimentally
determined MAs. Because the model's MAs are extremely con-
sistent with our experimental data (Fig. 4 and S2), we are con-
dent that the model accurately predicts length changes of these
To estimate strain in regions of the ITB during running, we
created three additional MTUs, representative of the major paths
of ITB force transmission determined from our experiments
(Fig. 3B and C). One path accounts for force transmitted by the
anterior ITB when TFL is active (TFL-ITB
). The other paths
account for the cumulative force transmitted by the posterior ITB
when superior (GMax1,2-ITB
) or inferior (GMax3,4-ITB
portions of GMax are active. Attachments and via points of each
path were iteratively adjusted to yield average MAs of the com-
bined MTUs (Fig. 4). This model represents the muscles as inde-
pendent, proximal-to-distal MTUs, even though the ITB is multi-
layered and loaded from different directions, based on detailed
dissections and on biaxial testing of goat fascia lata, which showed
that the fascia's material properties are not strongly inuenced by
its biaxial strain environment (Eng et al., 2014).
We used a Hill-type muscle model (Delp et al., 1990;Zajac,
1989) to estimate isometric forces generated by TFL-ITB
and GMax3,4-ITB
at different activation
levels. Two parameters, maximum isometric force (F
) and
optimal ber length (L
), scaled normalized active and passive F
Lcurves to each muscle (Table S1). F
and an additional para-
meter, tendon slack length (L
), scaled a normalized tendonFL
curve to each MTU. We specied parameters for each MTU based
on our architecture measurements and data reported by Ward
et al. (2009). We adjusted L
such that ITB
and ITB
began to
stretch passively at hip and knee angles consistent with our
experimental data.
For each MTU, we created a normalized FLcurve for the ITB
(Fig. 5) based on published material properties of the human ITB
(Butler et al., 1984;Derwin et al., 2008). We assumed a transition
strain of 3% based on data from goat fascia lata (Eng et al., 2014).
Above 3% strain, we assumed a linear relationship between force
and strain with a normalized stiffness
determined using the
ITB's elastic modulus (E), the muscle's F
, and the ITB's effective
cross-sectional area (a):
The effective cross-sectional area of the ITB was calculated from
measurements of thickness and width in cadaveric specimens (see
Table S2). The width of each ITB region was measured while pla-
cing tension on the inserting muscle and visually assessing ITB
strain. We used an elastic modulus of 400 MPa, which is consistent
with values reported in the literature (Butler et al., 1984;Derwin
et al., 2008;Hammer et al., 2012;Steinke et al., 2012). Below 3%
strain, in the toe region, we decreased stiffness by a factor of 2/3.
At F
the ITB strains 511% in our model, which seems plausible
given the range of yield strains reported in the literature (1027%;
(Butler et al., 1984;Hammer et al., 2012;Hinton et al., 1992). The
regional variation in strain at F
is consistent with our mea-
surements of ITB thickness, which are relatively uniform in ante-
rior and posterior regions despite the fact that the inserting
muscles differ substantially in force-generating capacity.
2.4. Assessment of ITB energy storage
We used our model in combination with published joint
kinematics and EMG recordings to examine the capacity of the ITB
to store elastic energy during running. First, we calculated the
lengths of the MTUs at hip and knee angles corresponding to
running using data from 10 experienced runners, at speeds of 2, 3,
4, and 5 m/s (Hamner and Delp, 2013). Next, we divided MTU
lengths into muscle ber lengths and ITB lengths by indepen-
dently activating each MTU in the model and solving for the
lengths at which the muscle and ITB forces were equivalent,
accounting for pennation angle. Maximum activation levels for
running were assumed to range between 20% and 65% of the EMG
activation measured during a maximum voluntary contraction
(MVC). In particular, we set each muscle's maximum activation to
20%, 35%, 50%, or 65% to estimate ITB strains during running at 2,
Table 2
Muscle regional masses of tensor fascia lata (TFL) and gluteus maximus (GMax).
Muscle Total mass of region (g)
Percentage of mass inserting on ITB
(%) (n¼2)
26.477. 2 10 0
TFL2 21.4 75.5 100
110.6726.2 44.6 74.9
GMax2 109.4724.8 52.7 77.8
GMax3 121.9719.8 47.7711.3
GMax4 104.7729.7 71.7728.3
Data from 5 adult males (mean age: 62 710 years) are expressed as mean7s.e.m.
TFL was divided into two anteriorposterior regions based on origin and
fascicle orientation.
GMax was separated into four superiorinferior regions.
Fig. 3. Lower extremity model modied from Arnold et al. (2010). (A) Lateral view
showing the two TFL-ITB paths that reproduce our experimental data, (B) posterior
view showing the four GMax-ITB paths originating on the ilium, sacrum, and
coccyx and inserting on the ITB and (C) lateral view of the combined MTU paths
used to estimate energy storage. TFL-ITB
, GMax1,2-ITB
, and GMax3,4-ITB
paths are shown at touchdown, midstance, toeoff, and midswing during running at
5 m/s. The TFL-ITB
MTU is maximally stretched in early swing, while the GMax-
MTUs are most stretched during late swing.
C.M. Eng et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 334133483344
3, 4, and 5 m/s, respectively. These values are based on reported
maximum activations of 20% MVC in GMax and TFL during level
walking (Perry, 1992), 40% MVC in GMax and TFL during level
running at 4.0 m/s (Montgomery et al., 1994), and 65% MVC in
GMax during level running at 4.5 m/s (Swanson and Caldwell,
2000). Time-varying patterns of activity were derived from EMG
recordings reported for GMax and TFL (Jönhagen et al., 1996;
Montgomery et al., 1994;Paré et al., 1981;Swanson and Caldwell,
2000), which we scaled to the maximum activation at each speed
(Fig. 7). Lastly, we estimated energy storage capacity at each speed
by integrating the ITB FLcurves from L
to peak ITB length
during running. Length changes of the ITB were determined
relative to slack length. Total elastic energy stored in the posterior
ITB was calculated as the sum of the energies stored in GMax1,2-
and GMax3,4-ITB
. We assessed the sensitivity of our
analysis to the FLproperties by varying normalized stiffness by
720% and transition strain by 72% (Fig. 5) and re-calculating
energy storage.
3. Results
The TFL and GMax MTUs in our model undergo substantial
excursions during running (Fig. 6). Because of its hip exion and
knee extension MAs, TFL-ITB
is maximally stretched during
early swing, when the hip is extended and the knee exed
(Fig. 3C). EMG recordings show that TFL is highly activated during
this time (Figs. 6 and 7)(Montgomery et al., 1994;Paré et al.,
1981). In contrast, because of their role in hip extension and knee
exion MAs, GMax-ITB
and GMax-ITB
are maximally
stretched during late swing, when the hip exes and the knee
extends (Fig. 3C). EMG recordings show that GMax is highly acti-
vated during this time (Figs. 6 and 7)(Jönhagen et al., 1996;
Swanson and Caldwell, 2000). Inferior portions of GMax lengthen
about 7% more than proximal portions, due to larger hip extension
MAs when the hip is exed.
The largest strains in ITB
occur in early swing (Fig. 7A), with
stretching 0.91.7 cm beyond slack length in our model. TFL
muscle ber length is longer than optimal when it begins gen-
erating force in late stance, and near optimal when it is maximally
activated in early swing. Peak strains in ITB
occur in late swing
(Fig. 7B), with ITB
stretching 1.43.0 cm beyond slack length in
our model. GMax3,4 is shorter than optimal length when it begins
generating force in mid swing; however, it is stretched beyond
optimal length as the hip exes in swing. In late swing, when
GMax3,4 is maximally activated, it operates near optimal length
and generates forces that stretch ITB
in our model. A similar
pattern occurs in GMax1,2-ITB
. Passive strains in the ITB,
Fig. 4. Hip and knee moment arms of TFL-ITB
and GMax-ITB
compared with experimental data. (A) TFL has a large hip exion MA that increases as the hip exes,
(B) TFL has a large hip abduction MA that increases with hip abduction, (C) the most posterior part of TFL has a small knee extension MA that decreases with knee exion,
(D) and (G) all portions of GMax that insert on the ITB have large hip extension MAs, (E) the superior portions of GMax have hip abduction MAs, (H) the inferior portions of
GMax have hip adduction MAs, (F) and (I) the portions of GMax that insert on the ITB have small knee exion MAs. Solid lines and shaded regions indicate the means and
standard deviations of experimentally determined MAs from ve cadaveric limbs. (A)(C) Dashed lines show the MAs of TFL1-ITB (dark gray), TFL2-ITB (light gray), and the
combined TFL1,2-ITB
(black) predicted by our model. DI: Dashed lines show the MAs (from superior to inferior) of GMax1 (dark gray), GMax2 (light gray), GMax3 (dark
gray), GMax4 (light gray), and the combined paths for GMax1,2-ITB
(black, D-F) and GMax3,4-ITB
(black, G-I) as predicted by our model. Note the y-axes have
different scales.
C.M. Eng et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 33413348 3345
without muscle activation, are relatively small in our model. ITB
strains 1.7% and ITB
strains 1.1% over the stride cycle when the
muscles are not activated.
Because the TFL and GMax MTUs are stretched to relatively
long lengths when the muscles are active during running, both
anterior and posterior regions of the ITB in our model have the
capacity to store elastic energy. We estimate that ITB
about 4% during running at 5 m/s, which means that the ITB
may store nearly 1 J of energy per stride during early swing
(Fig. 8A). ITB
and ITB
strain about 4% during slow running
and 7% during faster running in late swing when GMax is maxi-
mally active in our model. These data suggest that the ITB
store as much as 6 J per stride during late swing (Fig. 8B).
4. Discussion
This is the rst study to quantitatively characterize the 3-D
musculoskeletal geometry of the human ITB and its inserting
muscles. Dissections conrmed that all bers of TFL insert into the
anterior ITB and a large fraction of GMax (4070% by mass) inserts
into the posterior ITB. Thus, the ITB likely transmits substantial
force. Additionally, our MA measurements conrmed that the
inserting muscles have relatively large MAs about the hip, and
thus undergo large MTU excursions, with hip exion and exten-
sion. In combination, the ITB's high compliance and its potential to
transmit force while changing length, suggest a plausible, pre-
viously unrecognized mechanism for storing elastic energy during
We created a model that characterizes the geometry and FL
properties of the ITB, TFL, and GMax to test the hypothesis that
forces generated by TFL and GMax stretch the ITB during running,
Fig. 5. Normalized force-length curves for anterior and posterior regions of the ITB
derived from experimental data (Butler et al., 1984;Derwin et al., 2008;Eng et al.,
2014). Curves are shown for TFL-ITB
(short dash), GMax1,2-ITB
(long dash),
and GMax3,4-ITB
(dot-dash) with shaded regions indicating 720% stiffness
used in the sensitivity analysis. The ITB is more compliant than tendon (solid line),
as shown by the typical tendon forcelength curve generated by Millard et al.
(2013) and by ultrasound-based measures of tendon forcelength properties
reported by Magnusson et al. (2001), light gray shaded region. This gure is
adapted from Fig. 3 in Millard et al. (2013).
Fig. 6. Length changes of TFL-ITB and GMax-ITB MTUs during fast running (5 m/s).
(light gray) stretches during stance phase, while GMax1,2-ITB
gray) and GMax3,4-ITB
(black) stretch during the swing phase. Regions of
intermediate muscle activity (10-30% activation; intermediately thickened portion
of each curve) and maximal muscle activity (31-65% activation; thickened portion
of each curve) demonstrate that these muscles are maximally active when the MTU
is near maximum length.
Fig. 7. TFL-ITB
and GMax3,4-ITB
activation patterns over the stride cycle. For
each muscle, the time-varying pattern was scaled to an activation level of 20%, 35%,
50%, or 65% during running at 2, 3, 4, and 5 m/s, respectively (increasingly darker
lines). Filled squares on each line indicate toe-off. Superimposed are plots of force
versus normalized ber length and force versus ITB strain at key points in the gait
cycle during running at 5 m/s. Circles on the curves show where the muscle or ITB
is acting at that point in the gait cycle. A: TFL is longer than optimal length (L
prior to toe-off when the muscle begins to generate force. When TFL is maximally
activated in early swing, it operates near optimal length and stretches ITB
to its
longest length in our model. B: GMax3,4 is shorter than optimal length when it
begins generating force in mid swing and is stretched beyond optimal length in
swing. When GMax3,4 is maximally activated in late swing, it operates near opti-
mal length and stretches ITB
to its longest length in our model.
C.M. Eng et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 334133483346
storing elastic energy. Analysis of the model revealed that the ITB
has the capacity to store 7 J per stride during running at 5 m/s. The
posterior ITB stores substantially more energy than the anterior
ITB because it transmits larger muscle forces.
How does the amount of energy stored in the ITB during run-
ning compare to energy stored in the Achilles tendon? Using a 3-D
model and static optimization, Lai et al. (2014) estimated that the
soleus and gastrocnemius store 4050 J per stride in the Achilles
tendon at slow to fast running speeds (3.55 m/s), an estimate
consistent with previous experimental studies (Alexander and
Bennet-Clark, 1977;Hof et al., 2002;Ker et al., 1987). We therefore
calculate that the combined anterior and posterior ITB stores 14%
as much energy as the Achilles tendon at a 5 m/s pace.
To provide additional context, we compared energy stored in
the ITB to hip muscle work during running. Sasaki and Neptune
(2006) used a muscle-driven dynamic simulation to estimate the
mechanical work performed by hip muscles and series elastic
elements during running at 2.4 m/s. They reported that the hip
extensors do 40 J of work per stride during stance, while the hip
exors do 6 J of work during swing. Recovery of 2 J from ITB
during slow running could account for 5% of the work done by hip
extensors in stance, while recovery of 0.3 J from ITB
contribute 5% of the work done by hip exors in swing. Although
the extent to which energy recovery would drive selection for
endurance running is unknown, these comparisons suggest that
energy storage in the ITB is not negligible.
This analysis has several limitations. First, although our data
conrm that forces generated by TFL and GMax stretch the ITB
during running, storing useful energy, our study did not test
whether the human ITB reduces muscle work or enhances loco-
motor economy. Second, uncertainty exists in the parameters used
to derive the FLcurves. For example, our measures of ITB width
and thickness in cadaveric specimens may not be representative of
healthy young subjects, thus potentially underestimating ITB
stiffness. However, varying normalized stiffness by 720% and
transition strain by 72% altered our estimates of energy storage
by only 0.1 J in the anterior ITB and by 1.2 J in the posterior ITB at
the fastest running speed. At the slowest running speed, varying
stiffness and transition strain altered our estimates of energy
storage by about 0.05 J. Thus, we are reasonably condent in our
model of the ITB's forcestrain behavior and that the ITB con-
tributes to energy storage at all running speeds. Third, we esti-
mated the peak forces generated by TFL and GMax ignoring the
muscles' forcevelocity (FV) properties and assuming the mus-
cles' activation patterns during running. If the muscles shorten
substantially during running, or if we overestimated activation,
then we likely overestimated ITB energy storage. It is plausible,
however, that the ITB's length and compliance allow GMax to
operate nearly isometrically when generating maximum force in
late stance, mitigating the effects of FV properties on muscle-ITB
mechanics. In the running simulations described by Lai et al.
(2014), muscles inserting on the Achilles tendon contracted nearly
isometrically across a range of running speeds. Lastly, we esti-
mated the capacity of the ITB to store elastic energy during run-
ning but not walking. It is likely that the ITB transmits smaller
forces, and thus stores less energy, during walking than reported
Our study has implications for understanding the evolution of
human bipedalism. While these data do not exclude the possibility
that the ITB stores substantial energy during walking, selection for
the capacity to run long distances would have presented unique
demands on the anatomy and physiology of Homo (see Bramble
and Lieberman (2004) for review). Among these demands is the
need to efciently accelerate the swing limb, which is long and
massive in humans (14% body mass) compared to chimpanzees
(9% body mass; Zihlman and Brunker, 1979). The human ITB is
stretched substantially just before swing, when the TFL is active
and the hip is extending (Figs. 6 and 7). Subsequent recoil of the
ITB may help accelerate the swing limb. Although the energetic
cost of running is primarily determined by muscle forces that
support the body during stance (Kram and Taylor, 1990), the cost
of accelerating the swing limb may be as much as 27% of total
metabolic cost (Marsh et al., 2004;Modica and Kram, 2005;Myers
and Steudel, 1985). Thus, selection for increased running economy
may have favored traits that increase swing phase energy recovery
in Homo. The need to decrease locomotor costs may also help
explain the expansion of GMax evident in Homo. This adaptation is
thought to play a role in trunk stabilization during endurance
running (Lieberman et al., 2006), but it may also facilitate elastic
energy storage by increasing the forces transmitted to the ITB as it
is stretched in late swing.
Conict of Interest Statement
The authors have no conicts of interest to disclose.
The authors fondly remember Farish A. Jenkins Jr. (19402012)
for many stimulating and insightful discussions. Professor Jenkins
helped guide C.M.E.'s dissertation research, which provided the
basis for this study, and he deserves much credit. The authors
thank two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments that
signicantly improved this manuscript. We gratefully acknowl-
edge Delande Justinvil and Zachary Lewis for technical assistance
during the moment arm experiments. We thank Casey Boyle and
Yasmin Rawlins for assistance during pilot studies, and we thank
Andrew Mountcastle and Glenna Clifton for help with video-
graphy. We are grateful to Tom Roberts for helpful comments on a
Fig. 8. Elastic energy stored in the ITB during running at 2, 3, 4, and 5 m/s as
predicted by the model. A: Peak energy stored in ITB
when TFL is activated 20,
35, 50, or 65%. B: Peak energy stored in ITB
when GMax is activated 20, 35, 50,
or 65%. The energy stored in GMax-ITB
is calculated as the sum of energies
stored in GMax1,2-ITB
(gray) and GMax3,4-ITB
C.M. Eng et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 48 (2015) 33413348 3347
preliminary version of the manuscript. This research was funded
by a Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant to C.M.E. under
award no. 8588.
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at
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Supplemental materials
Descriptions of muscle-ITB paths used in moment arm experiments
The anterior path (TFL1) originated on the iliac crest near the anterior superior
iliac spine (ASIS) and the posterior path (TFL2) originated on the lateral iliac crest
approximately 3 cm posterior to the ASIS. Screw eyes inserted in the ilium anchored the
origins of thread paths to these locations (Figure 1A&B). TFL1 muscle fibers were
continuous with ITB fibers inserting in the distal femur approximately 3.0 cm anterior to
the lateral epicondyle, so a screw eye was anchored at this location in the femur. TFL2
fibers were continuous with ITB fibers inserting on the tibia, so its insertion screw eye
was placed in the lateral tibial condyle ~1.0 cm posterior to the most anterior point on
the tibial tuberosity. The most superior path of GMax (GMax1) originated on the ilium
1.5 cm lateral and 2.5 cm superior to the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS; Figure
1A&C). The origin of GMax2 was 1.0 cm inferior to PSIS on the ilium. The GMax3 origin
was placed 1.0 cm lateral to the midline of the sacrum at the level of the intervertebral
disc between the second and third sacral vertebrae. The most inferior path of GMax
(GMax4) originated 1.0 cm lateral to the coccygeal midline on the proximal coccyx.
GMax1 and GMax2 shared a screw eye placed 2.5 cm posterior to the tibial tuberosity,
while GMax3 and 4 shared a screw eye placed 4.0 cm posterior to the tibial tuberosity.
Description of the moment arm frame
The specimen was mounted in a custom frame, comprising a fixed table for securing the
pelvis, a rotating cart for moving the femur through a range of hip flex/extension and
ab/adduction angles, and a set of concentric rings for rotating the femur, following
Arnold et al. (2000; Figure 2). The cart consisted of two vertical support posts each
mounted on a wheeled baseplate with a ball caster mounted on a rod between them.
The limb is shown here with its pelvis mounted for hip ab/adduction, which is achieved
by rotating the cart.
Figure S1. Pelvis and femur coordinate systems (CSs) used to define hip
flex/extension, ab/adduction, and rotation and to align the specimen in the custom
frame. For the pelvis CS, the medial-lateral plane was defined to be parallel to the plane
formed by two vectors from the pubic symphysis (PS) to superior and inferior points on
the sacral midline. The origin of the pelvis CS was located at the PS. The right ASIS
and pubic tubercle (PT) defined the frontal plane. For the femur, the superior-inferior
axis was defined by the vector joining the midpoint between the medial and lateral
epicondyles and the hip joint center (determined as described in the methods). The hip
joint center was defined as the origin of the femur CS. The frontal plane of the femur CS
was defined to be parallel to the vector between the lateral and medial epicondyles. The
tibia CS was specified to be coincident with the femur CS at full knee extension. The
origin of the tibia CS was located at the knee joint center, which was defined as the
midpoint between the medial and lateral femoral epicondyles.
Figure S2. Hip rotation moment arms of TFL-ITBant and GMax-ITBpost compared with
experimental data. A: TFL has a hip internal rotation MA that increases as the hip
externally rotates. B,C: All portions of GMax have a large hip external rotation that
decreases as the hip externally rotates. Solid lines and shaded regions indicate the
means and standard deviations of experimentally determined MAs from five cadaveric
limbs. Dashed lines show the MAs of TFL1-ITB (dark gray), TFL2-ITB (light gray),
GMax1 (dark gray), GMax2 (light gray), GMax3 (dark gray), GMax4 (light gray), and the
combined paths for TFL1,2-ITBant (black, A), GMax1,2-ITBpost1 (black, B) and GMax3,4-
ITBpost2 (black, C ) as predicted by our model.
Table S1. Parameters used to scale a generic Hill-type muscle model to TFL- and GMax-ITB muscle-tendon units
Maximum isometric
force (N; Fmax)¥
Optimal fiber length
(cm; Lopt)
Pennation angle
(deg; θ)
Tendon slack length
(cm; LTS)
$TFL PCSA, Lopt, and θ and GMax PCSA and θ from our measurements.
* GMax Lopt from Ward et al. (2009).
¥Fmax calculated as the product of PCSA and muscle specific tension of 61 N/cm2 used by Arnold et al. (2010).
Table S2. ITB thickness and width measurements used to calculate effective cross-sectional area and stiffness of each
ITB Region
Thickness (mm)*
Width (mm)
0.87 ± 0.34
16.35 ± 2.03
0.97 ± 0.12
16.85 ± 1.85
15.33 ± 1.86
Data from 3 elderly cadaveric specimens (2 male, 1 female; mean age: 78 ± 6 years) are expressed as mean ± s.e.m.
*Thicknesses of anterior and posterior regions were measured at proximal, middle, and distal sites and averaged across sites.
... The various functional roles of the ITB seem to be dependent on posture, and thus activity choice [5][6][7]. This may be due to the presence of two in-series muscles: the gluteus maximus (GMAX) and the tensor fasciae latae (TFL), as well as the anatomical path of the ITB crossing both the hip and knee joints [8]. Simplified models, invasive methods, cadaveric work and simple static investigations have all contributed to explain the function of a healthy ITB. ...
... Simplified models, invasive methods, cadaveric work and simple static investigations have all contributed to explain the function of a healthy ITB. However, the precise mechanical function and indeed, even the basic anatomy of the ITB, is still poorly understood [5,[7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. The ITB is thought to function as a strut during walking, acting as both a hip and a knee stabiliser, primarily in the frontal plane [1,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. ...
... The ITB is thought to function as a strut during walking, acting as both a hip and a knee stabiliser, primarily in the frontal plane [1,[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. It has also been suggested that it may store considerable magnitudes of elastic energy during walking [1,8,16]. ...
Full-text available
The development of a pronounced iliotibial band (ITB) is an anatomically distinct evolution of humans. The mechanical behaviour of this “new” structure is still poorly understood and hotly debated in current literature. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is one of the leading causes of lateral knee pain injuries in runners. We currently lack a comprehensive understanding of the healthy behaviour of the ITB, and this is necessary prior to further investigating the aetiology of pathologies like ITBS. Therefore, the purpose of this narrative review was to collate the anatomical, biomechanical and clinical literature to understand how the mechanical function of the ITB is influenced by anatomical variation, posture and muscle activation. The complexity of understanding the mechanical function of the ITB is due, in part, to the presence of its two in-series muscles: gluteus maximus (GMAX) and tensor fascia latae (TFL). At present, we lack a fundamental understanding of how GMAX and TFL transmit force through the ITB and what mechanical role the ITB plays for movements like walking or running. While there is a range of proposed ITBS treatment strategies, robust evidence for effective treatments is still lacking. Interventions that directly target the running biomechanics suspected to increase either ITB strain or compression of lateral knee structures may have promise, but clinical randomised controlled trials are still required.
... While it remains to be investigated whether excessive running training leads to a long-term reduction in ITB stiffness, this would be consistent with the above findings of lower stiffness in ITBS patients, and suggest that stretching may not be beneficial or even harmful for this population. A higher stiffness of connective tissues is thought to allow for greater elastic energy storage, and the ITB itself has been shown to be an important co-contributor to elastic energy return during running [55]. A recent study also showed an increase in energy cost associated with a decrease in Achilles tendon stiffness [56]. ...
... Therefore, the question arises as to whether a rehabilitation program for ITBS should instead aim to increase ITB stiffness. In addition to alleviating symptoms, increasing ITB stiffness could also improve energy storage during running [55], and therefore be a reasonable long-term goal in ITBS rehabilitation. ...
Full-text available
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most common overuse syndromes causing knee pain; it is especially prevalent in runners and also common in cyclists, rowers, and field athletes, with occasional cases occurring in non-athletes too. ITBS symptoms can negatively affect not only knee function, but also mental and physical aspects of health-related quality of life. Although various conservative treatment options have been investigated and discussed, there is still no consensus on a standard of care for ITBS. Moreover, the literature on the etiology and risk factors of ITBS, which could help in selecting appropriate treatment methods, is conflicting and inconclusive. The role of individual treatment modalities such as stretching and releasing techniques has not been extensively studied and remains unclear. In this article, we will critically review the available evidence for the benefits of ITB stretching and “release” methods in the treatment of ITBS. In addition to the direct evidence (clinical studies examining the effects of ITB stretching and other methods that purportedly stretch or “release” the ITB), we present several additional lines of reasoning that discuss the rationale for ITB stretching/releasing in terms of the etiology of ITBS, the mechanical properties and behavior of the ITB, and the risk factors for ITBS development. We conclude that the current literature provides some evidence for the inclusion of stretching or other “release” methods in the early rehabilitation of ITBS. Long-term interventions typically include ITB stretching; however, it remains unclear to what extent stretching within a multimodal treatment actually contributes to resolving the symptoms. At the same time, there is no direct evidence to suggest that stretching and “release” methods have any negative effects.
... The iliotibial band (ITB) originates from the iliac crest and distally inserts into Gerdy's tubercle with attachments at the lateral femoral epicondyle [2]. In a previous study, the ITB was found to store about 5% of the elastic energy during a normal-paced run using a three-dimensional musculoskeletal model of the lower limb [3]. ITBS accounts for over 12% of all running-related injuries [4], which might lead to psychological disorders. ...
Full-text available
Background: Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is one of the most prevalent overuse injuries in runners. The strain rate in the iliotibial band (ITB) has been theorized to be the primary causative factor in the development of ITBS. Running speed and exhaustion might lead to an alteration in the biomechanics that influence the strain rate in the iliotibial band. Objectives: To identify how exhaustion states and running speeds affect the ITB strain and strain rate. Methods: A total of 26 healthy runners (including 16 males and 10 females) ran at a normal preferred speed and a fast speed. Then, participants performed a 30 min exhaustive treadmill run at a self-selected speed. Afterward, participants were required to run at similar speeds to those of the pre-exhaustion state. Results: Both the exhaustion and running speeds were revealed to have significant influences on the ITB strain rate. After exhaustion, an increase of approximately 3% in the ITB strain rate was observed for both the normal speed (p = 0.001) and the fast speed (p = 0.008). Additionally, a rapid increase in the running speed could lead to an increase in the ITB strain rate for both the pre- (9.71%, p = 0.000) and post-exhaustion (9.87%, p = 0.000) states. Conclusions: It should be noted that an exhaustion state could lead to an increase in the ITB strain rate. In addition, a rapid increase in running speed might cause a higher ITB strain rate, which is proposed to be the primary cause of ITBS. The risk of injury should also be considered due to the rapid increase in the training load involved. Running at a normal speed in a non-exhaustive state might be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of ITBS.
... Hence, viscoelastic tissues, such as the ITB and other tendons (Kubo et al., 2002) fulfill two important functional roles: Firstly, they rhythmically store and release elastic energy to economize cyclic movements. Using a modeling study, Eng and colleagues estimated that the total energy stored in the ITB was 7 J per stride during running at 5 m/s, which equates to roughly 14% of the energy stored in the Achilles tendon (Eng et al., 2015). Secondly, they act as shock absorbers that protect tissues by dampening force peaks and lowering impulse (Konow and Roberts, 2015). ...
Objective Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is presumably caused by excessive tension in the iliotibial band (ITB) leading to compression and inflammation of tissues lying beneath it. Usually managed conservatively, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the treatment recommendations, and high symptom recurrence rates cast doubt on their causal effectiveness. This review discusses the influence of common physiotherapeutic measures on risk factors contributing to tissue compression beneath the ITB. Methods The potential pathogenic factors are presented on the basis of a simple biomechanical model showing the forces acting on the lateral aspect of the knee. Existent literature on the most commonly prescribed physiotherapeutic interventions is critically discussed against the background of this model. Practical recommendations for the optimization of physiotherapy are derived. Results According to biomechanical considerations, ITBS may be promoted by anatomical predisposition, joint malalignments, aberrant activation of inserting muscles as well as excessive ITB stiffness. Hip abductor strengthening may correct excessive hip adduction but also increase ITB strain. Intermittent stretching interventions are unlikely to change the ITB's length or mechanical properties. Running retraining is a promising yet understudied intervention. Conclusions High-quality research directly testing different physiotherapeutic treatment approaches in randomized controlled trials is needed.
... stressstrain curve and cross-sectional area [77][78][79][80][81], to estimate its internal force. Then estimating the moment arm, also a function of abduction angle [82], we could estimate the moment from the IT band. ...
A common screening test of balance is the timed ability to stand on one leg for as long as possible. A balance time of 5 s or less is an indicator that the patient has an elevated risk for fall-related injuries. But why one has to put one’s foot down early is not always obvious. The first part of this dissertation is a mechanistic theoretical and experimental study of the physical capacities underlying the ability to balance on one leg. The theoretical study points to the importance of maintaining both hip abduction and ankle inversion and eversion muscle strengths in order to maintain a large enough ‘Quasistatic Feasible Balance Region’; the latter is shown to depend largely upon frontal plane ankle muscle strength. When the states get too close to the boundaries of that region, additional recovery strategies are required, including a hip strategy, corresponding to that used in maintaining bipedal balance, and also a different behavior that is termed a ‘heel-toe shuffle’ in this dissertation. The dynamics of one-legged balance in the frontal plane were modeled by the equations of motion for a double inverted pendulum. Using published anthropometric and maximum muscle strength data, the model suggests that the hip abduction moment required to stand on one leg is substantial, ranging from 50% of maximum voluntary muscle strength in healthy young men to 82% of the maximum in healthy older women. These results were corroborated by our experimental results from tests of healthy young and older adults. Our analyses suggest that this hip abduction moment demand is not resisted by the abductor muscles alone, but also by the iliotibial mechanism, even for a level pelvis. The second part of this dissertation concerns the heel-toe shuffle which was occasionally used by 14 of 38 subjects to extend the time they stood on one leg in eyes open or closed trials. We found that all 20 young subjects and the majority of older subjects (13 out of 18) succeeded in performing a heel-toe shuffle locomotion task. The inverted pendulum model suggests that amongst those subjects a single lateral shuffle step was, on average, 2 to 6 times more effective in changing the angular velocity of the body in the frontal plane than exerting maximum ankle inversion moment over the same time interval. So heel-toe shuffle strategy is also at least as effective as the ‘Ankle Strategy’ and the ‘Hip Strategy’ in recovering one-legged balance. Lateral falls onto the greater trochanter are a known cause of hip fracture. It is clear from this dissertation that if one is to avoid a lateral fall while standing on one leg, one needs to be able to use the ankle invertor muscles to rapidly move the center of pressure as far laterally as possible. In addition, one needs to raise the pelvis to medially accelerate the center of mass, and initiate one or more lateral shuffle steps. The clinical implications of this dissertation are that one-legged balance could be tested in two ways: first, the prescribed method in which no arm or foot movements are permitted versus a second, freestyle, method in which any recovery motions are permissible. A good freestyle performance provides confidence in the ability of the patient to recover their balance outside the clinic.
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The rectus femoris and its covering, the fascia lata (i.e., fascia profundis), are two anatomical structures involved in anterior thigh stretching. This study aimed to identify the role of strain changes in the fascia lata in limiting stretch tolerance. The reaction force intensity of 11 men and 5 women was assessed during passive stretching of the anterior thigh at 130, 110, 90, and 70° of knee flexion. Recent data suggest that the fascia lata strain field is modified with knee flexion. Therefore, the relationship between knee flexion angle and stretch tolerance was assessed. We found that the reaction force of the anterior thigh increased almost linearly with the degree of knee extension between 130° and 70°. The fascia lata stretched surface proprioceptive information seems responsible for stretch tolerance. Fascia profundis strain field must be considered during stretching experiments.
Anthropogeny is a classic term encompassing transdisciplinary investigations of the origins of the human species. Comparative Anthropogeny is a systematic comparison of humans and other living non-human hominids (so-called "Great Apes"), aiming to identify distinctly human features in health and disease, with the overall goal of explaining human origins. We begin with a historical perspective, briefly describing how the field progressed from earliest evolutionary insights to the current emphasis on in-depth molecular and genomic investigations of "human-specific" biology and an increased appreciation for cultural impacts on human biology. While many such genetic differences between humans and other hominids have been revealed over the last two decades, this information remains insufficient to explain most distinctive phenotypic traits distinguishing humans from other living hominids. Here we undertake a complementary approach of "comparative physiological anthropogeny", along the lines of the preclinical medical curriculum, i.e., beginning with anatomy and considering each physiological system, and in each case considering genetic and molecular components that are relevant. What is ultimately needed is a systematic comparative approach at all levels from molecular to physiological to sociocultural, building networks of related information, drawing inferences, and generating testable hypotheses. The concluding section will touch on distinctive considerations in the study of human evolution, including the importance of gene-culture interactions.
The iliotibial band (ITB) is a unique anatomical structure that transmits forces from two in-series muscles across the lateral knee. Little is known about how force is transmitted, via ITB strain, in response to muscle activation. We have developed a technique to measure the strain through the distal ITB during isolated contractions of the tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle, using a Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi ultrasound image tracking algorithm. Here we report: 1) the validity of this method to track ITB tissue displacement; 2) the reliability of tracking ITB strain across multiple contractions (intra-probe placement), tracking attempts (intra-operator), data collection sessions (inter-probe placement), and tracking operators (inter-operator); and 3) the feasibility of this approach to assess differences in strain produced during different TFL contraction levels. Our method was valid for tracking ITB displacement and could be used to determine tissue strain due to isolated muscle contraction. Our method was most reliable when a single operator tracked trials without replacing the ultrasound transducer and when averaging across multiple stimulations. Our method was also able to detect changes in ITB strains resulting from differing levels of muscle activation. In the future, this method could be used to assess how factors like posture and ITB region affect the strain found in the distal ITB.
Motion of the fascial layers of the iliotibial band (ITB), as a reinforcement of the deep fascia lata, is likely to be relevant for its function and mechanical behaviour. This exploratory study aimed to evaluate the ITB fascial layers displacement during a weight shift task. Thirteen pain-free runners performed a 6-second standing weight shift task. B-mode ultrasound imaging using an automated fascicle tracking algorithm was used to measure proximal and distal displacement of superficial and deep ITB layers at the middle region. To study the potential contributors to individual variation of fascial motion, we recorded the activity of five hip/thigh muscles with electromyography (EMG), thigh/pelvis/trunk position with accelerometers, and centre of pressure with a force plate. Linear regressions estimated the relationship between displacement of fascial layers and hip/trunk angles. Independent t-tests or Fisher's exact tests compared EMG and movement-related parameters between participants who demonstrated motion of the fascia in the proximal and distal directions. Thickness of the ITB and the loose connective tissue between its layers were calculated. Proximal displacement was observed in six (−4.1 ± 1.9 mm [superficial]) and two (−6.2 ± 2.0 mm [deep]) participants. Distal displacement was observed for seven participants for each layer (3.1 ± 1.1 mm [superficial]; 3.6 ± 1.3 mm [deep]). Four participants did not show displacement of the deep layer. Trunk lateral flexion and gluteus medius muscle activity were determinants of proximal motion of the superficial layer. Loose connective tissue was thinner in participants without displacement of the deep layer. Displacement of the ITB fascial layers varies between individuals. Variation related to differences in joint movements and muscle activity. This study highlights the complex interaction between fascia and movement.
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The ability for humans to run faster is critically dependent upon the function of the ankle plantar-flexors, which consist of two main muscles: gastrocnemius (GAS) and soleus (SOL). Both muscles connect to the heel via a long elastic Achilles tendon. The storage and subsequent recoil of elastic strain energy via the Achilles tendon has been shown to be important in allowing the GAS and SOL muscle fibres to maintain optimal force-length-velocity relations during locomotion (Roberts, 2002). However, little is known about how tendon elastic strain energy is utilized in the human ankle plantar-flexors as running speeds advance to maximum sprinting. The aim of this study was to quantify the relative contributions of tendon elastic strain energy and muscle fibre work to the propulsive function of the ankle plantar-flexors as a function of running speed. Experimental data (motion analysis; ground reaction forces; electromyography) were collected as participants ran on an indoor track at five discrete steady-state speeds ranging from jogging (~2 m/s) to maximum-effort sprinting (~9 m/s). Experimental data were combined with musculoskeletal modelling to predict the mechanical behaviour of the muscle fibre and tendon (lengths, velocities and forces) for GAS and SOL at each running speed. Mechanical work generated by the muscle-tendon unit (MTU), muscle fibre and tendon in the ankle plantar-flexors were calculated. Tendon elastic strain energy and muscle fibre work were then expressed as a percentage of the propulsion energy generated by the GAS and SOL MTU separately. With faster running, tendon elastic strain energy contributed a greater proportion of the propulsion energy generated by the MTU for SOL (range: 51.4±10.2% (2.1m/s) to 71.4±14.2% (9.0m/s)) and GAS (range: 60.2±12.0% (2.1m/s) to 68.9±10.7% (9.0m/s)). This increase was a result of the SOL and GAS muscle fibres remaining predominantly isometric throughout stance phase. The bulk of the length change in the MTU was caused by tendon stretch and recoil. This behaviour allowed the muscle fibres to operate with more favourable force-velocity contractile conditions thereby optimising muscle force development. The SOL and GAS also adopted increasingly shorter muscle fibre lengths and higher activation levels with faster running, which facilitated tendon stretch and recoil. The findings from this study suggest that with faster running the human ankle plantar-flexor muscles become increasingly reliant upon the utilization of tendon elastic strain energy.
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The human ankle plantar-flexors, soleus (SOL) and gastrocnemius (GAS), utilize tendon elastic strain energy to reduce muscle fiber work and optimize contractile conditions during running. However, studies to date have considered only slow to moderate running speeds up to 5 m/s. Little is known about how the human ankle plantar-flexors utilize tendon elastic strain energy as running speed is advanced towards maximum sprinting. We used data obtained from gait experiments in conjunction with musculoskeletal modeling and optimization techniques to calculate muscle-tendon unit (MTU) work, tendon elastic strain energy and muscle fiber work for the ankle plantar-flexors as participants ran at five discrete steady-state speeds ranging from jogging (~2 m/s) to sprinting (≥8 m/s). As running speed progressed from jogging to sprinting, the contribution of tendon elastic strain energy to the positive work generated by the MTU increased from 53% to 74% for SOL and from 62% to 75% for GAS. This increase was facilitated by greater muscle activation and the relatively isometric behavior of the SOL and GAS muscle fibers. Both of these characteristics enhanced tendon stretch and recoil, which contributed to the bulk of the change in MTU length. Our results suggest that as steady-state running speed is advanced towards maximum sprinting, the human ankle plantar-flexors continue to prioritize the storage and recovery of tendon elastic strain energy over muscle fiber work.
Striding bipedalism is a key derived behaviour of hominids that possibly originated soon after the divergence of the chimpanzee and human lineages. Although bipedal gaits include walking and running, running is generally considered to have played no major role in human evolution because humans, like apes, are poor sprinters compared to most quadrupeds. Here we assess how well humans perform at sustained long-distance running, and review the physiological and anatomical bases of endurance running capabilities in humans and other mammals. Judged by several criteria, humans perform remarkably well at endurance running, thanks to a diverse array of features, many of which leave traces in the skeleton. The fossil evidence of these features suggests that endurance running is a derived capability of the genus Homo, originating about 2 million years ago, and may have been instrumental in the evolution of the human body form.
Fascia is a highly organized collagenous tissue that is ubiquitous in the body, but whose function is not well understood. Because fascia has a sheet-like structure attaching to muscles and bones at multiple sites, it is exposed to different states of multi- or biaxial strain. In order to measure how biaxial strain affects fascia material behavior, planar biaxial tests with strain control were performed on longitudinal and transversely oriented samples of goat fascia lata (FL). Cruciform samples were cycled to multiple strain levels while the perpendicular direction was held at a constant strain. Structural differences among FL layers were examined using histology and SEM. Results show that FL stiffness, hysteresis, and strain energy density are greater in the longitudinal vs. transverse direction. Increased stiffness in the longitudinal layer is likely due to its greater thickness and greater average fibril diameter compared to the transverse layer(s). Perpendicular strain did not affect FL material behavior. Differential loading in the longitudinal vs. transverse directions may lead to structural changes, enhancing the ability of the longitudinal FL to transmit force, store energy, or stabilize the limb during locomotion. The relative compliance of the transverse fibers may allow expansion of underlying muscles when they contract.