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Abstract and Figures

An air-breathing electric propulsion system (RAM-EP) ingests the air of the residual atmosphere through an Air-Intake and uses it as propellant for an electric thruster. Key component of the system is the Air-Intake, which has the task of collecting atmosphere particles and directing them into the thruster, accompanied by compression. Studies have considered different configurations, and have shown the feasibility of the device. Within this paper an overview of the current Air-Intake designs is given. Results of DSMC simulations, performed with our in-house code PICLas, are presented and compared to those from the respective publications. Moreover, the influence of simplifying assumptions, such as free molecular or hyperthermal flow, is shown. Additionally, a simple analytical model based on transmittances and the balance of particle flows is derived, applicable for the analysis and further possible optimization of a generic Air-Intake design. The model is compared to the results of DSMC simulations and a sensitivity analysis of the basic parameters is performed. Regarding the assumption of hyperthermal flow, results shows that part of the particles will interact with the lateral structures of the Air-Intake and therefore will be scattered loosing their macroscopic velocity. Moreover, the implementation of straws into the Air-Intake simulations needed particular attention. A deeper investigation over their single transmittances has been done. Through the balancing model a sensitivity analysis over their L/R ratio has been performed and results show how a low ratio would lead to higher densities and collection efficiencies.
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Air-Intake Design Investigation for an Air-Breathing
Electric Propulsion System
Presented at Joint Conference of 30th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science,
34th International Electric Propulsion Conference and 6th Nano-satellite Symposium
Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Francesco Romano, Tilman Binder, Georg Herdrich, Stefanos Fasoulas§
Institute of Space Systems (IRS), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 70569, Germany
Tony Sch¨onherr
The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, 113-8656, Japan
An air-breathing electric propulsion system (RAM-EP) ingests the air of the residual
atmosphere through an Air-Intake and uses it as propellant for an electric thruster. Key
component of the system is the Air-Intake, which has the task of collecting atmosphere
particles and directing them into the thruster, accompanied by compression. Studies have
considered different configurations, and have shown the feasibility of the device. Within this
paper an overview of the current Air-Intake designs is given. Results of DSMC simulations,
performed with our in-house code PICLas, are presented and compared to those from the
respective publications. Moreover, the influence of simplifying assumptions, such as free
molecular or hyperthermal flow, is shown. Additionally, a simple analytical model based
on transmittances and the balance of particle flows is derived, applicable for the analysis
and further possible optimization of a generic Air-Intake design. The model is compared
to the results of DSMC simulations and a sensitivity analysis of the basic parameters is
performed. Regarding the assumption of hyperthermal flow, results shows that part of the
particles will interact with the lateral structures of the Air-Intake and therefore will be
scattered loosing their macroscopic velocity. Moreover, the implementation of straws into
the Air-Intake simulations needed particular attention. A deeper investigation over their
single transmittances has been done. Through the balancing model a sensitivity analysis
over their L/R ratio has been performed and results show how a low ratio would lead to
higher densities and collection efficiencies.
Ph.D. Student, Institute of Space Systems (IRS),
Ph.D. Student, Institute of Space Systems (IRS),
Head Plasma Wind Tunnels and Electric Propulsion, Institute of Space Systems (IRS),
§Head Department of Space Transportation, Institute of Space Systems (IRS),
Assistant Professor, Dpt. of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Ain = Air-Intake Front Surface
Aout = Air-Intake Outlet Surface
Ap = Geomagnetic Index
BM = Balancing Model
DSMC = Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
ECR = Electron Cyclotron Resonance
El. = Element
F= Thrust, Force
F10.7 = Solar Radio Flux at λ=10.7cm
h= Altitude
kB= Boltzmann Constant
mp= Particle Mass
˙mthr = Mass Flow to Thruster
navg,ch = Average Number Density in Chamber
nch = Number Density in Chamber
nin = Number Density in Inflow
ntot,in = Total Number Density in Inflow
Naccel = Accelerated Particle Flow
Nin = Incoming Particle Flow
Nthr = Particle Flow to Thruster
Nout = Outlet Particle Flow
pch = Chamber Pressure
pin = Inflow Pressure
R = Radius
Rel. Dev. = Relative Deviation
RAM EP = Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion
S/C = Spacecraft
Tch = Chamber Temperature
Tin = Inflow Temperature
Twall =WallTemperature
vch =VelocityinChamber
vin = Inflow Velocity
vout = Exhaust Velocity
α= Accommodation Coefficient
Γ = Mass Flux (e.g. by Thermal Effusion)
ηc= Collection Efficiency
ΘClausing = Backflow Transmittance following Clausing’s Assumptions
Θfast = Transmittance for Fast, Unscattered Particles
Θintake1= Transmittance for the Intake in Inflow direction
Θintake2= Transmittance for the Intake in Backflow direction
Θout = Transmittance for the Outflow
Θscattered = Transmittance for Scattered Particles
χ= Aspect Ratio
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
I. Introduction
Very low orbits are of great interest for many scientific, civil and military purposes. Recently ESA’s
mission GOCE ended, it provided detailed information of the Earth’s geomagnetic field by orbiting
as low as 229 km using ion thrusters to compensate the drag. The amount of propellant on board is a
limiting lifetime factor for such a mission, in particular if the S/C is orbiting very low around a planet with
atmosphere. The atmosphere is indeed responsible for the drag, which slows down the S/C and reduces its
total mission lifetime. It is also a limiting factor in terms of costs, as more drag to be compensated for a
longer time means an increased amount of propellant to be carried on board, which again increases the total
mass. The lifetime of a S/C orbiting in LEO can be significantly increased by the application of an efficient
propulsion system capable to compensate the drag.
The basic idea of an Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion System, shortened RAM-EP, is to use the air of
the residual atmosphere as propellant and to process it through a device for generating thrust. This will
decrease, ideally nullify, the on board propellant requirement and will generate thrust to partially or fully
compensate the drag. A conceptual scheme of the S/C is shown in Fig. 1.
This paper will focus on the device needed to efficiently collect and drive the atmosphere particles to
Incoming flow
Flight Direction Solar Array
Solar Array
Air-Intake Exhaust
S/C Core
Figure 1: Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion S/C Concept.
the thruster, called the Air-Intake. The investigation on an Air-Intake is part of a Ph.D. program at IRS,
focused on the use of a small inductively heated plasma thruster based on IPG6-S for an Air-Breathing
Electric Propulsion application,14.13 Emphasizing its crucial design, recent studies involved ESA,4BUSEK
Inc.8and JAXA,5,7that proposed and studied different possible design configurations. The outcome of
these studies are sustained by DSMC simulations and experimental activity on ground. In the following,
an overview of these designs is provided, together with results of DSMC simulations, performed with our
in-house code PICLas.10 Additionally, a simple analytical model based on transmittances and the balance of
particle flows is derived, applicable for the analysis and further possible optimization of a generic Air-Intake
design. The model is compared to the results of the DSMC simulations and a sensitivity analysis of the basic
parameters is performed.
II. Assumptions and Considerations
The design of an Air-Intake for an Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion System is a challenge and depends
on many different factors. The requirement is an efficient collection of the particles encountered by the S/C
in order to feed the thruster. The ratio between the collected particle flow ˙
Nthr and the incoming particle
flow ˙
Nin is named Collection Efficiency, see Eq. 1. In order to have a highly efficient device, it is required to
keep ηcas high as possible.
A consideration on the need of an Air-Intake should not be avoided. The flow the Air-Intake encounters
will be highly rarefied and, therefore, it is not possible to follow intuition, which is strictly connected to
our experience on Earth where continuum flow sovereigns. For different flow conditions, the presence of an
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Air-Intake that works perfectly in continuum might worsen and even become counterproductive, providing
to the thruster less particle flow than without an Air-Intake. The incoming particle flow to the intake is
defined by the open front area of the intake Ain and the free stream conditions (e.g. number density nin
and velocity vin)as: ˙
Nin =ninvin Ain (2)
Multiplying the particle flow ˙
Nwith the average particle mass mpresults in the corresponding mass flow
N. With the assumption that the entire collected mass flow ˙mthr is accelerated by the thruster, the
produced thrust can be calculated as in Eq. 3:
Nthrvout =mpηc˙
Ninvout =(mpnin vinvout )(ηcAin)(3)
Here, vout is the exhaust velocity out of the thruster. A deeper description of the influencing factors for the
flow into the propulsion device will be further described as part of the balancing model in Sec. IV. In the
context of the design of an Air-Intake for an Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion System two important points
have to be considered. On the one hand, for maximizing the thrust, not only the efficiency of the thruster
itself has to be taken care of, but also a sufficient amount of mass flow has to be provided. Eq. 3 suggests that
the area of the intake Ain should be as large as possible to collect the most amount of mass flow, however,
the S/C front area also determines the drag. On the other hand, when considering the feeding system to the
chamber as part of the Air-Intake, the collected gas has also to be fed at a sufficient pressure and, inside an
ionization chamber, the neutral gas should remain as long as possible for an efficient ionization process. For
this, the particles have to be slowed down while increasing pressure. Therefore, a direct flow of free stream
particles into the chamber would not be desired.
III. Air-Intake Review
A. Basic Concepts
The basic concepts for an Air-Intake design are hereby described and shown.
A first logical configuration can be a short cylinder with the cross section of the entire S/C, followed by
a simple entrance cone as shown in Fig. 2a. The cross section cone could converge directly to the size of
the propulsion system or, alternatively, to a feeding system allowing the other S/C subsystems to be placed
behind the Air-Intake.
(a) Air-Intake Simple Cone Concept. (b) Air-Intake By-Pass Concept.
Figure 2: Air-Intake Concepts
However, the approach of using a simple cone is not the best one as the flow is not in the continuum
regime and, thus, dominated by collisions with the walls rather than of inter-particle collisions. This basically
prevents the particles from reaching the end of the cone, which has also been verified through preliminary
Direct Monte Carlo Simulations (DSMC), emphasizing the importance of the right wall model. In case of
diffusive reflections (the most realistic case1), most of the particles will be scattered into a random direction
when hitting the wall. As the solid angle including the cone exit represents for the most reflections only
a very small part of the entire half space, that comprises all possible target directions, nearly all particles
are reflected back into the flight direction. In the case of specular reflection, the situation might be only
improved together with a small cone angle. The basic problem arises that the short cylinder between the
front collection area and the cone does not have only a high transmission probability for the incoming
particles, but also for the flow that is scattered back (the backflow) and, basically, only the particles which
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
were already directed into the projection of the thruster entrance section will enter into it, resulting in a low
collection efficiency ηc.
The performance of the Air-Intake can be improved by providing a design with a high transmission probability
for the incoming flow, and trapping it by a lower transmission probability for the backflow. The key concept
is that the free stream condition has the nature of being a collimated, hyperthermal flow, as the velocity of
the S/C is large compared to the thermal movement of the atmosphere according to the kinetic theory of
gases. Thus, it is less obstructed by lateral structures, such as grids or tubes, than the scattered backflow
is, which has only thermal movement when diffusive reflections at the walls are assumed. Based on this,
a long duct instead of a short one can be better for the collection. According to the study of BUSEK,8
particles will impact at the end of a long duct on the inclined walls gaining random velocity and, due to
the already existing compression, they might be subjected to collisions with the further incoming particles,
creating an even higher compression at the end of the duct. The actual influence of this “collision cascade”
will be analyzed as part of the DSMC simulation in Sec. V. The difference in the transmission for inflow
and scattered backflow might be utilized more efficiently with the introduction of a honeycomb structure of
small straws at the entrance of the Air-Intake.
Another configuration is the by-pass design, see Fig. 2b, which can be additionally combined with the
honeycomb approach. The flow enters from a ring and reaches the inclined surfaces at the end of the duct.
These will act as reflectors/diffusers for the particles which will be then subjected to multiple reflections due
to the presence of the satellite core, as shown in the Fig. 2b. The satellite core provides a sensible position
for most of the other S/C subsystems.
B. Literature Review
From literature review the most detailed Air-Intake studies for Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion applica-
tions are those from ESA,4BUSEK8and JAXA.5
1. ESA
The study from ESA4considers a mechanical Air-Intake as shown in Fig. 3: At the inlet section, a grid is
positioned to stop the incoming particles, a long duct is following to get the required steady pressure level
at the end of the device, where a cone shape finally drives particles into the gridded ion thruster GIT. There
are important considerations about the fact that over a certain length of the Air-Intake, there is no more
improvement in the pressure at the end and, moreover, that a concave or divergent shape at the end does
not improve the flow.
Figure 3: Air-Intake and GIT from ESA.4
The BUSEK Inc.8studied the MArs Breathing Hall Effect Thruster (MABHET), a S/C with an Atmosphere-
Breathing Electric Propulsion System. In this design, the Air-Intake is a long tube of 3.7m length and0.6m
diameter, possibly with a honeycomb structure in the front composed of many straws as described in Sec. A.
The Air-Intake is designed as a long tube in order to achieve a higher density region at the back part due to
the presence of an assumed “collision cascade”. A total pressure increment of 100 was observed in DSMC.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Examplary designs are shown in Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b.
The design of the Air-Intake led to the following observations:
A long duct allows a compression zone to form at the back, due to collisions between incoming and
already trapped particles (“collision cascade”);
Straws fill the inlet, with a certain length, placed in order to block the reflected backflow;
Main influencing parameter is the ratio of the collisional mean free path to the tube dimension;
Small inclination of the Air-Intake surfaces will more likely lead to specular reflections at the wall, as
the parallel component of the velocity is still much higher than the perpendicular.
(a) Air-Intake, DSMC results from BUSEK Report.8
(b) Air-Intake, general concept from BUSEK Presentation.9
Figure 4: BUSEK Design
3. Fujita, JAXA
Fujita’s study5considers a by-pass-like design in which the air flow enters through a ring as shown in Fig. 5.
The particles reach the back of the intake hitting a 45steep surface, the diffuser/reflector, and are afterwards
reflected on the back of the satellite core and to the thruster’s acceleration grids. Again, such an annular
intake represents a structure with different transmission probabilities for the inflow and the backflow, when
the effective diameter of the open cross section is small compared to the length. An ECR device ionizes the
particles in the part behind the satellite core (the ionization chamber) that are afterwards extracted through
accelerating grids. As difference to the BUSEK design, grids are at the outlet, and the whole thruster is
already included in the design and, therefore, it is not possible to precisely distinguish between Air-Intake
and thruster. In 2012 a new paper from JAXA7dealing with the development of this Air-Intake has been
published. The main design of the Air-Intake is kept with one important modification, that is the addition
of straws inside the ring-shaped inlet region, similarly to the BUSEK design.
From this brief review, the following main points can be summarized:
A long, annular inlet duct will allow compression at the end of the intake;
Straws at the entrance section let incoming particles going through, but block the backflow;
A conical shape at the end of the intake can drive the flow and scatter the particles into the end of the
inlet where they can be driven by other matters to the thruster.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Figure 5: Air-Intake from Fujita’s 2004 paper,.5
IV. Balancing Model
A. Introduction
In this Section a simple, analytical model for the evaluation of a generic RAM-EP Air-Intake configuration
is presented. The generic design becomes obvious when comparing the introduced designs, where an intake
section collects the particles with free stream conditions and guides them into the propulsion system. In the
context of this model, the intake section is followed by a chamber section in which it is assumed that all
particles have already gone through wall collisions and, thus, have only a thermal movement with regard to
the wall temperature left. By this, the only particle flows directed out of the chamber are due to thermal
diffusion. One flow back through the intake with its desirably low transmittance probability, and another flow
through the outlet. The representation of the outlet flow strongly depends on the specific configuration. For
the JAXA’s design, it is the flow passing through the thruster grids, increased by the acceleration provided
by them. In general, a feeding system and the thruster itself follows. By balancing these particle flows, the
conditions in the separate sections can be estimated.
B. Assumptions
The basic assumptions for the analytical model are following the nomenclature in Fig. 6:
Free Stream Condition
Intake Control Volume, Chamber
Figure 6: Balancing Model Scheme.
Ain and Aout are the respective cross sections for the inflow and the outflow representing those of the
chamber section. The parameters of the incoming flow are known: number density nin (or pressure pin),
flow temperature Tin and free stream velocity vin.
Θ is the transmittance into a specific direction through a single structure, indicated in the subscript, and
is the fraction of particles which pass through the exit section against the amount of particles which passed
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
into inflow direction through its start section, as part of them is partially scattered back while crossing the
volume. The transmittance can represent any intake, including a case with straws. This is also used for the
outlet, for the JAXA case with a transmittance for the acceleration grids. For a general design, it represents
the feeding system and thruster.
All in all, three transmittances are to be set: one for the incoming flow, one for the backflow coming from
the chamber (accounting for two values through the intake part), and a third for the flow through the outlet.
Based on these transmittances, the respective particle flows can be defined. ˙
Nintake1is the flow of particles
passing through the intake section from free stream into the chamber section, ˙
Nintake2is the backflow that
goes back to the free stream after having reached the chamber section, and ˙
Nout is the net outflow.
The basic hypotheses of this model are the following:
Free molecular flow;
Single species;
Ideal gas;
Complete diffusive accommodation, α=1;
Fixed temperature, Tch =Twall;
No macroscopic velocity inside the chamber, vch =0m/s.
The general particle flow into the direction of xiis defined as in Eq. 4, where nis the number density,
¯vxiis the averaged flow velocity into xiand Ais the passed area perpendicular to ¯vxi.
Relying on this equation, the particle flow ˙
Nin into the Air-Intake which can be collected at most is simply
the one using the free stream conditions and the open area.
Regarding the actually collected flow, the following can be written:
Based on the for-mentioned hypotheses, the macroscopic velocity of the collected particles will be brought
to zero and a superposed backflow will not influence the inflow as it is a free molecular flow.
Starting from the temperature of the particles inside the chamber, the thermal mass flux Γ, defined in Eq. 6,
according to [1, p.151], can be calculated.
Γ(n, T )xi=nmpkBTch
Therefore, it is possible to apply Γ to determine backflow and outflow in the chamber of the Air-Intake
as following:
Nout =Γ(nch,T
AoutΘout +˙
Naccel (8)
To this, the continuity equation, see Eq. 9, can be applied which states that the net particle flow through
a control volume, in this case the chamber section, having certain number of outlets and inlets must be zero.
Naccel is the accelerated particle flow which will be actively extracted by the thruster. This value strongly
depends on the operation point of the specific thruster and its respective acceleration process and is, amongst
others, also a function of the ninside the chamber. It is expected that a minimum nis needed inside the
chamber for the thruster ignition. Therefore, the focus is at the situation before ignition, ˙
Naccel =0.
Nout (9)
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
The assumption of a nullified macroscopic velocity in the chamber allows to rewrite Eq. 9 as in Eq. 10:
NinΘintake1=Γ(nch ,T
(AinΘintake2+Aout Θout) (10)
Therefore Γ can be extracted and, thus, the density nch inside the chamber from Eq. 6 results in:
nch (nch,T
The pressure can be calculated by applying the ideal gas condition as:
pch =nchkBTch (12)
It is therefore possible to analytically calculate the parameters inside the chamber section, when input
conditions and transmittances are given. Based on this, efficiencies for the number particle flow, pressure
and mass flow can be extracted. The approach will be verified through DSMC simulation in Sec. V.
The number density inside the chamber is the value which results together with the other gas properties in a
thermal effusion out of the chamber equal to ˙
Nintake2and the effusion part of ˙
Nout. In a dynamic view, this
values rises until the balance is reached. Considering also the extracted flow ˙
Naccel, it is expected that the
actual nch will decrease after ignition, since the thermal effusion required for mass balance would be smaller.
Collection Efficiency ηcin Eq. 13, pressure ratio in Eq. 14 and number density ratio in Eq. 15 are important
values for the evaluation of an Air-Intake. With regard to Eq. 1, ˙
Nthr can be seen either as ˙
Nintake1or as
Nout. For consistency with the respective publications of the analyzed designs and for a simple comparison
with the DSMC simulations, the latter has been chosen.
AinΘintake2+Aout Θout
AinΘintake2+Aout Θout 2π
AinΘintake2+Aout Θout 2π
V. Air-Intake Simulations
In this section, the DSMC simulations performed with our in-house code PICLas are presented. The
consideration of a honeycomb structure of small straws at the entrance required an elaborate modelling
approach which is additionally described.
PICLas, developed at the IRS and the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics (IAG) of the University
of Stuttgart,10 was employed for the following simulations. The code is a coupled, three-dimensional particle
method based on unstructured, hexahedral meshes and includes, besides general routines for particle tracking
and particle-wall collisions, a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)1as well as a particle-in-cell method,
with additional modules for Low Diffusion and Fokker-Planck models.11
In the context of this paper, only the DSMC part was used. A pairing scheme including the Natural-Sample-
Size method with the variable hard sphere model was applied for inter-particle collisions. Internal degrees of
freedom of molecules were taken into account while neglecting chemical reactions because of the relatively low
temperatures in all simulations. By switching the pairing scheme off (corresponding to collision probabilities
of zero) and, thus, using only the tracking, wall collisions and analysis routines, also ideal, free molecular
flows were simulated.
In general, symmetry was exploited by simulating only one quarter of the domain. Diffusive reflection with
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
full accommodation was assumed at walls, whereas specular reflection for the planes of symmetry. All
other boundaries were open with a defined transparence (i.e., crossing particles are deleted with the given
probability, otherwise reflected) with an optional inflow from a virtual buffer layer filled with particles of a
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution corresponding to the respective inlet condition.
B. DSMC Simulations of the Reference Cases
1. JAXA Air-Intake
Based on the Fujita’s 2004 study,5DSMC simulations have been performed for comparison with their
paper results and to verify the balancing model. The input values are the same as reported in the paper5
(atmospheric model MSISE-90), as well as the geometrical data. In particular, two different geometric
configurations are considered, with a form factor of χ=10.0 for a short intake optimized for low altitudes,
and χ=20.0 for a longer intake optimized for higher altitudes. The form factor χ, see Fig. 7, is defined as in
Eq. 16. Two altitudes have been simulated, 140km and 180 km, the highest with both geometries (χ=10.0
and χ=20.0) and the lowest with a different outlet transmittance, given by the acceleration grids of the
assumed thruster (Θout =0.1an
out =0.2).5
Figure 7: Air-Intake Geometry,.5
Additionally to the MSISE-90, the NRLMSISE-00 atmosphere model was used for comparison. It is
the most advanced regarding the composition of the atmosphere at low altitudes.12 The differences of
the two models are, in our simulations, the inclusion of additional species ( He and Ar at 140 km, also
Nat180km),alowerTin and a slightly lower ntot. Input parameters for the model have been set for
01/01/2014 at hour =1.50, lat. 55.00, long. 45.00 in average solar and geomagnetic activity defined by
F10.7=F10.7avg = 140 and Ap = 15. In Tab. A1 of the Appendix the input parameters are shown.
Concerning the short Air-Intake, χ=10.0 at 140 km using NRLMSISE-00 model, DSMC simulations have
been run also with the hypothesis of an ideal free molecular flow, that means considering only collisions
between particles and walls. By this, the contribution, if there is any, of inter-particle collisions inside the
chamber can be evaluated.
The results of our simulations are compared to the Fujita’s from 2004 in Tab. 1 in terms of the averaged
value of the total number density ninside the region behind the satellite core. Results have, except for
the χ= 10 case at 180 km, a deviation of less than 10% from the reference values. Therefore the results
are, at least, in the same range and verify the general simulation set-up. The main reason of the deviations
is assumed to be the ambiguity of a defined chamber pressure. Furthermore, not all assumptions of the
reference are known.
A more elaborate presentation and discussion of the results is given in Sec. VI.
2. BUSEK Air-Intake Simulation
Based on the BUSEK design,8DSMC simulations have been performed to cover a wider range of Air-Intake
configurations. The considered design is supposed to operate in a low Mars orbit and is a 3.7m long tube
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Table 1: Fujita’s 2004 Air-Intake DSMC Results Comparison
Θout nch ,from
5navg,ch , PICLas Rel. Dev. Note
km - - m3m3%-
140 10.0 0.1 7.24 ×1018 7.77 ×1018 +7.32
140 10.0 0.2 4.82 ×1018 4.95 ×1018 +2.70
”” ” 4.40 ×1018 8.71 NRLMSISE-00
180 10.0 0.2 1.11 ×1018 9.32 ×1017 16.04
180 20.0 0.2 1.37 ×1018 1.237 ×1018 9.71
”” ” 1.01 ×1018 26.28 NRLMSISE-00
Table 2: BUSEK Air-Intake DSMC Results Comparison
8ηc, PICLas Rel. Dev. Note
%%% -
28 23 17.9 With Collisions
<19 17 - No Collisions
20 - With Straws, With Collisions
<19 15 - With Straws, No Collisions
with a 0.6 m diameter terminating with a conical surface converging on a 0.14 m diameter exit to fed the Hall-
Thruster. As complete data is not available, nhas been extracted from a given plot showing the compression
efficiency ηcat different products of number densities and intake diameter. A value of ntot =5.3×1017 m3
was used for the simulated intake diameter of 0.6 m. Remaining flow condition are set to vin =3.5km/sand
Tin = 250K, the latter represents a common value for the temperature of the upper Mars atmosphere.6As
simplifying assumption only CO2was considered (that is present 96%) and the internal degrees of freedom
of the particles were neglected.
The main physical principle pointed out by BUSEK is the pushing of the incoming particles on the already
trapped particles by inter-particle collisions. To quantify this effect, those collisions have been switched off
for comparison, analogously to the JAXA cases. The main results from the simulations are briefly presented
in Tab. 2 and compared to the available data from BUSEK,8that is an ηcof 28% for the simulated point
and 19% for the lowest included nwhich is, therefore, interpretable as an upper limit for the simulations
assuming free molecular flow. The results are here also in the same range as those from the reference which
verifies the general system set-up, but emphasizes the availability lack of the exact reference assumptions.
In Tab. 2 there also already simulations with included straws, these will be further described in Sec. VI.
C. Consideration of Straws inside the Air-Intake
JAXA7and BUSEK9presented an Air-Intake with a honeycomb straw structure inside the inlet. The
function of the straws, as already explained, is to minimize the backflow and, therefore, increase pressure
and density at the end of the Air-Intake and ηc. The main assumption for the straws, in both studies, is that
the incoming flow, as result of being hyperthermal, is well collimated and no interaction between particles
and straw walls will arise. That means the particles will keep their macroscopic velocity until they scatter
at the surfaces of the end of the Air-Intake.
1. Implementation in DSMC
Due to the high computational resources required for the actual inclusion of an honeycomb straw structure
into the DSMC domain, a simplifying modeling approach has been used within the simulations.
For this, single straws have been simulated, represented by simple cylinders open at both sides with an in-
coming flow along the direction of the axis. To simulate the Air-Intake completely with straws, the velocity
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
distribution at the outlet of a single straw has been extracted and used as input for the Air-Intake simulation
itself. The velocity distributions show two main peaks, one corresponding to the high, macroscopic velocity
of particles that went through the straw without wall collisions, and another for the particles scattered along
the inner wall, with a macroscopic velocity of zero. The number of fast and of scattered particles are ex-
tracted from the simulations and the respective transmittances, Θfast and Θscattered, used for the following
Air-Intake simulations were included.
As there will be also a backflow from the downstream part of the intake through the straw, a transmit-
tance for this flow is needed. The corresponding problem is an already well-known subject of gas kinetics,
mostly connected to the work of Clausing2who dealt with free molecular flow through cylinders in terms of
transmission probability. The Clausing Factor, referred as ΘClausing, depends only on the L/R ratio of the
respective cylinder and is valid under the following assumptions:
Ideal free molecular flow;
vin =0;
Tin =Twall;
fully diffusive reflections at the walls, α=0.
Precise solutions of the Clausing equations were calculated by Cole3for discrete L/R ratios. These solutions
were used, rather than the long tube approximation, in which the Clausing factor is approximated as in
Eq. 17, due to the significant error the latter produces in the range of our interest (L/R < 100), as shown
in Fig. 8. For example, the relative error is 40% for L/R = 10 and still of 5% for L/R = 100.
ΘClausing =8
L/R, -
10-1 10010110210 3
Transmittance, -
Transmittance vs. L/R
Clausing Equation vs. Long Tube Approximation
Clausing Equation
Long Tube Approximation
Figure 8: Comparison of Precise Clausing Factors Against Long Tube Approximation.
2. Verification of the Approach
To verify the applicability of the for-mentioned approach for the inclusion of straws into the Air-Intakes
simulation, additional DSMC simulations have been performed for a geometry including only the annular
intake section of Fujita’s Air-Intake, by which, the required transmittances could be extracted for a simulation
including only the part after the satellite core. This has been chosen as the effective diameter of the ring
open cross section is small compared to the length, similarly as for a single straw and, thus, it shows a similar
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
compression ability. Furthermore, the general approach can be demonstrated in the following.
The intake section to be modeled is simulated with open boundaries at both ends, i.e., all particles crossing
these areas are deleted. However, their velocities during the crossing are saved, which enables the evaluation
of the velocity distribution. This probability density function of directed velocity,however, does not represent
the function inside a given volume, as every particle crossing an outlet was saved and, therefore, fast particles
were preferred against slow velocities which could have started also from a larger distance. The velocity
distribution at the end is assumed to be Bi-Maxwellian, including the fast, unscattered particles with vin
and Tin on the one hand, and the scattered particles with Twall on the other hand. Based on this, the only
values to be extracted are the flow rates of fast and scattered particles that flow into the domain. These are
the corresponding transmittances Θfast and Θscatter ed multiplied by the incoming particle flow. An accepted
error is based on the fact that particles with a large lateral velocity will be scattered inside the cylinder with
a higher probability and, thus, the outflow is not supposed to follow an ideal, Gaussian distribution into
those corresponding directions.
Fig. 9 shows the corresponding data for the simulated case including both inlet and outlet section. A,Band
Care the areas given by the integrals over the individual distributions, respectively of the scattered backflow
A, the scattered flow Band the fast/unscattered flow C. As the sum of all 3 areas (A+B+C) represents
fast is calculated as C/(A+B+C)an
scattered as B/(A+B+C). The same was conducted for
an inflow without macroscopic velocity, giving only the areas Aand Band a ΘC lausing of B/(A+B). These
three transmittances, shown in Tab. 3, were applied as input to the simulation including only the chamber
section as mentioned above. Results showed no significant difference to the simulation including both intake
and chamber section, as it will be shown in Sec. VI. Therefore, the extraction of the approach has been
verified and can be applied for the straw implementation.
vz, m/s
-4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
f(vz), -
Figure 9: Extracted Velocity Distribution, Fujita’s design inflow including only the Annular Intake Section.
Table 3: Annular Intake Section Transmittances.
El. ΘClausing ,(A
O 0.212 0.289 0.392
N20.212 0.276 0.466
O20.212 0.253 0.512
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
3. JAXA Straws
In 2012 a new paper from JAXA7dealt with the improvement of Fujita’s design, in particular a model for
laboratory testing was developed with the addition of straws in a honeycomb structure, and tested with an
atomic oxygen flux generator. Since the geometry of this particular Air-Intake is not available, its straws
with a L/R = 20 have been applied to the Fujita’s design for the altitude of 140 km, χ= 10. The atmospheric
model applied is the NRLMSISE-00. The transmittances extracted from our simulations are summarized for
each species in Tab. 4.
Table 4: JAXA Straw Transmittances Results.
Element Θfast Θscattered ΘClausing
Ar 0.381 0.293 0.109
He 0.064 0.288 0.109
N20.307 0.315 0.109
O 0.204 0.334 0.109
O20.333 0.308 0.109
4. BUSEK Straws
In the BUSEK presentation on MABHET,9straws are mentioned to be used in the Air-Intake for the fore-
mentioned reasons. Detailed information on their geometry is not available and, therefore, a rough estimation
from the schemes in the report8and in the presentation9was done. The estimated values provide an aspect
ratio of L/R 35. The extracted transmittances are presented in Tab. 5.
Table 5: BUSEK Straw Transmittances Results.
Element Θfast Θscattered ΘClausing
CO20.100 0.306 0.067
VI. Simulation Results and discussion
In this section, the results of the Air-Intake simulations for both Fujita/JAXA and BUSEK cases, also
with the inclusion of straws, are presented and discussed. Averaged, macroscopic values inside discrete cells
are extracted for the total number density nand velocity vzinto inflow direction zfrom lines along the
Air-Intake, as it is shown in Fig. 10 together with contours of total nfor the JAXA intake with MSISE-90
model, χ=10.0an
out =0.2 at 140 km (“chamber” illustrates the averaging volume for the calculation
of nch). For the BUSEK cases, center lines have been extracted.
A. JAXA Air-Intake
Fig. A1a in the appendix, shows vzand nalong the intake for the reference cases at 140 km. nincreases
when getting closer to the chamber while the vzdecreases, which is also expected as the part of scattered
particles increases. Higher density and lower velocity are shown in the case with a lower transmittance of
the outlet grid, indicating a higher compression. In the plot the result including only the chamber section
for the modeling of the velocity distribution is also shown, and very good agreement is visible, therefore,
verifying the extraction approach of the velocity distribution.
Fig. A1b shows the results for the Air-Intake at 180 km with both atmospheric models and both χ. Red and
black lines are using the same atmospheric model but a different χ, the short Air-Intake optimized for 140km
provides indeed a smaller nwhile keeping the velocity higher than in the case with the long Air-Intake of
χ=20.0. The slightly lower nof the NRLMSISE-00 model compared to the MSISE-90, produces the lower
nin the Air-Intake of the same size, the different Tin probably influences the shape of the curve itself. Tab. 6
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July 4–10, 2015
Figure 10: JAXA intake with MSISE-90 model, χ=10.0an
out =0.2 at 140 km.
shows the results of the simulations performed with the NRLMSISE-00 model, illustrating the influence of
inter-particle collisions and straws inside the intake. In particular, the extracted average number density
over the chamber volume navg,ch is shown. Starting from this value the pressure and density ratio are derived
and, moreover, ηcis also included. The line plots of the Air-Intake are shown in Fig. A2 in the Appendix.
Results indicate that the use of straws, in this particular geometric configuration, will provide less nin the
chamber, thus, density and pressure ratio and, therefore, also ηcwill be lower. In particular, from Fig. A2,
the nprofile shows an higher value at the entrance, which decreases towards the chamber. The opposite
behavior is obtained without straws which shows the additional compression by the straws but, as a matter
of fact, only at the inflow part of the intake. Lower performance of the Air-Intake means that the presence of
straws is counterproductive for this particular geometry. Regarding the effect of the inter-particle collisions
in the case without straws, both simulations have very similar results which shows the good approximation
of an ideal free molecular flow for this specific case. With collisions, a slightly lower nis achieved inside the
chamber, possibly due to the fact that the particles represent an obstacle for the incoming flow.
Table 6: DSMC Results for JAXA’s design: Influence of inter-particle collisions and straws inside the intake.
Θout nav g,ch ηcpch/pin nch /nin Note
km - - m3-- -
140 10.0 0.2 4.40 ×1018 0.49 29.4 56.9 NRLMSISE-00, With Collisions
”” ”4.64 ×1018 0.50 31.0 60.0 NRLMSISE-00, Without Collisions
”” ”3.61 ×1018 0.40 24.1 46.7 NRLMSISE-00, Straws, With Collisions
Fig. A3 in the Appendix shows nalong the center line (zaxis) of the BUSEK Air-Intake design. The rapidly
decreasing nat the end of the intake is due to the assumption of a completely open outlet8with no backflow.
In the real case, the thruster systems would follow, creating also a backflow. The DSMC results of the
simulations without straws (black and blue lines) show that nsignificantly increases and reaches a region of
nearly constant state at the back, if collisions are taken into account. When collisions are neglected, that
region is missing and, instead, an almost linear increase of nalong the Air-Intake occurs with a maximum
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
less than the maximum value of the case with collisions. This shows that the assumed cascade effect actually
exists, in which incoming particles collides with the trapped particles and form a region of higher pressure at
the back of the Air-Intake. Concerning the application of straws to this design, Fig. A3 shows a slightly lower
n, but based on the higher nin the front part it is evident that particles are actually trapped inside the Air-
Intake. Conspicuous is the existence of a region of lower nin front of the honeycomb outlet with increasing n
into both direction for the collisional case, while, without collisions, nis monotonically decreasing, similar to
the JAXA case with straws. This can be explained by the collisions of incoming particles with the trapped
ones, representing an obstacle in the case with collisions. This can be also seen in Fig. A4 that shows the
velocity along the zaxis. In the cases with collisions, there is a jump in the velocity at the entrance - the
particles already inside are pushed into the intake.
All in all, results show that colliding particles will actually create a region of higher nat the back of the
Air-Intake, and that this principle can be used to generate a region of higher constant ninside the Air-
Intake. However, an actual improvement by the existence of straw cannot be observed which motivated a
more detailed analysis of their influence.
VII. Application of the Balancing Model and Straw Sensitivity Analysis
A. Comparison of the Balancing Model with DSMC
In the following, the Balancing Model is verified for exemplary cases analyzed by DSMC. They were:
1. Fujits’s design, MSISE-90 model, χ=10.0an
out =0.2 at 140 km, with collisions;
2. Fujita’s design with NRLMSISE-00 model and straws, with collisions;
3. BUSEK design without straws (with and without collisions);
4. BUSEK design with straws (with and without collisions).
Same inflow conditions as for the DSMC simulations were used. As the transmittances are different for each
species, the balancing model was applied for each species and the resulting nand ˙
Nare added together
for calculating the total values. The cases with straws represent an intake section including two separate
parts - the straws and the remaining intake without straws. Therefore, Eq. 18 is applied for combining two
transmittances ΘAand ΘBto a single value ΘAB,withAfor the straw values and Bfor the values of the
remaining free intake (a ring for the Fujita/JAXA and tube for the BUSEK case).
ΘA(1 ΘB)(1 ΘA,Clausing )[(1 ΘA,C lausing)(1 ΘB ,Clausing )]nΘB,Clausing (18)
Similar to the straw implementation in DSMC, transmittances were divided into ΘAB,scattered and ΘAB ,f ast,
their sum was used for the transmittances inside the balance model. The values were taken from DSMC
simulations (ΘBfor the JAXA cases from calculations of only the intake ring) or, where applicable, as known
Clausing Factors. The transmittances are summarized in Tab. A2 in the Appendix.
As Tab. 7 shows, results agree very well with DSMC results in terms of nch and ηc. Compared to the DSMC
simulations assuming free molecular flow (corresponding to the same conditions as for the Balancing model),
the relative error is less than 10%, in the Fujita/JAXA case with straws even nearly exact for nch and 1.3%
regarding ηc. For the BUSEK case, the values are also compared to the simulations without collisions and
are still in the same range. Regarding the increased discrepancy when compared to DSMC with collisions,
this is because their effect is that the incoming particles literally push the already trapped particles further
into the Air-Intake, therefore increasing ηcand n. In the Balancing Model, this cannot be taken into account,
as it assumes free molecular flow.
The Balancing Model seems to be a very good approximation for the DSMC results and it also confirms the
reduction of ηcwhen including straws inside the intake section. However, most of the used transmittances
have to be calculated by DSMC at first and, thus, this does not represent a general approach for evaluating
any arbitrary configuration. For this, the transmittances need to be calculated directly from a given geometry.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Table 7: Results Balancing Model, BM , vs. DSMC Results
Case nDSMC
ch ηDSMC
ch ηBM
cErr. nch Err. ηc
m3% m3%%%
JAXA 4.95 ×1018 48 5.34 ×1018 51 +7.9 +5.8
JAXA with straws 3.61 ×1018 40 3.61 ×1018 40 0.0 -1.3
BUSEK (without collisions) 6.1×1019 17 6.43 ×1019 18 +5.4 +4.7
BUSEK (with collisions) 7.5×1019 23 ””-14.3 -21.4
BUSEK with straws (without collisions) 6.5×1019 15 5.93 ×1019 17 -8.8 +7.8
BUSEK with straws (with collisions) 6.5×1019 20 ””-8.8 -16.7
B. Straw Sensitivity Analysis
DSMC simulations on various straw geometries with macroscopic vin >0 have shown that a certain fraction
of the particles does not collide with the walls and leaves the straw with inflow condition, while the remaining
part is scattered, and has only a thermal movement corresponding to Twall left. As this problem is not covered
by the well-known Clausing’s assumptions and equations, it is of interest to get a wider idea of how straw
geometries and flow conditions influence the respective transmittances. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis was
performed by DSMC simulations varying the following parameters:
Tin and Twall;
incoming flow velocity, vin ;
particle mass mp, different species;
Land R.
The results of the sensitivity analysis are shown in Tab. A3 in the Appendix. By comparing Cases 1 and
3, both having the same L/R ratio but different radii, it is expected that for the same ratio, the same Θ’s
follow. Additionally, Cases 1 and 2 show that if the ratio Twall/mpis kept constant, the transmittances do
not change. Cases 4 and 5, and 10 and 11 illustrate that Twall does not have any influence and Cases 7 and
8 that Θ’s do not change for a constant vinR/L. All in all, it can be assumed that in the considered range
of parameters, the driving non-dimensional value is Xfrom Eq. 19.
The ratio of the square-root and vin can be interpreted as the one of the lateral, thermal velocity to the
axial, macroscopic velocity. Plotting all points of Tab. A3 in terms of Θ(X) results in Fig. 11. It can be seen
that the transmittances correlate well by the use of the polynomial fits given in Eq. 20 for the scattered part
and Eq. 21 for the fast part. Based on this, different values of L/R can now be analyzed both for JAXA
and BUSEK cases. L/R values with ΘClausing given by Cole3were used, in particular the Xrange was kept
the same as for the correlation. The length is kept constant (corresponding to different straw radii) which
enables the use of the same transmittances for the remaining intake part without straws (B from Eq. 18).
2=0.041447835X30.2850944924X2+0.5808664686X0.031410537 (20)
1=0.0532264802X3+0.405367838X21.0704252233X+1.0533360985 (21)
In Fig. 11 represents Θ3the total inflow transmittance, while the Clausing factor ΘClausing represents
the backflow transmittance. The former depends on both the geometry (L/R) and the inflow conditions
(Tin,mpand vin ), but the latter only on L/R. By merging both dependencies to the single value X,
Θ3is now dependent on solely Xand ΘClausing additionally on the geometry or the inflow conditions.
Therefore, ΘClausing is shown for a set of three different inflow conditions representing most of the range of
the sensitivity analysis and, thus, the considered RAM-EP cases. Fig. 11 shows that, independently from
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
the actual flow condition, Θ3decreases always slower than ΘClausing for low L/R ratios, but faster for large
ratios. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a design with low L/R ratios, as an high transmittance for the
inflow, together with a low transmittance for the backflow is desired. Moreover, it can be seen that for a
fixed X
Clausing increases with Tin and decreases with mpand vin , while Θ3remains constant. By this,
it can be assumed that, e.g., lighter species are collected less efficiently than heavier ones, as it is also shown
in Fig. A5. Fig. A5, A6, A7, and A8 in the Appendix show the resulting dependence of nch and ηcfrom
L/R for the separate species of the JAXA case and three different intake lengths for the BUSEK case. They
show that, for the considered range of parameters, the Air-Intake is supposed to be most efficient for small
L/R, corresponding to a simple grid. To verify this conclusion, DSMC simulations for shorter geometries
should be performed which would additionally include the influence of inter-particle collisions.
Figure 11: Generalized Cylinder Transmittances
VIII. Conclusion
This paper focused on the Air-Intake which collects and drives the atmosphere particles to the thruster,
in an air-breathing electric propulsion system. Recent studies have been reviewed, in particular the focus
has been on the Fujita’s design, its improvement from JAXA and the BUSEK design. Their early results
have been verified through our DSMC code.
Moreover, the introduction of straws and the influence of inter-particle collisions inside the Air-Intake, that
could improve the collection efficiencies, have been analyzed. In order to simulate the presence of straws, a
method of extraction of the velocity distribution at the end of a single straw to be inserted as input condition
for the Air-Intake has been verified and applied.
A sensitivity analysis on the straws in terms of various input parameter has been performed and showed
the dependency of the transmittances results. The velocity distribution shows that the particles will always
interact with the straw and, therefore, only a part of the flow will reach the end with a macroscopic velocity
while the rest will be only moving due to thermal diffusion.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
In particular for the Fujita’s design, the introduction of the straws of JAXA studies has shown a decrease
collection efficiency ηcand a smaller total number density nch inside the chamber than in the case without.
The application of a newer atmospheric model showed slightly lower atmospheric nand lower Tin.
Regarding the BUSEK study, the principle of a collision cascade at the end of a long tube shaped Air-Intake
that generates a compression has been verified. In particular a cushion of almost constant nis present in
front of the end of the Air-Intake and its length is increased by the addition of straws, although with a
decrease of n.
A balancing model based on separated particle flows and transmittances has been introduced and compared
with the DSMC results which have shown a good approximation in the results, however it must be sustained
by the calculation of transmittances a priori. With this model a sensitivity analysis over the L/R ratio of
the straws has been performed and applied to Fujita’s and BUSEK Air-Intakes.
This was additionally sustained by the development of a correlation between geometry/flow data and the
respective transmittance. Ideally, it should be as high as possible for the inflow, and as low as possible for
the backflow in an Air-Intake. The results show indeed, that a lower L/R ratio is preferable as it provides
higher ηcand nch. It suggests that a grid, rather than a honeycomb structure of straws at the front of the
Air-Intake, shall be used to form a higher performance Air-Intake.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Table A1: Inflow Conditions for Fujita/JAXA cases.
tot,in Tin vin nN2nO2nOnAr nHe nNAtm. Model
×1016 ×1016 ×1015 ×1016 ×1013 ×1013 ×1012
km m3Kkm/sm
140 8.73 682.07.82 5.68 3.84 2.67 - - - MSISE-90
”7.73 580.57.82 4.36 3.79 2.98 8.68 0.29 - NRLMSISE-00
180 1.75 968.07.80 0.90 0.47 0.80 - - - MSISE-90
”1.38 731.47.80 0.53 0.29 0.815 0.45 4.12 9.30 NRLMSISE-00
Table A2: Balancing Model Results.
Straw Ring/Tube
Case Θscattered Θfast ΘC lausing Θscattered Θfast ΘClausing Θintake1Θintak e2
Fujita/JAXA, O 1110.289 0.392 0.212 0.681 0.212
”, N21110.276 0.466 0.212 0.742 0.212
”, O21110.253 0.512 0.212 0.765 0.212
Fujita/JAXA, O 0.330 0.200 0.109 0.255 0.472 0.222 0.401 0.078
”, N20.330 0.200 0.109 0.255 0.472 0.222 0.488 0.078
”, O20.310 0.330 0.109 0.202 0.597 0.222 0.500 0.078
”, He 0.290 0.064 0.109 0.243 0.265 0.222 0.256 0.078
”, Ar 0.290 0.38 0.109 0.182 0.642 0.222 0.533 0.078
BUSEK 1110.265 0.447 0.162 0.712 0.162
0.307 0.099 0.067 0.240 0.507 0.181 0.315 0.049
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
Table A3: Extracted Straws Transmittances from DSMC Simulations.
Case L/R vin Twall Tin mp/El. Θfast Θscattered Note
No. -km/sK K ×1026 kg --
110 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.613 0.192 R=R1
210 7.80 600 600 5.31/2×O0.613 0.192
310 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.616 0.192 R=R1/2
410 7.80 150 150 2.66/O0.722 0.139
510 7.80 600 150 2.66/O0.721 0.139
610 15.60 300 300 2.66/O0.803 0.099
710 3.90 300 300 2.66/O0.326 0.311
820 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.325 0.311
920 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.324 0.311 nin n140 km, Collisions
10 10 7.80 600 600 2.66/O0.475 0.256
11 10 7.80 150 600 2.66/O0.474 0.256
12 14.89 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.450 0.265
13 4.44 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.825 0.088
14 60.63 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.05 0.25
15 34.48 7.80 300 300 2.66/O0.141 0.323
16 34.48 3.50 300 250 7.31/CO20.100 0.306
17 20 7.82 300 580.5 6.34/Ar 0.380 0.293
18 20 7.82 300 580.5 0.665/He 0.063 0.281
19 20 3.91 300 1451.25 6.65/10 ×He 0.063 0.281
20 20 7.82 300 580.5 4.65/N20.307 0.315
21 20 7.82 300 580.5 2.66/O0.204 0.334
22 20 7.82 300 580.5 5.31/O20.333 0.308
(If not mentioned, inter-particle collisions are switched off, assuming free molecular flow.)
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July 4–10, 2015
z, m
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
vz, m/s
Fujita Air-Intake 140 km, χ=10.0, MSISE-90, v z and n along a line
vz, ΘOut =0.2
n, ΘOut =0.2
vz, ΘOut =0.1
n, ΘOut =0.1
vz, Chamber , ΘOut =0.2
nz, Chamber, ΘOut =0.2
n, m -3
×10 18
(a) Air-Intake, DSMC results at 140km for JAXA Design, MSISE-90.
z/L, -
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
vz, m/s
Fujita Air-Intake 180 km, ΘOut =0.2, v z and n along a line
n, m -3
×10 18
vz, χ=10
n, χ=10
vz, χ=20
n, χ=20
vz, χ=20, NRLMSISE-00
nz, χ=20, NRLMSISE-00
(b) Air-Intake, DSMC results at 180km for JAXA Design, MSISE-90, NRLMSISE-00
Figure A1: Air-Intake, JAXA results, MSISE-90 and NRLMSISE-00.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
z, m
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
vz, m/s
Fujita Air-Intake 140 km, χ=10.0, ΘOut =0.2, NRLMSISE-00, v z and n along a line
vz, without collisions
n, without collisions
vz, straws
nz, straws
n, m -3
×10 18
Figure A2: Air-Intake, DSMC results, JAXA Design with straws NRLMSISE-00.
z, m
00.5 11.5 22.5 33.5 4
n,m -3
×10 19
8BUSEK Air-Intake Mars, n along the center line
with collisions
without collisions
straws with collisions
straws without collisions
Figure A3: Density Along Center Line, BUSEK Design
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July 4–10, 2015
00.5 11.5 22.5 33.5 4
BUSEK Air-Intake Mars, v z along the center line
with collisions
without collisions
straws with collisions
straws without collisions
Figure A4: Velocity Along Center Line, BUSEK Design
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
70 Collection Efficiency, JAXA Air-Intake, χ=10.0 over L/R straw ratio
Figure A5: Balancing model applied to the JAXA Design, Collection Efficiency over L/R.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
nch/n in , -
nch/n in ratio, JAXA Air-Intake, χ=10.0 over L/R straw ratio
Figure A6: Balancing model applied to the JAXA Design, Number Density Ratio over L/R.
L/Rstraw ,-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
45 Collection Efficiency, BUSEK Design, over L/R straw ratio
Ltube,after straw =3.2 m
Ltube,after straw =1.5 m
Ltube,after straw =6.0 m
Figure A7: Balancing model applied to the BUSEK Design, Collection Efficiency over L/R.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
L/Rstraw ,-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
nch/n in , -
nch/n in ratio, BUSEK Design, over L/R straw ratio
Ltube,after straw =3.2 m
Ltube,after straw =1.5 m
Ltube,after straw =6.0 m
Figure A8: Balancing model applied to the BUSEK Design, Number Density Ratio over L/R.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
F. Romano gratefully thanks the Landesgraduiertenf¨orderung of the University of Stuttgart for the finan-
cial support; the authors acknowledge Mr. Yasuyoshi Hisamoto for the fruitful exchange of data regarding
the japanese studies.
1G. A. Bird. Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows. Clarendon, Oxford, 1994.
2P. Clausing. ¨
Uber die str¨omung sehr verd¨unnter gase durch r¨ohren von beliebiger l¨ange. Annalen der Physik, 404(8):961–
989, 1932.
3R. J. Cole. Complementary variational principles for Knudsen flow rates. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, pages
107–115, 1977.
4D Di Cara, A Santovincenzo, B Carnicero Dominguez, M Arcioni, A Caldwell, and I Roma. RAM electric propulsion for
low earth orbit operation: an ESA study. 2007.
5Kazuhisa Fujita. Air-intake performance estimation of air-breathing ion engines. Transactions of the Japan Society of
Mechanical Engineers. B, 70(700):3038–3044, dec 2004.
6Francisco Gonzalez-Galindo, Francois Forget, Monica Angelats I Coll, and Miguel Angel Lopez-Valverde. The Martian
Upper Atmosphere. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, USA, 2008.
7Yasuyoshi Hisamoto, Kazutaka Nishiyama, and Hitoshi Kuninaka. Design of air intake for air breathing ion engine. 63rd
International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy., 2012.
8Kurt Hohman. Atmospheric breathing electric thruster for planetary exploration, 2012.
9Kurt Hohman. Atmospheric breathing electric thruster for planetary exploration. Presented as the NIAC Spring Sym-
posium, 2012.
10Claus-Dieter Munz, Monika Auweter-Kurtz, Stefanos Fasoulas, Asim Mirza, Philip Ortwein, Marcel Pfeiffer, and Torsten
Stindl. Coupled particle-in-cell and direct simulation monte carlo method for simulating reactive plasma flows. Comptes Rendus
Mcanique, 342(1011):662 – 670, 2014. Theoretical and numerical approaches for Vlasov-maxwell equations.
11Dejan Petkow. Modellierung von Teilchenkollisionen zur Berechnung hochverd¨unnter Plasmastr¨omungen. PhD thesis,
Universit¨at Stuttgart, Holzgartenstr. 16, 70174 Stuttgart, 2011.
12J.M. Picone, A.E. Hedin, D.P. Drob, and A.C. Aikin. NRLMSISE-00 empirical model of the atmosphere: Statistical
comparisons and scientific issues. Journal of geophysical research, 107(A12), 2002.
13Francesco Romano. System Analysis and Test-Bed for an Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion System. Master’s thesis,
Universit¨at Stuttgart, University of Padova, 2014.
14T. Sch¨onherr, K. Komurasaki, F. Romano, B. Massuti-Ballester, and G. Herdrich. Analysis of atmosphere-breathing
electric propulsion. Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on, 43(1):287–294, Jan 2015.
Joint Conference of 30th ISTS, 34th IEPC and 6th NSAT, Hyogo-Kobe, Japan
July 4–10, 2015
... In addition to the thruster, different designs for atmospheric intakes (or mass collectors), based on diffusely and specularly reflecting surface materials, have been studied at the IRS [39,40] and are considered for the spacecraft system study within this paper. These designs and further investigations on their limitations are shortly described in the following sections. ...
... Refs. [39,40]), relying on different particle reflection properties of the intake material. In this paper, two intake types, based on diffuse and specular reflection of atmospheric particles, are considered. ...
To achieve a feasible lifetime of several years, most satellites are deployed in orbits higher than 400 km. Drag of residual atmosphere causes a slow orbit decay, resulting in the deorbit of the spacecraft. However, e.g. optical instruments or communication devices would significantly benefit from lower altitudes in the range of 150-250 km. A solution to achieve this could be the application of atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP), where the residual atmosphere is used to generate continuous thrust that compensates the drag. Within the EU-funded DISCOVERER project, the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) developed an electrode-less RF Helicon-based Plasma Thruster (IPT) suitable for such applications. Ignition and preliminary discharge characterizations of the IPT have been carried out at IRS facilities, using argon, nitrogen and oxygen. To further characterize the plasma plume, a torsional pendulum has been designed to determine the (local) momentum flux in the plasma jet, as well as a three-axis magnetic B-dot probe to carry out time-varying magnetic field measurements. Various intake designs were investigated, opening the possibility to conduct studies on potential satellite platforms within the frame of the ESA-funded project RAM-CLEP. A design study for an Earth Observation and Telecommunication satellite operating at 150-250 km with an extended mission lifetime is currently being carried out. The first system assessment focused on the comparison of different spacecraft configurations (“slender body” and “flat body”) and intake designs (specular or diffuse) with regard to overall drag and ABEP performance requirements. In this contribution, the design approaches for the current thruster and the diagnostic methods are depicted. Moreover, the current status of the system assessment is presented. Upcoming experimental studies of the ABEP system e.g. within the ESA-project RAM-CLEP and additional activities planned on system assessment are outlined.
... A classic passive intake with entrance ducts is therefore considered here. Extending the work of other authors [20,34], a quasi-2D panel-like method is derived to estimate the performance of the intake. ...
Atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) is a concept that ingests residual atmospheric gases as a source of propellant for an electric thruster, removing the need for onboard propellant storage. This would enable continuous low-thrust drag compensation, extending the lifetime of spacecraft in Very-Low Earth Orbit (VLEO); <250 km. VLEO is an appealing region for spacecraft operations, enabling new remote sensing missions with improved radiometric performance and spatial resolution , whilst reducing size, mass and power requirements, as well as mission cost. A preliminary design review and optimisation is therefore conducted for an ABEP system that uses the cathode-less radio frequency (RF) plasma thruster from Technology for Innovation & Propulsion (T4i) S.p.A. This removes the issue of thruster erosion by means of magnetic confinement and offers reduced susceptibility to varying atmospheric composition. A semi-empirical oxygen-nitrogen global source model (GSM) has been developed which considers the volume-averaged flux, momentum, and energy balance of the RF discharge. This includes a detailed chemistry model for the complex electron-molecular reactions and energy-loss channels of air plasma in the ionisation chamber. The GSM is coupled to an analytical model of flux balance for an air intake, verified by Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) simulation, to consider its design for maximum collection efficiency. This is then utilised in a robust multi-objective optimisation of the ABEP system, accounting also for spacecraft aerodynamics and power requirements.
... The air pressure in VLEO ranges between 10 − 7 to 10 − 2 Pa, thus requiring compressors to provide the pressures needed to produce sufficient thrust from an ABEP system [20]. Air-intake designs for ABEP thrusters have been investigated by Li and Romano [21,22]. However, as the desired orbital altitude decreases the surrounding air pressure (and drag) increases allowing the use of ABEP thrusters without the need for a compression system and the additional drag from air-intakes. ...
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For satellites in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) or the upper atmosphere, Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) can be used to counteract the drag effects of the atmosphere or provide attitude control without the need for onboard propellant storage. The Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) inspired the design of an ABEP Pulsed Plasma Thruster (TAMU PPT) which takes advantage of the simplicity, scalability, and high energy density of the DPF. This work details the design and testing of a PPT for use on satellites in the upper atmosphere. Testing was conducted at a variety of pressures and pulsing energies to determine which conditions provide maximum thrust and thrust to power ratios (TPR). It was found through single pulse experiments that a pressure of 6.3 hPa (corresponding to an altitude of about 35 km) and an energy per pulse of 9 J yield a TPR of 21 mN/kW. High frequency operation at 20 Hz in similar conditions showed a TPR of up to 28 mN/kW with a corresponding thrust of 4.8 mN. High speed imaging of the plasma plume found plasma velocities in excess of 2 km/s and identified metal ejecta with velocities up to 350 m/s. The pinching phenomenon associated with a DPF was also observed and a plasma jet velocity up to 50 km/s was recorded. The TPR of the TAMU PPT demonstrated in this work is comparable to that of other ABEP thrusters, however the TAMU PPT has an advantage when comparing thrust density. The TAMU PPT has a thrust density between 4.8 and 19 mN/cm ² while other ABEP thrusters have thrust densities between 0.019 and 0.36 mN/cm ² .
... ESA designed a suction device suitable for ABEP thrusters in 2007, analyzing the feasibility of suction in the VLEO area (180-250 km) [16]. Romano et al. systematically analyzed the atmospheric properties and drag of the VLEO region based on the key parameters of ABEP spacecraft [17][18][19][20]. In 2017, Jackson et al., and Peng Zheng et al. respectively designed the ABEP system used in Cubesat and carried out simulation verification, which provided a reference for the design of the ABEP system for larger spacecraft [21,22]. ...
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Very-low Earth orbit (VLEO) space below 200 km is essential for high-quality communications and near-Earth space environment detection. Due to the significant atmospheric drag, orbital maintenance is required for spacecraft staying here. Based on air-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) technology, this paper analyzed the orbital boundary conditions of the spacecraft under the constraints of parameters including slenderness ratio, thrust-to-power ratio, drag coefficient, and effective specific impulse. The energy balance is the key constraint for low VLEO orbits, which is determined by the drag coefficient, slenderness ratio, and thrust-to-power ratio. Under the existing technical conditions, the lowest circular orbit (along the terminator) is about 170 km. An elliptical orbital flight scheme is also analyzed to reach a 150 km perigee. A half-period control method was proposed based on the on–off control method for the elliptical orbit, which could enable the spacecraft to maintain a stable 150–250 km elliptical orbit.
... Atmosphere for Maneuvering by Electric Propulsion) [11], JAXA's ABIE (Air-Breathing Ion Engine) [12], the European Commission's AETHER (Atmospherebreathing Electric THrustER) [13], Busek Co.'s MABHET (Martian Atmosphere-Breathing Hall Effect Thruster) [14], and the University of Stuttgart's DISCOVERER [15,16]. These initiatives seek to change the face of space propulsion by showcasing the practicality of ABEP systems for a range of missions, from planetary exploration to Earth remote sensing in VLEO. ...
Conference Paper
Atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) is a concept of electric propulsion system that has the potential to revolutionise space mission scenarios by using the air from the atmosphere as a propellant source instead of relying on a stored reservoir. This promising technology could enable very low Earth orbit (VLEO) mission scenarios, providing a clean, efficient, and sustainable propulsion system for spacecraft. Due to the significant change of atmospheric composition with altitude, which decisively affects the performance of the ABEP system, accurately simulating ABEP plasma chemistry plays a crucial role in the mission design. However, achieving a proper estimation of the propulsive performance surely represents a challenging task, as a result of the highly complex plasma dynamics as well as the large number of species involved. In this study, a numerical routine was developed with the aim of portraying the performance of a radiofrequency ambipolar thruster as a whole. First, a DSMC simulation of the engine intake is carried out at a particular pressure level and atmospheric composition; the resulting flow properties are then used as input to a 0D Global Source Model (GSM) that evaluates the generation of plasma inside the ionisation chamber. Lastly, the plasma expansion in the magnetic nozzle is simulated by means of a fully-kinetic 2D3V Particle-in-Cell model. The modelling of the background neutral density of the atmosphere and its interaction with the plasma plume has been included as well.
... A classic passive intake with entrance ducts is therefore considered here. Extending the work of other authors [20,34], a quasi-2D panel-like method is derived to estimate the performance of the intake. The flux of gas from the freestream is approximated as hypersonic ( ∞ ≫ 1) and is free molecular everywhere; particles considered to have struck the thermalization chamber have a Maxwellian distribution at the temperature of the walls and the surface reflections are fully diffusive. ...
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Atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) is a concept that ingests residual atmospheric gases as a source of propellant for an electric thruster, removing the need for onboard propellant storage. This would enable continuous low-thrust drag compensation, extending the lifetime of spacecraft in Very-Low Earth Orbit (VLEO); <250 km. VLEO is an appealing region for spacecraft operations, enabling new remote sensing missions with improved radiometric performance and spatial resolution, whilst reducing size, mass and power requirements, as well as mission cost. ABEP is equally applicable to any celestial body with atmosphere. However, the presence of reactive chemical species, including atomic oxygen in VLEO, is a lifetime-limiting cause of discharge channel, grid and hollow cathode erosion in conventional EP systems such as ion and Hall-effect thrusters. A preliminary design review and optimisation is therefore conducted for an ABEP system that uses the cathode-less radio frequency (RF) plasma thruster technology from T4i S.p.A. This removes the issue of thruster erosion by means of magnetic confinement and offers reduced susceptibility to varying atmospheric composition. A semi-empirical oxygen-nitrogen global source model (GSM) has been developed which considers the volume-averaged flux, momentum, and energy balance of the RF discharge. This includes a detailed chemistry model for the complex electron-molecular reactions and energy-loss channels of air plasma in the ionisation chamber. The GSM is coupled to an analytical model of flux balance for an air intake, verified by Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo (DSMC) simulation, to consider its design for maximum collection efficiency. This is then utilised in a robust multi-objective optimisation of the ABEP system, accounting also for spacecraft aerodynamics and power requirements.
In this final chapter, plasma thrusters based on expansion from low-pressure high-density electromagnetically coupled and wave-excited plasma sources, including a radiofrequency (RF) helicon source, are considered. Associated with these electrodeless and gridless thrusters are plasma-focussing magnetic nozzles and magnetic mirrors, which are also briefly discussed. Developments of plasma thrusters such as magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters, self-induced and applied field MPD thrusters, air-breathing electric thrusters, pulsed plasma thrusters and air-breathing PPTs for future space travel are discussed in some detail. This is followed by a detailed discussion of radiofrequency-excited plasma thrusters such as those excited by helicon waves, including the physics of helicon waves, and applications resulting in several design examples of the helicon wave–driven thruster. The chapter is concluded by summarizing recent developments of novel thrusters such as the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) and inertial electrostatic confinement thruster and by providing a summary of helicon wave–excited plasma thrusters.
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Challenging space missions at very low altitudes face significant atmospheric drag, requiring efficient propulsion such as Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) to extend mission lifetime. ABEP captures atmospheric particles, using them as propellant for an electric thruster, reducing dependence on limited on-board propellant and could extend missions in Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) and celestial bodies with atmosphere like Mars. The Institute of Space Systems (IRS), under the EU H2020 DISCOVERER, ESA Ram-CLEP, and CRC ATLAS projects, is developing a high-efficiency specular intake and an advanced helicon plasma thruster for ABEP. This study uses the numerical tool PICLas and it's Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Method's (DSMC) to analyse the effect of solar activity and intake lengths on important key parameters, such as intake efficiency, mass flow rate, and pressure. The results show that efficiency decreases with higher solar activity, longer intakes and higher altitudes, with temperature having a greater effect on efficiency due to its influence on thermal velocity and molecular speed ratio. Flexible ABEP operation is recommended to accommodate varying solar activity, suggesting lower altitudes during low solar activity and higher altitudes during high solar activity.
A comprehensive numerical study is performed to investigate gas flows inside the inlet of an atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) system operating in the upper atmosphere ranging from 120 to 300 km using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. Gas pressure, mass flux, and aerodynamic drag are analyzed in depth in order to gain a deep understanding of the effects of operation altitude and the assumption of free molecular flow (FMF) on gas flows within the inlet. Computational results show that both the gas pressure and mass flux in the compression and ionization sections decrease with increasing altitude, indicating weaker compression and collection performances at higher altitudes. Therefore, careful attention should be paid to compression and collection performances of the inlet when it operates at higher altitudes. At altitudes smaller than 180 km, gas flows within the inlet are fully or partly characterized by transitional flows, so the FMF assumption tends to overestimate the gas pressure and underestimate the mass flux within the inlet resulting from the neglect of the collisions between the oncoming and reflected molecules. However, FMFs predominate within the inlet and even fill the entire inlet at altitudes larger than 180 km, so it is fairly reasonable to assume an FMF in the aerodynamic design of the inlet of an ABEP system.
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This paper summarizes the results of the RAM-EP system concept study. The study involved the investigation of the feasibility of using electric propulsion together with gas collected from the atmosphere to provide thrust to counteract the S/C altitude decay caused by drag. This is in order to allow orbit altitude control with a defined thrust profile and within the typical budgets of an Earth Observation type of mission. The final objective was to enable low altitude missions (below at least 250 km) and / or long lifetime missions above 250 km. Moreover the study aimed to apply the concept to a reference technology demonstration mission that could be of interest for Earth Observation.
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Challenging types of mission scenarios include those in Earth orbit (i.e., LEO, GEO), where the residual atmosphere, especially at low altitudes, creates significant drag to the S/Cs and forces their orbit to decay. For drag compensation propulsion systems can be used requiring on-board propellant and electric power. Enhancing lifetime of Earth-orbiting satellites without any substantial increase in costs is an important objective for governmental as well as commercial operators. An air-breathing electric propulsion system (RAM-EP) ingests the air of the residual atmosphere through a mechanical intake and uses it as propellant for an electric thruster. This system theoretically allows a S/C to orbit for an unlimited time without carrying propellant on board. Moreover a new range of altitudes (120-250 km) can be accessed, filling the gap between ramjet atmospheric propulsion and LEO space propulsion, thereby enabling many new scientific missions. Preliminary studies according to [2] have shown that the propellant flow necessary for electrostatic propulsion exceeds the available mass intake with reasonable limits, and that electrode erosion due to aggressive gases, such as oxygen, highly present in LEO, might limit the thrusters lifetime. The electrode-less design of inductive plasma generators - IPG - solves this issue. Characterisation of such plasma generators using pure O2 and CO2 gases exists and shows significant electric-to-thermal coupling efficiencies [10]. A system analysis is shown within this work to derive main design drivers for a RAM-EP mission application. Atmospheric modelling, orbit considerations, heat fluxes, drag force, air intake, and available mass flow for a wide altitude range have been investigated. Preliminary results have shown that full drag compensation is possible. The small-scale inductive plasma generator IPG6-S of the University of Stuttgart is continually improved and used as test bed for RAM-EP using IPG source. A set of mass flows has been defined, depending on altitude, inlet area, and intake efficiency to simulate relevant mission conditions. IPG6-S has been tested for mass flow rates between 120 mg/s down to 0:25 mg/s with air and O2. Mean mass-specific energies of the plasma ave been assessed and used to estimate exhaust velocities for the system analysis.
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The new NRLMSISE-00 empirical atmospheric model extends from the ground to the exobase and is a major upgrade of the MSISE-90 model in the thermosphere. The new model and the associated NRLMSIS database now include the following data: (1) total mass density from satellite accelerometers and from orbit determination (including the Jacchia and Barlier data sets), (2) temperature from incoherent scatter radar covering 1981-1997, and (3) molecular oxygen number density, [O2], from solar ultraviolet occultation aboard the Solar Maximum Mission. A new component, ``anomalous oxygen,'' allows for appreciable O+ and hot atomic oxygen contributions to the total mass density at high altitudes and applies primarily to drag estimation above 500 km. Extensive tables compare our entire database to the NRLMSISE-00, MSISE-90, and Jacchia-70 models for different altitude bands and levels of geomagnetic activity. We also explore scientific issues related to the new data sets in the NRLMSIS database. Especially noteworthy is the solar activity dependence of the Jacchia data, with which we study a large O+ contribution to the total mass density under the combination of summer, low solar activity, high latitude, and high altitude. Under these conditions, except at very low solar activity, the Jacchia data and the Jacchia-70 model indeed show a significantly higher total mass density than does MSISE-90. However, under the corresponding winter conditions, the MSIS-class models represent a noticeable improvement relative to Jacchia-70 over a wide range of F10.7. Considering the two regimes together, NRLMSISE-00 achieves an improvement over both MSISE-90 and Jacchia-70 by incorporating advantages of each.
Very low earth orbit satellites enable researchers to find out about aeronomy, accurate gravity and magnetic field mapping, and high-resolution earth surveillance. They orbit the earth at an altitude of lower than 250 km, where the effect of atmospheric drag cannot be discounted. In order to use this orbit, some kind of propulsion for drag make-up is required and propellant mass increase proportionally to the mission time. The Air Breathing Ion Engine (ABIE) is a new type of electric propulsion system which can be used to compensate the drag of a satellite. In the ABIE propulsion system, the low density atmosphere surrounding the satellite is taken in and used as the propellant for the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion engines to reduce the required propellant mass. Therefore ABIE is a promising propulsion system for aerodynamic drag free missions longer than two years. Feasibility and performance of the ABIE depend on the compression ratio and an air intake efficiency. Generally, pressure of a discharge camber is lower than a propellant tank pressure in propulsion system, and the propellant flows to the reaction chambcr from the tank. In the case of ABIE, a static pressure of atmosphere which corresponds to tank pressure is lower than the discharge chamber pressure. The air intake is the most important component to realize the ABIE. The temperature of the atmosphere is from 700K to HOOK at 200km, which is sufficiently low compared with the orbital velocity of 8km/s. Therefore, it can be said it is a uniform and well collimated supersonic flow parallel to the orbital direction. Moreover, the density is thin enough and it is a free molecular flow. The air intake consists of a collimator section and a reflector section. The collimator section will be composed of gaps between concentric cylinders. This part does not intercept the entering neutral particles, and they impact the reflection part on the downstream side directly. However, the backflow from the discharge chamber to the upstream side through the collimator section cannot easily leak out, because it is thermalized to the same level of temperature as the chamber walls and it has a velocity in a random direction. We simulate the relation between the ABIE and the rarefied atmosphere on such a super low earth orbit in a vacuum chamber. We verified the pressure rise inside the air intake.
The air-breathing ion engine (ABIE) is a new type of electric propulsion system to be used to compensate the aerodynamic drag of the satellite orbiting at extremely low altitudes. To save the propellant mass for a long operation lifetime, it inhales the low-density atmosphere surrounding the satellite and use it as the propellant of ion engines. Since feasibility and performance of the ABIE depend strongly on the compression ratio and the air-intake efficiency, numerical analysis has been performed by means of the direct-simulation Monte-Carlo method to clarify the characteristics of the air-intake performance in highly rarefied flows. Influences of the flight altitude, the aspect-ratio of the air-intake duct, and the angle of attack are investigated.
To extend the lifetime of commercial and scientific satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) and below (100–250 km of altitude) recent years showed an increased activity in the field of air-breathing electric propulsion as well as beamed-energy propulsion systems. However, preliminary studies showed that the propellant flow necessary for electrostatic propulsion at these altitudes exceeds the mass intake possible within reasonable limits, and that electrode erosion due to oxygen flow might limit the lifetime of eventual thruster systems. The pulsed plasma thruster (PPT), however, can be successfully operated with smaller mass intake and at relatively low power. This makes it an interesting candidate for air-breathing application in LEO and its feasibility is investigated within this paper. An analysis of such an air-breathing PPT system shows that for altitudes between 150 and 250 km, drag compensation is at least partially feasible assuming a thrust-to-power ratio of 30 mN/kW and a specific impulse of 5000 s. Further, to avoid electrode erosion, inductively heated electrothermal plasma generator technology is discussed to derive a possible propulsion system that can handle gaseous propellant without unfavorable side effects. Current technology can be used to create an estimated 4.4 mN of thrust per 1 mg/s of mass flow rate, which is sufficient to compensate the drag for small satellites in altitudes between 150 and 250 km.
Plasma flows with high Knudsen numbers cannot be treated with classic continuum methods, as represented for example by the Navier–Stokes or the magnetohydrodynamic equations. Instead, the more fundamental Boltzmann equation has to be solved, which is done here approximately by particle based methods that also allow for thermal and chemical non-equilibrium. The Particle-In-Cell method is used to treat the collisionless Vlasov–Maxwell system, while neutral reactive flows are treated by the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method. In this article, a combined approach is presented that allows the simulation of reactive, partially or fully ionized plasma flows. Both particle methods are briefly outlined and the coupling and parallelization strategies are described. As an example, the results of a streamer discharge simulation are presented and discussed in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the coupled method.
A collisionless gas flows through the interior of a tube of circular cross-section, having both an entrance and an exit and which reflects molecules diffusely. Suitable complementary variational principles are used to obtain upper and lower bounds for the transmission probability of the tube. The numerical results, believed to be the most accurate to date, are compared with those of other authors.
Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows. Clarendon, Oxford, 1994. 2 P. Clausing. ¨ Uber die strömung sehr verdünnter gase durch röhren von beliebiger länge Complementary variational principles for Knudsen flow rates
  • A Bird
  • R J Cole
A. Bird. Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows. Clarendon, Oxford, 1994. 2 P. Clausing. ¨ Uber die strömung sehr verdünnter gase durch röhren von beliebiger länge. Annalen der Physik, 404(8):961– 989, 1932. 3 R. J. Cole. Complementary variational principles for Knudsen flow rates. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, pages 107–115, 1977.