
Some applications in image procession with wavelets

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This paper introduces some applications in image processing with wavelets, such as edge detection, pattern recognition and image segmentation. Edge detection includes contour extraction and background removal for an illustration of gray - level, extraction of tumor region in color image and enlargement of type size of Chinese character. As for recognition of Chinese character or character at first, we can reduce the dimensionality of two dimensional patterns to one dimensional sign, then do wavelets decomposition for these one dimensional patterns, at last compute fractal dimension of each sub - pattern, so feature vectors can be obtained and used to recognition. The characters after affine transformation can also be recognized by a dyadic wavelet affine invariant function. At last we introduce two means of image segmentation. One is based on energy analysis, another is singularity analysis.

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... (3) becomes binary wavelet transform [11]: ...
... They are the first-order derivative of the smoothening image along horizontal and vertical direction respectively and can be viewed as two components of the gray gradient vector of image f(x,y) smoothed by function 2 ( , ) j x y . The modulus and phase angle of gray gradient vector are [11]: ...
In this paper an edge detection algorithm base on wavelet transform with Gaussian filter was proposed. In this algorithm original images are firstly converted into gray images and then each pixel was analyzed using wavelet transform to find the local maximum of the gray gradient of each pixel along the phase angle direction and compared with a given threshold value, through which real edge can be kept and fake ones will be eliminated. In the computation of local maximum, the gray gradients computed in eight directions, which can improve precision of edge detection. After the investigation of influence of filter length, scale and threshold value on the edge detection the proposed algorithm is validated by the comparison with N.L. Fen?ndez-Garc?a’s Minimean and Minimax methods for 100 real color images. The extraction result is more close to the real image which indicates the algorithm is effective and can be used to extract edges in different research areas.
In this paper an edge detection algorithm based on wavelet transform with Gaussian filter was proposed. In this algorithm original images are firstly converted into gray images and then each pixel was analyzed using wavelet transform to find the local maximum of the gray gradient of each pixel along the phase angle direction and compared with a given threshold value, through which real edge can be kept and fake ones will be eliminated. In the computation of local maximum, the gray gradients computed in eight directions, which can improve precision of edge detection. After the investigation of influence of filter length, scale and threshold value on the edge detection and validation by comparison with N.L. Fenandez-Garcia's Minimean and Minimax methods for 100 real color images, we applied this algorithm to bubbly gas-liquid two-phase flow. Compared with Canny operator, present result is more close to real bubble shape and can distinguish very close bubbles, which indicates the algorithm is effective and can be used to study the interaction between different phases and flow field in multiphase flow.
A method for detecting foreign substances in mould based on scattergrams was presented to protect moulds automatically during moulding production. In order to make the algorithm illumination invariant, a gray level scattergram was plotted, and the regression relation between the pair of compared images was derived by analyzing the probability distribution of the corresponding pixel gray in the two images. The regression curve was constructed using B-spline, and the width of confidence interval was obtained by deviation statistical histogram to detect the false matching pixels representing the foreign substance. Multi-resolution analysis (MRA) was used before inspection in order to solve the problem of the geometric deviation between two images. Wavelet decomposition of the two images was conducted to give an approximate image, which eliminated the edge details from the original images. The method was verified by several images.
Multi-band wavelets are newly emerging branch in wavelet family and could have better properties than dyadic wavelets in terms of symmetry, orthogonality, compact support and smoothness. The purpose of this paper is to present a new method for constructing the filter banks of 3-band symmetric bi-orthogonal wavelet using a scaling function of linear spline function. To construct such 3-band wavelet with desirable properties, a set of linear algebra equations can be listed according to the requirements of the bi-orthogonal multi-resolution analysis. And these equations are then solved to obtain the filter coefficients. The properties of the filters and the multi-resolution analysis (MRA) in signal processing are discussed. Experiments show that the 3-band filter banks could be potentially better in signal processing than dyadic wavelets.
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Dim small target is an active and important research area in image processing and pattern recognition. Various algorithms have been proposed to detect and track dim small target. This paper reviews some algorithms for dim small target detection, including the wavelet based algorithms, inter-frame difference based algorithms and filter based algorithms. Also, the further development of the technologies has been briefly analyzed. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [CEIS2011]
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A novel method of the coal gangue identification and classification is introduced, and the coal gangue image process strategy using wavelet transform is proposed to select the coal gangues out from coal bulk on the mining belt transporter in this paper. The identification principle is described, and the automatic selection system is presented, the embedded zero-tree wavelet (EZW) compression coding algorithm is adopted to transfer bit streams of the coal gangue images, the wavelet moment is used to extract the coal gangue image feature. The results of theory analysis and simulation show that the coal gangues are identified and classified from coal bulk with wavelet transform method, which provides the technique foundation for the coal gangue automatic selection system.
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According to main distribution regions of coal resource and the characteristic of gangues, a novel image process method of separating gangues from coal is proposed with wavelet analysis in this article. Under the different frequency ranges, a series of image processing approaches are exerted on coal gangue images with wavelet transform. Images of gangues and coal are first collected by means of the measurement system, and then are denoised. The image edges are detected by fast multi-scale edge detection. Images are segmented by algorithm of self-adaptive threshold. Using the multi-resolution merit of wavelet analysis, gangues images decomposition are especially stressed on, which provides the important data for selecting gangues from the coal. The coal gangues automatic separation system is realized by means of a newly ARM microprocessor, which has characteristics of high-performance, low power dissipation and low-cost exactly. The experiments result reveals that the proposed methods are efficient and practicable compared to traditional methods. And the suggested system is satisfied with accuracy requirements and real-time performance.
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The wavelet transform and inverse transform algorithm are introduced. The medical image plays an important role in clinical diagnosis and therapy of doctor and teaching and researching. This paper gives reviews of some applications in medical image with wavelet, such as ECG signal processing, EEG signal processing, medical image compression, medical image reinforcing and edge detection, medical image register. With the further development of wavelet theory, wavelet transform be widely applied to the domain of medical image.
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