Riverbank filtration (RBF) is a surface water filtration method for drinking water through the banks and bed of a river, using extraction wells located near the water body in order to ensure direct aquifer recharge. As the surface water travels through the sediments, contaminants, such as suspended and colloidal solids and pathogenic microorganisms, are removed. Apart from water quality improvement, RBF has the advantage of reducing peak concentrations which commonly pass through a river. RBF has been widely used in Europe, USA and, nowadays, in some Asian countries (e.g., South Korea, India, China).
Latin-American and specifically Colombian river basins, have been suffering a continuous
deterioration, leading to high suspended sediment loads being transported by the rivers. The RBF technology has not been proven yet in highly turbid waters, in which the excessive transport of suspended sediments threatens sustainable operation. Clogging of both the riverbed and deeper aquifer may increase flow resistance, reducing water revenues over the course of time.
To assess the feasibility of RBF for highly turbid river waters in Colombia, a combination of field and laboratory research was conducted – both in the Netherlands and Colombia. In Colombia, the studies were done at the Cinara institute's Research and Technology Transfer (R&TT) Station for drinking water and at the Fluid Mechanics lab. The station is located at the Northeast of Cali, Colombia, and was built at the premises of the main water treatment plant of Cali, Puerto Mallarino. In the Netherlands, the laboratory work was done at the Delft University of Technology, running infiltration column experiments at the Sanitary Engineering lab and the flume experiments at the Fluid Mechanics lab.
In addition, an extensive review of the literature was carried out to determine the feasibility of using the RBF for highly turbid sources. Considering the inexistence of the RBF experiences in highly turbid waters, and the unfamiliarity of the technology in Latin-America, the inclusion of the RBF technology in the decision-making process for solving drinking water problems in Colombia made it necessary to compare the technology under the multicriteria analysis methodology by developing a framework structured for the selection of alternatives based on the investment, operation and maintenance requirements, sludge management, environmental impact, vulnerability issues, current legal aspects and social acceptance. Considering these criteria, it was concluded that the RBF technology is a feasible, and more reliable alternative than other water treatment technologies.
Deep bed and cake clogging, and its renewability are highly linked to the particulate matter characteristics. Therefore, field research in Colombia was executed to characterize the suspended particulate matter of a highly turbid river (Cauca River) to have seasonal
information on the composition and particle size distribution, and then to have a starting point for the development of the laboratory studies. Characterization of the particulate matter in the Cauca River has shown that the total suspended solids concentration did not depend on river flows, but merely on precipitation events in the basin due to the erosion of soils. A high scattering was obtained between total suspended solids concentration and turbidity values, potentially due to the different characteristics contributing to both parameters, such as true color and particle size. Seasonal tracing of particulate matter suspended in the Cauca River showed slight differences in the composition and particle size distribution. A slightly higher content of particles smaller than 2 μm was found during rainy conditions due to changes in vegetation coverage and decomposed organic matter in the runoff. Although the differences seem to be minor, further studies demonstrated a considerable impact of their characteristics on clogging and self-cleansing of the particulate matter and, therefore, in the infiltration capacity recovery.
The renewability of the infiltration capacity due to streambed and aquifer clogging and their opposite self-cleansing because of scouring forces was studied. This analysis was performed with emphasis on the river bottom, where lower velocities are expected in these areas and therefore greater sediment accumulation at higher risk of clogged pores, by using infiltration columns inserted into horizontal tilting flumes. Natural infiltration rate recovery at low shear stresses was possible during simulated riverbank filtration tests with water consisting of a mixture of different sediments. Clay and silt behaved very differently, due to the difference in cohesiveness. Clay was found to produce a persistent sticky cake layer, whereas silt penetrated deeper into the bed, both resulting in a poor recovery of infiltration rate.
Altogether it may be concluded that natural recovery of infiltration capacity during RBF of
highly turbid waters is expected to occur, as long as the river carries a mixture of suspended sediments and the grains in the streambed are not too coarse (about 0.2-0.8 mm in diameter as tested in this research).