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Abstract and Figures

The study was aimed to assess the effect of different bio-fertilizer on growth and flower quality characteristics of Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.)An experiment with complete randomized block design (RCBD) having five biofertilizer treatments containing N-fixer bacteria (Azotobacter, Azospirillum), Rhizobium and P solubilizing bacteria with control and three replications was completed under green house conditions. The present results have shown that all the vegetative and reproductive growth accomplished successfully by application of biofertilizers. However, the treatment containg Azospirillum (T 4) gained highest values in terms of plant height, florets spike-1 , Spike length, Florets fresh weight and earlier sprouting than rest of the treatments. The role of biofertilizers in cormels production and nutrient uptake, T 4 had also superiority with more cormels plant-1 and played leading role in nutrient (NPK) absorption than the control one. So, in this experiment Biofertilizer has been identified as an alternative to chemical fertilizer in order to increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable farming.
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Received: 20th Nov-2013 Revised: 25th Nov -2013 Accepted: 29th Nov-2013
Research article
Ahmad Ali*, Tahir mehmood*, Rashid Hussain*, Ajmal Bashir*, SajjadRaza*** Najam-ud-Din* and Adeel
*Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (38040) Pakistan
**Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (38040) Pakistan
***Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (38040) Pakistan
Corresponding author’s e-mail*:
ABSTRACT: The study was aimed to assess the effect of different bio-fertilizer on growth and flower quality
characteristics of Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.)An experiment with complete randomized block design
(RCBD) having five biofertilizer treatments containing N-fixer bacteria (Azotobacter, Azospirillum), Rhizobium and P
solubilizing bacteria with control and three replications was completed under green house conditions. The present
results have shown that all the vegetative and reproductive growth accomplished successfully by application of
biofertilizers. However, the treatment containg Azospirillum (T4) gained highest values in terms of plant height, florets
spike-1, Spike length, Florets fresh weight and earlier sprouting than rest of the treatments. The role of biofertilizers in
cormels production and nutrient uptake, T4 had also superiority with more cormels plant-1 and played leading role in
nutrient (NPK) absorption than the control one. So, in this experiment Biofertilizer has been identified as an alternative
to chemical fertilizer in order to increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable farming.
Keywords: Biofertilizer, plant growth, flower quality, nutrient uptake, Gladiolus
Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L) is an important ornamental and commercial flower known as queen of the
bulbous plants, belongs to Iridaceae family. It is the second most popular cut flower in Pakistan after Rose species that
is grown for both as potted and aesthetic cut flower in the country[1].Gladiolus is one among the top ten elite cut
flowers due to their different shapes,dazzling colors,varying sizes and excellent vase life.It is considerable demand in
both domestic and export markets and over 450 acres annually are under the cultivation of Gladiolus in Punjab
province [2].Today, Agrochemicals are being used excessively in crop production due to high trend in industrialization
and population explosion in the world.Their continuous application has introduced major challenges for farmers in the
form of soil infertility, nutrient imbalance, accumulation of toxic chemicals in the soil and food products which have
an adverse effect on the soil productivity, ecosystem destruction, environmental degradation and also affecting the
yield and quality of the product [3]. In that condition, sustainable agricultural practices have become a very difficult
job for commercial growers now a days. To cope with all these problems a cheaper, better and safer way is necessary
in order to improve the soil fertility status, maximize the agricultural productivity with minimum Eco hazards.All these
criteria can be achieved through application of bio-fertilizers which is known as "microbial inoculants", these are the
products containing the living cells (Mainly bacteria & fungi) that naturally activate the microorganisms found in the
soil, restoring the soil fertility and improve physico-chemical and biological properties of soil [4] and[5]. These
essential substances are the bio-stimulants, which act as a growth booster by inflicting positive effects on plant
nutrition and crop protection against stress and diseased conditions [6].Certain strains of bio-fertilizers which are being
commercially used in horticultural crops are; Azotobacter, Azospirillum, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and VAM
fungi. As reported in numerous studies, Azospirillum and Azotobacter are well known symbiotic N-fixing bacteria
which help the plants indirectly through better nitrogen (N) fixation or improving the nutrient availability in the soil.
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They have the ability to fix 20-200 kg N ha–1and increase crop yield by 10-50% ([7]; [8]; [9] and[10].While, Phosphate
Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) are used to increase the availability of phosphorus in soil.Application of 120:65:62.5 kg
NPK per ha-1 + phosphobacteria + Azospirillum showed better results in vegetative and reproductive growth in
gladiolus [11].The increase in growth characteristics like plant height, early flowering, nutrient uptake were observed
in French marigold and Rosesby Azospirillum inoculation [12] and [13].Treated the bulbs with bio-fertilizers
(Azotobacter chroococcum & Azospirillum lipoferum) increased plant height, leaf area, tepal diameter, growth and
quality of tulip flower as well as bulb yield [14]. Bio-fertilizers seems to be a feasible option for sustained agriculture
on a commercial and profitable scale. In addition, they are eco-friendly, easily available and cost effective [15].Present
project was formulated to investigate the potential role of bio-fertilizers application for enhancing growth, yield and
improving quality of Gladiolus grandiflorus in a sustainable agricultural production system in order to reduce the
amount of excessive chemical material released to the environment.
The experiment was conducted in Floriculture Research Area, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad (latitude 31°30 N, longitude 73°10 E and altitude 213 m), Pakistan , during 2011-2012 to
elucidate the effect of bio-fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of Gladiolus grandiflorus L. viz.“White friendship”.
Before starting the experiment, soil samples from various blocks of experimental field were collected randomly to
assess physio-chemical properties (pH, EC, texture, organic matter contents and N, P, K and Zn contents) of the soil
status that are given below in table 1.Soil was thoroughly tilled, leveled and blocks were laid out according to
Randomized Complete Block Design. A basal dose of NPK was applied @ 200:180:200 kg ha-1 before laying out the
blocks. There were five treatments; control, azotobacter, azospirillum, rhizobium and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria
(PSB), were taken in the study which were purchased from the National Institute for biotechnology & Genetic
Engineering (NIBGE) Faisalabad, as a trade name “Biopower”. Healthy and uniform size (10-12cm) corms were
dipped in a thick slurry of respective carrier based Azotobacter and Azospirillum liquid fertilizer for half an hour and
dried in shade for 30 min. Treated Corms were planted during 2nd week of October, 2011 according to layout of the
experiment with 10cm plant to plant distance and on 60cm spaced ridges. Ten corms were planted in each treatment
and each treatment was replicated thrice with a total of 150 corms used in this experiment. All other cultural practices
like weeding, plant protection measures, earthing up etc, were same for all treatments during entire period of study.
Plants were allowed to grow and data regarding growth, flowering and corm indices were collected using standard
procedures. Table 1: The results of soil analysis.
Soil properties Soil depth (6-12
inch) mg kg-1 Adequate ranges
mg kg-1
Organic matter % 0.50 > 1.29%
Ph 8.08 7
EC (dS m-1) 2.05 3
Zn Content (mg kg-1) 1.2 >1
Nitrogen (%) 10.12 >20
Available Phosphorus (mg kg-1) 8.2 >15
Exchangable Potasium (mg kg-1) 195 >150
Statistical Analysis
All data was analyzed statistically by using analysis of variance technique and treatment means were compared
according to least significant difference (LSD) at 5% level [16].
Influence of biofertilizers on vegetative and reproductive parameters
Concerning the evaluation of vegetative growth, statistically significant results are presented in table1. Those
treatments which were directly under the biofertilizer influence produced exclusive vegetative growth than the control
treatment. In case of days to sprouting, T4 (Azospirillum) had significant superiority which took least days of sprouting
(17.58days) followed by T3, T2 and T1. The maximum days for sprouting were observed in Tocontrol (24.34 days).
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This might be due to inoculation with bacterial mixtures provided a more balance nutrition for plants as well as
optimum absorption of bio fertilizers by corms accelerated the physiological process and improved the germination
phenomenon. These results are in accordance with the findings of [17]. Application of 120:65:62.5 kg NPK ha-1 +
phosphor bacteria + Azospirillum showed better results with respect to days to sprouting in Gladiolus [11]. Treatment
comprising Azospirillum as biofertilizers has a significant effect on the plant height. The increase in plant height was
due to the presence of a readily available form of nitrogen. Azospirillum improves plant macro and micro nutrients
absorption. Seeds inoculated with Azospirillum improved growth factors such as plant height in Jasmine and tuberose
plants confirmed by [18] and [19]. These results are in line with the findings of [20] who reported that biofertilizers
increases plant height by enhancing the nitrogen content and the rate of photosynthesis. Similar dominant effect of
Azospirillum biofertilizer was also examined in early flowering which could be possible in 68.15 days with more
number of flowers per plant (13.12) than rest of treatment. Early flowering and increase in number of florets per spike
is dependant on food material prepared as result of photosynthesis in leaves [21]. In roses, earlier flowering due to
inoculation with Azospirillum was observed [13]. This was due to induced cytokinin synthesis and rapid assimilation of
photosynthates resulting in early transformation of the auxillary bulb from vegetative to reproductive phase.
It was inferred from the above results that the biofertilizers application with Azospirillum significantly increases the
spike’s length (74.04 cm) and fresh weight (38.54 g) as compared to control. The increase in spike length might be due
to the availability of nutrition and elevated levels of macronutrients which have positive effect on floral
characteristics.The similar results were obtained by [22] who mentioned that the treatment receiving Azospirillum sp. +
Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermi compost + NPK (25% of recommended dose) improved the flower quality
and increase the flower yield of Petunia hybrid flower. Fresh weight increased due to biological fixation of nitrogen
and phosphorus in root portion of plants resulting in absorption of more nutrients and its utilization. Moreover,
Azospirillum has a role in nitrogen fixation and is also involved in the production of IAA, GA and cytokinin like
substances which enhance the growth of plants. These findings are in accordance with the results of [23] stated that
application of bio-fertilizers like Azospirillum, Phosphate solubilizing bacterium enhanced the flower fresh weight in
Table 2: Effect of different Biofertilizers on the growth, and quality characteristics of Gladiolus grandiflorus cv.
white friendship.
Treatments Days to
Plant height
Days to spike
per spike
Spike length
weight of
spike (g)
T0 24.34 64.34 84.23 7.13 58.33 24.00
T1 21.86 72.19 79.34 9.05 64.56 32.25
T2 19.45 74.04 71.87 9.87 67.89 34.66
T3 18.17 71.81 70.45 10.45 70.19 36.33
T4 17.58 79.56 68.15 13.12 74.04 38.54
S.Em 0.38 0.23 0.44 0.32 0.04 0.48
C.V at 5 % 3.30 0.56 1.01 5.66 0.13 2.52
T0: Control, T1: Rhizobium, T2: Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria (PSB), T3: Azotobacter, T4:
Influence of biofertilizers on post-harvest attributes in Gladiolus.
In this study, Biofertilizers have played a stimulating role towards physiological response in nutrient accumulation as
well post-harvest growth while significant differences are shown in table 3. Application of Azospirillum (T4) excellent
performed in maximum cormels production (31.95 corm plant-1) with their higher weight (9.65 g), longest vase life
(11.6 days) and better macro nutrient uptake percentage (4.76% N, 0.43% P and 3.63% K) with respect to all other
treatments. A marked increase in both number of cormels plant-1and cormel’s weight may be attributed to better
availability of phosphorous, which is required in particularly for corm growth. Better cormels production might be due
to corms inoculated with biofertilizers have stored more carbohydrates through effective photosynthesis. The increase
in corms weight might be due to storage of carbohydrates and nitrogen compounds in the corms. The carbohydrates
and soluble nitrogen compounds translocates from leaves to corms.
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Corms act as sink source for storage of food, reported by [24]. Vase life is an important criterion to assess the
postharvest quality of cut flowers. Our study revealed the preservative role of biofertilizers in Gladiolus flower
longevity, when corms were treated with this supplement. Increment in vase life might be due to reduction in ethylene
synthesis which has a harmful effect for flower life. Biofertilizers regulate nutrient uptake process and prolonged vase
phenomenon. Our findings are harmony with [14] who reported that Azotobacter+ Azospirillum inhibit the action of
ethylene and extend the vase life of tulip for 10-12 days.
Positive impact of biofertilizers for nutrient uptake (NPK) by leaves exhibited remarkable difference than control (T0)
are presented in table No, 3. These treatment application significantly increased nitrogen content, this could be
attributed to the rapid absorption of these elements by the plant surface and their translocation in the plant [25]. Similar
results were obtained by [26] on chrysanthemum and [27] on cauliflower. The role of phosphate solubilizing bacteria
increases in the availability of phosphorus in soil through the secretion of phosphatase enzyme which leads to transfer
organic phosphorus to their available forms [28] and [29]. Consequently, it enhances phosphorus absorption and
accumulation in plant tissues. The increment in “K” percentage might be due to the effect of different strain groups and
nutrients mobilizing microorganism which help in availability of metals and their forms in the composted material and
increased levels of extracted minerals [30].
Table 3: Effect of different Biofertilizers on the vase life, corm/cormels production and nutrient uptake
characteristics of Gladiolus grandiflorus cv. white friendship.
Treatments Vase life
(Days) Corms Cormels
Nutrient contents
uptake by leaves in
corms/plant Wt.(g) cormels/plant Wt.(g) N % P% K%
T0 9.34 1.09 27.45 17.32 4.56 1.25 0.09 2.88
T1 10.53 1.34 31.67 21,56 5.78 2.05 0.26 3.56
T2 10.78 1.48 34.37 25.87 7.13 2.61 0.31 3.58
T3 10.96 1.28 35.21 27.67 7.44 3.95 0.40 3.56
T4 . 11.67 1.78 38.78 31.95 9.65 4.76 0.43 3.63
S.Em 0.27 0.054 0.19 0.048 0.02 0.11 0.03 0.53
C.V at 5% 4.40 6.58 0.99 0.34 0.72 6.60 7.12 8.95
T0: control, T1: Rhizobium, T2: Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria (PSB), T3: Azotobacter, T4:
In general it appears that, as expected, Gladiolus as a cut flower significantly responded to bio fertilization which
positively affected plants growth characters and flower yield. So, this is a little effort which was done to improve the
soil structure and texture, reduces soil pollution, reduced extensive fertilizer application which is beneficial for the
present problems of high cost of fertilizers and environmental pollution.Our findings may give applicable advice to
farmers for crop management and concern on fertilizer strategy in alternative way of action.
The authors are thankful to Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan for
providing basic infrastructure and technical expertise to carry out the research work.
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... These nutrients, due to their stimulatory and catalytic effects on flower yield and metabolic processes, play a very important role in the growth and production of gladiolus plants. This observation are substantiated by those of Basoli et al., (2014) [2] in gladiolus, Ali et al., (2013) [1] in gladiolus and Sunitha et al., (2007) [15] and Mittal et al., (2010) [8] in marigold. ...
... These nutrients, due to their stimulatory and catalytic effects on flower yield and metabolic processes, play a very important role in the growth and production of gladiolus plants. This observation are substantiated by those of Basoli et al., (2014) [2] in gladiolus, Ali et al., (2013) [1] in gladiolus and Sunitha et al., (2007) [15] and Mittal et al., (2010) [8] in marigold. ...
... Were recorded with treatment T6 (Azospirillum + Phosphobacteria). Similar results have also been reported by Ali et al., (2013) [1] in gladiolus. The combined use of organic, inorganic, and bio-fertilizers vastly increased nitrogen content, which may be attributed to the rapid absorption of these elements by the plant surface and their translocation to the soil as reported by Singh et al. (2002) [12] in gladiolus. ...
An experiment was undertaken to explore the effect on flowering and corm parameters of the biofertilizer in gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) cv. and laid out in Randomized Block Architecture (RBD) experiment with Azotobacter, Phosphobacteria, Azospirllium (Azotobacter + Phosphobacteria), respectively, (Azospirillum + Phosphobacteria). Results showed that minimum days taken to spike initiation (48.67 days), maximum diameter of 2nd floret (9.14 cm), number of florets per spike (10.86), number of spikes per plant (2.90), number of spikes per hectare (398065.70), number of corms per plant (2.59), weight of corms per plant (74.00 g), weight of cormels per plant (11.92 g), size of corm (5.86 cm), nitrogen (1.84 percentages per plant) Bio-fertilizer was identified in this experiment, in order to increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable agriculture.
... Use of inorganic fertilizers accompanied with bioagents under integrated nutrient management (INM) increases stem thickness in gladiolus which in turn results in faster and smoother mobilization of photosynthates that helps in achieving excellent vegetative as well as reproductive growth (Bohra and Kumar, 2014) [3] . Growth promoting factors like essential plant nutrients, vitamins, catalysts and antibiotics in biofertilizers help in increasing stem girth (Ali et al. 2013) [2] . Phosphorus plays an important role in physiological and biochemical plant activities like photosynthesis, conversion of sugar to starch, and expression of the hereditary traits (Debnath et al. 2009) [7] . ...
... Use of inorganic fertilizers accompanied with bioagents under integrated nutrient management (INM) increases stem thickness in gladiolus which in turn results in faster and smoother mobilization of photosynthates that helps in achieving excellent vegetative as well as reproductive growth (Bohra and Kumar, 2014) [3] . Growth promoting factors like essential plant nutrients, vitamins, catalysts and antibiotics in biofertilizers help in increasing stem girth (Ali et al. 2013) [2] . Phosphorus plays an important role in physiological and biochemical plant activities like photosynthesis, conversion of sugar to starch, and expression of the hereditary traits (Debnath et al. 2009) [7] . ...
... Gladiolus hybrida is considered one of the most important bulbs whose flowers are suitable for harvesting because it has a appropriate vase life, a strong and long flower holder, and a short growth period [1]. It is one of the summer annual bulbs and can be produced throughout the year by providing appropriate environmental conditions in protected environments. ...
... As for spraying with brassinolide and for the same characteristics, the Bl3 treatment was superior to the other treatments as it reached (4.83 corms, 4.10 cm, 109.0 g), respectively, while the control treatment, Bl1, recorded the lowest value (3.42 corms, 3.53 cm, and 85.6 g). While the results of Table (1) showed that the interaction between spraying plants with boron and brassinolide led to an increase in the number of corms, their diameter and weight, as treatment B4Bl3 excelled over other treatments and reached (7.33 corms, 4.80 cm, 152 g), respectively, while the comparison treatment recorded the lowest value, as (2.33 corms, 2.53 cm, and 60.7 g) were recorded, respectively. In terms of flowering growth, the results of Table (2) showed the superiority of boron B4 spray treatment over other treatments in terms of early flowering, duration of flowering on the plant, number of flowers, and vase life, which amounted to (78.89 days, 13.67 days, 9.00 florets, and 12.78 days) respectively in When the measurement treatment B1 recorded the lowest value for the same traits, as it recorded (96.22 days, 8.22 days, 7.67 flowers, and 9.33 days), respectively, and when spraying plants with brassinolide, we notice the superiority of treatment Bl3 and for the same characteristics mentioned over other treatments, as it reached (83.75 days, 11.33 days, 8.67 flowering, 11.75 days), respectively, while the Bl1 control treatment recorded the lowest value and recorded (90.08 days, 9.75 days, 7.83 flowering, and 9.92 days), respectively. ...
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Experiments were run in a greenhouse at the University of Baghdad’s College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences to examine the impact of foliar spraying with boron and brassinolide on gladiolus development and blooming. Using a two-factor randomized complete block design (RCBD), a factorial experiment was conducted. The treatment with B4bl3 showed the greatest improvement in terms of plant height (90.75 cm), number of leaves (10.67 leaves), leaf area (125.83)dm ² , chlorophyll content in leaves (54.33) mg.g ⁻¹ , dry weight (58.17 g), number of corms (7.33 corms), corm diameter (4.800 cm), and corm weight (58.17 g). The number of flowers produced (9.67) and the length of time they last in a vase (14.67) were also improved upon. The flowering period was shortened from 75.00 days to 14.67 days.
... Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) is popularly known as "Queen of the bulbous flowers" it is a very prominent bulbous cut flower crop and having a more demand in domestic and international markets due to its use in bouquets, decoration of interior and also in flower arrangements [1,2]. It is well known ornamental bulbous plant because it has beautiful inflorescence with dazzling colours of florets long keeping quality, varying forms and sizes and it can be kept in vases for about 8 to 10 days depends on varying variety and ambient conditions prevailing in the room. ...
The present experiments were undertaken for standardization of irrigation interval and nutrients on the performance of gladiolus variety under Delhi condition. The field experiments were conducted at the research farm of the Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, during the winter season of the year 2021 and 2022. The experiment was laid out in factorial completely randomized block design with three replications and consisting of four irrigation regimes and five nutrients’ levels including bio-fertilizers. The results of two year experiments showed that maximum plant height (120.56 cm), spike length (97.26 cm), rachis length (63.13 cm) and single corm’s weight (50.73 g) and P content % in plant before flower emergence was found maximum with the application of seven irrigations at 15 days intervals along with treatment N4 i.e. application of Azotobacter + Bio-phosphorous +Bio-potash + Bio-iron +Bio-Zn each 3 litre per hectare foliar spray at 30 and 60 days after planting. Number of florets per spike (21.20), estimated benefit cost ratio (1:2.86), P and K content in plant before flower emergence was found maximum with the application of five irrigations at the interval of 25 days after planting with 50 % RDF + organic manure @ 5 tonnes/ha + Azotobacter + VAM +PSB + KSB @ 2 g per plant.
... It is reported that the 10-20 per cent of crop yield can be increased with biofertilizer use as a supplement (Brown 1972). Biofertilizers have been identified as alternative to chemical fertilizers in order to increase soil fertility and crop production in sustainable farming (Ali et al. 2014). Thus the present investigation was carried out to assess the influence of fungal and bacterial bio-agents on flower and bulb characteristics of tuberose cv. ...
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The present investigation was carried out to study the influence of rhizospheric fungal and bacterial bioagents on the flowering and bulb parameters of tuberose with eight treatments [Strain-A i.e. Aspergillus sp., Strain-P i.e. Penicillium sp., Strain-A + Agro-aquasorb (AS), Strain-P + Agro-aquasorb, Bacillus subtilis (BS) + Bacillus megeterium (BM), BS + AS, BM + AS along with control (AS)]. Among these treatments, treatment T4 i.e., Strain A+AS (Aspergillus sp.106 propagules/ml+ Agro-aquasorb 40 g/bulb) exhibited superiority for most of the parameters viz., floret diameter (4.83 cm), spike length (82.12 cm), number of spikes per m2 area (39.99), maximum number of florets per spike (51.87) and weight of spike (94.41g) whereas treatment T2 [Strain-A (Aspergillus sp.)] resulted in higher yield (316.06). Bangladesh J. Bot. 51(3): 565-572, 2022 (September)
... In terms of weight of corms/plant maximum weight of corms (52.0 gm) was recorded in the treatment T7 and minimum weight of corms/plant (30.4 gm) was found for the treatment T0 similar results were reported by Dalve et al. [1]. In terms of number of cormels/plant maximum (26.45) was recorded in the treatment T7 and minimum number [6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. of cormels/plant (19.69) was found for the treatment T0 similar results were reported by Dalve et al. [1]. ...
The experiment was conducted on “Effect of organic manures and biofertilizers on growth, flowering and yield of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort) cv. Pusa Srijana”. The observations were recorded on various growth, flowering and yield contributing characters. Based on the results obtained from the present investigation, it is concluded that the T7 (RDF + Vermicompost + Azotobacter @ 5Kg/ha+ PSB @ 5Kg/ha) was found superior followed by T6 (RDF + Vermicompost + Azotobacter @ 4.5Kg/ha+ PSB @ 4.5Kg/ha) and T5 (RDF + Vermicompost + Azotobacter @ 4Kg/ha+ PSB @ 4Kg/ha) in growth and flowering with higher yield factors. In this investigation the T7 was found most suitable for cultivation for better yield per hectare of corms, cormels and spike and best returns in terms of economics of the crop with high net returns and Benefit cost ratio.
... It is an important commercial flower crop and, as a cut flower, occupies a central position in both national and international markets. Flowers are used in flower arrangements, bouquets and interior decorations [2][3][4][5][6][7]. In the Netherlands and other European countries, this flower ranks after the tulip in the trade as a cut flower for bulb plants and fourth in the international trade in ornamental plants for cut flowers. ...
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The study “Influence of bio-fertilizers on vegetative growth, flower quality and bulb yield of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.)”, field experiments conducted during 2020-21. Bulbous gladiolus is a very well-liked plant. Pliny the Elder (2379 AD) first used the term "gladiolus" to refer to the blade's sword-like form (Latin word gladiolus means sword). Gladiolus is a delicate perennial herbaceous plant that may be cultivated from seeds or bulbs. The roots of several older leaves that were developed during the previous growing season are covered with 4-6 dry scales or sheaths that cover the bulb. In addition to fixing nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients from organic fertilisers and soil reserves, bio-fertilizers also help plants tolerate drought, boost plant health, and tolerate salt better [1] (Arora, 2013). A randomised block design with three replications was used to apply 14 different treatments, including the application of chemical fertilisers (Urea, SSP, and MOP), micronutrients (Zn and Fe), organic sources (FYM and Vermicompost), and bio-fertilizers (Azospirillum, Azotobacter, and PSB). Based upon the results recorded in the investigation it could be concluded that the treatment T10 (75% RDF + 25% Vermicompost + Azospirillum + PSB + Azotobacter), was found best treatment with reference to vegetative, nutritional, and productive parameters in gladiolus cv. Nova lux as compared to control and other treatments.
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A flower is the best medium to express all the sentiments of our hearts, i.e., joy, happiness, a sense of celebration, etc. Floriculture is gaining importance throughout the world and is now considered one of the country’s main industries, both for cut flowers and for loose flowers. Different agro-techniques play a role in the growth and development of various flower crops; among them, nutrition is one of the most important aspects that directly influences the flower yield and quality. The edible flowers (rose, petunia, pansy, and Bauhinia spp.), which are used in tea, drinks, jellies, salads, soups, syrups, and many other dishes, should be grown organically without using chemical fertilizers. Through the application of chemical fertilisers, farmers were happy to get an increased yield in agriculture in the beginning, but slowly chemical fertilisers started displaying their ill effects, such as polluting water, destroying microorganisms and friendly insects, making the crop more susceptible to the attack of diseases, etc. So to reduce these affects, microbes can be used instead of chemical fertilizers. Microbes provide many essential services to the earth and enhance plant productivity. They are the safest and cheapest source, as compared to inorganic fertilisers, for enriching soil fertility. They include bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, etc. Microbes are helpful in breaking down organic matter and making nutrients available for plant’s uptake. They also produce hormones (IAA, Gibberellins) that enhance growth and also serve as biofertilizers, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), bio-insecticides and are antagonistic to soil pathogenic fungi (Sabalpara and Mahatma, 2016). They degrade pesticides and chemical residues in soil.
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The cyanobacteria may contribute significantly to sustainable agriculture by enhancing plant growth, productivity and environmental quality. Tuberose is ranked among the ten most significant cut flowers in the world. In this regard, this study intends to improve the tuberose plant’s growth, flowering, corms, and concrete oil under sandy soil conditions by employing a sufficient amount of N fertilizer or/and Spirulina platensis extract. N was added to the pot at a rate of 2, 4 g and the control treatment (without adding; 0). S. platensis extract was foliar sprayed at concentrations of 10, 15 %, and distilled water. Results showed that N or S. platensis increased the leaves dry weight, no. of florets/spike, spike dry weight, corms and cormels dry weight, total chlorophyll, and concrete oil. Ultimately, a combination of 2 g N/plant with a 15% concentration of S. platensis extract proved to be the most successful treatment for all the features under investigation.
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The present research was conducted to study the effect of vermi-compost and two bio-fertilizer applications on growth, yield and quality of petunia (Petunia hybrida). The experiment laid out in randomized block design with 3 replications and 9 treatment combinations composing of vermi-compost, bio-fertilizers and NPK fertilizer. The treatment receiving Azospirillum sp. + Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermicompost + NPK (25% of recommended dose) recorded the highest plant height, number of branches, plant spread, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and yield attributes such as number of flowers per plant, number of flowers per plot, flower yield/plant, flower yield/plot. The early flower bud initiation, 50 percent flowering and more flowering duration was achieved in the treatment receiving Azospirillum sp. + Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermicompost + NPK (25% of recommended dose). Application of Azospirillum sp. + Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermicompost + NPK (25% of recommended dose) registered significantly higher quality parameters such as flower diameter.
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This research paper deals with one of clay soils considering the benefits of using bio dissolving microorganisms of phosphor. Also these microorganisms could improve plant assimilation through releasing some sort of growth regulators. This research has been carried out through two different field experiments during 2005 and 2006 seasons. Traditional phosphate system fertilization was applied using super calcium phosphate with unincoulated squash seeds compared with using rock phosphate mixed with bio dissolving microorganism and inoculated squash seeds with P. polymyxa and micrrohiza G. mosseae or bio dissolving phosphor bacteria B. megaterium (Bio phos-phor®). The previous treatments combined with boron foliar spray to study their effects on morphological and physiological parameters and quality and productivity of squash, also to study the microbial activity and phosphor availability in the soil. Results showed that double inoculation with / or both inoculation with foliar spray of boron improved vegetative growth as stem length, stem thickness, leaf number, leaf area and plant dry weight compared with uninoculated plants. Plant pigments as chlorophyll A and B and carotenoids increased with bio fertilizer treatments, also the same positive trend noticed with chemical contents of plant including N, P, K, Mg, B, total protein, total soluble sugars / fresh weight and total carbohydrates / dry weight increased compared with uninoculated plants. Double inoculation with P. polymyxa and B. megaterium with foliar spray with boron led to an enhancement of internal level of growth promoters including GA, IAA and cytokinines combined with decreasing of ABA inhibitor. Double inoculation especially with micrrohiza with boron spray improved sex ratio and early production of fruits with high yield. Results indicated obvious positive and significant microbial activity in soil rhizosphere expressing by activity of 33 dehydrogenase, phosphatase and nitrogenase enzymes, also nitrogen phases as NH and NO , available 25 phosphor and P O reached to their highest values with double inoculation and boron application during the two seasons. The present research results that using rock phosphate mixed with bio dissolving microorganism and treating seeds before sowing with BDM combined with boron foliar spray significantly improved growth and productivity and quality of squash plant cultivated in clay soils.
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The aim of this study is to evaluate the minimizing of mineral nitrogen fertilization through using humic acid(H A) and organic source [com posted municipal solid waste (M SW )]with or without bio fertilizer [yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) ] on leaf mineral content, yield,fruit quality and the residual 32 P ,K,NO and NO in berry juice of Thomson seedless grapevines. The study was carried out during --two successive seasons(2005 and 2006)on12 yearsold T homsonseedlessgrapevine planted onsandy soil under drip irrigation system in a private farm located at El-Sadat district, Minufiya governorate, Egypt. Results indicated that humic acid reduced N content in the leaves especially when presence with biofertilizer, while there was no differences between the other treatments, While,P and K content were not affected. Presence of HA alone or with bio + MSW increased yield and recorded the higher values especially in the second season.Berry weight recorded the higher value when the plants treated with 50% mineral nitrogen+ MSW followed by the control treatment. This was true in the first season only. On the other hand, results did not show any differences between treatments in respect with number of clusters/plant, cluster weight, TSS and acidity percentage. P content in berry juice was reduced with treatments included biofertilizer. While as,K content in the juice was reduced by treatment included biofertilizer+ humic acid.As for nitrate and nitrite content in the berry juice, all treatments reduced them compared with the control (1 00% mineral N ).
The present research was conducted to study the effect of vermi-compost and two bio-fertilizer applications on growth, yield and quality of petunia (Petunia hybrida). The experiment laid out in randomized block design with 3 replications and 9 treatment combinations composing of vermi-compost, bio-fertilizers and NPK fertilizer. The treatment receiving Azospirillum sp. + Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermicompost + NPK (25% of recommended dose) recorded the highest plant height, number of branches, plant spread, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation and yield attributes such as number of flowers per plant, number of flowers per plot, flower yield/plant, flower yield/plot. The early flower bud initiation, 50 percent flowering and more flowering duration was achieved in the treatment receiving Azospirillum sp. + Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermicompost + NPK (25% of recommended dose). Application of Azospirillum sp. + Phosphate solubilizing bacterium + Vermicompost + NPK (25% of recommended dose) registered significantly higher quality parameters such as flower diameter.
A study was conducted during 2006-08 to find out the effect of bio inoculants on growth, flower quality and bulb yield of 'Apeldoorn' tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.). The treatments comprising 3 levels of bio-fertilizers (no bio-fertilizer, Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum lipoferum) and 4 doses of N fertilizer (0, 50, 75 and 100% of recommended dose of nitrogen) were tested in a randomized block design with 3 replications. Healthy and uniform size (10-12 cm) bulbs were dipped in thick slurry of carrier based Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum lipoferum cultures for half an hour and dried in shade for 30 min. Treated bulbs were planted in the second week of November both the years in beds accommodating 40 bulbs/m 2. The dose of nitrogen in the form of urea was applied and mixed into the soil at planting. The results indicated that inoculation of Azotobacter proved beneficial in increasing significantly the plant height (38.90 cm), wrapper leaf area (lower most leaf) (143.39 cm 2), tepal diameter and bulb yield, followed by Azospirillum. However increase in N from 0 to 100% of recommended dose increased the growth and bulb-attributing traits but delayed flowering. Though among the interactive effect of bio-inoculants and N fertilizers, inoculation of Azotobacter+ 100% of recommended dose of nitrogen as urea was found more effective in increasing the growth and quality of tulip flower as well as bulb yield but it was almost at par with Azotobacter+75% recommended dose of nitrogen.
Gladiolus is an economically important bulbous ornamental crop grown for its magnificent spikes. Biofertilizers offer a more economical and eco-friendly option of fertilization. The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of Azotobacter, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB), VA-mycorrhiza (VAM) and farmyard manure on growth and flowering in gladiolus cv. American Beauty during 2003-04. The biofertilizers were applied once at the time of planting using corm dip method for half an hour followed by shade drying before planting. The corms were planted in the last week of October 2003 at a spacing of 30 x 30 cm. The experiment was carried out in RBD with four replications. The plants were subjected to uniform cultural practices. All the biofertilizers significantly improved different vegetative and floral characters as compared to control. Vegetative growth was enhanced most effectively by Azotobacter treatment. However, for quality spike production PSB was found more effective. It was found that the treatment of the corms with the biofertilizers increased the total rhizospheric bacterial population. The maximum c.f.u/g soil (148.2) was recorded in Azotobacter (at 100 g/L) as compared to (70.0) in control. This indicates that the improvement in the various characters of gladiolus is due to the activity of rhizospheric bacteria, which is enhanced by biofertilizer inoculation.