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The Emergence of Environmental Health Literacy—From Its Roots to Its Future Potential


Abstract and Figures

Environmental health literacy (EHL) is coalescing into a new sub-discipline that combines key principles and procedural elements from the fields of risk communication, health literacy, environmental health sciences (EHS), communications research and safety culture. These disciplines have contributed unique expertise and perspectives to the development of EHL. Since 1992, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) has contributed to the evolution of EHL and now seeks to stimulate its scientific advancement and rigor. The principal objective of this article is to stimulate a conversation on, and advance research in, EHL. In this article we propose a definition of and conceptual framework for EHL, describe EHL in its social and historical context, identify the complementary fields and domains where EHL is being defined and implemented, and outline a research agenda. Through extensive reviews of web and literature searches we see that the concept of EHL is evolving rapidly, as are the definitions of its scope and inquiry. While several authors outline different frameworks, we believe that a more nuanced model based on Bloom's Taxonomy is better suited to EHL and future research in this area. We posit that EHL can potentially benefit the conduct and outcomes of community-engaged and health disparities EHS research and ensure that the translation of research findings lead to greater understanding of specific risks, the reduction of exposures, and the improvement of health outcomes for individuals and communities. We provide four recommendations to advance work in EHL.
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Environmental Health Perspectives
volume 125 | number 4 | April 2017
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Defining the Scope and
Purpose of Environmental
Health Literacy (EHL)
Fundamentally, environmental health literacy
(EHL) begins with an understanding of
the link between environmental exposures
and health. EHL has recently coalesced as a
new subdiscipline combining key principles
and procedural elements from the fields of
health literacy, risk communication, envi-
ronmental health sciences (EHS), commu-
nications research, and safety culture (Biocca
2004; Chinn 2011; Edwards et al. 2013;
Fitzpatrick-Lewis et al. 2010; Nicholson
2000). Each of these disciplines has contrib-
uted unique frameworks and perspectives
to the development of EHL as a distinct
subfield and is likely to continue to inform
the evolution of EHL.
e purpose of this article is to propose
a definition of and a conceptual framework
for EHL, to understand EHL in its social
and historical contexts, and to identify the
complementary fields and domains where
EHL is being defined and implemented.
This commentary acknowledges the
value of current academic efforts to delin-
eate the progressive nature of EHL that
begins with an individual’s understanding
and proceeds to the ability to create new
information because similar to health literacy,
EHL is not a static achievement, but an
evolutionary process.
Another purpose of this article is to high-
light the role that the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) has
played in advancing the concept of EHL and
to outline a research agenda that will move
forward and stimulate the development of
research on this topic. Similar to the vali-
dated benefits health literacy can provide in
biomedical settings (Benjamin 2010; Lin
et al. 2004), we propose that EHL can poten-
tially benefit the conduct and outcomes of
community-engaged and health disparities
environmental health sciences (EHS) research
as well as efforts to promote environmental
justice. We also propose that EHL can ensure
that the translation of research findings
leads to a greater understanding of specific
risks, reduction of exposures, and improve-
ment of health outcomes for individuals
and communities.
Our extensive literature searches of
PubMed (
pubmed) and Web of Science (http://apps. confirm that the
field is evolving rapidly, as are definitions of
the scope of inquiry and purpose of EHL.
Academic endeavors to date have focused
primarily on elucidating the attributes of
EHL and on the stages of becoming literate
about environmental health concepts and
issues (Kaphingst et al. 2012; Sørensen et al.
2012). These academic efforts have built
upon conceptual frameworks from the fields
of health literacy and risk communication to
define the progression of understanding from
basic knowledge to comprehension and appli-
cation (Colucci-Gray et al. 2006; Guidotti
2013; Nutbeam 2008). Addressing gaps
in education and promoting EHL among
health care professionals via curricula and
educational module development is another
major theme that emerged from the literature
review (Barnes et al. 2010; Gehle et al. 2011).
A review of the existing literature related
to EHL makes it clear, however, that raising
EHL is more than simply the stages of
an educational process. It also represents a
philosophical perspective, a public health
policy to improve literacy and health literacy
in the general public, and a set of strategies
to empower individuals and communi-
ties to exert control over the environmental
exposures that may lead to adverse health
outcomes (Estacio 2013; Minkler et al. 2008;
Mogford et al. 2011; Zoller 2012).
Environmental health literacy integrates
concepts from both environmental literacy
and health literacy to develop the wide range
of skills and competencies that people need in
order to seek out, comprehend, evaluate, and
use environmental health information to make
informed choices, reduce health risks, improve
quality of life and protect the environment.
(Society for Public Health Education; http://
Address correspondence to L. O’Fallon, Program
Analyst, Division of Extramural Research and
Training, National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, P.O.
Box 12233 (MD K3-13), Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709. Telephone: (919) 541-7733. E-mail:
e authors declare they have no actual or potential
competing financial interests.
Received: 10 October 2014; Accepted: 25 June
2015; Advance Publication: 30 June 2015; Final
Publication: 31 March 2017.
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The Emergence of Environmental Health Literacy—From Its Roots to
ItsFuture Potential
Symma Finn and Liam O’Fallon
Division of Extramural Research and Training, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health,
Department of Health and Human Resources, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
Background: Environmental health literacy (EHL) is coalescing into a new subdiscipline that
combines key principles and procedural elements from the fields of risk communication, health
literacy, environmental health sciences (EHS), communications research, and safety culture. ese
disciplines have contributed unique expertise and perspectives to the development of EHL. Since
1992, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) has contributed to the
evolution of EHL and now seeks to stimulate its scientific advancement and rigor.
oBjectives: e principal objective of this article is to stimulate a conversation on, and advance
research in, EHL.
discussion: In this article, we propose a definition of and conceptual framework for EHL, describe
EHL in its social and historical context, identify the complementary fields and domains where EHL
is being defined and implemented, and outline a research agenda. Extensive reviews of web and
literature searches indicate that the concept of EHL is evolving rapidly, as are the definitions of its
scope and inquiry. Although several authors have outlined different frameworks, we believe that a
more nuanced model based on Bloom’s taxonomy is better suited to EHL and to future research
in this area.
conclusions: We posit that EHL can potentially benefit the conduct and outcomes of community-
engaged and health disparities EHS research and can ensure that the translation of research findings
will lead to greater understanding of specific risks, reduction of exposures, and improvement of
health outcomes for individuals and communities. We provide four recommendations to advance
work in EHL.
citation: Finn S, O’Fallon L. 2017. The emergence of environmental health literacy—
from its roots to its future potential. Environ Health Perspect 125:495–501; http://dx.doi.
Finn and O’Fallon
volume 125 | number 4 | April 2017
Environmental Health Perspectives
Existing definitions of EHL, such as
the one that the Society for Public Health
Education (SOPHE) first outlined in 2008,
often include language connoting the evolu-
tionary nature and stages of EHL (Hatfield
1994; Nutbeam 2009); however, we propose a
baseline definition that emphasizes the under-
lying issue: an understanding of the connection
between environmental exposures and human
health. As we discuss later, this understanding
is only the first stage of a hierarchy of increasing
literacy. We believe that this baseline definition
enables EHL to be described through related
disciplinary perspectives such as health literacy,
risk communication, EHS, communications,
public health, and the social sciences. As EHL
evolves, it will be measured and applied in
many ways depending on the disciplinary lens,
the aim, and the audience.
The Historical Roots of
Environmental Health Literacy
ere are a number of different sources of the
emergence of environmental health literacy
(Figure 1). Risk communication, one of
EHL’s roots, has deep historical origins and
can be traced to the display of symbols in
ancient cultures to connote tribal and state
affiliations on the battlefield. More recent
historical examples of risk communication
also utilized symbols to connote danger: the
well-known skull and crossbones symbol used
initially by pirates and then later as the symbol
for poison, and the color red that is widely
used to indicate “stop” or “danger” (Hancock
et al. 2004). World War II expanded the
symbolic vocabulary for dangerous and toxic
situations, and the postwar era adopted much
of this military iconography in high-risk and
dangerous settings related to toxic chemicals,
imminent danger, poison, and, increasingly
in the 1950s, as symbols for nuclear energy’s
threat (Matthews et al. 2014; Young 1998).
Symbolic representations are recognized as an
effective and appropriate method of commu-
nicating hazards; however, cultural differences
in risk perception and in the interpretation of
specific colors or icons has led to the consid-
eration of universal symbols and to research
evaluating the optimal formats for commu-
nicating environmental risks (Chan and Ng
2012; Lesch et al. 2009).
More recent impetus for the development
of EHL began in the late 20th century with
the recognition that risks to human health
came from a number of different environ-
mental sources and had varying levels of
immediate toxicity that could not be suffi-
ciently communicated via an icon or symbol
(Hancock et al. 2004). is understanding of
complex risk was encapsulated in the 1960s
with the publication of Silent Spring (Carson
et al. 1962) and was further elucidated by
Rachel Carson’s testimony to Congress on
pesticides in 1963. Although much of the data
that she presented was known to the scientific
community, Carson was the first to explain
to policy makers and the general public the
far-reaching consequences of the introduction
of chemicals into the environment in such
compelling and convincing terms. Through
her vision of a compromised environment,
“Carson, the citizen–scientist, spawned a revo-
lution” (Griswold 2012) that led to the rise of
organized environmental activism.
Concurrent with this new societal aware-
ness of environmental risks, the NIEHS and
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Figure1. The cultural context: streams leading to the coalescence of environmental health literacy.
Emergence of environmental health literacy
Environmental Health Perspectives
volume 125 | number 4 | April 2017
(EPA) were established (1966 and 1970,
respectively), and early efforts to explore envi-
ronmental sciences expanded into consider-
ation of the effects of pollutants and other
environmental exposures on human health.
Since 1970, EHL has been coalescing as
a distinct field in direct proportion to the
federal commitment to provide information to
the public, including EHS research findings,
and to the increased public awareness of
environmental risks.
Articles describing the historical basis
for the emergence of EHL often point to its
roots in the health literacy movement in the
United States. However, EHL is more than
an extension of health literacy, it is the logical
and inevitable outcome of the validation of
health literacy to improve health outcomes
and treatment adherence (Benjamin 2010;
Paasche-Orlow et al. 2005) and the extrapola-
tion of that value to the prevention of envi-
ronmentally induced disease. e coalescence
of EHL as a distinct subfield may also be
attributed to the recognition of the public
health implications of environmental health
research with affected communities (Brown
et al. 2012; Perez et al. 2012) and the need for
research to identify and address environmental
risks. Recent reports show that health literacy
efforts have evolved, and these reports indicate
recognition of the need to move beyond the
health care setting and system [Institute of
Medicine of the National Academies (IOM)
2004, 2011]. EHL acknowledges this need
and addresses the health context of the indi-
vidual and the community. e goals of EHL
are consistently focused on preventing illness
by raising awareness of risks from environ-
mental factors and by providing approaches
that individuals and communities can take to
avoid, mitigate, or reduce such exposures.
The cultural shift in the value of scien-
tific literacy among the general public also
stimulated the evolution of the concept of
EHL. Analogous to the rise of bioethics in
the context of genetics research, EHL arose
in response to growing public interest in the
environment as well as to scientific and tech-
nological advancements that were increas-
ingly available to the public. Furthermore,
the emergence of the Environmental Justice
movement drew political attention to ineq-
uitable and disproportionate environmental
exposures faced by low-income, minority,
and indigenous populations (Stokes et al.
2010). ese and other concerns about envi-
ronmental pollutants in air, food, and water
also led to the emergence of citizen science
and the necessity for health risk communi-
cations related to environmental exposures
(Bonney et al. 2014; Conrad and Hilchey
2011; Minkler et al. 2010).
Scientific and technological develop-
ments also contributed to the evolution of
communication modalities related to envi-
ronmental risk that are not dependent on
reading ability. In this context, the emergence
of EHL can be considered the next stage in
risk assessment and a reflection of advances in
the fields of exposure assessment and exposure
biology. In the 1980s and 1990s, technologies
were developed to measure environmental
toxicants, standards and regulations were
established for chemical exposure and “levels
of concern,” and there was an increase in the
availability of computer-based visual represen-
tations of risk. With the widespread adoption
of computers in the 1990s and the develop-
ment of geographic information system (GIS)
mapping software, computer-based visual
representations of risk and the ability to link
relative risk to geographic locations emerged
as an accessible and cost-effective commu-
nication modality for the public (Lahr and
Kooistra 2010; Severtson 2013). e field of
risk communication was an early adopter of
visual representations of risk. Such commu-
nications represented the most rapid means
of translating evidence into risk messages
and offered a modality that was both under-
standable and meaningful for individuals
with varying levels of basic and scientific
literacy (Hermer and Hunt 1996; LePrevost
et al. 2013).
The roots of EHL can also be traced to
widespread public awareness of human-made
technological disasters that caused large-scale
environmental pollution (Brennan 2009).
Since the 1980s, media attention to such
accidents has been so extensive that one need
only mention the Bhopal chemical spill, Love
Canal, the ree Mile Island, Chernobyl, or
Fukushima nuclear accidents, or the Exxon
Valdez or Deepwater Horizon oil spills to elicit
images of severe and pervasive contamination.
The impact of these disasters was commu-
nicated by newspaper photos of oil-soaked
marine birds or workers in HazMat suits, tele-
vised images of billowing clouds of oil gushing
from the wellhead, or YouTube videos of tar
balls on the beach. Public attention to such
extreme polluting events is heightened by the
ever-increasing amounts of information on
the Internet about the negative health impacts
of the multiple exposures we all experience
throughout our lives (Murphy et al. 2010).
The Social Context Underlying
the Development of EHL
Although several authors recognize the
various roots that have come together and
flowered into the emergence of EHL (Baur
2010; Huber et al. 2012), there is little in
the literature that explores the larger cultural
context that underlies how the public under-
stands environmental health risks. As efforts
are made to promote the value of EHL, it
will be important to comprehend and address
public understanding and misunderstanding
of environmental risks and how this knowl-
edge has been informed and defined by
cultural media (i.e., books, films, television)
(Frayling 2005; Kennedy et al. 2011; Moore
2015; Murphy et al. 2010).
Films have historically explored and
exploited public awareness of the negative
aspects of increasing environmental expo-
sures. Film studies of cinematic trends have
consistently recognized the thematic preva-
lence of “nuclear anxiety” in films from the
1950s and the plethora of films that depicted
the horrendous “atomic mutations and mass
devastation” resulting from nuclear exposure
(Newman 2000). Films produced since the
1970s, in contrast, have focused on pollu-
tion more generally and the threats posed by
toxic waste, contamination of the food chain
and water supplies, and the increasing reality
of diminishing resources (Frayling 2005).
Unfortunately, cultural expressions about
the outcomes of environmental pollution, as
depicted in movies and books, have too often
portrayed such scenarios in overly dramatic
or unrealistic terms (Murray and Heumann
2014). Despite a few examples of positive
outcomes (e.g., A Civil Action, Silkwood),
the majority of cultural depictions of dimin-
ishing resources do not reflect optimism
that science can “fix” pollution. Rather, the
postapocalyptic film trend reflects a pervasive
attitude that our current actions will lead to
barbaric societies where diminishing resources
have been completely depleted and clima-
tological changes have spun out of control
(e.g., Mad Max, e Hunger Games, e Day
After Tomorrow).
The scientific community recognizes
that media, and most recently social media,
play a key role in public understanding of
environmental risk (Fitzpatrick-Lewis et al.
2010; McCallum et al. 1991). Publications
and news reports that are evidence based and
reflect an understanding of science represent
positive examples of media representation of
environmental risks. However, the media can
misrepresent environmental risks (and indeed
have done so), tending to focus on the most
dramatic aspects of exposure events and disas-
ters, and presenting news about the outcomes
of environmental health science research as
a means of driving specific political agendas
(Jaspal and Nerlich 2014a, 2014b). These
information challenges must be considered
as efforts are made to build EHL, especially
when attempting to raise public under-
standing of actual versus perceived risks from
environmental exposures.
Ultimately, evidence-based environmental
health risk communications can help to
provide more accurate evidence to counterbal-
ance media and cultural representations of
environmental degradation and its impact on
Finn and O’Fallon
volume 125 | number 4 | April 2017
Environmental Health Perspectives
human health. Furthermore, raising EHL can
help individuals to navigate the abundance of
information, of varying quality and veracity,
that is available on the Internet (e.g., on-line
blogs, chat rooms, other forms of social
media) and can empower them to decide what
choices are best for their health and that of
their families (Wilcox 2012). More important,
improving knowledge about environmental
health risks can be used to promote a more
optimistic view of the potential that exists to
reduce, mitigate, or eliminate the worst envi-
ronmental exposures and improve the health
of both humans and the environment.
EHL Methodology and
EHL builds on, synthesizes, and encompasses
validated tools and methodologies from existing
fields of research such as health literacy, risk
communication, and education. Although the
development of these approaches is most closely
based on health literacy concepts and practices,
several authors working in this emerging field
conceptualize EHL as a process that individuals
and communities embrace as a means of critical
reflection within their local socio economic
context rather than as a type of health literacy
that incorporates specialized knowledge of
environmental factors (Chinn 2011; Sykes
et al. 2013). is concept of critical reflection
was initially proposed by Nutbeam as one of
three phases of learning and processing that
reflect the evolutionary nature of health literacy
(Nutbeam 2008). Although a number of
articles cite this three-stage conceptual frame-
work for EHL, we propose adapting Bloom’s
taxonomy of educational objectives as a more
nuanced model for the evolutionary nature of
becoming more literate about environmental
health issues (Bloom 1956) (see Figure 2).
Since its publication, more than 5,000
authors have found Bloom’s taxonomy to be
a useful construct (Flinders 1996). Bloom’s
stepwise progression of six distinct educational
stages is a fitting approach for the development
of targeted interventions for the various stages
of EHL. e value of this model for describing
the evolution of learning and understanding
is that it acknowledges an individual’s poten-
tial for environmental health literacy at each
stage. For example, those at the earliest stage,
“Recognition,” know that a specific substance
is toxic and may affect their health without
any other understanding of how this occurs,
what levels are concerning, or how to mitigate
the exposure. This is, nonetheless, an initial
stage of environmental health literacy. As the
model suggests, the goal of EHL is to continue
to promote greater understanding, to improve
an individual’s extrapolation of knowledge to
other potential environmental risks, and to
stimulate actions based on the understanding
of risk. However, the model is not meant to
suggest a single path upward to total literacy
or an equal level of literacy about different
exposures; like the disease-specific nature of
health literacy, an individual’s environmental
health literacy may vary from topic to topic.
For example, someone may have achieved a
high degree of EHL related to asthma because
of ongoing family experiences with this condi-
tion as well as the widespread public infor-
mation linking asthman to air pollution, and
yet possess a very low EHL regarding breast
cancer and its lesser-known connections to
environmental exposures.
e stages in the taxonomy also indicate
the type of action individuals and communities
might take based on their level of EHL. ese
actions can be wide-ranging, from an indi-
vidual decision to avoid certain personal care
products to a union movement to improve
workplace conditions, each of which might
represent a single stage of environmental health
literacy. An example that represents all stages of
this model could be a statewide movement to
address potential health effects from hydraulic
fracturing that builds from the recognition of
the exposure to an extrapolation of a health
risk to the creation of policy to address the
risk. Individuals who are proficient in EHL
are able to recognize their exposures and exert
some manner of control over them rather than
feeling as if “there’s nothing I can do.”
Environmental exposures most commonly
affect communities as a whole; however,
individual health outcomes arising from these
exposures are dependent on an individual’s
socioeconomic, biological, and psychological
susceptibility to these exposures (Lee et al.
2005; Quandt et al. 2004). erefore, efforts
to promote EHL should include ways to
measure literacy at individual and community
levels as well as a range of information that
recognizes the psychosocial and demographic
heterogeneity within communities and the
potential for distinct medical, psychological,
or cultural responses to a common source of
exposure(s). To be truly effective, efforts to
promote EHL should be based on the types
of awareness and knowledge needed, and
they should use validated and culturally sensi-
tive strategies to best promote the uptake of
information by individuals, communities,
public health officials, health care providers,
or in regulatory or policy settings (Arcury et al.
2010; Ramos et al. 2001). An understanding
of environmental health risks could serve as
a needed mediator to improve media repre-
sentations of environmental health science
and in popular cultural representations of the
relationship between the environment and
health (Fitzpatrick-Lewis et al. 2010). More
critically, raising EHL could be an important
goal of science, technology, engineering, and
math (STEM) educational efforts in vulner-
able communities and could provide future
generations with the knowledge, skills, and
evidence to address environmental injustices
that lead to health disparities.
NIEHS Contributions to EHL
NIEHS has played an influential role in the
emergence of EHL since the early 1990s.
Since then, NIEHS programs have focused on
building the capacity of researchers and commu-
nity members to work together to address the
environmental health concerns of community
residents and related concerns about envi-
ronmental justice and environmental health
disparities. Although not specifically stated,
these programs have shared a common goal:
to build and strengthen EHL. To further this
goal, NIEHS included community outreach,
dissemination, translation, and education cores
as required components of key programs (Hursh
et al. 2011). Moreover, the institute transitioned
from communication to the public to commu-
nicating with the public. One-way communi-
cation strategies changed to bidirectional and
multidirectional approaches, including social
media and other Internet-based modalities, to
ensure that all partners could contribute to a
dialogue about environmental health risks
(Sullivan et al. 2003).
Community-engaged research (CEnR)
programs at NIEHS have demonstrated
how raising EHL can also serve as a tool for
empowering individuals to actively participate
in efforts to address environmental exposures
of local or regional concern (Adams et al.
2011; Haynes et al. 2011). An additional
positive consequence for promoting EHL is
raising general scientific literacy and numeracy
among the public.
Figure2. Conceptual model of environmental health literacy adapted from Bloom (1956), representing the
potential for different levels of EHL across various environmental health science topics.
Emergence of environmental health literacy
Environmental Health Perspectives
volume 125 | number 4 | April 2017
Over time, these community-engaged
programs fostered novel partnerships (Shepard
et al. 2002), taught researchers how to
work collaboratively with community resi-
dents (DeLemos et al. 2007), empowered
community groups to be actively involved in
the conduct and dissemination of research
(Minkler et al. 2010), and trained teachers
how to bring environmental health concepts
into the classroom (Moreno and arp 1999).
e NIEHS experience shows that cultivating
equity in community–academic partner-
ships enables projects to develop effective
and culturally appropriate materials for local
communities. Additionally, sustained support
for CEnR, which includes capacity building
of all partners, allows projects to address
environmental health disparities in vulnerable
populations, such as Latino, Native American,
African American, and low-socioeconomic-
status communities. ese programs have all
addressed essential components of an EHL
model that emphasizes the importance of
health literacy for public health and preven-
tion (Freedman et al. 2009; Sørensen et al.
2012). These successes, and the continued
need to raise EHL and public health aware-
ness of risks, have kept multidirectional
communication and engagement as a central
goal in the NIEHS 2012–2017 Strategic Plan
(NIEHS 2012).
EHL as a Research Topic
The trans-National Institutes of Health
(NIH) Health Literacy program exempli-
fies NIH recognition of the need to explore
fundamental issues in HL. For NIEHS,
the focus is on validating effective ways of
communicating about environmental health
risks. Although the term EHL is increas-
ingly used by investigators to denote a type
of communications research, environmental
health risk messaging is understudied, and
relatively little is known about
whether there are specific stages of EHL
that are amenable to intervention
whether raising EHL correlates with
improved health outcomes
the relationship between EHL and resilience,
for example, whether EHL increases the
ability of an individual or a community to
cope in challenging circumstances
the effectiveness of EHL resources and
educational materials to inform intended
audiences (within the context of their existing
beliefs and attitudes)
different approaches for meas uring success
the level of cultural acceptance of environ-
mental risk messages in different ethnic and
socioeconomic settings
the utilization and sustainability of evidence-
based tools and approaches to raise EHL
whether risk messaging about environmental
factors leads to behavior change
whether risk messaging leads to prevention,
reduction or mitigation of environmental
risk factors.
A key focus of EHL research will involve
formal and rigorous assessment and valida-
tion to move from projects that produce new
educational materials to projects that explore
the effectiveness of educational resources.
Additionally, research that explores EHL
and advances the science of environmental
risk messaging will require transdisciplinary
or team science approaches. Environmental
health scientists, individuals with exper-
tise in community-engaged research, risk
communication specialists, health educators,
anthropologists, experts in dissemination and
implementation science, community partners
in research, and “citizen scientists” from
affected communities will be critical to the
success of this research.
Conclusions and
Examine the influence of sociocultural context
on EHL. When research focuses on ways to
improve the EHL of individuals and commu-
nities, it will be important to understand the
larger cultural context for how the public
understands risks and to address mispercep-
tions driven by media and cultural expres-
sions. It is likely that media and films form the
basis of beliefs and perception because they are
widely accessed forms of communication and
are often easier for the public to understand,
rather than the more technical and scientific
communication that investigators have histori-
cally disseminated. Effective efforts to raise
EHL must therefore make risk messaging
more understandable and more relevant to
individuals, and they must provide not only
the results of research but also address existing
misinformation and misperceptions.
Develop conceptual models. As EHL
evolves, measuring its stages will be benefi-
cial. We have modified Bloom’s taxonomy
to enable targeted interventions for each
stage of attainment in EHL. Our model
should be tested and others developed or
adapted, perhaps by utilizing or extending
existing instruments from related fields to
accurately measure and quantify the stages
of EHL. Ideally, models should account
for sociocultural context and how it influ-
ences EHL, and they should acknowledge
skills and empowerment at each measurable
stage of EHL.
Use EHL as a tool for all partners. NIEHS
embraces the evolution of EHL as an empow-
ering component of community-engaged and
environmental public health research. EHL
research should include community partners
in the research and provide capacity building
and education at various levels of literacy
for individuals and communities at risk
from environmental exposures. Such educa-
tion should extend beyond simply providing
descriptions of specific risks to including some
elucidation of the pace of science, the uncer-
tainty principle, and the relevance of various
risk measurements (e.g., ppb and levels of
concern). Additionally, education and training
of investigators in effective and appropriate
communication modalities and creation of
active partnerships with affected individuals
will improve the development of culturally
relevant messages. Health care professionals
are another stakeholder group that could
benefit from targeted education and training
to enable them to recognize symptoms caused
by environmental exposures and to diagnose
environmentally induced diseases.
Conduct EHL research. NIEHS is
committed to advancing EHL, expanding
on existing efforts, and addressing gaps in
knowledge and practice. This commitment
could include investigations to
characterize the process for increasing envi-
ronmental health literacy
develop and validate measures of EHL at
both individual and community levels
assess the effectiveness of existing environ-
mental risk messages
measure the extent of behavior change based
on health risk messaging
• create or adapt environmental risk messaging
to increase the EHL of specific audiences
identify statistical methods or develop models
that correlate the role of EHL to improving
the understanding of complex risk and
health outcomes.
To be most effective, this research will
require a transdisciplinary or team science
approach, community–academic partner-
ships, and sufficiently broad expertise to allow
development and dissemination of targeted
messaging for local communities in modalities
and languages that are culturally and linguisti-
cally appropriate. Special attention could be
given to improving the EHL of low-literacy
and non–English-speaking individuals or that
of individuals living and working in health-
disparate and low-income communities.
Additionally, these projects should broaden
the identification of relevant stakeholders and
raise the EHL of not only affected community
members but also that of health care profes-
sionals, public health and lay health workers,
decision makers, teachers, and students.
Coordinate federal resources. We recog-
nize that NIEHS is only one player in the
advancement of EHL and must work together
with our federal partners such as the National
Library of Medicine, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, the U.S. EPA, the
National Science Foundation, and the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality. As a
coordinated group, representatives of these
agencies could catalog and make available
Finn and O’Fallon
volume 125 | number 4 | April 2017
Environmental Health Perspectives
existing educational resources for the general
public and for researchers working with chron-
ically affected communities. Such a compi-
lation of resources could provide a reliable,
evidence-based source of information to the
general public that may help to counteract the
unsubstantiated (mis)information available
on the Internet or disseminated through the
media and films about environmental risks.
This coordination will maximize the federal
investments to date and help to ensure that
research builds on previous efforts and utilizes
effective tools and validated approaches
developed in related fields.
Finally, the concept of EHL has emerged
and is being embraced by investigators as a
relevant research topic within environmental
health sciences. We believe that the defini-
tions and scope of EHL will continue to
evolve and that research will help define the
optimal approaches for measuring and raising
EHL. Ultimately, efforts to improve EHL are
intended to prevent environmentally induced
disease and to empower individuals to gain a
sense of control through understanding the
environmental risks that affect their families
and their communities.
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... Additionally, improving the environmental health literacy (EHL) of individuals is imperative for them to understand how to reduce these exposures. Environmental health literacy (EHL) is the knowledge of harmful environmental exposures and how they affect health [66,77,78]. Although environmental exposure (exposome) contributes 70% to chronic disease risk, [79] EHL is low in the general population [77] and among healthcare providers [80][81][82]. ...
... Environmental health literacy (EHL) is the knowledge of harmful environmental exposures and how they affect health [66,77,78]. Although environmental exposure (exposome) contributes 70% to chronic disease risk, [79] EHL is low in the general population [77] and among healthcare providers [80][81][82]. To address this, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has called for increased EHL research, including methods to increase EHL, [77] and for applications (RFAs) of EHL research [83]. ...
... Although environmental exposure (exposome) contributes 70% to chronic disease risk, [79] EHL is low in the general population [77] and among healthcare providers [80][81][82]. To address this, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has called for increased EHL research, including methods to increase EHL, [77] and for applications (RFAs) of EHL research [83]. Thus, the Million Marker (MM) EDC testing kit and service is a major step in allowing the public to "learn what's inside" of them and take action to reduce their personal exposures. ...
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Background Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have been linked to chronic diseases including breast cancer, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and infertility. Exposure during pregnancy may have a lifelong impact on the fetus. Services are needed to allow individuals to learn about their personal EDC exposures and how to reduce them. Million Marker (MM) aims to crowdsource and scale the biomonitoring of environmental chemicals and provide actionable results to empower individuals to proactively assess, track, and reduce their EDC exposures. In previous research, we developed and tested the first mobile EDC intervention service (mail-in urine testing and exposure report-back) for its efficacy in increasing EH literacy (EHL), willingness to reduce exposures (i.e., readiness to change, RtC), and system usability. After intervention, we found increased EHL, increased RtC in women (but not men), and decreased EDC exposure. However, some participants did not increase their RtC and had difficulty carrying out the intervention on their own. The reasons for these less optimal results were the difficulty in the EHL subject matter—participants still felt ill-prepared to apply their knowledge to making healthier lifestyle changes. Therefore, in this study, we will address these perceived limitations. Methods We will test a self-directed online interactive curriculum with live counseling sessions and individualized support modeled after the highly effective Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). Recruiting from the Healthy Nevada Project (HNP), one of the largest population health cohorts in the world, we test the effectiveness of our EDC-specific online intervention curriculum via EHL and RtC surveys and determine changes in EDC exposure before and after intervention in a randomized controlled trial. We will also test for common clinical biomarkers via a commercially available at-home test (Siphox). We will recruit and randomize 300 women and 300 men of reproductive age (total n=600) from HNP. Our target population is men and women of reproductive age (18–44 years old). Discussion At the conclusion of this project, we will be well-positioned to scale our services to clinics and the general public, with the eventual aims of FDA approval, insurance coverage, and incorporation into routine clinical care.
... Efforts to build environmental health literacy among the general population may provide an essential foundation for the uptake of environmental health education efforts in the context of prenatal care. Environmental literacy must include a basic ability to "recognize" the potential for an environmental exposure to be risky, and to take steps to reduce/avoid exposure or mitigate the risk [68,69]. Strategies to inform the public about the nature of developmental/childhood environmental risks must strive to convey the current state of the science, scientific uncertainties, and risk mitigation strategies, supported by the precautionary principle [70,71]. ...
... Strategies to inform the public about the nature of developmental/childhood environmental risks must strive to convey the current state of the science, scientific uncertainties, and risk mitigation strategies, supported by the precautionary principle [70,71]. Embedded within models of environmental health literacy are concepts of environmental justice that recognize the disproportionate environmental risks faced by communities marginalized by racialization, poverty, and other social risk factors [68]. Promoting environmental health literacy supports the mobilization of citizen science, academic-community partnerships, and public demand for policies and investments to address environmental health disparities [68]. ...
... Embedded within models of environmental health literacy are concepts of environmental justice that recognize the disproportionate environmental risks faced by communities marginalized by racialization, poverty, and other social risk factors [68]. Promoting environmental health literacy supports the mobilization of citizen science, academic-community partnerships, and public demand for policies and investments to address environmental health disparities [68]. ...
Full-text available
Prenatal exposures to environmental toxicants can adversely affect fetal and child development and lead to increased risk of chronic disease. While regulatory action is essential to reduce sources of environmental toxicants, prenatal care presents an opportunity to educate, mobilize, and support prospective parents to reduce exposures to such hazards. As the first phase of an interdisciplinary research collaboration to inform the development of prenatal environmental health education strategy in Canada, we surveyed reproductive-aged female individuals. The online survey (July–September 2021) yielded a nationally representative sample of 1914 reproductive-aged females living in Canada. The questionnaire topics addressed the respondents’ knowledge and perceptions of environmental health risks, preventive actions and related facilitators and barriers, information sources and preferences, reproductive history, and demographics. The analysis included bivariate and multivariate techniques. Our results suggest broad awareness among reproductive-aged females that exposure to toxicants can be harmful, and that reducing prenatal exposures can benefit child health. However, fewer than half of respondents felt that they had enough knowledge to take protective measures. Despite high levels of preference for prenatal care as an ideal context for learning about environmental health risks and protective measures, fewer than one in four respondents had ever discussed environmental health concerns with a healthcare provider. Our findings reveal a knowledge–action gap and a corresponding opportunity to improve environmental health education and advocacy in prenatal care in the Canadian context.
... This field represents a recent subset of health literacy (HL) that integrates principles from both HL and environmental literacy, encompassing functional, critical, and interactive dimensions [12,13]. Consequently, EHL incorporates fundamental principles and procedural components from the domains of HL, risk communication, environmental health sciences, communications research, and safety culture [14]. The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) clarifies that the aim of EHL is to "develop the wide range of skills and competencies that people need in order to seek out, comprehend, evaluate, and use environmental health information to make informed choices, reduce health risks, improve quality of life and protect the environment" [15]. ...
... The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) clarifies that the aim of EHL is to "develop the wide range of skills and competencies that people need in order to seek out, comprehend, evaluate, and use environmental health information to make informed choices, reduce health risks, improve quality of life and protect the environment" [15]. In this perspective, EHL could be a key element to promote structural changes through community participation and to guarantee environmental justice [14,16,17]. ...
... In recent years, young people have become increasingly sensitive to environmental issues, as demonstrated by movements such as Friday for Future or School Strikes for Climate [27]. In this context, EHL measurement becomes a very useful tool for assessing the level achieved by a population on this subject and, consequently, an opportunity for implementing Development and validation of the EHLI 5 of 7 educational interventions [14,28,29], including information curricula and community-based participatory research [30]. These approaches have already been applied to environmental health [31,32]. ...
Environmental health literacy (EHL) is a rather recent concept that applies health literacy skills to environmental issues. Research in this field is still at the beginning, and there is currently no existing tool in the literature designed to comprehensively assess individual general EHL among university students. The aim of our study is to fill this gap through the validation of the Environmental Health Literacy Index (EHLI) in such a target group. We adapted a previously administered survey, originally completed by 4778 university students from various Italian universities. Starting from the original questionnaire, our methodology involved a three-round item selection process, followed by a comprehensive evaluation of the instrument’s psychometric properties. The EHLI consists of 13 Likert-type items, covering three primary domains of health literacy: functional (six items), interactive (three items), and critical (four items). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is 0.808 for the global scale, while it stands at 0.888 for the functional, 0.795 for the critical, and 0.471 for the interactive components. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve reached a value of 0.643. Spearman correlation analysis revealed a significant yet slight correlation between EHLI and both functional health literacy score and the extent of pro-environmental behaviors adoption. Our study serves as an important initial step in developing a tool able to evaluate the EHL of university-aged individuals. Further research efforts may improve the questionnaire’s validity and completeness, as well as to explore its applicability to different age groups.
... This is the nexus of environmental health literacy (EHL). 8 Research has shown that not only do participants want their results, but that report back leads to participants learning about environmental health and consideration of possible exposure reduction strategies. These findings have been observed even in the face of uncertainty around the exposures. ...
... The potential outcomes of EHL include: improving public health, increased research transparency, a mental model shift of where exposure sources are located (far away vs in home), reduction of exposures, and improvement of health outcomes for individuals and communities. 4,8,11 Finn and O'Fallon proposed an EHL hierarchy: recognize, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. This is similar to Bloom's taxonomy, which tracks increased comprehension of educational topics. ...
... (Q #15)" was chosen as a measure of EHL because it demonstrates that participants were understanding and applying their results, each of which are a level in the EHL hierarchy by Finn and O'Fallon. 8 These findings suggest that the survey questions we asked may not be accurately, or comprehensively, assessing EHL. This work supports the body of literature that RBRR should be standard practice in exposure assessment research. ...
Full-text available
Report-back of research results (RBRR) is becoming standard practice for environmental health research studies. RBRR is thought to increase environmental health literacy (EHL), although standardized measurements are limited. For this study, we developed a report back document on exposure to air pollutants, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, during pregnancy through community engaged research and evaluated whether the report increased EHL. We used focus groups and surveys to gather feedback on the report document from an initial group of study participants (Group 1, n = 22) and then sent the revised report to a larger number of participants (Group 2, n = 168). We conducted focus groups among participants in Group 1 and discussed their suggested changes to the report and how those changes could be implemented. Participants in focus groups demonstrated multiple levels of EHL. While participant engagement critically informed report development, a survey comparing feedback from Group 1 (initial report) and Group 2 (revised report) did not show a significant difference in the ease of reading the report or knowledge gained about air pollutants. We acknowledge that our approach was limited by a lack of EHL tools that assess knowledge and behavior change, and a reliance on quantitative methodologies. Future approaches that merge qualitative and quantitative methodologies to evaluate RBRR and methodologies for assessing RBRR materials and subsequent changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior, may be necessary.
... Obwohl die Konzepte Ähnlichkeiten aufweisen, sind sie doch stark von unterschiedlichen Forschungsperspektiven und -disziplinen geprägt. Bekannte Beispiele sind "climate and health literacy" [12], "environmental health literacy" [7] oder "planetary health literacy" [11]. ...
Full-text available
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Der Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit rücken zunehmend in den gesundheitspolitischen Blickpunkt. Herausforderungen ergeben sich u. a. durch häufigere Hitzewellen, erhöhte Pollenbelastung, vermehrtes Auftreten von Vektoren. Auch sind Personen in vulnerablen Kontexten überproportional betroffen. Dem Gesundheitssystem kommt durch Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Krankenversorgung in diesem Zusammenhang eine wesentliche Rolle zu. In einem klimaresilienten Gesundheitssystem haben klimakompetente Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe eine zentrale Rolle. Der Artikel beleuchtet die Arbeiten auf nationaler Ebene, die darauf abzielen, ein gemeinsames Verständnis aufzubauen und einen adäquaten inhaltlichen Rahmen der gesundheitsbezogenen Klimakompetenz auszuarbeiten. Materialien und Methoden Zur Erarbeitung der Fragestellung wurde eine explorative Herangehensweise mit einer Kombination verschiedener Methoden ausgewählt. Basierend auf einer Literaturrecherche wurde der inhaltliche Rahmen entlang internationaler Beispiele guter Praxis für die österreichischen gesetzlich Gesundheitsberufe abgeleitet. Zur Qualitätssicherung und -verbesserung erfolgte eine Begutachtung durch Expert:innen aus den Bereichen Klima, Gesundheit und Bildung. Ergebnisse Zur langfristigen Verankerung der Klimakompetenz in den Gesundheitsberufen braucht es drei Implementierungsprozesse, um die Zielgruppen, d. h. jene, die eine Ausbildung absolvieren, die bereits in Gesundheitsberufen Tätigen und Lehrende für Gesundheitsberufe, zu adressieren. Den inhaltlichen Rahmen dafür bildet das berufsgruppenübergreifende Handbuch zur Stärkung der Klimakompetenz in den Gesundheitsberufen. Schlussfolgerung Ein systematischer Aufbau und die Stärkung der Klimakompetenz im Gesundheitssystems, insbesondere bei den Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe, ist zielführend, um die vielfältigen und erheblichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen abzufedern.
... Finn and O'Fallon [35] 1 (1.8) At its most basic, environmental HL has been described as an ability to make connections between environmental exposures and human health. ...
Background The concept of health literacy (HL) is constantly evolving, and social determinants of health (SDoH) have been receiving considerable attention in public health scholarship. Since a 1-size-fits-all approach for HL fails to account for multiple contextual factors and as a result poses challenges in improving literacy levels, there is a need to develop a deeper understanding of the current state of HL and digital health literacy (DHL) research. Objective This study examined scholars’ conceptualization and scope of work focused on HL and DHL. Methods Using a search string, investigators (N=2042) focusing on HL, DHL, or both were identified from the grantee websites of the National Institutes of Health RePORTER (RePORT Expenditures and Results) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. The investigators were emailed a survey via Qualtrics. Survey questions examined the focus of work; whether the investigators studied HL/DHL in combination with other SDoH; the frameworks, definitions, and approaches used; and research settings. We analyzed survey data using SPSS Statistics version 28 and descriptive analysis, including frequencies and percentages, was conducted. Chi-square tests were performed to explore the association between the focus of work, settings, and age groups included in the investigators’ research. Results A total of 193 (9.5%) of 2042 investigators responded to the online survey. Most investigators (76/153, 49.7%) were from public health, 83/193 (43%) reported their research focused on HL alone, 46/193 (23.8%) mentioned DHL, and 64/193 (33.2%) mentioned both. The majority (133/153, 86.9%) studied HL/DHL in combination with other SDoH, 106/135 (78.5%) conducted HL/DHL work in a community setting, and 100/156 (64.1%) reported not using any specific definition to guide their work. Digital tools (89/135, 65.9%), plain-language materials (82/135, 60.7%), and visual guides (56/135, 41.5%) were the top 3 approaches used. Most worked with adults (131/139, 94.2%) and all races and ethnicities (47/121, 38.8%). Conclusions HL and DHL research largely considered SDoH. Multiple HL tools and approaches were used that support the examination and improvement of literacy and communication surrounding health care issues.
... Data on environmental (health) literacy is not available in Germany, but it could be deduced from the data on health literacy (27) that people from precarious milieus also have a lower level of environmental (health) literacy, and perhaps, the necessary skills to understand environmental (health) risks (28) were not sufficient. This assumption can be supported by the study by Zhao et al. (26) which also showed that education and income influence environmental health literacy. ...
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Introduction Precarious milieus more frequently suffer from environmental risks and show lower environmental awareness and behavior than other milieus in the German population. This study investigates the factors that influence environmental awareness in precarious milieus and the roles of environmental knowledge and the perception of environment-related health burdens. Methods A quantitative secondary data analysis of the German Environmental Awareness Study 2018 (N = 2017) was used to analyze the perception of environmental health burdens, environmental knowledge, and environmental awareness between precarious milieus (n = 190) and seven other milieus. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni post hoc tests were used for this purpose. More in-depth analyses of the precarious milieus were carried out using multiple regression analyses. Results There were significant differences in the perceptions of environmental health burdens affected by rail-traffic noise and neighborhood noise. Furthermore, environmental knowledge in precarious milieus was significantly lower than in five out of the seven other milieus (all p < 0.001) and was significantly associated with environmental cognition and gender. Precarious milieus had higher environmental affect than established milieus but less than that of critical-creative milieus and young idealists (all p < 0.001). Environmental cognition and environmental behavior were significantly associated with environmental affect. Environmental cognition was significantly higher in precarious milieus than in established milieus and among young pragmatists but was lower than in critical-creative milieus and among young idealists (all p < 0.001). Environmental affect, environmental knowledge, and gender were significantly associated with environmental cognition. In precarious milieus, environmental behavior was significantly lower than in traditional milieus and critical-creative milieus and among young idealists (all p < 0.001) and was significantly associated with environmental affect. Conclusion The differences in the perception of environmental health burdens, environmental knowledge, and environmental awareness among precarious milieus indicate that there is a need for specific education and support structures for these population groups. Further research is needed to determine what other factors within the precarious milieus influence environmental knowledge and awareness, as well as the skills needed to understand environmental information, which are included in the framework of environmental (health) literacy.
... Although the theory of environmental health literacy continues to evolve, it has been suggested that environmental health literacy of an individual is likely to be topic and context-specific. Levels of environmental health literacy will vary based on personal experiences and background relevant to a particular environmental exposure in various contexts [26]. Building tools to assess individual environmental health literacy related to specific Values in the table represent the estimate and 95% confidence interval associated with a one-unit increase in the subscales (e.g., scientific uncertainty). ...
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Background Perinatal exposure to phthalates is associated with adverse health impacts for parents and children. The field of environmental health literacy seeks to measure how environmental health information is conceptualized and used to inform behaviors. We assessed whether scores on the validated Phthalate Environmental Reproductive Health Literacy (PERHL) scale were associated with biomarkers of phthalate exposure. Methods 42 members of the Environmental Reproductive and Glucose Outcomes (ERGO) cohort completed the PERHL scale and provided spot urine samples. Phthalate summary measures for model outcomes were created by calculating molar sums of specific gravity-corrected metabolite concentrations representing exposure to parent phthalate, Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), personal care product (PCP)-associated phthalates, and parent butyl-phthalates. Linear regression models were used to estimate the associations of the PERHL scale scores with phthalate summary measures, controlling for educational attainment (college degree or higher vs. no college degree), age (years), and race and ethnicity (non-Hispanic White vs. non-White). Results Higher scores on the PERHL Scale and subscales were generally associated with lower ΣDEHP, Σbutyl, and ΣPCP metabolite concentrations. A one-point increase in the ‘Protective Behavior/Risk Control’ subscale score was significantly associated with a −30.3% (95% CI: −50.1, −2.6) decrease in ΣDEHP, and a −30.6% (95% CI: −51.5, −0.63) decrease in Σbutyl metabolite concentrations.
Health literacy (HL) is a key social determinant of health (SDoH) and is of increasing importance in public health research and intervention for improved health outcomes. Definitions of HL and digital health literacy (DHL) have evolved over time as the field has expanded conceptualization from an individual focus to the broader community and organizational levels. Careful consideration of HL and DHL for a variety of contexts and audiences is critical given increased global adoption of digital technologies and responses to emerging public health challenges. This study aimed to capture researchers’ conceptualizations of HL/DHL and their motivations to engage in this research with attention to SDoH and equity principles. We developed a survey comprising 32 open-ended and multiple-choice questions from which we present participant demographics and overall research affiliations (n = 193), and results from two multiple-choice and three open-ended questions. The three open-ended questions were inductively reviewed and coded using thematic analysis and iterative discussions between multiple coders, while the two multiple-choice questions were descriptively analyzed via SPSS. Findings are situated within the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and inform the international field of HL/DHL research by highlighting momentum and opportunities for increased scholarship.
Many complex disorders are impacted by the interplay of genetic and environmental factors. In gene‐environment interactions (GxE), an individual's genetic and epigenetic makeup impacts the response to environmental exposures. Understanding GxE can impact health at the individual, community, and population levels. The rapid expansion of GxE research in biomedical studies for complex diseases raises many unique ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSIs) that have not been extensively explored and addressed. This review article builds on discussions originating from a workshop held by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in January 2022, entitled: “Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Gene‐Environment Interaction Research.” We expand upon multiple key themes to inform broad recommendations and general guidance for addressing some of the most unique and challenging ELSI in GxE research. Key takeaways include strategies and approaches for establishing sustainable community partnerships, incorporating social determinants of health and environmental justice considerations into GxE research, effectively communicating and translating GxE findings, and addressing privacy and discrimination concerns in all GxE research going forward. Additional guidelines, resources, approaches, training, and capacity building are required to further support innovative GxE research and multidisciplinary GxE research teams.
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Every day we are exposed to toxins and toxicants that can impact our health. Yet we rarely teach elementary and secondary students about these exposures and how they can reduce their risk to them. In this book we highlight activities and curriculum developed at nine universities in the United States from a grant funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Our goal is to extend these lessons to a global audience and for classroom teachers of all subjects and age levels to include environmental health in their teaching. ‘An invaluable tool for equipping informed citizens to think about the environment and its human impacts --both the science, and equally important, the social and ethical dimensions’ , Howard Frumkin, M.D., Dr. P.H., Dean, School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
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Eco-disasters such as coal-mining accidents, oil spills, and food-borne diseases appear regularly in the news, making them seem nearly commonplace. These ecological crises highlight the continual tensions between human needs and the environmental impact these needs produce. Contemporary documentaries and feature films explore environmental-human conflicts by depicting the consequences of our overconsumption and dependence on nonrenewable energy. Film and Everyday Eco-disasters examines changing perspectives toward everyday eco-disasters as reflected in the work of filmmakers from the silent era forward, with an emphasis on recent films such as Dead Ahead, an HBO dramatization of the Exxon Valdez disaster; Total Recall, a science fiction action film highlighting oxygen as a commodity; The Devil Wears Prada, a comment on the fashion industry; and Food, Inc., a documentary interrogation of the food industry. The authors evaluate not only the success of these films as rhetorical arguments but also their rhetorical strategies. This interdisciplinary approach to film studies fuses cultural, economic, and literary critiques in articulating an approach to ecology that points to sustainable development as an alternative to resource exploitations and their associated everyday eco-disasters.
Objective This study assessed short-term outcomes of viewing an episode of a prime-time television drama in which a child developed cancer after environmental exposure to an illegal pesticide. The study explored the effects among viewers of feeling transported into a narrative world. Methods Respondents ( n=2,139) to a post-episode Internet panel survey were asked if they had seen the show and asked questions about their demographic information, their frequency of viewing the television show, the degree to which they had felt transported into a narrative world created by the drama, and their knowledge and beliefs about the health effects of environmental exposure. Conversations with key informants from federal agencies and advocacy groups were also held. Results Episode viewing and narrative transportation were positively associated with knowledge of toxic exposure effects, and transported viewers reported being more likely to report an unusually high number of cancer cases to authorities. The show also appeared to have prompted a clarification of federal pesticide-testing policy. Conclusions Entertainment Education is a promising strategy for disseminating key points of information about environmental health.
This article focuses attention on ''official graffiti'' or regulatory signs typified by highway signs and the most invasive and emblematic piece of official graffiti, the prohibition circle with its diagonal red slash used in the iconic representation No Smoking. Establishing the range and pervasiveness of official graffiti in everyday life (as prohibitions, warnings, advisories, instructions, etc.), the authors approach these visual manifestations from the standpoint of the sociology of governance and analyze them as important instances of government at a distance. They explore the varieties and forms of such regulation and trace their expansion from public space to quasi-public space and to the private realm. Locating the texts and icons of official graffiti within implied or express discursive frameworks, the authors point to the construction of objects and subjects of regulation and to regulatory agents as ''absent experts'' and address the key role of the construction of danger and the link to insurance principles in a ''risk society.'' They also examine resistance through actions of defacement and avoidance that result in the complex order and disorder of surfaces and spaces. Official graffiti manifests a distinctive form of hegemony that is exercised through the small, daily acts of everyday governance.
This paper examines ideologies about nature and the environment in popular, animated Hollywood films—including The Lorax, Wall-E, and Ice Age 2—through a symptomatic reading). The primary goal of the analysis is to elucidate key omissions in these texts through an assessment of the problematic—defined in this research as an apriori answer to perceived audience concerns regarding the role of consumerism and corporate culture in environmental problems. Silences in the films revolve around: how environmental problems are defined; what the consequences are; who the responsible parties are; and what potential solutions exist to mitigate them. The significance of the research is underscored by the formation of an increasingly intimate relationship between children, consumer culture, and commercial media in the USA, as well as the increasingly dire information emerging about global environmental issues. This analysis reveals the dual, often conflicting, messages that commercial film provides for its young audiences about pivotal environmental problems and their potential resolution.
concerns of susceptible populations, including children, the immuno-compromised, and the aged. Scientists and community leaders agreed to work in partnership to prioritize research needs, gather data, assess environmental exposures, and test interventions to influence public policy in order to protect the environment and the health of all, including those living in communities of color and places that are economically exploited. Over the last several years, communities throughout the United States and around the world have made progress in effectively addressing their expressed environmental justice concerns. Government agencies and private foundations have funded community‐university partnerships to conduct community-based participatory research (CBPR), a model rooted physically and conceptually in community. In CBPR, scientists work in close collaboration with community partners involved in all phases of the research, from the inception of the research questions and study design, to the collection of the data, monitoring of ethical concerns, and interpretation of the study results. Importantly, in CBPR, the research findings are communicated to the broader community—including residents, the media, and policymakers—so they may be utilized to effect needed changes in environmental and health policy to improve existing conditions. Building upon existing strengths and resources, CBPR seeks to build capacity and resources in communities and ensure that government agencies and academic institutions are better able to understand and incorporate community concerns into their research agendas.
The classic work of Benjamin S. Bloom, "Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The Classification of Educational Goals, Handbook 1: The Cognitive Domain", still serves as an important reference for adminstrators and teachers at all levels of education. This volume analyzes the underlying reasons for its lasting importance. The contributors evaluate the taxonomy within the context of a specific topic in contemporary educational study. They compare the historical period in which the taxonomy was developed to the present educational milieu and discuss the likely future of education in the United States and the world at large. Specific topics covered include: philosophy; psychological perspectives; empirical studies; validity versus utility; teacher education; and curriculum planning. Two chapters are devoted to the applications of the taxonomy in Asia, Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East.