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Recent cladistic analyses are revealing the phylogeny of flowering plants in increasing detail, and there is support for the monophyly of many major groups above the family level. With many elements of the major branching sequence of phylogeny established, a revised suprafamilial classification of flowering plants becomes both feasible and desirable. Here we present a classification of 462 flowering plant families in 40 putatively monophyletic orders and a small number of monophyletic, informal higher groups. The latter are the monocots, commelinoids, eudicots, core eudicots, rosids including eurosids I and II, and asterids including euasterids I and II. Under these informal groups there are also listed a number of families without assignment to order. At the end of the system is an additional list of families of uncertain position for which no firm data exist regarding placement anywhere within the system.
An Ordinal Classification for the Families of Flowering Plants
Author(s): The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden,
Vol. 85, No. 4 (1998), pp. 531-553
Published by: Missouri Botanical Garden Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 06/02/2009 10:46
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... While several groups of Alismatales have received considerable attention (e.g., seagrasses [6,7], Araceae [8,9]), some smaller families of the order have not been studied in detail.One of these is the Juncaginaceae (Arrow-Grass family), part of the so-called aquatic clade [10] or core Alismatales [4,10]. The APG II system of 1998 and 2003 [11,12] also demonstrated the family's position in the order of Alismatales in the monocot's clade.The family Juncaginaceae has a worldwide distribution, with around 25-35 annual or perennial species belonging to the four genera Triglochin, Lilaea, Maundia, and Tetroncium [4,13]. Even though the family is small, it has a high level of ecological variety. ...
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This study was conducted on the Juncaginaceae family in Iraq, which is a small monocot family of mostly coastal and wetland annual and perennial herbs of almost cosmopolitan distribution and represented by four genera, which are Triglochin, Lilaea, Maundia, and Tetroncium. There are approximately 25-35 species in the world. In Iraq, the family is represented by a single species, Triglochin palustris L. The T. palustris is characterized by perennial herbs, rhizome short, clothed with sheaths of old leaves. Stems are simple, erect or ascending, and 30-35 cm tall. Leaves are narrowly linear and semi-terete, inflorescence racemes, flowers are dark purple. Fruit is closely appressed to the scape, clavate, rachis, or ascending, with the ripe carpels separating from the base upwards. The species is widespread in Asia and extremely rare in Iraq, only found twice near the Persian frontier in the central sector of the lower thorn-cushion zone in the Rawanduz district (MRO), Haji Umran area, and Sakran Mountain. According to IUCN criteria, this family is critically endangered (CR) in Iraq. The process of identification and writing descriptions depended on the examination of all specimens and checking the various flora and guides. The main goal of this study is to rediscover and revise T. palustris and identify the conservation status of the family in Kurdistan, Iraq.
... There are 62 species endemic to Australia, two occurring in Australia and New Guinea and one of the two extending to New Caledonia (Lee & Macfarlane 1986;Wang 2023a, b). Lomandra has had various family placements over the past decades, including Xanthorrhoeaceae in 'Flora of Australia' (Lee 1966;Lee & Macfarlane 1986), Dasypogonaceae (Briggs 1986;Chase et al. 1995) and Laxmanniaceae (Chase & Stevens 1998;APG II 2003;Wang 2023c). The genus is more often placed in a broadly circumscribed Asparagaceae under subfamily Lomandroideae Thorne & Reveal (APG III 2009;Chase et al. 2009;APG IV 2016). ...
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Lomandra scabrifolia Jian Wang ter & B.Gray, sp. nov. and Lomandra tenuis Jian Wang ter & B.Gray, sp. nov. from north Queensland, Australia are described, illustrated and compared to the morphologically and phylogenetically closely related species. Notes are provided on their distributions including a map, habitat, phenology and affinities. Their conservation status is also assessed.
... There are 61 species endemic to Australia, two shared by Australia and New Guinea and one endemic to New Caledonia (IPNI 2023;POWO 2023;Wang 2023a, b). Lomandra has had various family placements over the past decades, such as in Xanthorrhoeaceae (Lee 1966;Lee & Macfarlane 1986), Dasypogonaceae (Briggs 1986;Chase et al. 1995) and Laxmanniaceae (Chase & Stevens 1998;APG II 2003). The genus is more often placed in a broadly circumscribed Asparagaceae, in subfamily Lomandroideae Thorne & Reveal (APG III 2009;Chase et al. 2009;APG IV 2016). ...
... Hemp, Cannabis sativa L., is an annual dicotyledonous plant belongs to Cannabaceae family (Chase, 1998). The seed of hemp is botanically called achene fruit (Bócsa and Kraus, 1998). ...
... APG I (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group) çiçəkli və ya örtülütoxumlu bitkilər filogeniyası (mənşəyi) və müasir molekulyar səviyyəsinə uyğun araşdırılaraq 1998-ci ildə "Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden" jurnalında "An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants" adlı məqalədə nəticələri nəşr edilmişdir [77]. Bu sistem çiçəkli bitkilərin əvvəlki təsnifat sitemindən fərqli olaraq ilk növbədə taksonlar arasında qohumluq əlaqələrini sübut edən, DNT analizinə əsasən 3 genin ardıcıllığı: xloroplastların 2 geni və ribosomları kodlaşdıran bir genin inteqral prinsipləri əsasında formalaşdırılmışdır. ...
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This book provides information about biological features, chemical composition and distribution zones of Capparaceae family.
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Moringa is the sole genus in the family Moringaceae used for medicinal and nutrient purposes. Morphological features, phytochemical attributes, and molecular characterization were used for the genetic association and classification among Moringa oleifera, M. peregrina, and M. stenopetala. Moringa peregrina recorded a similarity of 84% lonely and placed M. stenopetala with M. oleifera into a cluster score with a similarity of 95.3%. M. peregrina is characterized by phenolic content (243 mg/100 g), flavonoids (7 mg/100 g), and antioxidant activity (1226.85 mg/100 g). GC-MS analysis revealed that M. oleifera contained twenty compounds with 2-decenal (E) (39.14%), 2-undecenal (15.51%), nonanal (3.60%), and 2-octenal, (E) (2.48%), while M. peregrina identified eighteen compounds with 2-decenal (Z) (25.42%), 2-docecen-1-al (9.35%), and 13-Docosenoic acid, methyl ester, (Z) (4.16%). M. stenopetala identified fifteen compounds containing 2-decenal (E) (26.67%), 2-undecenal (24.10%), and nonanal (4.40%). A broad sense of similarity has been scored between M. oleifera and M. stenopetala by the phytochemical compositions, especially the similarity in the main compounds such as 2-decenal (E), 2-undecenal, and nonanal. It can be concluded that efforts need to be expanded to pay attention to study Moringa taxa, due to the rarity of Moringa peregrina, and the focus should be on sustainable utilization and conservation. The potential of these taxa would greatly benefit indigenous species in terms of their maintenance, and there is a need for more comprehensive bio-prospecting studies. Therefore, this study evaluates the variability among Moringa and highlights the significance of leaf and seed ultrastructure to provide more information and evaluate potential approaches.
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The present research comprised a comparative systematic study of the genera and species belonging to the family Crassulaceae DC. in Kurdistan region of Iraq, which includes a comprehensive survey for the species in different geographical districts: Amadiya (MAM), Rowanduz (MRO), Sulaimaniya (MSU), Persian Foothills (FPF), Kirkuk (FKI), Erbil (FAR), Ninevah (FNI) and Upper Jazira (FUJ) districts, throughout the field trips, large number of samples were collected and new regions were fixed. All the specimens which preserved in number of Iraqi herbaria were surveyed comprehensively. A detail comparative study was conducted on the Gross and Micromorphological characters starting from the plant roots up to the flowering and fruiting parts; in addition to the pollen grains characters. The important taxonomic characteristics are pointed out for all the species and particular attention has been given in Rosularia (DC.) Staft species to the inflorescence position, rosettes spreading, and resting rosettes presence or absence; while in Sedum L. species to the sepals number and connation, stamens number, and follicles spreading; where of Umbilicus DC. species to stem nature, inflorescence type, corolla shape and its spreading. The work is supported by graphs, tables, and photographs. Anatomical study of the vegetative and reproductive organs are done by paraffin method; in addition to the investigation of some phenolic compounds by using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and Liquid Chromatography & following Mass Spectroscopy (LC/MS) method. Furthermore, the environment and geographical distribution of the species have been studied, and maps are placed for this purpose. The species have been treated numerically depending on number of characters which were selected from the different studies for knowing the VI similarity and dissimilarity among the different taxa, and this reinforced by diagrams. The study found three new records for Iraq, and these are: 1- Rosularia elymaitica (Boiss. et Hausskn.) Berger, 2- Sedum tetramerum Trautv., and 3- Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.) Dandy, as well as the variety S.hispanicum var. semiglabrum Froder. As well as, the present study determined the real number of the species of Crassulaceae family within the studied area which are 13 species belonging to 5 genera as followed: Crassula alata (Viv.) A. Berger (records for the first time in Kurdistan); Rosularia elymaitica, R.libanotica (Labill) Muirhead, R.radiciflora Boriss (has three subspecies: R. radiciflora subsp. radiciflora, R. radiciflora subsp. kurdica (Bornm.) D. F. Chamb. & Muirhead and R. radiciflora subsp. glabra (Boiss.) D. F. Chamb. & Muirhead), R.rechingeri Janson (its presence confirms for the first time in Iraq); Sedum caespitosum (Cav.) DC., S.hispanicum L. (has two varieties: S.hispanicum var. hispanicum and S.hispanicum var. semiglabrum), S.tenellum M. Bieb., S.tetramerum; Telmissa microcarpa (Sm.) Boiss.; Umbilicus horizontalis (Guss.) DC. (has two varieties: U.horizontalis var. horizontalis and U.horizontalis var. intermedius (Boiss.) Chamberlain), U.rupestris, and U.tropaeolifolius Boiss. Finally the species have been treated taxonomically and the keys were placed for separation all the taxa.
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Rapid advances in phylogenomics using target capture methods and universal probe sets such as Angiosperms353 have enabled mass sequencing of herbarium specimens, resulting in the resolution of well-supported phylogenetic trees with thorough taxon sampling. However, the nomenclatural implementation of many now well-supported relations is lagging. Based on the results of recent phylogenomic studies we here propose a suprageneric classification of the order Oxalidales, including Brunelliaceae, Cephalotaceae, Connaraceae, Cunoniaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Oxalidaceae, but excluding Huaceae. One new suborder, five new subfamilies, and three new tribes are proposed. Newly recognized taxa are provided with diagnostic descriptions.
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Angiosperms (flowering plants) are by far the most diverse land plant group with over 300,000 species. The sudden appearance of diverse angiosperms in the fossil record was referred to by Darwin as the “abominable mystery,” hence contributing to the heightened interest in angiosperm evolution. Angiosperms display wide ranges of morphological, physiological, and ecological characters, some of which have probably influenced their species richness. The evolutionary analyses of these characteristics help to address questions of angiosperm diversification and require well resolved phylogeny. Following the great successes of phylogenetic analyses using plastid sequences, dozens to thousands of nuclear genes from next‐generation sequencing have been used in angiosperm phylogenomic analyses, providing well resolved phylogenies and new insights into the evolution of angiosperms. In this review we focus on recent nuclear phylogenomic analyses of large angiosperm clades, orders, families, and subdivisions of some families and provide a summarized Nuclear Phylogenetic Tree of Angiosperm Families. The newly established nuclear phylogenetic relationships are highlighted and compared with previous phylogenetic results. The sequenced genomes of Amborella, Nymphaea, Chloranthus, Ceratophyllum, and species of monocots, Magnoliids, and basal eudicots, have facilitated the phylogenomics of relationships among five major angiosperms clades. All but one of the 64 angiosperm orders were included in nuclear phylogenomics with well resolved relationships except the placements of several orders. Most families have been included with robust and highly supported placements, especially for relationships within several large and important orders and families. Additionally, we examine the divergence time estimation and biogeographic analyses of angiosperm on the basis of the nuclear phylogenomic frameworks and discuss the differences compared with previous analyses. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of nuclear phylogenomic analyses on ancestral reconstruction of morphological, physiological, and ecological characters of angiosperm groups, limitations of current nuclear phylogenomic studies, and the taxa that require future attention.
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Hershkovitz, M. A. & Zimmer, E. A.: On the evolutionary origins of the cacti. – Taxon 46: 217‐232. 1997. – ISSN 0040‐0262. Understanding evolutionary responses of plants to desert environments depends upon phylogenetic knowledge of desert plants. The diverse American desert family Cactaceae has been presumed, on the basis of distinctiveness, to be phylogenetically isolated and relatively ancient (> 65 million years old). Using maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of the rapidly evolving internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA), we show that the cacti are phylogenetically nested among other aridity‐adapted lineages of the angiosperm family Portulacaceae. The ITS divergence between pereskioid cacti and the genus Talinum (Portulacaceae) is less than that between many Portulacaceae genera. Synthesis of the ITS data with morphological and chloroplast DNA evidence suggests an origin of cacti in mid‐Tertiary, C. 30 million years ago, and a later Tertiary diversification coincident with development of the American desert. This, in turn, implies that the diversification rate in cacti was much higher than in their nearest relatives. The present results illustrate the central role of phylogenetic reconstruction in ecological and evolutionary theory.
Despite intensive morphological and chemical studies on the Myrtales, the circumscription of the order remains poorly defined. To test the monophyly of Myrtales sensu Dahlgren and Thorne (Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 71: 633-694, 1984), determine the relationships of some controversial families, and identify the most likely sister group of Myrtales, we conducted parsimony analyses on 80 rbcL sequences representing 36 taxa from families traditionally included in Myrtales and 44 taxa from other Rosidae. The consensus tree resulting from these analyses supports the monophyly of Myrtales and is substantially congruent with the circumscription of the order proposed by Dahlgren and Thorne (Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 71: 633-694, 1984), with one notable exception: in the rbcL tree Vochysiaceae are placed in Myrtales. A reanalysis of morphological attributes of Vochysiaceae revealed that the inclusion of the family in Myrtales is also supported by the combined occurrence of two typical myrtalean features of the wood: vestured pits and bicollateral vascular bundles. Furthermore, our analyses excluded Thymelaeaceae, Lecythidaceae, Haloragaceae, and Gunneraceae from Myrtales, suggesting that the association of these families with Myrtales, as previously proposed by other authors, may not reflect common ancestry. Finally, our analyses support a sister group relationship between the order Myrtales and a clade formed by an expanded Malvales, Sapindales, and an expanded Capparales.
Gesneriaceae is used as the starting point for a consideration of some aspects of classification between family and genus. Gesneriaceae may be split into two subfamilies, one with normal cotyledons, the other with one cotyledon becoming enlarged after germination: a parallel is drawn with the use of the plane of foliar distichy in Zingiberaceae .In both cases the resulting improvements are shown to be vital to the clear recognition and statement of evolutionary problems. The status of Klugieae, one of the 4 tribes of Gesneriaceae-Cyrtandroideae is re-examined and its elevation to subfamily is discussed in relation to the system of the family. There is a rather general trend against simple dichotomy at subfamily level, but its retention in Gesneriaceae is recommended. The complexity of various classifications between family and genus is assessed by use of the ratio between number of genera and the rank immediately above (terminal suprageneric taxa) and the number of the latter that are monogeneric. When these ratios are too low a system looses much of its practical value. The treatment of possible linking genera between major groups is discussed in relation to Jerdonia (Scrophulariaceae/Gesneriaceae) and Triplostegia (Dipsacaceae/Valerianaceae). The existence of such links does not justify the union of the families. In contrast, new evidence confirms the very close relationship of Selaginaceae to Scrophulariaceae tribe Manuleeae. This is not dependent on a small linking genus: the affinity is much closer than is that of Manuleeae to most other tribes of Scrophulariaceae, and the reduction of Selaginaceae to tribal rank must therefore be upheld.
Despite the very great interest shown by botanists during the last 100 years in the “phylogenetic classification” of the Flowering Plants, much more attention seems to have been paid to the phylogenetic components of such schemes (despite the lack of adequate evidence) than to their taxonomic/classificatory components (for which much evidence is available). There is in fact an inbuilt conflict involved in constructing a scheme that attempts to express both the dynamic/historical phylogenetic component and a static horizontal present day classification, which makes most of the conventional phylogenetic tree-like diagrams conceptually suspect. In the Flowering Plants, only the classes and families are widely accepted whereas there are numerous plausible ordinal classifications. The kind of questions we have to ask in the case of higher categories and taxa such as the subclass and order are: are the criteria to be primarily phylogenetic, or taxonomic in the sense of aiming at better circumscriptions of the taxa, greater predictive value, stability, etc.? Only when we have answered these and similar questions can we decide whether we should be aiming at cladogenetic schemes or anagenetic grades or an explicit combination of both.
The two families of the order Apiales (Apiaceae and Araliaceae) represent a classic example of the difficulty in understanding evolutionary relationships between tropical-temperate family pairs. In Apiales, this problem is further compounded by phylogenetic confusion at almost every taxonomic level, including ordinal, interfamilial, and infrafamilial, due largely to difficulties in understanding trends in morphological evolution. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences were employed to resolve relationships at the ordinal and familial levels. The results of the ordinal analysis confirm the placement of Apiales in an expanded subclass Asteridae as the sister group to Pittosporaceae, and refute the traditional alliance of Apiales with Cornales and Rosidae. This study has also resolved relationships of a number of enigmatic genera, suggesting, for example, that Melanophylla, Aralidium, Griselinia, and Toricellia are close relatives of Apiales. Clarification of phylogenetic relationships has concomitantly provided insights into trends of morphological evolution, and suggests that the ancestral apialean taxon was probably bicarpellate, simple-leaved, woody, and paleotropical. Phylogenetic analysis at the family level suggests that apiaceous subfamily Hydrocotyloideae, often envisioned as an intermediate group between Apiaceae and Araliaceae, is polyphyletic, with some hydrocotyloids closely allied with Araliaceae rather than Apiaceae. With the exception of some hydrocotyloids, Apiaceae appear to be monophyletic. The relationship between Apiaceae and Araliaceae remains problematic. Although the shortest rbcL trees suggest that Apiaceae are derived from within a paraphyletic Araliaceae, this result is only weakly supported.
One table includes a statistical summary of flowering-plant taxa: c235 000 species of 12 615 genera, 440 families, and 711 subfamilies and undivided families in 28 superorders, 70 orders, and 75 suborders of Angiospermae. Three other tables summarize the indigenous distribution of the families and subfamilies of Angiospermae about the world. -from Author