... Liquid condensed film heat transfer coefficient for plain tub. All properties of the liquid are to be evaluated at the film temperature:(Thevenard and Humphries, 2005) Dh d t,o,co * N t,co * ( T a,sat,Dh − T t,o,co )Coefficient of convective heat transfer in an air flow around tubes(Cengel and Heat, 2003)h a,Dh = C 2 C 1 Pr 0.31 (Re d,max ) m Where C 2 = 0.95 is the correction factor for N t,o,co < 20 Re d,max = ρ a,Dh u a,max d t,o,co μ a,Dh u a,max =ṁ Diffusivity coefficient of vapor in the air [41] h a,Dh = Km a,Dh C p,a,Dh Le 2/3 h a,Dh ≅ Km a,Dh C p,a,Dh Km a,Dh = h a,Dh C p,a,Dh Convective heat transfer coefficient through a water flowing inside the tubes (Cengel and Heat, 2003) For > >> Re d,sw < 2300 h sw,Dh = 1.86 For > >> 2300 ≤ Re d,sw ≤ 10 4For > >> Re d,sw > 10 4 ...