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Int. J. Environ. Res.1 (1): 28-36, Winter 2007
ISSN: 1735-6865
Graduate Faculty of Environment
University of Tehran
A Comperative Study of Environmental Awareness among
Secondary School Students in Iran and India
Shobeiri, S. M. 1*, Omidvar, B.2 and Prahallada, N. N.3
1Department of Education, University of payam-e-Noor, Tehran, Iran
2Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Mysore-570 006, Karnataka, India
Received 14 May 2006; Revised 10 Sep 2006; Accepted 20 Oct 2006
ABSTRACT: The study investigated secondary school students' environmental awareness in India
and Iran. Nine hundred and ninety-one students were selected through the stratified random
sampling technique from 103 secondary schools of Mysore city (India) and Tehran city (Iran).
Subjects consisted of 476 boys and 515 girls. They were assessed using the Environment
Awareness Ability Measure (EAAM). Results indicate that there are significant differences
between Indian and Iranian students in their level of environmental awareness. Also there are
significant differences between them in environmental awareness across and within two groups
with regard to their gender. Also type of school management (Government and private) is a factor,
which can affect student’s environmental awareness in both countries.
Key words: Environmental awareness, Causes of pollution, Conservation of soil, Forest, Energy ,
Human health, Wild life
*Corresponding author E-mail:
It is our foremost duty to conserve our
environmental resources. The ultimate goal of
environmental education whether it is formal or
non-formal is to create awareness among the
citizens of a country. This can be understood by the
quotation mentioned in the Belgrade Charter,
which was issued in the environmental education
workshop held at Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1975
(Tanner,1980). It emphasizes the basic aim of
environmental education as, “To develop a world
population that is aware of and concerned about the
environment, its associated problems, so that the
population will have the knowledge, skill, attitudes,
motivation and commitment to work individually
and collectively towards the solutions of current
problems and prevention of new ones” (UNESCO-
UNEP IEEP Environmental Education Series 6,
Global concern regarding the steadily
deteriorating state of the environment has
emphasized the need for environmental education.
Obviously a powerful vehicle bringing about
change, a Panacea of all evils and a potent weapon
for prevention plays a central role in the society.
The need of the hour is to make people sensitive
towards nature through a strong programme of
environmental education (Nachimuthu and
Vijayakumari, 1993). Environmental education is
a way of creating knowledge, understanding,
values, attitudes, skills, abilities and awareness
among individuals and social groups towards the
environment protection. Environmental education
is an attempt to reorient education so that
environmental competence is restored as one of its
basic aims along with personal and social
competence. It is not just a subject of education but
an expansion of its whole philosophy recognizing
our environment as continuous with ourselves and
in need of the same case and understanding as we
give to our personal and social well being (Smyth,
1995). World educators and environment
specialists have repeatedly pointed out that a
solution to environmental crisis will require an
environmental awareness and its proper
understanding which should be deeply rooted in the
education system at all levels of school education
(Shukla, 2001). The existing curricula at primary,
secondary and college levels provide a lot of
opportunities to make the students aware of
environment. The integration of environmental
education is possible if teachers have a will to
introduce it in a quite natural way while teaching
different curricular areas at primary, secondary and
higher education level. In this present context the
need for studying the environment awareness of
secondary school student is a must. It is very much
Int. J. Environ. Res.1 (1): 28-34, Winter 2007
ISSN: 1735-6865
Graduate Faculty of Environment
University of Tehran
Shobeiri, S. M., et al.
an essential need for each individual to develop an
awareness of protection and preservation towards
environment. Our environment is threatened due to
many hazards. Air, water and soil pollution is on
the increase. Degradation of environment results in
many problems. Therefore, there is a great need to
protect and preserve our environment. The role of
students would go a long way in achieving such
desired goals. In order to faster their awareness
towards environment it is necessary to know what
levels of awareness they possess in these areas, and
as such there are limited number of researchers
who have taken up research in the said field and
hence the study. So, in this paper a comparative
study of environmental awareness among
secondary school students in Iran and India has
been performed and state of awareness in this area
is monitored.
The present study is an attempt to examine the
environmental awareness of secondary school
students in relation to residential background, sex
and type of school. This section explains the
hypotheses, sampling, instrument, procedure,
scoring and statistical techniques used for the
Following null hypotheses were formulated for
testing the assumptions:
Hypothesis 1 There will be no significant
difference in the level of
environment awareness among
secondary school students in
Tehran and. Mysore
Hypothesis 2 There will be no significant
difference between boy and girl
students in their level of
environmental awareness in Tehran
and Mysore.
Hypothesis 3 There will be no significant
difference between students
studying in different type of
schools in their level of
environmental awareness in Tehran
and Mysore.
A sample of 991 secondary school students
(476 boys and 515 girls) was selected from
different schools in India (Mysore city) and Iran
(Tehran city). The students were selected both from
government and private schools. Stratified random
sampling technique was used to select the sample
(Shobeiri, 2005). The tool used in the present
investigation was the Environment Awareness
Ability Measure (EAAM) developed by Praveen
Kumar Jha (1998), Mandal University, and
Madhipura. This tool measures the extent and
degree of awareness of students about
environmental pollution and its protection, as
consisting of five components, viz. (i) Causes of
pollution, (ii) Conservation of soil forest, air,
etc.,(iii) Energy conservation, (iv) Conservation of
human health and (v) Conservation of wild life and
animal husbandry. There are several items in each
component ؛constituting the total of 51 items on the
scale. For Indian students, the original English
version and for Iranian students translated version
in Persian was used. Initially, the Persian version
was administered as a pre-test to 50 boys and 50
girls Iranian students to find out the suitability of
the instruments. With a few minor revisions,
(Shobeiri, 2005) the main study in Iran 491 (out of
991 students) was performed based on the
suggestions given by the students on the pre-test.
Three indices of reliability were determined.
Split-half reliability was found 0.61; secondly it
was calculated by test-retest method. Two test-
retest reliabilities were determined; one after an
interval of three months and other after six months
and the values were found 0.74 and 0.71
respectively. Also the sale was found to have a
validity of 0.83. In Iran and India, the Investigator
personally visited all the selected schools and met
the students for explaining the purpose of study and
instructed them as how to respond to the
questionnaire. Also, for students, whenever, they
had doubt in understanding questions, investigator
made those questions very clear to them.
There are 51 items in EAAM. Each agree item
carries the value of 1 mark and each disagree item
of zero mark, but the negative items are scored
inversely. Thus, on the total scale the scores of 51
question ranged between 0-51 (Shobeiri, 2005).
The total scale gives a composite score of
environment awareness ability of the subject. Using
SPSS statistical package (Kinnear, 2003), Two-
way ANOVA (Analysis variance) was employed to
find out the difference in various aspects from the
Int. J. Environ. Res.1 (1): 28-34, Winter 2007
level of environmental awareness including
gender, type of school and country in each aspect.
1. In this study the level of environmental
awareness has been identified on the basis of their
scores on the environment awareness ability
measure under two levels using the criteria –
average maximum weight and minimum weight for
the total number of items in the scale +SD of the
scores obtained on the scale. Table 1 shows number
and percentage of Indian and Iranian students under
different levels (Average and High) of
environmental awareness.
Table 1. Number and percentage of students falling under different levels of environmental awareness
Level of score limit environmental
awareness of students Average
(16-36) High
(37-51) Total
No. 220 280 500
India % 44.0 56.0 100.0
No 73 418 491
Iran % 14.9 85.1 100.0
No 293 698 991
Total % 29.6 70.4 100.0
χ2 = 70.94, df = 1, p < 0.001
Result from Table 1 reveals that there is a
highly significance association) χ2*=70.94, p<
0.001) between two countries in levels of
environmental awareness of students. It was found
that the number of Indian students with average
level of environmental awareness (44.00 per cent)
is more than their counterparts in Iran (14.9
percent). Further, it is noticed that number of
Iranian students with high level of environmental
awareness (85.10 percent) is more than Indian
students (56.00 percent).In addition, an attempt has
been made to find the differences between students
in two countries regarding the level of
environmental awareness for each of the five sub
factors of the student environmental awareness
ability measure as mentioned before. Weight for
each of the five sub factors were calculated based
on the mean scores obtained and then ranked from
the highest per cent to the lowest per cent. The
details are made available in Tables 2, 3 and 4. The
findings of Tables 2, 3 and 4 reveal that the three
top ranking aspects of environmental awareness for
Indian students are: ‘Conservation of human
health’, ‘Conservation of wild life and animal
husbandry’ and ‘Conservation of soil,
forest, air and etc.’ Three top ranking aspects of
environmental awareness for Iranian students are:
‘Conservation of wild life and animal husbandry’,
‘Conservation of human health’ and ‘Conservation
of soil, forest, air and etc.’. In both of the countries
‘Conservation of human health’ and ‘Conservation
of wild life and animal husbandry’ are two aspects
of environmental awareness, which have made
students to be aware about their environment. The
above Tables indicate that the students do not have
adequate level of awareness in ‘Energy
conservation’ sub factor. Also students are unaware
about ‘Cause of pollution’ aspect of their
environment. The above findings corroborated with
findings of Sharma (1997) and Karimi (2002),
which emphasizes that in both the countries, the
need to reorient the school curriculum from a
environmental perspectives in diverse subject areas
environmental perspectives in diverse subject areas
are necessary.However, findings of Table 1 clearly
indicates that there is a significant difference(χ2 =
70.94, p < 0.001) between two countries in terms of
level of environmental awareness of students and
therefore the null hypothesis 1 is rejected.
Table 2. Rank order of Environmental awareness of students (India)
Rank Dimensions Mean SD
Weight age
1 Conservation of human health 11.41 2.37 58.36
2 Conservation of wild life and animal usbandry 1.71 0.54 43.61
3 Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc. 9.86 2.32 38.68
4 Causes of pollution 9.76 2.02 35.55
5 Energy conservation 4.37 1.52 31.84
A Comperative Study of Environmental…
Table 3. Rank order of Environmental awareness of students (Iran)
Rank Dimensions Mean SD
1 Conservation of wild life and animal husbandry 1.78 0.45 45.39
2 Conservation of human health 12.94 1.61 43.99
3 Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc. 10.72 1.81 42.06
4 Causes of pollution 10.48 1.68 38.18
5 Energy conservation 4.89 1.00 34.97
Table 4.Rank order of Environmental awareness of students (Overall)
Rank Dimensions Mean SD
weight age
1 Conservation of human health 12.18 1.99 51.18
2 Conservation of wild life and animal husbandry 1.75 0.50 44.50
3 Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc. 10.29 2.07 40.37
4 Causes of pollution 10.12 1.85 36.87
5 Energy conservation 4.63 1.26 33.41
The results of the ANOVA tests are presented in
Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8. These Tables show F-value,
significance and mean value of student's
environmental awareness scores based on their
country as well as gender and type of school.
Tables 5 and 6 indicate that there is a significant
difference between Indian and Iranian students in
all the sub factors of environmental awareness. In
sub factors like ‘Cause of pollution’ (F=37.947,
p<0.000), ‘Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.’
(F=44.249, p<0.000), ‘Energy conservation’
(F=41.326, p<0.000), Conservation of human
health’ (F=143.155., p<0.000) and ‘Conservation of
wild life and animal husbandry’ (F=5.194,
p<0.023) Iranian students scored significantly
higher than Indian students. There is a significant
difference between boy and girl students in some
sub factors of environmental awareness. In sub
factors like ‘Energy conservation’ (F=6.066,
p<0.014), boy students scored significantly higher
than girl students whereas in ‘Conservation of
human health’ (F=4.253, p<0.039) girl students
scored significantly higher than counterparts. The
significant interaction effects between countries
and genders for three sub factors of environmental
awareness indicate that in Iran boy students have
more awareness about Conservation of soil, forest,
air and etc.’
Table 5.Mean scores for various dimensions of students environmental awareness with reference to country
and gender
Environmental awareness of students Gender India Iran Overall
Boys 9.64 10.49 10.04
Girls 9.87 10.48 10.19
Cause of pollution
Overall 9.76 10.48 10.12
Boys 9.45 10.94 10.16
Girls 10.28 10.53 10.41
Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.
Overall 9.86 10.72 10.29
Boys 4.46 5.00 4.72
Girls 4.27 4.79 4.54
Energy conservation
Overall 4.37 4.89 4.62
Boys 11.04 13.05 12.00
Girls 11.78 12.84 12.33
Conservation of human health
Overall 11.41 12.94 12.17
Boys 1.68 1.82 1.75
Girls 1.74 1.74 1.74
Conservation of wild life and animal husbandry
Overall 1.71 1.78 1.74
Boys 36.31 41.29 38.68
Girls 37.91 40.38 39.18
Overall 37.11 40.80 38.94
Shobeiri, S. M., et al.
Table 6. Result of two-way ANOVA for mean students environmental awareness Score in various areas with
reference to country and gender
Environmental awareness of students Source of variation F-value Significance
Between countries (A) 37.947 0.000
Between gender (B) 0.931 0.335
Cause of pollution
Interaction (A x B) 0.992 0.319
Between countries (A) 44.249 0.000
Between gender (B) 2.646 0.104 Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.
Interaction (A x B) 22.344 0.000
Between countries (A) 41.326 0.000
Between gender (B) 6.066 0.014 Energy conservation
Interaction (A x B) 0.014 0.906
Between countries (A) 143.155 0.000
Between gender (B) 4.253 0.039 Conservation of human health
Interaction (A x B) 14.008 0.000
Between countries (A) 5.194 0.023
Between gender (B) 0.247 0.619
Conservation of wild life and animal
husbandry Interaction (A x B) 5.216 0.023
Between countries (A) 108.156 0.000
Between gender (B) 0.935 0.334 Total
Interaction (A x B) 12.239 0.000
dfs: A (1.987), B (1.987) and AxB (1.987)
Table 7. Mean scores for various dimensions of students environmental awareness with reference to country and
type of school
Environmental awareness of students Type of school India Iran Overall
Government 9.35 10.49 9.94
Private 10.12 10.47 10.29
Cause of pollution
Overall 9.76 10.48 10.12
Government 9.26 10.96 10.14
Private 10.40 10.46 10.43
Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.
Overall 9.86 10.72 10.29
Government 4.05 4.93 4.51
Private 4.65 4.84 4.74
Energy conservation
Overall 4.37 4.89 4.62
Government 10.96 12.96 12.00
Private 11.82 12.91 12.33
Conservation of human health
Overall 11.41 12.94 12.17
Government 1.58 1.80 1.69
Private 1.82 1.75 1.79
Conservation of wild life and animal
husbandry Overall 1.71 1.78 1.74
Government 35.25 41.15 38.31
Private 38.78 40.43 39.56
Overall 37.11 40.80 38.94
Int. J. Environ. Res.1 (1): 28-34, Winter 2007
A Comperative Study of Environmental…
Table 8.Result of two-way ANOVA for mean students environmental awareness score in various areas with
reference to country and type of school
Environmental awareness of students Source of variation F-value Significance
Between countries (A) 41.033 0.000
Between schools (B) 10.373 0.001
Cause of pollution
Interaction (A x B) 11.476 0.001
Between countries (A) 45.846 0.000
Between schools (B) 6.020 0.014 Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.
Interaction (A x B) 40.168 0.000
Between countries (A) 43.372 0.000
Between schools (B) 9.936 0.002
Energy conservation
Interaction (A x B) 18.228 0.000
Between countries (A) 146.643 0.000
Between schools (B) 9.858 0.002 Conservation of human health
Interaction (A x B) 12.909 0.000
Between countries (A) 5.668 0.017
Between schools (B) 9.579 0.002
Conservation of wild life and animal
husbandry Interaction (A x B) 19.773 0.000
Between countries (A) 115.552 0.000
Between schools (B) 16.134 0.000 Total
Interaction (A x B) 36.559 0.000
dfs: A (1.987), B (1.987) and AxB (1.987)
‘Conservation of human health’ (F=14.008, p<
0.000) and ‘Conservation of wild life and
husbandry’ (F=5.216, p<0.023) in their
environment, than their counterparts in India.
From Table 6, it is found that the overall
environmental awareness scores indicates that there
is no significant difference between boy and girl
students (F=0.935, p<0.334), therefore the
hypothesis 2 is accepted. Tables 7 and 8 indicate
that there was a significant difference between two
countries. In all the sub factors of students
environmental awareness, namely, ‘Cause of
pollution’ (F = 41.033, p<0.000), ‘Conservation of
soil, forest, air and etc.’ (F= 45.846, p<0.000),
‘Energy conservation’ (F=43.372, p< 0.000),
‘Conservation of human health’ (F=146.643, p
<0.000) and ‘Conservation of wild life and animal
husbandry’ (F=5.668, p<0.017), Iranian students
scored significantly higher than Indian students.
There was a significant difference between
Government and private schools on all the sub
factors of students environmental awareness,
namely, ‘Cause of pollution’ (F=10.373, p<0.001),
‘Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.’ (F=6.020,
p<0.014), ‘Energy conservation’ (F=9.936,
p<0.002), ‘Conservation of human health’
(F=9.858, p<0.002) and ‘Conservation of wild life
and animal husbandry’ (F=9.579, p<0.002), in
private school students scored significantly higher
than government school students.
The significant interaction effects between
countries and type of school reveals in all the sub
factors of students environmental awareness,
namely, ‘Cause of pollution’ (F=11.476,
p<0.001), ‘Conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.’
(F=40.168, p<0.000), ‘Energy conservation’
(F=18.228, p<0.000), ‘Conservation of human
health’ (F=12.909, p<0.000) and ‘Conservation of
wild life and animal husbandry’ (F=19.773,
p<0.000), there was a significant difference
between students in both countries. In all the sub
factors Iranian Government school students scored
significantly higher than their counterparts in India.
From Table 8, it is found that the overall
environmental awareness scores indicates that there
is significant difference with respect to
Government and private school students
(F=16.134, p<0.000). Hence it could be concluded
that the type of school is significantly related to
students' environmental awareness. Therefore the
hypothesis 3 is rejected.
In the study nine hundred and ninety – one
students were selected through the stratified
random sampling technique from 103 secondary
schools of Mysore city (India and Tehran city Iran).
The main findings of the present study are:
• In this study it was found that there is a
significant difference in the level of students'
environmental awareness between two countries.
The study found that the number of Indian students
with average level of environmental awareness
(44.00 percent) is more than their counterparts in
Iran (14.9 percent). Further, it is noticed that
number of Iranian students with high level of
environmental awareness (85.10 percent) is more
than Indian students (56.00 percent).
Shobeiri, S. M., et al.
Shobeiri, S. M., et al.
• Result indicated that in total there is no
significant difference between boy and girl students
and their level of environmental awareness. This
finding of the study contradicted with the finding
of Shahnawaj (1990), Rou, Sabhlok (1995), Patel
(1995), Szagun and Pavlov (1995) and Tripathi
(2000) who reported sex has affect on level of
students environmental awareness.
• The present study highlighted that in total there
is influence of type of school management on level
of student's environmental awareness. This finding
of the study corroborated with the finding of Rou
(1995), Prajapat (1996) who reported that there is
significant difference between students of
Government and private schools in the level of
environmental awareness. Whereas this
contradicted with the finding of a study by Tripathi
(2000) who reported type of school management
has no effect on student's environmental awareness.
Results from this study revealed that:
• More than 70 percent of students in both the
countries informed that their level of environmental
awareness is high.
• Indian students with average level of
environmental awareness (44.00 percent) are more
than their counterparts in Iran (14.90 percent).
• Number of Iranian students with high level of
environmental awareness (85.10 per cent) is more
than Indian students (56.00 percent).
• Boy and girl students in this study have the
same level of environmental awareness and gender
is not a factor, which affects their environmental
• Boy students in Iran have more awareness about
conservation of soil, forest, air and etc.’,
conservation of human health’ and ‘conservation of
wild life and animal husbandry’ of their
environment than other students.
• Type of school management has impact on
environmental awareness of students in both
countries. In the all sub factors of student's
environmental awareness, Iranian Government
school students scored significantly higher than
their counterparts in India.
Teachers can play an important role in
educating their students about environment which
is possible only when the teachers themselves have
the necessary level of environmental awareness, for
this purpose, the government should introduce and
enrich environmental education programmers in
both in service and pre service teacher
Various co-curricular activities in schools may
be encouraged to help in developing student's
environmental awareness.
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Int. J. Environ. Res.1 (1): 28-34, Winter 2007