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Fruit Set of Triploid Watermelons as a Function of Distance from a Diploid Pollinizer


Abstract and Figures

During 1998 and 1999, 'Genesis' triploid watermelons [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nak.] were grown in large blocks with a single row of the diploid 'Ferarri' planted as a pollinizer in the middle. A once-over harvest each year was made in harvest lanes 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 m perpendicular distances from the pollinizer row. Individual fruit were weighed and counted. Data from both years indicated a similar distribution of triploid fruit with respect to distance from the pollinizer row. The greatest number of triploid fruit per unit land area was in the harvest row 3.0 m from the pollinizer row. When distance from the pollinizer row was 6.0 m or greater, triploid fruit numbers diminished substantially. Yield estimates made each year using the fruit density data suggested that a 1 pollinizer: 4 triploid ratio gave the maximum total triploid fruit yield per hectare for 1.5-m row spacings. These results should prove useful in designing field planting strategies to optimize triploid watermelon production.
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HORTSCIENCE 36(1):60–61. 2001.
Received for publication 10 Dec. 1999. Accepted
for publication 26 June 2000. A contribution of the
Univ. of Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations,
Georgia Station, Griffin. This research was sup-
ported by state and Hatch Act funds allocated to the
Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations. The cost
of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the
payment of page charges. Under postal regulations,
this paper therefore must be hereby marked adver-
tisement solely to indicate this fact.
1Professor. E-mail address: snesmit@gaes.griffin.
2Assistant Professor.
Fruit Set of Triploid Watermelons
as a Function of Distance from a
Diploid Pollinizer
D. Scott NeSmith1
Department of Horticulture, Georgia Station, Griffin, GA 30223-1797
John R. Duval2
University of Florida, GCREC–Dover, 13138 Lewis Gallagher Road, Dover,
FL 33257
Additional index words. seedless watermelon, pollination, pollinizer ratio, Citrullus lanatus
Abstract. During 1998 and 1999, ‘Genesis’ triploid watermelons [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.)
Matsum. & Nak.] were grown in large blocks with a single row of the diploid ‘Ferarri’
planted as a pollinizer in the middle. A once-over harvest each year was made in harvest
lanes 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 m perpendicular distances from the pollinizer row.
Individual fruit were weighed and counted. Data from both years indicated a similar
distribution of triploid fruit with respect to distance from the pollinizer row. The greatest
number of triploid fruit per unit land area was in the harvest row 3.0 m from the pollinizer
row. When distance from the pollinizer row was 6.0 m or greater, triploid fruit numbers
diminished substantially. Yield estimates made each year using the fruit density data
suggested that a 1 pollinizer : 4 triploid ratio gave the maximum total triploid fruit yield
per hectare for 1.5-m row spacings. These results should prove useful in designing field
planting strategies to optimize triploid watermelon production.
watermelons should provide a good triploid
crop. Maynard and Elmstrom (1992) advised
that every third row of a triploid watermelon
field should be planted with a pollinizer. Par-
sons et al. (1992) recommended that one-third
of the plants in a seedless watermelon produc-
tion field be a standard (diploid) cultivar that is
dissimilar in appearance from the triploid
cultivar (for ease of identification). For the
most part, these recommendations have been
based more on experience than on research
findings. The objective of this research was to
determine pollinizer frequency requirements
for optimizing triploid watermelon produc-
tion per unit land area.
Materials and Methods
In 1998 and 1999, ‘Genesis’ (Shamrock
Seed Co., Salinas, Calif.) triploid watermel-
ons were grown in a field with ‘Ferrari’ (Sham-
rock Seed Co.) as a pollinizer at the Georgia
Experiment Station in Griffin. The soil was a
Cecil sandy clay loam (clayey, kaolinitic, ther-
mic Typic Hapludult). The design was a single
factor (distance), replicated experiment, which
consisted of a single row of the pollinizer
(‘Ferrari’) with six rows of the triploid (‘Gen-
esis’) planted on either side. Four large blocks
or replications of the planting design were
established each year. Row width used was 1.5
m, in-row spacing of plants was 1.2 m, and
individual rows were 24.4 m long. A buffer
distance was left between blocks so that the
closest distance to a pollinizer plant for any
triploid would be in its own block. All plants
were established using 5-week-old transplants.
Field planting dates were 20 May 1998 and 18
May 1999. Fertilization, pesticide applica-
tion, and irrigation practices recommended by
the Univ. of Georgia Cooperative Extension
Service were used in growing the crop (Mizelle,
1988). Pollination relied solely on natural pol-
linators; no supplemental bees were used.
Once-over harvests of ‘Genesis’ fruit
occurred on 4 Aug. 1998 and 10 Aug. 1999.
Each 1.5-m wide row was harvested sepa-
rately. All fruit >10 cm in diameter were
harvested and weighed. The harvest strategy
provided 1.5 × 24.4-m harvest lanes that had
centers 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 m per-
pendicular distances from the center of the
pollinizer row. The triploid watermelons that
were in the pollinizer row (due to vine growth
Triploid, or “seedless”, watermelons are
becoming increasingly popular among con-
sumers. Marr and Gast (1991) indicated that
consumers were willing to pay 50% more for
seedless watermelons than for traditional
seeded watermelons. Karst (1990) suggested
that there is a potential for seedless watermel-
ons to gain up to 50% of the market share.
Because of this enthusiasm of consumers for
seedless watermelons, growers are also be-
coming more interested in producing the spe-
cialty crop. Many traditional seeded water-
melon cultural practices can be utilized in
growing triploid watermelons, but there are a
few key differences. A major difference is that
triploid watermelons are sparse pollen pro-
ducers; therefore, a source of pollen (tradi-
tional diploid watermelon cultivar) must be
planted with triploids (Maynard and Elmstrom,
There are few published data on the
pollinizer frequency requirement for optimum
pollination and fruit production of triploid
watermelons. Kihara (1951) suggested that
one diploid pollinizer per four to five triploid
Fig. 1. Fruit number of ‘Genesis’ triploid watermelon as a function of distance from pollinizer row during 1998
and 1999 at Griffin, Ga. The pollinizer was ‘Ferrari’. Each vertical bar represents one 1.5-m-wide row. The
0 distance represents the location of the pollinizer row. Standard errors are depicted by vertical lines.
across rows) were also harvested (0 m from the
pollinizer). Harvest lanes of the specified dis-
tances were designated on each side of the
pollinizer row (east and west) to determine if
there was a “directional” effect on fruit density.
Results and Discussion
Overall, fruit yield for the rows of ‘Genesis’
plants varied depending on their distance from
the pollinizer row (Fig. 1). The patterns of fruit
density across the rows were similar for both
years. The pollinizer row itself (0 m distance)
had some triploid watermelons because of vine
growth from nearby plants. The first triploid
row adjacent to the pollinizer had a substantial
number of ‘Genesis’ watermelons, but the great-
est number of seedless watermelons per unit
area were present in the second row (3.0 m
distance) away from the pollinizer each year.
The number of triploid watermelons dimin-
ished by 37% to 40% from the second to the
third row (4.5 m distance). The remaining rows
(distances of 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 m) set very few
fruit, suggesting that distances of 6.0 m or
Fig. 2. Estimates of yield (total fruit number/ha) of ‘Genesis’ triploid watermelon in response to different
pollinizer : triploid row ratios during 1998 and 1999. The pollinizer was ‘Ferrari’. Estimates are based
on 1.5-m row widths.
greater from the pollinizer row are too great for
adequate pollination, either because of the dis-
tance from the pollen source, or pollen dilution
and/or lack of bee visits.
Directionally biased pollen flow was not
apparent in the planting blocks of these experi-
ments. Fruit yields were similar for triploid
rows planted equal distances on either side of
the pollinizer row (data not shown). Also,
there were no differences in average indi-
vidual fruit weight or percentage of market-
able fruit (data not shown) from the different
harvest lanes, only in total fruit number per
unit area.
Using the fruit density results from the
1998 and 1999 field experiments, yield pro-
jections for different pollinizer : triploid ratios
were calculated (Fig. 2). Estimates of fruit
yield/ha increased with increasing number of
triploid rows up to a ratio of one pollinizer to
four triploid rows in both years. A trend to-
ward declining yields/ha was apparent as the
number of triploid rows per pollinizer row
increased beyond four. Triploid yield (fruit/
ha) for the current, commonly used ratio of 1:2
(every third row a pollinizer) was 25% less
than that resulting from the 1:4 ratio in 1998
and 1999.
The triploid yield estimates in these experi-
ments were based on 1.5-m row widths. This
would probably be very acceptable for triploid
watermelons, since vine coverage area tends to
be smaller than that of traditional seeded water-
melons. NeSmith (1993) reported that diploid
watermelons grown in 1.5-m-wide rows at in-
row spacings of 0.9 m yielded 29% to 34%
more than did watermelons planted at in-row
spacings of 2.1 m. When deciding on pollinizer
ratio using data from the current study, one
must consider that increasing row width be-
yond 1.5 m may slightly modify calculations of
yields. The current data indicated that when
distance from the pollinizer row approached
6.0 m, triploid fruit number declined sharply.
Therefore, if growers use 1.8-m row widths,
perhaps a ratio of 1:3 would be best.
In summary, triploid watermelons do re-
quire a pollinizer and adequate pollinator insect
activity for successful fruit set. Growers should
realize that exceeding distances of 6.0 m from
the diploid pollinizer will probably reduce
yields. Also, planting too many pollinizers
(i.e., ratios of 1:1 and 1:2) will reduce triploid
yields. The results presented here suggest that
triploid yields per unit land area would be
optimized using a ratio of 1 pollinizer row : 4
triploid rows for 1.5-m row widths.
Literature Cited
Karst, T. 1990. Seedless watermelon sure to grow.
The Grower 23(8):61.
Kihara, H. 1951. Triploid watermelons. Proc. Amer.
Soc. Hort. Sci. 58:217–230.
Marr, C.W. and K.L.B. Gast. 1991. Reactions by
consumers in a farmers’ market to prices for
seedless watermelon and ratings of eating qual-
ity. HortTechnology. 1:105–106.
Maynard, D.N. and G.W. Elmstrom. 1992. Triploid
watermelon production practices and varieties.
Acta Hort. 318:169–173.
Mizelle, W.O., Jr. 1988. Commercial watermelon
production. Coop. Ext. Serv. Publ. B-996. Univ.
of Georgia, Athens.
NeSmith, D.S. 1993. Plant spacing influences
watermelon yield and yield components.
HortScience 28:885–887.
Parsons, J., L. Stein, T. Longbrake, S. Cotner, and J.
Johnson. 1992. Seedless watermelon produc-
tion. Agr. Ext. Serv. Bul. L-2303. Texas A&M
Univ., College Station.
... Traditionally, growers cultivated seeded cultivars as dedicated rows between every third or fourth row of seedless plants. Early planting trials suggested that pollen donor frequency should be 16-20% (1:4 or 1:5) (Kihara, 1951), but more recently, optimum yield from seedless watermelon was reported with a pollen donor frequency of 20-33% (mostly 1:3) (NeSmith and Duval, 2001;Fiacchino and Walters, 2003;. Thus, dedicated row systems allow for only 67-80% seedless cultivars in the field. ...
... Distance to pollen donor can affect yield in seedless watermelon cultivars. NeSmith and Duval (2001) assessed fruit set in sat distances between 3m-9m from a pollen donor. They found that fruit set decreased with distance from a pollen donor, with optimum yield was obtained with a seedless to pollen donor distance of 3 m, in traditional seeded rows. ...
Many commercially grown fruits and vegetables benefit substantially from biotic pollination, worth more than US316bntotheglobaleconomy.Watermelonisoneofthemosteconomicallyimportantglobalfoodcropsbothintermsofproductionquantity(118.4milliontons(MT))andproductionvalue(GDPUS 316 bn to the global economy. Watermelon is one of the most economically important global food crops both in terms of production quantity (118.4 million tons (MT)) and production value (GDP US 33.9 million). Here, we review the current state of knowledge on the pollination ecology of seeded and seedless watermelons. Specifically we compare the floral biology, pollination requirements and production. Triploid watermelon cultivars (seedless) are becoming more widespread compared to traditional diploids (seeded). However, few published studies have focused on seedless cultivars due to their relatively recent cultivation. The results of this review indicate that different watermelon genotypes require specific management to ensure optimal production.
... The demand for seedless cultivars continues to increase NeSmith and Duval 2001), as demonstrated by the rise in seedless watermelon's percentage of all shipments to the United States from 51% in 2003 to almost 85% in 2014 (Agricultural Marketing Resource Center 2024). Compared with seeded diploid watermelons, seedless triploid cultivars are more economically valued and have higher quality (Kaseb et al. 2023). ...
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Watermelon is the most important vegetable crop grown during the spring season; therefore, it is imperative that we screen and identify top-performing cultivars for growers. Research experiments were conducted at the University of Georgia, Tifton Vegetable Park Research Farm, during Spring 2022 and Spring 2023. The study compared commercially available large seedless watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus L.) cultivars to assess their performance to determine marketable and unmarketable yields, average fruit weight, fruit size distribution, quality parameters, and hollow heart. The six top-yielding cultivars were Excursion, ACX 6177, Miramonte, El Capitan, Sierra Nevada, and Jetski. These high-performing cultivars had total yields that averaged more than 60,000 lb/acre. Of these cultivars, Excursion, Sierra Nevada, and El Capitan had a high percentage of 30/36 count watermelons, whereas cultivars ACX 6177, Miramonte, and Jetski had a large percentage of 45/60 count watermelons. ‘Powerhouse’ and ‘Captivation’ performed the worst, with lower average fruit weights and total yields. In terms of fruit quality, ‘Jetski’, ‘Warrior’, ‘Captivation’, ‘Sierra Nevada’, ‘Embasy’, and ‘Powerhouse’ had the highest soluble solid content among all the cultivars. However, all cultivars had an average soluble solid content of more than 10%, which represented “very good internal quality” according to the US Department of Agriculture standards. ‘Warrior’ and ‘Captivation’ had significantly higher hollow hearts in the fruits compared to those of all other cultivars. In summary, ‘Excursion’, ‘El Capitan’, ‘Miramonte’, ‘Sierra Nevada’, ‘ACX 6177’, and ‘Jetski’ are recommended for commercial cultivation in southern Georgia based on their high yield, sweetness, and low hollow heart incidence, with options available for growers based on desired fruit size distribution, rind color, and fruit shape, whereas ‘Warrior’, ‘Powerhouse’ and ‘Captivation’ performed poorly in terms of yield and/or hollow heart vulnerability.
... For studies in orchard crops that included some measure of yield, greater spacing between cultivars resulted in 59-100% less fruit set in apples (Free 1962;Maggs et al. 1971;Milutinovic et al. 1996), 86% lower yields in chestnut (Nishio et al. 2019), up to 69% lower yields in lychee (Raz et al. 2022), 47% lower yields in macadamia (Kämper et al. 2021a, b), up to 42% lower fruit weight in mandarin (Wallace et al. 2002), and 26% lower yields in mango (Kämper et al. 2023) (Table 2). For field crops, increased distance between cultivars reduced yields in hybrid seed sunflower by up to 30% (DeGrandi-Hoffman and Martin 1993), by 88% in hybrid seed cotton (Vaissière 1991), and by 93% in triploid watermelon (Nesmith and Duval 2001) (Table 2). For other crops, however, including avocado and strawberry, distance between cultivars had no effect on cross-pollination rates or yield outcomes highlighting the fact that results will vary based on the crop as well as the gradient in distance examined ( Table 2). ...
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Available in Open access at: Interspecific crop diversity (e.g., intercropping) has been documented to promote sustainability in agroecological systems with benefits for pollination services and insect pollinators. These benefits may also be extended to intraspecific crop diversity (e.g., cultivation of multiple genotypes or cultivars in a production space), but no review to date has examined the benefits of intraspecific crop diversity for pollination and pollinator communities. While mixing cultivars is necessary and a widespread practice for pollination of self-incompatible or male-sterile crops, it is not as widespread for other crop species. However, many other crops have shown reduced yield quantity or quality with self-fertilization due to partial self-sterility, early acting inbreeding depression, and xenia. These crops could thus experience increased production in diverse cultivar mixtures. Cultivar mixtures could also benefit pollinator communities through providing complementary and temporally consistent floral resources, with cascading effects on pollination services. However, successfully implementing cultivar mixtures requires an understanding of how cultivar identity and arrangement affect successful cross-pollination. In this review, we describe the potential benefits of increased intraspecific crop diversity for optimal pollination and pollinator populations across insect-pollinated crops. Additionally, we explore how research advances in cultivar characteristics and insect pollinator behavior and movement, as well as crop pollen flow, can inform cultivar mixtures and spatial arrangements. We find evidence that mixing cultivars, even in self-compatible crops, improves pollination outcomes and yields. Additionally, given insect pollinator behavior and pollen flow, such mixing must occur at relatively small spatial scales. Furthermore, cultivar diversity could ensure successful pollination and resource production for pollinators under extreme weather events. We also discuss costs and benefits of diverse cultivar mixtures from a grower’s perspective and offer suggestions for future research including translating findings within the context of farming systems so that recommendations are practical and achievable.
... Different spacing did not affect the fruit quality (Ramos et al., 2009) although it was found that lower plant spacing provided higher total soluble sugars to the fruits (De Paula et al., 2020). It is very important to note that to achieve optimal yields from triploid watermelons, 20% to 33% of the plants in the field should be diploid in order to provide pollen for pollination of triploid varieties (Parsons et al., 2000;NeSmith & Duval, 2001;Fiacchino & Walters, 2003). ...
Recently seedless watermelon production is becoming popular, especially for export, and has significant potential for larger area production. Although the production practices for growing seedless watermelons are similar to those for the production of seeded watermelons, they still differ in certain views, which should be put into focus. The aim of this research is to determine the best vegetation space for the plants (the use of different row and inter-row distances) on the components of yield. For this purpose, an experiment was set up using seedlings from the seedless hybrid Sinrubita F1. The experiment was set up in the Skopje region with a randomized block design, with three variants in four replications. The treatments were as follows: Treatment 1 (control) (3x1.65 m, 2000 plants ha-1); Treatment 2 (3x1.30 m, 2500 plants ha-1) and Treatment 3 (3x0.96 m, 3500 plants ha-1). Several parameters were analyzed: the average number of fruits per plant, the weight of fruit (kg), the diameter of the fruit (cm), the fruit length (cm), the fruit index, and the total yield (t/ha). The biggest fruit (6.97 kg), fruit diameter (21.77 cm), and fruit length (24.29 cm) were determined in the control treatment while the highest fruit number (4.38) and yield (65.05 t ha-1) were obtained in the treatment 2. The fruits of the three treatments had a slightly elliptical shape.
... This experimental design spaced the trip- loid watermelon from a pollenizer cultivar by 24 ft. NeSmith and Duval (2001) illustrated that when distance of a triploid from a pollenizer was 6.0 m or greater, triploid fruit numbers diminished substantially. Triploid pis- tillate flowers ('Tri-X Palomar') in plot buffers served to filter viable diploid pollen before pollinators entered another plot. ...
As triploid watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) increase in popularity, production has shifted away from seeded watermelons. To achieve successful fruit set in triploid watermelons, a diploid watermelon cultivar must be planted as a pollen source. Three diploid cultivars in 2005 and seven diploid cultivars in 2006 were evaluated at one and three locations, respectively, to determine their effectiveness as pollenizers. Each cultivar was planted within plots of the triploid watermelons 'Tri-X 313' (2005) and 'Supercrisp' (2006) with buffers on all sides of the plots to contain pollen flow within individual plots. Performance of pollenizers was based on triploid watermelon yield, soluble solids concentration, and incidence of hollowheart. In 2005, there were no significant differences in total weight, fruit per acre, average weight, or soluble solids concentration among pollenizers. In 2006, significant differences in yield were observed, and plots with 'Sidekick' as a pollenizer yielded the highest but were not significantly different from 'Patron', 'SP-1', 'Jenny', or 'Mickylee'. In 2006, there were no significant differences in fruit per acre, soluble solids concentration, or incidence of hollowheart between pollenizers. The experimental design was successful in isolating pollenizers and there was minimal pollen flow outside of experimental plots as indicated by minimal fruit set in control plots.
... Pollenizer frequencies ranging from 20% to 33% of the total plants in the field have been recommended (Fiacchino and Walters, 2003;Maynard, 2003;NeSmith and Duval, 2001). These findings are based on various field arrangements. ...
Diploid watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) pollenizers are planted within triploid watermelon fields to provide viable pollen for triploid fruit set. In recent years, pollenizer cultivars with desirable characteristics for planting in-row with triploid watermelons have been commercially available. The degree of plant competition from in-row pollenizers grown in the commercially common arrangement where pollenizers are placed equidistant from neighboring triploid plants has not been reported. Field experiments were conducted in 2005, 2006, and 2007 in Quincy, FL, to examine the competitive impact of in-row pollenizers grown equidistant from neighboring triploid plants. Four ratios of pollenizers-to-triploids: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 were used to provide various levels of pollenizer competition. No significant difference in yield based on the weight or number of fruit per triploid plant resulted from the varied pollenizer ratios. Therefore, pollenizers grown in-row at an equidistant spacing from the neighboring triploid plants had no competitive impact on the yield of the triploid watermelon crop.
Odd-allotetraploid lily ‘Honesty’ (LAAA) is a new type of allotetraploid. It would be valuable for lily breeding to analyze its meiosis and fertility. In this study, the odd-allotetraploid lily was investigated for its meiosis and fertility using conventional method, and its progenies were analyzed with genomic in situ hybridization. The results showed that many stages of its microsporogenesis seemed to be normal but some chromosomes were lagged at telophase II and tetrad; only about 6.3% of its pollen grains germinated, much lower than that of diploid or tetraploid Asiatic lilies; Regardless of its high male sterility, it could be hybridized with diploid and tetraploid Asiatic lilies, however, it was much more compatible with tetraploid than with diploid Asiatic lilies; their progenies were usually aneuploid. The results are similar to those reported in allotriploid lilies. Triploid is usually regarded as bottleneck for introgression breeding in polygonum-type crops; nevertheless, Lilium are Fritillaria-type plants, allotriploid or odd-allotetraploid could be good source for lily introgression breeding.
Conference Paper
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El reto central, y crítico que se plantea hoy sobre el modelo agrícola de Andalucía es cómo combinar acertadamente la mejora de la competitividad y productividad de su producción alimentaria con la aplicación de otras innovaciones y tecnologías que también optimicen el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, los adapten a los diferentes entornos y zonas agroecológicas, contribuyan al bienestar de los agricultores, los trabajadores agrarios y la comunidad rural, y que provean de otros bienes públicos y formas de agricultura, de más calidad y con menor impacto en las personas, los seres vivos, el territorio y la biodiversidad. En las últimas décadas, la educación, investigación, la innovación y la transmisión de nuevos conocimientos y tecnologías son los pilares del desarrollo de cualquier sector económico (Drucker, 1969). Generar unos conocimientos científicos de excelencia, movilizarlos y ser capaces de transformarlos en innovación (de productos, de procesos, de métodos, de organización, de relaciones institucionales, etc.) son la clave para garantizar en el futuro un sector agroalimentario competitivo y sostenible. En este trabajo, tras una breve descripción del sector apícola español y su importancia económica, social y ambiental, se comentarán los principales centros específicos de apicultura en España, así como otros multisectoriales que generan conocimiento ligados al sector. Posteriormente, se valorarán las prioridades de I+D+i de la apicultura en comparación con otros sectores productivos, la agroindustria y las áreas tecnológicas básicas en Andalucía. Después, se identificarán las líneas prioritarias de la industria apícola tanto las relacionadas con el “mercado”, la “producción y manejo”, así como la “sanidad de las abejas”. Finalmente, se intenta identificar algunos puntos fuertes y débiles en la I+D en el sector apícola (Gómez-Pajuelo, 2011).
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Andalucía es la principal región apícola española. Según las estadísticas del Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA, 2016) para el año 2014, existían un total de 562.503 colmenas (22% del total nacional) en las que se produjeron 6.888 toneladas de miel (21,4% del total). En este sector ganadero, al igual que ocurre en otros, la conversión hacia sistemas de producción ecológicos ha sido pequeña. Los últimos datos publicados muestran que en España existen 48.470 colmenas ecológicas de las que se obtuvieron 693 tn de miel, destacando Andalucía, con el 42,0% del censo de colmenas y el 41,9% producción de miel. La producción ecológica de miel desde un punto de vista técnico presenta una serie de problemas relacionados con: la falta de tratamientos veterinarios adaptados a la normativa ecológica, la búsqueda de lugares donde asentar las colmenas, aspectos ligados al manejo de la colmena y, por último la comercialización (Ruz Luque et al., 2015). El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la presencia de miel ecológica en circuitos cortos de comercialización de productos ecológicos de Andalucía, principal región productora de miel ecológica de España.
Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai] cultivars StarBrite and Crimson Sweet were grown during 1991 and 1992 in rows 1.5 m apart at plant spacings of 0.9, 1.5, or 2.2 m. Total fruit yield, marketable fruit yield, fruit-weight distribution, and estimated gross returns were determined for each spacing treatment. Total and marketable fruit yields were greater overall for `StarBrite' than for `Crimson Sweet'. Except for 1991 `Crimson Sweet' yields, marketable fruit yields per unit land area increased 29% to 34% as plant spacing decreased from 2.2 to 0.9 m. The yield component contributing the most to increased yields with high-density plantings was increased fruit count per unit land area. Average fruit weight responded only slightly to decreased plant spacing. Fruit-weight distribution on a relative frequency scale was stable regardless of plant spacing or production year. The potential for increasing gross returns per unit land area exists by increasing watermelon plant populations beyond the current Georgia recommendation of 2500 to 3000 plants/ha.
Consumers in six farmers' market locations in Kansas indicated that they would pay an additional 5¢ per pound for seedless watermelons. When asked to rate seeded and seedless melons on a 1 to 10 scale after tasting samples, consumers rated the seedless melon 7.35 and the seeded melon 7.01. There were no practical differences among the six locations studied. With the difficulties in growing seedless melons and greater costs of production, growers and marketers need to assess carefully the market potential for seedless watermelons and plan a merchandis-ing strategy to differentiate seedless from seeded melons. Our studies indicated a slight eating quality preference for seedless melons. S eedless watermelons have be-come more popular in the past several years. Seedless cultivars are estimated currently at 5% of the commercial watermelon market, with a potential share of 15% to 50% (Karst, 1990). Much of the seedless melon market may be driven by sales of cut melons for produce counters, salad bars, institutional servings, and similar outlets with an emphasis on mer-chandising (Unrein, 1990).
Seedless watermelon sure to grow
  • T Karst
Karst, T. 1990. Seedless watermelon sure to grow. The Grower 23(8):61.
Commercial watermelon production
  • W O Mizelle
  • Jr
Mizelle, W.O., Jr. 1988. Commercial watermelon production. Coop. Ext. Serv. Publ. B-996. Univ. of Georgia, Athens.
Seedless watermelon production
  • J Parsons
  • L Stein
  • T Longbrake
  • S Cotner
  • J Johnson
Parsons, J., L. Stein, T. Longbrake, S. Cotner, and J. Johnson. 1992. Seedless watermelon production. Agr. Ext. Serv. Bul. L-2303. Texas A&M Univ., College Station.