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Integrating rule-based and input-based approaches for better error diagnosis in expression manipulation tasks


Abstract and Figures

T-algebra is a project for creating interactive problem solving environment for basic school expression manipulation exercises: calculation of the values of numerical expressions; operations with fractions; solving of linear equations, inequalities and linear equation systems; operations with monomials and poly- nomials. This article describes and motivates solution step interface and error diagnostics developed in T-algebra. © 2007 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu,
Liivi 2-306 Tartu, 50409, Estonia
T-algebra is a project for creating interactive problem solving environment
for basic school expression manipulation exercises: calculation of the values of
numerical expressions; operations with fractions; solving of linear equations,
inequalities and linear equation systems; operations with monomials and poly-
nomials. This article describes and motivates solution step interface and error
diagnostics developed in T-algebra.
Keywords: Problem solving environment; Error diagnostics; Elementary alge-
1. Introduction
Expression manipulation skills are important for solving tasks in practically
all fields of mathematics. Therefore the students solve in the school hun-
dreds of technical exercises with fractions, monomials, polynomials, equa-
tions and systems of equations. However, we are often not satisfied with
the results of learning in this area. Even many university students at the
faculties of mathematics or computer science mix up elementary conversion
rules and are unable to avoid numerous mistakes. One of the reasons for
this seems to be the fact that the students do not get necessary feedback
about their work during the school mathematics classes. The solutions of
expression manipulation exercises are long and contain many details. The
teachers are unable to supervise the students’ training in real time, discover
all the mistakes and correct them. The need for quick analysis of large vol-
umes of information indicates that the training and testing of expression
manipulation skills could be improved by using computerized environments.
This paper describes the design ideas and error diagnosing possibilities
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
of interactive learning environment T-algebra developed at the University
of Tartu beginning from 2004. The goal of this project is to create an
environment for solving expression manipulation tasks in four areas of basic
school mathematics:
calculation of the values of numerical expressions
operations with fractions
solving of linear equations, inequalities and linear equation systems
operations with monomials and polynomials.
T-algebra implements more than 50 problem types. Some of them are
integrated types that summarize the content of an entire chapter in text-
book (“Solve linear equation”), some others are devoted to one single step
in algorithm (“Move terms with unknown to left and constants to right”).
Our aim is not to design a comfortable conversion machine to help strong
students to solve advanced problems. Some existing programs1,2 do this
well enough. We try to support the weaker part of the students who often
do not know the algorithms for solving the standard tasks, have problems
with understanding the syntax of expressions, and make many mistakes
when they execute the algorithm steps. Designing the solution dialogue
for T-algebra, we have been guided by the didactical principle that all the
necessary decisions and calculations at each solution step should be made by
the student, and the program should be able to give hints and to understand
In Section 2 of this paper we discuss suitability of rule-based and input-
based dialogue schemes for diagnostic purposes. Section 3 describes our
three-component solution step and input modes in T-algebra. Section 4
describes how the information entered by the students is used for diagnosing
mistakes made at different stages of a solution step and what difficulties
we have with diagnostics. In Section 5 the results and problems for further
research are summarized.
2. What Type of Learning Environment Do We Need?
The history of learning environments for expression manipulation is consid-
erably shorter than the history of elementary counting drills or the success
story of dynamic geometry. Good programming tools for writing WYSI-
WYG expression editors did not exist for a long time and even the computer
algebra systems (CAS) had linear command-line input. Today we have al-
ready some more or less commonly accepted expression editing standards
and these standards are sufficiently well supported by programming envi-
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
ronments. As a result, practically usable programs for students are avail-
We can point out two types of existing interactive environments with
essentially different expression manipulation dialogue:
(1) Rule-based manipulation environments.
(2) Input-based manipulation environments.
A typical rule-based environment is MathXpert.1Using this program,
the student begins each conversion step by marking some subexpression to
be changed. The program displays then a menu with a list of rules, which
are applicable to the marked subexpression. Then the student selects a
rule and the program applies the rule to the marked subexpression (or to
suitable parts of the marked subexpression) and writes the result together
with unchanged parts of the previous expression to next line. MathXpert
has hundreds of rules of different capacity and enables to construct solu-
tions of different granularity. A similar scheme for conversion steps is used
in programs developed in the framework of the Stanford Educational Pro-
gram for Gifted Youth,2but this program asks in addition the student to
fill sometimes some input boxes with coefficients, exponents, etc. The cur-
rent version of Cognitive Algebra Tutor by Carnegie Learning3is likewise
built on applying rules. AlgeBrain4is a small Intelligent Tutor for solv-
ing equations in rule-based interface. The use of computer algebra systems
belongs also to rule-based work. But computer algebra systems have a seri-
ous disadvantage in comparison with programs written for educational use.
They have very powerful commands for solving most task types of school
mathematics in one step but do not have sufficiently detailed commands
for construction of stepwise solutions. Such choice of rules is characteristic
even for systems like WIRIS5that are designed and advertised especially
for using in schools.
Input-based systems use paper-and-pencil-like dialogue design where a
transformation step consists mainly of entering the next line. For exam-
ple, Aplusix6copies the content of previous line (expression, equation or
system of equations) to the next line and the student should edit it into
the result of the step. The program displays between two lines the indi-
cator of equivalence, giving the student feedback about correctness of the
step. MATH-TEACHER7is another example of input-based solution envi-
ronment but in this program the expressions are entered in old-fashioned
linear form. An early version of Cognitive Algebra Tutor8used also purely
entering of the result and the program tried to figure out what step was
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
Let us now compare the dialogues of both types with the range of deci-
sions that the student should make at each conversion step. At each solution
step the student should
(1) Choose a transformation rule corresponding to a certain operation in
the algorithm for current task (or some simplification or calculation
rule known earlier).
(2) Select the operands (certain parts of expressions or equations) for this
(3) Replace them with the result of the operation.
Some more “creative” tasks (such as factorization or integration) are
taught in less algorithmic style but the solutions are expected to consist of
operations of the same structure.
When solving a task in the rule-based system, the student’s role is to
know or to invent the solution strategy. The program executes all opera-
tions as a black box. In such scheme the learning of details of operations is
passive and many typical mistakes are simply impossible. In order to learn
to execute new operations and to test the expression manipulation skills
we need an environment where all the decisions and calculations would be
made by the student. It is clear that for such aims the environment should
include input of new expression (or of the changed part of the expression)
by the student.
In case of input-based dialogue the whole solution step is performed by
the student. The student has the possibility to undertake whatever steps
and to make arbitrary mistakes. His input is restricted only by syntax of
expressions. The computer is now in the same situation as the teacher who
should check a solution script on the paper: there is no explicit information
about the student’s decisions at the first two stages of the steps. Without
knowing what operation was applied to what part(s) of previous expression
and without restrictions on the number of operations applied during one
step, it is very hard to diagnose errors more precisely than “expressions are
not equivalent”.
Experimental systems for diagnostics of algebraic errors in such situa-
tion were created in Intelligent Tutoring community already in the seventies
of the last century. The programs used libraries of correct and buggy con-
version rules (extracted by teachers from students’ written solutions). If
the entered expression was incorrect, then the program tried to model its
underlying derivation, combining different buggy rules with correct ones. A
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
good presentation about the ideas of that period is given in Ref. 9. Some
subsequent trials are described in Ref. 10 and Ref. 11. It is clear that in
expression manipulation the students really use some mixture of correct
and buggy rules and therefore this approach seems to be adequate. Nev-
ertheless we have not yet seen completed programs producing sufficiently
detailed analysis of mistakes. Beside difficulties in detection of the source of
the error, the systems with unrestricted extent of the step have also prob-
lems with providing intelligible feedback. The authors of the input-based
version of Cognitive Algebra Tutor complained that “. . . the student’s error
might well have occurred at some intermediate step that the students were
no longer fixated upon. It was very difficult to communicate to the stu-
dent what the problem was.” (Ref. 8, p. 42). After a period of silence quite
serious new attempts of application of classical AI methods in expression
manipulation exercises were reported at ITS 2006. The team of APLUSIX
has started building rule-based diagnostics.12 C.Zinn13 presented the main
ideas of rule-based reasoning and diagnostics of another system, SLOPERT,
developed in Saarbr¨ucken for tutoring of differentiation.
The task of error localization/diagnostics can be simplified when the
program sets constraints to student’s input. Some programs prescribe the
form of entered expression, using less or more detailed textual instructions
and/or splitting the input area in more than one specialized input boxes
(for instance, separate boxes for numerator and denominator of fractions).
Such measures are sometimes used already in quite primitive commercial
products that then compare the student’s input piecewise as strings with
‘correct answer’. But such interface can be combined with more intelligent
analysis. Similar effect can be achieved when the program tells what rule
should be applied or the student has to choose the rule from the menu.
For example, interactive exercises on addition of fractions in WIMS server
(Ref. 14, OEF fractions/Guided addition) use both ways. For each step the
student has to choose first the rule from the menu that contains together
with correct choice also some buggy and some unsuitable rules. After that
he has to enter different parts of the fractions into different boxes. But it
seems that at every step the menu proposes only one correct way to continue
the solution.
Several successful attempts have been made to incorporate computer al-
gebra systems in error diagnosis and automated creation of solutions in ex-
pression manipulation tasks. The abovementioned Stanford program2used
Maple. Several recent quiz systems are built on CAS. For example, AIM15
uses Maple and STACK16 uses Maxima. The quiz systems ask the stu-
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
dent to enter the final answer of the task and therefore in general they are
not the environments for stepwise solution. But the methods developed for
questions about conversions can be suitable for arbitrary conversion steps.
It is clear that the CAS can provide for quiz system the tools for checking
of equivalence (equality) of student’s answer and correct (CAS-computed)
answer. Computer algebra systems have also utilities for checking whether
the answer belongs to required syntactic category of expressions. For exam-
ple, the factorization questions in AIM and STACK are designed to include
checks whether the entered expression has completely factorized form, and
they denote it even when the answer is completely wrong. Using the pro-
gramming environment of corresponding CAS, it is possible for the authors
of questions to implement nontrivial diagnostics for more precise assess-
ment and feedback. But the required detailed work on a large number of
question (task) types is only in the beginning stages.
Some design ideas of T-algebra originate from our earlier work in Tartu.
In 1988–91 we developed a program package for exercises in Mathematical
Logic.17 One of the programs was interactive environment for stepwise solu-
tion of formula manipulation exercises in Propositional Logic (expression of
formulas through {&,¬},{∨,¬} or {⊃,¬} and finding normal forms). The
first version of this program worked with a pure input interface. At every
step the student typed on the next line a new formula (having some copy-
paste possibilities). The program checked the syntax, equivalence with the
previous line and whether the target form of the expression was reached.
We saw that the errors of misunderstanding of the order of operations were
most dangerous. We were generally unable to diagnose them without ex-
plicit information about the ob ject of conversion. In the second version18
the step dialog was built using an Ob ject-Action scheme. The student had
to mark some subformula and to convert it then to the result of the step.
The strings before and after the marked subformula were copied automat-
ically. For the second substep the program had two working modes: input
and selection of a conversion rule from the menu. As a result, the program
was able to verify separately the selection of operand and the performed
conversion. This addition of a marking phase gave us a level of feedback
that was sufficient for that group of users (second-year students) and we
did not have any further need to make it more precise.
3. Solution Step Dialogue in T-algebra
Our main concern in designing the dialog for T-algebra19 has been to create
preconditions for being able to diagnose and to give understandable feed-
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back about mistakes at all three stages of a solution step. We have done this
rather straightforwardly: the student enters not only the result of the step
but also his first two decisions. At each solution step the student performs
three actions:
(1) Selects an operation from the menu.
(2) Marks the operand(s) in expression.
(3) Enters the result of operation.
Unlike many other programs, T-algebra requires precise marking of
operands for diagnostic purposes. For example, for the operation “Com-
bine like terms” the student should mark only those terms that will be
actually combined. (The program allows the preceding pluses and minuses
to be marked or not.) For reducing the fraction where numerator and/or
denominator consist of several factors, only those factors that will be actu-
ally reduced should be marked. Accordingly, the editor of T-algebra enables
to mark more than one piece of the expression. Precise marking requires
from the student more work at the second substep. However, leaving the
parts that will not be changed unmarked means also that these parts will
be copied onto the next line automatically and this reduces the amount of
work at input.
Figure 1 demonstrates the solution window where the student has se-
lected the rule Multiply/Divide monomials and has already marked two
terms for multiplying.
Fig. 1. Solution window during execution of the first two stages of a step.
The first two substeps are not separated in T-algebra. At the begin-
ning of our project we presumed that the three actions should be made in
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
the abovementioned order and we named our interaction scheme “Action-
Object-Input”. When we started our first experiments with students, we
wrote the order of substeps on blackboard. However, the program acciden-
tally enabled to mark one subexpression already before selection of the rule
(for copying). In the classroom we saw that the students often wanted to
mark the operand(s) before selecting the rule from the menu. They sus-
pected that the impossibility to mark the second operand before selection
of the rule was a mistake in the program (we had told them that the pro-
gram is not ready yet). Analyzing this experience, we decided to change the
dialogue and to amalgamate the first two substeps. The student can mark
the operands before, after, or even before and after selection of the rule.
During the marking process the program checks only that each marked
piece is a syntactically correct subexpression. Proper checking of Action
and Object begins only when the student confirms both stages by clicking
the green check button on the virtual keyboard. The student has to correct
his first two decisions until they are accepted by the program.
When T-algebra accepts Action and Operands, the unmarked parts from
the previous line will be copied onto the next line and the program asks
the student to enter the result of applying the selected operation to the
marked operands. T algebra has three input modes for entering the result of
the step: Free input,Structured input and Partial input. In different input
modes T-algebra offers different number and types of boxes for entering
the result. The three different modes of an input stage following from the
situation presented in Fig. 1 (after the third monomial is also selected for
multiplying) are pictured in Fig. 2. The colored boxes are initially empty
and the student enters their content during the stage.
Fig. 2. Three input modes.
In the free mode, the entire resulting subexpression is entered into one
single box. In case of operations where the result is not a single subexpres-
sion (some operations with fractions and equations) T-algebra offers two
boxes. Free mode is implemented in principle in the same way for all the
rules of T-algebra. In the free mode the student has almost the same degree
of freedom as when writing solution steps on paper. All decisions about the
structure of the result and about the values of component parts are made
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
by the student. The student has the possibility to make almost arbitrary
mistakes. Such mode is indispensable for testing the knowledge of students,
even if the amount of input is high.
Besides free input we have also sought working modes where the pro-
gram would support the student with some suggestions and/or would reduce
the amount of keyboard work by displaying some obvious parts of the result
automatically. In his Master thesis in 2003 D. Lepp tried to design natural
dialogues for different operations with monomials and polynomials.20 We
saw that if we follow the essence of each operation too punctually we get a
program where every rule has its own user interface. Therefore we decided
to design two standardized additional input modes.
In the structured mode, the program prescribes the structure of the
resulting subexpression(s), offering a set of boxes that enable to enter spe-
cific parts of the expression: signs, numbers, variables, monomials, powers,
etc. For this T-algebra uses the received information about the intentions
of the student, calculates the correct result and produces corresponding
boxes for filling out. Nevertheless it is still possible not to write unary plus,
coefficient or exponent 1, and even to leave all boxes empty if the member
has coefficient zero. In some cases we do not want to prescribe the com-
plete structure of the result. For example, in the case of multiplication of
polynomials we do not want to predict the number of resulting monomials.
The program creates only some monomial-structured groups of boxes and
the virtual keyboard contains a button for adding the next group. Input in
prescribed structure helps the student to some extent. On the other hand,
it gives the possibility to formulate more precise error messages and to
indicate the position of errors.
In the partial mode, T-algebra fills some parts of the structured result
automatically the user has to enter only the critical parts of the result. For
example, in the case of combining like terms, only the sign and coefficient
of the resulting monomial should be entered; variables and their powers are
filled automatically. Input modes of T-algebra are described more precisely
in Ref. 21.
There are a few transformations where the way they are performed in
the first school exercises necessitated some additions to our general input
scheme. For instance, in the case of addition of fractions in two structured
modes we decided to ask and check separately the common denominator
and extenders before entering the complete result (Fig. 3). The rule for
multiplication/division of both sides of equation asks about corresponding
factor, etc. A more detailed description of the solution dialogue together
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
with exceptions is given in Ref. 22.
Fig. 3. Input of intermediate result when adding/subtracting fractions with different
In the current version of T-algebra, the input mode for each exercise is
predefined by the teacher/author in a problem file and cannot be changed
by the student. In the future it would be conceivable to change the mode
dynamically: if the student does not cope with work in the free mode the
program would deliver the tasks in more detailed modes for a certain period.
After description of the step dialogue we can appraise how much work
our interface requires from the student. It is obvious that in the rule-based
environments the student mostly does not enter the expressions and so the
amount of input is considerably smaller and the input itself is simpler. Let
us compare the work in T-algebra with pure-input interface.
In our interface the student should: select a rule, mark operand(s) in
initial expression and enter the changed part of the expression. The first
substep requires only one click of the mouse. The third substep is required
in a pure-input interface too. Consider our second substep. In pure-input
interface the student should form the next-line expression from empty input
box or from previous-line expression. In the first case he should mark and
copy the unchanged parts from the previous line one by one or enter them
from keyboard. In the second case he should mark and delete all changed
parts. So we see that marking of all bounds of operands is concealed in a
pure-input interface as well (if not replaced by total input of the whole new
line). Consequently our interface requires practically the same amount of
input work as pure-input interface.
The first experiments with students already demonstrated that our con-
cept of a three-component interface is understandable to students and
teachers. Some difficulties arise with students who are not confident in
terminology and have troubles with understanding the names of rules.
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
4. What Can We Diagnose in A-O-I-Interface?
4.1. What Can Be Decided about the Selected Operation?
It is quite easy to decide that the selected operation:
cannot be applied to any subterm(s) of the current expression
does not correspond to the algorithm to be learned (if such exists for
actual problem type).
However we prefer not to check the selected rule separately. When the
student confirms both the selection and marking then T-algebra checks the
possibility to apply the selected rule to the marked subexpression(s).
In fact, checking of the possibility is implemented in T-algebra for other
purposes. If the student selects an impossible rule and asks for help for
marking the operands then T-algebra responds that the application of the
selected rule is impossible. However after confirming an impossible rule
together with some marked subexpression(s) the message explains what
should be the form of the operand(s) for the selected rule.
Concerning the second issue we intend to add in the future warning
messages if the selected operation does not correspond to the “official”
algorithm and is not a simplification or calculation rule. After such message
the student can continue or cancel the rule.
4.2. Checking the Operation and Marking of Operands
T-algebra diagnoses the following errors of selection of operands:
(1) Marked term is not a syntactically correct expression.
(2) Marked expression is not a proper subexpression (order of operations
(3) Operand does not have the form required for selected rule.
(4) Operands do not satisfy the compatibility requirements (are not like
terms, etc.).
(5) Operands do not satisfy the location requirements (do not belong to
the same sum, fraction, product, etc.).
(6) Number of marked operands does not correspond to selected operation
(only one needed, at least two needed, etc.).
The first two issues are checked already when the student marks pieces of
the expression as operands. The next four depend on the selected rule and
are checked when the student confirms both rule and operands.
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It is important to note here that our wish to diagnose errors 4–6 has lead
us to certain restriction in making expression manipulation steps: T-algebra
does not permit parallel use of rule in one step (collection of several groups
of like terms, multiplication of more than one group of terms, etc.). This is
in slight contradiction with mathematical practice on paper and gives rise
to some error messages of types 4–6 in the beginning of use of T-algebra but
these problems disappear quickly. Exclusion of parallel conversions makes
the solution longer but does not cause additional typing work because the
program copies unchanged parts of the expression automatically to the next
line. It also improves the readability of the resulting solution script.
Errors of types 1 and 6 can be often simply oversight errors where the
student has marked something else than he wanted (only one of two brack-
ets included, no operands marked at all, etc.). In the pure-input interface
where the student does not have to mark arguments he cannot make such
errors and therefore produces a correct step. The same can sometimes be
true for other error types as well but often the reasons are much more seri-
ous: the student does not understand the order of operations, the meaning
of some mathematical expression, or the nature of some expression manip-
ulation operation/rule. For example, some students understand 3(2x+ 3)
like addition between 3, 2xand 3, as if it would be written 3 + (2x+ 3).
This mistake is actually not a mistake in moving terms to other side, but
a mistake in opening parentheses. However, in T-algebra this mistake was
discovered during the selection of the parts for the rule Move terms to
other side (Fig. 4). In case of pure-input interface conversion of irrelevant
operands usually gives an expression that will be qualified as not equiva-
lent to the previous line. Yet even a very intelligent program could hardly
give a more precise diagnosis. Diagnosing the mistake already before the
input of the result tells the student where the error really is and prevents
meaningless input work.
Some error situations are caused by the student’s poor knowledge of
precise terminology or underestimation precise use of terms. Sometimes
they try to apply the rule called Multiply monomials to polynomials or the
rule Add numbers to the terms containing variables. On the one hand we
hope that demanding from the students use of correct names combined with
their need to understand the help texts and error messages leads to better
use of mathematical terms. On the other hand we understand that there is
yet a long way to standardization and the menus of the existing programs
are only starting-points. A possibility of dialogue simplification would be
to put in the menu only one item Multiply while applying different rules
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Fig. 4. Student mistake and T-algebra error message in moving terms to other side of
depending on the marked expressions.
A second long-term standardization problem is the extent of al-
lowed/supposed preprocessing. When the student performs the conversions
on paper, our usual practice does not prohibit making some small con-
versions before the “main” operation of the step. For example, in case of
collection of like terms the student can convert the monomials to normal
form without doing this operation in writing. While we have never seen any
exact regulations what preprocessing is allowed for a particular operation
and what is not, any rule-based system should implement some decision
procedure for this. There exists a trivial solution to the approval problem
where the operations are just formal rewrite rules. In order to avoid long
chains of trivial steps we have tried to permit some reasonable prepro-
cessing. For example, T-algebra allows application of Collect like terms to
2xyx, 3x2yand yxx. Automated solution procedure writes the result in
normal form. If the student enters the result in Free or Structured mode,
any monomial equivalent to the program’s answer will be accepted.
Different programs display the negative judgments of rule approval pro-
cedure in different form. If the student wants to collect like terms in Math-
Xpert and marks a subexpression then it is possible that MathXpert does
not display the command Collect ±terms in the pop-up menu or collects
only a part of expected terms. Then the student can rethink whether the
terms can be collected after some preprocessing by means of other rules or
they cannot be collected at all. If T-algebra diagnoses that the rule cannot
be applied to (some part of ) the marked subexpression then the feedback is
a bit more precipitous: an error message (usually explaining what form the
argument(s) of this rule should have) and increasing of the corresponding
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
error type counter. Therefore it is desirable to separate as clearly as pos-
sible the real mathematical mistakes from the breaches of some provisory
preprocessing conventions in the program.
Today we still need some time for experiments on both: making the con-
ventions more accurate and making the diagnosis more distinguishing. We
do not claim that our counters of mistakes can be used safely for assessment
purposes. At the current stage the program also saves the error situations
and the teacher has the possibility to weight the mistakes.
4.3. Checking Entered Result of Conversion
Knowing the actual operation and the actual operands enables to analyze
the input at the third stage much better. In many cases the correct input
is now uniquely or almost uniquely defined by known data. If the entered
result is not correct then the error messages can be formulated in terms of
a specific rule and its operands/results.
T-algebra diagnoses the following errors after input of a conversion re-
(1) Entered term is not a syntactically correct expression.
(2) Entered subexpression should be preceded by a sign.
(3) Entered subexpression should be put in parentheses (order of opera-
(4) Entered subexpression does not have the required structure (is not a
proper fraction, is not a monomial, has wrong number of members,
(5) Entered subexpression is not equivalent with marked part.
(6) Concrete parts of input (sign, coefficient, variables, exponents, denom-
inator, etc.) do not have right value.
(7) Selected operation with marked terms is not performed (nothing re-
duced, terms are not moved to other side, etc.).
The first issue concerns only the entered expression. Issues 2 and 3
consider the syntactical compatibility of entered term(s) with unchanged
part of the expression. Error 3 can occur when the main operation of the
result has lower priority than the main operation of the marked part. For
example, (a+b)(c+d) = ac +ad +bc +bd but 3(a+b)(c+d)6= 3ac +ad +
bc +bd and thus in such context the parentheses should be put around the
result of multiplication. Following our didactic principles we do not want to
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prevent this mistake automatically because this error is very frequent even
for university students.
Issue 4 is checked by T-algebra before issue 5 (equivalence). For example,
the result of multiplication of monomial with polynomial should be the sum
of monomials and the result of combining like monomials should be one
monomial. In case of structured and partial input modes such requirements
or part of them can be fulfilled automatically. The program allows the order
of the members of sums and products to be changed. Although the boxes
in structured and partial modes prescribe the structure of expression, it is
allowed to leave some boxes empty (unary plus, the coefficient or exponent
that equals 1, the monomial with coefficient 0, etc.).
The message about mere non-equivalence is issued by T-algebra in cases
when the program is unable to give more detailed diagnosis of category 6.
At the current stage in free input mode T-algebra checks for equivalence
or non-equivalence (issue 5) of the entered expression with the correct one.
In simplest cases (for example, when the result is a single monomial) T-
algebra checks also the correctness of specific parts of the result (issue 6).
In structured and partial input modes the result is of a required structure
and T-algebra is able to check for correctness of different parts (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5. Student mistake and T-algebra error message in opening parentheses.
For some rules the right syntactic structure and equivalence with previ-
ous line do not guarantee that the selected operation is really performed. In
such cases T-algebra checks this issue additionally. For example, T-algebra
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does not accept reducing 6/12 to 60/120 or 5/10 or 6/12.
Issue 4 (right structure, number of members, etc.) is associated with
problems of allowed or prohibited postprocessing of the result of “main”
operation of the step. Working with paper and pencil, we try to economize
the steps. Strong students want to combine like terms already within the
step of multiplication of two polynomials or within moving the terms to
other side of equation.
Some additional information about error diagnosis in T-algebra can be
found in Ref. 23 and Ref. 24.
5. Conclusions
Developing a three-component expression manipulation interface, we have
created a solution dialogue that
(1) Is intuitively understandable for the students.
(2) Requires generally the same amount of keyboard/mouse work as a pure
input interface.
(3) Allows students to make practically all expression manipulation mis-
(4) Allows the program to locate the substep of solution step (choice of op-
eration, choice of operands, execution of operation) where the student
has made a mistake.
(5) Allows to point in error messages to the actual location of mistakes.
(6) Gives the teacher (in the future also the program) the possibility to
choose such input mode that supports the student’s actions.
Our project seems to be the first attempt to implement detailed and
substep-oriented error diagnostics for expression manipulation exercises.
Diagnostics in T-algebra is based on purely syntactic analysis of entered
information. We check the rule, operands and result separately, pair-wise,
and all together. Experiments with students demonstrate that this enables
formulating helpful feedback. A natural expectation would be to use this
automated detailed error diagnostics for assessment (assigning to each error
type some penalty and multiplying penalties by the counters of mistakes).
For this purpose we should learn to detect the cases when some error mes-
sage is caused not by real mathematical mistake but by missing knowledge
about the restrictions established in the program (for example, prohibition
to collect two groups of like terms in one step).
Obviously our decisions and ideas need some years of practical classroom
work before they can be finally confirmed. In addition, experiments are
May 13, 2007 20:14 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in sce4
needed to solve some problems concerning standardization (for example,
standardization of nomenclature of rules). Starting from the school year
2006–2007 tens of teachers in Estonian schools use T-algebra for practicing.
The results of school trials and teacher experiences will contribute to and
support further development of T-algebra.
Programming of T-algebra is financed by the Estonian School Computeri-
zation Foundation “Tiger Leap”. The authors are financed also by Targeted
Financing grant SF0182712s06 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and
Research and by Estonian Doctoral School in Information and Communi-
cation Technologies.
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... Progress in development of PeCAS has been slow. MathXpert (Beeson 1998), Aplusix (Nicaud et al. 2004) and T-algebra (Issakova et al. 2006;Prank et al. 2007) implemented the first natural ideas about user interface, hints and error diagnostics. Only one new major system, MathSpace (MathSpace), has appeared over the past seven years but it does not seem to be implementing new interface ideas. ...
... The solution dialog of T-algebra (Issakova et al. 2006;Prank et al. 2007) includes all the three substeps listed above. The program diagnoses errors made at all substeps. ...
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We define Pedagogical CAS as an exercise and assessment environment for exercises on numeric, fractional and algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities and equation systems. We assume that the student solves the tasks step by step, performing arithmetic and algebraic operations. The system checks correctness of student steps, provides feedback about errors and requires correction of them, records student solutions and information about errors, is able to provide hints, has tools for visualizing of recorded information and for automated assessment. The Teacher Program enables to create tasks with didactical properties customized by the teacher and to visualize reasonably generalized information about the performance of individual students and whole class. The paper discusses features of existing environments and describes our ideas about-solution interface: marking of operands, usage of Input-based /Rule-based working modes and modes with partial input;-error diagnostics: marking, syntax, equivalence with previous expression, error classification and moment of checking. The paper also discusses known theoretical results concerning the existence of equivalence-checking algorithms for different classes of expressions;-necessary features, implementation issues and (less or more obligatory) applications of the automated Solver;-recording information on students' solutions and errors;-options for automated assessment taking into account incomplete solutions, errors and solution economy (or conformity with the 'official' algorithm);-using and customizing random generation of expressions;-features and user interface of the Teacher Program for analyzing the work of one student and groups of students. We place a growing emphasis on expanded use of the automated Solver, which goes far beyond being merely a source of hints.
... PMTs in higher education sometimes cannot avoid such mistakes when solving problems (Adu-Gyamfi, Bossé, & Chandler, 2015). Many teaching practices show the fact that mistakes are caused because they do not get the necessary feedback about the work they have completed during the math class (Prank et al., 2007). Although PMTs take courses on linear algebra throughout their undergraduate education, the results obtained from this study show that the prospective teachers' mathematical content knowledge lacks adequate understanding (Şahin, Gökkurt, & Soylu, 2016). ...
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[English]: This study aimed to examine the effect of problem-based learning (PbL) with role-playing toward problem-solving skills of prospective mathematics teachers’ (PMTs) who take linear algebra courses. The study was a quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group post-test only design. Forty-two PMTs were involved and divided into experimental (taught using PbL combined with role-playing) and control groups (taught using PbL only). Data were collected using tests and video recordings. The test produces data on PMTs' problem-solving skills on linear algebra problems and video recordings resulted in the transcripts of PMTs’ discussion when they played a role. Data were analyzed through two stages. Firstly, the results of the test were analyzed quantitatively using F-test to measure the variance of the two groups, then measure the normality of the data using the interpretation of skewness and kurtosis, and finally, one-tail t-test to measure differences in test results between the two groups. Secondly, the sample of PMTs’ works in two groups and the transcripts of their conversation were qualitatively analyzed to strengthen the quantitative finding and reveal how PbL with role-playing support PMTs’ problem-solving in teacher education. This study shows that PbL with role-playing is more effective to improve students’ problem-solving skills than solely doing problem-based learning. Doing a role-playing provided students with the opportunity to be able to think and speak mathematics more formally in the context of problem-solving. Keywords: Problem-based learning, Role-playing, Prospective mathematics teachers, Problem-solving [Bahasa]: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran pada pemecahanmasalah calon guru matematika yang mengambil matakuliah aljabar linier pada semester ketiga. Penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dengan desain post-test kelompok kontrol yang tidak setara. Empat puluh dua calon guru matematika terlibat dalam penelitian ini dan mereka dibagi menjadi kelompok eksperimen (diajarkan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran) dan kelompok kontrol (diajarkan menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis masalah saja). Data dikumpulkan menggunakan tes dan rekaman video. Tes menghasilkan data tentang kemampuan calon guru untuk memecahkan masalah aljabar linier dan rekaman video yang menghasilkan transkrip diskusi calon guru ketika mereka memainkan suatu peran. Data dianalisis melalui dua tahap. Pertama, hasil tes dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan uji-F untuk mengukur varian kedua kelompok, kemudian mengukur normalitas data menggunakan interpretasi skewness dan kurtosis, dan akhirnya dilakukan uji-t satu pihak untuk mengukur perbedaan hasil tes antara kedua kelompok. Kedua, sampel hasil tes calon guru matematikadari kedua kelompok dan transkrip diskusidianalisis secara kualitatif untuk memperkuat temuan kuantitatif dan mengungkapkan bagaimana pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran dapat mendukung pemecahan masalah pada calon guru matematika yang menempuhpendidikan guru. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah calon guru matematika daripada hanya melakukan pembelajaran berbasis masalah saja. Bermain peran memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk dapat berpikir dan mengomunikasikan matematika secara formal dalam konteks pemecahan masalah. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran berbasis masalah, Bermainperan, Calon guru matematika
... Development of algebra exercise environments began in nineties when the computer monitors attained sufficient speed of display of graphical information and the programming environments developed convenient utilities for building of two-dimensional images of expressions on the screen. In this Section we consider three quite universal and sufficiently described in literature exercise environments MathXpert [17,18], Aplusix [19,20] and T-algebra [21,22]. They all are already at least ten years old. ...
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The paper investigates the possibility of getting the answer and solution of arithmetic and algebra tasks from outside pieces of software when the intended solution environment is paper and pencil or some teacher-controlled software system. We consider spreadsheets, lightweight drill environments, programs with step by step dialog and “algebra calculators”. For spreadsheets the paper describes several cases of mathematically incorrect calculations. For drill environments we ascertain that they do not create a major risk of cheating. However, “algebra calculators” provide answers and solution steps for most of the common elementary algebra task types (usually for a licence fee). The conclusion is that addition of detailed solutions to computer algebra systems does not change the situation with homework cheating substantially.
... The current version of T-algebra was developed at the University of Tartu from 2004-2008 and the program, together with necessary task files, is available at General design ideas of T-algebra, the task solution dialogue and comparison with other programs are published in and also in (Prank et al, , 2006a(Prank et al, , 2007. The current paper presents the implementation of operations with fractions in T-algebra. ...
... Today at least two programs with step-by-step solution dialogue cover notable portions of school algebra: Aplusix [3] and T-algebra [4]. The work with Aplusix is very natural: the student enters, in an input box, the next line of solution and the program checks the step. ...
Conference Paper
The paper describes how the features of sufficiently intelligent expression manipulation drill programs can be utilized to calculate numeric scores. The issues discussed include the ways of grading the progress achieved in unfinished solutions, penalization of mistakes, and measuring of economy. The treatment is based mainly on one existing program, T-algebra. The concluding part of the paper points out the key features required for different aspects of numeric grading.
... This article presents the intelligent learning environment T-algebra with a novel design of step dialogue [12,15]. The design is novel, because it combines two known approaches: rule-based and input-based environments (conversion by rules is supplemented by entering the result). ...
Conference Paper
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We present an intelligent learning environment, T-algebra, for step-by-step solving of algebra problems using a novel design of step dialogue, which combines two known approaches: conversion by rules and entering the result. Each solution step in T-algebra consists of three stages: selection of the transformation rule, marking the parts of expression, entering the result of the operation. The designed dialogue enables the student to make the same mistakes as on paper and to receive understandable feedback about mistakes. The evaluation demonstrated that even a brief use of T-algebra affects the results of learning. The students who used T-algebra did better on consecutive paper test than the students who did not use T-algebra. Furthermore, T-algebra tends to affect specific error types, i.e., after using T-algebra the students make fewer mistakes of certain type on paper as well.
... T-algebra consists of two programs, one is for students and the other is for the teachers. In this section I will thoroughly describe the design and general dialogue scheme of the students' program and give a brief introduction to the teachers' program on the basis of published articles (Issakova and Lepp, 2004; Issakova et al., 2005; Issakova et al., 2006; Issakova, 2006a; Prank et al., 2006a; Prank et al., 2006b; Prank et al., 2007). 20 ...
Conference Paper
In this paper we consider two environments for algebraic tasks in Propositional Logic: Truth-Table Checker and Formula Manipulation Assistant. From the very beginning our environments were designed not only for exercise labs but also for assessment of homework and tests. Currently our programs produce detailed data for easy and quick human grading but do not accomplish full Computer Aided Assessment where the output would be a numeric score. We set the goal to take into account five aspects of solutions: what part of the task is solved, errors, hint requests, solution economy or conformity with standard algorithm, and quality of answer. We analyse for different task types what is missing from fully automated grading. We conclude that exploitation of our existing automated solver and integration of some our supplementary programs would enable to provide quite satisfying assessment.
In this paper we consider student solutions to tasks on the conversion of propositional formulas to disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms. In our department, students solve such exercises using a computerized environment that requires correction of every direct mistake but does not evaluate suitability of the steps. The paper describes implementation of an additional tool for analyzing these steps. This tool compares the studentsʼ steps with an “official algorithm” and possible simplification operations and checks for 20 deviations from the algorithm. The tool is applied to solutions from two student sessions and the paper analyzes the data on algorithmic mistakes.
Conference Paper
T-algebra is an interactive learning environment for elementary algebra. The main program of T-algebra enables visualizing information about a particular student in tables, indicating solution times, the numbers of errors (in 20 categories) and hint usage for each task. Additional software for teachers allows examination of solution results in group views.
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T-algebra is a project for creating an interactive learning environment for expression manipulation tasks of elementary algebra. Our main didactical principle has been that all the necessary decisions and calculations at each solution step should be made by the student, and the program should be able to understand the mistakes. This paper describes the design of our Action-Object-Input dialogue and different input modes as an instrument to communicate three natural attributes of the steps: choice of conversion rule, operands and result. (Contains 8 figures.)
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This paper reports some recent developments in mathematical computer aided assessment which employs computer algebra to evaluate students' work using the internet. Technical and educational issues raised by this use of computer algebra are addressed. Working examples from core calculus and algebra which have been used with first year university students are described.
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T-algebra is an interactive learning environment for step-by-step solving of algebra problems in four areas of mathematics, including linear equations. To make the diagnosis of mistakes more complete and the program more intelligent we designed our own rule dialogue. Each solution step in T-algebra consists of three stages: selection of the transformation rule, marking the parts of expression, entering the result of the operation. The three-stage dialogue of T-algebra gives several advantages for precise diagnosis of student mistakes. We can diagnose separately incorrect choice of operation, wrong selection of operands for the chosen operation and erroneous application of the selected operation. While designing the program, we have taken into account the results of a study on student mistakes made with pencil and paper. The study was carried out in the winter of 2005 in Tartu. We have attempted to leave an opportunity for the student to make the same mistakes in T-algebra, but also to provide the program with information about the intentions of the student for exact error diagnosis. This gives T-algebra the ability to collect data for adequate research on student mistakes in expression manipulation. In the spring of 2006, we conducted a study on errors made by the students who solved linear equations in the T-algebra environment. This article thoroughly describes the errors made in the solution of linear equations on paper and the corresponding errors made in the T-algebra environment. It compares them and presents interesting findings arising from this comparison.
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We present the design principles for a new kind of computer system that helps students learn algebra. The fundamental idea is to have a system based on the microworld paradigm that allows students to make their own calculations, as they do with paper and pencil, without being obliged to use commands, and to verify the correctness of these calculations. This requires an advanced editor for algebraic expressions, an editor for algebraic reasoning and an algorithm that calculates the equivalence of two algebraic expressions. A second feature typical of microworlds is the ability to provide students information about the state of the problem in order to help them move toward a solution. A third feature comes from the CAS (Computer Algebra System) paradigm, consisting of providing commands for executing certain algebraic actions; these commands have to be adapted to the current level of understanding of the students in order to only present calculations they can do without difficulty. With this feature, such a computer system can provide an introduction to the proper use of a Computer Algebra System. We have implemented most of these features in a computer system called aplusix for a sub-domain of algebra, and we have done several experiments with students (mainly grades 9 and 10). We had good results, with positive feedback from students and teachers. aplusix is currently a prototype that can be downloaded from It will become a commercial product during 2004.
This paper concerns computer aided assessment (CAA) of mathematics in which a computer algebra system (CAS) is used to help assess students' responses to elementary algebra questions. Using a methodology of documentary analysis, we examine what is taught in elementary algebra. The STACK CAA system,, which uses the CAS Maxima, is taken as a case study with which to test the implementation of the ideas developed in this paper. The general characteristics needed from a CAS for the application of computer aided assessment, or computer based learning is discussed. In particular the need for consistently implemented noun forms of elementary arithmetic operations, together with their traditional verb forms is identified.
At the Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) we have developed a series of stand-alone, multi-media computer-based courses designed to teach advanced students mathematics at the secondary-school and college level. The EPGY course software has been designed to be used in those settings where a regular class cannot be offered, either because of an insufficient number of students to take the course or the absence of a qualified instructor to teach the course. In this way it differs from traditional applications of computers in education, most of which are intended to be used primarily as supplements and in conjunction with a human teacher.
This paper lists eight design criteria that must be met if we are to provide successful computer support for education in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. It also describes Mathpert, a piece of software that was built with these criteria in mind. The description given here is intended for designers of other software, for designers of new teaching materials and curricula utilizing mathematical software, and for professors interested in using such software. The design principles in question involve both the user interface and the internal operation of the software. For example, three important principles are cognitive fidelity, the glass box principle, and the correctness principle. After an overview of design principles, we discuss the design of Mathpert in the light of these principles, showing how the main lines of the design were determined by these principles. (The scope of this paper is strictly limited to an exposition of the design principles and their application to Mathpert. I shall not attempt to review projects other than Mathpert in the light of these design principles.)
We describe the conversion of a standalone intelligent tutoring system (ITS) to one that operates on the World Wide Web. First, we focus on one product of this effort, a Web- enabled architecture as extension of a widely-used standalone ITS architecture. The advantages of the architecture we have chosen are discussed. We then describe the specific Web-based ITS that uses this architecture, highlighting features of the tutor for supporting and enhancing problem solving. Both the architecture and many features of the tutor that support students' problem solving activities should be generalizable to other ITSs.