... The total mean of this domain reports is 3.52, which shows that the teachers are aware of the importance of using social media in their teaching since the communicational apps advanced used recently. These findings are somewhat similar to the findings of (Lubega et al. ,2004;Wei and Chen, 2006;Inagaki et al., 2004;Traxler et al., 2005;Genossar et al., 2008;Seechaliao, 2014;Alrshedi, 2012;Galant, 2016;Zelick, 2013;Lie, 2013;Gewerc, A., Montero, L., & Lama, M., 2014;Simons, Ocepek, & Barker, 2016;Sim, T., Naidu, D. & Apparasam, D., 2014;Lubega et al., 2004;Wei & Chen, 2006;Inagaki et al., 2004;Traxler et al., 2005;Genossar et al., 2008;Seechaliao , 2014;and Echenique, Molías, & Bullen, 2015). However, these findings contradict those of a study by Kelli K. (2014), who found that community college teachers perceived online media as less important than what was found in this study. ...