
Graphical interpretation deformation analysis of stability area using of strain analysis

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The spatial changes of water construction objects are surveyed by geodetic methods within the technical and safety supervision of water constructions. To better understand the behaviour of the area of interest beneath the upper reservoir of the pumped storage hydro power plant (PSHPP) Cierny Vah, a deformation analysis of this area was realized. The stability or instability of the geodetic network points and the adjacent area was verified. The estimations of determined parameters of geodetic network were obtained on the basis of stage adjustment of GNSS observations, by applying the LSM method, robust M-estimation according to Huber and robust M-estimation according to Hampel. The analysis of incurred discrepancies (differences) in the position of points, whether they are the results of accumulation of measurement and systematic errors or they represent a local deformation of the area, was the last objective of this papier. The analysis of the results obtained from processing was performed by the method of finite elements in the form of strain analysis, to present the dynamics of the area underneath the water reservoir. The results obtained by applying estimation methods correspond to their graphical analysis. The use of Huber's. and Hampel's robust M-estimates is an alternative to the application of ISM method, which has a versatile use in practice, in various areas of professional disciplines.

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... Based on the equations (11), (12) and (13) can be for the density of a gas written: . Dividing equation (14) by equation (15), for the density of air is obtained: ...
... . This task is usually solved by the least squares method, i.e. from a condition of minimizing a quadratic form [5], [11], [12]: ...
... or after specification into the regimes, as follows [12]: ...
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Accuracy of the trigonometric measurement of elevations is affected by the systematic influence of a vertical refraction, which is caused by changes of meteorological parameters. Submitted paper deals with a modelling of the impact of the vertical refraction using selected meteorological parameters. At first, a concise derivation of a physical principle of the vertical refraction is given. Then, a multiple regression model and its extension into a form of two-regime model are given. Division into two regimes provides a threshold function, which expresses the dependence of the original explanatory variables. Different types of the threshold function are considered and finally a comparison of the quality of the proposed models and application of a chosen model on the results of repeated trigonometric measurements is given.
... Based on the basic parameters, we calculate other kinematic parameters (Welsch, 1983;Mihailović and Aleksić, 1994;Ašanin, 1986;Acar, 2010;Labant et al., 2014;Sušić et al., 2015b;Boresi and Sidebottom, 1985): ...
... Na podlagi osnovnih parametrov izračunamo še druge kinematične parametre (Welsch, 1983;Mihailović in Aleksić, 1994;Ašanin, 1986;Acar, 2010;Labant et al., 2014;Sušić et al., 2015b;Boresi in Sidebottom, 1985): , smerni kot glavne strižne deformacije pa z izrazom Ψ = ϑ + 45°. ...
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Despite the technical progress monitoring the stability of engineering structures remains one of the most difficult tasks in engineering geodesy. This article presents the deformation analysis according to the Munich approach of W. M. Welsch. The method deals with the testing of the geodetic network's congruence, the affinity of selected triangles, and the testing of other kinematic parameters in 2D geodetic networks. Deformation analysis using the Munich approach can be performed using the X-method, which is based on the comparison of the coordinates of identical points in the geodetic network between two sets of measurements that depend on the geodetic datum, or using the L-method, which determines changes in the values of lengths and angles which are quantities independent of the geodetic datum. In the modified method, we propose to determine the congruence of all lengths and all angles in the network between two sets of measurements and to determine the congruence of all triangles between points in the network, not only selected ones, as it is common in the classical approach of deformation analysis based on the Munich approach. The proposed improvements are tested on the example of a known hexagon, and an analysis is made of the success of detecting stable points in the network using the classical Munich approach. In the present case, the results of the proposed method did not differ from the results of other deformation analysis methods.
... The benefit of using this method is its ability of taking care of datum problems. Also, the method is in fact advantageous due to the fact that minimal amount of information is used for the determination of strain parameters and thus it is impossible to detect within each triangle from the results themselves a violation of the assumption of constant strains (Dermanis, 2009). is dilatation rate which is the proportional change in area between certain number of epochs in μstrain;  is direction of maximum principal strain arc;  is maximum shear strain, which can be termed proportional change is real angle between certain number of epochs (Labant et al., 2014); 1 E and 2 E are the principal components of strain rate also in μstrain/year. ...
... This from the author's point of view must have been because the omitted control violated the principle of Delaunay triangulation. real angle between the observation periods respectively, depicted by isoclines (Labant et al., 2014;El-Fiky, et al., 1997). In Figure 5.0, areas of higher dilatation can be seen in the N-E, S-E and S-W of the dam. ...
... Slika 1. Divergentne zone (levo), konvergentne zone (u sredini) i transformne zone (desno) Figure 1. Divergent zone (left), convergence zone (center) and transform zone (right) U međusobnom kontaktu tektonske ploče stvaraju velike pritiske i napone u stenama, u kojima se ostvaruju deformacije kada postignuti naponi prevaziđu gornje granice njihove mehaničke čvrstoće (Glavatović, 2005). Tada nastaju tektonske forme, poznate kao rasedi, navlake i drugi geološki oblici. ...
... Tada nastaju tektonske forme, poznate kao rasedi, navlake i drugi geološki oblici. Jedan od najmarkantnijih geoloških oblika jeste rasedanje, koje nastaje kao relativno kretanje jednog bloka stenske mase preko drugog duž stvorene pukotine u steni, čime nastaje rased (Glavatović, 2005). Tri osnovna tipa rasedanja su: normalni, reversni i transkurentni ili klizajući rased (Slika 2). ...
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Deformations occur as a product of changes in the land and buildings during construction and exploitation, under the influence of various internal and external forces. The change of groundwater levels, temperature, wind effect, tectonic and seismological impacts could be the cause of changes in the structure of the terrain, deflection, fractures, cracks and other. The paper considers an application of strain analysis as the basis of a multidisciplinary approach to surveying, geological and geotechnical monitoring of natural phenomena. It will be demonstrated objectivity of strain analysis application in the detection of geodynamic trends in the simulated examples of fault with different character (compression, extension, transcurrent).
... Če vstavimo enačbo (26) v enačbo (24), dobimo (Welsch, 1983;Welsch in Zhang, 1983;Labant et al., 2014): ...
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In this article the München approach to deformation analysis is presented. The main characteristics of this process are testing of congruence of the geodetic network, testing of affinity of the geodetic network, calculation of deformation parameters and determination of the stability of points. First, the theoretical background of the approach is described. Then it is applied to simulated observations in two epochs. In the example presented, the results of the München approach differ only slightly from the results obtained from the Fredericton, Delft, Karlsruhe and Hannover approaches.
Deformation analyzes are important for long-term monitoring of areas, where, in the first place, it is necessary to take into account human safety and environmental protection for the purpose of sustainable development of human society. The quality of the results of deformation analysis will also be affected by the quality of establishment of the geodetic network. When a new Local Geodetic Network (LGN) is established, for example, during deformation monitoring (landslides, open-pit mining, excavations, etc.) for the purpose of environmental protection, its determination can be influenced by some mistakes: a) geometric quantities measured can be contaminated by blunders, b) compatibilities of some "old" points in the area of LGN can be incorrect, c) appropriate coordinates of some new points may be defective. The case c), using two methods - Least Squares (LSM) unconstrained adjustment; - iteratively reweighted LSM of Robust Estimation, is analyzed in the paper. The main objective of this paper is to compare the adjustment of the geodetic network by the Gauss-Markov model based on GMM with full rank and robust LSM adjustment. The main adjustment steps with important numerical results are presented for both methods. The method how to detect the presence of the used wrong approximate coordinates of new network points is addressed, and the detection approaches are given for both adjustment procedures. The results of both adjustment procedures summarized in the Discussion indicate that the combination of these procedures is the most suitable way of detecting errors in a geodetic network.
Refraction effect is caused by an inhomogeneous propagation environment, where the measurement is realized. Refraction can be regarded as major source of systematic errors and affects on the reliability and accuracy of surveying measurements. In this article a PCA (Principal Component Analysis) is used for the elimination of multicollinearity between variables and for the reduction to a lower dimension. Subsequently, a regression model with new variables is applied to correct an influence of vertical refraction.
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The issue of efficient use of hydropower, ones of the available renewable resources is currently in the process of sustainable development of each country, often addressing the issue. Incite multiple aspects. It is now seen just growing interest in exploiting the potential of hydropower. On the basis of active efforts are developed to map the total quantity of usability hydropower at basin level in Slovakia. GIS as a powerful and sophisticated tool for processing spatially localized information and offers support for renewable energy sources (not excluding the field of hydropower). Through the integration of spatial data allows assessing the real problems and thus contributing effectively to make rational decisions. Especially in the field of hydropower projects have GIS well founded importance. Of course is important to mention that the potential for hydroelectric power is useless without the operation of hydropower that converts water into electrical energy. For the needs of administrators of watercourses and operators of water systems, the proposed model can be an important tool for decision-making in relation to its implementation activities. Contribution to the design solutions for potential hydropower will address river basin Hornad.
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In connection with resolving the flood issue all of the interested parties Endeavour to mitigate the flood negative impacts to the lowest acceptable level. At a time, efforts are exercised to effectively prevent their reoccurrence. The main objective of this paper is to present possibilities of hydrological models and GIS tools in delineating with the flood event threatened urbanized areas. These very areas present the most jeopardised ones. The paper presents conceptual and empirical side of the GIS supported hydrodynamic models in quite a detail. Presented in the paper are results of multiple studies realized within the selected (part of the) basin of river Olšava. Proper selection of the way the results will be processed would facilitate to use the attained outputs also in the future process of creating flood - hazard and flood - risk maps.
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The article describes the possibilities of using the pupillary light reflex for subconscious ascertainment of consumer preferences also in technical, industrial sectors. It describes the essence and use of pupillometry in marketing, types of pupillometry, practical suggestions as well as the prerequisites for future use in marketing. It suggests the procedures of an experiment with the use of an eye camera with an integrated pupillometer, and it points out to selected practical problems which must be eliminated during the experiments. If we wish to achieve growth of the industry the first necessary step is clear focus on the customer and on a user-friendly program of communication with customers and potential customers.
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This paper aims to geographically assess the flood occurrence in eastern Slovakia by using one of the methods of multi-criteria analysis – rank sum method. Flood risk assessment is conducted in three specific cases: the long term period 1989–2009, the extremely wet 2010 year, and the extremely dry 2011 year. In the analyses, some of the causative factors for flooding in a basin area are taken into account. We use set of causative factors concerning mostly hydrological and physio-geographical characteristic of the target area that can be measured and evaluated such as soil type, daily precipitation (for the years 1989–2009, 2010, 2011), land use, catchment area and basin slope. For recommendation which causative factors should be preferred we use method of multicriteria analysis – ranking method. In the ranking method (RM), every factor/criterion under consideration is ranked in the order of the decision-maker’s preference. Geographic approach to flood risk assessment provides a descriptive presentation of the results obtained. Geographic information systems as a visualization tool is presented in a manner that aids understanding in a user friendly way. Regarding our task of flood risk assessment, the partial results are three composite maps, which present comparison of flood risk zones in percentage of the area in years 1989–2009, 2010, and 2011. The composite maps are background for risk assessment of the impact of rainfall on flood generation. This study of hydrological data and physio-geographical characteristic was carried out with the purpose of the identification of flood risk occurrence in eastern Slovakia. Results from our study shows, that rainfall distribution has high influence on flood risk of the area. Area percentage with very high flood risk index was calculated for “wet” year 2010 as 11.73 %, for “dry” year 2011 as 0.01 % and for period 1989–2009 as 0.28 %.
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This article addresses the adjustment of a 3D geodetic network in the Dargovských Hrdinov suburbs using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for the purposes of deformation analysis. The advantage of using the GNSS compared to other terrestrial technology is that it is not influenced by unpredictability in the ground level atmosphere and individual visibilities between points in the observed network are not necessary. This article also includes the planning of GNSS observations using Planning Open Source software from Trimble as well as subsequent observations at individual network points. The geodetic network is processing on the basis of the Gauss-Markov model using the least square method and robust adjustment. From robust methods, Huber's Robust M-estimation and Hampel's Robust M-estimation were used. Individual adjustments were tested and subsequently the results of analysis were graphically visualised using absolute confidence ellipsoids.
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Results of stability investigations of geodetic points and the area around the nuclear power plant Jaslovské Bohunice are presented. The finite element method and strain analysis in particular triangle areas were used to obtain the required deformation parameters. The maximum and minimum principal strains with the total shear indicate horizontal movements appearing during last 9 years.
Prerequisite for responsible implementation of geodetic activities and to obtain reliable results is to work with the device for which it is possible to say with certainty that it meets the required accuracy specified for the selected type of work. For this purpose it is possible to carry out the testing of the device, both in the terms of a set of norms ISO 17123, or application of other test methods and procedures. In the present paper there are results of testing of the stability of robot universal measuring station (RUMS) S8 Trimble DR Plus ROBOTIC published, which is in scientific research and teaching activities in the Department of Geodesy (KG) STU in Bratislava used.