
Legislative changes specifying the matters of survey sketch in the Slovak Republic

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The creation and processing of survey sketch are one of the most common activities with which a surveyor encounters in practice. A survey sketch in the Slovak Republic must be created in accordance with existing regulations to date: Directive for measuring and executing changes in the file of geodetic information of the Cadastre of the real estates" and Directive for the creation of survey sketches and the setting-out of the boundary of a lot". In the context with development of surveying technology and changes in legislation of the Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, there were also several changes related to the creation and final processing of the survey sketches. For that reason, the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic released a series of guidelines, according to which it is now necessary to create survey sketches. The present paper is devoted to an overview of individual regulations in the period 2009-2014, under which it is necessary to submit a survey sketch in a complex form of the proof of authentication of survey sketch to the appropriate Cadastral Department of the district office.

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... All vector cadastral maps numerical (VCMn) are a result of numerical measurements, and the determined coordinates of points should be accurate. It means that if the position of an existing detailed point is determined in a new measurement, the positional deviation between the new and original coordinates of the point should not exceed value of 0.24 m (Gašincová et al., 2014). However, mistakes were made during the original measurement, and in some locations, the positional deviation exceeds this value. ...
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The land-rating measures land site productivity based on natural factors, including soil characteristics, climate, relief, and special impacts. The basic unit of administering land rating is the equal land-rating area. The establishment and upgrading took place over several years in the entire territory of Slovenia. The uniform layer of the equal land-rating area of the whole state is administered by the Surveying and Mapping Authority based on the proposal of the individual or ex officio. The uniform layer of equal land-rating area and database of land-rating values are public and used for land valuation purposes and for land management measures.
... If the map was damaged, and it could not be used anymore, the renewal was done using the recorded coordinates of points, so the map did not lose quality over time. When the position of a point in the map is determined nowadays, the positional deviation between the measurement and the original position of the point in the map should be no more than 0.24 m (Gašincová et al. 2014). However, in some cases there were mistakes made during the original cadastral mapping, mainly during the building of a detailed geodetic control network for the measurement. ...
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There are several techniques for the maintenance of cadastral operates in Slovakia. One of them is the cadastral operate renewal. The process of renewal is much needed because the quality of cadastral maps is not satisfying. Only one method is usable today-the cadastral operate renewal by a new mapping. The mapping is not popular worldwide in the present, but in Slovakia, there are problems with the non-numerical maps as well as with some of the numerical ones, which also have to be dealt with. However, in case of the numerical cadas-tral maps with local shifts this process would be ineffective, so a new way of their renewal was proposed-Renewal by Correction. The main principle of this process is a transformation of the part of the map with local shifts to the correct position. The main aim of this paper is to propose a formal process of the Renewal by Correction. First, the criteria for the use of the Renewal by Correction were proposed. In the next part, all the formal steps of the process were described.
... These maps are updated interactively using vector geodetic designs (Raškovič et al. 2019). If a new measurement is performed, the positional deviation between the position of the original point on the map and the position of the point determined within our measurement should be less than 0.24 m (Gašincová et al. 2014). ...
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In the cadastre of real estates in Slovakia, there is a variety of data of different origin as well as different quality. One of the main problems is the quality of cadastral maps. More than a half of these maps do not meet today’s requirements for the recording of real estates and their renewal is needed. This article deals with a homogeneity analysis, which is the first stage of the renewal of a vector cadastral map numerical. Cadastral map numerical should be the best, because it is made of coordinates, which are the result of a numerical measurement but in some of them there are various local deformations. In locations with deformations, there are objects in the POINTS layer where the coordinates of the points determined via GNSS are stored. The first stage of the renewal of these maps is an analysis of homogeneity. This stage is very important because it is necessary to understand how the local deformations behave in the whole cadastral unit and in which parts the renewal is needed. The analysis consists of considering the number of objects in the POINTS layer, selection of the locations with the local deformations, calculating the size and direction of the local deformations in chosen points and comparing the locations with each other. The homogeneity analysis leads to particular methods for the renewal of a cadastral map numerical. This solution for the next stages of the renewal is specific for each cadastral unit.
... Coefficients reach values depending on a type of the cadastral map (numerical cadastral map or non-numerical cadastral map), Table 1. If the difference between the written and graphic area exceeds allowable deviations, it is considered as an error in the cadastre documentation and a correction will performed using predefined approach according to [2], [4]. ...
... Changes of SSs are being discussed [4], [6], [12], [15] although client prefers not changing the form factor. Changes can improve procedures processing of SS packages as well as monitoring and contingent information archiving. Major benefit for surveyor is effectiveness of new procedures; major benefit for cadastral department is effectivity of use in relation to cadastral information system. ...
... Horizontal datum of Unified trigonometric cadastral network (S-JTSK) is utilized to document these measurements. The results of measurements are implemented into CMs in different ways, depending on the map quality [6]. All CMs are processed in vector form. ...
Conference Paper
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... Horizontal datum of Unified trigonometric cadastral network (S-JTSK) is utilized to document these measurements. The results of measurements are implemented into CMs in different ways, depending on the map quality [6]. All CMs are processed in vector form. ...
Conference Paper
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Cadastral maps are a significant part of geographical information; they include information about topographical features of the country as well as the units of property rights. Cadastral parcel displayed on the cadastral map clearly defines the position of a particular data element. Map accuracy increases the certainty of the legal act. How accurate are cadastral maps in Slovakia? About 44% of Slovak area is covered by cadastral non-numeric cadastral maps with unknown positional accuracy. Suitable solution to improve the accuracy of the cadastral maps is still being researched. This paper focuses on non-numeric maps. It explains the quality parameters of cadastral maps and their classification. The quality of cadastral maps differs significantly, therefore; renewal of the map must be approached individually. Authors address two possible ways of renewal of non-numeric maps and recommend one of them. This solution relies on use of special sets of previous geodetic measurements, which are not included in maps yet. These archived data can help to address the magnitude of various errors in map. This paper describes an experiment which helped to find and correct one special error in a particular map. Correction of this error was engaged through transformation. The results of the experiment are described and evaluated within this paper. The proposed solution of maps renewal is expected to correct all non-numeric cadastral maps. The strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solution are discussed within the paper. The levels of additional measurements which are necessary to accept the proposed solution are in the center of attention of this work. Recommendations with regard to solution of renewal of cadastral maps presented in this paper can be used in practice, but cannot be utilized for all types of map errors.
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The issue of efficient use of hydropower, ones of the available renewable resources is currently in the process of sustainable development of each country, often addressing the issue. Incite multiple aspects. It is now seen just growing interest in exploiting the potential of hydropower. On the basis of active efforts are developed to map the total quantity of usability hydropower at basin level in Slovakia. GIS as a powerful and sophisticated tool for processing spatially localized information and offers support for renewable energy sources (not excluding the field of hydropower). Through the integration of spatial data allows assessing the real problems and thus contributing effectively to make rational decisions. Especially in the field of hydropower projects have GIS well founded importance. Of course is important to mention that the potential for hydroelectric power is useless without the operation of hydropower that converts water into electrical energy. For the needs of administrators of watercourses and operators of water systems, the proposed model can be an important tool for decision-making in relation to its implementation activities. Contribution to the design solutions for potential hydropower will address river basin Hornad.
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The issue of efficient use of biomass as a renewable source of energy in the process of sustainable development of every country is a problem that is often tackled nowadays being also imposed by the legislation of the European Union. In the process of the accession to the EU, the Slovak republic incorporated the obligations as defined by the EU Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources. Out of all the renewable sources of energy, biomass has the greatest economic potential to be used on the territory of Slovakia. The use of biomass for the purposes of electricity generation is the most promising alternative to generate not only thermal but also electrical energy. This paper presents the proposal of methodology developed to determine the utilization potential of residual biomass in the sectors of forestry and agriculture within a certain area of eastern Slovakia. The theoretical proposal is developed based on using Corine Land Cover. The application of Corine Land Cover and GIS tools made it possible to effectively determine residual biomass for the selected sectors of the economy.
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In connection with resolving the flood issue all of the interested parties Endeavour to mitigate the flood negative impacts to the lowest acceptable level. At a time, efforts are exercised to effectively prevent their reoccurrence. The main objective of this paper is to present possibilities of hydrological models and GIS tools in delineating with the flood event threatened urbanized areas. These very areas present the most jeopardised ones. The paper presents conceptual and empirical side of the GIS supported hydrodynamic models in quite a detail. Presented in the paper are results of multiple studies realized within the selected (part of the) basin of river Olšava. Proper selection of the way the results will be processed would facilitate to use the attained outputs also in the future process of creating flood - hazard and flood - risk maps.
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In the contemporary geodetic practice it is practically a must to use modern geodetic apparatuses and a variety of the CAD (Computer Aided Design) software for processing and visualising spatial data. The present paper deals with geodetic surveying of Kecerovce open pit mine to determine, for the purpose of mine reopening and commencing with mining of andesite, the volume of non-extracted volumes of andesite. The open pit mine is situated on the foot of Slanské vrchy mountain range. Determining of the auxiliary survey control points and the quarry vicinity was performed by GNSS technology and RTK method. Detailed surveying of the open pit mine was performed through an electronic total station. By measurements attained spatial data were processed by pertinent proprietary software. Subsequently, the determined spatial coordinated were imported into the graphiccalculating softwares for further processing and visualisation. These graphical-calculating applications make possible not only 3D modelling and visualising of surfaces but also their analysing, especially then determining the volumetric data that represent various aspects necessary to assess as activities within the related branches so possible future development.
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Tablet paper describes comparison of measuring accuracy two apparatus from the firm Leica. One of them recieve signals onlyfrom GPS satelites and another instrument is working with GPS and also with GLONASS satelites. Measuring is carry out by RTK staticmethod with 2 minutes observations. Measurement processing is separated to X, Y (position) and h (heigh). Adjustment of directobservations is used as a adjusting method.
The present brings the intensive development of various technologies that support the collection and processing of spatial information. In all areas of social life, human activities directly relate to the position defined by the space around us. In the mining tourism, the spatial localization of all objects is important in several respects. The importance of spatial information in mining tourism stimulates mainly the fact that at present the focus is to improve the visibility of mining heritage. The article presents possibilities of GNSS and GIS for data collection and post processing of spatial information to support the activities of mining tourism.
Geometrický plán (Survey sketch
  • J Gašinec
  • S Gašincová
  • K Pukanská
  • S Labant
Gašinec, J., Gašincová, S., Pukanská, K., Labant, S.: Geometrický plán (Survey sketch). 1 st edition, Košice, FBERG TU, 2011. 78 p.. ISBN 978-80-553-0643-8.
Deformation analysis of stability area
  • S Labant
Labant, S.: Deformation analysis of stability area. 1 st edition, Miskolc, Bíbor Publisher, 2013. 96 p.. ISBN 978-963-9988-57-6.
P-666/2013, zo dňa 30.01.2013 o zriadení Rezortnej transformačnej služby. (Decision of the President of the Office No. P-666/2013 about the establishment of Transformation Services, dated
  • Úgkk Rozhodnutie Predsedníčky
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Rozhodnutie predsedníčky ÚGKK SR č. P-666/2013, zo dňa 30.01.2013 o zriadení Rezortnej transformačnej služby. (Decision of the President of the Office No. P-666/2013 about the establishment of Transformation Services, dated January 30 th )
Geometrický plán ako podklad pre súdnych znalcov
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Sokol, Š.: Geometrický plán ako podklad pre súdnych znalcov. Projekt a stavba. 4, 2002, 9, 9-13. ISSN 1335-5007.
Meranie a vyhotovenie účelovej mapy pre rekonštrukciu železničných tratí. XIX. konference SDMG. Sborník referátů. Jihlava,10.-12.10.2012. Ostrava, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava
  • Š Sokol
  • M Bajtala
  • J Ježko
  • M Krištofíková
Sokol, Š., Bajtala, M., Ježko, J., Krištofíková, M.: Meranie a vyhotovenie účelovej mapy pre rekonštrukciu železničných tratí. XIX. konference SDMG. Sborník referátů. Jihlava,10.-12.10.2012. Ostrava, VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2012. p. 162-169. ISBN 978-80-248-2824-4.
USM_UGKK SR_9/2013, zo dňa 19.04.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje obsah a forma podkladov na aktualizáciu súboru geodetických informácií katastra nehnuteľností v katastrálnych územiach, v ktorých je spravovaná číselná vektorová katastrálna mapa
  • Úgkk Usmernenie
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Usmernenie ÚGKK SR č. USM_UGKK SR_10/2013, zo dňa 19.04.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje obsah a forma podkladov na aktualizáciu súboru geodetických informácií katastra nehnuteľností v katastrálnych územiach, v ktorých je spravovaná nečíselná vektorová katastrálna mapa.
USM_UGKK SR_12/2013, zo dňa 19.04.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje spôsob označovania súborov vektorových máp katastra
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Usmernenie ÚGKK SR č. USM_UGKK SR_12/2013, zo dňa 19.04.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje spôsob označovania súborov vektorových máp katastra.
USM_UGKK SR_11/2013, zo dňa 19.04.2013, ktorým sa ustanovujú elektronické podklady na aktualizáciu súboru popisných informácii
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USM_UGKK SR_13/2013, zo dňa 23.04.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje používanie mapových značiek v mape katastra
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USM_UGKK SR_26/2013, zo dňa 170.07.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje spôsob spojenia viacerých súborov vektorových máp katastra do jedného súboru
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Usmernenie ÚGKK SR č. USM_UGKK SR_26/2013, zo dňa 170.07.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje spôsob spojenia viacerých súborov vektorových máp katastra do jedného súboru.
USM_UGKK SR_27/2013, zo dňa 17.07.2013, ktorým sa ustanovuje obsah podkladov pri aktualizácii viacerých vektorových máp katastra v rámci
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Proposal of a six sigma project economic effectiveness evaluation model
  • E Weiss
  • Z Hajduová
  • J Zuzik
  • L Mixtaj
  • M Gergeľová
  • S Labant
Weiss, E., Hajduová, Z., Zuzik, J., Mixtaj, L., Gergeľová, M., Labant, S.: Proposal of a six sigma project economic effectiveness evaluation model. Metalurgia international. Vol. 19, no. 5 (2014), p. 34-37. -ISSN 1582-2214