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Effects of modafinil on attention performance, short-term memory and executive function in university students. A randomized trial.


Abstract and Figures

Background: Modafinil is a drug developed and used for the treatment of excessive lethargy. Even though very effective for sleep disorders, it is still controversial whether modafinil can improve performance in high-order cognitive processes such as memory and executive function. Methods: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial was designed to evaluate the effect of modafinil (compared to placebo) on the cognitive functions of healthy students. 160 volunteers were recruited and allocated randomly to modafinil or placebo group, and were assessed using the Stroop Test, BCET test and Digit span test. Results: We found a significant difference in favor of modafinil compared to placebo in the proportion of correct answers of Stroop Test in congruent situation. A significant shorter latency of modafinil group in the incongruent situation of Stroop test was also found. No differences were found in Digit Span, or BCET tests. Conclusions: The study demonstrated that modafinil does not enhance the global cognitive performance of healthy non-sleep deprived students, except regarding non-demanding tasks. In particular, this drug does not seem to have positive effects on mental processes that sustain studying tasks in the college population under normal conditions. We expect these findings to demystify the use of this drug and help decision making concerning pharmacological public policies.
Content may be subject to copyright. 1 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
Research article
Medwave 2015 Jun;15(5):e6166 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
Effects of modafinil on attention performance, short-
term memory and executive function in university
students. A randomized trial
Authors: Alejandro Fernández[1], Franco Mascayano[2], Walter Lips[1], Andrés Painel[3], Jonathan
Norambuena[3], Eva Madrid[4,5]
[1] Escuela de Psicología, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
[2] Escuela de Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
[3] Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile
[4] Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, Barcelona, Spain
[5] Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad de Valparaíso,
Valparaíso, Chile
[6] Departamento de Salud Pública Escuela de Medicina Universidad de Valparaìso
Citation: Fernández A, Mascayano F, Lips W, Painel A, Norambuena J, Madrid E. Effects of modafinil
on attention performance, short-term memory and executive function in university students. A
randomized trial. Medwave 2015 Jun;15(5):e6166 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
Submission date: 31/3/2015
Acceptance date: 5/6/2015
Publication date: 23/6/2015
Origin: not requested
Type of review: reviewed by two external peer reviewers, double-blind
Modafinil is a drug developed and used for the treatment of excessive lethargy. Even though very
effective for sleep disorders, it is still controversial whether modafinil can improve performance in high-
order cognitive processes such as memory and executive function.
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial was designed to evaluate the effect
of modafinil (compared to placebo) on the cognitive functions of healthy students. 160 volunteers were
recruited and allocated randomly to modafinil or placebo group, and were assessed using the Stroop
Test, BCET test and Digit span test.
We found a significant difference in favor of modafinil compared to placebo in the proportion of correct
answers of Stroop Test in congruent situation. A significant shorter latency of modafinil group in the
incongruent situation of Stroop test was also found. No differences were found in Digit Span, or BCET
The study demonstrated that modafinil does not enhance the global cognitive performance of healthy
non-sleep deprived students, except regarding non-demanding tasks. In particular, this drug does not
seem to have positive effects on mental processes that sustain studying tasks in the college population
under normal conditions. We expect these findings to demystify the use of this drug and help decision
making concerning pharmacological public policies. 2 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
Modafinil (2-[(diphenylmethyl) sulfinyl] acetamide) is a
psychostimulant with wakefulness-promoting properties. It
was available for commercial use in France in the 1990s [1].
Modafinil has demonstrated particular effectiveness for
treating lethargy and sleep
disorders [2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7].
Some authors state that modafinil increases performance
of tasks associated with cognitive functions such as working
memory, visuospatial attention, and executive
function [8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14]. For others,
modafinil improves cognitive performance in healthy sleep
deprived adults, but only in regard to attentional function
and alertness [8],[9].
The primary mechanism of action is
unknown, [15] although its effects on different
neurotransmitter systems have been
demonstrated [1],[16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21].
The use of stimulants to improve academic performance
has increased among the young population in the U.S. [22].
More than seven million Americans use over-the-counter
stimulants, and approximately 1.6 million of these people
are students [23],[24]. An online survey of more than
1,400 people from sixty countries showed that twenty
percent of respondents had used a psychoactive drug to
enhance their concentration or memory, and forty-four
percent of them had used modafinil. The population most
often associated with stimulant use to enhance attention
and memory are students between eighteen and twenty-
five years [25].
No formal studies have been reported on the use of
modafinil among students in Chile. However, some media
surveys reported an increase in the consumption of
stimulants in students between nineteen and twenty-five
years old, with higher consumption levels occurring during
final examination periods [26],[27].
The effect of modafinil on attention
Most of the research conducted on healthy adults to
investigate whether stimulants improve cognitive
performance has produced either contradictory or
inconclusive results [28]. Although modafinil plays a key
role in certain cognitive functions, such as
attention, [29],[30] and tasks that demand a certain level
of performance, it seems to have little effect when higher
exigency is taken into account [31].
Trials that have assessed attention in adults demonstrate
advantages among those taking modafinil compared to
placebo with regard to attention, using the “stop-signal
task,” [29] but this result seems to be inversely correlated
with IQ [30],[31],[32].
A study conducted with young volunteers also found
evidence of a positive effect on the “Attention Shift Task”
(a particularly demanding task) following modafinil intake.
Modafinil appears to promote the rapid switching of
attention in demanding conditions, although it offers
minimal benefit when an unpredictable and infrequent
disengagement of attention is required to respond to
alternative stimuli in an ongoing task[31].
A clinical trial with forty-five non-sleep-deprived
participants did not find conclusive results with regard to
attentional performance, possibly due to the small sample
size [33]. This finding demonstrates that the evidence in
favor of modafinil as an attention enhancer appears to be
ambiguous. This is why it is relevant to inspect the role this
substance plays with regard to certain attentional features.
In particular, selective attention (the inhibition of a
response towards irrelevant information), is a key process
for proper learning[34]. This dimension of attention has
been selected in this research due to the fact that it has
been demonstrated that impairments in selective attention
among high school and university students are usually
accompanied by low information processing and learning
capabilities, and therefore, by a deficient academic
performance [35].
Memory and executive function
Studies aiming to prove that modafinil can improve
cognitive processes such as memory and executive function
in healthy participants have been controversial,
[29],[30],[33],[36] and no systematic reviews regarding
its impact have been made available so far.
The ambiguity of these previous findings motivated the
current research. Our goal was to assess the effects of
modafinil on the cognitive performance of university
students, particularly with regard to short-term memory,
executive function, and attention.
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
crossover trial was designed to assess the effect of
modafinil (compared to placebo) on the cognitive functions
of healthy students. It was conducted at the University of
Valparaíso, Chile. The protocol was approved by the
Institutional Review Board at Faculty of Medicine
Universidad de Valparaíso under authorization code
04/2010 CEFM, and was registered on the Clinical Trials
webpage ( under NCT code
Eligible participants included students who were pursuing
health sciences degrees, aged eighteen to twenty-nine, and
were recruited using open advertisements on a website.
Medicine and psychology students (n=180) of both genders
were contacted, and those who met the inclusion criteria
(n=162) were recruited. The sample size was 155, and was
estimated for a two-sample comparison of means
considering (a) a two-sided significance level of p=0.05, (b)
a power (1-beta) of=0.80 and (c) an expected difference
from 19 (SD=0.7) to 19.25 (SD=0.7), and twenty percent
possible loss. The inclusion criteria were: 3 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
a) Aged between 18 and 29: This age range was chosen
because there is a normal physiological cognitive
impairment of 1% of total IQ between 25 and 29
years [37]. The purpose of this criterium was working
with a sample without cognitive deterioration, which
could modify memory performance.
b) Student in health sciences programs.
c) Healthy weight. The rationale behind this criterium
comes from the fact that all volunteers received the
same dose of modafinil; subjects outside this range
might have yielded different plasmatic levels.
The exclusion criteria were:
a) Mental disorders: Assessed by his/her clinical history or
by achieving a pathological score in Prime-MD[38].
b) Current use of psychotropic substances of any type.
c) Alcohol intake up to three days before the experiment.
d) History or symptoms of current or chronic physical
e) Pregnant or lactating women.
f) Sleep-deprived.
The primary outcome was the attention score measured by
the proportion of correct answers on the Stroop Test.
Additional analyses were conducted that compared the
percentage of correct answers and latencies on the Stroop
Test, the Digit Span task, and the Biber Cognitive
Estimation Test in both groups.
The participants were recruited from various courses of the
aforementioned programs and did not receive any financial
compensation. They provided informed consent, and the
self-administered Prime-MD was used to evaluate their
psychiatric conditions. Those who did not meet any
exclusion criterion were deemed eligible to participate in
this investigation. Subjects were briefly interviewed in
order to know if they were in any excluding condition
regarding sleep deprivation or substance intake
(psychotropic drugs or alcohol use).
Once the final sample was recruited, the volunteers were
appointed in randomized groups of twenty participants
each, with all twenty participants being tested
simultaneously. This was done to ensure that the tests were
properly applied, according to the conditions and capacity
of the Cognitive Psychology Laboratory of the School of
Psychology, and in order to achieve adequate plasmatic
levels of modafinil during administration of
instruments [39]. The allocation of the participants to the
experimental or control groups was performed randomly by
a computer-based allocation program, and the sequence
was concealed by the principal investigator. On day one,
participants received Substance A or B, which corresponded
to 200 mg of modafinil or a placebo (placebo pills were
made at the Faculty of Pharmacy with same shape and color
as the modafinilo pills used in this experiment). The
volunteers were assessed with the instruments 120
minutes after drug administration to attain the highest
plasmatic level [39]. The first experimental phase
evaluated attention and executive function using the Stroop
Test and the BCET, respectively. Next, we evaluated short-
term memory using the Digit Span Test. These tests were
administered on computers using MediaLab Software ©
(New York, USA). After a seven day washout period to allow
the modafinil to clear, the participants returned and were
assigned to the other arm [39]. Thus, each person received
both the modafinil and the placebo during the trial.
Stroop Test [40]: The University of Iowa Stroop Test was
utilized, in the computerized adaptation via Medialab
software. This test requires participants to read color
names (blue, green, red, yellow) that are also printed in
color (blue, green, red, yellow). Their task is to identify the
color in which each word is printed, disregarding the
meaning of the word. There were two conditions: a
congruent condition, in which the color name and the color
of the font are the same, and an incongruent condition, in
which the color name and the color of the font are different.
The variables recorded were: answer precision (the correct
naming of the color) and response latency (in milliseconds).
This recording method yields two types of scoring: precision
and latency for both the congruent and incongruent
condition. The Stroop test primarily assesses selective
attention, given that the participant must ignore distractor
stimuli on the incongruent condition. According to a
systematic review by McLeod, [41] the Stroop Test has
been the most widely-used instrument to evaluate this
cognitive function.
Forward and Backward Digit Span [37]: The "Digit
Span" test is composed of a series of digits shown to the
volunteer and measures short-term memory span,
attentional skill, and sequencing ability. The test is
composed of two sections: forward and backward. In the
forward section, the stimuli must be repeated in sequence;
in the backward section, the stimuli must be repeated in
reverse order. The maximum score for the forward Digit
Span is 8 points, and the maximum score for the Backward
Digit Span is 7 points, which yields a total maximum score
of 15 points. This measure has high split-half reliability
(r=0.89),[42] and acceptable test-retest reliability
(r=0.80) [43].
The Biber Cognitive Estimation Test (BCET) [44]: The
BCET consists of twenty items, five items in each of the
following categories: time/duration, quantity, weight, and
distance/length. The test requires participants to
approximate the answers to questions that do not have
readily apparent answers. For example, “What is the
average length of a man’s spine?” requires the participant
to select an appropriate answer and estimate its
plausibility, but does not require complex
computation [45]. Each answer that falls within a
previously established range scores one point. The
maximum score for this test is twenty points.
Design and data analysis
We chose a randomized, crossover study design based on
the advantageous characteristic that each participant acts
as his or her own control. The allocation sequence was 4 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
concealed by the principal investigator from volunteers,
instructors, and the data analysts.
Based on the methodological design employed, we used
paired t-tests to compare means. Specifically, the analysis
compared the means obtained for each item in the
experimental and placebo condition. The statistical analysis
was performed with Stata 12.0 (Statacorp, College Station,
Texas, USA). The significance level was considered with p
Prior to exclusion, the original sample was composed of 180
medical and psychology students, with ages between
eighteen to twenty years old. As shown in the flowchart
(figure 1) eighteen participants were not included because
of history of either mental disorders, abnormal Prime-MD
scores, or both. One hundred sixty-two participants were
randomly assigned to the groups; however, thirty-four
people did not complete the study. A final sample of 128
volunteers (76 women) completed the trial.
Figure 1: CONSORT flow diagram that graphically outlines the design and conduction of the clinical trial. 5 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
All randomized
n: 162
Completed Trial
n: 128
Age (years)
21.2 (2.55)
21.0 (2.68)
68 (42%)
94 (58%)
52 (41.6%)
76 (59.4%)
Height (meters)
1.67 (0.09)
1.66 (0.08)
Weight (kg)
65.9 (10.9)
65.8 (11.1)
BMI (kg/m2)
23.6 (2.93)
23.7 (2.99)
Table 1. Baseline characteristics subjects recruited for modafinil trial with means (SD).
1. Stroop Test: A significant difference was found
between the experimental and control groups with
regard to the proportion of correct answers in the
congruent condition (p=0.01); however, no difference
was found for the incongruent condition (p=0.81). As
shown in Table 2, there is a significantly shorter
latency for the modafinil group in the incongruent
condition (p<0.05), but no latency difference in the
congruent situation (p=0.15).
2. BCET: No significant differences were found between
the experimental and control groups with regard to the
BCET (items 0-20; p=0.26; Table 2).
3. Digit Span: The total mean score of correct answers in
the Digit Span Test did not reveal significant between-
group differences overall (p=0.26), nor were there
differences for the forward (p=0.85) and backward
(p=0.93) conditions (Table 2).
Experimental group
n = 128
Control group
n = 128
Congruent situation
Incongruent situation
19.80 (0.47)
49.66 (6.33)
19.54 (0.72)
49.83 (4.36)
Congruent situation
Incongruent situation
0.99 (0.02)
0.95 (0.12)
0.98 (0.04)
0.96 (0.08)
Congruent situation
Incongruent situation
1.233 (265)
1.368 (288)
1.282 (390)
1.420 (339)
BCET (score)
17.01 (2.37)
16.83 (2.06)
Forward order
Backwards order
6.40 (1.29)
6.78 (1.49)
6.43 (1.29)
6.77 (1.39)
13.17 (2.10)
13.19 (2.22)
Table 2. Comparison of values of Stroop test, BCET, and Digit Span scores between modafinil and placebo
condition, with means (SD) and p values (paired T test). 6 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
This study showed a positive effect of modafinil on the
cognitive performance of healthy non sleep-deprived young
university students. Differences were found only with
regard to the higher precision of participants using
modafinil in the congruent condition and their shorter
latencies in the incongruent condition of the Stroop Test.
The modafinil group did not show advantages over the
placebo group with regard to short-term memory or
executive function.
Considering that the major strength of this work is
methodological because the crossover design is robust in
pharmacological evaluations--as long as drug clearance can
be assured--this research addresses a phenomenon that, in
our opinion, is highly relevant to university students. Health
and education policies should consider the possible abuse
of this drug, given the belief that it optimizes studying
We found significant between-group differences with regard
to Stroop Test performance in the congruent condition, but
not in the incongruent condition. These results are
inconsistent with previous findings [30][31],[32][31],[46].
We believe that this discrepancy is due to several
differences (i.e., sample size, age range, sleep-deprivation
status, experimental protocols, etc) that make it difficult to
compare our results with those of other studies.
Given that the congruent condition demands less cognitive
resources than the incongruent condition, this result
confirms that modafinil enhances selective attentional
performance when the task has low cognitive exigency. This
result conflicts with those reported by Marchant, who
reported that participants using modafinil attained a better
specific performance on the Attention Shift Task for both
constant and alternating condition (the latter of which has
a high level of difficulty). However, this task is not directly
comparable to the Stroop Test. Marchant states that the
Attention Shift Task mimics an event-based prospective
memory (PM), which requires a person to interrupt an
ongoing activity to retrieve and act upon a previously
formed intention [31]. In a standard PM task, participants
exhibit distinct responses when they recognize new targets
that are associated with a previously formed intention.
These targets appear relatively infrequently and draw
attentional resources. Given that modafinil increases
arousal and that heightened arousal has been shown to
improve sustained attention, attention switching, and
PM, [31] this drug may improve performance in PM-like
tasks such as Attention Shifting Task, but not regarding
selective attention.
In contrast to this result, several studies have
demonstrated a lack of physiological or subjective effects
of modafinil on arousal. However, they have observed an
increase in cognitive function [11],[32],[47],[48],[49]. In
principle, attention-shifting requires similar resources to
PM. In fact, the literature tends to assume that PM and
task-switching capabilities are governed by the same brain
regions (i.e. the prefrontal cortex)[50],[51]. However,
whereas one requires continuous, rapid shifts of attention,
the other requires disengagement from an attention-
demanding task to successfully detect and respond to a
rarely occurring target at the appropriate time.
This observation is not surprising, and it parallels the
inconclusive results of Randall, possibly due to modafinil's
best effect when used for disadvantageous conditions (e.g.,
illness or sleep deprivation), and to restore the basal
cognitive level [33]. This means that it allows the nervous
system to function and attain full arousal levels, but there
is no evidence for cognition improvement in an already
awakened individual.
An unexpected finding of our trial was that the Stroop Test
latency in the incongruent condition was significantly
shorter in the modafinil group compared to the control
group. Thus, modafinil does not improve precision but it
does shorten reaction time in the incongruent condition.
The participants did not show significant between- group
differences with regard to working memory or executive
function. Although our results diverge with those of Turner
and Randall [29],[32],[46], they agree with those of
Baranski, et al. and Müller [30],[36]. This result may be
due to the effects of modafinil being mediated by a plethora
of variables that have not been fully studied (particularly
IQ) [52].
The benefits of modafinil on different memory and
executive function for people with sleep disorders or
pathologies that involve attention impairment appear
irrefutable [1], but our goal to make results more
generalizable to healthy populations remains ambiguous
and requires further research.
Although participants were told to be well-rested, they may
have misreported, or they may have had sleep disorders.
Therefore, a potential limitation of this study is that sleep
quality was not assessed with the exception of the briefing
protocol. It must be considered that our design and the
large sample size allowed us to detect very significant
statistical differences regarding the Stroop test; whether
these statistical differences are clinically relevant may be
With regard to the ecological validity of this study, it should
be noted that modafinil is consumed by students in order
to improve academic performance. For this reason, studies
like the current trial, which assess the effectiveness of this
drug using tasks that assess studying abilities, are
pertinent. Nevertheless, it is advisable to complement this
research with investigations directed toward other aspects
of memory and executive function.
As a conclusion, modafinil does not enhance the global
cognitive performance of healthy non-sleep-deprived
students, except regarding non-demanding tasks. In
particular, this drug does not seem to have positive effects
on the basic mental processes that sustain studying tasks
in the college population under normal conditions. We
expect these findings to demystify the use of this drug and
help decision making concerning pharmacological public
policies. 7 doi: 10.5867/medwave.2015.05.6166
Conflicts of Interests
The authors have completed the conflict of interests
declaration form from the ICMJE, and declare not having
any conflict of interests with the matter dealt herein. Forms
can be requested to the responsible author or the editorial
direction of the Journal.
Ethical issues
Participants signed an informed consent form. The protocol
was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Faculty
of Medicine Universidad de Valparaíso under authorization
code 04/2010 CEFM, and was registered on the Clinical
Trials website ( under code
Institutional Support
Dirección de Investigación de la Universidad de Valparaíso
- Grant 05/2006.
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... Stroop -to assess response inhibition) showed that ADs have beneficial effects on this construct [75] and vortioxetine increases cognitive function in MDD independently from the improvement of other depressive symptoms. Modafinil also significantly improved the results of the Stroop paradigm [76][77][78]; however other cognitive tests showed no changes in some studies [77]. Modafinil efficacy seems to be related to large scale effects on brain-level networks rather than specific areas [78]. ...
... Modafinil also significantly improved the results of the Stroop paradigm [76][77][78]; however other cognitive tests showed no changes in some studies [77]. Modafinil efficacy seems to be related to large scale effects on brain-level networks rather than specific areas [78]. Studies using the SSRI citalopram suggested that a deficient response inhibition could be a predictor of poor treatment response [79]. ...
... Interestingly, SSRIs show little to no effect on symptoms related to the cognitive control subconstruct [79]. However, this appears to be positively influenced by vortioxetine and modafinil (Stroop paradigm) treatment [75,76,78]. Regarding the working memory construct, aripiprazole (with some adverse effects), fluoxetine, modafinil, and bupropion exert enhancing memory effects, even though the latter was demonstrated in females only [63,81,83,86,88]. ...
Background Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and its frequent partial response to antidepressants are a major health concern and therefore an important focus of research. Despite the efforts, MDD pathogenesis and the mechanisms of antidepressant action are only partially understood. In the last few years, the need of rethinking the classification of depressive disorders and psychiatric disorders in general has been suggested, in order to provide a nosology that reflects more closely the biological background associated with disease pathogenesis and its role/significance in treatment. The classification proposed by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), namely the research domain criteria (RDoC), may represent a key framework to guide research in this direction. Methods A literature search was performed on PubMed and Google Scholar databases in order to retrieve data regarding Antidepressants effects on specific RDoC constructs. Further, the targets of drugs of interest were identified through Drugbank database, and their possible function within RDoC constructs was discussed. Discussion In this review we summarize and discuss the significance of the results of pre-clinical and clinical studies investigating specific RDoC paradigms relevant to depressive phenotypes and antidepressant effects.
... Modafinil was found to improve attention and memory while helping to maintain wakefulness in well-rested individuals (57). However, some studies note that, particularly in healthy, non-sleep-deprived college students, modafinil does not have positive effects on sustaining studying except for nondemanding tasks (58). This evidence points out that modafinil has limited potential as a cognitive enhancer if the individual is not sleep-deprived (59). ...
... The effects of another cognitive enhancer, modafinil, have been found to be inconsistent and varying among sleepdeprived and non-sleep-deprived individuals (59). Fernández et al. (58) reported that non-sleep-deprived, healthy students do not benefit from modafinil, which is often used for its enhancing effects on studying and focus. Since no significant difference between 100 mg and 200 mg doses of modafinil was reported and the safety of the drug remains unclear in healthy and non-sleep-deprived individuals, its effectiveness as a cognitive enhancer seems to be lacking (59). ...
... Fernández et al. reported less mistakes on the Stroop test after 200 mg intake 63 and Rattray et al. reported better reaction times with 400 mg when taking into account time on task. 64 However, Rattray et al. observed a negative impact on physical performance in physically active participants. ...
... No effects were found for short-term, visual, or verbal memory. 38,59,60,63,65 ...
Introduction: Modafinil is an eugeroic drug that has been examined to maintain or recover wakefulness, alertness, and cognitive performance when sleep deprived. In a nonmilitary context, the use of modafinil as a nootropic or smart drug, i.e., to improve cognitive performance without being sleep deprived, increases. Although cognitive performance is receiving more explicit attention in a military context, research into the impact of modafinil as a smart drug in function of operationality is lacking. Therefore, the current review aimed at presenting a current state-of-the-art and research agenda on modafinil as a smart drug. Beside the question whether modafinil has an effect or not on cognitive performance, we examined four research questions based on the knowledge on modafinil in sleep-deprived subjects: (1) Is there a difference between the effect of modafinil as a smart drug when administered in repeated doses versus one single dose?; (2) Is the effect of modafinil as a smart drug dose-dependent?; (3) Are there individual-related and/or task-related impact factors?; and (4) What are the reported mental and/or somatic side effects of modafinil as a smart drug? Method: We conducted a systematic search of the literature in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus, using the search terms "Modafinil" and "Cognitive enhance*" in combination with specific terms related to the research questions. The inclusion criteria were studies on healthy human subjects with quantifiable cognitive outcome based on cognitive tasks. Results: We found no literature on the impact of a repeated intake of modafinil as a smart drug, although, in users, intake occurs on a regular basis. Moreover, although modafinil was initially said to comprise no risk for abuse, there are now indications that modafinil works on the same neurobiological mechanisms as other addictive stimulants. There is also no thorough research into a potential risk for overconfidence, whereas this risk was identified in sleep-deprived subjects. Furthermore, eventual enhancing effects were beneficial only in persons with an initial lower performance level and/or performing more difficult tasks and modafinil has an adverse effect when used under time pressure and may negatively impact physical performance. Finally, time-on-task may interact with the dose taken. Discussion: The use of modafinil as a smart drug should be examined in function of different military profiles considering their individual performance level and the task characteristics in terms of cognitive demands, physical demands, and sleep availability. It is not yet clear to what extent an improvement in one component (e.g., cognitive performance) may negatively affect another component (e.g., physical performance). Moreover, potential risks for abuse and overconfidence in both regular and occasional intake should be thoroughly investigated to depict the trade-off between user benefits and unwanted side effects. We identified that there is a current risk to the field, as this trade-off has been deemed acceptable for sleep-deprived subjects (considering the risk of sleep deprivation to performance) but this reasoning cannot and should not be readily transposed to non-sleep-deprived individuals. We thus conclude against the use of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer in military contexts that do not involve sleep deprivation.
... Relative to placebo, 600 mg modafinil improved inhibitory performance in a go/ no-go task. In addition, Fernández et al. (2015) reported fewer mistakes on the Stroop test after 200 mg intake, and Rattray et al. (2019) reported better reaction times with 400 mg when taking into account time on task. However, in contrast, Mohamed & Lewis (2014) reported significantly longer mean response latencies in participants after intake of 200 mg modafinil for both the response initiation and response inhibition compared to placebo. ...
... Without memory, it is impossible to study and even more impossible to think, so having a fast and good memory is always a major advantage. In recent years, there have been many studies on short-term memory in developed and developing countries [6], [7], [8], [9]. In Vietnam, most of these studies are conducted on elementary, secondary, and high school students [10], [11], [12], [13]. ...
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Background: Short-term memory is the foundation of long-term memory, which greatly influences cognitive activities, especially in the field of education. Medical students contribute to showing an overview of the characteristics of short-term memory of medical students in particular and students in general in a developing country like Vietnam. Objectives: Surveying the characteristics of visual and auditory short-term memory through numerical data and image data in medical students. Materials and methods: Using a cross-sectional descriptive design method on 160 medical students studying at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy. The study includes surveys of visual and auditory short-term memory using two types of numerical and image information, using a questionnaire built based on the Nachaive method in the form of online through a website app and collected the results via email. Results: The median results of visual short-term memory (VSTM) in numerical and image data are 11 and 12 respectively. The VSTM figure in numerical data shows that the highest score is 12 (f=46). The VSTM figure in image data records that the score 12 has a dominant frequency (f=87). The median results of auditory short-term memory (ASTM) in numerical and image forms are 10 and 9 respectively. The ASTM figure in numerical data shows that the highest score is 12 (f=32). The ASTM figure in image data notes that score 9 has the highest frequency (f=37). Conclusions: Students of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy have visual short-term memory that is superior to auditory short-term memory in terms of memorization. The results of visual short-term memory in image data are better than visual short-term memory in numerical data. Conversely, the results of auditory short-term memory in numerical data are better than auditory short-term memory in image data.
... Efektem działania leku jest zwiększone czuwanie oraz poprawa funkcji wykonawczych u osób z deficytem snu, jak również u zdrowych chcących zniwelować jego niedobór na przykład podczas nocnej nauki. Badania wpływu modafinilu na wyższe procesy poznawcze udowadniają pozytywny efekt na skupienie i wybiórczość uwagi oraz skrócenie czasu reakcji, jednak nie zaobserwowano poprawy pamięci krótkotrwałej i zdolności osądu (Fernández et al., 2015). ...
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Modern pharmacology is used not only in therapy, but also in many everyday areas of life, such as sports or science. Just as doping agents increase efficiency and strength, nootropic drugs affect the ability to concentrate and remembering, and therefore enjoy growing interest in the academic community. The most commonly used are stimulants, including amphetamine, methylphenidate, modafinil, caffeine and nicotine. Many substances commonly considered to be so-called smart drugs improve cognitive abilities, but their pro-health value is questionable. The aim of the study is to analyze various aspects of the phenomenon of using stimulants by students during learning, i.e. mechanisms of action and effectiveness, side effects and users’ awareness of potential threats.
... Mucho de los consumidores afirmaron tener mejoras en su rendimiento académico por el consumo de modafinilo. En este sentido, algunos autores consideran que los estudios sobre los efectos de neuromejora de este tipo de fármacos han sido poco concluyentes y que podrían estar alimentando falsas creencias sobre la eficacia de estas sustancias (41); incluso, algunos estudios muestran que no parece tener efectos positivos en los que sustentan tareas de estudio en la población universitaria bajo condiciones normales (42). Las conclusiones de estas investigaciones alertan sobre la necesidad de desarrollar métodos de estudio más fiables y mejor evaluados respecto de los efectos de este fármaco en la mejora de las personas sanas (43). ...
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Introducción: Modafinilo es un fármaco aprobado para la somnolencia excesiva asociada con narcolepsia, trastorno del trabajo por turnos y apnea obstructiva del sueño; sin embargo, es consumido también por personas sanas en diferentes ámbitos sociales, siendo los estudiantes universitarios una de las poblaciones más propensas al uso no medicado de este fármaco. Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia y patrones de uso, conocimientos, precepciones y efectos indeseados de este en estudiantes de un programa de medicina de una universidad de la ciudad de Cartagena - Colombia. Métodos. Estudio de prevalencia sobre una muestra de 269 estudiantes de un programa de medicina. Se diseñó, validó, aplicó un instrumento para caracterizar el uso no medicado de modafinilo en esta población y se llevó a cabo un análisis descriptivo. La comparación de grupos fue realizada usando la prueba de chi al cuadrado con un nivel de significación de 0,05. Resultados. El 6,7% (n=18; IC95%: 3,7 – 9,7) de los sujetos han consumido modafinilo sin prescripción médica, presentándose en gran parte de los casos algún efecto indeseado. El inicio de uso se dio mayormente en el tercer semestre académico de la carrera, en época de exámenes, buscando aumentar la capacidad intelectual y/o mante- nerse despierto. Existe poco conocimiento sobre el uso médico del fármaco. Conclusión. La prevalencia de uso no medicado de modafinilo en los estudiantes de medicina de esta institución fue baja, coherente con otros estudios sobre poblaciones similares.
... In line with this, Fernández et al. [65] carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial to evaluate the effect of modafinil versus placebo on the cognitive functions of 160 healthy students using the Stroop, Biber Cognitive Estimation (BCET), and digit span tests. While a significant difference favouring modafinil versus placebo was identified in the proportion of Stroop test correct answers, no differences were found in digit span or BCET tests. ...
... In line with this, Fernández et al. [65] carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial to evaluate the effect of modafinil versus placebo on the cognitive functions of 160 healthy students using the Stroop, Biber Cognitive Estimation (BCET), and digit span tests. While a significant difference favouring modafinil versus placebo was identified in the proportion of Stroop test correct answers, no differences were found in digit span or BCET tests. ...
'Smart drugs' (also known as 'nootropics' and 'cognitive enhancers' [CEs]) are being used by healthy subjects (i.e. students and workers) typically to improve memory, attention, learning, executive functions and vigilance, hence the reference to a 'pharmaceutical cognitive doping behaviour'. While the efficacy of known CEs in individuals with memory or learning deficits is well known, their effect on non-impaired brains is still to be fully assessed. This paper aims to provide an overview on the prevalence of use; putative neuroenhancement benefits and possible harms relating to the intake of the most popular CEs (e.g. amphetamine-type stimulants, methylphenidate, donepezil, selegiline, modafinil, piracetam, benzodiazepine inverse agonists, and unifiram analogues) in healthy individuals. CEs are generally perceived by the users as effective, with related enthusiastic anecdotal reports; however, their efficacy in healthy individuals is uncertain and any reported improvement temporary. Conversely, since most CEs are stimulants, the related modulation of central noradrenaline, glutamate, and dopamine levels may lead to cardiovascular, neurological and psychopathological complications. Furthermore, use of CEs can be associated with paradoxical short- and long-term cognitive decline; decreased potential for plastic learning; and addictive behaviour. Finally, the non-medical use of any potent psychotropic raises serious ethical and legal issues, with nootropics having the potential to become a major public health concern. Further studies investigating CE-associated social, psychological, and biological outcomes are urgently needed to allow firm conclusions to be drawn on the appropriateness of CE use in healthy individuals.
Modafinil, methyphenidate (MPH) and d-amphetamine (d-amph) are putative cognitive enhancers. However, efficacy of cognitive enhancement has yet to be fully established. We examined cognitive performance in healthy non-sleep-deprived adults following modafinil, MPH, or d-amph vs placebo in 3 meta-analyses, using subgroup analysis by cognitive domain; executive functions (updating, switching, inhibitory control, access to semantic/long term memory), spatial working memory, recall, selective attention, and sustained attention. We adhered to PRISMA. We identified k = 47 studies for analysis; k = 14 studies (64 effect sizes) for modafinil, k = 24 studies (47 effect sizes) for Methylphenidate, and k = 10 (27 effect sizes) for d-amph. There was an overall effect of modafinil (SMD=0.12, p=.01). Modafinil improved memory updating (SMD=0.28, p=.03). There was an overall effect of MPH (SMD=0.21, p=.0004) driven by improvements in recall (SMD=0.43, p=.0002), sustained attention (SMD=0.42, p=.0004), and inhibitory control (SMD=0.27, p=.03). There were no effects for d-amph. MPH and modafinil show enhancing effects in specific sub-domains of cognition. However, data with these stimulants is far from positive if we consider that effects are small, in experiments that do not accurately reflect their actual use in the wider population. There is a user perception that these drugs are effective cognitive enhancers, but this is not supported by the evidence so far.
Objectives Stimulant medications appear effective at restoring simple alertness and psychomotor vigilance in sleep deprived individuals, but it is not clear whether these medications are effective at restoring higher order complex cognitive capacities such as planning, sequencing, and decision making. Design After 44 hours awake, participants received a double-blind dose of one of 3 stimulant medications or placebo. After 45-50 hours awake, participants were tested on computerized versions of the 5-Ring Tower of Hanoi (TOH), the Tower of London (TOL), and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Setting In-residence sleep-laboratory facility at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. Participants Fifty-four healthy adults (29 men, 25 women), ranging in age from 18 to 36 years. Interventions Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 stimulant medication groups, including caffeine, 600 mg (n = 12), modafinil, 400 mg (n = 12), dextroamphetamine, 20 mg (n = 16), or placebo (n = 14). Measurements and Results At the doses tested, modafinil and dextroamphetamine groups completed the TOL task in significantly fewer moves than the placebo group, and the modafinil group demonstrated greater deliberation before making moves. In contrast, subjects receiving caffeine completed the TOH in fewer moves than all 3 of the other groups, although speed of completion was not influenced by the stimulants. Finally, the modafinil group outperformed all other groups on indices of perseverative responding and perseverative errors from the WCST. Conclusions Although comparisons across tasks cannot be made due to the different times of administration, within-task comparisons suggest that, at the doses tested here, each stimulant may produce differential advantages depending on the cognitive demands of the task.
Background: While depression is known to involve a disturbance of mood, movement and cognition, its associated cognitive deficits are frequently viewed as simple epiphenomena of the disorder. Aims: To review the status of cognitive deficits in depression and their putative neurobiological underpinnings. Method: Selective computerised review of the literature examining cognitive deficits in depression and their brain correlates. Results: Recent studies report both mnemonic deficits and the presence of executive impairment--possibly selective for set-shifting tasks--in depression. Many studies suggest that these occur independent of age, depression severity and subtype, task 'difficulty', motivation and response bias: some persist upon clinical 'recovery'. Conclusions: Mnemonic and executive deficits do no appear to be epiphenomena of depressive disorder. A focus on the interactions between motivation, affect and cognitive function may allow greater understanding of the interplay between key aspects of the dorsal and ventral aspects of the prefrontal cortex in depression.
Objectives: Modafinil has recently been approved for the treatment of shift work sleep disorder, making it potentially available for shift-working emergency physicians. The authors' objectives were to determine whether modafinil improved cognitive performance of emergency physicians following overnight shifts and to record symptoms and subjective evaluations of the effect of modafinil on the participants. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study that followed CONSORT guidelines. Participants were assigned to one of two study groups, with study sessions occurring at least seven weeks apart, and received either modafinil or placebo depending on their random allocation. Testing after night shifts included a coding task and an AX version of the Continuous Performance Task, both of which test cognitive function. Participants also completed visual analog scales for three subjective outcomes, and symptoms were elicited. Results: Modafinil facilitated performance on long interstimulus-interval AX trials (F [1, 23] = 6.65, p = 0.1) and marginally reduced errors on AY trials in the Continuous Performance Task (F [1, 23] = 3.59, p = 0.07), suggesting facilitation of sustained attention, cognitive control, and working memory. Additionally, modafinil, compared with placebo, facilitated performance on the coding task at the first session. Subjective data from visual analog scales confirmed that modafinil increased perceived alertness during the simulated patient care sessions but worsened sleep onset when opportunities for sleep arose. Conclusions: Modafinil increased certain aspects of cognitive function and subjectively improved participants' ability to attend post-night-shift didactic sessions but made it more difficult for participants to fall asleep when opportunities for sleep arose.