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Article on Personal Financial Management
Thulasimani Munohsamy
Institut Teknologi Brunei
Financial experts agree that while people have much more money today than they did
generations ago, the amount of knowledge on how to manage that money hasn’t kept pace- not at
all (Maura Fogarty, 2012). Taking charge of planning and managing our finances and putting it
into practice is very important for every individual. This is not only to set up our household
budget but also to save, invest as well as plan for our retirement. In this writing, the meaning of
financial management, the importance of financial management, how each individual can take
steps to manage and plan their finances and the awareness of financial management in Brunei are
discussed. The objective of this writing is to create awareness to people the importance of
planning and managing their personal finances besides, educating the readers on how to plan and
manage every individual’s finances for their better today and future which also indirectly leads to
the development of the nation.
Financial experts agree that while people have much more money today than they did
generations ago, the amount of knowledge on how to manage that money hasn’t kept pace- not at
all (Maura Fogarty, 2012). Taking charge of planning and managing our finance and putting it
into implementation is very important for every individual. We must know how to take control of
our money. This is not only to set up our household budget but also to save for the future as well
as plan for our retirement and invest for our better future. This is also important as every
individual would like to live debt free and not going through stressful life, working until our old
age just to survive and educate our children. Every human being should have this awareness and
know the importance of their financial planning and management. This writing would be very
helpful for those who have less awareness on the importance of personal financial management
and also helpful for those who are determined to take charge of their finance and let the money
work for them. In this writing, the meaning of financial management, the importance of financial
management, how every individual can take steps to manage and plan their finances and the
awareness of financial management in Brunei are discussed.
Personal Financial Management
According to Towanda Mitchell, financial management is handling our financial situation in a
responsible manner to achieve financial independence (UMBC Money Matters Seminar, n.d). It
deals with managing money in all areas of life. Financial management includes personal
financial management and organization management. Personal financial management helps us to
manage the finance of our home which includes budgeting, saving, investing, debt management
and other aspects related to personal money where by an individual can achieve personal goals
(Bimal Bhatt, 2011). In other words, personal financial management is the process of controlling
income and organizing expenses through a detailed financial plan. Learning to keep track of
money coming in, and tailoring the use of this money to fit expenses provides a systematic way
and utilizing income (Joseph Wilner, 2009).
Personal financial management is a key component to making our money work for us.
This requires planning. Planning is the process of making a proper lay down procedure of doing
things and following them to achieve the expected objectives or targets (,
2012). Financial planning is an evolving plan that changes as we grow in our career path and
move on in our life stages, it is a plan that needs to be reviewed as the circumstances change for
example getting married, buying a house and raising family. As our life goals and financial status
changes, we will have to actively review our financial plans to see if we will be able to achieve
the financial goals within the given time line (Career Success for, 2006). Why is
personal financial planning and management very important for every individual in this world?
Personal financial management leads every individual to live a better life. The more successful
we are with our finances, the better our lives will be either today or down in the line. The
importance for financial management in detail is discussed in the next section.
The Importance of Personal Financial Management
In our personal life, financial management helps us to create a comfortable life with an assurance
of a secured future and freedom to spend money to keep us happy. The importance of financial
planning and management is reflected in all areas of personal and business life. All individual no
matter what their financial capacity is must learn and study financial management and adapt it to
improve their life (Bimal Bhatt,2011).
The importance of personal financial management is, it enables to improve standard of
living, which leads to good health and financial stress reduces considerably. Besides that, it also
enables the individual to take better financial decision which reduces poverty, reduces debts and
increases savings and investments (Bimal Bhatt, 2011). In summary it is important for every
individual to know the importance and benefits of personal financial management which leads to
stress free, financial free and secured life. Many of us were not taught the importance of
personal money management when we were young. We did not learn to save, invest, allocate or
how to make the money work for us. By knowing the importance of personal financial
management only is not enough, steps should be taken to plan, organise and manage our personal
finances. Many of us are in debt, have no idea how we got here and do not know how to start
digging ourselves out (J.Scott, 2009). Today we can break the vicious cycle by teaching the
young ones to better manage their finances. Therefore in the following section, how one can
manage and plan their personal finances is discussed.
Steps to Personal Financial Management
The first and foremost step that one has to take to plan and manage their personal finances is by
setting up a budget. It takes effort and if one do it right, the benefits outweigh the time invested.
A good budget doesn’t only help to save money, it also helps you to stay on track in reaching
your savings goals. The budgeting starts with an individual’s monthly salary income which
includes salary, rental income from our property that we own, fixed deposit interest and any
income that comes in on monthly basis. Once we know how much money is earned, the next step
would be to see how much we spend. We should keep track on every singly expenditure of ours.
Expenditure is divided into three categories, namely fixed expenses which include annual
housing, insurance, car payments, fixed payments that do not change from month to month. This
then can be divided by twelve to get the average monthly cost. Next category is the committed
expenses where the utilities, hand phone charges, food, transportation, credit card payments,
childrens’ school fees and books and allowances for elderly parents, which we are committed to
pay every month. The third category is the discretionary expenses which include spending on
clothing, entertainment, books, childrens’ extracurricular activities and medical bills (Maura
Fogarty, 2012). Once you have listed down all this, then you will have a clear picture of your
money coming in and going out.
Based on this cash flow, every individual should be aware of how much money we earn
and spend in a month. If our expenses are more than our income, then it is time for us to cut our
expenses. Whichever expenditure, which we think that we can cut the cost, we should do it
immediately. We can start reducing our expenses with discretionary expenditure and change our
lifestyle so that we are able to spend less than what we earn (Maura Fogarty, 2012). This is
because when our expenditure is more that our incomes, then we are automatically in debt.
Therefore we should be aware of this and start taking steps from young before it is to late.
Next step is our savings. How much money should every individual save every month? A
general rule of thumb is we should be saving at least 10% to 15% of our income. This is just a
minimum amount, it is advisable to save more. At times it may seem that after paying all the
bills, there is very little left for us to save. However, it is crucial to save especially for
emergencies and also for future investments like buying a house or paying for our child’s
education and also for our retirement. Many of us spend first and then save the rest. However,
the secret of successful saving is to pay our self first before paying others. Since we should be
saving around 10% to 15% of our income, then we should calculate how much it comes to and
transfer it to our savings to a separate bank account immediately after we receive our pay every
month and keep the rest to spend for the month (Maura Fogarty, 2012). If we save first, then at
the end of the month we don’t have the stress to leave some amount of money to save.
Sometimes we might be tempted to buy things with the extra money that we have. To avoid all
this, the best is to save first and spend after. This way we actually will know how much money is
left for us to spend for the rest of the month and we can budget our self to only use the money
that is left. Besides that, this also indirectly helps us to avoid overspending.
On the other hand, besides saving, every individual should establish an emergency fund
to cover unexpected expenses like fixing our car or medical emergency. The general
recommendation will is five times our monthly salary.After establishing emergency fund, each
individual should start planning for long term objectives such as retirement. One of the most
important things that everyone forgets other than saving is to make the savings work for us. If the
money is just sitting in a savings account over time, inflation will erode its value. Therefore the
money should be invested. According to Maura (2012), inflation is around 2%, so our money
loses buying power every day if it is left idle. The most common areas to invest are in property,
stocks and bonds. How do we know what properties, stocks and bonds to buy? This is where
educating ourselves on this matter comes in place. Successful investors aren’t made overnight
and a note to take is that all investments involve some risk taking (Maura Fogarty, 2011). By just
listening to friends is not sufficient to learn about investment. Reading books and attending
seminars on investments really helps. We can learn about properties, stocks and bonds. The wide
knowledge from the books and from the seminars attended, can guide us to invest wisely and
make our money work for us.
Next and the most famous debt that people get into is the credit card debt. Credit cards
are very convenient to use, we don’t have to carry cash around to buy things. No doubt that it is
convenient to use, however if it is misused, then you are going to be in debt. People do get
tempted when they have credit cards especially if they want to buy certain things even though
they do not have the money needed, thinking that it can be paid monthly in small amounts after
paying for it using credit cards. Most people do this. They get even more tempted when banks
offer many privileges if we hold their bank credit cards. This is how most people fall into the
credit card trap. Everyone should understand the credit card trap. The credit card companies
don’t want us to pay in full each month. This is because they don’t earn money if we do that.
They make money by charging interest on the balance we roll over from month to month.
Therefore, this can be a trap. We may be tempted to pay the minimum payment but that’s a bad
idea. Often these payments barely cover the interest due. Everyone should be aware that credit
cards have the highest interest rates, nearly 3% per month which compounds to 40% per year
(Maura Fogarty, 2012).
The annual rate payable to borrow using a credit card is usually between 15% and 20% in
most countries. This can add up to substantial amounts if spending by credit card is not
controlled. In fact credit cards can pose multiple traps: spending is much harder to control than
when using cash, fees are incurred without realizing it, and excessive debt can result from less
controlled spending (Mark Daniell & Karin Daniell, 2006). In order to get out of the credit card
debt, first everyone should pay as much as we can to clear the debt. We can make bigger
payments on the cards with higher interest rates and minimum payments on the cards with lower
rates. If we cannot manage clearing of our credit card debts, then the final resort would be
getting credit card counseling from a consumer society or financial consultant or planner where
they can help to negotiate with banks to set up payment schedule and even reduce the interest
rate (Maura Fogarty, 2012). In summary, one should be very careful with credit cards use and
use credit card wisely by paying off at the end of each month and make sure to limit the number
of cards that we own to avoid unnecessary expenses and debts.
Besides using credit card wisely, another important step in managing our finances is
planning our retirement. It is never too early to start planning for our retirement. The sooner we
start, the better it would be for our future. How much money we need to retire? This depends on
what we want to do when we retire. A common estimate to live comfortably is two third of our
current income assuming we have paid off our loans and have no children expenses. Everyone
should have medical insurance for retirement because due to the age, we may need more money
for checkups and medicines (Maura Fogarty, 2012). So, other than saving money for retirement,
it would be wise for us to sign up for medical insurance early in order to retire well in the future.
Falling ill when we are ageing is common so if we have medical insurance, it can cover the
expenses of our medical bills. In conclusion, savings alone won’t build up our egg nest. With
proper planning, being consistent and discipline, our hard earned money can work for us.
Making adjustments to our planning as our income changes is also essential. Most importantly
everyone should be realistic on their planning and by putting this into practice, we can
successfully manage our finances wisely. According to Maura (2012), personal financial
planning is not a rocket science which is difficult to learn. It requires determination and
discipline. It also does require a plan, commitment and a long term view to manage our finances
efficiently. Therefore if every individual follows these steps, we will be able not only to save
money and retire peacefully but also could live a happy life due to the financial freedom that we
have. This is applicable to every human being in this world. As for Brunei Darussalam, many
steps are taken to create awareness on the personal financial management for every citizen to
plan and manage their money well in order to live happily and create a knowledgeable and
developed nation.
Personal Financial Management Awareness in Brunei
In Brunei Darussalam, where the government provides generous welfare benefits has in a way
created a social dilemma where the society is becoming more complacent especially in having
proper personal financial management. Brunei Darussalam has one of the highest incomes per
capita in the world. According to UN Human Development Index 2006, Brunei was positioned at
thirtieth among 175 countries and second among ASEAN member countries. Many believed that
Brunei is among the most generous nations in providing welfare to its population. The
government provides numerous social benefits among others are no income tax, free education
and free healthcare. However this circumstances hast its own drawback which makes the
population more complacent. In a study undertaken by Universiti Brunei Darussalam revealed
that many Bruneians are too comfortable with their present day situation and are not very
concerned about their future and therefore resist changes. This is particularly apparent with
regards to personal financial matters. A country with a population of around 400 000 recorded
private debts almost BND$2 billion in the forms of personal loans and credit cards in 2003. It has
been suggested that the main cause of this financial mess is due to their unhealthy and imprudent
spending behavior whereby they spend lavishly on discretionary products (Saving, n.d).
Realizing this effect, the government is effectively pursuing two changes in the system
which is to instill and encourage a savings culture among the Bruneian public and to motivate
banks to diversify their product offerings and venture into other innovative financial products
(Oxford Business Group, 2008). Financial Planning has recently been highlighted in the
newspapers and by various government authorities, including His Majesty Sultan and Yang Di-
Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, where in one of his titahs he addressed one of the concerns - the
importance of personal financial management (Borneo Bulletin, 2007). People are being taught
and given courses to create more awareness in this field.
Besides that, realizing the credit card traps, steps are also taken by the government to
control the use of credit cards. For example, in 2010 Brunei’s total credit card roll-over balance
in the third quarter stood at $343.6 million which is a 100 per cent rise from the $172.8 million
recorded in 2005, (The Brunei Times, 2010). Therefore financial regulators in Brunei have
placed restrictions to overcome the problem by the Ministry of Finance by setting up rules for
credit cardholder where their incomes will determine credit card spending limits. Moreover
individuals who are heavily indebted to credit card providers are advised to convert their debts
into personal loans to mitigate the impact of new Ministry of Finance directives governing credit
card debts. A personal loan is 70 per cent cheaper than credit card debts. Personal loans have an
approximate of seven to eight per cent interest rates as opposed to the almost 30 per cent rate on
credit cards.
The banks in Brunei too were helpful in this matter. For example Hong Kong Shanghai Bank
Corporation (HSBC) has set up a helpline for individuals who need clarifications on credit card
guidelines. The global bank was also willing to assist and advise clients on options to restructure
existing loans and attractive rates were given to customers who place deposits to cover their
credit card limit and customers were provided with the ability to build up required deposits over
time through monthly savings or investment plans (The Brunei Times, 2010). Besides that Bank
Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) also offers to buy customers' credit card debts with other banks
and help them pay off these obligations at a lower cost. This in exchange for customers
transferring their payroll accounts to the Islamic bank (The Brunei Times, 2010). Many steps like
these were taken by banks and government bodies to manage the credit card problems faced in
The government also has formulated a national policy on saving culture by regulating the
financial sector and organizing awareness campaign to the public. One such project is Saving
Culture, Financial Literacy and Smart spending in Brunei targeting the Universiti Brunei
Darussalam students. It is because it is known for its largest tertiary education institution in
Brunei with more than 2800 students. They are targeted primarily to provide them with adequate
financial knowledge and skills that can prepare them before entering the workforce. This project
utilizes the Transition Management Framework, firstly using the blog sites to provide useful
information, then identifying the frontrunners as the key group of people for the project,
simultaneously implementing an online survey to get the feedback from the community as well
raising the concerns to them, subsequently developing coalition with important stakeholders and
eventually organizing a seminar on financial planning (Saving, n.d).
Another such event was organized by the HSBC, Tutong joint efforts with Ministry of
Culture, Youth and Sports in Tutong. They conducted a financial planning session for officers,
staff and youth based in the Tutong District. The objective of this event is to spread awareness
and the importance of financial planning (The Brunei Times, 2012). There are many such events
taking place in many institutions and organization in Brunei especially the government itself.
These are just a few examples. This shows that the government sectors and private sectors are
working hand in hand to increase the awareness of the importance of personal financial
management and active steps are taken to educate the people of Brunei which indirectly develops
the economy of the country in the long run. However, it is important to take note that it is the
individuals’ effort to get them educated financially and take appropriate actions that matters as
the organizations can only help them to certain extend, they can’t spoon feed us.
Based on this writing, it can be concluded that it is very important for every individual to plan
and manage their personal finances in order to lead a happy live. It is important for every
individual to have personal financial plan in order to meet their financial goals and obligation,
help to retire in comfort, achieve financial freedom, make rational financial decisions and take
advantage of every financial opportunity. We are all not born with these knowledge, so it should
be everyone’s responsibility to learn the strategies to plan and manage our personal financial as
this does not only help to lead us to a happy life but also contribute to the development of the
nation in the long run.
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Bimal Bhatt. (2011). Financial Management Importance. (From) Retrieved 12 April
Borneo Bulletin. (2007). Manage Your Finance with Proper Planning. 27 October 2007
Career Success for Newbies. (2006). Importance of Financial Planning for Fresh Graduates
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D. Mark & D.Karin. (2006). Wealth Wisdom for Everyone. Singapore : World Scientific
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... También, esta institución menciona que actualmente alrededor de la mitad de los mexicanos sigue creyendo que no es necesario ahorrar para la vejez y piensan que sus hijos deben ser quienes se ocupen de ellos mismos en el futuro, sin embargo, nada garantiza que suceda eso, pues el futuro es incierto Actualmente, el existente bajo nivel de educación financiera se ha relacionado con el abuso del crédito, así como el llevar una vida que va más allá de lo que les permitiría vivir a los individuos. Es por eso por lo que el manejo de las finanzas personales ayuda a mejorar el entorno financiero de las personas ya sea en el hogar u otros aspectos personales de la vida que tienen que ver con la administración del dinero donde se incluyen herramientas como presupuestos, ahorro e inversiones, todo esto para ayudar a alcanzar las metas personales (Munohsamy, 2005). ...
... Las finanzas personales se definen como el proceso que tiene un individuo de controlar sus ingresos y organizar sus gastos a través de una planificación financiera detallada. Aprender a hacer un seguimiento del dinero que ingresa y adaptar este dinero como un traje a la medida que se ajuste a los gastos proporciona una forma sistemática y eficiente de manejar los ingresos de un individuo (Munohsamy, 2005) Para Huston (2010) la educación financiera se basa en dos niveles, el primero es el conocimiento y el segundo su uso, por lo que el modelo de educación financiera que propone es que la educación financiera, el conocimiento y aplicación del individuo, en materia financiera personal, se puede obtener como resultado la buena toma de decisiones financieras, con lo que a su vez brindará un bienestar financiero, mismo que se ampliará más adelante. Borghino (2012) hace mención sobre algunos puntos relevantes para llevar a cabo un buen manejo de finanzas personales las cuales son: mantener una educación financiera, estar pendiente del crédito, pago de deudas en fecha correspondiente y ahorro constante. ...
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Lograr llevar a cabo finanzas personales suele parecer una tarea muy sencilla, sin embargo, para lograrlo es necesario una serie de conocimientos y habilidades financieras. No obstante, las personas no cuentan con una amplia alfabetización financiera, lo cual hace difícil esta labor de alcanzar una salud financiera, misma que se puede lograr a través de la educación financiera, pues la falta de esta misma afecta en los niveles de ingreso de las personas y como consecuencia no recurren al ahorro, no planifican un presupuesto, presentan sobreendeudamiento, entre otros. A su vez, al no estar incluidos financieramente no les permite aprovechar las oportunidades que el Sistema Financiero brinda como por ejemplo: el acceso al ahorro o a la inversión. Lo mencionado anteriormente trae como consecuencia que los individuos difícilmente puedan alcanzar un nivel de bienestar financiero. Por ello, el propósito de este ensayo es destacar la importancia que tiene la educación financiera en la vida de las personas, con el fin de administrar sus finanzas personales, lo que ayudaría a enfrentar contingencias económicas que se presentan con frecuencia.
... As can be discerned, financial stability holds significant importance for both microeconomic and macroeconomic futures (Munohsamy, 2015). This is because decision-makers, lacking sufficient financial knowledge, can inadvertently make erroneous or incomplete financial decisions (Jacob, 2000), potentially hindering the attainment of long-term goals (Ergün, 2018). ...
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In contemporary economies, financial literacy represents a pivotal competency that individuals must possess to effectively and sustainably administer businesses (Refera & Kolech, 2015). The book “Financial Literacy in Italy: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Proposals” by Stella, Filotto, and Cervellati (2023) responds to the issue of financial literacy in Italy, both in theoretical and empirical view. This book is driven by the escalating intricacy of financial instruments and the evolving requirements of individuals, necessitating the implementation of strategies aimed at enhancing individuals’ financial literacy.
... It is necessary to resolve these obstacles so that they can live a financially independent life free of worry (Sharan, 2022). In order to have a family with a promising future, one has to have stable personal finances (Munohsamy, 2015). Poor financial decisionmaking can arise from low financial literacy (Jacob et al., 2000), which can hinder long-term goal achievement (Ergün, 2018). ...
This study examines the impact of financial literacy and financial inclusion on women’s empowerment, since it is crucial for gender equality and sustainable development. This research method involves collecting primary data through questionnaires distributed to a sample of housewives who live in West Java. Secondary data is also used to support the analysis. Variables analyzed include women’s financial literacy, planning, decision-making, crisis, financial inclusion, and women empowerment. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Findings will shed light on the role of financial literacy and inclusion in women’s empowerment, aiding policy efforts to enhance access to financial services and increase women’s economic participation.
... Stable personal finances are essential for a secure household and future (Munohsamy, 2015). Low financial knowledge can lead to poor financial decisions (Jacob, 2000), affecting an individual's ability to achieve long-term goals (Ergün, 2018). ...
Bandung is a city in Indonesia that is active in promoting innovation, business creation, and mentoring small businesses. One of the efforts is to provide mentors to develop MSME businesses. In addition, Bandung City also holds various business coaching programs for MSME actors. Thus, MSMEs in Bandung City can develop their business better. There are many problems faced by MSMEs, but one of the problems they often convey is related to how to manage business finances. Many of them do not understand how to manage their business finances because their financial literacy is still low. This is in accordance with the results of the 2022 National Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) survey conducted by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the financial literacy index of MSME players in Indonesia in 2022 is 38.32 percent. After analyzing the data collected by distributing questionnaires to see financial literacy, especially MSME actors registered in the city of Bandung, it was found that the most influential financial literacy to improve MSME performance was financial knowledge. This knowledge is necessary to assist a person in making the right financial decisions and managing personal or business finances well. With the increase in financial knowledge and after an analysis related to how the influence of financial literacy on MSME performance, partial results between financial knowledge, financial behavior and financial attitudes to MSME performance have a positive and significant effect as evidenced by multiple linear equations Y=3.276+0.355X1+0.272X2+ 0.294X3 with a significance level of <0.05. As well as for the results of the coefficient of determination test for literacy, the effect of financial literacy on financial performance was 78.3% and the rest was influenced by other variables.
... Personal or family budget management was necessary among teachers, specifically in buying their essential commodities. It was supported by Munohsamy (2015) as she concluded in her study that every individual must plan and manage their finances that will lead them into a happy life. Furthermore, having a personal financial plan was significant to meet their financial goals and obligation, help to retire in comfort, achieve financial freedom, make rational financial decisions, and take advantage of every financial opportunity. ...
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Emotional intelligence is a contributory factor to the teachers' financial literacy and financial management level. This recent study aimed to determine the relationship between the teachers' level of emotional intelligence and their financial literacy and financial management. The study utilized a quantitative approach employing a descriptive normative survey of a standard tool of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman and a modified questionnaire of financial literacy and financial management practices. The first tool assessed the respondents' level of emotional intelligence and the modified survey questionnaire measured the respondents' level of financial literacy and financial management. The random sampling technique was used in the data-gathering, which comprised a total of 222 respondents. There were 99 public elementary and 123 public secondary teachers in Talibon II District, Bohol. The researcher underwent the review procedures of the Research Ethics Committee before the distribution of the questionnaire that enforced the do-no-harm clause. The questionnaire considered the most critical personal finance factors in measuring financial knowledge literacy and the financial decision-making on financial practices (Cronbach's Alpha results of Financial Literacy of 0.929, Financial Management of 0.738). It was found that the Normality Test utilizing the Shapiro-Wilk yielded significant results in all the items. Hence, non-parametric tests were used in the statistical runs. There is a significant correlation between the teachers' level of emotional intelligence and financial literacy, emotional intelligence and financial management, and financial literacy and financial management. T-Test showed substantial differences between the financial management practice on Personal/ Family Budget and Financial Decision-Making.
... Stable personal finance is essential for a household and a secure future (Munohsamy, 2015). Low financial knowledge can lead to poor financial decisions (Jacob, 2000), affecting an individual's ability to achieve long-term goals (Ergün, 2018). ...
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This study aims to identify whether demographics, socio-economic factors, the usage of the internet, smartphone and bank, and cultural facto affect Vietnamese adults' financial literacy. A sample of 669 participants participated in the online survey questionnaire (response rate of 89.92%). Multivariate general linear model regression shows that adults of younger age have better skills in cash management, credit management, savings and investment, and financial management compared to older adults. The findings suggest that participants with better income could manage savings and overall finance more effectively. Furthermore, respondents with “Uncertain avoidance” in the culture had better skills in cash management, saving, and investment. Meanwhile, preferring masculinity had higher scores in credit management, insurance, and total scale compared to those preferring femininity. The significant contribution of this study is its usefulness for economic players to have assertive financial strategies and policymakers to enhance the level of financial literacy and provide trustworthy financial guidance.
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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh literasi keuangan, tingkat pendapatan, dan gaya hidup terhadap kemampuan pengelolaan keuangan dimoderasi oleh Gender pada Pegawai Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. Alat Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Literasi Keuangan tidak berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan, Tingkat pendapatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan, Gaya hidup berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan, Gender berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan, Literasi Keuangan berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan di Moderasi oleh Gender, Tingkat pendapatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan di Moderasi oleh Gender dan Gaya hidup berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kemampuan Pengelolaan Keuangan di Moderasi oleh Gender pada Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin
Credit Card Debt Doubles Less Four Years
The Brunei Times. (2010). Credit Card Debt Doubles Less Four Years. 18 March 2010
Financial Information Rights and Education: UMBC, Money Matters Seminar.(From) http://www
  • Towanda Mitchell
Towanda Mitchell.(n.d). Financial Information Rights and Education: UMBC, Money Matters Seminar.(From) Retrieved 20 June 2011.
Financial Management Importance. (From)
  • Bimal Bhatt
Bimal Bhatt. (2011). Financial Management Importance. (From) Retrieved 12 April 2012
Manage Your Finance with Proper Planning
Borneo Bulletin. (2007). Manage Your Finance with Proper Planning. 27 October 2007
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HSBC Offers Financial Planning Awareness to MCYS in Tutong
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Save, Invest, Grow. Readers Digest
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Covert Credit Card Debt into Loan:BIBD
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The Report Brunei Darussalam
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