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Ensayos de gran escala sobre tipologías especiales de diques: esfuerzos del oleaje sobre un dique vertical antirreflejante.

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Describes the design of a perforated caisson breakwater and presents the results of model tests. Tests with regular and irregular waves have demonstrated that the perforated caisson breakwater has the advantages of low reflection coefficient, good wave-absorbing performance, relatively small wave height in front of the breakwater, and small amount of overtopping. Analyses have been made of the coefficient of reflection, wave height in front of the breakwater, and wave overtopping. (from Author)
In the present engineering practice, direct formulas are not given for the preliminary hydraulic design of Jarlan-type breakwaters: Only qualitative observations and heuristic considerations are reported. The writers analyze the wave attenuation produced by the permeable structure and propose design formulas that can be used for the optimized hydraulic design of Jarlan-type breakwaters. The proposed model, based on the linear wave theory, is validated by comparison of the theoretical results with the experimental measurements of other authors. The results show that the Jarlan-type breakwater with a single chamber gives the most effective wave reduction in the range of practical applications and that no particular configuration of the porous wall can be suggested as the best one. The size of the breakwater cannot be standardized, since the optimum hydraulic design of the structure is linked to the parameters of the design wave. Moreover, the proposed design formulas may be used to approximately predict the response of the structure to incident irregular waves.
Wave loads on perforated caisson breakwaters
  • H Bergmannn
  • H Omeraci
Bergmannn, H., and H. Omeraci. 2000. Wave loads on perforated caisson breakwaters, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, 1622-1635.