We researched characteristics of heat recovery rate and fouling according to structures and materials in heat exchangers like water preheater and air preheater. Economizer and air preheater have used in thermal electric power plant. we made small incinerator and heat exchangers to carry out simulated experiment. We observed fouling formation and change of heat recovery rate, combusting powdered coal for 24 hr. In economizer, fin tube type had the largest amount of fouling formation, followed by tube line type > pipe type > auto washing type according to structures. As heat recovery rate, fin tube showed highest recovery rate, followed by auto washing type > pipe type > tube line type. In air preheater, fin tube type had the largest amount of fouling formation, followed by fin plate type > pipe type > pipe type coated by teflon > pipe type coated by ceramic according to structures. And then, heat recovery rate showed the same oder.