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Web archives attempt to preserve the fast changing web, yet they will always be incomplete. Due to restrictions in crawling depth, crawling frequency, and restrictive selection policies, large parts of the Web are unarchived and, therefore, lost to posterity. In this paper, we propose an approach to uncover unarchived web pages and websites and to reconstruct different types of descriptions for these pages and sites, based on links and anchor text in the set of crawled pages. We experiment with this approach on the Dutch Web Archive and evaluate the usefulness of page and host-level representations of unarchived content. Our main findings are the following: First, the crawled web contains evidence of a remarkable number of unarchived pages and websites, potentially dramatically increasing the coverage of a Web archive. Second, the link and anchor text have a highly skewed distribution: popular pages such as home pages have more links pointing to them and more terms in the anchor text, but the richness tapers off quickly. Aggregating web page evidence to the host-level leads to significantly richer representations, but the distribution remains skewed. Third, the succinct representation is generally rich enough to uniquely identify pages on the unarchived web: in a known-item search setting we can retrieve unarchived web pages within the first ranks on average, with host-level representations leading to further improvement of the retrieval effectiveness for websites.
Int J Digit Libr
DOI 10.1007/s00799-015-0153-3
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Hugo C. Huurdeman1·Jaap Kamps1·Thaer Samar2·ArjenP.deVries
Anat Ben-David3·Richard A. Rogers1
Received: 2 December 2014 / Revised: 8 May 2015 / Accepted: 10 May 2015
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
Abstract Web archives attempt to preserve the fast chang-
ing web, yet they will always be incomplete. Due to restric-
tions in crawling depth, crawling frequency, and restrictive
selection policies, large parts of the Web are unarchived
and, therefore, lost to posterity. In this paper, we propose
an approach to uncover unarchived web pages and websites
and to reconstruct different types of descriptions for these
pages and sites, based on links and anchor text in the set
of crawled pages. We experiment with this approach on the
Dutch Web Archive and evaluate the usefulness of page and
host-level representations of unarchived content. Our main
findings are the following: First, the crawled web contains
evidence of a remarkable number of unarchived pages and
websites, potentially dramatically increasing the coverage of
a Web archive. Second, the link and anchor text have a highly
skewed distribution: popular pages such as home pages have
A. Ben-David: work done while at the University of Amsterdam.
BHugo C. Huurdeman
Jaap Kamps
Thaer Samar
Arjen P. de Vries
Anat Ben-David
Richard A. Rogers
1University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
3The Open University, Ra’anana, Israel
more links pointing to them and more terms in the anchor text,
but the richness tapers off quickly. Aggregating web page
evidence to the host-level leads to significantly richer rep-
resentations, but the distribution remains skewed. Third, the
succinct representation is generally rich enough to uniquely
identify pages on the unarchived web: in a known-item search
setting we can retrieve unarchived web pages within the first
ranks on average, with host-level representations leading to
further improvement of the retrieval effectiveness for web-
Keywords Web archives ·Web archiving ·Web craw lers ·
Anchor text ·Link evidence ·Information retrieval
1 Introduction
The advent of the web has had a revolutionary impact on how
we acquire, share, and publish information. Digital born con-
tent is rapidly taking over other forms of publishing, and the
overwhelming majority of online publications has no parallel
in a material format. However, such digital content is as easily
deleted as it is published, and the ephemerality of web content
introduces unprecedented risks to the world’s digital cultural
heritage, severely endangering the future understanding of
our era [31].
Memory and heritage institutions address this problem by
systematically preserving parts of the Web for future gen-
erations in Web archives. As outlined by the International
Internet Preservation Consortium, Web archiving involves a
“process of collecting portions of the World Wide Web, pre-
serving the collections in an archival format, and then serving
the archives for access and use” [15]. Pioneered by the Inter-
net Archive and later joined by national libraries including the
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
British Library and National Library of the Netherlands, Web
archiving initiatives have collectively archived petabytes of
Web data. Despite important attempts to preserve parts of
the Web by archiving, a large part of the Web’s content is
unarchived and hence lost forever. It is impossible to archive
the entire Web due to its ever increasing size and rapidly
changing content. Moreover, even the parts that have been
preserved are incomplete at several levels.
Organizations involved in Web archiving employ different
strategies to archive the Web, performed by Web crawlers.
The first strategy focuses on automatic harvests of web-
sites in large quantities (usually a national domain) and
consists of ‘breadth-first crawls’. That is, the crawler is set
to discover as many links as possible, rather than captur-
ing all deep pages of a domain. For large domains, such
crawls may take several months to complete, and due to the
breadth-first policy of the crawl, not all deep pages might be
preserved. A second strategy is based on selection policies
and utilizes ‘deep crawls’ [7,12,23]. This strategy focuses on
capturing complete websites. However, the strategy typically
precludes the harvesting of pages outside the selection lists,
even if relevant to a country’s cultural heritage. In addition,
other factors influence the completeness of web archives.
First, legal restrictions prevent mass archiving of websites
due to privacy, copyright or legislative frameworks in cer-
tain countries. Second, several technical limitations impede
harvests of certain types of content. Therefore, entire web-
sites, individual pages (e.g. Flash-based pages), and page
elements (e.g. embedded Twitter streams) are missing from
The overall consequence is that our web archives are
highly incomplete, and researchers and other users treating
the archive to reflect the web as it once was may draw false
conclusions due to unarchived content. The following is the
main research question of this paper: can we recover parts
of the unarchived web? This may seem like a daunting chal-
lenge or a mission impossible: how can we go back in time
and recover pages that were never preserved? Our approach
is to exploit the hyperlinked structure of the web and col-
lect evidence of uncrawled pages from the pages that were
crawled and are part of the archive.
We show empirically that it is possible to first uncover the
existence of a substantial amount of unarchived pages from
evidence in the web archive, and second to recover significant
parts of the unarchived web by reconstructing representations
of these pages from the links and anchor text in the crawled
pages. We refer to the recovered web documents as the web
archive’s aura: the web documents which were not included
in the archived collection, but are known to have existed—
references to these unarchived web documents appear in the
archived pages.
The paper investigates the following research
RQ1 Can we uncover a significant fraction of unarchived
web pages and web sites based on references to them
in the Web archive?
We exploit the link structure of the crawled content to derive
evidence of the existence of unarchived pages. In addition,
we quantify and classify pages, domains, and hostnames in
the unarchived aura of the archive.
RQ2 How rich are the representations that can be created for
unarchived web pages?
We build implicit representations of unarchived web pages
and domains, based on link evidence, URL words, and
anchor text and investigate the richness (or sparseness) of
the descriptions in the number of incoming links and the
aggregated anchor text. We further break this down over unar-
chived homepages and other pages.
RQ3 Can we create richer representations of web sites based
on aggregating page-level evidence from pages sharing
the same hostname?
Here, we look at the additional value of aggregating anchor
text and URL words at the host level, in effect creating
site-level representations. We investigate the quantity and
richness of these additional representations and compare this
with page-level representations of homepages.
RQ4 Are the resulting derived representations of unarchived
pages and web sites useful in practice? Do they cap-
ture enough of the unique page content to make them
retrievable amongst millions of other page representa-
As a critical test, we study the effectiveness of the derived
representations of unarchived home pages and deep pages
in a known-item search setting. Only if the derived page
and site-based representations sufficiently characterize the
unique page’s content, do we have a chance to retrieve the
page within the top search results.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: we
first introduce related work (Sect. 2), followed by a descrip-
tion of the experimental setup (Sect. 3). Next, we look at
the results of our analysis, characterizing the actual contents
of the Dutch web archive and the aura of unarchived pages
around the archive (Sect. 4). We study the potential rich-
ness of generated representations of unarchived web pages
(Sect. 5). Next, we take a look at the comparative richness of
aggregated host-level representations of unarchived websites
(Sect. 6). The generated representations are evaluated by their
utility to retrieve the page or host in a known-item search sce-
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
nario (Sect. 7). We conclude by discussing the implications
of our findings and we outline future work (Sect. 8).
2 Background
In this section, we discuss related work, which falls in
two broad areas. First, we discuss related research in web
archiving and web preservation. Second, we discuss previ-
ous literature on search, based on link evidence and anchor
2.1 Web archives and web preservation
Experts in the web archiving community discuss the short-
comings of web archiving crawlers in terms of the content
they fail to capture [23]. Some websites are intentionally
excluded, breadth-first crawls might not capture deeper pages
of a website, and selective crawlers exclude sites beyond the
scope of the selection policy. However, as argued by Day [7],
in most cases, even the websites that meet selection guide-
lines on other criteria may not be captured in their entirety, as
pages might be missing due to crawling errors. Even the cap-
tured pages may contain errors: pages might be deprived of
certain elements. For example, crawlers often fail to capture
embedded elements, such as JavaScript and Flash [7,12,23].
Some authors have looked at the impact of missing resources
on the display of web pages. Brunelle et al. [4] have proposed
a damage rating measure to evaluate archive success. Using
this measure, they showed that the Internet Archive is miss-
ing an increasing number of important embedded resources
over the years.
Hence, the limits of web archives’ crawlers may result
in partial and incomplete web archives. This incomplete-
ness can impede the value of web archives, for example in
the context of scholarly research [3,13]. However, crawlers
do register additional information about web content they
encounter. This additional information includes server-side
metadata of harvested pages (such as timestamps and HTML
response codes), and information embedded in pages (for
instance their hyperlinks and associated anchor text). Rauber
et al. [29] have recognized the wealth of additional infor-
mation contained in web archives which can be used for
analytical purposes. Gomes and Silva [10] used data obtained
from the domain crawl of the Portugese web archive to
develop criteria for characterizing the Portugese web.
The Memento project has expanded the scope of analy-
sis of archived web data beyond the boundaries of a single
archive to profile and analyze coverage of archived websites
across different web archives. Memento [32] is an HTTP-
based framework which makes it possible to locate past
versions of a given web resource through an aggregator of
resources from multiple web archives. In a recent study,
AlSum et al. [1] queried the Memento aggregator to pro-
file and evaluate the coverage of twelve public web archives.
They found that the number of queries can be reduced by
75 % by only sending queries to the top three web archives.
Here, coverage (i.e. whether a resource is archived and in
which archive its past versions are located) was calculated
based on the HTTP header of host-level URLs.
Instead of just measuring what is missing, we will try to
uncover significant parts of the unarchived web, by recon-
structing representations of the unarchived web pages and
websites using URL and anchor text evidence.
2.2 Link evidence and anchor text
One of the defining properties of the Internet is its hyperlink-
based structure. The web’s graph structure is well studied and
also methods to use this structure have been widely applied,
especially in the context of web retrieval (for example PageR-
ank [27]). The links which weave the structure of the web
consist of destination URLs and are described by anchor text.
Aggregating anchor text of links makes it for example pos-
sible to create representations of target pages. Techniques
based on the graph structure of the web and anchor text have
been widely used in web retrieval. In this paper, we mainly
focus on the use of anchor text.
Craswell et al. [5] explored the effectiveness of anchor
text in the context of site finding. Aggregated anchor texts
for a link target were used as surrogate documents, instead
of the actual content of the target pages. Their experimen-
tal results show that anchor texts can be more effective
than content words for navigational queries (i.e. site find-
ing). Work in this area led to advanced retrieval models
that combine various representations of page content, anchor
text, and link evidence [16]. Fujii [9] presented a method
for classifying queries into navigational and informational.
Their retrieval system used content-based or anchor-based
retrieval methods, depending on the query type. Based on
their experimental results, they concluded that content of
web pages is useful for informational query types, while
anchor text information and links are useful for navigational
query types. Contrary to previous work, Koolen and Kamps
[19] concluded that anchor text can also be beneficial for
ad hoc informational search, and their findings show that
anchor text can lead to significant improvements in retrieval
effectiveness. They also analyze the factors influencing this
effectiveness, such as link density and collection size.
In the context of web archiving, link evidence and anchor
text could be used to locate missing web pages, of which
the original URL is not accessible anymore. Martinez-Romo
and Araujo [22] studied the problem of finding replacements
of broken links (missing pages) in a web page. They con-
structed queries based on terms selected from anchor text
pointing to the broken link and expanded these queries by
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
adding information from the web page containing the bro-
ken link. Then, they submitted the constructed queries to
a standard search engine to retrieve candidate replacements
for the missing page. Klein and Nelson [17] computed lexical
signatures of lost web pages, using the top nwords of link
anchors, and used these and other methods to retrieve alter-
native URLs for lost web pages. The versatility and potential
use of anchor text is further exemplified by Kraft and Zien
[21], who show that anchor text can also be used to generate
query suggestions and refinements.
Following Kleinberg [18], Dou et al. [8] took the rela-
tionships between source pages of anchor texts into account.
Their proposed models distinguish between links from the
same website and links from related sites, to better estimate
the importance of anchor text. Similarly, Metzler et al. [24]
smoothed the influence of anchor text which originates from
within the same domain, using the ‘external’ anchor text: the
aggregated anchor text from all pages that link to a page in
the same domain as the target page. Their proposed approach
also facilitates overcoming anchor text sparsity for pages with
few inlinks. Along the same line, Broder et al. [2] used site-
level information for improving web search results. They
achieved this by creating two indices: a URL index based on
the page content, and a site index representing the entire web-
site. They introduced two approaches for creating site-based
representations. The first site-level representation was cre-
ated by concatenating the content text of all pages from a site,
or from a sample of pages. The second site-representation
was created by aggregating all anchor text of external links
pointing to pages in the site. Their experimental evaluation
showed that the combination of page and site-level indices is
more effective for web retrieval than the common approach
of only using a page-level index. Their results also indicate
that site-level anchor text representations perform better than
site-level representations based on concatenated content text.
Another aspect of anchor text is its development over
time: often single snapshots of sites are used to extract links
and anchor text, neglecting historical trends. Dai and Davi-
son [6] determined anchor text importance by differentiating
pages’ inlink context and creation rates over time. They
concluded that ranking performance is improved by differen-
tiating pages with different in-link creation rates, but they also
point to the lack of available archived resources (few encoun-
tered links were actually available in the Internet Archive).
Our approach is inspired by the previous results on var-
ious web centric document representations based on URL
and incoming anchor text, typically used in addition to rep-
resentations of the page’s content [5,16,20,25]. We focus
on the use case of the web archive, which is different from
the live web given that we cannot go back and crawl the
unarchived page and hence have to rely on these implicit
representations exclusively. It is an open question whether
the resulting derived representations—based on scant evi-
dence of the pages—is a rich enough characterization to be
of practical use. The current paper builds on earlier work
on uncovering unarchived pages [30] and the recovery and
evaluation of unarchived page descriptions [14]. Parts of the
page-level results were presented in [14], now extended with
the analysis of site-level representations to overcome anchor
text sparsity at the page level [2].
3 Experimental setup
This section describes our experimental setup: the dataset,
the Hadoop-based link extraction methods, and the way the
links were aggregated for analysis.
3.1 Data
This study uses data from the Dutch web archive at the
National Library of the Netherlands (KB). The KB currently
archives a pre-selected (seed) list of more than 5000 websites
[28]. Websites for preservation are selected by the library
based on categories related to Dutch historical, social, and
cultural heritage. Each website on the seed list has manually
been categorized by the curators of the KB using a UNESCO
classification code.
Our snapshot of the Dutch web archive consists of 76,828
ARC files, which contain aggregated web objects. A total
number of 148 M web objects has been harvested between
February 2009 and December 2012, resulting in more than 7
Terabytes of data (see Table 1). In our study, we exclusively
focus on the content crawled in 2012 (35.7 % of the total data
harvested between 2009 and 2012). Additional metadata is
available in separate documents, including the KB’s selec-
tion list, dates of selection, assigned UNESCO codes, and
curators’ annotations. Table 2shows a summary of the types
of content crawled in 2012, with their counts and percent-
ages. It shows that the majority of content types crawled in
2012 are HTML-based textual content (65.3 %) and images
in various formats (22.9 %).
In our extraction, we differentiate between four different
types of URLs found in the Dutch web archive:
1. URLs that have been archived intentionally as they are
included in the seedlist,
Table 1 Crawled web objects per year in the Dutch web archive
Year Number of web objects
2009–2011 108,775,839
2012 38,865,673
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Table 2 Types of web objects crawled in 2012 (MIME-types)
MIME-type Count %
Text/html 25,380,955 65.3
Image/jpeg 6,518,954 16.8
Image/gif 1,222,480 3.1
Image/png 1,171,585 3.0
Application/pdf 816,746 2.1
Text/plain 642,282 1.7
Text/xml 488,569 1.3
Rss/xml 483,858 1.2
Other 2,140,244 5.5
2. URLs that have been unintentionally archived due to the
crawler’s configuration,
3. unarchived URLs, discovered via the link structure of
the archive, of which the parent domain is included in
the seedlist (which we will refer to as the inner aura)
4. unarchived URLs, discovered via the link structure of the
archive, of which the parent domain is not on the seedlist
(which we will refer to as the outer aura).
Section 4describes these four types of archived and unar-
chived URLs in more detail.
3.2 Link extraction
We created our dataset by implementing a specific processing
pipeline. This pipeline uses Hadoop MapReduce and Apache
Pig Scripts for data extraction and processing.
The first MapReduce job traversed all archived web
objects contained in the archive’s ARC files. Web pages with
the following properties were processed:
crawled in 2012
having the MIME-type text/html, and
having at least one anchor link including a destination
URL and (non-empty) anchor text.
From all pages with these properties, each anchor link found
in the page was extracted using JSoup. As we focus on
links to textual content, only a anchors were extracted and
other references to embedded content, such as script
links, embedded images (via the img tag), and embedded
iframe content were ignored. We keep the source URL
(which is the page URL), target URL (the URL of the page
that the link is pointing to), and the anchor text of the link
(the textual description of a link). Links without anchor text
were discarded. This extracted link information is combined
with basic ARC metadata about the source page (e.g. crawl-
date). In addition, other relevant information is added, such
as the hashcode (MD5) of the source page, the occurrence of
the source and target page on the KB’s seedlist, and assigned
UNESCO classification codes.
A second MapReduce job built an index of all URLs in
the Dutch web archive, with their associated crawldate. Using
this index, we performed lookups to validate whether or not a
target URL found in the link information exists in the archive
in the same year. Our final output format for extracted links
contains the following properties:
(sourceURL, sourceUnesco, sourceInSeedProperty, tar-
getURL, targetUnesco, targetInSeedProperty, anchorText,
crawlDate, targetInArchiveProperty, sourceHash).
In our study, we look at the content per year. While some
sites are harvested yearly, other sites are captured biannually,
quarterly or even daily. This could result in a large number of
links from duplicate pages. To prevent this from influencing
our dataset, we deduplicated the links based on their values
for year, anchor text, source, target, and (MD5) hashcode.
The hashcode is a unique value representing a page’s content
and is used to detect if a source has changed between crawls.
We keep only links to the same target URL with identical
anchor texts if they originate from unique source URLs.
In our dataset, we include both inter-server links, which
are links between different servers (external links), and
intra-server links, which occur within a server (site internal
links). We also performed basic data cleaning and processing:
removing non-alphanumerical characters from the anchor
text, converting the source and target URLs to the canonical-
ized sort-friendly format known as SURT, removing double
and trailing slashes, and removing http(s) prefixes (see http://
3.3 Link aggregation
We combine all incoming links and anchor text to an aggre-
gated page-level representation. In this process, we create
a representation that includes the target URL, and grouped
data elements with source URLs, anchor texts, and other
associated properties. Using another Apache Pig script, we
performed further processing. This processing included tok-
enization of elements such as anchor text and URL words.
This, combined with other processing, allowed us to include
counts of different elements in our output files, for exam-
ple, the unique source sites and hosts, unique anchor and
URL words, and the number of links from seed and non-
seed source URLs. We also split each URL to obtain separate
fields for TLD (top-level domain), domain, host, and filetype.
To retrieve correct values for the TLD field, we matched the
TLD extension from the URL with the official IANA list of
all TLDs, while we matched extracted filetype extensions of
each URL with a list of common web file formats.
We also aggregate all page-level evidence within the same
hostname to an aggregated site-level representation. A site-
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
level representation aggregates evidence for all pages of a
given website, or a sample thereof (see for instance [2]). In
this paper, we consider all pages sharing the same parent
host as a ‘site’. We adapted our Pig scripts to aggregate link
evidence for all pages under each host, including anchor text
and incoming URLs. We carried out similar processing steps
as for the page-level representations. For later analysis, we
saved up to 100 URLs of pages under each host.
The final aggregated page and site-level representations
containing target URLs, source properties, and various value
counts were subsequently inserted into MySQL databases
(13 and 0.5 M rows), to provide easier access for analysis
and visualization via a web application.
4 Expanding the web archive
In this section, we study RQ1: Can we uncover a significant
fraction of unarchived web pages and web sites based on
references to them in the Web archive? We investigate the
contents of the Dutch web archive, quantifying and classi-
fying the unarchived material that can be uncovered via the
archive. Our finding is that the crawled web contains evidence
of a remarkable number of unarchived pages and websites,
potentially dramatically increasing the coverage of the web
4.1 Archived content
We begin by introducing the actual archived content of the
Dutch web archive in 2012, before characterizing the unar-
chived contents in the next subsection. As introduced in
Sect. 3.2, we look at the pages in the archive with a text/html
MIME-type. Here, we count the unique text-based web pages
(based on MD5 hash) in the web archive’s crawls from 2012,
totaling in 11,041,113 pages. Of these pages, 10,158,586
were crawled in 2012 as part of the KB’s seedlist (92%). An
additional 882,527 pages are not in the seedlist but included
in the archive (see Table 3). As discussed in Sect. 2.1, each
‘deep’ crawl of a website included in the seedlist also results
in additional (‘out of scope’) material being harvested, due to
crawler settings. For example, to correctly include all embed-
ded elements of a certain page, the crawler might need to
harvest pages beyond the predefined seed domains. These
unintentionally archived contents amount to 8 % of the full
web archive in 2012. Close dependencies exist between the
Table 3 Unique archived pages (2012)
On seedlist (%) Not on seedlist (%) Total
Pages 10,158,586 (92.0) 882,527 (8.0) 11,041,113
Table 4 Unique archived hosts, domains and TLDs
On seedlist (%) Not on seedlist (%) Total
Hosts 6157 (14.2) 37,166 (85.8) 43,323
Domains 3413 (10.1) 30,367 (89.9) 33,780
TLDsa16 (8.8) 181 (100) 181
aSince the values for the TLDs overlap for both categories, percentages
add up to more than 100 % (same for Table 8)
Table 5 Coverage in archive
Mean page count On seedlist Not on
Per host 1650 24
Per domain 2976 29
Per TLD 634,912 4876
chosen crawl settings and the resulting harvested material,
the details of which are beyond the scope of this paper. To
avoid influence of artificial effects caused by variations in
these crawl settings, we chose only one year for our evalu-
ation instead of multiple years, giving us a relatively stable
setting to work with.
We can take a closer look at the contents of the archive by
calculating the diversity of hosts, domains, and TLDs con-
tained in it. Table 4summarizes these numbers, in which the
selection-based policy of the Dutch KB is reflected. The num-
ber of hosts and domains is indicative of the 3876 selected
websites on the seedlist in the beginning of 2012: there
are 6157 unique hosts (e.g. and
3413 unique domains (e.g.
The unintentionally archived items reflect a much larger
variety of hosts and domains than the items from the seedlist,
accounting for 37,166 unique hosts (85.8 %), and 30,367
unique domains (89.9 % of all domains). The higher diversity
of the non-seedlist items also results in a lower coverage in
terms of number of archived pages per domain and per host
(see Table 5). The mean number of pages per domain is 2976
for the domains included in the seedlist, while the average
number of pages for the domains outside of the seedlist is
only 29.
According to the KB’s selection policies, websites that
have value for Dutch cultural heritage are included in the
archive. A more precise indication of the categories of web-
sites on the seedlist can be obtained by looking at their
assigned UNESCO classification codes. In the archive, the
main categories are Art and Architecture (1.3 M harvested
pages), History and Biography (1.2 M pages) and Law and
Government Administration (0.9 M pages) (see Table 6). The
pages harvested outside of the selection lists do not have
assigned UNESCO codes. A manual inspection of the top
10 domains in this category (35 % of all unintentionally har-
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Table 6 Categories of archived pages in KB seedlist (top 10)
Inner aura Count %
1 Art and architecture 1,328,114 13.0
2 History and biography 1,174,576 11.5
3 Law and government administration 910,530 8.9
4 Education 803,508 7.9
5 Sport, games and leisure 712,241 7.0
6 Sociology, statistics 694,636 6.8
7 Political science 663,111 6.5
8 Medicine 590,862 5.8
9 Technology and industry 469,132 4.6
10 Religion 377,680 3.7
vested pages) shows that these are heterogeneous: 3 websites
are related to Dutch cultural heritage, 2 are international
social networks, 2 websites are related to the European Com-
mission, and 3 are various other international sites.
4.2 Unarchived content
To uncover the unarchived material, we used the link evi-
dence and structure derived from the crawled contents of the
Dutch web archive in 2012. We refer to these contents as the
web archive’s aura: the pages that are not in the archive, but
whose existence can be derived from evidence in the archive.
The unarchived aura has a substantial size: there are 11M
unique pages in the archive, but we have evidence of 10.7M
additional link targets that do not exist in the archive’s crawls
from 2012. In the following sections, we will focus on this
aura and differentiate between the inner aura (unarchived
pages of which the parent domain is on the seedlist) and the
outer aura (unarchived pages of which the parent domain is
not on the seedlist). The inner aura has 5.5 M (51.5%) unique
link targets, while the outer aura has 5.2 M (48.5 %) unique
target pages (see Fig. 1; Table 7).
Like the number of pages, also the number of unique unar-
chived hosts is quite substantial: while in the archive there
Table 7 Unarchived aura unique pages (2012)
Inner aura (%) Outer aura (%) Total
Pages 5,505,975 (51.5) 5,191,515 (48.5) 10,697,490
Table 8 Unarchived unique hosts, domains and TLDs
Inner aura (%) Outer aura (%) Total
Hosts 9039 (1.8) 481,797 (98.2) 490,836
Domains 3019 (0.8) 369,721 (99.2) 372,740
TLDs 17 (6.6) 259 (100) 259
Table 9 Unarchived aura coverage (2012)
Mean page count Inner aura Outer aura
Per host 609 10
Per domain 1823 14
Per TLD 323,881 20,044
are 43,323 unique hosts, we can reveal a total number of
490,836 hosts in the unarchived aura. There is also a consid-
erable number of unique domains and TLDs in the unarchived
contents (see Table 8).
The tables above also show the difference between the
inner and outer aura. The outer aura has a much larger variety
of hosts, domains, and TLDs compared to the inner aura
(Table 8). On the other hand, the coverage in terms of the
mean number of pages per host, domain, and TLD is much
greater in the inner aura than the outer aura (see Table 9). This
can be explained by the fact that the pages in the inner aura
are closely related to the smaller set of domains included
in web archive’s seedlist, since they have a parent domain
which is on the seedlist.
Finally, to get an overview of the nature of the unarchived
resources, we have matched the link targets with a list of
common web file extensions. Table 10 shows the filetype
distribution: the majority consists of URLs without an exten-
sion (http), html, asp, and php pages for both the inner and
Fig. 1 ‘Layers’ of contents of
the Dutch web archive (2012)
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
Table 10 Unarchived aura filetypes
Inner aura Count % Outer aura Count %
http 4,281,750 77.77 http 3,721,059 71.68
html 351,940 6.39 php 585,024 11.27
php 321,095 5.83 html 582,043 11.21
asp 38,0964 6.92 asp 181,963 3.51
pdf 70,371 1.28 jpg 30,205 0.58
outer aura. Only a minority of references are other formats,
like pdfs and non-textual contents (e.g. jpg files in the outer
aura). This suggests that the majority of references to the
unarchived aura which we extracted from the web archive
points to textual web content.
As we observe a large fraction of URLs without an exten-
sion, we performed an additional analysis to shed more light
on the included filetypes. We retrieved HTML status codes
and MIME-types from the ‘live’ web, for a random sample
of 1000 unarchived URLs in the inner aura, and 1000 URLs
in the outer aura. For the inner aura, 596 of all URLs from
the sample were available, while the remaining 404 were
not accessible (resulting in 30×and 404 status codes). Of
the resolvable URLs, 580 (97.3%) were of the MIME-type
text/html, while only 16 URLs (2.7%) led to other filetypes
(i.e. images, videos or PDFs). For the outer aura, 439 URLs
were still accessible, and 561 of all URLs could not be
retrieved. Of the URLs which resolved, 412 (93.8%) were of
the text/html type, while only 27 (6.2%) led to other MIME-
types. Hence, there is clear evidence that the uncovered URLs
in both the inner and outer aura are predominantly text-based
4.3 Characterizing the “aura”
Here, we characterize unarchived contents of the archive
based on the top-level domain distribution and the domain
From the top-level domains (TLDs) we derive the origins
of the unarchived pages surrounding the Dutch web archive.
Table 11 shows that the majority of unarchived pages in the
inner aura (95.69 %) have Dutch origins. The degree of .nl
domains in the outer aura is lower, albeit still considerable,
with 31.08 % of all 1.8 M pages. The distribution of TLDs
in the outer aura seems to resemble the TLD distribution of
the open web. Even though the regional focus of the selection
policy of the Dutch web archive is apparent in the distribution
of the top 10, the comparison does provide indications that
the outer aura is more comparable to the full web. The promi-
nence of the .jp TLD can be explained by the fact that some
Japanese social networks are included in the unintentionally
harvested pages of the Dutch archive.
Another way to characterize the unarchived contents of
the Dutch web is by studying the distribution of the tar-
get domain names. This distribution is quite distinct in
the two subsets of the aura: while the inner aura contains
many specific Dutch domains, as selected by the KB (e.g. and, the outer
aura contains a much more varied selection of sites, which
include both popular international and Dutch domains (e.g. and, and very specific Dutch sites
potentially related to Dutch heritage (e.g badmintoncen-
To get more insights into the degree of popular web-
sites in the unarchived aura, we compare the domains
occurring in the aura against publicly available statis-
tics of websites’ popularity. Alexa, a provider of free
web metrics, publishes online lists of the top 500 rank-
ing sites per country, on the basis of traffic informa-
tion. Via the Internet Archive, we retrieved a contem-
porary Alexa top 500 list for sites in the Netherlands
(specifically, We counted the number
of domains in Alexa’s top 100 that occur in the inner and
outer aura of the Dutch archive (summarized in Table 12).
The inner aura covers 7 domains of the Alexa top 100 (includ-
ing Dutch news aggregator and, while
the outer aura covers as much as 90 of the top 100 Alexa
domains, with a considerable number of unique target pages.
For these 90 domains, we have in total 1,227,690 URL ref-
erences, which is 23.65 % of all unarchived URLs in the
outer aura of the archive. This means that we have poten-
tially many representations of the most popular websites in
the Netherlands, even though they have not been captured in
the selection-based archive itself.
In addition to the discussed Alexa rankings, the assigned
UNESCO classification codes provide indications of the
categories of pages in the archive (Table 13). 98.39 %
of the pages in the inner aura can be categorized using
UNESCO codes, since their parent domain is on the seedlist.
The most frequently occurring classifications match the top
categories in the archive: History and Biography (e.g. noord- and Art and Architecture (e.g. graphicde-, as previously summarized in Table 6.Afew
categories have different positions though: the Religion (e.g. and General (e.g. categories are more
frequent in the inner aura than in the archive, and the oppo-
site holds true for Law and Government Administration (e.g.
For the domains in the outer aura, virtually no UNESCO
categorizations are available (only for 0.04 % of all pages),
since they are outside of the scope of the selection policy in
which these classifications codes are hand-assigned. There-
fore, we generated a tentative estimate of the categories of
target pages by counting the UNESCO categories of source
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Table 11 TLD distribution Inner aura Count % Outer aura Count %
1nl 5,268,772 95.71com 1,803,106 34.7
2 com 130,465 2.42nl 1,613,739 31.1
3org 52,309 1.0 3 jp 941,045 18.1
4net 44,348 0.8 4 org 243,947 4.7
5 int 8127 0.25net 99,378 1.9
6 Other 1954 0.16eu 80,417 1.6
7uk 58,228 1.1
8de 44,564 0.9
9be 43,609 0.8
10 edu 29,958 0.6
Table 12 Coverage of most popular Dutch domains (Alexa position)
Inner aura Count (K) Outer aura Count (K) (6)74.2 (9) 266.7 (8)17.4 (3) 227.0 (15)3.5 (7) 184.9 (90) 125.6 (83)1.7 (2) 106.4
Table 13 Top 10 of inner aura categories (rank in archive)
Inner aura Count %
1 History and
biography (2)
2,444,188 44.4
2 Art and architecture (1) 609,271 11.1
3Religion(10) 567,604 10.3
4 Education (4) 235,529 4.3
5 Political science (7) 233,095 4.2
6 General (12) 190,727 3.5
7 Law and government
administration (3)
187,719 3.4
8 Sports, games and
leisure (5)
132,576 2.4
9 Technology and
industry (9)
114,926 2.1
10 Medicine (8) 108,874 2.0
hosts. Consider, for example, the host (‘our
history’), of which the pages together receive inlinks from
14 different hosts. Eight of these hosts are categorized as
‘Education’, six have ‘History and biography’ as their cate-
gory, and two are part of ‘Literature and literature history’.
Therefore, we have an indication that the topic of the target
site is likely related to education and history. This is vali-
dated by a manual check of the URL in the Internet Archive
(as the URL is not available in the Dutch web archive): the
site is meant for high school pupils and contains translated
Table 14 Outer aura categories derived from link structure (top 10)
Outer aura Count %
1N/a 1,582,543 29.1
2 Art and architecture 582,122 10.7
3 Education 409,761 7.5
4 General 406,011 7.5
5 History and biography 405,577 7.5
6 Political science 362,703 6.7
7 Law and government administration 360,878 6.6
8 Sociology and statistics 292,744 5.4
9 Medicine 160,553 3.0
10 Commerce 117,580 2.2
historical sources. For each host in the aura, we then chose
the most frequently occurring category. This resulted in the
count-based ranking in Table 14. 29.1 % of all pages in the
outer aura cannot be categorized (due to, e.g. inlinks from
archived sites which are not on the seedlist). Of the remain-
ing 70.9 %, the pages have similar categories as the pages in
the inner aura, but different tendencies, for instance a lower
position for the History and Biography category (position 5
with 7.5 % of all pages).
Summarizing, in this section we have quantified the size
and diversity of the unarchived websites surrounding the
selection-based Dutch web archive. We found it to be sub-
stantial, with almost as many references to unarchived URLs
as pages in the archive. These sites complement the sites col-
lected based on the selection policies and provide context
from the web at large, including the most popular sites in the
country. The answer to our first research question is resound-
ingly positive: the indirect evidence of lost web pages holds
the potential to significantly expand the coverage of the web
archive. However, the resulting web page representations are
different in nature from the usual representations based on
web page content. We will characterize the web page repre-
sentations based on derived descriptions in the next section.
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
5 Representations of unarchived pages
In this section, we study RQ2: How rich are the represen-
tations that can be created for unarchived web pages? We
build implicit representations of unarchived web pages and
domains, based on link evidence, URL words and anchor
text, and investigate the richness (or sparseness) of the result-
ing descriptions in the number of incoming links, aggregated
anchor text and URL words. We break this down over unar-
chived home pages and other pages. Our finding is that the
anchor links and text descriptions have a highly skewed dis-
tribution: popular pages such as home pages have more terms,
but the richness tapers off quickly.
5.1 Indegree
In general, a representation which we can generate for a tar-
get page can potentially be richer if it includes anchor text
contributed from a wider range of source sites, i.e. has a
higher indegree. Therefore, we look at the number of incom-
ing links for each target URL of the uncovered archive in
Fig. 2. It reflects a highly skewed distribution: all target rep-
resentations in the outer aura have at least 1 source link, 18%
of the collection of target URLs has at least 3 incoming links,
and 10 % has 5 links or more. The pages in the inner aura have
a lower number of incoming links than the pages in the outer
aura. To check whether this is related to a higher number of
intra-server (internal site) links, we also assessed the types
of incoming links.
We differentiate between two link types that can be
extracted from archived web content: intra-server links,
pointing to the pages in the same domain of a site, and inter-
server links, that point to other websites. Table 15 shows the
distribution of link types to unarchived URLs. The majority
of unarchived URLs in the inner aura originate from the same
source domain (i.e. a site on the seedlist), while the degree of
intra-server links pointing to unarchived URLs in the outer
aura is much smaller. There are very few link targets with
subset coverage
indegree (unique source pages)
Fig. 2 Number of unique source pages (based on MD5 hash) compared
to subset coverage (dotted line inner aura, solid line outer aura)
Table 15 Link types of unarchived URLs
Inner aura % Outer aura %
Intra-server 5,198,479 94.42,065,186 39.8
Inter-server 289,412 5.33,098,399 59.7
Both 18,084 0.427,930 0.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
subset coverage
unique word count (anchor text)
Fig. 3 Number of unique anchor words in the anchor text represen-
tation compared to subset coverage (dotted line inner aura, solid line
outer aura)
both intra-server and inter-server link sources in the inner
and outer aura.
5.2 Anchor text representations
A key influence on the utility of possible representations
of unarchived pages is the richness of the contributed
anchor text. In the aggregated anchor text representations,
we counted the number of unique words in the anchor text.
Figure 3shows the number of unique words compared to
subset coverage. Like the previous distribution of incoming
source links, the distribution of unique anchor text is rather
skewed. While 95% of all target URLs in the archive have
at least 1 word describing them, 30 % have at least 3 words
as a combined description, and around 3 % have 10 words
or more (though still amounting to 322,245 unique pages).
The number of unique words per target is similar for both the
inner and outer aura.
5.3 URL words
As the unique word count of page representations is skewed,
we also looked at other sources of text. One of these potential
sources are the words contained in the URL.
For instance, the URL
aboriginal-art-culture/the-last-nomads.php can be tokenized
and contains several unique words which might help to
characterize the page. Specifically, we consider alphanumer-
ical strings between 2 and 20 alphanumerical characters as
words. Hence, this URL contains 10 words: ‘aboriginalart-
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
subset coverage
unique word count (extracted URL words)
Fig. 4 Number of unique words in the URL representation compared
to subset coverage (dotted line inner aura, solid line outer aura)
Table 16 Target structure distribution
Slash count Inner aura % Slash count Outer aura %
0 3765 0.1 0 324,782 6.3
1 373,070 6.8 1 921,719 17.8
2 587,416 10.72 1,543,129 29.7
3 662,573 12.0 3 535,293 10.3
4 1,098,947 20.04 417,361 8.1
5 535,564 9.7 5 284,237 5.5
Bold values indicate most frequent slash count
store’, ‘com’, ‘au’, ‘aboriginal’, ‘art’, ‘culture’, ‘the’, ‘last’,
‘nomads,’ and ‘php’.
Figure 4indicates the number of words contributed for
each subset. It shows a difference between the inner and outer
aura: the pages in the inner aura have more URL words than
those in the outer aura. One likely reason is that the URLs
for the pages in the inner aura are longer and, therefore, con-
tribute more words.
To obtain a better view of the distribution of pages at dif-
ferent site depths, we also looked at the slashcount of absolute
URLs (see Table 16). This analysis shows that the pages in
the outer aura are mainly located at the first levels of the site
(i.e. homepage to third level). The links towards the inner
aura, however, are pointing to pages that are deeper in the
hierarchy, probably because 94.4% of this subset consists of
intra-site link targets (links within a site).
5.4 Homepage representations
As mentioned in Sect. 2.2, anchors have been used for
homepage finding, since links often refer to homepages. A
homepage, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is
“the page typically encountered first on a Web site that usu-
ally contains links to the other pages of the site”. To verify
to what extent our dataset contains homepages, we looked
at whether a homepage is available for each captured host
in the outer aura. A basic way to calculate this is to equate
Table 17 Sample aggregated anchor and URL words
(A) Vakcentrum [domain] (B) Nesomexico
[non-domain] (6) Mexico (3)
Detailhandel (2) Government (1)
Zelfstandige (2) Overheid (1)
Ondernemers (2) Mexican (1)
Levensmiddelen (2) Mexicaanse (1)
Brancheorganisatie (1) Beurzen (1)
httpwwwvakcentrumnl (1) Nesomexico (1)
Vgl (1) Scholarship (1)
Vereniging (1) Programmes (1)
homepages with the entry-level pages of hosts in the unar-
chived aura. Hence, we counted all unarchived target URLs
consisting of only a hostname, resulting in 324,807 captured
entry-level pages for the outer aura of the archive. In other
words, 67.0 % of all hosts have their homepage captured in
our dataset. Another way is to count pages having a slash-
count of 0, but also counting additional pages with higher
slashcounts using manual string-based filters (e.g. URLs
including ‘/index.html’), yielding homepages for 336,387
hosts (69.8 %).
This can be important from a preservation and research
perspective, since homepages are essential elements not only
of websites, but also for the representations that we can gen-
erate from the link evidence, because homepages tend to have
a higher indegree and more available anchor text. In our
dataset, this is for instance reflected in the higher average
number of anchor words (2.71) for the homepages as com-
pared to the non-homepages (2.23 unique words). Here, we
looked at the specific homepages available in the dataset, but
not at the lower pages in the hierarchy. In Sect. 6we look at
the potential added value of aggregating link evidence from
all pages under a host, creating site-level representations.
5.5 Qualitative analysis
Finally, we provide some concrete examples of represen-
tations that we can create for target URLs in this dataset.
We first look at a homepage from our evaluation sample:, a Dutch site for independent professionals in
the retail sector. It has 142 inlinks from 6 unique hosts (6
different anchor text strings), resulting in 14 unique words.
Table 17A displays 9 of the unique words (excluding stop-
words). They provide a basic understanding of what the site
is about: a branch organization for independent retailers in
the food sector.
For other non-homepage URLs it is harder to repre-
sent the contents based on the anchor text alone. Take,
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
for example,
a page that is not available on the live web anymore. It
only has 2 anchor text words: ‘Benno’ and ‘Barnard’. From
the URL, however, we can further characterize the page:
it is related to news (‘nieuws’), books (‘boeken’) and pos-
sibly is a blog. Hence, we have discovered a ‘lost’ URL,
of which we can get a (basic) description by combining
evidence. Other non-homepage URLs have a richer descrip-
tion, even if the source links only originate from 1 unique
host. For example
mexico/study-grants-and-loans is a page that is not available
via the live web anymore (3 incomplete captures are located
in the Internet Archive). The anchor text, originating from (a Dutch University website), has 10 unique
words, contributed from 2 unique anchors. In Table 17Bthe
anchor words are shown. The URL words can enrich the
representation, providing an indication of the page’s con-
tent together with the anchor text. Of course, the richness
of potential descriptions varies for each recovered target
URL. The number of unique words in both anchor text
and URL can serve as a basic estimate of the utility of a
Summarizing, the inspection of the richness of represen-
tations of unarchived URLs indicates that the incoming links
and the number of unique words in the anchor text have a
highly skewed distribution: for few pages we have many
descriptions which provide a reasonable number of anchors
and unique terms, while the opposite holds true for the over-
whelming majority of pages. The succinct representations of
unarchived web pages are indeed very different in nature. The
answer to our second research question is mixed. Although
establishing the existence of ‘lost’ web pages is an important
result in itself, this raises doubts whether the representations
are rich enough to characterize the page’s content. There-
fore, we investigate in the next section whether aggregations
of unarchived pages at the host level will improve the richness
(and utility) of derived representations.
6 Representations of unarchived websites
In this section, we study RQ3: Can we create richer rep-
resentations of web sites based on aggregating page-level
evidence from pages sharing the same hostname? We build
aggregated representations of unarchived contents at the host
level. We use the combined anchor text and URL words to
enrich representations of unarchived websites in the outer
aura. Our finding is that the site-level representations’ dis-
tributions of indegree and number of words are richer than
the distributions of (home) page representations: the inde-
gree and number of unique words are substantially higher.
However, the introduction of pages from different site depths
potentially introduces some noise.
6.1 Rationale and method
From a perspective of preservation and research, entry pages
are important pages to capture in web archives. We saw in
the previous section that the indegree and number of unique
words for the homepages (defined as entry pages at the host
level) are slightly higher than for other pages of a site. How-
ever, these succinct representations might not always be rich
enough to characterize full unarchived websites. To amend
this, we now focus on generating richer representations for
hosts in the Dutch web archive.
We focus on the outer aura of the archive, since generating
site-level representations for hosts in this subset is poten-
tially more valuable than for the inner aura of the archive
(as the main contents are already in the archive). We aggre-
gate pages of unarchived websites at the host level (i.e.
we create separate representations for, etc.), because this results in more fine-
grained representations than aggregation at the domain level
(i.e. aggregating * under one representation).
In the previous section we found homepages for 324,807
out of 481,797 detected hosts in the outer aura of the web
archive. Here, we take this a step further and create site-level
representations for each host: this representation consists
of aggregated evidence such as incoming URLs, incom-
ing anchor words, unique sources pages, and so forth. We
aggregate this information for all uncovered pages under
a given host. For example, a site-level representation of, a Dutch radio station, contains information from
pages under,,,
plus all other child pages of the uncovered host. Taken
together, these might provide a richer description of an unar-
chived website, reducing anchor text sparsity. In case there
is no entry-level page captured in the outer aura, we still
aggregate the deeper pages of a site under a certain host
(e.g. and other non-entry pages are
aggregated under This way, we generated 481,305
site-level representations for uncovered hosts in the outer
aura of the archive.
6.2 Comparisons
Table 18 shows a comparison between page-level homepage
representations and aggregated site-level representations.
The mean indegree for the site representations is more than
two times higher than for the page-based representations.
In addition, the mean number of anchor text words and
URL words are substantially higher, as well as the combined
unique words from both sources. The mean overlap between
anchor text and URL words is 0.48 words for the page-based
representations, and 4.03 words for the site-based representa-
tions, indicating higher similarity between anchor and URL
words for the site-based representations. We now look more
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Table 18 Richness of host
representations at the page-level
(entry pages) and site-level
(aggregated pages)
Representations Count (K) Indegree Anchor words URL words Combined uniq words
Page-level 325 24.14 2.71 2.32 4.56
Site-level 481 56.31 10.06 11.82 17.85
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
number of hosts
indegree (unique source pages)
Fig. 5 Indegree of site-level representations (solid line) versus page-
level homepage representations (dotted line)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
number of hosts
unique word count (anchor text)
Fig. 6 Number of unique words in the anchor text for site-level rep-
resentations (solid line) versus page-level homepage representations
(dotted line)
in detail at the involved indegree, anchor text, and URL word
6.3 Indegree, anchor text, and URL words
Figure 5shows the indegree distribution of site-level anchor
text representations in the outer aura. This indegree is based
on the number of inlinks from unique source pages (based
on the MD5 hash) to all pages of a given host. The graph
also includes the indegree for the page-level representations
of hosts in the outer aura. We see that the site-based approach
results in more representations of hosts, with a higher num-
ber of unique inlinks. For example, there are 123,110 site
representations (25.6 %) with at least 5 inlinks, compared to
only 74,092 page-based representations of entry-level pages
with at least 5 inlinks (22.8 %). The higher indegree could
contribute to a richer representation, also in terms of unique
anchor text words.
In Fig. 6, the number of unique anchor text words for
each site-based anchor text representation is summarized.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
number of covered hosts
unique URL words
Fig. 7 Number of unique words in the URL of site-level (solid line)
versus page-level homepage representations (dotted line)
The number of unique words is still skewed, but much richer
than the page-based representations. There are 126,218 site-
level representations with at least 5 anchor words (26.2% of
all site-level representations), while at the page-level there is
only available evidence for 46,795 entry pages of hosts with
5 anchor words or more (14.4 % of all page-level homepage
Figure 7shows the distribution of the number of URL
words for homepage and site representations. Naturally, the
URL word count for the page representations is quite small:
representations of entry pages usually have short URLs. For
the site representations, we aggregate the tokenized words
from up to 100 URLs per host. We observe the value of
aggregating URL words at the host level: substantially more
words are available for website representations.
The higher number of available anchor text and URL
words means that generated representations are potentially
richer, as more words can shed light on more facets of a site.
The question is if these words also improve the potential to
correctly characterize a site, since they are contributed from
different pages and sections of a site.
6.4 Qualitative analysis
So far, we have seen indications of the added value of site-
level representations to reduce anchor text sparsity. Take,
for example,, a website to solve math prob-
lems. For the homepage of this site, we have 1 unique
incoming anchor, contributing only one unique word (“web-
math”). However, as the previous sections have shown, we
can also generate representations for websites by aggregating
all anchor text for a given host. In the case of,
we then have 10 unique incoming anchors from 4 unique
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
Table 19 Aggregated anchor words
(A) Page-level anchors (B) Host-level anchors
Webmath (1) Math (9) Webmath (4)
Algebra (2) Geometry (2)
Calculus (2) Web (2)
General (2) Everyone (2)
Plots (2) Stepbystep (1)
source hosts. These together contribute 15 unique words,
which characterize the site in a better way than the single
word for the homepage (see Table 19). On the other hand,
this does not necessarily apply to all websites: for some hosts,
adding aggregated anchor text introduces noise. For exam-
ple, the Centre for European Reform ( 5 unique
anchor words, including “centre” and “reform”. Aggregating
anchor text evidence from all pages under this host results in
30 unique words, contributed from 17 unique hosts. These
words include words useful for the description of the site,
e.g. “european”, and “future”. However, there are also many
words added to the site representation, such as “Nabucco”,
and “India”, that might not be suitable to characterize the
whole site. The question that follows from our qualitative
analysis is whether the site-based representations are actu-
ally specific enough to characterize a given site’s content, as
noise might be added when aggregating anchor text evidence
on the site level.
Summarizing, we looked at the impact of host-level
aggregations of link evidence on the richness of generated
representations. Our analysis showed a significant increase
of unique anchor words available for each site, potentially
overcoming anchor text sparsity. In our qualitative analy-
sis we saw examples of not only improved representations,
but also of added noise caused by the aggregation. Hence the
answer to our third research question is still mixed. Although
establishing the existence of ‘lost’ web pages and websites
is an important result in itself, the resulting representations
are sparse, and may not be rich enough to characterize their
unique content. We decide to investigate this in the next sec-
7 Finding unarchived pages and sites
In this section, we study RQ4: Are the resulting derived rep-
resentations of unarchived pages and web sites useful in
practice? Do they capture enough of the unique page con-
tent to make them retrievable amongst millions of other page
representations? We focus on the retrieval of unarchived web
pages based on their derived representations in a known-item
search setting and compare page-level with host-level repre-
sentations. Our finding is that the succinct representation is
generally rich enough to identify pages on the unarchived
web: in a known-item search setting we retrieve these pages
within the first ranks on average. The aggregation of pages
at the host-level leads to further improvement of the retrieval
7.1 Evaluation setup
To evaluate the utility of uncovered evidence of the unar-
chived web, we indexed representations in the outer aura
of the archive. Hence, we indexed the unarchived pages,
detected via the archive’s link structure, whose parent domain
is not on the seedlist. These representations consist of unar-
chived URLs, aggregated anchor text and URL words of
unarchived pages and hosts. We indexed these documents
using the Terrier 3.5 IR Platform [26], utilizing basic stop-
word filtering and Porter stemming. We indexed three sets of
page-level representations for all 5.19 M unarchived
page-level representations for 324.807 homepages (entry
pages of hosts)
aggregated site-level representations for 324.807 unar-
chived hosts
For each set of representations, we created three indices. The
first index of every category uses only the aggregated anchor
words (anchT ). The second index (urlW )usesotherevi-
dence: the words contained in the URL. Non-alphanumerical
characters were removed from the URLs and words of a
length between 2 and 20 characters were indexed. Finally,
the third index for each set of representations consists of
both aggregated anchor text and URL words (anchTUrlW).
To create known-item queries, a stratified sample of the
dataset was taken, consisting of 500 random non-homepage
URLs, and 500 random homepages. Here, we define a non-
homepage URL as having a slashcount of 1 or more, and a
homepage URL as having a slashcount of 0. These URLs
were checked against the Internet Archive (pages archived in
2012). If no snapshot was available in the Internet Archive
(for example because of a robots.txt exclusion), the URL
was checked against the live web. If no page evidence could
be consulted, the next URL in the list was chosen, until a
total of 150 queries per category was reached. The consulted
pages were used by two annotators to create known-item
queries. Specifically, after looking at the target page, the tab
or window is closed and the topic creator writes down the
query that he or she would use for refinding the target page
with a standard search engine. Hence the query was based
on their recollection of the page’s content, and the annotators
were completely unaware of the anchor text representation
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
(derived from pages linking to the target). As it turned out,
the topic creators used 5–7 words queries for both home-
pages and non-homepages. The set of queries by the first
annotator was used for the evaluation (n=300), and the
set of queries by the second annotator was used to verify the
results (n=100). We found that the difference between the
annotators was low: the average difference in resulting MRR
scores between the annotators for 100 homepage queries in
all indices was 8 %, and the average difference in success rate
was 3 %.
For the first part of our evaluation (Sect. 7.2), we ran these
300 homepage and non-homepage queries against the anchT,
urlW and anchTUrlW page-level indices created in Terrier
using its default InL2 retrieval model based on DFR and
saved the rank of our URL in the results list. For the second
part of our evaluation (Sect. 7.3), the 150 homepage queries
were run against page-level and site-level indices of hosts in
the outer aura of the archive.
To verify the utility of anchor, URL words and combined
representations, we use the Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR)
for each set of queries against each respective index.
MRR =1
The MRR (1) is a statistical measure that looks at the
probability of retrieving correct results. It is the average over
the scores of the first correct result for each query (calculated
by 1
rank ). We also compute the success rate at rank 10, that
is, for which fraction of the topics do we actually retrieve the
correct URL within the first 10 ranks.
We used unarchived pages uncovered from the Dutch web
archive, that are either available in the Internet Archive, or
still available on the live web, in order to have the ground truth
information about the page’s content. This potentially intro-
duces bias—there can be some difference between the pages
that still are active, or have been archived, and those that
are not—but the URLs did not suggest striking differences.
Out of all randomly chosen homepages surveyed, 79.9%
were available via either the Internet Archive or the live web.
However, this was not the case for the non-homepages (ran-
domly selected pages with a slash count of 1 or more), as
only 49.8 % could be retrieved via the Internet Archive or the
live web. The underlying reasons that many URLs could not
be archived include restrictive robots.txt policies (e.g. Face-
book pages), contents specifically excluded from the archive
(e.g. Twitter accounts and tweets), but also links pointing to
automatically generated pages (e.g. LinkedIn ‘share’ links).
The unavailability of URLs strengthens the potential utility
of generated page representations, for example, via aggre-
gated anchor text, since no page evidence can be retrieved
Table 20 Mean reciprocal rank (MRR)
MRR Queries AnchT UrlW AnchTUrlW
Homepages 150 0.327 0.317 0.489
Non-homepages 150 0.254 0.384 0.457
Combined 300 0.290 0.351 0.473
7.2 Page-based representations
This section contains the first part of our evaluation, focusing
on page-based representations of unarchived content. We use
the indices of the 5.19 M page representations in the outer
aura of the archive, combined with the 150 homepage and
150 non-homepage known-item queries.
7.2.1 MRR and success rate
MRR scores were calculated for the examined homepages
and non-homepages to test as to what extent the generated
representations suffice to retrieve unarchived URLs. The
final results of the evaluation based on MRR are summa-
rized in Table 20. We found that the MRR scores for the
homepages and non-homepages are quite similar, though
some differences can be seen. Using the anchor text index,
the homepages score higher than the non-homepages, possi-
bly because of the richer representations available for these
homepages. The scores for the URL words index are naturally
higher for the non-homepages: they have longer URLs and,
therefore, more words that could match the words used in
the query. Finally, we can see that the combination of anchor
and URL words evidence significantly boosts the retrieval
effectiveness: the MRR is close to 0.5, meaning that in the
average case the correct result is retrieved at the second rank.
We also examined the success rate, that is, for which
degree of the topics do we actually retrieve the correct URL
within the first 10 ranks? Table 21 shows that again there is
some similarity between the homepages and non-homepages.
The homepages score better using the anchor text index
than the non-homepages: 46.7 % can be retrieved. On the
other hand, the non-homepages fare better than the home-
pages using the URL words: 46.0 % of the non-homepages is
included in the first 10 ranks. Again, we see that combining
both representations results in a significant increase of the
success rate: we can retrieve 64.0% of the homepages, and
55.3 % of the non-homepages in the first 10 ranks.
The MRR scores indicate that anchor text in combination
with tokenized URL words can be discriminative enough
to do known-item search: the correct results can usually be
retrieved within the first ranks. Second, the success rates
show that by combining anchor text and URL word evidence,
64 % of the homepages, and 55.3 % of the deeper pages can
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
Table 21 Success rates (target
page in top 10) Success@10 Queries AnchT (%) UrlW (%) AnchTUrlW (%)
Homepages 150 46.7 39.3 64.0
Non-homepages 150 34.7 46.0 55.3
Combined 300 40.7 42.7 59.7
Table 22 Division based on indegree of unique hosts
Indegree Pages Word cnt MRR anchT Homepage (%)
1 251 2.9 0.29 42.6
2 28 3.8 0.19 82.1
3 12 4.5 0.29 100
4+9 7.3 0.49 88.9
be retrieved. This provides positive evidence for the utility
of these representations.
The performance on the derived representations is com-
parable to the performance on regular representations of web
pages [11]. Here we used a standard retrieval model, without
including various priors tailored to the task at hand [20].
7.2.2 Impact of indegree
We now examine the impact of the number of unique
inlinks on the richness of anchor text representations at the
page level. For example, the homepage Centre for Euro-
pean Reform ( receives links from 3 unique hosts:,, and, together
contributing 5 unique anchor words, while the page action- has 1 intra-server link from,
contributing only 1 anchor word. For the combined 300 top-
ics (domains and non-domains together), we calculated the
mean unique word count, the MRR, and the degree of home-
pages in the subset.
The results in Table 22 show that an increase in the number
of inlinks from unique hosts results in a rise of the mean word
count. However, it also illustrates the skewed distribution of
our dataset: the majority of pages (251 out of 300) have links
from only one source host, while a much smaller set (49
out of 300) have links from 2 or more unique source hosts.
The table also provides evidence of the hypothesis that the
homepages have more inlinks from unique hosts than non-
homepages: at an indegree of 2 or more, the homepages take
up more than 80 % of the set of pages. We can also observe
from the data that the MRR using the anchor text index in our
sample is highest when having links from at least 4 unique
7.3 Site-based representations
The encountered importance of a higher indegree and unique
word count for representing unarchived pages encouraged
us to experiment with other approaches to improve repre-
sentations. This second part of our evaluation compares the
retrieval effectiveness of entry page representations of hosts
(at the page-level) with aggregated representations of all
pages under a certain host (at the site-level). We use the
indices created using these two sets of 324.807 represen-
tations in combination with the 150 known-item homepage
7.3.1 MRR and success rate
Table 23 summarizes the MRR scores for the page and site-
level representations. The score for the site-level index based
on anchor text is 4 % higher than the page-level anchor text
index. In our derived site-level representations, we aggre-
gated up to 100 URLs and tokenized the URL words. The
value of this approach is seen in the MRR score for the site-
level urlW index: the MRR score rises with 5%. Finally, the
combined representations (AnchTUrlW) work best, with a
higher MRR rating than both AnchT and UrlW indices alone.
The MRR score is improved almost 6% by aggregating the
anchor text and URL word evidence, showing the value of
site-level aggregation of link-based evidence.
To get a better insight into which queries perform better
and worse, we look more in detail at the differences in perfor-
mance for all 150 homepage queries across the page-level and
site-level AnchTUrlW indices (Table 24). For 21 topics, the
site-based representations fare better, and for 14 topics, the
page-based representations fare better. Hence we see some
evidence for both the improvement of site representations
and for the potential introduction of noise (influencing the
topics that did not perform better). Another striking observa-
tions is that the scores for 115 of the topics remain the same.
Table 23 Site representations: mean reciprocal rank (MRR)
MRR #Q AnchT UrlW AnchTUrlW
Page-level 150 0.435 0.393 0.590
Site-level 150 0.452 0.412 0.626
Table 24 MRR score comparison for homepage queries in site-level
(srAnchTUrlW) and page-level (plAnchTUrlW) anchor text indices
Site-level Better Same Worse Page-level
21 115 14
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Table 25 Coverage of URLs by
site representations and
associated counts, mean number
of words, and MRR
Covered URLs Repr cnt Page-rep words Site-rep words Page-rep MRR Site-rep MRR
1 103 4.3 4.3 0.62 0.64
2224.87.0 0.47 0.52
367.110.7 0.44 0.57
4+19 7.3 36.9 0.62 0.66
Table 26 Site representations: success rates (target page in top 10)
Success@10 #Q AnchT (%) UrlW (%) AnchTUrlW (%)
Page-level 150 56.0 46.0 74.7
Site-level 150 55.3 46.7 74.7
The reason might be related to the skewed distribution of our
dataset: for some hosts we might have few captured URLs
which could be used in a site-based representation.
Therefore, we now look at the number of URLs available
per host, as this might influence the richness of representa-
tions. Table 25 shows that for the majority of target hosts
(103 out of 150 known-item queries), there is only one URL
in our dataset. For 47 hosts, 2 or more URLs are available. In
the table, we also see that the mean number of unique words
increases when the number of covered URLs increases. For
the 47 hosts with two or more covered URLs, the MRR val-
ues for the site-level representations are clearly higher than
for the page-level representations.
Finally, we look at the success rates (the degree of topics
with the correct URL in the first 10 results). The success rates
in Table 26 show a different outcome than the MRR score
comparison: page-level and site-level representations score
remarkably similar. There is a slightly lower success rate for
the site-level anchor text index, and a slight improvement
for the URL words index. Similar scores might be caused by
the skewed distribution of the dataset. As we have seen in
Table 25, for 103 out of 150 hosts in our evaluation set we
have just 1 captured URL. In those cases, aggregating URLs
by host does not increase success rates.
Summarizing, we investigated whether the derived rep-
resentations characterize the unique content of unarchived
web pages in a meaningful way. We conducted a critical test
cast as a known-item finding task, requiring to locate unique
pages amongst millions of other pages—a true needle-in-a-
haystack task. The outcome of the first part of our evaluation
is clearly positive: with MRR scores of about 0.5, we find
the relevant pages at the second rank on average, and for the
majority of pages the relevant page is in the top 10 results.
The second part of our evaluation compared page-level rep-
resentations with site-level representations. We found that
using site-level representations improves retrieval effective-
ness for homepage queries with 4–6 %, while the success
rates remain stable. Hence, the answer to our fourth research
question is again positive: we can reconstruct representations
of unarchived web pages that characterize their content in a
meaningful way.
8 Discussion and conclusions
Every web crawl and web archive is highly incomplete,
making the reconstruction of the lost web of crucial impor-
tance for the use of web archives and other crawled data.
Researchers take the web archive at face value and equate it
to the web as it once was, leading to potentially biased and
incorrect conclusions. The main insight of this paper is that
although unarchived web pages are lost forever, they are not
forgotten in the sense that the crawled pages may contain
various evidence of their existence.
In this article, we proposed a method for deriving rep-
resentations for unarchived content, using the evidence of
the unarchived and lost web extracted from the collec-
tion of archived web pages. We used link evidence to first
uncover target URLs outside the archive, and second to
reconstruct basic representations of target URLs outside
the archive. This evidence includes aggregated anchor text,
source URLs, assigned classification codes, crawl dates, and
other extractable properties. Hence, we derived representa-
tions of web pages and websites that are not archived, and
which otherwise would have been lost.
We tested our methods on the data of the selection-based
Dutch web archive in 2012. The analysis presented above
first characterized the contents of the Dutch web archive,
from which the representations of unarchived pages were
subsequently uncovered, reconstructed and evaluated. The
archive contains evidence of roughly the same number of
unarchived pages as the number of unique pages included in
the web archive—a dramatic increase in coverage. In terms of
the number of domains and hostnames, the increase of cover-
age is even more dramatic, but this is partly due to the domain
restrictive crawling policyof the Dutch web archive. Whereas
this is still only a fraction of the total web, using the data
extracted from archived pages we reconstruct specifically
those unarchived pages which once were closely interlinked
with the pages in the archive.
The recovery of the unarchived pages surrounding the web
archive, which we called the ‘aura’ of the archive, can be used
for assessing the completeness of the archive. The recov-
ered pages may help to extend the seedlist of the crawlers
of selection-based archives, as these pages are potentially
H. C. Huurdeman et al.
relevant to the archive. Additionally, representations of unar-
chived pages could be used to enrich web archive search
systems and provide additional search functionality. Includ-
ing the representations of pages in the outer aura, for example,
is of special interest as it contains evidence to the existence of
top websites that are excluded from archiving, such as Face-
book and Twitter. This is supported by the fact that only two
years since the data were crawled, 20.1 % of the found unar-
chived homepages and 45.4% of the non-home pages could
no longer be found on the live web nor the Internet Archive.
However, given that the original page is lost and we rely
on indirect evidence, the reconstructed pages have a sparse
representation. For a small fraction of popular unarchived
pages we have evidence from many links, but the richness of
description is highly skewed and tapers off very quickly—
we have no more than a few words. This raises doubts on
the utility of the resulting representations: are these rich
enough to distinguish the unique page amongst millions of
other pages? We addressed this with a critical test cast as
a known item search in a refinding scenario. As it turns
out, the evaluation of the unarchived pages shows that the
extraction is rather robust, since both unarchived homepages
and non-homepages received similar satisfactory MRR aver-
age scores: 0.47 over both types, so on average the relevant
unarchived page can be found in the first ranks. Combin-
ing page-level evidence into host-level representations of
websites leads to richer representations and an increase in
retrieval effectiveness (an MRR of 0.63). The broad conclu-
sion is that the derived representations are effective and that
we can dramatically increase the coverage of the web archive
by our reconstruction approach.
Hence, it would be valuable to integrate derived rep-
resentations into search systems for web archives. The
representations of unarchived web content are relatively
sparse, which may lead to low rankings for unarchived repre-
sentations in comparison to fully archived content. There are
two standard approaches to avoid this. First, a search index
for archived results could be combined with a second search
index for unarchived results, and archived and unarchived
results can be interleaved, either by round robin or a score
weighted interleaving, ensuring highly ranked archived and
unarchived results will appear together. A second approach
is the use of an anchor text index for ranking both archived
and unarchived results. The use of the same type of evidence
for ranking both types of content also facilitates the concur-
rent display of both archived and unarchived results in web
archive search systems.
There are some limitations to the method as described
in this study that could be addressed in follow up work.
The first concerns the aggregation of links by year, which
may over-generalize timestamps of the unarchived pages
and, therefore, decrease the accuracy of the representation.
Further study is needed on the right window, or weighted rep-
resentations, taking into account estimates of the volatility or
dynamic nature of the websites and web pages at hand. Sec-
ond, we used data from a selective archive, whose crawler
settings privilege selected hostnames and are instructed to
ignore other encountered sites. This affects the relative dis-
tribution of home pages and non-homepages, both in the
archive as well as in the unarchived pages. Hence, the exact
impact of the crawling strategy remains an open problem. It
would be of interest to determine which crawling strategies
provide the best starting point for reconstructing the associ-
ated unarchived web. Third, our initial results in this paper
are based on straightforward descriptions of pure anchor
text and URL components and standard ranking models. In
follow-up research we will examine the effect of including
further contextual information, such as the text surrounding
the anchors, and advanced retrieval models that optimally
weight all different sources of evidence. Fourth, the recov-
ered representations are rather skewed and hence most of
the uncovered pages have a relatively sparse representation,
while only a small fraction has rich representations. We
addressed this by generating site-level representations, but
advanced mixture models at various levels of representation,
and advanced weighting schemes treating the observed evi-
dence as a sample from a larger population, can further enrich
the representations.
Acknowledgments We thank the reviewers for their comments that
helped shape this article, and gratefully acknowledge the collaboration
with the Dutch Web Archive of the National Library of the Netherlands,
in particular René Voorburg. This research wassupported by the Nether-
lands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO CATCH program,
WebART project #640.005.001). The link extraction and analysis work
was carried out on the Dutch national e-infrastructure with the support
of SURF Foundation.
Open Access This article is distributedunder the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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... Some components of digital heritage are perceived as culturally and economically valuable despite their relatively recent creation [1]; others are treated as worthless or kitsch [2]. The heated discussion of what to preserve (archive) and who would do it in light of changing technologies and dynamic increases in the amount of digital data continues [3][4][5]. All this makes the issue of digital artefact preservation globally relevant and worthy of attention. ...
... The problems of digital cultural heritage identification, protection, and promotion are not new [4][5][6]. The literature emphasizes the need for archiving content dispersed on the Web because it may be a source of historical facts in the future [3]. ...
... Alas, it is impossible to archive the entire Web because of its ever-growing volume and unsettled structure. What is more, even preserved content can be incomplete [4]. A large portion of data is not archived due to limitations on indexing depth and frequency and restrictive selection policies. ...
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Online content can have unique cultural value. It is certainly the case for digital representations of folklore found on websites related to rural tourism, including agritourism. It is true for both archaic websites, copies of which are found in digital archives, and modern websites. The purpose of this paper is to assess the frequency of ready-made digital components and rustic folklore on agritourism farms’ websites. The exploration and comparative analysis involved 866 websites from two independent sets: (1) archaic websites, copies of which are available in the Internet Archive and (2) currently operational websites published in the Polish ccTLD (country code top-level domain). We employed HTML code exploration to verify the websites’ development technique and their selected characteristics, including content management systems (CMSs) and responsiveness. In the set of the ccTLD websites, we recorded such design attributes as the type of graphic layout, hero image, and parallax scrolling. The research demonstrated that ready-made folklore graphics were relatively rare among the investigated websites. Elements of rustic cyberfolklore were found only on 17 archaic websites (approx. 4%) and 52 ccTLD websites (approx. 12%). They were most often Kashubian patterns. The research suggests that rustic cyberfolklore is most often found on websites of agritourism farms in areas where local communities and ethnic groups are particularly active and strongly identify with regional traditions.
... Various efforts currently exist to capture the web at the local, national, international as well as institutional or community levels [50,62,78]. Studies of these efforts center around more efficient methods for capturing the dynamic web and increasing discoverability of the archived web by examining tools, policies, and metadata [19,38,67]. ...
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The field of web archiving provides a unique mix of human and automated agents collaborating to achieve the preservation of the web. Centuries old theories of archival appraisal are being transplanted into the sociotechnical environment of the World Wide Web with varying degrees of success. The work of the archivist and bots in contact with the material of the web present a distinctive and understudied CSCW shaped problem. To investigate this space we conducted semi-structured interviews with archivists and technologists who were directly involved in the selection of content from the web for archives. These semi-structured interviews identified thematic areas that inform the appraisal process in web archives, some of which are encoded in heuristics and algorithms. Making the infrastructure of web archives legible to the archivist, the automated agents and the future researcher is presented as a challenge to the CSCW and archival community.
... And finally, preserving web content in the most precise and accurate way has always been the center of attention of web history studies and web archiving methods (Huurdeman, Kamps, Samar, de Vries, Ben-David & Rogers, 2015). By contrast, web historians haven't been concerned so much with the relation between web archived data and user consumption. ...
The book addresses the relation between several social and cultural aspects of contemporary society and the digitization process, it debates new methodologies and approaches to the study of social media and digital networks. It examines the opportunity to understand the social aspects of digital media in social research yet, at the same time, it debates critical and controversial points of digitization. It is a collection of essays and papers by international scholars from all over the world, that delineate some general tracks and try to define what digitization is. This term marks one of the more ambiguous phenomena of our time, and this book tries to analyze it thanks to an international and interdisciplinary approach.