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Abstract and Figures

Piedra del Sol is a free-standing rock in Chaco Canyon that marks June solstice sunrise. The petroglyph on the south face of Piedra del Sol in Chaco Canyon may depict the solar corona observed during the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1097 CE The southwest area of the rock contains features consisted with a sun watching station and faces December solstics sunset. During the 19th century, coronal mass ejection appears to have been observed during two total solar eclipses. The petroglyph on the south face appears to show a configuration of the solar corona that is consistent with a coronal mass eject-ion (CME). The hypothesis that a CME is depicted at Piedra del Sol is testable and can be disproven if the maximum of solar activity did not occur near 1097 CE. Recent studies indicate that 1097 CE was inded close to solar maximum. Miyahara et al. (2010) locate the maximum in 1098 CE based upon cosmogenic-isotopes. Vaquero and Trigo (2012) also found that 1098 CE was a maximum of solar cycle using a combination of documentary sources. The eclipse of 1097 CE occurred during a period of high solar activity, consistent with the interpretation of the petroglyph as a representation of solar corona during the solar eclipse of that year.
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Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 14, No 3, pp. 189-196
Copyright © 2014 MAA
Printed in Greece. All rights reserved.
José M. Vaquero1 & J. McKim Malville2
1Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
2Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado
Piedra del Sol is a free-standing rock in Chaco Canyon that marks June solstice sunrise.
The petroglyph on the south face of Piedra del Sol in Chaco Canyon may depict the solar
corona observed during the total solar eclipse of July 11, 1097 CE The southwest area of
the rock contains features consisted with a sun watching station and faces December sol-
stics sunset. During the 19th century, coronal mass ejection appears to have been ob-
served during two total solar eclipses. The petroglyph on the south face appears to show
a configuration of the solar corona that is consistent with a coronal mass ejection (CME).
The hypothesis that a CME is depicted at Piedra del Sol is testable and can be disproven
if the maximum of solar activity did not occur near 1097 CE. Recent studies indicate that
1097 CE was inded close to solar maximum. Miyahara et al. (2010) locate the maximum in
1098 CE based upon cosmogenic-isotopes. Vaquero and Trigo (2012) also found that 1098
CE was a maximum of solar cycle using a combination of documentary sources. The
eclipse of 1097 CE occurred during a period of high solar activity, consistent with the in-
terpretation of the petroglyph as a representation of solar corona during the solar eclipse
of that year.
KEYWORDS: Chaco Canyon, petroglyph, solar eclipse, coronal mass ejection
© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
One of the more interesting petroglyphs
with possible astronomical meaning in the
southwest of USA is located in the south-
ern face of the Piedra de Sol in Chaco Can-
yon. This petroglyph can be described as
an unusual circle with curved rays, which
resemble the curved coronal structures of
the eclipsed sun during a coronal mass
ejection or, even, exaggerations of curved
polar streamers of the corona. Malville
(2008) has noted that the totality path of the
eclipse of July 11, 1097, crossed the Chaco
Canyon. In fact, it was the only visible total
eclipse during the period of maximum
great house construction (1020-1130 CE) in
Chaco Canyon. The representation of a
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) in this petro-
glyph is a hypothesis that is impossible to
prove, but it can be tested and falsified.
2.1 Coronal Mass Ejections
During peak of solar activity, which oc-
curs approximately every 11 years, the sun
produces about three coronal mass ejec-
tions (CME) every day, while at minimum
solar activity the frequency drops to one
every five days. CMEs consist of a collec-
tion of electrons and protons entangled in a
magnetic field. Their speeds range from 20
km/sec to 3200 km/sec. Typically they
start with a slowly rising bubble near the
sun's surface, followed by rapid accelera-
tion. Most CMEs miss the earth, but when
one reaches the earth it causes a disruption
of the magnetosphere, which results in
strong auroral displays around the earth's
magnetic poles. It also may disrupt radio
transmission, endanger electrical circuits,
and damage satellites.
During the twentieth century CMEs
were reported during two total eclipses. At
the Spanish eclipse of July 18 the astrono-
mer Gugleimo Temple, stationed in Torre-
blanca, recorded in a drawing an anoma-
lous feature of the corona, which appears
to have been a CME (Figure 1). Of the 46
firsthand accounts of that eclipse that were
made across Spain, about half reported ob-
serving this feature (Eddy 1974).
Figure 1 Drawing of the eclipse of July 18, 1860 by
The second CME was photographed in
Chile using the Schaeberle 40 foot camera
of Lick Observatory on April 16, 1893.
Schaeberle made a remarkable tracing of
prominences and structures of the corona
using eight 18x22 inch glass plates (Figure
2; Pearson 2010). Cliver (1989) has suggest-
ed the feature in the lower right that is la-
beled "comet" was another CME.
Figure 2. Drawing of coronal structures by
Schaeberle for the total eclipse 16 April 1893. A
coronal mass ejection appears in the lower right-
hand side of the figure labeled as a comet.
2.2 Piedra del Sol
In the summer of 1992, the University of
Colorado and Ft. Lewis College organized
a field school in archaeoastronomy, lead by
jointly by W. James Judge and J. McKim
Malville. During that field school, one of
the staff, Rick Watson, discovered a large
spiral petroglyph on a free standing rock
near the visitors' center in Chaco Canyon
© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
(Figures 3-6). It appeared possible that a
pyramidal rock on the northeastern hori-
zon would cast a shadow on the spiral
close to June solstice. The following sum-
mer, that possibility was confirmed by GB
Cornucopia (Watson et al. 1996). The south
face of the rock contains a number of pet-
roglyphs, including two of Kokopeli and
an unusual one that appeared to depict the
total solar eclipse of July 11, 1097 (Figures
7-10). In addition, the southwest side of the
rock contains a pecked basin and a grind-
ing area (Figures 11 & 12), which are often
found associated with astronomical observ-
ing stations in Mesa Verde (Malville and
Munson 1998). Later that year, Cornucopia
confirmed that the southwest side of the
rock faced December solstice sunset near a
prominent horizon feature. Because of the
multiplicity of solar events that appears to
be associated with the rock, we proposed
that it be named "Piedra del Sol."
Figure 3. Piedra del Sol Piedra del Sol, viewed from
the east. The side of the rock to the left,
slightly in shadow, contains the possible
coronal petroglyph.
Figure 4. Spiral petroglyph on the northeast side of
Piedra del Sol.
Figure 5. June 5 Sunrise viewed from the center
of the spiral.
Figure 6 June summer solstce viewed from the center of
the spiral.
Figure 7 Possible solar eclipse petroglyph
Figure 8 Coronal mass ejection, March 9, 2000 (SO-
HO spacecraft, NASA)
© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
Figure 9 South Face of Piedra del Sol showing the possible eclipse petroglyph and two Kokopeli petro-
Figure 10 The path of the solar eclipse of 11 July
1097. Red square represents the Chaco Canyon
(eclipse predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's
Figure 11 Pecked basin on west side of Piedra del Sol
Figure 12 Grinding area on west side of Piedra del Sol
2.3 Solar Activity during 1097
We use the high dependence of the ob-
served solar corona during total eclipses
upon the solar cycle to check the consisten-
cy of the hypothesis of the solar corona
represented in the petroglyph of the "Pie-
dra del Sol". If AD1097 was a year of low
solar activity, the solar corona would be
very different from the one represented in
the petroglyph in which case the hypothe-
sis of the solar corona represented in the
Chaco Canyon should be abandoned.
However, if AD1097 was a year of high so-
lar activity, the hypothesis would be
© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
Fortunately, some recent studies can
help us to check the status of solar activity
around 1097. Therefore, the aim of this pa-
per is to show that this hypothesis is com-
patible with the state of solar activity in
this date.
We have some sources to study the past
solar activity. First, we have some docu-
mentary sources describing auroral obser-
vations (Eather 1980) or records of sun-
spots with the naked eye (Whittmann and
Xu 1987) . These records are not very ho-
mogeneous but have a high temporal reso-
lution. Moreover, we also have indirect ev-
idence of past solar activity based on cos-
mogenic radionuclides (e.g., 10Be and 14C),
which are produced by cosmic rays in the
Earth’s atmosphere. These records are
more homogeneous but have a lower tem-
poral resolution than historical documents.
Obviously, both sources have their ad-
vantages and disadvantages.
We have compiled the available infor-
mation on solar activity around AD1097 in
Figure 3. The red line represents the
smoothed sunspot number reconstructed
by Solanki et al. (2004) based on dendro-
chronologically dated radiocarbon concen-
trations. Note that the resolution of these
data is not enough to detect the 11-year so-
lar cycle. However, 1097 is located very
close to a local maximum, the first one after
the Oort Minimum (10101070) and the
first one belonging to a period of relatively
high solar activity called Medieval Solar
Maximum (11001250) (Jirikowic and Da-
mon 1994).
In Figure 13, the annual number of na-
ked-eye observations of sunspots (Vaquero
et al. 2002) is represented by the blue line
and the annual number of auroral nights
(from the catalogue compiled by Křivský
and Pejml (1998) is represented by the or-
ange line. Arrows of these colors corre-
spond to estimated maxima of solar cycle
using naked-eye observations (blue) and
auroral nights (orange) respectively
(Vaquero and Trigo 2012). Finally, green
arrows correspond to the estimated maxi-
ma of solar cycle using a high resolution
14C record from tree rings (Miyahara (2010).
Therefore, different records are available to
assess the phase of the solar cycle around
1097 using documental records and cos-
mogenic proxies. Both kinds of information
suggest that the date of maximum of the
solar cycle is close to 1098. This fact is,
therefore, a support for the hypothesis of
the solar corona represented in the petro-
glyph of the "Piedra del Sol".
Figure 13 Various solar activity proxies during the period 1055–1145. See text for details.
© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
2.4 The Supernova of 1054CE
This is not the only petroglyph in Chaco
Canyon that has been identified with a tran-
sient astronomical event. The well-known
pictograph, containing a hand, a crescent
moon, and a 10-pointed star below the Great
House of Peñasco Blanco has been identified
(Fisher 2010) with the supernova of AD 1054.
That identification has however been ques-
tioned on several issues. The anthropologist
Florence Halley Ellis pointed out that the
rock art symbols of the pictograph are com-
mon among rock art of the Pueblos They
may have been clan symbols, and she sug-
gests the star more likely was a representa-
tion of Venus. Two other sites containing a
combination of star and crescent moon that
had been identified with the 1054 supernova
have also been recently re-evaluated and
found wanting. Their identifications with a
supernova have also been found to be un-
likely (Krupp et al. 2010)
2.4 Eclipse of 1097
In the case of the Piedra del Sol, the pu-
tative image of the corona is unique among
the rock art symbols of the American
Southwest. It certainly does not appear
elsewhere in Chaco Canyon. Furthermore,
this rock appears to have been a place for
monitoring and celebrating the cyclic be-
havior of the sun. On its east side rock the
large spiral petroglyph marks June solstice
as well as providing a 15-16 day anticipa-
tion of the event. As viewed from the cen-
ter of the spiral, the sun begins to climb the
southern edge of a pyramidal rock on the
horizon more than a month before solstice
and reaches the top of the rock on June 5.
Monitoring the movement of the sun after
solstice may well have continued past July
11, and hence people following the behav-
ior of the sun could have been in the
neighborhood of Piedra del Sol at the time
of the eclipse.
This eclipse had very good viewing con-
ditions in Chaco Canyon: it occurred in
mid-after-noon, the sun's altitude was high
(58°) and the eclipse had a long duration (4
minutes). One of the often dramatic fea-
tures of a total eclipse is the sudden ap-
pearance of Venus near the sun. At the
time of this eclipse Venus had a visual
magnitude of -4 and appeared to the east of
the sun 10o higher in the sky. The round
pecked mark above the petroglyph may
represent Venus observed during the
eclipse (Figure 9).
The petroglyph panel on the south side
of the rock contains two images of Ko-
kopeli, the flute player (Figure 8). The
presence of the flute player on a rock so
devoted to the sun raises the interesting
possiblility of a connection between flute
playing and solar ritual. We do know that
the sun plays a major role in the Blue and
Drab Flute Societies of the Hopi. Sun sym-
bols were used in the regular flute ceremo-
nies. These two societies have one day each
in winter and summer for special prayer
offerings to the sun called Tawa Baholowu
(Voth 1912). The summer ceremony of the
Drab Flute Society in June involved quartz
crystals for throwing rays of sunlight into a
medicine bowl (Voth 1903). Flutes may
have played a role in summing or bringing
up the sun.
The year 1097 lies within a transitional
period of Chacoan culture, when the Clas-
sic Bonito Phase of Great House construc-
tion was ending and a different style of so-
cial organization of the Late Bonito Period
was commencing (Van Dyke 2007). A pro-
longed drought in the Chaco Basin in the
decade of 1090 may have weakened the
credibility of ceremonies performed Chaco
Canyon to maintain sufficient agricultural
production. The drought may brought
about social tensions that caused migra-
tions out of the Canyon, such as to Salmon
Pueblo in the north. The sun must have
been an object of great importance, and its
eclipse, which would have been observed
over a large portion of the Chacoan sphere
of influence, could have further diminished
the credibility of sun rituals performed in
canyon. The eclipse may thus have been
more significant than a puzzling event in
the sky. Because the eclipse was concomi-
tant with environmental and social changes
in the canyon, it may warranted a record-
ing on the rock of Piedra del Sol.
© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
The authors are grateful to I.G. Usoskin and H. Miyahara for their comments and data.
Support from the Junta de Extremadura (Research Group Grant No. GR10131) and Span-
ish Government (AYA 2011-25945) is gratefully acknowledged.
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© University of the Aegean, 2014, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 14, 3 (2014) 189-196
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... The first "aha" (Fig. 2) occurs when learners see the tri- The 2024 eclipse occurs during a period of solar maximum, just like the 1097 eclipse did. 11 So as you behold the corona during totality, we invite you to feel a connection across time, space, and culture with the Ancestral Puebloan observers of 1097 as well as with NASA coronal explorers like Parker and PUNCH. May the diverse modalities of our outreach products 2 help to prepare you and draw you closer to the extraordinary, ordinary star upon which our lives depend. ...
... Hence opportunities to make telescopic observations before the MM were minimal. There are examples of pre-historic rock art that have been interpreted as images of a structured corona (Vaquero and Malville, 2014) and some Chinese and European texts are arguably describing such a corona (e.g., Wang and Siscoe, 1980;Stephenson, 1997). While pre-modern Chinese astronomers recorded eclipses on a regular basis, it was usually without detailed coronal descriptions (Stephenson, 1998). ...
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We discuss the significant implications of three eye-witness drawings of the total solar eclipse on 1706 May 12 in comparison with two on 1715 May 3, for our understanding of space climate change. These events took place just after what has been termed the “deep Maunder Minimum” but fall within the “extended Maunder Minimum” being in an interval when the sunspot numbers start to recover. Maria Clara Eimmert’s image in 1706 is particularly important because she was both a highly accomplished astronomical observer and an excellent artist: it was thought lost and was only re-discovered in 2012. Being the earliest coronal drawings of observational value yet identified, these drawings corroborate verbal accounts a corona without significant streamers, seen at totality of this and another eclipse event in 1652 during the Maunder Minimum. The graphical evidence implies that the coronal solar magnetic field was not lost but significantly weakened and the lack of coronal structure means there was little discernable open flux (either polar or at lower latitudes) even during the recovery phase of the Maunder Minimum. These observations provide evidence for a different state of oscillation of the solar dynamo and hence behaviour of the Sun in comparison with that during normal solar cycle minima (when a streamer belt between two polar coronal holes is visible) or near normal sunspot maxima (when coronal structure is caused by coronal holes at all latitudes) even to observers without a telescope.
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Datable graphical records of total solar eclipses allow us to assess contemporaneous variability of Earth's rotation speed, solar coronal structure, and solar-wind conditions. Such records are known back to the early 18th century. Here, we examine Matthew Paris’ medieval manuscript, an eyewitness account of a total solar eclipse just after local sunrise, and analyse his eclipse drawings on 14 May 1230. We philologically identify his observational site as St. Albans and compute local eclipse visibility. To locate St. Albans in the totality path, our analysis requires ΔT in 555 s < ΔT < 923 s (loose scenario), consistent with the latest published ΔT spline curve, which indicates that only the upper part of the eclipsed Sun should have been visible in this case. The eclipsed Sun sould have been entirely visible over the local horizon if we set the ΔT margins to 555 s < ΔT < 571 s (strict scenario), which requires slightly modifying the latest ΔT spline curve. Matthew Paris’ drawing of the total solar eclipse showed streamer-like structures similar to solar-minimum-type coronal streamers, consistent with the local tilt of the apparent solar equator. This is morphologically consistent with the minimum-type solar coronal streamers predicted from the open solar flux reconstructed from the 14C dataset. This record potentially demonstrates a similarity in solar cycles between the ‘Medieval Grand Maximum’ and modern solar cycles. Collectively, historical eclipse records could be used to assess Earth's rotation speed, solar coronal dynamics, and background solar dynamo activity on a millennial timescale.
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The growing interest in the "Medieval Climate Anomaly" (MCA) and its possible link to anomalous solar activity has prompted new reconstructions of solar activity based on cosmogenic radionuclides. These proxies however do not sufficiently constrain the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) range, and are often defined at low temporal resolution, inadequate to infer the solar cycle length (SCL). We have reconstructed the SCL (average duration of 10.72 \pm 0.20 years) during the MCA using observations of naked-eye sunspot and aurora sightings. Thus, solar activity was most probably not exceptionally intense, supporting the view that internal variability of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system was the main driver of MCA.
The state of the sun strongly affects terrestrial phenomena. While the eleven-year solar cycle was recognized in the XIX century, the lack of direct data concerning our star in historical times has made it difficult to determine the characteristics of solar variability on a secular scale. We here construct a series of yearly sunspot numbers as observed by eye in remote times and recorded in historical documents covering the period 165 BC-1918 AD. Using different spectral analysis methods, we find a 250-year cycle which appears to have a solar origin.
The development of the modern scientific understanding and artistic appreciation of the aurora is related from the first records of auroras left over 5000 years ago to the present. Following a brief review of the appearance, nature and occurrence of the aurora, attention is given to historical records of the siting of auroras from Stone Age and biblical times through the end of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the more extensive observations and theories of the nineteenth century, including correlations between auroral and meteorological phenomena, and the study of the southern aurora. Observations of auroral sounds are also considered, together with the development of modern methods of inquiry, including spectroscopy, the work of International Geophysical Year, magnetospheric studies and artificial auroras. Future directions for auroral physics are then discussed. Consideration is also given to the growth and techniques of auroral photography.
The relationship between solar activity and climate change in the past can be examined using proxy records. Variations of solar activity can be reconstructed based on carbon-14 in tree rings, which are produced by galactic cosmic rays modulated by the solar wind, while climate change can be reconstructed from changes of tree-ring growth rate or content of stable isotopes in ice cores from the polar region. A comparison of solar activity and climate change at the Maunder Minimum in the 17th century and the Early Medieval Maximum Period in the 9-10th century suggests that the sun plays an important role in climate change even on a decadal time scale. The characteristic variations detected in climate change suggest the mechanism of solar influence on climate involves galactic cosmic rays. Variable features of eleven-year and twenty-two year cycles of solar activity and consequent variations of cosmic rays are possible origins of complex variations of climate change on decadal to multi-decadal time scales. We summarize variations of solar activity and cosmic rays during the past 1200 years and their possible influence on climate change.
We have compiled a new catalogue of sunspot observations covering the period 165 BC to AD 1684 by updating and merging previously published catalogues and by adding a substantial amount of new data. The catalogue is in machine-readable form, the total number of entries being 235. Epoch analyses of the data have been made with regard to (a) the usefulness of naked-eye observable sunspots as tracers of the maximum epochs, and (b) the long-term phase behaviour of the sunspot cycle. The average period of the sunspot cycle is 11.116 ± 0.007 years, with individual periods ranging from 7.5 to 14.5 years (70% are between 9.9 and 12.3 years). Gaps (or scarcities of observations) are obvious between AD 600 and AD 800 (Medieval Minimum) and AD 1400-1500 (Sporer Minimum), but not during 1640-1715 (Maunder Minimum). A useful numerical approximation for the maximum epochs is: Year (Max.) = 4.0 + 11.116 N, where N is an arbitrary cycle number (N = 178 for the maximum of 1980/81).
A revised catalogue of naked-eye sunspots from the Far East is presented. This is based both on the collation of a number of recent catalogues and the systematic consultation of original Oriental historical sources. A special feature of the present list is the inclusion of a considerable number of naked-eye sunspot records from the telescopic era - extending down to the early 20th century.
Paleoclimatic studies of the Medieval Solar Maximum (c. A.D. 1100–1250, corresponding with the span of the Medieval Warm Epoch) may prove useful because it provides a better analog to the present solar forcing than the intervening era. The Medieval Solar Activity Maximum caused the cosmogenic isotope production minimum during the 12th and 13th Centuries A.D. reflected by 14C and10Be records stored in natural archives. These records suggest solar activity has returned to Medieval Solar Maximum highs after a prolonged period of reduced solar activity. Climate forcing by increased solar activity may explain some of this century's temperature rise without assuming unacceptably high climate sensitivity. By analogy with the Medieval Solar Activity Maximum, the contemporary solar activity maximum may be projected to last for 150 years. The maximum temperature increase forced by increased solar activity stays well below the predicted doubled atmospheric CO2 greenhouse forcing.
A re-evaluation of observations of the 16 April, 1893 solar eclipse suggests that the comet photographed during totality was, in fact, a disconnected coronal mass ejection. Like the disconnection event in 1980 reported by Illing and Hundhausen, the outward speed of the convex (toward the Sun) surface for the 1893 event was relatively low (90 km s–1). Candidate disconnection events were also observed during solar eclipses in 1860 and 1980.