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Protein quality of insects as potential ingredients for dog and cat foods


Abstract and Figures

Insects have been proposed as a high-quality, efficient and sustainable dietary protein source. The present study evaluated the protein quality of a selection of insect species. Insect substrates were housefly pupae, adult house cricket, yellow mealworm larvae, lesser mealworm larvae, Morio worm larvae, black soldier fly larvae and pupae, six spot roach, death's head cockroach and Argentinean cockroach. Reference substrates were poultry meat meal, fish meal and soyabean meal. Substrates were analysed for DM, N, crude fat, ash and amino acid (AA) contents and for in vitro digestibility of organic matter (OM) and N. The nutrient composition, AA scores as well as in vitro OM and N digestibility varied considerably between insect substrates. For the AA score, the first limiting AA for most substrates was the combined requirement for Met and Cys. The pupae of the housefly and black soldier fly were high in protein and had high AA scores but were less digestible than other insect substrates. The protein content and AA score of house crickets were high and similar to that of fish meal; however, in vitro N digestibility was higher. The cockroaches were relatively high in protein but the indispensable AA contents, AA scores and the in vitro digestibility values were relatively low. In addition to the indices of protein quality, other aspects such as efficiency of conversion of organic side streams, feasibility of mass-production, product safety and pet owner perception are important for future dog and cat food application of insects as alternative protein source.
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Protein quality of insects as potential ingredients for dog and cat foods*
Guido Bosch
, Sheng Zhang
, Dennis G. A. B. Oonincx
and Wouter H. Hendriks
Animal Nutrition Group, Wageningen University, PO Box 338, 6700 AH Wageningen, The Netherlands
Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University, PO Box 8031, 6700 EH Wageningen, The Netherlands
(Received 7 November 2013 Final revision received 26 January 2014 Accepted 20 February 2014)
Journal of Nutritional Science (2014), vol. 3, e29, page 1 of 4 doi:10.1017/jns.2014.23
Insects have been proposed as a high-quality, efcient and sustainable dietary protein source. The present study evaluated the protein quality of a selection
of insect species. Insect substrates were housey pupae, adult house cricket, yellow mealworm larvae, lesser mealworm larvae, Morio worm larvae, black
soldier y larvae and pupae, six spot roach, deaths head cockroach and Argentinean cockroach. Reference substrates were poultry meat meal, sh meal and
soyabean meal. Substrates were analysed for DM, N, crude fat, ash and amino acid (AA) contents and for in vitro digestibility of organic matter (OM) and
N. The nutrient composition, AA scores as well as in vitro OM and N digestibility varied considerably between insect substrates. For the AA score, the rst
limiting AA for most substrates was the combined requirement for Met and Cys. The pupae of the housey and black soldier y were high in protein and
had high AA scores but were less digestible than other insect substrates. The protein content and AA score of house crickets were high and similar to that
of sh meal; however, in vitro N digestibility was higher. The cockroaches were relatively high in protein but the indispensable AA contents, AA scores and
the in vitro digestibility values were relatively low. In addition to the indices of protein quality, other aspects such as efciency of conversion of organic side
streams, feasibility of mass-production, product safety and pet owner perception are important for future dog and cat food application of insects as alter-
native protein source.
Key words: Dog: Cats: Nutritional value: Amino acid composition: In vitro digestibility
Trends towards 2050 predict an increased demand for animal-
derived protein sources for human foods due to the combined
effects of human population increase and increasing standards
of living in developing countries
. This demand will increase
the global competition for proteins in human food, pet food
and livestock feed and stimulate the development of alterna-
tive and sustainable protein sources for assuring food security.
The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United
Nations has highlighted the potential of insects as food
and feed sources
. Insects are in general proteinaceous
and some species can be efciently grown on organic side
streams making these potentially sustainable alternatives for
current proteinaceous feed ingredients
. In addition, insects
are commonly consumed by feral cats around the world
contributing up to 6 % of their diet
. The information on
the protein quality is, however, currently limited for most
insect species. The aim of the present study was, therefore,
to evaluate the protein quality of a selection of insect species
as potential ingredients for dog and cat foods.
Experimental methods
Insect substrates were housey pupae (Musca domestica)
(donated by Jagran B. V. Hillegom), adult house cricket
(Acheta domesticus), yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor),
lesser mealworm larvae (Alphitobius diaperinus), Morio worm
larvae (Zophobas morio) (all purchased from Kreca), black
* This article was published as part of the WALTHAM International Nutritional Sciences Symposium Proceedings 2013.
Abbreviations: AA, amino acid; CP, crude protein; OM, organic matter.
Corresponding author: G. Bosch, email
© The Author(s) 2014. The online version of this article is published within an Open Access environment subject to the conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution license <>.
soldier y(Hermetia illucens) larvae and pupae (donated by
Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University) and adult
six spot roach (Eublaberus distanti), adult deaths head cockroach
(Blaberus craniifer) and adult female Argentinean cockroach
(Blaptica dubia) (donated by D. G. A. B. Oonincx). The black sol-
dier y larvae were fed a broiler starter diet (Agruniek Rijnvallei
Voer BV) and the roaches were fed household food waste. The
other insect species were sourced from companies that keep the
diet compositions condential. Reference substrates were poult-
ry meat meal (Sonac), sh meal (Research Diet Services) and
soyabean meal (Research Diet Services). Housey pupae,
black soldier y larvae, and pupae and cockroaches were
freeze-dried to a constant weight. House crickets, yellow meal-
worms, lesser mealworms and Morio worms were already
freeze-dried. Remaining poultry manure attached to the house-
y pupae and dirt attached to black soldier y pupae were
removed by hand. Before milling, housey pupae, Morio
worms, black soldier y larvae and pupae, and cockroaches
were broken using an ultracentrifugal mill without a sieve
(Retsch ZM 100, F. Kurt Retsch GmbH& Co. KG). Then
these insects were ground using a laboratory analytical mill
(A10, Janke & Kunkel GmbH u. Co KG), except for house
crickets that were ground in centrifugal mill with a 1 mm
sieve (Retsch ZM 100). Reference substrates were already in
a dried and ground form.
In vitro digestion
Substrates were in vitro digested according to an up-scaled
Boisen two-step method
with modications
the canine gastric and small intestinal digestive processes.
Chloramphenicol was added during incubation for its antibiotic
effect. The number of replicate incubations required was cal-
culated on the anticipated amount of residue per replicate
and the total amount of residue required for chemical analyses.
Substrates (10 g) were incubated in beakers with a phosphate
buffer solution (250 ml, 0·1M,pH6·0) and an HCl solution
(100 ml, 0·2M). The pH was adjusted to 2·0 with 1 MHCl
or 10 MNaOH. Fresh pepsin solution (10 ml, 25 g/l, porcine
pepsin 2000 FIP U/g, Merck 7190) and 10 ml chlorampheni-
col solution (0·005 g/mol ethanol) were added and each bea-
ker was covered with a glaze and placed in a heating chamber
at 39°C for 2 h under constant magnetic stirring. Then, 90 ml
phosphate buffer (0·2M,pH6·8) and 50 ml of a 0·6MNaOH
were added into the solution. The pH was adjusted to 6·8 with
1MHCl or 10 MNaOH. Fresh pancreatin solution (10 ml,
100 g/l pancreatin, Porcine pancreas grade VI, SigmaP-1750)
was added and incubation was continued for 4 h under the
same conditions. After incubation, the residues were collected
by ltration of the slurries on a nylon gauze (37 µm) folded in
a Büchner porcelain funnel. The sample was washed twice
with acetone (99·5 %) followed by ethanol (96 %). Then the
cloth with the residue was temporarily placed on a clean
paper to evaporate the remaining ethanol/acetone overnight.
The residue was collected from the nylon cloth and dried at
70°C overnight in a preweighed jar. Then the oven-dried
jars were reweighed to determine the amount of dry residue
for each replicate, which allowed the calculation of DM
digestibility for each replicate. For each type of substrate, the
selected oven-dried residues were pooled and ground in
laboratory analytical mill (A10, Ika-Werk). The ground resi-
dues were transferred into a new jar, pending further chemical
analyses for calculating the in vitro DM, organic matter (OM)
and N digestibility for each substrate.
Chemical analyses
DM and ash were determined by drying to a constant weight at
103°C and combusting at 550°C, respectively. Nitrogen was
determined using the Kjeldahl method
, and crude fat
was analysed according to the Berntrop method
. Amino
acids (AA) were analysed by ion exchange chromatography
and ninhydrin derivatisation
OM content was calculated at the 100 ash content (percent-
age of DM). Crude protein (CP) was calculated as 6·25 × N
and AA content was expressed as percentage of CP.
Digestibility of substrate OM and N was calculated as the
amount of residue collected (in g DM) × content in residue
(in percentage of DM basis)/amount of substrate incubated
(in g DM) × content in substrate (in percentage of DM
basis). The AA scores were calculated as described in Kerr
et al.
using minimal requirements for growth of kittens
and puppies
as reference values.
Results and discussion
Protein and fat contents varied considerably between insect
substrates (Table 1). The CP content of insect substrates
was in general higher than that in soyabean meal and close
to that in poultry meat meal and sh meal. House crickets con-
tained the most CP followed by lesser mealworms and the roa-
ches. Fat content ranged from 12·8to39·6 % of DM for black
soldier y larvae and Morio worms, respectively. Crude ash
content of insect substrates was between 3·0 and 5·6% of
DM, except for the black soldier y larvae and pupae contain-
ing about 13 %. Ash contents of black soldier y larvae ranged
in literature from 9·0to14·6% of DM
and 15·5% of
DM in prepupae
. Phe and Met contents of CP varied the
most between insect substrates, with highest contents found
for the housey pupae. Housey pupae were also high in
Lys as were the lesser mealworms. House crickets were rela-
tively high in Arg but low in His. As it has been suggested
that CP approximates the true protein for most species of
, the AA were expressed on a CP basis to gain insight
in the protein quality. Chitin contributes to non-protein N and
contributes 17 % of the whole-body N
. Differences in chi-
tin content of insect substrates may confound the estimation
of protein quality. AA contents for insect species vary consid-
erably among studies. For example, for house crickets, Arg
content in the present study (5·7 % of CP) was within the
range of other studies
(4·96·0 % of CP) but His was higher
(3·4v. 2·12·6 % of CP). Depending on the diet fed, Met con-
tent of yellow mealworms ranged from 0·48 to 1·80 % of
. For application of insects as a protein source in pet
food or feed, it would be of importance to monitor and con-
trol the variation in AA composition. Met and Cys in poultry
meat meal was lower in the present study than reported in the
literature, i.e. 1·05 v. 1·07 % in Clapper et al.
to 2·11 % in
Johnson et al.
and 0·69 % (data not shown) v. 1·34 % in
Clapper et al.
to 2·66 % in Murray et al.
, respectively.
For the AA score, the rst limiting AA for most substrates
was the combined requirement for Met and Cys. Highest
AA scores were found for housey pupae, followed by black
soldier y pupae and Morio worm and lowest scores for the
In vitro OM digestibility was highest for yellow mealworms,
Morio worms and lesser mealworms (Table 2). Black soldier
y pupae had lowest in vitro OM digestibility and was
16·2 % lower than for the larvae. This difference in digestibil-
ity is likely caused by a higher cuticular protein-sclerotisation in
the pupae. In vitro N digestibility was relatively high for the
house crickets, yellow mealworms, lesser mealworms and
Morio worms and low for black soldier y pupae, six spot
roach and deaths head cockroach. Information on the digest-
ibility of evaluated insect species is limited in the literature.
Apparent faecal N digestibility of a diet containing 33 %
black soldier y larvae meal as the main protein source was
76·0 % in 8·214·7 kg barrows
and a diet containing 50
% housey pupae meal had an apparent faecal N digestibility
of 79·0 % in broilers
Selected insect substrates differed considerably in nutrient
composition as well as in vitro OM and N digestibility. Of
the insect substrates studied, the pupae of the housey and
black soldier y were high in CP and had high AA scores
but were less digestible than the other insect substrates. The
CP content and AA score of house crickets were high and
similar to that of sh meal but with slightly higher in vitro
N digestibility. The cockroaches were relatively high in CP but
the indispensable AA contents, the AA scores and in vitro digest-
ibility values were relatively low. Next to these indices of protein
quality, other aspects such as efciency of conversion of organic
side streams
, feasibility of mass-production
, product
and pet owner perception will determine if insect
species are used in future pet food formulations. These and
other aspects require further study.
This research was funded by Wageningen University. All authors
contributed fundamentally to the present manuscript. G. B. con-
tributed to all facets including research questions and design,
Table 1. Proximate composition ( percentage of DM), indispensable amino acid composition ( percentage of CP) and amino acid (AA) score of insect and
reference substrates
Insect substrates Reference substrates
CP 62·556·152·170·652·064·847·066·365·064·469·171·051·6
Fat 19·212·819·717·733·922·239·625·122·024·512·89·22·5
Ash 5·612·613·95·33·94·13·03·63·94·415·419·96·8
Arg 4·23·74·25·74·64·84·63·63·93·55·84·56·3
His 4·84·44·73·45·14·94·84·34·64·53·73·43·1
Ile 4·04·04·24·04·64·65·03·43·73·23·84·85·0
Leu 6·16·16·56·67·36·77·25·45·95·36·47·17·8
Lys 6·25·45·45
Met 2·61·41·71·61·41·31·61·31·21·31·01·92·0
Phe 5·23·13·33·23·43·93·72·62·72·73·33·55·2
Thr 3·83·63·63·64·04·04·13·13·33·13·64·03·9
Val 5·05·55·75·76·35·96·55·66·15·44·65·05·0
tIAA 41·837·139·339·642·342·742·733·536·233·137·841·544·4
AA scores
Dog 94·063·474·469·368·460·473·853·055·559·744·673·189·1
Cat 106·179·293·086·685·575·592·266·269·474·655·891·6 107·5
CP, crude protein; HFp, housefly pupae; BSFl and BSFp, black soldier fly larvae and pupae; HC, house cricket; YMW, yellow mealworm; LMW, lesser mealworm; MW, Morio
worm; SSR, six spot roach; DHC, deaths head cockroach; ACR, Argentinean cockroach; PMM, poultry meat meal; FM, fish meal; SBM, soyabean meal; tIAA, total indispensable
amino acids.
Calculated as described in Kerr et al.
using minimal requirements for growth of kittens and puppies
as reference values.
Table 2. In vitro digestibility (%) of insect and reference substrates
Substrate OM N
Housefly pupae 83·284·3
BSF larvae 84·389·7
BSF pupae 68·177·7
House cricket 88·091·7
Yellow mealworm 91·591·3
Lesser mealworm 90·291·5
Morio worm 91·192·0
Six spot roach 77·876·4
Deaths head CR 79·478·4
Argentinean CR* 84·083·8
Poultry meat meal 85·887·9
Fish meal 82·185·7
Soyabean meal 80·694·7
OM, organic matter; BSF, black soldier fly; CR, cockroach.
execution of the study, analysing the data and writing the initial
manuscript. S. Z. contributed to execution of the study, analysing
the data and writing the manuscript. D. G. A. B. O. contributed
to research design, data interpretation and manuscript
preparation. W. H. H. contributed to securing funding, data inter-
pretation and manuscript preparation. There are no conicts of
interest to declare.
This paper was published as part of the WALTHAM
International Nutritional Sciences Symposium Proceedings
2013, publication of which was supported by an unrestricted
educational grant from Mars Incorporated. The papers
included in these proceedings were invited by the Guest
Editor and have undergone the standard journal formal review
process. They may be cited.
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... Commercial-scale production of BSFL insect meal involves various stages such as fly growth and egg production (insectarium), larva production (larvarium), and larva processing (drying, grinding, pelleting). Practical knowledge is essential during rearing in both small and large operations, including the addition of moisture-retaining materials (e.g., cocopeat or sawdust) on top of the organic waste to prevent water loss and enhance air circulation, the inoculation of eggs or larvae of the same age, and the harvesting of larvae upon the first appearance of prepupae to achieve optimal protein yield and digestibility [36]. Post-harvest, it is crucial to empty the larval gut after a fasting period of approximately 24-48 h to obtain high-quality insect meal [37]. ...
... According to Bosch et al. [36], prepupae have lower protein content than larvae, and there is a similar tendency in the in vitro digestibility data, with larvae showing higher levels of digestibility (84.3%) compared to prepupae (68.1%). This suggests that harvesting at the onset of the first prepupa would produce the best larvae production with the fewest prepupae and, consequently, the highest digestibility. ...
Full-text available
Poultry litter waste management poses a significant global challenge, attributed to its characteristics (odorous, organic, pathogenic, attracting flies). Conventional approaches to managing poultry litter involve composting, biogas generation, or direct field application. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in a novel technology that involves the bioconversion of organic waste utilizing insects (known as entomoremediation), particularly focusing on black soldier fly larvae (BSFL), and has demonstrated successful transformation of various organic waste materials into insect meal and frass (referred to as organic frasstilizer). Black soldier flies have the capacity to consume any organic waste material (ranging from livestock litter, food scraps, fruit and vegetable residues, sewage, sludge, municipal solid waste, carcasses, and defatted seed meal) and convert it into valuable BSFL insect meal (suitable for animal feed) and frass (serving as an organic fertilizer). The bioconversion of poultry litter by black soldier flies offers numerous advantages over traditional methods, notably in terms of reduced land and water requirements, lower emissions, cost-effectiveness, swift processing, and the production of both animal feeds and organic fertilizers. This review focuses on the existing knowledge of BSFL, their potential in bioconverting poultry litter into BSFL meal and frass, and the utilization of BSFL in poultry nutrition, emphasizing the necessity for further innovation to enhance this sustainable circular economy approach.
... A significant economic indicator is that the waste obtained from insect production is a valuable source of organic fertilizer that can be used in crop production (21). Dry matter of BSFL contains 37% to 63% crude protein, 7% to 39% fat (22,23), 8% calcium, 1% to 2% phosphorus 0.1% to 0.3% sodium and 0.4% to 1% magnesium (23)(24)(25)(26). The content of unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6 are found in large quantities in mealworm larvae and has similar values to fish (27). ...
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The earth's population growth has stimulated the demand for animal protein for human consumption, boosting the exploitation of natural resources. In recent years, insects have been increasingly cultivated for human and animal food, emphasising the advantage of using less land and water, as well as creating lower emissions and greenhouse gases. Providing alternative protein sources in the feeding of monogastric animals is a challenge and a scientific priority for scientists. The review includes studies on insect meal (IM) addition in compound feeds and its influence on poultry and swine productivity, health and environmental effects. The questions remain open for research on the optimal level of inclusion of IM to different production categories, product quality, standardising IM rendering and production methods and the impact on the physiological and health status of animals.
... The rancid aroma in maggot flour is due to the high fat content, which causes fat to oxidize more quickly. Based on research conducted by [21], the fat content in BSFL ranges from 12.8%-39.6%. When viewed from the average value of the aroma hedonic test, Crispy Brownies diversified from arrowroot starch and BSFL flour produced are still acceptable to panelists. ...
Stunting is a condition regarding malnutrition, especially in children, which can cause a child to experience slow growth, decreased muscle mass, and weight loss. Protein is one of the important nutrients consumed by children so as not to cause stunting. High protein consumption is the most appropriate step to improve nutrition in stunted children. One of the ingredients high in protein content is Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) flour. This study aims to determine the characteristics of crispy brownies resulting from the diversification of arrowroot starch and BSFL flour and its potential as a snack for stunted patients. The design used in this study was a Randomized Group Design with treatment of the ratio of arrowroot starch and BSFL flour consisting of five treatment levels, namely (50:5), (50:10), (50:15), (50:20), and (50:25). The parameters observed were sensory characteristics and the best treatment followed by testing protein content, moisture content, ash content, fat content, carbohydrate content and energy. The results showed that the best treatment of sensory characteristics was obtained in the treatment of the ratio of arrowroot starch and BSFL flour (50:10) with sensory properties of color attributes 4.44 (like), aroma 3.94 (somewhat like), texture 4.38 (like), taste 4.19 (like), and overall acceptance 4.38 (like) with water content 1.37%, ash content 1.95%, protein content 8.04%, fat content 21.48%, carbohydrates 67.16%, and energy 494.14 Kcal. The developed diversified crispy brownie product also has the potential as a distraction food for stunting sufferers. It is expected to be a development in utilising local food ingredients combined with insects to support food security in Indonesia.
... Purnamasari, dkk., (2023a) menghasilkan, maggot yang dibudidaya menggunakan media roti kadaluarsa dan ampas tahu mengandung protein 32%, media kotoran puyuh menghasilkan protein 42,45%, dan media sampah dapur dan susu kadaluarsa menghasilkan protein maggot 32,25%. Bosch et al., (2014) menyatakan larva BSF mengandung lemak 29-32% dan protein 40-50%. Maggot BSF dapat menggantikan penggunaan tepung ikan yang semakin sulit diperoleh dan harganya yang mahal, selain itu juga untuk mengurangi penggunaan konsentrat. ...
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Research on using maggots as a feed ingredient for laying hens is one solution to the problem of increasing feed prices and BSF maggots also have the potential to overcome environmental problems caused by the accumulation of organic waste. The research was carried out in 3 stages, namely: Stage 1. Macronutrient chemical testing of all ingredients to be used in the feed formula for laying hens. Stage 2. Preparation of 3 feed formulas using bran, corn, concentrate, and maggot according to the needs of layer phase laying hens. Stage 3. Biological testing of 3 feed formulas for 120 chickens divided into 3 treatments and 4 replications consisting of 10 chickens, according to a Completely Randomized Design. The parameters observed were feed consumption, egg weight, egg production, FCR, and egg quality both external and internal. The collected data will be tabulated and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s Multiple Range Advanced Test will be carried out. This research shows that giving up to 30% maggot was not able to produce better feed consumption, egg weight, egg production, and feed conversion compared to the control. However, based on an analysis of the internal quality of the eggs, the treatment with 30% maggot was able to produce eggs with a high yolk score (9.70±0.66) and was significant compared to the control (8.30±0.75). The conclusion from this research is that maggots have the potential to be used as feed for laying hens up to a level of 30%.
... Setelah umur 6 hari, larva dipindahkan ke unit pertumbuhan pada substrat yang terdiri dari ikan lokal yang mati dan ampas tahu hingga hari ke 14. Larva dipanen sebelum mencapai tahap pra-pupa agar memiliki tingkat sklerotisasi kutikula yang rendah dan daya cerna yang lebih tinggi (Bosch et al., 2014). Larva yang dipanen langsung diberikan kepada itik dalam bentuk hidup. ...
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This study was conducted to determine the growth performance of Pekin ducks offered live maggots at different levels. Female Pekin ducklings (n=90) were reared in separate cages with three treatments and three replications. Treatment M-0, a group of ducks without maggots, M-10 was fed 10% maggots, and M-20 was fed 20% maggots. During the starter period (0-3 weeks), ducks were assigned a commercial feed, and those aged over 3 weeks were offered feed made from local ingredients, namely expired bread, green algae, coarse rice bran, ground fresh local fish, and fresh or live maggots. The study ended at 7 weeks. The variables observed were feed consumption, body weight, weight gain, feed conversion (FCR), and production costs. The study showed that feeding with 20% maggot provided the best growth performance and feed conversion (P>0.05) during the 7-week study. Maggots can be used as a substitute for some protein sources from local fish or commercial feed at low cost.
... BSF, Hermetia illucens, adalah serangga asli Amerika yang telah tersebar di berbagai daerah tropis dan subtropis (Rhode et al., 2020). Maggot mengandung protein pada kisaran 40-50% dan lemak 29-32% (Bosch et al., 2014). Lalat ini juga memiliki aktivitas enzim amilase, lipase, dan protease yang tinggi (Fonseca et al., 2017). ...
This service program aims to provide an alternative feed for local chickens (Gallus domesticus) with high protein to the Latompe farming community. The alternative feed are maggots which are the larvae of Black Soldier Flies (Hermetia illucens). It is hoped that the chicken farmers in Latompe village will no longer only depend on carbohydrate-based feed such as corn to obtain maximum chicken growth. To transfer that new technology, the farmer's educators managed a mass socialization and made presentation slides, leaflets, and on-site practice followed by periodic assistance. As a result, the maggot extension program has been running well and several breeders have been able to cultivate maggots for their chickens' feed. It is hoped that this program can be implemented sustainably to obtain maximum production of local chickens.
... Selain itu, budidaya insekta atau dapat mengurangi limbah organik yang berpotensi mencemari lingkungan (Li et al. 2011). Maggot Black Soldier Fly/BSF (Hermetia illucens) merupakan salah satu serangga yang memiliki kandungan protein tinggi, sekitar 40-50% dengan kandungan lemak berkisar 29-32% (Bosch et al. 2014). Tahap akhir larva (prepupa) dapat bermigrasi sendiri dari media tumbuhnya sehingga memudahkan untuk dipanen. ...
Kelompok wanita tani (KWT) “Makmur Berkah” berada di Desa Kutasari Kecamatan Baturraden Kabupaten Banyumas yang memiliki aktivitas mengelola lahan pertanian milik desa dan mengelola kolam budidaya ikan. Budidaya ikan yang dilakukan oleh anggota bervariasi misal budidaya ikan nilem, gurami, mas, nila, bawal dan lele. Upaya budidaya ikan bertujuan meningkatkan ketahanan dan kesejahteraan keluarga anggota, namun aktivitas tersebut masih sebatas sampingan dan belum dimanajemen dengan baik dan maslah utama yang dihadapi adalah penyediaan pakan ikan. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan memberikan ketrampilan dalam pelatihan pembuatan pakan alternatif ikan berbasis maggot Hermetia illucents. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah sosialisasi program, paparan materi, pelatihan penanganan paska panen maggot, pembuatan formulasi pakan, pembuatan pakan alternatif berupa pellet untuk pakan ikan, pendampingan, dan evaluasi program. Untuk mengetahui pemahaman terhadap program dilakukan evaluasi dalam bentuk pemberikan pre-test dan post-test. Selain itu evaluasi juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan perilaku mitra dan dampak pembuatan demplot terhadap mitra. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah kelompok KWT antusias mengikuti sosialisasi, mendengarkan materi dan diskusi. Kemudian kelompok KWT sudah mampu membuat formulasi pakan pellet ikan dan mencetak pellet ikan dari tepung larva Hermentia illusens. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan yang diberikan mampu membekali KWT dalam menghasilkan pakan alternatif pakan ikan berbasis maggot.
... The latter quantification method is likely to underestimate digestibility as di-and tri-peptides would incorrectly be deemed indigestible. Conversely, higher in vitro protein digestibilities (76.4 to 93.3%) were reported for 11 species of freeze-dried insects in a canine model (Bosch et al., 2014(Bosch et al., , 2016. This included house crickets (91.7%), yellow mealworms (91.3-92.5%), ...
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Maggot BSF memiliki kandungan protein yang hampir sama dengan tepung ikan sehingga bisa dijadikan pakan pengganti sumber protein. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh tepung ikan yang diganti dengan tepung maggot BSF(Hermetia Illucens) pada ransum terhadap karkas burung puyuh masa pertumbuhan. 60 ekor puyuh berumur 7 hari dengan bobot badan awal sebesar 22,25±4,23g yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan dipelihara selama 35 hari, di kandang Prodi Peternakan Universitas Djuanda Bogor. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan 4 ulangan yang terdiri dari R0= Ransum terdiri dari 0% tepung maggot dan 16% tepung ikan, R1= Ransum terdiri dari 4% tepung maggot dan 12% tepung ikan, R2= Ransum terdiri dari 8% tepung maggot dan 8% tepung ikan, R3= Ransum terdiri dari 12% tepung maggot dan 4% tepung ikan, R4 = Ransum terdiri dari 16% tepung maggot dan 0% tepung ikan. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan uji duncan. Peubah yang diamati yaitu bobot potong (g), bobot karkas (g), persentase karkas(%), persentase dada (%), persentase sayap (%), persentase paha (%) dan persentase punggung(%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa subtitusi tepung ikan dengan tepung maggot pada taraf 16% berbeda nyata (P˂0,05) terhadap bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase dada dan persentase punggung. Namun tidak berbeda nyata (P˃0,05) terhadap persentase karkas, persentase sayap dan persentase paha. Subtitusi tepung ikan dengan tepung maggot dengan taraf 4 – 16% tidak dapat meningkatkan persentase karkas pada puyuh masa pertumbuhan
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Een haalbaarheidsstudie naar insecten als duurzame eiwitrijke diervoedergrondstof in varkens- en pluimveevoeders is uitgevoerd in opdracht van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie. De haalbaarheidsstudie omvatte een desk-studie en een workshop met stakeholders uit de verschillende schakels van de ‘insectenketen’. De doelstelling van de studie was om in samenwerking met stakeholders uit de ‘insectenketen’ en wetenschappers te onderzoeken of en hoe insecten op grote schaal ingezet kunnen worden als alternatieve eiwitbron in voer voor varkens en pluimvee.
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This book draws on a wide range of scientific research on the contribution that insects make to ecosystems, diets, food security and livelihoods in both developed and developing countries.
A digestion trial and a palatability trial were conducted to evaluate dried, ground soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae as a dietary supple-ment for swine. After processing, the larvae, which were collected from cattle feces and urine slurry, contained 42% crude protein, 35% ether extract and 5% calcium. Two diets were formulated to contain 20% crude protein and 13% ether extract using either the larvae meal or soybean meal plus stabilized brown grease. These diets were fed to six barrow pigs in a triplicated 2 • 2 latin square design digestion trial. Apparent digestibilities of dry matter, ni-trogen, ether extract, crude fiber, ash, NFE, calcium and phosphorus for the larvae meal diet were 77.5, 76.0, 83.5, 53.8, 45.2, 84.7, 38.9 and 23.0, respectively. Corresponding values for the soybean meal diet were 85.3, 77.2, 73.0, 49.2, 61.6, 91.3, 39.3 and 51.3, with values for dry matter, nitrogen, ash and NFE being greater (P<.05) than for the larvae meal diet. Nitrogen balance averaged 8.13 g per day for the larvae meal diet and 9.33 g per day for the soybean meal diet. When given a choice of three diets, pigs did not, as indicated by intake, discriminate against a diet containing larvae meal. Consumption of the larvae meal diet was greater (P<.05) than that of a soybean meal diet containing no added fat.
Novel protein sources (like insects, algae, duckweed, and rapeseed) are expected to enter the European feed and food market as replacers for animal-derived proteins. However, food safety aspects of these novel protein sources are not well-known. The aim of this article is to review the state of the art on the safety of major novel protein sources for feed and food production, in particular insects, algae (microalgae and seaweed), duckweed, and rapeseed. Potential hazards for these protein sources are described and EU legislative requirements as regard to food and feed safety are explained. Potential hazards may include a range of contaminants, like heavy metals, mycotoxins, pesticide residues, as well as pathogens. Some safety aspects of novel protein sources are intrinsic to the product, but many potential hazards can also be due to production methods and processing conditions. These aspects should be considered in advance during product development. European law is unclear on several issues regarding the use of novel protein sources in food and feed products. For food product applications, the most important question for food producers is whether or not the product is considered a novel food. One of the major unclarities for feed applications is whether or not products with insects are considered animal-derived products or not. Due to the unclarities in European law, it is not always clear which Regulation and maximum levels for contaminants apply. For market introduction, European legislation should be adjusted and clarified.
Abstract Fly larvae may provide an effective method to mitigate two large and growing global concerns: the use of fish meal derived from capture fisheries in aquaculture diets and manure management in livestock and poultry facilities. A 9-wk feed trial was conducted to determine whether fly larvae could be used as a partial fish meal and fish oil replacement in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, diets. A trout diet was formulated to contain 40% crude protein and 15% fat. Sixty-seven percent of the protein in the control diet was derived from fish meal, and all the fat was derived from fish oil. Two of the test diets included using the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, prepupae, which are 40% protein and 30% fat, as 25 and 50% replacement for the fish meal component of the control diet. The total protein derived from black soldier fly prepupae in these two test diets was 15 and 34%, respectively. A third test diet included using housefly, Musca domestica, pupae, which is 70% protein and 16% fat, as 25% replacement for the fish meal component of the control diet. Data suggest that a rainbow trout diet where black soldier fly prepupae or housefly pupae constitute 15% of the total protein has no adverse effect on the feed conversion ratio of fish over a 9-wk feeding period. In addition, the diet with black soldier fly prepupae permitted a 38% reduction in fish oil (i.e., from 13 to 8%); however, fish fed black soldier fly diets low in fish oil had reduced levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their muscle fillets. The findings from this study suggest that either the black soldier fly or the housefly may be a suitable feedstuff for rainbow trout diets.
Edible insects, a traditional food all over the world, are highly nutritious with high fat, protein and mineral contents depending on the species and thus represent a noteworthy alternative food and feed source and a potential substitute e. g. for fishmeal in feed formulae. Research is required to develop and automatize cost-effective, energy-efficient and microbially safe rearing, harvest and post harvest processing technologies as well as sanitation procedures to ensure food and feed safety and produce safe insect products at a reasonable price on an industrial scale especially in comparison to meat products. In addition, consumer acceptance needs to be established. Potential and challenges along the production chain of insects for food and feed are discussed based on published data and future research needs are derived from recent literature.Industrial relevance textWith the increasing demand in alternative protein sources world-wide, insects represent an innovative food and feed source rich in high quality protein as well as other beneficial nutritional ingredients such as fat, minerals and vitamins. Despite traditional knowledge about insects and their harvest in the wild, for the industrial mass production of safe insects and insect products for consumption and for processing into food and feed, the development of rearing, harvest as well as post-harvest technologies is required.
An in vitro experiment was carried out using the gas technique to study the fermentation characteristics of different feed ingredients differing in their fermentable carbohydrate and protein composition by colonic bacteria isolated from pigs. The effect on in vitro bacterial protein synthesis was also evaluated. The ingredients used were wheat bran (WB), wood cellulose (Solka-floc®, SF), peas, pea hulls (PH), pea inner fibre (PIF), sugar beet pulp (SBP), flax seed meal (FSM) and corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). The samples were pre-treated with pepsin and pancreatin and the hydrolyzed substrates were then incubated with pig faeces in a buffered mineral solution. The nitrogen source in the buffer solution (NH4HCO3) was replaced by an equimolar quantity of 15N-labeled NH4Cl, used for the determination of the rate of bacterial protein synthesis. Gas production, proportional to the amount of fermented carbohydrate, was recorded for 48h and modelled. The fermented product was subjected to short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) analysis. The source of fibre affected the in vitro dry matter degradability (IVDMD), the fermentation kinetics and the gas production profile (P
The combined effects of population increase and increasing standards of living in developing countries are expected to create a high demand for animal-derived protein by 2050. New initiatives will be required to produce the necessary quantities of high quality protein. We explore a range of initiatives that will help to close this gap. We propose that three simultaneous changes will need to be made to meet future animal-derived protein demand. These are: shifting protein sources up the supply chain; use of plant-based substitutes or extenders for animal-derived protein foods; and use of novel sources for both animal and human nutrition.
Insects, a traditional food in many parts of the world, are highly nutritious and especially rich in proteins and thus represent a potential food and protein source. A compilation of 236 nutrient compositions in addition to amino acid spectra and fatty acid compositions as well as mineral and vitamin contents of various edible insects as derived from literature is given and the risks and benefits of entomophagy are discussed. Although the data were subject to a large variation, it could be concluded that many edible insects provide satisfactorily with energy and protein, meet amino acid requirements for humans, are high in MUFA and/or PUFA, and rich in several micronutrients such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, and zinc as well as riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and in some cases folic acid. Liabilities of entomophagy include the possible content of allergenic and toxic substances as well as antinutrients and the presence of pathogens. More data are required for a thorough assessment of the nutritional potential of edible insects and proper processing and decontamination methods have to be developed to ensure food safety.