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Impedance and Admittance Calculations of a Three-Core Power Cable by the Finite Element Method


Abstract and Figures

The analytical modeling of a three-core cable system is challenging because of the non-concentric configuration of the components involved. Given these limitations, a 2D finite element modeling of the cable is developed in order to obtain the values of the self, mutual and sequence impedances and admittances. To calculate the series impedance, a magnetic vector potential magnetodynamic formulation is used and for the calculation of the parallel admittance, an electric scalar potential electrostatic formulation is applied. By calculating the series impedance of the inner cables, the influence of the mutual impedances in all metallic elements involved is shown. The methodology is applied to a typical cable of 300 mm²-18/30 kV. The numerical results are compared with analytical ones and with values supplied by the manufacturer for each phase, validating the numerical modeling.
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Impedance and Admittance Calculations of a Three-
Core Power Cable by the Finite Element Method
Angelo. A. Hafner, Mauricio V. Ferreira da Luz, Walter P. Carpes Jr.
Abstract--The analytical modeling of a three-core cable system
is challenging because of the non-concentric configuration of the
components involved. Given these limitations, a 2D finite element
modeling of the cable is developed in order to obtain the values of
the self, mutual and sequence impedances and admittances. To
calculate the series impedance, a magnetic vector potential
magnetodynamic formulation is used and for the calculation of
the parallel admittance, an electric scalar potential electrostatic
formulation is applied. By calculating the series impedance of the
inner cables, the influence of the mutual impedances in all
metallic elements involved is shown. The methodology is applied
to a typical cable of 300 mm² - 18/30 kV. The numerical results
are compared with analytical ones and with values supplied by
the manufacturer for each phase, validating the numerical
Keywords: Submarine power cable, 2D finite element method,
impedance, admittance.1
I0 ( ) Bessel functions of first kind and order 0.
I1 ( ) Bessel functions of first kind and order 1.
Electric conductivity, in S/m.
Electric resistivity, in
Electric permittivity, in F/m.
Magnetic permeability, in H/m.
Magnetic reluctivity, in m/H.
SC Semiconductor
M Matrix composed by matrixes.
m Matrix composed only by scalars.
( . , . ) Volume integral in
of products of scalar or
vector fields.
< . , . > Surface integral on
of products of scalar or
vector fields.
Im( . ) Function that returns only the imaginary part of a
complex number.
Electrical angular frequency.
FEM Finite Element Method.
Angelo A. Hafner is PhD student at the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (e-mail:
Mauricio V. Ferreira da Luz is Professor at the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (e-
Walter P. Carpes Jr is Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (e-mail:
Paper submitted to the International Conference on Power Systems Transients
(IPST2015) in Cavtat, Croatia June 15-18, 2015
HE expansion of submarine transmission systems
represents a major trend due to the growth of the oil and
offshore wind energy industry. The deployment of these
systems at large distances from the shore and in deep water
requires kilometric stretches of submarine power cables.
Fed equipment or systems, as well as cables, need to be
adequately protected in case of short circuits, overloads and
transients. An accurate cable model is needed to accurately
represent the waveforms of voltage and current on the load
and the transmission line providing technical support for the
choice of the most suitable protection to be adopted for each
When one considers the cable as single-core, the phases
distributed impedances and admittances of the cable for a
certain range of frequencies can be calculated analytically
applying classical analytical formulae ((4), (6), and (11)).
However, in three-core cables, even at 50/60 Hz, the
following aspects should be taken into account when
modeling: (i) proximity effect generated by the currents of the
central conductor; and (ii) current induced in the sheath and its
effects on the central conductor impedance [1].
The non-concentric configuration of the trefoil formation
(Fig 1) hampers the analytical modeling. Thus, a 2D finite
element model is developed to obtain the values of the cable
series impedance and parallel admittance.
Some studies about cable modeling are presented in [1-6]
and [16-22].
The physical constitution of submarine power cables is
very similar to underground power cables.
The main difference is that in the first, there are additional
protections for water entry (Fig. 1 and Table 1). In this
section, we briefly describe the constituent parts of the
submarine power cable as well as the aspects related to the
calculation of its series impedance. Each part of the inner
cable is described in Table 1. Small variations may occur from
one manufacturer to another.
The cable of this study is composed of a set of three power
inner cables in trefoil formation, as shown in Fig. 1. Parts 10-
11, 11-12 and 12-13 consist of insulating material, conductor,
and insulating, respectively. The conductive layer, called
armor, has the main function of mechanically protecting the
Fig. 1. Set of inner cables in trefoil formation of a three-core submarine
power cable.
Item Component Material
1 Core Copper Stranded Wires
2 Water-blocking tape Humidity absorber SC tape
3 Conductor Shield SC tape
4 Insulation XLPE
5 Insulation Shield Humidity absorber SC tape
6 Water-blocking tape Humidity absorber SC tape
7 Sheath Copper wires
8 Water-blocking tape Humidity absorber SC tape
9 Jacket Polyethylene
Because the materials are composed of several parts,
homogenization techniques are applied to model them as
solids used for both numerical and analytical approaches.
Homogenization in the core due to the natural gaps of the
stranded conductor is made by the correction (increase) in
resistivity since the core is now considered massive. This is
done by applying:
c is the corrected resistivity of the central conductor,
kc is the area correction factor (kc =
rc2/An), rc is the core
radius, and An is the nominal area provided by the
manufacturer’s catalog.
Homogenization in sheath also depends on the composition
of the material used. Therefore, its corrected resistivity is
given by:
Between the core and insulation and sheath and insulation,
there are semiconductor tapes which have the function of
uniformly distributing the electric potential. These three
materials are homogenized as one. For this, a correction must
be applied to the insulation electric permittivity given by:
cs cs
istheoriginalinsulationpermittivity,and a and b
are the inner and outer radii of the insulation, respectively.
The analytical modeling for non-concentric conductors,
like the case of the three-core cables, is a very complex task.
A full analytical computation of a submarine cable can be
found using the pipe-type cable formulas from [3]. As
explained in [4] there are some approximation in this, because
of the representation of the armor.
Subsection A presents a way to calculate the phase
impedance for a single-core cable, where only the impedance
in a single inner cable can be considered without mutual
couplings with any other metallic part of the cable. However,
in the numerical approach, all couplings involved are
A. Analytical Approach
According to [3], [2], and [4], the impedance of each core
per unit of length is given by:
, (4)
c is the intrinsic medium impedance, given by:
 
. (5)
The core impedance zc have one real part that represents
the core resistance; and other part imaginary, that represents
the internal core inductance times the electric angular
The phase inductance is given by the sum of internal and
external inductance. For a single core conductor, the external
inductance is given by:
_1 ln
cs c
ext C
. (6)
However (6) considers the current of central conductor
returning by sheath. For three-core cables, the current returns
by other phases, creating a bigger area for the magnetic flux,
that now is the area between two phases. So (6) becomes:
_3 ln
ext C
, (7)
where D is the distance between cores in the trefoil formation.
For other formations, the geometric mean must be applied.
Equation (7) is accurate and frequently used for impedance
calculation at 50/60 Hz. For bigger frequencies, it is necessary
to consider the sheath effects as covered by [5][6].
B. Numerical Approach
In order to find the self and mutual impedances of all
metallic parts of the cable, a 1 A current is applied at one
metallic element and measured the voltage in this and others.
The self impedance is found by dividing the induced voltage
by the current at the element that the current is applied. The
mutual impedances are found by dividing the induced voltage
at the elements that have no current by the current that
produced this induction.
C. Cable Impedances
Fig. 2 presents a three-core cable impedance diagram
where: (i) the letters a, b, and c represent each core; (ii) the
numbers 1, 2, and 3 represent each sheath; (iii) and g
represents the armor.
The voltage drop from g to g' on conductors are:
1 1 ' 1 1 1 11 12 13 1
2 2 ' 2 2 2 21 22 23 2
33' 33331
ag a g aa ab ac a a a ag
bg b g ab bb bc b b b bg
cg c g ac bc cc c c c cg
gg abc g
g g abc g
gg abc
VV z z z z z z z
VV z z z z z z z
VV z z z z z z z
VV z z z z z z z
VV z z z z z z z
VV z z z z
32 33 3 3
ag bg cg g g g gg g
zzzzz zz I
Fig. 2. Representation of three-core cable impedances.
In [5] it is proved that the sequence impedances for
interconnected sheaths are:
11 12
aa ab
aa ab
zzzz zz
zz z zz
 
 
If the sheaths are not interconnected at both terminals, or
are interconnected only at one point (grounded or not), there is
not circulation current and the sequence impedances become
aa ab
aa ab
zz z
 
 (10)
There are three kinds of admittances on three-core cables:
(i) core-sheath, (ii) sheath-sheath, and (iii) sheath-armor. Only
the core-sheath armor is analytically feasible, given by:
cs cs
cs is the insulation conductivity and
cs is the
corrected permittivity of the insulation. Because of the high
resistivity of the insulating materials, only the capacitances on
them are considered (see Section VIII-B). The three-core
cable capacitance diagram is shown in Fig. 3.
In addition, a numerical approach is performed and
compared with the analytical results for this capacitance.
However, for sheath-sheath and sheath-armor capacitances,
only numerical results are considered due to the non-
concentricity between these parts. The leakage currents on
insulations from g to g’ in phases are:
00 00
00 00
cc cs ag
cc cs bg
cc cs
cs ss ss ss
cs ss ss ss
cs ss ss ss
II yyyy
II yyyy
II yyyy
 
 
 
 
 
where ycc, ycs, yss and yss are, respectively, the core self-
admittance, core-sheath mutual admittance, sheath self-
admittance and sheath-sheath mutual admittance.
Fig. 3. The three-core cable capacitance diagram.
By using the technique presented in [7] it is possible to get:
1cc cs a
, (13)
11 12 311 1ass g
12 13ss
To perform the numerical modeling, the software Gmsh [8]
and GetDP [9] are used. Gmsh is the pre and post-processor
and the GetDP is the solver. The problem is implemented in
the software by two codes: one that defines the geometries and
the mesh of the structure (“.geo” file) and other that defines
the physical proprieties of the materials, the constraints and
the formulation to be used (“.pro” file).
The electrostatic formulation used to calculate of the
parallel admittance is given by:
 
grad ,grad , ,
 
where V is the electric scalar potential, V' is the test function
for scalar potential,
V is the volume charge density, n
is the
unit normal vector exterior to , and nD
is a constraint on
the electric flux density associated with nonfixed potential
boundaries D of the domain , e.g. on floating potential
boundaries f [14].
Fv () denotes the function space defined on , which
contains the basis and test functions for both scalar potentials
V and V' [14]. At the discrete level, Fv () is approximated
with nodal finite elements.
The harmonic magnetodynamic formulation used to
calculate of the series impedance is given by:
curl , curl , ,
grad , , 0, F
vA A nHA jAA
 
  
is the electric conductivity defined on conducting
parts c of ,
is the magnetic vector potential,
is the
test function for vector potential,
is the source electric
current density defined in s, and
is a constraint on the
magnetic field associated with boundary H of the domain
[15]. Fa () denotes the function space defined on which
contains the basis and test functions for both vector potentials
The physical and geometric data cable is obtained from
manufacturer’s catalog [10], for a three-core cable in trefoil
Due to the complexity of the cable geometry, some
simplifications like homogenization are required. In addition,
it is imperative that some correction factors be applied before
starting the simulation as explained in Section II.
A. Physical and geometry constants used in the model
At the central conductor, the copper resistivity is
considered (17.24 nΩ m). It is then corrected for a temperature
of 90°C followed by an equivalent area (homogenization)
resulting in a resistivity
c of 23.57 nΩ m.
The transversal magnetic permeability used for all
materials is considered μ0, even the armor, because it is
composed of wires that are not in direct contact [11].
The cable is considered as totally surrounded by seawater
with a conductivity of 5 S/m [12].
B. Simplified diagram of the cable
The parts considered for the cable model (analytic and
numeric) are all solids and represented by Table 2 and Fig. 4.
C. The Finite Element Approach Implementation
Initially it is necessary to implement the surfaces (.geo file)
from the model as shown in Table 2 and Fig. 4. In the same
file, the mesh density factors must be inserted set in each point
of the geometric figure.
Based on the geometry file, a mesh is built by Gmsh.
Fig. 5(a) shows the mesh of the whole calculation domain
while Fig. 5(b) shows the mesh of the lower left inner cable of
the three-core cable, respectively, for the calculation of series
Both figures are shown with the aim of highlighting the
mesh density utilized. Region A is a necessary region in order
to avoid domain truncation errors, where the magnetic vector
potential on its outer circle is zero. The physical constants
values in this region are the same values as region B.
When calculating the parallel capacitance the electric scalar
potential at the armor is set to zero.
Item Radius [mm]
1 10.20
2 20.60
3 20.72
4 24.00
5 51.75
6 53.75
7 57.95
8 61.95
Fig. 4. Set of inner cables in trefoil formation of a three-core submarine
power cable.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Diagram and mesh for calculation of the series impedance. In (a) is the
domain of calculation and in (b) the mesh detail of one power inner cable.
D. Obtaining the mutual and self-impedances and
In order to find the self and mutual impedances of all
metallic parts of the cable, the circuit presented in Fig. 6 is
implemented and the technique explained in Section IV-B is
The sequence impedances are also obtained where three
short-circuited cores are fed by a 1 V / 50 Hz three-phase
sinusoidal source (Fig. 7). For this implementation, two
considerations are made: (i) with the sheath and armor
opened; and (ii) with all sheaths interconnected at both ends
and these connected to the respective armor end. The armor
potential is considered floating (Fig. 7).
The representation of the diagrams shown in Fig. 6 and 7
illustrates as the electrical circuits are considered in GetDP.
However, the modeling is carried out in two dimensions.
In order to find the parallel capacitance we apply the
Maxwell Capacitance Matrix concept [7]. Firstly, a 1 V
potential is applied on the core and zero on all other parts. The
result is the core self-capacitance. After that it is applied a 1 V
on the sheath and zero on all other parts (Fig. 8). From this
measurement we find the sheath’s self-capacitance which is
the sum of sheath-core, sheath-sheath (2 times), and sheath-
armor capacitances.
Fig. 6. Circuit diagram implemented in GetDP to determine the core self and
mutual impedances.
Fig. 7. Circuit diagram implemented in GetDP to determine the phase
sequence impedances.
Fig. 8. Circuit diagram implemented in GetDP to determine the sheath self-
To find the sheath 1-sheath 2 capacitance, is imperative, for
instance, to apply 1 V to core a, sheath 1, core c, sheath 3, and
armor, and zero on all other parts. The capacitance sheath 1-
sheath 2 is obtained with basis on the electric flux that goes
out from surface sheath 1. A similar procedure is applied to
find core-sheath and sheath-armor capacitances.
Finally, the numerical results are compared with the
analytical ones and also with the values supplied by the
manufacturer for each phase, validating the numerical
The presentation of results is divided into two parts:
(i) analysis of impedances, and (ii) analysis of admittances.
Validations are made by comparison with analytical methods,
when possible, and with manufacturer’s catalog [10] for the
frequency of 50 Hz.
A. Series impedance
At 50 Hz when we apply a current of 1150 A / 50 Hz to
the core a (Fig. 9), we obtain the induced voltages shown in
Table 3. Dividing the induced voltage in each metallic part of
the cable by the current (imposed on core a) that originated
them; we obtain the core self-impedance and the mutual
impedance between the respective conductive part and the
core (Table 4). Because it is a cable in trefoil formation
(symmetric configuration), the same values are repeated when
current is applied only in the core b or c.
Voltage at: Modulus
Core a 414.1 -70.5
Core b 294.7 -60.0
Core c 294.7 -60.0
Sheath 1 347.2 -60.4
Sheath 2 294.7 -60.0
Sheath 3 294.7 -60.0
Armor g 285.2 -60.0
Impedance Resistance
zaa 75.7 1295.9
zab 0.0 938.1
zac 0.0 938.1
za1 2.4 1105.2
za2 0.0 938.1
za3 0.0 938.1
zag 0.0 907.9
One notices a great similarity in the values of mutual
impedances between cores and between core and sheaths of
other cores. In other words (zab = zac) (za2 = za3), as described
in Section 3.3 of [1].
The same process is repeated but now the current is applied
to sheath 1 and the induced voltages in all the metallic
elements of the cable are calculated. From this process Table 5
is formulated for sheath’s self and mutual impedances.
Finally, the calculation is repeated applying current at the
armor and calculating the other induced voltages, resulting in
Table 6.
As expected, independent of where the current is applied,
the mutual impedances are always the same as evidenced in
Tables 4, 5, and 6.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) Current density [A/mm2] and (b) Magnetic flux [Wb/m] used for
the calculation of core self and mutual sequence impedances via FEM.
Impedance Resistance
z1a 2.4 1105.2
z1b 0.0 938.1
z1c 0.0 938.1
z11 1731.3 1104.9
z12 0.0 938.1
z13 0.0 938.1
z1g 0.0 907.9
Impedance Resistance
zga 0.00 907.9
zgb 0.00 907.9
zgc 0.00 907.9
zg1 0.00 907.9
zg2 0.00 907.9
zg3 0.00 907.9
zgg 616.8 905.4
If the sheaths are interconnected only at one of the ends
(whether grounded or not), only the mutual impedances
between cores influence the phase positive sequence
impedance, which for the inductance can be obtained
from (10):
1295.9 938.1 0.3578 mH kmL (18)
The series inductance value of the cable in the
manufacturer’s catalog [10] is 0.36 mH/km, which validates
the accuracy of the method used.
Similarly we obtain the value of the positive sequence
75.7 0.0 75.7 m kmR
. (19)
The positive sequence impedance are also determined
when three balanced voltages are applied, displaced 120
degrees from each other, with the three cores short-circuited
and the sheaths and armor opened (Fig. 10). Values equal to
those found in (18) and (19) are obtained.
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. (a) Current density [A/mm2] and (b) Magnetic Flux [mWb/m] used
for the calculation of positive sequence impedance directly via FEM.
Finally, an analytical approach is made by applying of (4)
and (7).
Table 7 presents a comparison of the results obtained for
the positive sequence resistance and inductance between the
adopted approaches. The error is found by taking the
reference value provided by the manufacturer. The
manufacturer did not provide the distributed cable resistance
If the sheaths are connected at both ends, the distributed
positive sequence series resistance and inductance would be:
R+ = 77.3 m/km and L+ = 357.83 H/km.
L+ Error
Manufacturer --- 0.360 ---
Analytical 73.2 0.359 0.171
Numeric 77.3 0.358 0.603
The increase in resistance occurs because, when the sheaths
are interconnected, a circulation path is created for the
induced currents. The introduction of an effect in the core
current distribution is therefore due to the sheath's current
increasing the proximity effect in the respective core
compared to the case where the sheaths are not
interconnected. As the frequency increases, this effect is
increased [13].
Knowing the resistances and inductances (selves and
mutual) found for all conductive parts of the cable, the
impedance matrix can be mounted:
core core sheath core armor
core sheath sheath sheath armor
core armor sheath armor armo r
zz z
Zz z (20)
where, zcore, zsheath, zcore-sheath, zarmor, zcore-armor, zsheath-armor, are, in
75.7 407 295 295
295 75.7 407 295
295 295 75.7 407
jj j
jj j
z (21)
1731 347 295 295
295 1731 347 295
295 295 1731 347
jj j
jj j
z (22)
2.39 347 295 295
295 2.39 347 295
295 295 2.39 347
core sheath
jj j
jj j
616 285
core armor
sheath armor
B. Parallel admitance
Because the insulating material has a high resistivity, the
branch that represents the parallel conductance can be
neglected, which can be seen already at 50 Hz by applying
(11) to the cable under consideration (XLPE insulation),
where a = 11.4 mm and b = 19.4 mm.
12 0.0098 82.184 nS myj (25)
The core-sheath capacitance is Im (y12) /
= 261.60 pF/m,
very close to the value provided by the manufacturer’s catalog
[10], which is 0.26 F/km.
The core-sheath capacitance is also calculated through
finite element technique, obtaining the value of 261.60 pF/m,
which is exactly the value found by the analytical method
(also very close to the value provided by the manufacturer).
Fig. 11 shows the electric field in the region under analysis (as
well as in sheath-sheath and sheath-armor regions).
Fig. 11. Electric field [V/m] lines when a 1 V potential is applied at the
sheath 1 and 0 V to all other metallic parts of the cable, to obtain the sheath
Finally, the capacitance sheath-sheath and sheath-armor by
the finite element method are calculated. Table 8 shows the
cables’ capacitances values between core and sheath, sheath
and sheath and sheath and armor, as also the error of
measurement, considering the value of the manufacturer [10]
as reference.
According to (12), the parallel capacitance matrix is:
YC, (26)
where C, in pF/m, is:
262 0 0 262 0 0
0 262 0 0 262 0
0 0 262 0 0 262
262 0 0 510 54.4 54.4
0 262 0 54.4 510 54.4
0 0 262 54.4 54.4 510
C (27)
Region Numeric
Core-Sheath 0.2616 0.2616 0.26 0.006
Sheath-Sheath 0.0544 --- --- ---
Sheath-Armor 0.1401 --- --- ---
Space in manufacturer’s cable catalogs is typically
dedicated only for distributed positive sequence inductance
and capacitance values at industrial frequency (50 or 60 Hz).
In [13] it is presented for the same cable of present study, the
behavior of positive sequence impedances for a frequency
range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
In the present work, it was considered 50 Hz, with the
improvement to find the parallel admittance and the specificity
in relation to mutual coupling between phases, thereby
allowing to get the sequence impedances.
Similar to what was done in reference [13], in future works
the goal will be to evolve the work presented in this paper by
examining the frequency range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. We
will intend: (i) to simulate underground cables with grounded
ends; and (ii) to apply the same modeling of this paper without
the application of homogenization techniques (such as those
applied in the central conductor and sheath in Section III). It is
expected that through this study, an increase in the accuracy
of the model’s response, especially at high frequencies, may
be achieved. Moreover, field measurements have to be made
for validation.
The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the
PETROBRAS for the financial support to this research effort.
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... Numerical determination of circular shape conductor cable parameters is well documented in the literature [13] [14]. Here, attempts are made to introduce a dedicated approach in conjunction with the work of [10] to approximate a sector-shaped cable into a circular shape conductor enclosed in pipetype cable, as shown in Fig. 2, with reasonable trade-off between the core and insulator dimensions. ...
... Fig. 1. Section-shaped cable Fig. 2. Pipe type cable Traditionally, circular shaped three core pipe-type cable, in three-phase distribution networks are modelled by the impedance and admittance with corrected resistivity and permittivity under balanced network condition [14]. For sector-shaped four core, pipe-type cable shown in Fig. 3, the cable parameters in TABLE I. are normally provided by the manufacture [15] and calculated using equations presented in British Standard BS7870, which consider conductor material, insulation material, and conductor size. ...
... The self earth return path impedance of underground cable has been derived by Wedepohl's and Wilcos approximation [7] [8]. (14) The impedance between the i-th conductor and pipe or earth wire [11]: ...
... The cable section in the grid was a 3-core cable whose cores are arranged in a trefoil arrangement. A cross-section with representational construction details of the cable is presented in Fig. 2. As the PMUs are measuring current and voltage at the conductors, only core-core sub-matrices of the complete cable impedance and admittance model are used to select the significant parameters [16]. ...
... The flux linkage of phase a conductor with radius r is given by the sum of internal and external flux [16]: ...
... where i is the effective electric permittivity insulation between the core and jacket [16]. The conductivity of the insulation is very small and is considered zero [19]. ...
... Habib and Kordi implemented modal analysis [9] for evaluating per unit parameter of an arbitrary cross-sectioned cable. Besides, the finite element analysis method (FEM) has been introduced in ref. [10] for impedance matrix formation of a three-core cable. Further improvisation has been made by Shafieipour et al. with the implementation of a novel method-of-moment [11] for parameter calculation of several structured cables. ...
... As per the number of samples per sec the sampling frequency has been chosen. Hence, Table 1 represents the associated frequency with each wavelet signal, which has been carried out by using equations (10) and (11). The decomposition of the transient current signatures and their subsequent reconstruction for six levels are shown in Figure 8. Notable changes can be observed from D4 onwards in the case of switching current. ...
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Low voltage cable is primarily connected from the transmission system to several household applications. It is quite common that switching transient in the power system during the energization of the high voltage and low voltage cables have a very crippling effect on the cable as well as the power system components. Hence, an experiment has been performed in the laboratory with a low voltage cable-connected motor system. The experimental results have been validated in the simulation platform, and they are capable of predicting the transient behavior during power cable energization. The effect of transients on power cables during the energization of devices has been investigated in this study in the form of voltage, current, and frequency. Discrete wavelet transform is implemented for the decomposition of the transient current. The generated approximation signal is used to quantify the severity during switching transient condition.
... One of the most employed type of cable is the three-core armored, where the armor is composed of steel wires twisted around the three cores. Mainly due to the presence of this armor, the global and disaggregated cable losses estimation is challenging, and several approaches have been proposed previously [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10], highlighting the fact that the IEC 60287 standard [11] introduces important errors in the computation of the armor losses since it does not take into account the relative twisting between phases and armor wires. This is of importance because, apart from using it for economic analysis, the losses knowledge is a requirement for the temperature estimation inside the cable, and hence the thermal capacity. ...
... Nonetheless, for a design and planning analysis, simulations based on the finite element method (FEM) models have been extensively employed for the computation of the electrical parameters and the power losses in three-core armored cables. For this task, 2D and 3D approaches are usually considered, although 2D models are preferred [7][8][9][10]. In this case, the electromagnetic and thermal problems can be easily coupled and iteratively solved for a cross section of the power cable with low computational requirements (Fig. 1). ...
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This paper presents the main features of a 3D FEM-based modelling framework of submarine three-core power cables with the final aim of estimating the ampacity of this type of cables when operating at certain conditions (buried in the seabed in steady-state). This assessment provides valuable information for the cable manufacturer during the design stage and for the owner of the evacuation line mostly in the planning stage, apart from being used as a reference for the development of other less computationally intensive analytic models. Moreover, the paper analyzes the impact that some design parameters have on the temperature of the cable, providing same concluding remarks.
... Where Z aa , Z bb , and Z cc represent the self-series impedance, and Z ab , Z bc , and Z ac are the mutual impedances. Additionally, it was considered that the cable was constructed using the trefoil method, which results in the series impedance being symmetric [19]. Thus, the sequence parameters are obtained as: ...
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This paper proposes a nonlinear analysis of the parameter estimation problem in overhead and submarine power cable applications. The proposed methodology is able to estimate both positive and zero sequence parameters. Also, the measurement model incorporates random uncertainty in a rigorous manner, addressing the issue of noise propagation after applying symmetrical components. Three nonlinear estimation methods were studied to address the nonlinear least squares problems. Several noise levels and sample sizes were considered to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach. Finally, the methods were validated using both a simplified 2‐bus system and the IEEE 14‐bus system. The results obtained demonstrated significantly better performance compared to similar results found in the technical literature.
... Other studies have developed models for computing electric field, emitted by subsea lines of HV and MV of monopolar, bipolar and three-phase cables systems, to detect structural isolation default of material by partial discharge (using analytical or numerical calculations) [13][14][15]. Other research has shown the magnetic effect by varying many parameters like the cable type: the distance between conductors, the resistivity of sol, harmonics and balanced load between the three phases in the power transmission line [16][17][18][19][20]. On the other hand, there were a few studies on the magnetic effect with electric fault variation of extra-high voltage cable (EHV) depending on time variation [21,22]. ...
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Several researches have been conducted on the electromagnetic effect in submarine power cables due to the magnetic interaction of the power lines on materials and environment. Our work aims to study the two-dimensional numerical simulation by using the finite element method of a three-core submarine power cable. The simulation findings illustrate the magnetic field in normal and abnormal conditions: under overload and different waveforms of current faults as functions of time and distance, in three phases. The results expose the magnetic field emission of high voltage submarine electric cable, distribution, waveform and intensities around and near the subsea cable.
... Often, no distinction is made in this respect between cables with round ( Fig. 3, a) and sector-shaped conductors (Fig. 3, b), nor between stranded and solid cores. In spite of this, another aspect which requires attention is the presence or absence of a concentric neutral (Fig. 3, c), the latter is studied to a higher extent in [28][29][30]. This is due to the implications that a shield (and/or concentric neutral conductor) has on the magnetic flux and thus on the self-and mutual impedance. ...
The volatility of distributed production and the uncoordinated charging of electric vehicles cause major challenges in terms of supply reliability and local congestion problems in the distribution networks. In order to tackle these two aspects preventively, digital twin models are introduced to analyse the impacts of these stochastic distributed grid exchanges. Herein, line impedances are a key feature which determines the accuracy of the model. The chosen software environment to set up these digital twins, is based on Carson’s equations which are typically used for overhead high voltage lines. Hence, in this contribution an adapted model of Carson’s equations on low-voltage underground cables at 50 Hz is presented, with the aim to develop a digital twin for analysing the integration of nowadays loads and distributed sources on low voltage distribution systems. Finally, the model will be validated based on realistic grid and smart meter data provided by a distribution system operator.
... It was initially employed to evaluate the power losses in TCACs, as in [4][5][6], where the use of additional constraints in 2D-FEM models were proposed to take into account the relative twisting between the armor wires and the phase conductors. This feature has led to quite a few studies aiming at understanding and characterizing phenomena like induced losses [7][8][9], thermal behavior [10][11][12][13][14], and electrical parameters [15][16][17][18][19], as well as paving the way for the development of new analytical approaches to improve the IEC standard [20][21][22]. ...
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Due to recent advances, the numerical analysis of submarine three-core armored cables can nowadays be developed through the finite element method (FEM) in a small slice of the cable. This strongly reduces the computational burden and simulation time. However, the performance of this ultra-shortened 3D-FEM model is still to be fully assessed with experimental measurements. This paper focuses on this validation for an extensive variety of situations through the experimental measurements available in the specialized literature for up to 10 actual cables. In particular, it deals not only with relevant calculations at power frequency, like the series resistance and inductive reactance or the induced sheath current, but also with other aspects never analyzed before through 3D-FEM simulations, such as the zero sequence impedance, the magnetic field distribution around the power cable, as well as side effects due to the nonlinear properties of the armor wires. All this considering different armoring and sheath bonding configurations. Results show a very good agreement between measured and computed values, presenting the ultra-shortened 3D-FEM model as a suitable tool for the analysis and design of three-core armored cables, and opening the possibility to reduce the need of extensive experimental tests in the design stage of new cables.
Recently, large offshore wind power plants have been installed far from the shore, using long HVAC three-core armored cables to export power. Its high capacitance may contribute to the appearance of unwanted phenomena, such as overvoltages or resonances at low frequencies. To adequately assess these problems, detailed and reliable cable models are required to develop time-domain/frequency-domain analyses on this type of cables. This paper presents, for the first time in the literature, an assessment on the performance of 3D finite element method-based (3D-FEM) models for developing frequency-domain analyses on three-core armored cables, confronting simulation results with experimental measurements found in the literature for three real cables. To this aim, a simplified ultra-shortened 3D-FEM model is proposed to reduce the simulation time during frequency sweeps, through which relevant aspects never analyzed before with frequency-domain 3D-FEM simulations are addressed, such as total losses, induced sheath current, magnetic field around the power cable, positive and zero sequence harmonic impedances, as well as resonant frequencies. Also, a time-domain example derived from the frequency-domain analysis is provided. Remarkable results are obtained when comparing computed values and measurements, presenting the simplified ultra-shortened 3D-FEM model as a valuable tool for the frequency-domain analysis of these cables.
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The aim of this paper is to present a novel phasor measurement unit (PMU) data-based cable temperature monitoring method with an intended application towards facilitating dynamic line rating. First part of the paper presents the method to estimate and track the temperature of a 3-phase cable segment.The benefit of this temperature monitoring method is that no additional temperature measurement sensors are required to be placed along the cable. The method is based on a novel algorithm which gives accurate resistance estimates for 3-phase cable segments even in the presence of random and bias errors in the grid measurements. The performance of the method is demonstrated by utilizing data from PMUs in a distribution grid. The results from the grid data show that the method is capable of monitoring the cable temperature up to an accuracy of ±5°C. The later part of the paper presents a system to utilize the temperature estimates given by the monitoring method to predict the dynamic thermal state of the cable for forecasted power-flow scenarios. This is demonstrated by using the available temperature estimates to initialize and solve the system of equations given by the thermoelectric equivalent (TEE) model the cable
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Cables are extensively used for underground alternating current electricity distribution and progressively over longer distances ; the proliferation of offshore wind farms which require interconnections with the mainland has also increased their use underwater. Models of cables are available in the well-known Electro Magnetic Transient Program software and are designed to the time-domain. These models are assembled using different techniques but all of them need a precise knowledge of the frequency domain parameters of the cables. Accordingly, for the calculation of the impedances of three-core submarine power cables this thesis proposes an improved method to consider the proximity effect between all conductors. The method, which is a semi-analytical, uses the dual concept of thin-wires and sub-conductors to describe the current density inside the conductors and the calculation of the impedances. The effect of the sea return is also analyzed and a quasi Monte Carlo method is proposed, to solve the integrals describing the impedances formulations for the two layer soil (the sea and seabed) upon which the submarine cables are laid. The effect due to the presence of semi-conducting layers in the cables is also treated. The stochastic collocation method is also described and applied, in order to account for the variability of the input parameters.
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A modelagem analítica de um sistema de cabos tripolares é um grande desafio devido à configuração não concêntrica dos elementos envolvidos. Face a essas limitações, uma modelagem numérica de elementos finitos 2D foi desenvolvida no intuito de se obter o valor da impedância série do referido cabo para a gama de frequências entre 20 Hz e 20 kHz. Para isso usou-se uma formulação magnetodinâmica em potencial vetor magnético no domínio da frequência. A metodologia foi aplicada em um cabo típico de 300 mm2 - 18/30 kV. Os resultados numéricos foram comparados com os resultados analíticos para um cabo monopolar, validando a modelagem numérica. Em seguida, aplicou-se a modelagem numérica para um cabo tripolar na formação trifólio.
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This paper analyzes series impedances of screenless cables enclosed by a common conducting pipe. Established analytical formulas for pipe-type cables parameters are analyzed by taking finite pipe thickness and proximity effect into account. Analytical low-frequency approximations are developed and analyzed. The analysis shows that a classical formulation by mixing infinite and finite pipe thickness can result in incorrect inductance and even negative self-resistance at low frequency. This paper analyzes corrections to take a finite pipe thickness into account. Finite-element simulations reveal that the core-to-core proximity effect is substantial for the analyzed cable design with much lower high-frequency inductance than that obtained from analytical formulas. This paper also analyzes given proximity-effect formulations and proposes corrections based on analytical low-frequency approximations. The proposed proximity effect corrections improve resistance and inductance in common and differential mode.
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This paper presents a model of the underground shielded cable by using voltage and current electrical measurements available in voltage source. The cable modeling is based on the distributed parameters theory which takes into account both core and sheath. This model is applied to the real case of 150 kV cable posed in trefoil configuration, connecting substations of TYNA, TAPAROURA and SIDIMANSOUR, three urban zones of SFAX city, TUNISIA. In order to validate the developed model, load and unload tests are applied using the software Simulink-SimPowerSystems of Matlab.
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A method for defining global quantities related to fluxes and circulations is proposed in the frame of the finite element method. The definition is in perfect accordance with the discretized weak formulations of the problems. It therefore enables a natural coupling between local and global quantities in various formulations, while keeping a symmetrical matrix for the system, and then is open to the coupling of physical problems. Applications are given for electrostatics, magnetostatics and magnetodynamics
Electromagnetic (EM) flow control deals with the concept of using in combination `wall-flush' electrodes (j, dc current supply) and `sub-surface' magnets (B, magnetic induction origin) to create directly local body forces (j × B) within a seawater boundary layer. Analytical, experimental and computational investigations of EM flow control are presented here. This work is intended to provide understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in turbulence intensity and skin friction reductions as well as in coherent structure extinction. First, the EM actuator and its modes of action are described. This description includes some general remarks on the EM actuator, the set of equations suitable for EM control in seawater and a selection of dimensionless parameters analysed in terms of possible mechanisms of action. Second, some experimental investigations and visualizations of wall-bounded flows under EM actuation are presented: the near-wall vortex around the actuator; the suction zone above the actuator; wall jets around the actuator and boundary layer `suction-blowing'.
This paper presents a systematic approach for calculating electrical per-unit-length parameters of signal cables by the finite-element method. The associated software (UFIELD) has been specifically adapted to umbilical cables used in offshore control applications. Efficient and robust case specification is achieved through a library of predefined, parametrized models for the umbilical elements (signal cables, pipes, armors). Additional features include automated specification of boundary conditions and excitations, adaptive mesh generation, and the handling of twisted elements and layers. The approach is validated against analytical solutions. Application to the Snohvit control umbilical shows excellent agreement with measured signal parameters, for the triad element alone, and for the triad element inside the umbilical. Similar results are obtained for the Ormen Lange quad element.