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In recent years, blogging has become an exploding passion among Internet communities. By combining the grassroots blogging with the richness of expression available in video, videoblogs (vlogs for short) will be a powerful new media adjunct to our existing televised news sources. Vlogs have gained much attention worldwide, especially with Google's acquisition of YouTube. This article presents a comprehensive survey of videoblogging (vlogging for short) as a new technological trend. We first summarize the technological challenges for vlogging as four key issues that need to be answered. Along with their respective possibilities, we give a review of the currently available techniques and tools supporting vlogging, and envision emerging technological directions for future vlogging. Several multimedia technologies are introduced to empower vlogging technology with better scalability, interactivity, searchability, and accessability, and to potentially reduce the legal, economic, and moral risks of vlogging applications. We also make an in-depth investigation of various vlog mining topics from a research perspective and present several incentive applications such as user-targeted video advertising and collective intelligence gaming. We believe that vlogging and its applications will bring new opportunities and drives to the research in related fields.

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... The researcher's intervention, named project VLOGI, was inspired by video blogging (Vlog), the new blogging trend for digital natives in contemporary times (Gao et al., 2010). At present, Vlog has a lot to offer in an educational setting, like in the current situations because of the COVID-19 pandemic; Vlogs may consider as Support Instructional Materials (SIM) in blended learning modalities for instruction (Huang, 2021). ...
... The intervention, dubbed project VLOGI, was primarily inspired by vlogging. Vlogging has been so common worldwide that some people make a living out of it (Gao et al., 2010). That is why some of the learners were influenced and aspired to become YouTubers someday. ...
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This quantitative study ascertained the benefits of project VLOGI as an intervention to the eighth-grade students in resolving the usual unattained learning competencies in Probability and Statistics, especially in the last quarter of the school year. The researcher utilized the true-experimental research design using vlogs as an intervention to this study. There were two (2) randomly selected classes out of the six (6) heterogeneous classes in school as (1) the control group (prevailing method) and (2) the experimental group (project VLOGI) in teaching. Respondents underwent pre-test and post-test utilizing the quality assured 20-item multiple-choice type of questionnaires, reviewed and verified by an expert panel of evaluators. The researcher used descriptive and inferential analyses using the SPSS 2.0 tool to analyze and interpret the outcomes. The study's significant results showed that learners improved their academic performance in Probability and Statistics using these vlogs. Likewise, learners gained knowledge while working on their projects to create vlogs. Furthermore, by capturing learners' attention and engaging them in their learning through various social media platforms, project VLOGI was served as an alternative teaching method in any discipline. Hence, project VLOGI was strongly recommended for teachers as a replacement when they are out of class due to ancillary functions in school to foster unattained learning competencies before the school year ends.
... Video had a variety of uses in higher education, including delivering course content, improving lab functionality, fostering academic integrity, and promoting student success (Ahn & Bir, 2018;Jordan et al., 2015). Web-based videos were easily accessible through platforms such as YouTube and could contain multimedia elements, such as text and hyperlinks, which had been linked to improved learning (Gao et al., 2010). Video blogs, or vlogs, could facilitate reflective thinking among learners (Parkes & Kajder, 2010). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the adoption of remote online learning in higher education institutions worldwide, including Palawan State University in the Philippines. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of student-created and downloaded YouTube videos as tools for enhancing learning in a virtual biology classroom. A pretest-posttest control group design was used, with 46 first-year BS Environmental Science students randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. The experimental group created their own videos on topics such as Plant Cell, Animal Cell, Mitosis, and Meiosis, while the control group watched downloaded YouTube videos. Both groups took a pretest and a posttest covering the same topics before and after the experiment. The study found that both student-created and downloaded YouTube videos were effective in improving academic performance. However, the use of student-created videos had a more positive impact on biology learning outcomes compared to downloaded YouTube videos. These findings suggest that educators should consider incorporating both student-created and downloaded videos into their teaching strategies to enhance student learning outcomes. The use of videos as a teaching tool can be a valuable approach to enhance learning outcomes and engagement in a virtual classroom, particularly when students create their own videos.
... Unlike the large amount of empirical research discussed above, few reviews have been conducted on vlogging in general and the use of vlogging as a pedagogical practice in particular. Gao et al. (2010) surveyed the current state of vlogging technology. They noted that compared to text or audio blogs, vlogs could be used in a more comprehensive range of applications, such as online education and learning, online gaming, product marketing, and news reporting. ...
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This article presents a systematic review of the literature on the role of educational vlogging in enhancing learning and teaching outcomes. The researcher analyzed a total of 60 papers published from 2011 to 2021 using qualitative analysis with complementary quantitative analysis. The findings shed light on the vital role of vlogging in education over the last decade. This systematic review provides scholars and practitioners in the fields of education and educational technology with valuable information about how to improve learning and teaching through vlogging. The data was collected using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. The findings indicated that students and teachers have a positive attitude toward vlogging. Vlogging in higher education is more extensive than in K-12. The main subject in which vlogging is used in K-12 was language, while the main subject in higher education (HE) was found to be reflective practices.
... This has led to an increase in vlogging, which is video blogging as well..Vlogs became popular after Google acquired Youtube. (Gao et al., 2010). This comes as good way of promoting your product and offers to be an alternative to television advertisements. ...
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Social media has connected us all across globe and changed the way companies communicate with their customers. It is easy to reach out to the customers but at the same time there is intense competition online. Customers at the other end can conveniently share their opinions and feedback about their experience with the products and services and chances are people might be listening, as the adoption of social media channels is high. Falling back on just traditional marketing channels is not sufficient for the companies. Need is to connect with large number of customers across various stratas. Influencer marketing is an extension of companies marketing and has an edge over word-of-mouth marketing as the influencers engage their fan-base with the content they share. These influencers have ardent audiences and they can get their attention for your product and aid them in their decision making process. They act as companies brand ambassador but at the same time be customers advocate. This paper explains the concept of influencer marketing and their types. The paper explains how companies can market to the influencers and how influencers can further target customers.
... Su forma de comunicar se caracteriza por el uso de un lenguaje ameno, cercano y sencillo para cualquier internauta y lector. Algunas de sus fórmulas esenciales sitúan al movimiento muy próximo al vlogging (Gao, Tian, Huang y Yang, 2010), al hablar directamente a cámara dirigiéndose a la audiencia de forma directa y, a la vez, complementando sus contenidos en YouTube con otras plataformas y redes sociales como Twitter, TikTok, Instagram o Goodreads. Es por ello que, para entender este fenómeno y lo que conlleva su práctica, es importante conocer el concepto de narrativa transmedia, un tipo de relato en el que una historia se puede extender a múltiples plataformas donde se expande de forma complementaria, sin repetición de contenido (Jenkins, 2010). ...
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Se presenta un estudio sobre las características de las producciones de los booktubers más relevantes en lengua hispana, centrado en los aspectos técnicos, los tipos de vídeos, así como los géneros y subgéneros literarios que abordan. Este análisis incluye un estudio del engagement de estas producciones (n=360) desde la estadística descriptiva e inferencial (estudio correlacional y de factores predictivos). En una segunda fase, se explora la percepción de los seguidores de este movimiento mediante la realización de un total de 34 entrevistas cualitativas estructuradas con el fin de conocer cuáles son los aspectos más valorados de este tipo de contenido y su influencia en el hábito lector. Estas producciones se centran en prescribir y analizar obras literarias, por ello los vídeos de tipo top, las recomendaciones y las reseñas son los contenidos más prominentes. Se observa un dominio absoluto de la novela frente a otros géneros como la poesía, el teatro o el ensayo. Los aspectos técnicos manifiestan una escasa capacidad predictiva del engagement de estas producciones. Los usuarios descubren este contenido de forma accidental y valoran la información sobre las obras por encima de la calidad y edición de los vídeos y del posicionamiento emocional del booktuber con respecto a los libros analizados. Asimismo, afirman haber reforzado su hábito lector desde que forman parte de la comunidad.
... Therefore, it should be investigated whether there are specific factors of conservation posts that contribute to lower overall engagement, such as mood, style, or information content of the videos. The length of a video can also negatively influence its appeal [54]. On Twitter, videos had no influence on overall engagement. ...
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Social networks expand the communication tools of nature conservation. Nonetheless, to date there is hardly any scientific literature on nature conservation communication in social networks. For this reason, this paper examines 600 Facebook and Twitter posts of three German nature conservation organizations: Federal Agency for the Conservation of Nature (Bundesamt für Naturschutz, BfN), Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU), and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Germany. Using the Mann–Whitney U method and Spearman’s rank correlation analysis, it reveals how post design affects communication success and provides respective recommendations for German conservation organizations. Communication success was divided into four indicators: reactions, comments, shares, and overall engagement as a synthesis of the three. On Facebook, the use of hashtags, images, and many characters (up to 1500) leads to higher success, whereas emojis and videos can reduce it. On Twitter, links, images, and longer posts promote user interactions. Emojis have a positive influence on comments and overall engagement, but a negative influence on reactions and shares. In addition, hashtags reduce overall engagement on Twitter. These results are discussed with reference to similar studies from other political fields in order to provide recommendations for conservation organizations. A validation and expansion of the presented results is recommended due to the growing relevance of digital nature conservation communication.
... Its rise in popularity coincided with the widespread availability of key enabling technologies such as digital cameras, smartphones, video editing software, and high-speed internet connections, which allow the almost instantaneous recording, editing, uploading, and broadcasting of videos in internet streaming platforms. Since it was acquired by Google in 2006, YouTube has become the most popular online video streaming platform globally (Gao et al., 2010). YouTube has since enabled the proliferation of vloggers globally leading to more than 37 million YouTube channels as of November 2020, out of which only around 22,000 (or 0.06 percent) have more than 1 million subscribers each (Funk, 2020). ...
This qualitative phenomenological study aims to understand and provide contextual explanation on the meaning behind the communicative action of YouTube vlogging as located in the essence of experience of the OG Filipino vlogger voice. The bracketing used is an in-depth interview, and the participant is Lincoln Velasquez, more popularly known as Cong TV, one of the top 10 individual vloggers in the Philippines (his channel having >7 million subscribers), and also one of the earliest to start in 2008, several years before vlogging became commercially lucrative in 2016. The analysis is conducted by coding, categorizing, and interpreting the interview transcript, from which 13 sub-themes emerge. By conceptually connecting the sub-themes, the grand theme of vlogging as access to possibilities is surfaced. Through an initial linkage to Sen’s capability approach, a further theoretical abstraction of the grand theme to vlogging as expansion of capabilities is tentatively proposed.
... The findings corroborates with findings by Gao et al. (2010) where it was discovered in their research students can practice speaking freely about things they like as the concept of vlog is to talk and share any content that the speaker want to share without any specific style or format. In addition, Rahmawati et al., (2018) shared the same point when they discovered students become more interested, confident and enjoyed speaking English using English vlog although they were not familiar with it at the beginning. ...
... Previous studies in adults have shown that the content in tailored videos about physical activity is more accepted and people spend more time on the intervention platform when videos are used in the intervention (Soetens et al., 2014;Vandelanotte et al., 2015). Vlogs are a specific form of short user-generated videos that are available online, for example on YouTube (Gao et al., 2010). Studies on dietary intake in children have shown that when participants were exposed to vlogs in which unhealthy snacks were portrayed, more unhealthy snacks were consumed compared to when participants were exposed to vlogs about non-food products (Coates et al., 2019). ...
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There is a need to stimulate physical activity among adolescents, but unfortunately, they are hard to reach with traditional mass media interventions. A promising alternative is to carry out social network interventions. In social network interventions, a small group of individuals (influence agents) is selected to promote health-related behaviors within their social network. This study investigates whether a social network intervention is more effective to promote physical activity, compared to a mass media intervention and no intervention. Adolescents (N = 446; Mage = 11.35, SDage = 1.34; 47% male) were randomly allocated by classroom (N = 26, in 11 schools) to one of three conditions: social network intervention, mass media intervention, or control condition. In the social network intervention, 15% of the participants (based on peer nominations) was approached to become an influence agent, who created vlogs about physical activity that were shown during the intervention. In the mass media intervention, participants were exposed to vlogs made by unfamiliar peers (i.e., vlogs of the social network intervention). The control condition did not receive vlogs about physical activity. All participants received a research smartphone to complete questionnaires and a wrist-worn accelerometer to measure physical activity. The trial was registered a priori in the Dutch Trial Registry (NTR6903). There were no differences in objectively measured physical activity between this social network intervention and the control condition in the short-term, but there was an unexpected increase in the control condition compared to the social network intervention in the long-term. No differences between the social network intervention and mass media intervention were observed. The current study does not provide evidence that this social network intervention is effective in increasing physical activity in adolescents. Exploratory analyses suggest that this social network intervention increased the perceived social norm toward physical activity and responses to the vlogs were more positive in the social network intervention than in the mass media intervention. These initial results warrant further research to investigate the role of the social norms and the added benefit of using influence agents for social network interventions. Clinical Trial Registration:, identifier NTR6903.
... Web-based video is defined as video that is accessed online via the Internet and can be viewed on any web browser or downloaded [11] via video-sharing sites such as YouTube [12]. A vlog can be defined as a blog in which the postings are in video format. ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate student-created video as an active learning approach in an online environment to inform instructional practices of student-created video in STEM. Data analyzed in this study included pre-service teachers N = 107, 1-minute videos and pre- and post surveys. The findings of this qualitative study indicated that student-created video was an active learning activity that contributed to an increase in students’ perceived STEM content knowledge, improved perceptions of self-efficacy, and evidence of student engagement inclusive of behavioral, affective, and cognitive domains. Themes derived from the participants’ perceptions included: perceived self-efficacy, novelty or usefulness of creating short video, time to design and create video, and content and technical knowledge. Student-created video as an active approach to learning can be included in STEM education to increase STEM knowledge and foster integrative twenty-first Century skills. Practical implications for educators when designing student-created video assignments include (a) following a video development model; (b) providing extra time for content acquisition and revisions; and (c) incorporating peer evaluations.
... Web-based video is defined as video that is accessed online via the Internet and can be viewed on any web browser or downloaded [11] via video-sharing sites such as YouTube [12]. A vlog can be defined as a blog in which the postings are in video format. ...
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In this case study, an active learning approach to exam preparation in engineering was investigated. The Learner Video Thumbnailing (LVT) strategy incorporated video blogs (vlogs) to reinforce course content. In this innovative method, students voluntarily choose one of two roles as either the role of a spectator (watching the vlogs) n=69 or the role of a vlogger (creating the vlogs) n=8 to earn extra credit on a formative exam. Data collected in this study included the vlogs, scores on the achievement questions, and a post-interview of the vloggers. Differences in video development by gender were identified. The use of the LVT approach promoted improved achievement and student engagement.
... Meanwhile YouTube is the largest and most heavily visited online video-sharing service (Alexa, 2019), the most popular genres on YouTube are vlogs (Werner, 2012). Vlogs used to be described in earlier definitions as online videos recorded by a person speaking to a camera in residential settings and addresses a public viewership, briefly and informally (Frobenius, 2011;Gao et al., 2010;Werner, 2012). However, Snelson (2015) notes that vlogs became more interesting and shifted from home-based setting to mobile setting in which vloggers discuss a wide variety of topics with the presence of more cameras in a wide array of settings and contexts. ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of EFL learners and teachers toward vlogs as a source of aural input for L2 listening practice inside and outside of classroom. A total of 389 EFL university students drawn from 29 listening/speaking classes and their teachers participated in this study. After four weeks of exploiting vlogs in the classroom, perceptions from students and teachers were collected through questionnaires, focus group-based discussion, and interviews. The findings of this study indicate that students found vlogs engaging, interesting, up-to-date while simultaneously being a source that will ensure learning. Teachers also had positive perceptions toward the use of vlogs in their classes to improve students’ listening skill and vocabulary learning, as well as other aspects of the L2.
... Videos, compared to other sources media such as written texts and photographs, are more complex to create because they require a certain skill of videography, cinematography, and photography. However, videos can show a lot more than pure text, pictures, or audio; hence, there are a lot more things that a vlog can cover compared to a typical textblog, photoblog, or audioblog (Gao et al. 2010) essential for destination branding and marketing. Putting sequences in shots require not just spatial understanding of a destination, but also a dose of creativity and passion. ...
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This paper critically examines the potential and use of video blogs or vlogs shared on Facebook for creating a destination image. In particular, it makes an in-depth analysis of the travel vlogs about the Philippines created by popular non-Filipino travel vloggers—Lost LeBlanc, BecomingFilipino, Nas Daily, and Drew Binsky. The data were gathered through a qualitative content and narrative analysis of the user-generated videos posted on the travel vloggers’ Facebook accounts. Content and visual analysis of the videos as well as viewer responses support the argument that travel vloggers and their respective vlogs play a key role in creating an online destination image of a place. Stories and images in vlogs vividly create destination images necessary and fundamental for place marketing. Travel vlogs are representations of destination experiences, from which public and private tourism agencies can use in their promotional/marketing agenda.
... The newsfeed of social networks is full of popular people -opinion leaders -those who were unknown to the public just a short time ago. Every year there are more and more research works dedicated to the problems of video blogging as an advertising and PRtool [6][7][8]. Just a few years ago, it was impossible to hear of YouTube bloggers from TV screens; now famous video bloggers are frequent visitors to the most popular channels. It is connected with the fact that TV is starting to lose its audience, especially the youngsters. ...
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Today, video blogging became the trend of modern Internet-communication that attracts the younger audiences due to its openness and availability compared to traditional mass media. Many companies engage bloggers in the process of commercial product promotion, less often they take part in social project management. Practice shows that involvement of YouTube bloggers in the process of social projects' creation and promotion is one of the most effective ways to influence the target audience. On the other hand, social communication with bloggers as opinion leaders – involved has not been researched; there are no publications on this issue. This fact stipulates the necessity to research and describe the usage of bloggers’ reputation capital in the process of social communications aimed at fighting modern social issues.
... One particular phenomenon that has boomed within recent years in popular media culture is video blogging, otherwise known as 'vlogging.' A vlog is primarily a blog in video form and can be posted on any video-sharing website, where others can view, subscribe and comment on them (Gao et al, 2010). Vlogs can vary in settings and contexts; however, they often appear to be recorded in a residential setting, such as a bedroom (Snelson, 2015). ...
Vlogging has become extremely popular in recent years. Studies have shown how exposure to idealised imagery within traditional media can lead to body image concerns, but there has been little evaluation of the specific impact of vlogging on people's health and body image. Jade Parnell describes the popular phenomenon, its influence and why more research into this media form is needed
... Los booktubers (book + youtubers) son personas, en su mayoría jóvenes, que comparten videos en YouTube sobre su afición lectora. La mayoría de estos videos tienen la forma de vlog (Gao, Tian, Huang, y Yang, 2010): hablan directamente a la cámara, a menudo en su habitación o en un espacio cerrado, se refieren directamente a su audiencia, que responder de forma diferida a través de comentarios, correo electrónico u otras redes sociales, como Twitter, Faceboook, Instagram o Goodreads. , 1998; Chartier, 1993; Darnton, 2003; Eisenstein, 1994; Martin, 1992El concepto de cultura participativa está emparentada con otras formas de caracterizar la interacción y las formas de creación propias de la web 2.0, como " networked public sphere " o " peer production " (Benkler, 2006), comunidades virtuales o smart mobs (Rheingold, 1994Rheingold, , 2007), auto-comunicación de masas (Castells, 2009), " produsage " (Bruns, 2008) o inteligencia colectiva (Lévy, 1997compañías, ni tecnologías, ni redes sociales, sino " plataformas " , concepto intrínsecamente relacionado con la retórica de la participación: una organización que sostiene a la gente, que nivela el terreno, estructura desde abajo, etc. " Participation is no longer simply an opening up, an expansion, a liberation, it is now a principle of improvement, an instrument of change, a creative force. ...
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Este proyecto de investigación es el Trabajo Final del Máster en Comunicación Social de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra y el punto de partida de para una investigación doctoral en la misma universidad. El objetivo central de este trabajo es comprender el sentido de las prácticas comunicativas y la cultura de los video-vlogueros literarios en YouTube (booktubers), en el marco de la disputa entre culturas participativas (Jenkins) y de explotación comercial de la conectividad (van Dijck). La investigación plantea la realización de una etnografía digital, a través de técnicas como la observación participante y las entrevistas a profundidad, complementada con análisis de contenido etnográfico y de framing de los contenidos, así como análisis de redes y estadística descriptiva. ------------- This research paper is the final work of the Master in Social Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University and it aims to be the foundation for a future PhD Dissertation at the same university. The main objective of this research project is to understand the communication practices and cultures of the literary vloggers in YouTube (booktubers) in Spanish. In the context of the disputes between participatory cultures (Jenkins) and the commercial exploitation of connectivity (van Dijck), this research project proposes a digital ethnography with participant observation and in-depth interviews, supplemented with other research methods like ethnographic content analysis, frame analysis, network analysis and descriptive statistics.
Türkiye'de zihinsel yetersizlik alanında yapılan çalışmalar, bu bireylerin eğitim, rehabilitasyon ve topluma entegrasyonu konularına odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmalar genellikle nitel, nicel ve karma yöntemlerle yürütülmektedir. Araştırmalarda genellikle deneysel tasarımlar, anketler, görüşmeler ve gözlem gibi veri toplama yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Örneğin, zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin bilişsel ve sosyal becerilerini geliştirmek amacıyla uygulanan eğitim programlarının etkililiği üzerine yapılan çalışmalar yaygındır. Bunun yanı sıra, bu bireylerin topluma uyum süreçlerini destekleyen rehabilitasyon programlarının etkililiği de sıkça araştırılmaktadır. Sonuçlar, uygun eğitim ve rehabilitasyon müdahalelerinin, zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin beceri düzeylerini artırmada ve topluma uyumlarını kolaylaştırmada önemli katkılar sağladığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca, ailelerin ve öğretmenlerin bu süreçteki rolünün kritik olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Tartışma Türkiye'de zihinsel yetersizlik alanında yapılan çalışmaların, bu bireylerin yaşam kalitesini artırmak amacıyla daha kapsamlı ve sürdürülebilir programların geliştirilmesi gerektiğini ortaya koyduğu belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca, toplumsal farkındalığın artırılması ve yetersizliği olan bireylere yönelik olumsuz tutumların değiştirilmesi gerektiği de vurgulanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, gelecekteki araştırmaların daha kapsayıcı politikaların geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunabileceği ifade edilmektedir.
Bu araştırmada, vlog kullanımının 7. sınıf öğrencilerinin dinleme ve konuşma becerileri üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada ortaokul 7. sınıf öğrencileri tarafından Türkçe derslerinde vloglar hazırlamak ve bu vlogları kullanarak dinleme ve konuşma becerilerini geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu; 2023-2024 öğretim yılı Aydın ilinde orta düzey sosyo ekonomik nitelikte olan bir devlet ortaokulunda 7. sınıfa devam eden öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada açıklayıcı karma desen kullanılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarına, deneysel uygulamalar öncesi araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen “Dinlediğini Anlama Başarı Testi” ve “Konuşma Becerisi Değerlendirme Formu” uygulanmıştır. Uygulama sonunda deney grubundaki öğrencilerin durumla ilgili görüşlerine başvurmak amacıyla “Vlog Uygulamalarına Yönelik Görüş Alma Formu” uygulanmıştır. Toplanan nicel veriler SPSS 25 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Her iki veri grubunun da normal dağılmasından dolayı tüm alt probleme yönelik verilerin analizinde parametrik testler kullanılmıştır. Nitel veriler ise içerik analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Nicel ve nitel bulgular sonucunda vlog uygulamalarının, dinleme becerisinin ve konuşma becerisinin gelişimi açısından etkili olduğu görülmüştür.
People share and encounter a range of posts on social media that depict different career experiences, such as one's successes or failures. In a continually shifting world of work, observing others' job experiences can be useful for navigating one's own career journey. The present study applies the possible selves theory to understand how viewing people's career experiences on social media might affect viewers' career-related expectations, hopes, and fears. From semi-structured interviews with 19 social media users with different career experiences, this study found that social media posts may facilitate functions of possible selves by 1) increasing people's awareness of new and diverse career paths and 2) motivating people in planning and preparing for a desired possible self. Across these functions, we found that videos were particularly beneficial for uncovering and learning about life in a career and that observing others' career experiences online often evoked social comparison. Through an affordances lens, findings also indicate that social media affordances of visibility and persistence were particularly relevant in developing and assessing career-related possible selves and sometimes strategically managed through leveraging platform algorithms. This paper brings forth empirical contributions to the possible selves theory in the digital age and highlights the significance of social media mechanisms for possible selves. This paper also provides design implications for social media platforms and recommendations for potential career counseling and mentoring strategies that may be useful for individuals navigating and exploring career possibilities.
This study investigated the effectiveness of using Youtube to practice grammar. As Youtube vlogging has become the most current internet phenomena and one of the most sought career choices by today’s young generation, it is one of the most suitable platforms, both to learn and to practice the target language. In this study, 10 first-year university students from an intact-required class participated. The learners were given a task to make a video of them cooking, where they put the targeted grammatical items into use, and then upload it onto Youtube. Videos taken from the learners’ Youtube channels were collected, and qualitative method was utilized to see what strategies the learners employed to bridge the gap between the intended meaning and the lack of grammatical or word knowledge. The findings showed that the learners employed substitution, nonverbal language, and switching to L1 form pattern to overcome the language barrier they encountered during the communicative task. The result of this study shows that Youtube can be used as a meaningful and effective platform to practice grammatical structure, as the learners utilize their skills and strategies for an authentic language use.
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Technology-enhanced language learning, or TELL, has played a major role in boosting EFL learners’ speaking skills in recent years. The use of online technological methods such as vlogging and uploading videos to popular social networks such as YouTube, in particular, has been recommended as a tool to hone students' conversation skills in addition to providing ubiquitous role-play practice. This study, therefore, aims to examine the effectiveness of multiple-party YouTube vlogging with the effectiveness of role-play when it comes to improving EFL learners’ conversation skills. Seventy-six Thai undergraduates taking an English conversation course were engaged in five role-play and five vlogging lessons before and after the midterm for the purpose of improving their English-speaking skills. The students were additionally assessed by the pre-, post- roleplay and vlogging teaching interviews for their speaking performance. A comparative analysis was conducted on the score sets derived from the three distinct interviews, and the scores obtained from participants' weekly role-play assignments were compared with those from their weekly vlogging. The results showed a significant improvement in the students’ confidence and content expression despite some challenges of the vlogging method. Further research can explore the alternative use of vlogging in other areas of English language skill improvement.
This study examines Chinese journalists’ use of video blogs (vlog) for news reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Situated within the “visual turn” of storytelling in the digital era, the vlog has risen in popularity as an audiovisual format on social media and video-sharing platforms, attracting followers’ attention through its attributes of apparent authenticity and intimacy. Journalists have also been riding the wave by employing the amateur-style vlog for professional purposes. Based on a case study of 224 journalists’ vlogs about the Wuhan lockdown, we found that the j-vlog, as a hybrid form of professional-amateur reporting, affords an alternative space for journalists to perform journalistic transparency through self-disclosure of their life and work routines, increasing intimacy and engagement with audiences. This study contributes to current research in innovative practices of digital journalism and expands existing debates on journalistic transparency by delineating its nuances in different digital news formats and national contexts.
Digitalization affects and transforms areas that are an integral part of daily life such as education, economy, entertainment and communication. It is seen that people in both developed and developing countries, where more and more products and services are provided to users in digital environments, are increasingly benefiting from digitally provided environments. It is stated that blogs, which are different from other popular communication protocols based on the Internet, have a democratizing potential. Blogs, which can be a source for sharing news and creating public opinion, can be created under the umbrella of an institution or organization. Blogs, which can also be put forward within the framework of individual purposes, emerge as one of the new ways to communicate with others, and allow personal expressions such as feelings, thoughts and preferences to be shared with a wider audience. The content of blogs, which can be text-based as well as video content, has a great variety. Studies that evaluate blogs according to these differences in terms of species are functional in terms of examining their contents in detail. This study focuses on the video diaries produced by Turkish vloggers. In the study, in which literature review was used as a method, 18 vlog channels with more than two million subscribers were evaluated according to the vlog types determined by Gercely (2018). It was determined that 8 of them were jokes and comedy, 3 of them were gaming, 2 of them were training/teaching, 1 of them was beauty/fashion/fitness, 1 of them was lifestyle, and 1 of them was product review. More than two million Turkish vloggers could not be identified in the movie/TV/book commentary and travel vlogs. Vloggers with the highest followers at the time of the research were evaluated under these headings.
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As a video-sharing site, YouTube has evolved into a new platform for audio-visual content creation. This condition enables not only celebrities and corporations (television media) to create content and become YouTubers but also the general public to do so. This article seeks to describe how YouTubers' vlog contents are stylized in Indonesia. As the defining elements, form, and style are transformed into data to identify the resulting stylistics. This descriptive qualitative research uses a subjective approach. The interpretation analysis was conducted based on the results to verbally illustrate the form and style elements of the vlog contents of the ten most subscribed Indonesian Youtuber channels in 2020. The findings indicate that the forms and styles of Indonesian YouTubers' vlog contents result in authentic, dynamic, spontaneous, and distinctive stylistics. These stylistics can finally create a sense of intimacy and engage the audience in the delivered content.
İkinci/yabancı dilde iletişim kurmanın ön koşulu anlamak kadar anlatabilmektir. Özellikle günlük hayatın büyük bir kısmının konuşarak geçtiği düşünüldüğünde konuşma becerisinin iletişimdeki yeri oldukça önemlidir. Özür dilemek, talepte bulunmak, soru sormak, kendini tanıtmak, emir vermek, yer ve zaman öğrenmek, sipariş vermek gibi iletişimsel amaçlarla konuşma becerisinden yararlanılır. Ancak konuşma, öğrenenlerin diğer dil becerilerine kıyasla en çok zorlandığı ve öğrenmek için zaman harcadığı bir beceridir. Bu bağlamda konuşma becerisinin kazanımı ve gelişimi için sınıf dışı öğrenme ortamlarından biri olan sosyal medyaya şans verilmelidir. Sosyal medyanın yaygın kullanımı, içerik üreticiliğine ve bunun sonucunda bazı kavramların doğuşuna zemin hazırlamıştır. Video destekli blog, diğer adıyla vlog, içerik üreticiliği ile gündeme gelen kavramlardandır. Vlog üreticisi, videonun merkezindedir ve bir konuya, duruma ilişkin tecrübelerini yansıtırken sözlü üretim etkinlikleri ve stratejilerinden yararlanır. Konuşanın sesli mesajları kadar beden diliyle uyumunu da gösteren zengin bir medya örneği olması, vlogdan konuşma becerisinin eğitiminde yararlanılabileceğini düşündürmüştür. Bu çalışma, literatüre dayalı bir derleme niteliğindedir. Çalışmanın amacı, Türkçenin ikinci/yabancı dil olarak öğretiminde konuşma becerisinin eğitiminde vlogun kullanılabilirliğini ortaya koymaktır. İlgili çalışmada; ikinci/yabancı dil eğitimi ve sosyal medya ilişkisi, Türkçenin ikinci/yabancı dil olarak öğretiminde konuşma becerisi ve eğitimi, konuşma becerisinin eğitiminde vlogun faydaları ve sınırlılıkları ile ilgili teorik bir çerçeve oluşturulmuştur. Bu çerçevede literatürden elde edilen bilgiler tartışılarak Türkçenin ikinci/yabancı dil olarak öğretiminde vlog kullanımına ilişkin bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
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Many previous studies have explained the relationship between flow experience and consumer behavior in the context of human-computer interaction. However, studies have inconsistently evaluated the flow experience in terms of its relevant dimensions. Autotelic experience, curiosity, intrinsic interest, sense of control, focused attention, and time distortion are dimensions of online flow experience that have been inconsistently evaluated across different studies. Unlike previous studies, this current study characterizes flow experience with these six dimensions. This study aims to put forth a conceptual model suggestion on the flow experiences of consumers in their online information search processes. It is thought that the conceptual model will contribute to future consumer studies in explaining the effect of flow situations that occur in consumers' computer interactions on their behavior.
Az internet, s főleg a közösségi média az elmúlt években a társadalmi élet egyik kiemelt színterévé vált. Az érintett korosztályok legrelevánsabb képviselője korunk serdülői, akik már olyan korban születtek, ahol teljesen természetesek a digitális eszközök, az online kommunikáció, a közösségi média vagy az influenszerek létezése. A serdülőkben természetes módon végbemenő biológiai és pszichológiai változásokkal számos kutatás foglalkozott, s feltárták már az internethasználat exponenciális növekedésével járó pszichés problémákat is, melynek egyik eredője a fokozott telefonhasználat is. Az online világnak való mindennapos kitettség feltételezhetően együttesen formálja a fiatalok attitűdjeit, normáit. Éppen ezért kutatásunk célja, hogy némiképp innovatív módon, s egy más aspektusból közelítsük meg a kamaszok internethasználatát. Feltárjuk, hogy a telefon mint az internet fő használati eszköze milyen összefüggést mutat az önértékeléssel és a kiégéssel, emellett feltérképezzük, hogy melyek a tipikus magatartásformák YouTube-on (viselkedések gyakorisága, leíró norma), valamint foglalkozunk azzal is, hogy a különböző viselkedésminták mennyire elfogadottak egyéni szinten (személyes normák), illetve, hogy a kamaszok mit gondolnak társaik ezekhez való viszonyulásáról (előíró normák).
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The continuous use intention in users is vital to the development strategy of video sharing platforms, and it creates intensive competition among providers. At present, academic research on video sharing platform users focuses on analysis of social behavior in the videos from the perspectives of the online community, media communications, social network fatigue, and motivations to use the video sharing platform, or looks at video classification based on user-generated text data. However, from the perspectives of belongingness and intentions to continue using the danmaku video sharing platform, there is a lack of quantitative analysis. Therefore, this paper intends to enrich this part of the research based on the stimulus organism response (SOR) theory, adding perceived interactivity and belongingness to constitute structural equation modeling (SEM). This study investigates the mediating effect of belongingness and the influence from five dimensions of perceived interactivity on satisfaction and belonging, and goes even further to continuance intentions in the context of the danmaku video sharing platform. The results indicate that belongingness mediates the impact on continuance intention from control, playfulness, and responsiveness. Satisfaction relates positively to belongingness in danmaku video sharing platform users, which further significantly impacts their continuance intentions.
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The purpose of the paper is to study the use of video resources and video application technologies in teaching foreign languages to technical university students. Regional studies and cross-cultural communication of native speakers in video, as well as the socially significant pedagogical content of educational video materials, are most popular among teachers, whereas professionally oriented video is underestimated. The following directions of pedagogical research into the methodology of using video in foreign language studies were revealed and analysed: (1) comparison of the results of learning lexical material in groups of students listening to the same content in the “audio only” and “audio + video” modes with a clear advantage of the second group; (2) the analysis of video modes without subtitles and with bimodal captions revealing a significant advantage of the second mode; (3) review of four examples of existing technologies for classroom mode contrasting them with the proposed flipped classroom technology of independent student work with video resources using VideoAnt and MindMeister programs. In conclusion, an assumption is made about the advantage of using video materials in students’ independent work. Keeping in mind technical university objectives, the most promising video research direction is technology development for enhancing the efficiency of professionally-oriented documentary video.
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With the rapid development of the Internet and smart phone technology, a large number of short videos are shared through social platforms. Therefore, video content analysis is a very important and popular work in machine learning and artificial intelligence currently. However, it is very difficult to analyze all aspects of video content originally produced by large-scale users. How to screen out bad and illegal content from short videos published by a large number of users, select high-quality videos to share with other users, and improve the quality of video on the distribution platform of the entire user is a top priority. Based on this background, this paper focuses on optimizing video auditing to provide basic features for algorithm judgment, supporting original content and increasing the distribution of new content, and strengthening manual intervention combining algorithm recommendation with manual recommendation. Four major aspects of the artificial training algorithm model discuss the optimization effect of artificial intelligence on the algorithm in order to provide some guidance for the sustainable and healthy development of mobile short video.
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Bu çalışmada, karakter ve değerler eğitimi (KDE) dersinde gerçekleştirilen video blog uygulamalarının öğretmen adaylarının değer eğitimine yönelik tutumları üzerindeki etkisini ve öğretmen adaylarının bu uygulamalar hakkındaki görüşlerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada karma araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın nicel boyutunu öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu deneysel desen oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada nicel veri toplama amacı ile Değer Eğitimine Yönelik Tutum (DET) Ölçeği kontrol ve deney gruplarına derslerin başlangıcında ve sonunda, öntest ve sontest olarak uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın nitel boyutunu ise video blog uygulamalarına katılan olan 11 öğretmen adayı ile yapılmış olan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler oluşturmaktadır. Deney grubu ile yürütülen ders sürecinde normal ders içeriğine ek olarak video blog uygulamaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Video blog uygulamalarında, blog üzerinde örnek olay videoları paylaşılmış, öğretmen adaylarının bunları ders saatleri dışında izleyerek yorumlamaları istenmiştir. Analizler sonucunda, grupların değerler eğitimine yönelik tutumları arasında deney grubu lehine anlamlı bir fark olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, deney grubu öğretmen adaylarının DET ölçeğinin faktörleri olan “değerler eğitiminin gereğine inanç”, “değer eğitimini içselleştirme” ve “değer eğitimine yönelik olumsuz inanç” faktörlerinden aldıkları öntest ve sontest puanlarında sontest puanları lehine anlamlı bir fark olduğu görülmüştür. Bunun dışında öğretmen adayları video blog uygulamalarının KDE derslerini daha akılda kalıcı ve ilgi çekici hale getirdiği, öğrencilerin derse katılımını kolaylaştırdığı yönünde yorumlarda bulunmuştur.
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Speaking skill is one of the important things in language teaching where the students are expected to communicate orally in their daily lives. However, making the students concretely involved in speaking activities becomes the hardest part for the teachers. This has been identified by Brown and Yule (1983:25) that the most difficult aspects of language learning for the teacher is making the students to use the language orally in their daily communication. Through Vlog (video-based learning) found as a media, which explored students creativity and enhanced their speaking skill, this study observed 30 students speaking achievement in and after making the vlog. Qualitative research was employed to analyse data, which concerned with the students speaking skill. The result of the study affirmed that vlog was proven greatly facilitated students speaking skill. It was also found that the students were not only had good progress in speaking but they also gained another discipline of knowledge; IT and the most impression was they had amazing learning experiences.
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This study aims to explore the use of vlog in learning Mahārah kalām. The formulation of the problem in this study is: how to use Vlogs in learning Mahārah kalām and What is the perception of students regarding the use of Vlogs on learning Mahārah kalām. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods with trianguliation techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results revealed the use of Vlog /Vlogging in Mahārah kalām learning using the following steps: (1) Determination of the theme by lecturers supporting the course, (2) Preparation of ideas as material for making scripts/scenarios, (3) Site selection, (4) Evaluation of results, (5) and publication of Vlog video results on social media accounts. received a very positive response from students of the IAIN Palangka Raya Language Education Study Program. 28 out of 30 students gave positive responses regarding the use of Vlogs in the learning of Mahārah kalām. This positive response is based on several reasons: its use is easy, flexible, practical, and economical. Students are also required to be more creative in making vlogging videos so as to produce a good video. but the use of Vlog is also not free from negative responses such as cheating by students who seem to hide the text/script behind the camera so that the video presented is not entirely pure from the results of Mahārah kalām.
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The topic of evaluation and work on the image of one's own profession has not been addressed in research so far, or only to some extent. The aim of this Master's thesis is to capture the function and view of image development in practice, to investigate its II significance for stakeholders and to develop strategies for the processing of professional images by individual practitioners. It was a qualitative research method and, to gather in-depth data, the research design of a comparative study was chosen. As a method of collecting the data, the problem-centered interview was chosen and as an additional contrast perspective, the expert interview and for the evaluation of the data the qualitative content analysis according to Meuser and Nagel. Individual sections of the professional image change very widely and quickly, indicating that the parts of the image can be edited individually. As distinct profiteers of a professional image adjustment were identified the own enterprise, the recruiting, customers, the respective connected industries, the general public and the entire state. Professionals benefit from higher sales, greater room for maneuver, clarity, appreciation / esteem and personal development. The ideal images are aligned in the respective areas in such a way that the respective profession can be executed well and the customers / end users can be addressed. Direct personal communication is essential to work and communicate the image of one's own profession in new professional sectors. The controlled, authentic appearance of the professional person supports the mediation of the ideal image. The professional practice of the profession using the instruments, by means of a value-oriented approach supports the conveyance of the ideal image of a profession. The collected data was used to create a questionnaire for detailed image acquisition with strategy recommendations for mediation. Das Thema der Bewertung und Arbeit am Image des eigenen Berufes wurde bisher in der Forschung nicht beziehungsweise nur ansatzweise behandelt. Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist es die Funktion und Sicht der Imageentwicklung in der Praxis zu erfassen, deren Bedeutung für die Stakeholder zu untersuchen und Strategien zur Bearbeitung von Berufsimages durch einzelne Berufsausübende zu erheben. Es wurde eine qualitative Forschungsmethode und, zur Erhebung tief gehender Daten, das Forschungsdesign einer Vergleichsstudie gewählt. Als Methode zur Erhebung der Daten wurde das problemzentrierte Interview und als ergänzende Kontrastsicht das Experteninterview gewählt und zur Auswertung der Daten die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Meuser und Nagel. Einzelne Abschnitte des Berufsimages sich verändern sehr unterschiedlich breit und schnell, was darauf hinweist, dass sich die Teilbereiche des Images einzeln bearbeiten lassen. Als deutliche Profiteure einer Berufsimageanpassung wurden mitunter identifiziert das eigene Unternehmen, das Recruiting, Kunden, die jeweiligen verbundenen-Branchen, die Allgemeinheit und der gesamte Staat. Die berufsausübenden Personen profitieren bei einer Imageanpassung von höheren Umsätzen, größeren Handlungsspielräumen, Klarheit, Anerkennung/ Wertschätzung und persönlicher Entfaltung. Die Idealimages sind in den jeweiligen Bereichen so ausgerichtet, dass der jeweilige Beruf gut ausgeführt und auf die Kunden/End-User eingegangen werden kann. Direkte persönliche Kommunikation ist zur Arbeit und Vermittlung des Images des eigenen Berufes in neuen Berufsbranchen essenziell. Das gesteuerte, authentische Auftreten der berufsausübenden Person unterstützt die Vermittlung des Idealimages. Die professionelle Ausübung der Berufstätigkeit unter Anwendung der Instrumente, mithilfe einer Werte-orientierten Vorgehensweise unterstützt die Vermittlung des Idealimages eines Berufes. Mit den erhobenen Daten wurde ein Fragebogen zur detaillierten Imageerfassung mit Strategieempfehlungen zur Vermittlung geschaffen.
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Purpose The purpose of this study has three primary aims. The first is to examine the amount of time children spend per week on viewing vlogs. Second, the authors explored children’s awareness and understanding of the brand or product placement in vlogs. Finally, the authors explored children’s self-perceived susceptibility to the potential persuasive effects of these vlogs. Design/methodology/approach Self-reported measurements were assessed among children (N = 127, 10-13 years of age). Findings Results indicate that the majority of children frequently view vlogs and that their degree of bonding with the vlogger predicted the time spend on viewing vlogs. Children recalled products and brands that were shown in vlogs, which were mostly food and beverages and considered themselves and others affected by endorsements in vlogs. Research limitations/implications Only cross-sectional data were collected; these data cannot be used to analyze behavior over a period of time or draw causal inferences. Practical implications Considering the popularity of vlogs among young people, it is important to acquire more insight into the frequency and amount of time children spend on viewing vlogs and children’s processing of persuasive messages in vlogs. This may lead to a better understanding of underlying processes and prediction of the outcomes of advertising through this form of media content. Current findings raise further questions about the persuasive content of vlogs. Originality/value Because of the popularity of online (social media) channels among youth, companies dedicate a significant proportion of their marketing budget on online influencer marketing. Therefore, it is important to acquire insight into children’s processing of online persuasive messages. To the authors’ knowledge, there is no empirical research on children’s potential bonding with popular vloggers and their awareness and understanding of the brand or product placement in vlogs.
This article investigates the effect of video loggers (vloggers) popularity on consumer credibility perception and purchase intention. It employs a two (high versus low vlogger popularity) by two (search versus experience product types) between-subject experimental design to uncover the signalling effect of vlogger popularity. While vlogger popularity influences the consumers’ credibility perception and purchase intention for all products, a high popularity vlogger is likely to be more effective in influencing the online consumers for experience products. We confirm the usefulness of the popularity construct in explaining purchase behavior in social media settings. In doing so, we provide an empirical evidence concerning the specific conditions under which credibility is more (or less) effective in influencing behavior. This study is the first to examine vlogger popularity effects in social media. Our findings provide important insights to both academics and practitioners.
Imagineering is a portmanteau combining the words imagination and engineering. The term, imagineering, was coined during the early 1940s. Since the new Millennium, imagineering has grown to the scale of a mass paradigm, because of the increasing scope and availability of automated engineering. Automated engineering is enabled by sophisticated software and artificial intelligence (AI) across the virtual-social-physical convergence (VSP) of consumer devices, desktop machines, and Web platforms. The combining of human imagination with automated engineering is enabling millions of vloggers, self-publishers and makers to imagineer at high speed and low cost. This mass imagineering can range from early education to digital afterlife. It involves makerspaces, fab labs, hackerspaces, as well as use of disparate devices, machines, and platforms “in the wild”. In this paper, three principal contributions to the literature are provided. First, mass imagineering is described from early education to digital afterlife. Second, analysis of structure and agency in mass imagineering is provided. This reveals that individual agency varies in different settings for mass imagineering, but is always more than in mass production and mass customization settings. Third, division of labour analysis of mass imagineering is provided. This reveals that mass imagineering extends labour outside of paid employment, such as in the home, towards greater self-expression and increased entrepreneurship. This is possible because of increasing automated engineering across VSP enabled by devices, machines, and platforms.
Movie scene detection has emerged as an important problem in present day multimedia applications. Since a movie typically consists of huge amount of video data with widespread content variations, detecting a movie scene has become extremely challenging. In this paper, we propose a fast yet accurate solution for movie scene detection using Nyström approximated multisimilarity spectral clustering with a temporal integrity constraint. We use multiple similarity matrices to model the wide content variations typically present in any movie dataset. Nyström approximation is employed to reduce the high computational cost of constructing multiple similarity measures. The temporal integrity constraint captures the inherent temporal cohesion of the movie shots. Experiments on five movie datasets from different genres clearly demonstrate the superiority of the proposed solution over the state-of-the-art methods.
This Chapter introduces several saliency-based applications in the fields of computer vision and multimedia analysis. We aim to demonstrate that by simulating the saliency mechanism in human vision system, computer can process visual information as human vision system does and the processing results can better meet human perception.
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Exponential growth of information in the Cyberspace alongside rapid advancements in its related technologies has created a new mode of competition between societies to gain information domination in this critical and invaluable space. It has thus become quite critical to all stakeholders to play a leading and dominant role in the generation of information and monitoring of voluminous information uploaded to this space. Dominance in monitoring of large amount of information in cyberspace requires real-time monitoring using new techniques and approaches instead of traditional techniques. Concerned with the latter case, we limit our focus in this paper on Blogs as an important part of the Cyberspace and propose a novel notification system for quick reporting of changes made to Blogs. This is achieved by restricting the search for changes to high volumes of Blogs only to changes to the abstracts of Blogs derived from Blogs. We show that this system works favourably compared to systems that require cooperation and synchronization between information providers.
In recent years there is a vast and rapidly growing amount of multimedia content available online. Web 2.0 and online social networks have dramatically influenced the growing amount of multimedia content due to the fact that users become more active producers and distributors of such multimedia context. This work conceptualizes and introduces the concept of social multimedia mining as a new emerging research area that combines web mining research, multimedia research and social media research. New challenges in multimedia research, social network analysis research as well as trends and opportunities in research areas of social and communication studies and more specific in politics, public relations, public administration, marketing and advertising are discussed in this chapter.
With the development of digital imaging technology and the prevalence of mobile devices with camera, internet privacy has been a growing concern for public. Especially in some private chat groups in social network, for example, Facebook, WeChat, and MySpace, some people want to share their personal images by internet service provider without leaking this information while the internet service provider can also take some additional measures on these images, for example, reducing the network bandwidth. How to provide technologies or software with such functionalities, usually conflicting goals, becomes increasingly urgent in both academia and industry. Image encryption is a choice; however, it does not provide the additional function needed by internet service providers. Recently, game theory is widely used in network security to solve such problem with conflicting goals. In fact, there is a game theory between users and service providers. This paper proposes a block-based image compression method in encrypted domain which provides not only the privacy protection capability but also the additional operation capability needed by internet service providers. This block-based method can be formulated as a game theoretical problem and can be optimized by game theory. First, the image to be shared will be encrypted in block-by-block way by owner with simple encryption operation. Second, the service providers can send the part or full of the encrypted image stream according to the available bandwidth with an adaptive parameter sets. Finally, the intended receivers can decrypt the received encrypted stream to recover the image. Extensive experiments show that the proposed algorithm improves the compression performance compared with the-state-of algorithms.
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The paper provides empirical evidence supporting the assumption that content plays a critical role in determining the virality, i.e., the influence, of social media information. The analysis focuses on multimedia content on Twitter and explores the idea that links to multimedia information increase the virality of posts. In particular, we put forward the following three main hypotheses: (1) posts with a link to multimedia content (photo or video) are more retweeted than posts without a link; (2) posts linking a photo are more retweeted than posts linking a video, and (3) posts linking a video raise more sentiment than posts linking a photo. Hypotheses are tested on a sample of roughly two million tweets posted in July 2011 including comments on Berlin, London, Madrid, and Milan relevant from a tourism perspective. Findings support our hypotheses and indicate that multimedia content plays an important role in determining not only the volumes of retweeting, but also the dynamics of the virality of posts measured as speed of retweeting.
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An exploratory mixed-methods study involving a combination of online ethnography and descriptive statistics was conducted to investigate school-related vlogging. Five areas were emphasized: (1) characteristics of school-related vlogs, vloggers, and viewers; (2) vlog context (where recording occurred); (3) vlog content (what was said and shown); (4) vlogger culture (patterns of speech or practice); and (5) motivations for vlogging about school. A purposive sample of 120 personal video blogs (vlogs) was collected through a systematic process on YouTube during a three-month period. Results of the study revealed that vloggers were young, recorded in multiple settings including classrooms, showed and described their school experiences, shared a vocabulary for interacting with an audience, and vlogged for a variety of reasons including the desire to alleviate boredom, for fun, because friends were doing it, to build confidence or improve their speaking skills, document their experiences, share information, or to connect with others.
We present a data-driven approach to discover different styles that people use to present themselves in online video blogging (vlogging). By vlogging style, we denote the combination of conscious and unconscious choices that the vlogger made during the production of the vlog, affecting the video quality, appearance, and structure. A compact set of vlogging styles is discovered using clustering methods based on a fast and robust spatio-temporal descriptor to characterize the visual activity in a vlog. On 2268 YouTube vlogs, our results show that the vlogging styles are differentiated with respect to the vloggers' level of editing and conversational activity in the video. Furthermore, we show that these automatically discovered styles relate to vloggers with different personality trait impressions and to vlogs that receive different levels of social attention.
Since the first peer-reviewed journal appeared in the late 17th century, journals have been the most important platform for scientists to publish articles. Over the last decade, the fast growth of online social networking and media services has brought us numerous valuable data and several applications to track the topic trends in a held and facilitate collaborations between scientists, thus making Web 2.0 and the emerging Web 3.0 as essential as electronic and paper formats for managing scientific journals. In this paper, we propose a working prototype for an intelligent journal system (IJS) for intelligent transportation systems based on the idea of Web 3.0-based next generation of journal syste 1f0 ms: IJSs. Some preliminary results are presented to show the validity of our system.
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We consider the problem of cropping surveillance videos. This process chooses a trajectory that a small sub-window can take through the video, selecting the most important parts of the video for display on a smaller monitor. We model the information content of the video simply, by whether the image changes at each pixel. Then we show that we can find the globally optimal trajectory for a cropping win-dow by using a shortest path algorithm. In practice, we can speed up this process without affecting the results, by stitch-ing together trajectories computed over short intervals. This also reduces system latency. We then show that we can use a second shortest path formulation to find good cuts from one trajectory to another, improving coverage of interest-ing events in the video. We describe additional techniques to improve the quality and efficiency of the algorithm, and show results on surveillance videos.
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Social media systems such as blogs, photo and link sharing sites, wikis and on-line forums are estimated to produce up to one third of new Web content. One thing that sets these "Web 2.0" sites apart from tradi- tional Web pages and resources is that they are inter- twined with other forms of networked data. Their stan- dard hyperlinks are enriched by social networks, com- ments, trackbacks, advertisements, tags, RDF data and metadata. We describe recent work on building systems that analyse these emerging social media systems to rec- ognize spam blogs, find opinions on topics, identify com- munities of interest, derive trust relationships, and de- tect influential bloggers.
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This paper describes the details of our systems for feature extraction and search tasks of TRECVID-2004. For feature extraction, we emphasize the use of visual auto-concept annotation technique, with the fusion of text and specialized detectors, to induce concepts in videos. For the search task, our emphasis is two-fold. First we employ query-specific models, and second, we employ multi-modality features, including text, annotated visual concepts, OCR output, shot classes and specialized detectors to perform the search. Our search pipeline is similar to that employed in text-based definition question-answering approaches. We first perform query analysis to categorize the query into the categories of: {PERSON, SPORTS, FINANCE, WEATHER, DISASTER and GENERAL}. From these categories, we induce a number of constraints on the search process, including: (a) the type of multi-modality features to use or emphasize; (b) the key concept terms in text query to use; and (c) the video classes, such as sports or anchor person etc to use or exclude in the search results. The results on 60 hours of test video from TRECVID 2004 evaluation demonstrate that our approaches are effective.
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Can we cluster blogs into types by considering their typi- cal posting and linking behavior? How do blogs evolve over time? In this work we answer these questions, by providing several sets of blog and post features that can help distin- guish between blogs. The first two sets of features focus on the topology of the cascades that the blogs are involved in, and the last set of features focuses on the temporal evolu- tion, using chaotic and fractal ideas. We also propose to use PCA to reduce dimensionality, so that we can visualize the resulting clouds of points. We run all our proposed tools on the icwsm dataset. Our findings are that (a) topology features can help us distin- guish blogs, like 'humor' versus 'conservative' blogs (b) the temporal activity of blogs is very non-uniform and bursty but (c) surprisingly often, it is self-similar and thus can be com- pactly characterized by the so-called bias factor (the '80' in a recursive 80-20 distribution).
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ABSTRACT The advent of easy to use blogging tools is increasing the number ofbloggers,leading to more ,diversity in the ,quality blogspace. The blog search technologies that help users to find “good” blogs are thus more and more ,important. This paper proposes a new algorithm called “EigenRumor” that scores each blog entry by weighting the hub and authority scores of the ,bloggers based on eigenvector calculations. This algorithm enables a higher score to beassigned,to the blog entries submitted by a ,good blogger but not yet linked to by ,any other blogs based on acceptance ,of the blogger's prior work. General Terms Algorithms, Management, Experimentation Keywords
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With over 100,000 simultaneous users (typically), PPLive is the most popular IPTV application today. PPLive uses a peer-to-peer design, in which peers download and redistribute live television content from and to other peers. Although PPLive is paving the way for an important new class of bandwidth intensive applica- tions, little is known about it due to the proprietary nature of its protocol. In this paper we undertake a preliminary measurement study of PPLive, reporting results from passive packet sniffing of residential and campus peers. We report results for streaming per- formance, workload characteristics, and overlay properties.
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The fast evolution of digital video has brought many new applications. Consequently, research and development of new technologies are greatly needed which will lower the costs of video archiving, cataloging and indexing, as well as improve the efficiency and accessibility of stored videos. Among all possible research areas, video abstraction is one of the most important topics, which helps to enable a quick browsing of a large collection of video data and to achieve efficient content access and representation. There are two fundamentally different types of video abstracts: still- and moving-image abstracts. The stillimage abstract, also known as a static storyboard, is a small collection of salient images extracted or generated from the underlying video source. The moving-image abstract, also known as moving storyboard, consists of a collection of image sequences, as well as the corresponding audio abstract extracted from the original sequence and is thus itself a video clip but of considerably shorter length. In this report, we present an overview of major technologies employed by each type of video abstraction, respectively. A list of important players in this research area, from both universities and the industry, is also provided.
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This paper presents an enhanced work from our previous paper (Chaisorn et al. 2002). The system is enhanced to perform news story segmentation on a large video corpus used in TRECVID 2003 evaluation. We use a combination of features include visual-based features such as color, object-based features such as face, video-text, temporal features such as audio and motion, and semantic feature such as cue-phrases. We employ Decision Tree and specific detectors to perform shot classification/tagging. We use the shot category information along with two temporal features to identify story boundaries using HMM (Hidden Markov Models). A heuristic rules-based technique is applied to classify each detected story into "news" or "misc".
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MPEG-21 is an open standards-based framework for multimedia delivery and consumption. It aims to enable the use of multimedia resources across a wide range of networks and devices. We discuss MPEG-21's parts, achievements, ongoing activities, and opportunities for new technologies.
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The ever-growing amount of audiovisual content available has raised the need to develop systems allowing each of us to consume the information considered 'essential', adapted to our tastes, our preferences, our time and also to our capacities of receiving, consuming and storing that information. In other words, there is an increasing need to develop systems able to automatically summarize audiovisual information. This paper proposes a novel query-based summary creation mechanism using a relevance metric and a constraints schema implemented in the context of an automatic video summarization system based on MPEG-7 descriptions. In the context of the same system, this paper also proposes a human skin filter allowing to build summaries based on the presence or absence of human skin. This skin colour filter is based solely on the MPEG-7 Dominant Colour descriptor, which means that the content is skin filtered with a rather small amount of processing, without accessing and processing the video data. r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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0. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Story segmentation 1. Briefly, what approach or combination of approaches did you test in each of your submitted runs? 1_kddi_ss_base1_5: "Baseline" method based on SVM, which discriminates shots that contain story boundaries. 1_kddi_ss_c+k1_4: Baseline + section-specialized segmentation (SS-S). 1_kddi_ss_all1_3: Baseline + SS-S + anchor shot segmentation (ASS) based on audio classification results 1_kddi_ss_all1_pfil_1: Baseline + SS-S + ASS and post-filtering (PF) based on audio classification results 1_kddi_ss_all2_pfil_2: Extended baseline + SS-S + ASS + PF based on audio classification results. 1_kddi_ss_all1nsp07_pfil_6: Baseline + SS-S + ASS + PF by HMM-based non-speech detection. 1_kddi_ss_all2nsp07_pfil_7: Extended baseline + SS-S + ASS + PF by HMM-based non-speech detection. 2_kddi_ss2_all1_pfil_8: Baseline + SS-S + ASS and PF based on "speech segment" information from LIMSI ASR results[1]. 2_kddi_ss2_all2_pfil_9: Extended baseline + SS-S + ASS and PF based on "speech segment" information from LIMSI ASR results. 3_kddi_ss3_10: Naive TextTiling based story segmentation based on LIMSI ASR data. 2. What if any significant differences (in terms of what measures) did you find among the runs? Overall, section-specialized segmentation worked effectively to detect story boundaries that were overlooked by the baseline method. Anchor shot segmentation enabled the detection of story boundaries that were impossible to detect by the baseline method. 3. Based on the results, can you estimate the relative contribution of each component of your system/approach to its effectiveness? Our estimation of the contribution of each component in our system is as the following: Section-specialized segmentation: Improved both recall and precision, especially for CNN. Anchor shot segmentation: Enabled the extraction of story boundaries that occur within a single shot, thus improved recall. Post-filtering: Successful in deleting some obviously erroneous story boundary candidates, but also mistakenly omits correct story boundaries. Improvement in terms of F-measure was scarce, if any. 4. Overall, what did you learn about runs/approaches and the research question(s) that motivated them? The major motivation of our participation was to develop a story segmentation method that can be used not only for segmentation of broadcast news, but also for video from non-news domain. By comparison with the results of the other official runs, we proved that the effective use of general low-level features achieves highly accurate story segmentation for news programs. Due to the generality of the extracted features, our method is theoretically applicable to segmentation of non-news video. Another notable point is that, also due to the generality of the features, it was fairly easy to develop various components, such as section-specialized segmentation, which contributed to the overall improvement of story segmentation accuracy. Shot boundary determination 1. Briefly, what approach or combination of approaches did you test in each of your submitted runs? kddi_labs_sb_run_07: "Baseline", which corresponds to the TRECVID 2003 approach with newly introduced edge features and a color layout feature. kddi_labs_sb_run_01: "Baseline" with post-processing for deleting non-CUT candidates, which is based on non-CUT learning method using development data. kddi_labs_sb_run_06: "Baseline" with post-processing for deleting non-CUT candidates (see above) and for adding OTH candidates, which is based on SVM. kddi_labs_sb_run_09: SVM-based method. Two SVMs were built: one based on color histograms, the other based on edge-energy. Results from the two SVMs were fused by another SVM. kddi_labs_sb_run_10: SVM-based method similar to kddi_labs_sb_run_09. This run fused the results from the two SVMs by linear classification. 2. What if any significant differences (in terms of what measures) did you find among the runs? Compared with our TRECVID 2003 approach, using edge features gives a significant improvement, especially for gradual shot boundary (GRAD) detection. Among the above three "Baseline" runs, there is no significant difference. The SVM-based methods actually achieved higher accuracy compared to the "Baseline" methods on cross-validation evaluation on TRECVID 2003 experiment data, but could not achieve high accuracy on TRECVID 2004 data. 3. Based on the results, can you estimate the relative contribution of each component of your system/approach to its effectiveness? Edge features contributes to improve recall of GRAD determination. The maximum improvement rate compared to the TRECVID 2003 method is approximately 20%. 4. Overall, what did you learn about runs/approaches and the research question(s) that motivated them? Basically, the "Baseline" approaches are based on compressed domain feature analysis, and in this 2nd attempt, it becomes clear that extracting edge features on compressed domain, i.e. from DC image, is easy way to enhance system performance, even though additional computational cost is very small. For the SVM-based approaches, the generated SVMs seem to have over-adapted to the TRECVID 2003 data, which we consider as the main cause of the poor results.
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Over the past few years, weblogs have emerged as a new com-munication and publication medium on the Internet. In this pa-per, we describe the application of data mining, information ex-traction and NLP algorithms for discovering trends across our sub-set of approximately 100,000 weblogs. We publish daily lists of key persons, key phrases, and key paragraphs to a public web site, In addition, we maintain a searchable index of we-blog entries. On top of the search index, we have implemented trend search, which graphs the normalized trend line over time for a search query and provides a way to estimate the relative buzz of word of mouth for given topics over time.
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Video is not as richly-used a component of hypermedia documents as text, due to the difficulty of automatically treating objects in video frames as identifiable, linkable content. Rather, video tends to be manipulated as frames of pixels with no further subdivisions, or tedious manual markup is used to outline intra-frame link anchors. We describe OvalTine, a system for tracking objects in video streams so that hypermedia link anchors can be associated with objects in the frames without manual markup. We show how OvalTine can be used to provide hyperlinked structure to real-time video streams (such as teleconferences), as well as to mark up stored video (digital libraries) with hyperlinks in automated fashion. We also discuss the software architecture of OvalTine, which is designed to allow multiple tracker algorithms to be composed dynamically, in response to the particulars of the images being tracked.
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Consumer options for consuming creative content in digital form, such as music, movies, books, and television shows, have increased significantly with the development of the Internet. Entrants into the distribution stage of production have developed new business models to deliver digital content in general and copyrighted digital content in particular. The objective of this paper is to analyse the development of competition in the delivery of digital content to consumers. In particular, the focus is on new technologies that facilitate online dissemination of digital content to consumers through the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks and video hosting sites that have proliferated over the Internet since the late 1990s. The role of copyright as a potential competitive weapon by incumbent disseminators is joined in the analysis. P2P file sharing networks and video sharing web sites are viewed as entrants into the market for the dissemination of digital content to consumers. The incumbent technologies for distributing content have reacted aggressively to this new source of competition and have pursued legal, economic, and moral strategies to combat the use of authorised and unauthorised content by the distribution entrants. Perhaps the most important point to keep in mind is that online distribution, both authorised and unauthorised, is here to stay.
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A blog (weblog) lets people promptly publish content (such as comments) relating to other blogs through hyperlinks. This type of web content can be considered as a conversa-tion rather than a collection of archived document. To cap-ture 'hot' conversation topics from blogs and deliver them to users in a timely manner, we propose a method of dis-covering bloggers who take an important role in conversa-tions. We characterize bloggers based on their roles in pre-vious blog threads (a set of blog entries comprises a con-versation),. We provide several definitions of bloggers' roles including (1) agitators who stimulate discussion, and (2) summarizers who provide summaries of the discussion. We consider that these bloggers are likely to be useful in iden-tifying hot conversations. In this paper, we discuss models of blogs and blog thread data, and methods of extracting blog threads, discovering important bloggers, and acquiring important content from their entries.
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With more and more streaming media servers becoming commonplace, streaming video has now become a popular medium of instruction, advertisement, and entertainment. With such prevalence comes a new challenge to the servers: Can they track browsing behavior of users to determine what interest users? Learning this information is potentially valu-able not only for improved customer tracking and context-sensitive e-commerce, but also in the generation of fast pre-views of videos for easy pre-downloads. In this paper, we present a formal learning mechanism to track video browsing behavior of users. This information is then used to generate fast video previews. Specifically, we model the states a user transitions while browsing through videos to be the hidden states of a Hidden Markov Model. We estimate the param-eters of the HMM using maximum likelihood estimation for each sample observation sequence of user interaction with videos. Video previews are then formed from interesting segments of the video automatically inferred from an analy-sis of the browsing states of viewers. Audio coherence in the previews is maintained by selecting clips spanning complete clauses containing topically significant spoken phrases. The utility of learning video browsing behavior is demonstrated through user studies and experiments.
In accessing large collections of digitized videos, it is often difficult to find both the appropriate video file and the portion of the video that is of interest. This paper describes a novel technique for determining keyframes that are different from each other and provide a good representation of the whole video. We use keyframes to distinguish videos from each other, to summarize videos, and to provide access points into them. The technique can determine any number of keyframes by clustering the frames in a video and by selecting a representative frame from each cluster. Temporal constraints are used to filter out some clusters and to determine the representative frame for a cluster. Desirable visual features can be emphasized in the set of keyframes. An application for browsing a collection of videos makes use of the keyframes to support skimming and to provide visual summaries.
Efficient and effective handling of video documents depends on the availability of indexes. Manual indexing is unfeasible for large video collections. In this paper we survey several methods aiming at automating this time and resource consuming process. Good reviews on single modality based video indexing have appeared in literature. Effective indexing, however, requires a multimodal approach in which either the most appropriate modality is selected or the different modalities are used in collaborative fashion. Therefore, instead of separately treating the different information sources involved, and their specific algorithms, we focus on the similarities and differences between the modalities. To that end we put forward a unifying and multimodal framework, which views a video document from the perspective of its author. This framework forms the guiding principle for identifying index types, for which automatic methods are found in literature. It furthermore forms the basis for categorizing these different methods.
This is a groundbreaking resource that covers both algorithms and technologies of interactive videos, so that businesses in IT and data managements, scientists, teachers, and software engineers in video processing and computer vision, coaches and instructors that use video technology in teaching, and finally end-users of hyper videos will greatly benefit from it. This comprehensive four part book contains excellent scientific and up-to-date contributions made by a number of pioneering scientists, futurists and experts in the field. The first part introduces the reader to interactive and hyper video rhetoric, algorithms and technologies. It also presents effective automatic audio-video summarization methodologies. In the second part, a list of advanced computer vision and signal processing algorithms and systems for automatic and semiautomatic analysis and editing of audio-video documents are presented. The third part tackles a more challenging level of the transformation from raw to enriched video format, filtering of the video content by extracting and linking of highlights, events, and meaningful semantic units. In particular, a detailed example of the Computational Media Aesthetics approach at work towards understanding the semantics of instructional media through automated analysis for e-learning content annotation is presented. The last part is reserved for interactive video searching engines, non-linear video content browsing and quick video navigational systems.
This paper presents a method for extracting distinctive invariant features from images that can be used to perform reliable matching between different views of an object or scene. The features are invariant to image scale and rotation, and are shown to provide robust matching across a substantial range of affine distortion, change in 3D viewpoint, addition of noise, and change in illumination. The features are highly distinctive, in the sense that a single feature can be correctly matched with high probability against a large database of features from many images. This paper also describes an approach to using these features for object recognition. The recognition proceeds by matching individual features to a database of features from known objects using a fast nearest-neighbor algorithm, followed by a Hough transform to identify clusters belonging to a single object, and finally performing verification through least-squares solution for consistent pose parameters. This approach to recognition can robustly identify objects among clutter and occlusion while achieving near real-time performance.
This paper presents an overview of the field of recommender systems and describes the current generation of recommendation methods that are usually classified into the following three main categories: content-based, collaborative, and hybrid recommendation approaches. This paper also describes various limitations of current recommendation methods and discusses possible extensions that can improve recommendation capabilities and make recommender systems applicable to an even broader range of applications. These extensions include, among others, an improvement of understanding of users and items, incorporation of the contextual information into the recommendation process, support for multicriteria ratings, and a provision of more flexible and less intrusive types of recommendations.
This paper proposes an image recognition system, called Image Guarder, to recognize adult images automatically. Image Guarder employs a hierarchical recognition framework with 3 layers, which integrates skin color detection, skin texture validation and image classification. A novel adaptive statistical skin color model is designed to reliably detect skin pixels. Based on skin color detection, skin regions are extracted by a smooth texture validation process. From the detected skin regions, nine ad-hoc image features are extracted to represent the image content. At last, the AdaBoost algorithm is adopted to construct an integrated classifier for the final image classification. To evaluate the performance of Image Guarder, a large image dataset consisting of 59 885 benign images and 18 320 adult images is set up. The proposed system shows an exiting performance that the precision for the adult images is 88.5%, and the precision for the benign images is 92.5% respectively. On the Pentium IV 1.5 GHz PC, the average processing speed is 5.6 frames per second for the benign images, while 1.9 frames for the adult images. Image Guarder can be used to inspect or filter adult images on the personal computer or in the network transmission. It also provides a technique that supports for the network security applications.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) defines a set of tools that manage the secured use of digital media content found on static and mobile electronic devices, ranging from personal computers and PDAs to digital video recorders and MP3 players. While it's true that some antiquated techniques still work well, various state-of-the-art multimedia security technologies have emerged to wage a more adaptive and efficient battle on behalf of 21st century intellectual property owners.
This paper models the sequential states of each interaction participant and their corresponding information seeking actions with a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), and then proposes a common framework with the Influence Model to analyze the dynamic inter-influencing relationships of all participants on selecting material or seeking desired information from digital libraries. Furthermore, an incremental gradient-based algorithm is presented for the training problem of the above model. The experimental results show that authors' model and its learning algorithm can effectively characterize the influences people have on each other during online social interactions.
We have witnessed great interest and a wealth of promise in content-based image retrieval as an emerging technology. While the last decade laid foundation to such promise, it also paved the way for a large number of new techniques and systems, got many new people involved, and triggered stronger association of weakly related fields. In this article, we survey almost 300 key theoretical and empirical contributions in the current decade related to image retrieval and automatic image annotation, and in the process discuss the spawning of related subfields. We also discuss significant challenges involved in the adaptation of existing image retrieval techniques to build systems that can be useful in the real world. In retrospect of what has been achieved so far, we also conjecture what the future may hold for image retrieval research.
MediaLoom is a cross-platform visual authoring tool for creating hypervideo. The hypervideo media form is a sub-genre of hypermedia composed primarily of digital video and based on the link-node structure of hypertext. Previous to MediaLoom, hypervideos were created by hand-coding the behavior of the nodes and links into a script file which was read by the Hypervideo Engine runtime code developed by Nitin Sawhney. The scripts required by the runtime were prone to hard-to-debug syntax errors and lacked any way of providing a visual overview of the hypervideo project. MediaLoom generates script files automatically using a graphical environment modeled on the Storyspace hypertext authoring tool. Though the functionality of the Hypervideo Engine runtime has not been upgraded by MediaLoom, the ease of authoring for the environment has been greatly simplified. Also described herein is the creation of the Short Cuts hypervideo, the first demonstration of a MediaLoom-authored hypervideo, and the progress-to-date on Letterbox, the long-term hypervideo project that catalyzed the development of MediaLoom. The complexity of Letterbox required that its developers think beyond the current implementation of MediaLoom. Thus, this paper includes a discussion of new interaction modalities and features required for future development of a much-improved runtime and authoring tool. Lastly, since hypervideo has primarily been used for the construction of interactive narratives (and since this is the use for which MediaLoom was built) the conclusion of this essay offers a short analysis of narrative flow and the viewing experience in a hypervideo environment.
Although considerable work has been done in management of "structured" video such as movies, sports, and television programs that has known scene structures, "unstructured" video analysis is still a challenging problem due to its unrestricted nature. The purpose of this paper is to address issues in the analysis of unstructured video and in particular video shot by a typical unprofessional user (i.e home video). We describe how one can make use of camera motion information for unstructured video analysis. A new concept, "camera viewing direction," is introduced as the building block of home video analysis. Motion displacement vectors are employed to temporally segment the video based on this concept. We then find the correspondence between the camera behavior with respect to the subjective importance of the information in each segment and describe how different patterns in the camera motion can indicate levels of interest in a particular object or scene. By extracting these patterns, the most representative frames, keyframes, for the scenes are determined and aggregated to summarize the video sequence.
The conventional wisdom has been that IP is the natural protocol layer for implementing multicast related function-ality. However, ten years after its initial proposal, IP Multi-cast is still plagued with concerns pertaining to scalability, network management, deployment and support for higher layer functionality such as error, ow and congestion con-trol. In this paper, we explore an alternative architecture for small and sparse groups, where end systems implement all multicast related functionality including membership man-agement and packet replication. We call such a scheme End System Multicast. This shifting of multicast support from routers to end systems has the potential to address most problems associated with IP Multicast. However, the key concern is the performance penalty associated with such a model. In particular, End System Multicast introduces du-plicate packets on physical links and incurs larger end-to-end delay than IP Multicast. In this paper, we study this question in the context of the Narada protocol. In Narada, end systems self-organize into an overlay structure using a fully distributed protocol. In addition, Narada attempts to optimize the e ciency of the overlay based on end-to-end measurements. We present details of Narada and evaluate it using both simulation and Internet experiments. Prelimi-nary results are encouraging. In most simulations and Inter-net experiments, the delay and bandwidth penalty are low. We believe the potential bene ts of repartitioning multicast functionality between end systems and routers signi cantly outweigh the performance penalty incurred.
Introduction In this chapter, we discuss research issues and promising techniques related to three important aspects of audio-visual content analysis — (a) segmentation, (b) event analysis and (c) summarization. Each component plays an important role in the greater semantic understanding of the audio-visual data. Segmenting audio-visual data into homogeneous segments in a manner suited for further processing (e.g. visual summaries) is an important first step. The segmentation of video data into manageable chunks is complicated by the presence of complex interactions between audio and video data (e.g. films). Domain dependent syntactical elements (e.g. dialogs) further complicate the segmentation task. There has been prior work on video scene segmentation using image data alone [24][59]. In [59], the authors derive scene transition graphs to determine scene boundaries. However, cluster thresholds are difficult to set and often have to be manually tuned. In [24], the authors use an infinite, non-causal memory model to segment the video. We refine this idea of memory in our recent work [48], but in a finite, causal setting. Prior work [39][41][46] concerning the problem of audio segmentation dealt with very short-term (100 ms) changes in a few features (e.g. energy, cepstra). This was done to classify the audio data into several predefined classes such as speech, music ambient sounds etc. However, they do not explore the possibility of using the long-term consistency found in the audio data for segmentation.
As a result of decreasing cost of storage devices, increasing network bandwidth capacities, and improved compression techniques, digital videos are more accessable than ever. To help users find and retrieve relevant video effectively and facilitate new and better ways of entertainment, advanced technologies need to be developed for indexing, filtering, searching, and mining the vast amount of videos available on webs.
An analysis on the structure and content of more than one million blogs worldwide for unearthing insights into blogger behavior is discussed. An analysis on blogspace reflects two distinct perspectives which are the temporal and the spatial. The profile pages of 1.3 million bloggers at was studied in which each blogger has a self-reported profile of personal information, including name, geographic location, date of birth, interests, and friends. It was found that three out of four livejournal bloggers were between 16-24 age and there interests are highly corrrelated with age.
The goal of this course was to give an insight in what is done in the industry in the area of computer communication and distributed systems. This was done through some seminaries and a small project. In the project a relevant topic was to be chosen and studied. I choose to investigate how IPTV works and what its pros and cons are against today's cable, terrestrial and satellite television.
The security of multimedia data in digital distribution networks is commonly provided by encryption, i.e., the mathematical process that transforms a plaintext message into unintelligible ciphertext. Nevertheless, the classical and modern ciphers have all been developed for the simplest form of multimedia data, i.e., text, and are not appropriate for higher forms such as images and video with very large file sizes. Selective encryption is a recent approach to reduce the computational requirements for huge volumes of multimedia data in distribution networks with different client device capabilities. In this paper, we provide a survey and classification of the proposed schemes, discuss the current issues and present some future directions.
This paper reviews ways to measure the influence of the blogosphere on public opinion and mass media. It covers anecdotes of stories becoming big in the blogosphere and then being (re)introduced into mass media. It reports on the traffic blogs receive and their integration into political and news sites. It also compares the relative ranking of blogs on websites like BlogStreet and Technorati.