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Abstract and Figures

The study was a correlateral research design. The authors assessed the relationship between body image and decision to breastfeed among pregnant women. The subjects were 200 pregnant women ranging from 16 to 45 years selected for the study from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels of health care institutions in Anambra State of Nigeria. One research question and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The relationships between perceived breast role, age and occupation of pregnant women, and their body image with regard to decision to breastfeed were evaluated in the study. The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire on Body Image and Decision to Breastfeed (QBIDF). Mean score, standard deviation (SD) and Spearman Rank correlation coefficient (rho) were used to answer the research question while Mann – Whitney – U test and Wilcoxon Rank Sum test statistics were adopted in testing the null hypotheses at 0.01 level of significance. The result showed significant correlation between perceived breast role for beauty/attraction and decisions on the duration to breastfeed, significant relationship between age of pregnant women and their body image with regard to their decision to breastfeed, as well as significant relationship between occupation of pregnant women and their body image with regard to decision to breastfeed.
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American Journal of Scientific Research
ISSN 2301-2005 Issue 78 October, 2012, pp.54-60
© EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012
Relationship between Body Image and Decision to
Breastfeed among Pregnant Women
Chiejina EN
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi Campus
Odira CC
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi Campus
The study was a correlateral research design. The authors assessed the relationship
between body image and decision to breastfeed among pregnant women. The subjects were
200 pregnant women ranging from 16 to 45 years selected for the study from Primary,
Secondary and Tertiary levels of health care institutions in Anambra State of Nigeria. One
research question and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The
relationships between perceived breast role, age and occupation of pregnant women, and
their body image with regard to decision to breastfeed were evaluated in the study. The
instrument used for data collection was questionnaire on Body Image and Decision to
Breastfeed (QBIDF). Mean score, standard deviation (SD) and Spearman Rank correlation
co-efficient (rho) were used to answer the research question while Mann – Whitney – U
test and Wilcoxon Rank Sum test statistics were adopted in testing the null hypotheses at
0.01 level of significance. The result showed significant correlation between perceived
breast role for beauty/attraction and decisions on the duration to breastfeed, significant
relationship between age of pregnant women and their body image with regard to their
decision to breastfeed, as well as significant relationship between occupation of pregnant
women and their body image with regard to decision to breastfeed.
Keywords: Body Image, Body attraction, Body satisfaction, Pregnant women, Perceived
breast role, Decision to breastfeed.
Body image is how a person perceive the size, appearance and functioning of the body and its parts
(Kozier et al., 2004). Body Image also refers to a person’s perception of the aesthetic and sexual
attractiveness of his or her own body (Kozier et al., 2004). DeLaune and Ladner (2002) refer to body
image as an attitude about one’s physical attributes and characteristics, appearance and performance.
Body image is dynamic because any change in body structure or function, including the normal
changes of growth and development, can affect body image. Many teenagers will have harmless body
image distortions, and it is not uncommon for adolescents to feel self-conscious because “they think
their noses are too big, or their hips too wide, or their blemishes too prominent” (DeLaune and Ladner,
2002). Human society has at all times placed great value on beauty of the human body, but a person’s
perception of his/her own body may not correspond to society’s standard (Kozier et al., 2004). A
Relationship between Body Image and Decision to Breastfeed among Pregnant Women 55
person’s body image is thought to be, in part, a product of his or her personal experiences, personality
and various social and cultural forces. A person’s sense of his or her own physical appearance usually
in relation to others or in relation to some cultural “Ideal”, can shape his or her body, image (Kozier et
al., 2004).
Researchers (Thompson et al., 1999) classified body image into body esteem (positive or
negative feelings about one’s body), body satisfaction (satisfaction with an aspect of one’s body), and
body distortion (size estimation accuracy). Monteath and McCabe (1997) explained that although
societal ideals influence a woman’s body satisfaction, the degree of sway is balanced by a woman’s
self-esteem. Sydney (2010) noted that people who have low body image will try to alter the body
image in some way such as dieting or undergoing cosmetic surgery. Francoise (1984), in his theory of
unconscious body image stated that negative perceptions about a persons body (eg fatness), can in
some cases lead to mental disorders such as depression or eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa.
Studies have shown that females tend to link more about their body shape and endorse thinner figures
than men even into old age (Fermro et al., 2008; Sonia et al., 2008; Hawkins et al., 2004). Some girls
and young women compare themselves to models in terms of their physical attractiveness, and
according to Martin and Gendry (1997), many commentators regard the emphasis in the media and in
fashion industry on thinness and on ideal female body shape and size.
In relation to breastfeeding, body image disturbance traits may influence a woman’s initial
decision to breastfeed, as well as possibly promote discomfort within the breastfeeding relationship
causing early cessation. Littleton and Engebretson (2005) stated that the initial changes that occur in
the woman’s body validate her pregnancy, and she may demonstrate pride in her changing body; but as
pregnancy progresses, her increasing size, waddling gait, and positive changes may become
distressing. Fawett (1989) has it that during pregnancy, body image changes as the woman begins to
envision herself as a mother in addition to being daughter and/or wife. This change in body image is
part of the basis for the woman becoming narcissistic and introverted. According to Fawett (1989),
how the woman feels about her body as pregnancy progresses may influence decisions such as whether
to breastfeed. Huang et al (2004) reports that body image become increasingly negative as pregnancy
progresses, and reaches its peak during postpartum period. In addition, Littleton and Engebretson
(2005) opined that barriers or deterrents to breastfeed may be biologic, psychologic, social or cultural
in nature. Women who do breastfeed and encounter negative or sexual messages about their bodies
(whether real or imagined) may stop breastfeeding to shift the focus from themselves and to feel more
comfortable about their own bodies. Also Breast size has also been found to be an indicator of female
attractiveness in the context of Western culture (Furnham et al, 1998; Latteier, 1998; Jones, 2004).
Empirical works that focus on women’s social and emotional impacts of breastfeeding are less
common (Schmied and Barclay, 1999). The few studies conducted were focused on Western culture,
and some of the findings have not established clear relationship between body image and the choice of
infant feeding by pregnant women (Strang and Sullivan, 1985). Also, despite the global campaign on
promotion of breastfeeding, Foster et al (1996) reported attrition in breastfeeding rates. Roth (2006)
noted that while the educational programs launched to convey the benefits of breastfeeding often focus
on the health of the baby, the focus needs to shift to the decision making process that mothers go
through in making infant-feeding choice, including the effect body image has on breastfeeding
initiation and duration. These remarks constitute the problem of this study.
Research Question
How does perceived breast role for beauty and attraction by pregnant women relate to their
decision on the duration to breastfeed?
56 Chiejina EN and Odira CC
Significant relationship does not exist between age of pregnant women and their body image
with regard to their decision to breastfeed.
There is no significant relationship between the occupation of pregnant women and their body
image with regard to their decision to breastfeed.
Materials and Methods
The study was a correlational survey design which was carried out between April and June 2012. A
sample of 200 expectant mothers were selected from three health care institutions during their third
trimester. The selected health institutions were one University Teaching Hospital, one General
Hospital, One Voluntary Agency (Mission) hospital and one Primary Health Centre, all in Anambra
State of Nigeria. Ethical approval and the respondents’ consent were obtained prior to the study.
Inclusion factors in the study population were both primigravid and multigravid women. All the
200 respondents were included in the analysis as there were no missing data.
The instrument used for data collection was questionnaire titled “Body Image and Decision to
Breastfeed (QBIDBF) which had two sections. Section A of the instrument elicited information on
demographic data (eg age, educational level, religion, residential location (whether urban or rural),
marital status and parity). Section B of the instrument elicited information on self-concept of body
image (eg. whole body figure, body parts including the breasts), perceived breast role in beauty and
attraction, body satisfaction derived if breastfeeding is adopted, social and spouse influence on choice
of breastfeeding, and duration to breastfeed if chosen so as to preserve the attractive role of the breast.
The questionnaire items in section B adopted ordinal scales. A four points scale ranging from 1-4 was
used to measure the variables with strongly disagree having 1 point, disagree 2 points, agree 3 points
and strongly agree 4 points. Reliability co-efficient of the instrument was established through test-
retest procedure and Kinder Richards formular 21 method of estimating reliability was used giving a
result of 0.64.
The researchers adopted direct contact approach in data collection from the respondents. The
participants’ characteristics were calculated using frequency distribution. Mean scores, standard
deviation (SD) and Spearman Rank correlation co-efficient (rho) were used to answer the research
question while Mann-Whitney –U- Test and Wilcoxon Rank Sum test statistics were adopted in testing
the null hypotheses at 0.01 level of significance. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of the study population
Item Frequency Percentage
Health Institutions
Teaching Hospital 50 25
Voluntary Agency (Missionary) Hospital 100 50
General Hospital 21 10.5
Primary Health Centre 29 14.5
Education Level
Illiterate 7 3.5
Primary School 39 19.5
O’ Level 61 30.5
Tertiary 93 46.5
Relationship between Body Image and Decision to Breastfeed among Pregnant Women 57
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of the study population - continued
Igbo 194 97.0
Yoruba 1 0.5
Edo 2 1.0
Efik 1 0.5
Tiv 2 1.0
Civil Servant (CS) 55 27.5
Business 145 72.5
Christianity 196 98
Moslem 2 1.0
Traditional 2 1.0
Urban 152 76.0
Rural 48 24.0
Marital Status (MS)
Married 191 95.5
Single 9 4.5
Primigravid 73 36.5
Multigravid 127 63.5
Total population N=200
Demographic characteristics of the study population are shown in table 1. Majority (50%) of
the respondents were selected from Missionary (Voluntary Agency) hospital while the least number
(21%) was drawn from General Hospital. 14.5% of the respondents were drawn from Primary Health
Centre (grassroot), while 25% were selected from Teaching Hospital (tertiary Health Institution).
Table 1 also shows that majority of the respondents (46.5%) had tertiary education while 3.5%
were illiterates. 19.5% and 30.5% were Primary school and O’Level holders respectively. 72.5% were
business women while 27.5% were Civil Servants (White collar job). The Christians were 98%,
Moslems and traditionalists constituted 1.0% respectively. Majority (76%) resided in urban areas while
24% were living in the rural community. On marital status, 95.5% were married while 4.5% were
single. 63.5% were multigravid while 36.5% were primigravid women. The total population of the
respondents was 200.
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of the measured variables
Variable N Minimum Maximum Mean ( x ) SD
Age 200 16.00 45.00 29.0350 5.09742
Body Image (BI) 200 1.00 4.00 1.6950 0.65363
Body size satisfaction (BS) 200 1.38 4.00 2.9737 0.53806
Social Influence 200 1.00 3.80 1.4740 0.54443
Self-perceived Breast Beauty 200 1.00 4.00 1.6263 0.56987
Spouse influence 200 0.50 3.00 1.2300 0.50894
Duration to Breastfeed 200 1.00 4.00 1.7270 0.56290
Valid N (Listwise)
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of the measured variables. Out of the 200 respondents,
the mean age was 29.0350 with a standard deviation of 5.09742, mean for body image (BI) was 1.6950
with SD of 0.65363, mean value for BS was 2.9737 with SD of 0.53806; for social influence, the mean
value was 1.4740 with SD of 0.54443, self-perceived breast beauty had mean value of 1.6263 with SD
of 0.56987, mean value for spouse influence 1.2300 with SD of 0.50894, while the mean value for
58 Chiejina EN and Odira CC
duration to breastfeed was 1.7270 and the SD 0.56290. The table also indicates minimum and
maximum values for each of the variables.
Table 3: Relationship between perceived breast role for beauty and attraction by pregnant women and their
decision on duration to breastfeed
Variables N
(X) SD rho Sig
Breast for Beauty/Attraction 200 1.6263 0.56987 0.549** 0.01
Duration to breastfeed 200 1.7270 0.56290
** Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (1-tailed)
In table 3, the rho correlation value of the relationship between pregnant women’s perceived
breast role for beauty/attraction and their decision to breastfeed was 0.549. This value was significant
at 0.01 level.
Table 4: Man-Whitney – U test Comparison of age of expectant mothers and their body image with regard to
decision to breastfeed
Variables N (X) Z –cal Critical value Probability
Age 200 29.0350
2.899 0.004 P<0.01
Body Image 200 1.6950
2) NB: Z-cal = standard Score
Table 4 shows that at 0.01 level of significance, the calculated Z – Score of 2.899 was more
than the critical value of 0.004. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected, and there is significant
relationship between age of expectant mothers and their body image with regard to their decision to
Table 5: Wilcoxon Rank sum test comparison of occupation of pregnant women and their body image with
regard to decision to breastfeed.
Variable Ranking order N Mean Rank Sum Of Ranks Z-Cal Z-Crit Probability
Body Image Civil Servant(CS) 55 89.02 4896.00 1.752 0.080 P<0.01
Business 145 104.86 15204.00
Total 200
NB: Z-cal = standard score
In table 5, the calculated Z-score of 1.752 was more than the critical value of 0.080 at 0.01 level
of significance. Therefore the null hypothesis which states that significant relationship does not exist
between the occupation of pregnant women and their body image with regard to their decision to
breastfeed is rejected.
Findings from the study indicate significant and high correlation (rho = 0.549) between perceived
breast role for beauty/attraction and decision on the duration to breastfeed by pregnant women (table
3). Breast size has been found to be an indicator of female attraction in the context of Western culture
(Furnham et al. 1998; Latteier, 1998; Jones, 2004). Hughes (1984) observed that the changes
associated with lactation alter the way women perceive a part of themselves, and thus, their feeling of
attraction, and this subsequently influence the decision they take over infant feeding method. Huang et
al (2004) reports that body image becomes increasingly negative as pregnancy progresses and reaches
Relationship between Body Image and Decision to Breastfeed among Pregnant Women 59
its peak during postpartum period. Hence the negative feelings associated with perceived loss of
attraction could grossly reduce the duration pregnant women would chose to breastfeed.
The significant relationship observed between age of pregnant women and their body image
with regard to their decision to breastfeed (table 4) is noteworthy. The implication of this finding is that
age is a factor in decision-making on the method of infant feeding by pregnant mothers. The young
pregnant woman with uncomplicated pregnancy may decide not to breastfeed so as avoid body image
disturbance and retain her attractiveness. On the other hand, pregnant women that are in their middle
age and with many children, or women that conceived after many years of infertility would be less
concerned about body image and so would opt for breastfeeding. DeLaune and Ladner (2002) stated
that body image is dynamic because any change in body structure or function including the normal
changes of growth and development can affect body image.
Findings from the study also showed significant relationship between occupation of pregnant
women and their body image with regard to decision to breastfeed (table 5). Garner and Garfinkel
(1980) demonstrated that those in professions where there is a particular social pressure to be thin are
much more likely to develop anorexia during their carrier. The population for the current study was
generally civil servants and business women. These categories of workers are likely to choose
alternative (supplementary) methods of infant feeding so as to retain their jobs or businesses. If they
decide to breastfeed, it would likely be for a short period.
This study has established significant correlation between perceived breast role for beauty/attraction
and decision on the duration to breastfeed. The study also provides evidence that significant
relationship exists between age as well as occupation of pregnant women and their body image with
regard to their decision to breastfeed.
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... Similarly, among mothers who stopped breastfeeding before six months, those who were more concerned about body image were more likely to report having stopped because of shame (Brown et al., 2015) or the perceived impact on the shape of their breasts regarding the effect breastfeeding might have on beauty and attraction (Chiejina & Odira, 2012). The relationship between body image concerns and breastfeeding practices was not explained by maternal weight, although higher residual weight gain at six months was associated with a shorter duration of breastfeeding. ...
... The results of studies E1 and E2 (Table 3) suggest that mothers who are negatively affected by changes in their body during pregnancy may be less likely to plan or initiate breastfeeding, potentially due to underlying issues such as embarrassment or the perceived impact of breastfeeding their appearance (Brown et al., 2015;Chiejina & Odira, 2012). Chiejina and Odira (2012) also found a significant relationship between the age and occupation of pregnant women and their body image regarding the decision to breastfeed (E1, Table 3). ...
... The results of studies E1 and E2 (Table 3) suggest that mothers who are negatively affected by changes in their body during pregnancy may be less likely to plan or initiate breastfeeding, potentially due to underlying issues such as embarrassment or the perceived impact of breastfeeding their appearance (Brown et al., 2015;Chiejina & Odira, 2012). Chiejina and Odira (2012) also found a significant relationship between the age and occupation of pregnant women and their body image regarding the decision to breastfeed (E1, Table 3). ...
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Objetivo: Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo avaliar as evidências científicas sobre a associação entre a imagem corporal e a decisão de amamentar ao longo da gravidez. Métodos: O estudo utilizou a metodologia proposta pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs, e incluiu estudos identificados nas bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science, B-On e EBSCO. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos primários publicados nos últimos 12 anos, enquanto literatura cinzenta, comunicações, estudo com foco no pós-parto, imagem corporal e alimentação do recém-nascido foram excluídos. Resultados: A pesquisa inicial resultou em 77 artigos, dos quais 73 foram excluídos após o processo de identificação. A nossa análise revelou que (i) há uma relação entre a imagem corporal e a decisão e duração da amamentação e (ii) a decisão do aleitamento materno parece depender da perceção positiva ou negativa da mulher em relação ao seu corpo. Conclusões: Compreender a influência da imagem corporal na decisão de amamentar é fundamental para que os profissionais de saúde desenvolvam estratégias eficazes para promover essa prática. No entanto, o número limitado de publicações sobre este tópico destaca a necessidade de mais pesquisas. Portanto, sugerimos que estudos futuros investiguem a relação entre a imagem corporal e a decisão em amamentar, e promovam a literacia sobre o aleitamento materno diz respeito junto da população em geral.
... Another study to examine body image and its role in breastfeeding (Chiejina and Odira, 2012a;Chiejina and Odira, 2012b) was conducted in Nigeria. During the third trimester, 200 pregnant women completed a 4-scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree) questionnaire on body image items such as self-concept of body image (e.g. ...
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A systematic review is a valuable and influential research method that aims to identify and synthesize all literature relevant to the research question at hand. A well-conducted systematic review benefits the scientific community by providing a summary of all the existing evidence as well as generating new hypotheses and highlighting gaps in the literature. However, when a systematic review does not adhere to the recommended guidelines, it may introduce selection bias and generate false conclusions. Here, we present a commentary on a systematic review by the scholars Morley-Hewitt and Owen titled ‘ A systematic review examining the association between female body image and the intention, initiation, and duration of postpartum infant feeding methods (breastfeeding vs. bottle-feeding)’ that included nine peer-reviewed articles but missed at least eight other peer-reviewed articles that aligned with their study aim, and therefore introduced selection bias in the review. To complete the missing piece, we provide a short summary of these additional articles and describe how they align with this systematic review.
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One of advertising's “unintended effects” is the impact highly attractive models may have on female pre-adolescents and adolescents. Using social comparison theory as a framework, the authors propose that young girls compare their physical attractiveness with that of advertising models and, subsequently, their self-perceptions and self-esteem may be affected, depending on the motive for social comparison. They report a study with a mixed-model design in which motive was manipulated. Girls in grades four, six, and eight participated. The results suggest that motive is important, as support was found for all hypotheses. However, the support was not consistent across all grades or for all dependent variables. The authors consider possible reasons for the inconsistency and discuss the implications of the findings for advertisers and educators.
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Despite good theoretical and empirical rationale for assessing tendencies to make upward and downward physical appearance comparisons no measure for these specific constructs exists. The present work developed and tested the psychometric properties of upward and downward physical appearance comparison scales. The scales were administered to participants (N=224) along with measures of general appearance comparison tendencies, body image, disordered eating, Antifat and Antigay attitudes. The scales displayed good psychometric properties. Importantly, the upward but not downward physical appearance comparison scale predicted lower Appearance Evaluation and higher EAT-26 scores. Conversely, the downward but not upward physical appearance comparison scale predicted higher Appearance Evaluation and greater Antifat Attitudes (Dislike). The scales were unrelated to a nonappearance related construct. These new measures fill a gap in the literature and may be of benefit to researchers interested in body image, appearance concerns, eating disorders, social comparison, and obesity prejudice.
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The present study examined the immediate impact of media portrayals on evaluations of body shape and disordered eating symptomatology in female undergraduates. By using a repeated measures design, participants (N= 42) were exposed on two consecutive occasions to magazine images representing the thin-ideal physique and overweight models. Body satisfaction was recorded both before and after exposure to the images and eating disorder symptomatology was measured following both exposures. Results showed that participants' body satisfaction scores decreased following exposure to the thin-ideal physique and increased following exposure to the larger models. When analysing eating disorder symptomatology, body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness were higher following exposure to slender media images compared to the larger media images. However, exposure to the thin-ideal physique did not increase disordered eating behaviours. These results provide evidence that one brief exposure to media images could exert immediate impact on some behaviours, attitudes and perceptions.
One of advertising's “unintended effects” is the impact highly attractive models may have on female pre-adolescents and adolescents. Using social comparison theory as a framework, the authors propose that young girls compare their physical attractiveness with that of advertising models and, subsequently, their self-perceptions and self-esteem may be affected, depending on the motive for social comparison. They report a study with a mixed-model design in which motive was manipulated. Girls in grades four, six, and eight participated. The results suggest that motive is important, as support was found for all hypotheses. However, the support was not consistent across all grades or for all dependent variables. The authors consider possible reasons for the inconsistency and discuss the implications of the findings for advertisers and educators.
It was demonstrated by Singh and Young (1995)that morphological features such as overall body fatdistribution measured by waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) andbreast size, influence judgments of femaleattractiveness, age, and desirability for relationships. Thepresent study was a replication and extension of thatresearch, using both male and female participants. Theresults supported the general findings of the original study, and as predicted, the effect of breastsize on attractiveness judgments depended on overallbody fat and WHR. The significance of interactionswithin the different morphological features whichdetermine female attractiveness were noted. Overall,there were surprisingly few sex differences. Results arediscussed in terms of the socio-biological theoriescurrently popular in the literature.
Aim: To investigate the association between breastfeeding and the perception that women have of changes in the appearance of their breasts. Methods: Four hundred and ninety-six Italian women were interviewed in three health centres 18 mo (SD 3.4 mo, range 12.6–23.1 mo) after the birth of their first baby in May 2002. Information was collected on pregnancy, infant feeding and bra cup size before pregnancy. The main outcome measures were self-reported changes in the appearance of the breasts (enlargement or reduction in breast size and loss of firmness) and bra cup size at the time of the interview. Results: Seventy-three percent of the mothers reported that their breasts were different compared with before pregnancy; enlargement and loss of firmness representing the most common changes. The prevalence of changes among the mothers who had and had not breastfed was 75% and 69%, respectively (relative risk: 1.09, 95% CI: 0.96–1.23). Bra cup size before pregnancy was neither associated with the frequency of breastfeeding nor with the occurrence of changes in the appearance of the breasts. Conclusions: In Italy, mothers frequently report that the size and the shape of their breasts have changed after childbirth, but these changes do not seem to be associated with breastfeeding.
Much attention has focused on the influence of media images of thin women on body dissatisfaction among female viewers. Disagreement exists regarding the nature of media influences, with meta-analytic results suggesting only small effect sizes. Fewer researchers have focused on the role of peer influences and peer competition on female body dissatisfaction. Furthermore, the relation between body dissatisfaction and eating disorders may be more complex than is often implied in the media effects literature. Links between body dissatisfaction and eating disorders may be overstated, and some eating disorders, primarily anorexia nervosa, may not always be motivated primarily by body dissatisfaction. The current paper discusses these issues from an evolutionary perspective, examining how sociocultural forces influence the intensity of female competition and how such competition effects body dissatisfaction.
Participants were 25 older men (M age = 72 years, SD = 10 years) and 27 older women (M age = 71 years, SD = 8 years) who examined multiple line-drawing figures of babies, children, young adults, middle-aged adults, and older adults. Participants picked a number on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (very thin) to 9 (very obese) in response to questions including "Which is the most attractive?" and "Which figure would you most like to look like?" They also completed questionnaires about their body image and body shape. In response to the age-specific line drawings (e.g., those depicting older men and older women), older women endorsed thinner figures (e.g., picked smaller numbers) than did men. Likewise, older women reported thinking more about their body shape and appearance than did men and perceived their body image as "a little too big" in comparison with the older men who perceived their body image as "just the right size." However, a breakdown of normal and overweight women in this sample revealed that for some overweight elderly women, obesity could become a satisfactory way of life. Much as with college-aged women, the endorsement of a thinner body image by many of the older adult female participants appeared to persist into late adulthood and suggests that research into body image issues with older adults is relevant and necessary.