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Abstract and Figures

Parks provide opportunities for physical activity for children. This study examined sex differences in correlates of park-based physical activity because differences may indicate that a standard environmental intervention to increase activity among children may not equally benefit boys and girls. The System for Observation Play and Recreation in Communities was used to measure physical activity among 2,712 children and adolescents in 20 neighborhood parks in Durham, North Carolina, in 2007. Sedentary activity, walking, vigorous park activity, and energy expenditure were the primary outcome variables. Hierarchical logit regression models of physical activity were estimated separately for boys and girls. Type of activity area and presence of other active children were positively associated with boys' and girls' physical activity, and presence of a parent was negatively associated. A significant interaction involving number of recreation facilities in combination with formal activities was positively associated with girls' activity. A significant interaction involving formal park activity and young boys (aged 0-5 y) was negatively associated with park-based physical activity. Activity area and social correlates of park-based physical activity were similar for boys and girls; findings for formal park programming, age, and number of facilities were mixed. Results show that girls' physical activity was more strongly affected by social effects (eg, presence of other active children) whereas boys' physical activity was more strongly influenced by the availability of park facilities. These results can inform park planning and design. Additional studies are necessary to clarify sex differences in correlates of park-based physical activity.
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Volume 12, E97 JUNE 2015
Social and Environmental Factors Related
to Boys’ and Girls’ Park-Based Physical
JasonN.Bocarro,PhD; MyronF.Floyd,PhD; WilliamR.Smith,PhD;
MichaelB.Edwards,PhD; CourtneyL.Schultz,MS; PerverBaran,PhD;
RobinA.Moore,MCP; NildaCosco,PhD; LuisJ.Suau,PhD 
Suggested citation for this article:
Bocarro JN, Floyd MF,
Smith WR, Edwards MB, Schultz CL, Baran P, et al. Social and
Environmental Factors Related to Boys’ and Girls’ Park-Based
Physical Activity. Prev Chronic Dis 2015;12:140532. DOI: http://
Parks provide opportunities for physical activity for children. This
study examined sex differences in correlates of park-based physic-
al activity because differences may indicate that a standard envir-
onmental intervention to increase activity among children may not
equally benefit boys and girls.
The System for Observation Play and Recreation in Communities
was used to measure physical activity among 2,712 children and
adolescents in 20 neighborhood parks in Durham, North Carolina,
in 2007. Sedentary activity, walking, vigorous park activity, and
energy expenditure were the primary outcome variables. Hierarch-
ical logit regression models of physical activity were estimated
separately for boys and girls.
Type of activity area and presence of other active children were
positively associated with boys’ and girls’ physical activity, and
presence of a parent was negatively associated. A significant inter-
action involving number of recreation facilities in combination
with formal activities was positively associated with girls’ activity.
A significant interaction involving formal park activity and young
boys (aged 0–5 y) was negatively associated with park-based
physical activity.
Activity area and social correlates of park-based physical activity
were similar for boys and girls; findings for formal park program-
ming, age, and number of facilities were mixed. Results show that
girls’ physical activity was more strongly affected by social ef-
fects (eg, presence of other active children) whereas boys’ physic-
al activity was more strongly influenced by the availability of park
facilities. These results can inform park planning and design. Ad-
ditional studies are necessary to clarify sex differences in correl-
ates of park-based physical activity.
Most US children do not accumulate the recommended 60 minutes
of daily physical activity, and adherence to recommendations is
significantly lower among girls (1). Public parks and playgrounds
are key components of environmental interventions to increase
physical activity among children during nonschool hours and can
be modified through public policy to further encourage daily phys-
ical activity (2).
Availability of a variety of recreation facilities and proximity to
them have been associated with increased physical activity among
adults (3) and children (4), with some exceptions (5). Improve-
ments and renovations in parks (6) and school playgrounds (7)
have been associated with increased park-based physical activity
among children. Although studies have shown there are sex differ-
ences among youth park-based physical activity (8), research ex-
amining such differences in the context of social and environment-
al factors such as parental supervision and other children is lim-
ited (9).
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1
Previous studies provide evidence that associations between envir-
onmental variables and physical activity vary between boys and
girls (10,11). Sex differences present challenges for understand-
ing how the built environment affords opportunities for physical
activity among children. Such differences may indicate that a
standard environmental intervention to increase activity among
children may not equally benefit boys and girls. Understanding
whether social and environmental determinants influence physical
activity differently among boys and girls can be used to guide de-
cisions related to programming options and the design and retrofit-
ting of parks. Therefore, this study sought to determine if associ-
ations among social and environmental characteristics of parks and
park-based physical activity among children varied by sex. We hy-
pothesized that boys’ park use would result in greater intensity
levels of park-based physical activity than girls’ park use across
different park activity settings. Second, we hypothesized that so-
cial and environmental correlates of park-based physical activity
vary between boys and girls.
Study settings
Direct observations were conducted in 20 neighborhood parks in
Durham, North Carolina, in 2007. To ensure socioeconomic di-
versity of population and inclusion of neighborhoods with a mix-
ture of races/ethnicities, this study focused on the mostly residen-
tial central area of the city. Simple random sampling was used to
select 20 of 38 available parks. Mean park size was 10.3 acres
(range, 0.5–45.9 acres). For each park, a 400-meter network buf-
fer was constructed using ArcGIS 9.1 (Esri) to define park service
areas (12,13). Park service areas are geographic catchment areas
encompassing a population of potential users (12). Their mean
size was 121.8 acres (range, 35.4–305.5 acres). Park service areas
were used to identify contextual characteristics of study parks.
Total population of census blocks within park service areas ranged
from 32 to 1,796, with a mean of 780. African American residents
were the largest racial/ethnic group (mean,55.1%; range,
1.4%–100%), followed by non-Hispanic white (mean, 36.1%,
range 0%–96.9%) and Hispanic residents (mean = 9.7%, range
0%–32.4%). The mean percentage of children aged 18 years or
younger was 24.3% and ranged from 16.0% to 35.7%
Physical activity
Park-based physical activity was measured using the System for
Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) (14).
Developed for open environments such as parks and playgrounds,
SOPARC consists of systematic momentary time sampling of pre-
determined activity areas in parks. Park activity areas were
scanned by trained observers visually sweeping from left to right,
and the codes representing children’s activity levels were recor-
ded on a standardized form along with other contextual informa-
tion. Observations occurred for 8 weeks from 10AM to 7PM EDT
on all weekend days and randomly selected weekdays in May,
June, and July 2007. Each park was observed 16 times during the
study period (8 weekend days and 8 weekdays). Observed activity
was coded as sedentary (eg, standing, sitting, lying down), walk-
ing (eg, walking, other moderate intensity activities), or vigorous
(eg, running, climbing, jumping) as validated in previous studies
(15,16). The codes also provided estimates of energy expenditure
rate (EER). EER was estimated by equating categories of activit-
ies with constants (sedentary, 0.051 kcal/kg/min; walking, 0.096
kcal/kg/min; very active, 0.144 kcal/kg/min) (17,18).
Demographic and social correlates
The SOPARC age category was modified to account for 3 age cat-
egories: young child (0–5 y), middle-child (6–12 y), and older
children or adolescents (13–18 y). The observation codes for dif-
ferent age groups were introduced after the research staff was able
to recognize and code SOPARC physical activity levels. Age was
determined by observable physical and biological features (eg,
height) and social context (eg, with a parent). The description of
the training protocols are reported elsewhere (19). Paired observa-
tions from 4 study weeks produced data to assess interrater reliab-
ility for all physical activity codes for each age group. Adequate
reliability was observed for physical activity codes using the 3 age
groups (Table 1).
Presence of an adult was coded by observers as 1) not present, 2)
supervising adult (eg, teacher, coach), 3) parent or caregiver, or 4)
don’t know (mean κ, 0.6). Presence of other active children was a
dichotomous variable indicating the presence of other moderately
or very active children in an activity area (1 = yes). Formality of
play was measured using 4 attributes: no play observed, free play,
informal organized play (eg, group playground play, pick-up soc-
cer), and formal organized play (eg, individual or group athletic
event) (mean κ, 0.8).
Park environment correlates
SOPARC observations were conducted in predetermined zones
(park activity areas) in each park. The areas for SOPARC observa-
tions were mapped by 3 members of the research team. Mean
acres for SOPARC zones was 0.35 (standard deviation, 0.45). En-
vironmental features in each activity area were measured using the
Environmental Assessment of Public Recreation Spaces (EAPRS)
instrument (20). Audits for the presence of facilities and amenities
were conducted for each SOPARC zone (N = 134) during day-
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
light hours by 2 pairs of 2 raters working independently. Features
serving as primary supports for physical activity were categorized
as recreation facilities (eg, trails, playground equipment). Second-
ary features (eg, tables, benches) were treated as park amenities
(21). The mean κ across audited features was 0.9. Counts of facil-
ities and amenities in park activity areas were derived for sub-
sequent analyses. Activity area types were categorized on the basis
of their designated use. These included playgrounds, courts, fields,
open areas, swimming pools, and picnic areas and shelters. Size of
activity areas was measured by calculating the area of the poly-
gons comprising the activity areas. All study procedures were ap-
proved by the North Carolina State University’s institutional re-
view board.
First, differences in energy expenditure among boys and girls were
compared for different activity settings (eg, playgrounds, sport
fields, courts). Second, sex-stratified logit models of park-based
physical activity were estimated to examine whether different pat-
terns of associations existed for boys and girls.
Analysis of variance was used to test for sex differences in intens-
ity of physical activity associated with different park activity
areas. Hierarchical generalized regression models stratified by sex
were used to examine whether social and environmental correl-
ates of park-based physical activity varied between boys and girls.
Hierarchical generalized linear models (22) were estimated be-
cause of the hierarchical structure of the data (individual children
within park zones) and the use of a 3-level ordinal dependent vari-
able (sedentary, walking, and very active). To address the hypo-
thesis related to the environmental characteristics of park activity
areas, unconditional models (intercept only) were estimated to es-
tablish whether variation in individual park-based physical activ-
ity levels were significantly associated with differences in park
activity areas. Independent variables of interest were examined by
using fixed effects and odds ratios controlling for other model pre-
dictors. Sedentary served as the reference category in regression
models. Within-level and cross-level interactions were also ex-
amined. Analyses were performed in May 2011 using SAS ver-
sion 9.2 (SAS Corp).
Characteristics of park users and activity areas are shown in Table
2. During the study period, 2,712 children were observed, and
43.5% were girls (Table 2). Among girls, 50.4% were categorized
in the 0 to 5 years age group, followed by 39.2% in the 6 to 12
years age group and 10.3% in the 13 to 18 years age group.
Among boys, the 6 to 12 years age group was most frequently ob-
served (42.3%) followed by 36.6% for the 0 to 5 years age group
and 21.1% for the 13 to 18 years age group. Boys were more
likely to be observed in informally and formally organized park
activities (16.1 and 9.4, respectively, for boys vs 5.8 and 4.1, re-
spectively, for girls). Girls were also more likely than boys to be
observed in free play (68.1 vs. 53.5) (
= 108.8,
< .001).
Regarding supervision, a parent or guardian was more likely to be
present among girls (55.9%, girls vs 44.6%, boys). Presence of
other adult supervisors was more likely to be observed among
boys (25.1%, boys vs 19.9%, girls). Activity levels were similar
across boys and girls, with boys slightly more active than girls
overall. Of girls, 56.1% were observed in sedentary activity com-
pared with 49.9% of boys. Of girls, 31.4% were observed in walk-
ing activity behaviors compared with 36.6% of boys.
Results of hierarchical generalized regression
Girls’ park-based physical activity
Examination of the fixed effects indicated that significant vari-
ation existed in thresholds (intercepts) across all park activity
areas between sedentary activity and vigorous activity (intercept 1)
but not between sedentary and walking (intercept 2) (Table 3).
Controlling for predictor variables, girls across all park activity
areas were equally likely to be observed sedentary as they were to
be observed walking (moderate intensity activities).
Individual level effects (level 1) and cross-level interactions.
Within park activity areas and controlling for other variables in the
model, the presence of a parent was associated with lower odds
(odds ratio [OR], 0.47) of an increased level of physical activity
for girls. The presence of other active children in a park activity
area had the strongest positive association (OR, 4.85) with girls’
park-based physical activity. A significant positive interaction in-
volving the number of recreation facilities and formally organized
activity was associated with 2.21 increased odds of higher park-
based physical activity. That is, girls participating in more formal
and organized play had higher odds of increased physical activity
in activity areas with a greater number of recreation facilities.
Boys’ park-based activity
Examination of the fixed effects indicated that significant vari-
ation existed in thresholds (intercepts) across park activity areas
between sedentary and vigorous activity (intercept 1) but not
between sedentary and walking (intercept 2). Controlling for pre-
dictor variables, boys across park activity areas were no less likely
to be observed sedentary as they were to be observed walking.
Individual level effects (level 1) and cross-level interactions. As
with girls, but to a lesser extent, the presence of a parent was asso-
ciated with a lower likelihood (OR, 0.66) of high levels of physic-
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3
al activity. A stronger interaction of age and formality of play as-
sociated with lower odds of increased physical activity was found
among boys in this sample in comparison with girls. Among boys
categorized as age 0 to 5, each increased level of formalization and
organization in park activity was associated with a 37% decrease
in odds of higher levels of physical activity. Boys observed in park
activity areas identified as picnic areas and shelters were 70% less
likely to be engaged in high levels of physical activity than boys in
other types of park activity areas. High levels of park-based phys-
ical activity were associated with courts (eg, basketball, tennis,
etc.) and presence of other active children.
In sum, high levels of girl’s park-based activity were associated
with presence of other active children and a combination of form-
al activity and an increasing number of recreation facilities in park
activity areas. Common correlates between girls and boys were
presence of a parent and presence of other active children and a
low likelihood of increased activity associated with picnic areas.
Among boys, increased activity was also associated with athletic
Neighborhood parks have potential to help children accumulate re-
commended levels of daily physical activity. This study sought to
determine whether social and environmental correlates of park-
based physical activity differed between boys and girls. Multivari-
ate sex-specific models provided evidence of similarities and note-
worthy differences in social and environmental correlates for boys
and girls. Models for boys and girls showed that the type of park
activity area was associated with increased likelihood of vigorous
activity but not with walking intensity activity. This finding is im-
portant in 3 respects. First, it indicates that characteristics of park
activity areas may be uniquely associated with vigorous activity, a
“relative rare” intensity level (1). Second, previous studies indic-
ate that vigorous intensity is more strongly associated with youth
fitness levels and weight status (23,24). Finally, such findings
provide direction for identifying appropriate spatial scales for
park-based physical activity interventions. Interventions can tar-
get multiple scales (ie, neighborhoods, parks, and areas within
parks). In light of data from earlier studies (6–9), these findings
suggest that activity areas within parks can be the focus of envir-
onmental or policy change.
Relationships between social correlates and physical activity were
similar for boys and girls; however, noteworthy differences
emerged. Presence of other active children had a stronger positive
association with park-based physical activity than any other pre-
dictor variable. The association was stronger among girls where
presence of other active children increased the odds of higher
activity levels by 4.85 times compared with 3.12 times for boys.
Methods used in the current study precluded assessment of rela-
tionships among children. The findings are nevertheless consist-
ent with studies that show friendships among adolescents are
strong predictors of their physical activity levels (9). Presence of
parents was associated with a lower likelihood of increased activ-
ity among children and adolescents with a stronger negative trend
observed among girls. These findings support the hypothesis that
gender norms affect how some parents respond to children’s beha-
vior. Possibly parents’ efforts to supervise and monitor their chil-
dren’s safety inadvertently curtails higher levels of activity. The
pervasiveness of gender norms may encourage some parents to be
more protective of girls and encourage “safer” sedentary play
activities. Other research suggests parental anxieties about safety
are more constraining of young children’s physical activity than
the level of public recreation facilities (25). Communicating with
parents about the social and physiologic importance of active play
is a major challenge in children’s health promotion (26,27). The
results suggest that active play among girls should be emphasized.
Differences between boys and girls were observed for interactions
involving formality of park activities. Among boys in the 0 to 5
age group, formal park activity was associated with a low level of
physical activity. Thus, park programming designed to promote
physical activity for young boys could minimize formal games and
emphasize free play (26). By contrast, among girls, formal park
activity and a greater number of recreation facilities appeared to
increase high levels of physical activity. Timperio et al (28) repor-
ted that an increased number of neighborhood recreation facilities
was inversely associated with walking activity among young girls.
Our findings suggest that programming and availability of facilit-
ies within parks appear to be more important for girls than boys
among all age groups. This may be because parents are more re-
luctant to let girls play outside if unsupervised (29) and may be
less reluctant if programming and facilities are available because
of their association with supervision.
Strengths of this study include use of sex-stratified models to ex-
amine social and environmental correlates of park-based physical
activity; measurement of 3 different age groups of children; use of
validated assessment tools (SOPARC and EAPRS) to measure ac-
tual park use, park-based physical activity, and environmental fea-
tures; statistical analyses adjusted for clustering within park activ-
ity areas; and parks sampled from racially diverse neighborhoods.
Primary limitations were that observations of children occurred at
1 point in time and not continuously during the course of
children’s visit to the park; energy expenditure was not measured
directly; the study design was cross-sectional; we did not know
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.
4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
whether parks users were demographically similar to the park ser-
vice area population; and results were not generalizable beyond
the summer season.
To our knowledge this is the first study using sex-stratified mod-
els to examine social and environmental correlates of park-based
physical activity among children and adolescents. Overall, similar
patterns of associations were observed for boys and girls. Charac-
teristics of activity areas, presence of parents, and presence of oth-
er active children exhibited similar effects. Key differences were
type of activity areas among boys, formality of park activity
among young boys, and presence of recreation facilities interact-
ing with formality of park activity among girls. Public parks and
recreation facilities are important community resources for pro-
moting physical activity (2). To maximize parks’ contribution to
children’s total physical activity, future studies should build on
these results to identify and evaluate social and environmental
factors with strong potential to support walking and vigorous
activity levels within parks. Parks are built environmental features
with high relevance for children (13,30), and more studies are
needed to learn how the children’s sex influences the effect of so-
cial and built environment correlates on park-based activity.
Park-program specialists and researchers should consider the role
parents and other children play in encouraging activity. Our res-
ults indicate that parents may discourage high intensity activity
among children with a more noticeable influence among girls.
Presence of other active children appears conducive to higher in-
tensity activity, especially for girls. Presence of specific park facil-
ities should also be considered. Courts were more conducive for
boys’ activity. However, picnic areas were less conducive to phys-
ical activity among both boys and girls. A combination of organ-
ized park activities and recreation facilities produced greater activ-
ity among girls.
These findings suggest that environmental correlates that support
physical activity in parks differ across age groups and between
girls and boys. Enhanced knowledge about social and environ-
mental factors that increase the frequency and intensity of physic-
al activity among children should help park administrators, pro-
grammers, and planners to design parks that meet the needs of
children of all ages and of both sexes. To better understand how
parks benefit children’s physical activity, potential differences in
the characteristics of park environments that encourage or discour-
age boys’ and girls’ physical activity should be further examined.
This study was funded by a grant from Active Living Research
(no. 59449), a research program of the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation. The authors thank the City of Durham, North Caro-
lina, Parks and Recreation Department, for its assistance with this
Author Information
Corresponding Author: Jason N. Bocarro, PhD, Department of
Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, North Carolina
State University, Box 8004, Biltmore Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695.
Telephone: 919-513-8025. Email:
Author Affiliations: Myron F. Floyd, William R. Smith, Michael
B. Edwards, Courtney L. Schultz, Perver Baran, Robin A. Moore,
Nilda Cosco, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North
Carolina; Luis J. Suau, Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina.
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.
6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
Table 1. Cohen’s κ Coefficients and Percentage Observer Agreement by Age Group, Sex, and Physical Activity Code,
Durham, North Carolina, 2007
Child Sex, Age
and Activity Level
κ Coefficient (% Observer Agreement)
Training (127
Week 1 (130
Week 4 (152
Week 5 (117
Week 7 (120
Week 8 (75
Female, YC, S 0.67 (93.7) 0.57 (96.2) 0.66 (98.7) 0.56 (94.0) 0.80 (97.5) 0.81 (97.3)
Female, YC, W 0.26 (92.1) 0.38 (95.4) 0.74 (98.7) 0.15 (92.3) 0.59 (98.3) 0 (98.7)
Female, YC, V 0.56 (93.7) 0 (99.2) 1.00 (100) −0.01 (98.3) 0.66 (99.2) 0 (98.7)
Male, YC, S 0.63 (96.1) 0.39 (97.7) 0.80 (98.7) 0.84 (98.3) 0.79 (98.3) 0.49 (97.3)
Male, YC, W 0.77 (96.1) 0.71 (98.5) 0.80 (98.7) 0.59 (98.3) 0.56 (97.5) 0.66 (98.7)
Male, YC, V 0.65 (96.9) 1.00 (100) 0.80 (99.3) 0.24 (97.4) 0.80 (99.2) 1.00 (100)
Female, MC, S 0.68 (92.9) 0 (99.2) 0.66 (97.4) 0.81 (98.3) 0.95 (99.2) 0.87 (98.7)
Female, MC, W 0.44 (89.0) 0.49 (97.7) 0.63 (97.4) 0.66 (98.3) 1.00 (100) 0 (98.7)
Female, MC, V 0.49 (91.3) 0.66 (99.2) 0.63 (97.4) 0 (98.3) 1.00 (100) (100)
Male, MC, S 0.55 (89.0) 1.00 (100) 0.65 (97.4) 0.59 (96.6) 0.75 (96.7) 0.90 (98.7)
Male, MC, W 0.60 (91.3) (100)
0.66 (96.7) 0.66 (99.2) 0.87 (98.3) 0.66 (98.7)
Male, MC, V 0.51 (94.5) 0 (99.2) 0.93 (99.3) 0.49 (98.3) 0.56 (97.5) (100)
Female, OC, S 0.55 (96.9) (100)
0.66 (99.3) 0.66 (99.2) 0.66 (99.2) 1.00 (100)
Female, OC, W 0.43 (96.1) (100)
0.89 (99.3) (100)
1.00 (100)
Female, OC, V (100)
1.00 (100) (100)
0 (99.2) (100)
Male, OC, S 0.68 (94.5) (100)
0.50 (99.3) 0.83 (99.2) 0.66 (99.2) 0 (98.7)
Male, OC, W 0.66 (93.7) (100)
0.62 (97.4) 0.66 (99.2) −0.03 (93.3)
Male, OC, V 0.83 (97.7) (100)
0.66 (99.3) 0.80 (99.2) (100)
0 (98.7)
Abbreviations: MC, middle child; OC, older child; S, sedentary physical activity; V, vigorous physical activity; W, walking or moderately active physical
activity; YC, young child.
Young child = age 0 to 5 years, middle child = age 6 to 12 years, old child = age 13 to 18 years.
No variability observed; therefore, a weighted κ cannot provide a meaningful test statistic.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 7
Table 2. Characteristics of Children and Adolescents Using Parks and Park Activity Areas, Durham, North Carolina, 2007
Characteristic Girls Boys
Park Users, n (%)
Girls 1,180 (43.5)
Boys 1,532 (56.5)
Physical activity level
Sedentary 662 (56.1) 765 (49.9)
Walking 370 (31.4) 558 (36.4)
Vigorous 148 (12.5) 209 (13.6)
Age group
0–5 y 595 (50.4) 560 (36.6)
6–12 y 463(39.2) 648 (42.3)
13–18 y 122 (10.3) 324 (21.1)
Style of play
No play 255 (21.9) 318 (21.0)
Free play 793 (68.1) 811 (53.5)
Informal organized 68 (5.8) 244 (16.1)
Formal organized 48 (4.1) 142 (9.4)
Parent/guardian present 660 (55.9) 684 (44.6)
Supervising adult present 235 (19.9) 384 (25.1)
Park areas
Sex of park area users
Girls only or boys and girls, no. of park areas 89
Boys only or boys and girls, no of park areas 95
Zone type
Playground 24 (26.9) 24 (25.3)
Courts 14 (15.7) 15 (15.8)
Fields 7 (7.8) 10 (10.5)
Trail/walking path 11 (12.4) 12 (12.6)
Shelter/picnic area 14 (15.7) 14 (14.7)
Open space 11 (12.4) 15 (15.8)
Other 8 (8.9) 5 (5.3)
Areas with other active children present, % 23.8 26.3
Zone size, sq ft, mean (SD) 15,966 (20,499) 15,938 (19,279)
No. of facilities, mean (SD) 1.1 (0.8) 1.1 (0.8)
No. of amenities, mean (SD) 1.3 (1.5) 1.2 (1.4)
Abbreviation: SD, standard deviation.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.
8 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
Table 3. Hierarchical Cumulative Logit Model for Park-Based Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents, Durham, North
Carolina, 2007
Girls (Level 1 N = 1,180, Level 2 N = 87) Boys (Level 1 N = 1,532, Level 2 N = 95)
Estimate (SE)
Odds Ratio
(95% CI) Estimate (SE)
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Fixed Effects
Main effects
Intercept 1
−1.91 (0.461) <.001 −2.32 (0.374) <.001
Intercept 2
0.172 (0.456) .70 −0.124 (0.368) .73
Age category 1 (0–5 y) 0.438 (0.394) .26 1.54
0.338 (0.307) .27 1.4 (0.79 to
Age category 2 (6–12 y) 0.336 (0.395) .39 1.39 (0.62–
0.151 (0.282) .59 1.16 (0.60 to
Age category 3
(13–18 y) 1[Reference]
Parent present −0.756 (0.193) <.001 0.469
−0.423 (0.172) .01 0.655 (0.32 to
Supervising nonparental
adult present
−0.322 (0.22) .14 0.725
−0.339 (0.178) .05 0.712 (0.36 to
Formality of play −0.251 (0.314) .42 0.778
0.203 (0.202) .31 1.23 (0.83 to
Level 1 interaction, by age
Age 1 × formality of play −0.164 (0.334) .62 0.849
−0.46 (0.215) .03 0.631 (0.20 to
Age 2 × formality of play −0.229 (0.336) .49 0.795
−0.17 (0.194) .38 0.806 (0.46 to
Age 3 × formality of play
Park activity area characteristics
Zone size, area in ft
.66 1 (0.99–1.00) −6.76E–06
.27 1 (−0.99 to
Recreational facilities −0.394 (0.211) .06 0.674
0.099 (0.2) .62 1.1 (0.71 to
Park amenities −0.025 (0.107) .81 0.975
0.022 (0.098) .81 1.02 (0.83 to
Other active children in
area (1= yes)
1.58 (0.167) <.001 4.85
1.14 (0.143) <.001 3.12 (2.83 to
Zone type
Picnic/shelter −1.03 (0.545) .05 0.357 (−0.71 to
−1.22 (0.334) .01 0.295 (−0.36 to
Courts 0.253 (0.436) .56 1.29
0.746 (0.337) .02 2.11 (1.45 to
Cross-level interaction
Abbreviations: E, exponent value; SE, standard error; —, not applicable
Sedentary was used as reference category for the ordinal outcome variable.
Age 1 = 0 to 5 years; age 2 = 6 to 12 years; age 3 = age 13 to 18 years. Age category 3 was used as reference category.
(continued on next page)
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9
Table 3. Hierarchical Cumulative Logit Model for Park-Based Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents, Durham, North
Carolina, 2007
Girls (Level 1 N = 1,180, Level 2 N = 87) Boys (Level 1 N = 1,532, Level 2 N = 95)
Estimate (SE)
Odds Ratio
(95% CI) Estimate (SE)
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Recreational facilities ×
formality of play
0.343 (0.109) .002 2.21
0.032 (0.107) .77 1.03 (0.82 to
Variance components
Level 2 variance (τ
) 0.793 (0.255) 0.648 (0.192)
Goodness of fit (independence)
−2 log L 9,205.41 11,757
Independence −2 log L 9,251.73 11,805.15
46.32 <.001 48.15 <.001
Abbreviations: E, exponent value; SE, standard error; —, not applicable
Sedentary was used as reference category for the ordinal outcome variable.
Age 1 = 0 to 5 years; age 2 = 6 to 12 years; age 3 = age 13 to 18 years. Age category 3 was used as reference category.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions.
10 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention •
... 5 Another study found that, in 2019, only 54.1% of female participants vs 60.4% of male participants participated in sports. 1 Furthermore, another study found that 43.1% of girls vs 34.5% of boys reported never playing sports, 36.5% of girls vs 45.6% of boys were engaged in sports, and 36% of girls vs 30% of boys dropped out of sports. 6 It is unlikely that such disparities would be eliminated or significantly reduced without additional attention (eg, social support from parents, 7 friends, [8][9][10] school environments, and social environment 11,12 ), investment (eg, funding for new programs or initiatives), and resources (eg, sports and fitness programs, training and instruction, and guidelines). Therefore, it would be helpful to quantify the health and economic impact of continuing sex disparities in youth PA and sports participation. ...
Importance Sex disparities in physical activity (PA) and sports participation among US children and adolescents have been persistent. Quantifying the impact of reducing or eliminating these disparities may help determine how much to prioritize this problem and invest in interventions and policies to reduce them. Objective To quantify what might happen if existing PA and sports participation disparities were reduced or eliminated between male and female children and adolescents. Design, Setting, and Participants This simulation study used an agent-based model representing all children (aged 6 to 17 years) in the US, their PA and sports participation levels, and relevant physical and physiologic characteristics (eg, body mass index) as of 2023. Experiments conducted from April 5, 2024, to September 10, 2024, simulated what would happen during the lifetime of each cohort member if PA and sports participation levels for female participants were increased (to varying degrees) to match male participants in the same age group. Main Outcomes and Measures Health outcomes, such as body mass index, incidence of weight-related conditions (eg, stroke, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer), and economic outcomes (eg, direct medical costs and productivity losses). Results This simulation study modeled 8 299 353 US children and adolescents (4 240 119 [51.1%] male and 4 059 234 [48.9%] female) aged 6 to 17 years. Eliminating PA sex disparities averted 28 061 (95% CI, 25 358-30 763) overweight and obesity cases per cohort by age 18 years, which in turn averted 4869 (95% CI, 4007-5732) weight-related disease cases during their lifetimes and resulted in recurring savings of 333.45million(95333.45 million (95% CI, 290.22 million to 376.68million)indirectmedicalcostsand376.68 million) in direct medical costs and 446.42 million (95% CI, 327.39millionto327.39 million to 565.44 million) in productivity losses (in 2024 US dollars) for every new cohort of 6- to 17-year-olds. Reducing PA disparities by 50% averted 9027 (95% CI, 6942-11 112) overweight and obesity cases. Eliminating sex disparities in sports participation averted 41 499 (95% CI, 37 874-45 125) cases of overweight and obesity and 8939 (95% CI, 8088-9790) weight-related disease cases during their lifetimes, generating recurring savings of 713.48million(95713.48 million (95% CI, 668.80 million to 758.16million)indirectmedicalcostsand758.16 million) in direct medical costs and 839.68 million (95% CI, 721.18millionto721.18 million to 958.18 million) in productivity losses. Conclusions and Relevance In this simulation study of youth PA and sports participation, eliminating sex disparities could save millions of dollars for each new cohort of 6- to 17-year-olds, which could exceed the cost of programs and investments that could enable greater equity.
... In the place dimension, attachment was focused on individuals being present at a place rather than to aspects of the place itself, which is considered to be a socially based place bond (Scannell and Gifford, 2010). In this context, the findings on younger girls preferring crowded environments are consistent with previous research, indicating that their PA levels are predominantly influenced by social factors, such as the presence of other active children, while boys in the younger age group were more likely than girls to report that the presence of too many people would discourage their visitation Bocarro et al., 2015). This study found positive reactions to individuals of the opposite gender at PA sites, contrary to some literature suggesting gender-based inhibition (Azzarito and Hill, 2013;Pawlowski et al., 2019). ...
... For example, a public green area can trigger a sense of belonging or attachment to a city or neighbourhood. This feeling of safety and comfort can encourage the individual to spend time in that green space to do physical activity, of which the health benefits are widely known (Lackey and Kaczynski 2009;Bocarro et al. 2015). Similarly, a city park can be a place for socialisation, which can reduce the level of perceived loneliness and stress of users, thus improving their general psychological health (Russell et al. 2013). ...
... For example, a public green area can trigger a sense of belonging or attachment to a city or neighbourhood. This feeling of safety and comfort can encourage the individual to spend time in that green space to do physical activity, of which the health benefits are widely known (Lackey and Kaczynski 2009;Bocarro et al. 2015). Similarly, a city park can be a place for socialisation, which can reduce the level of perceived loneliness and stress of users, thus improving their general psychological health (Russell et al. 2013). ...
... The review signalled reasonably strong support for supply-side interventions such as safe access to parks (S5), playgrounds (S9), and park renovation and renewal/design (S2). Despite existing evidence of the association between built environment (i.e., access to public transportation, quality of the environment, sidewalks and biking features, and street characteristics), social environment (i.e., area deprivation and crime-related safety), and park visitations and park-based physical activities [8,16,19,74], there was only limited evidence on the effectiveness of interventions that focused on improvements in the built and social environments of parks. Our review showed the there was only one study on the improvement of surrounding neighbourhood context [60] and two on the intervention of improving transportation to the park [32,70]. ...
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Although a variety of interventions in many countries have been developed to increase park use and to improve public participation in physical activities in parks, knowledge of their overall effectiveness is lacking. A systematic literature review was undertaken to further understand the effectiveness of various interventions that aim to increase the use of parks and physical activity participation in parks. This systematic review utilized the standard Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis procedure, and of the 3801 studies identified, 60 studies were reviewed in-depth, with 44 studies assessed for quality of evidence and risk of bias. Most of the 44 reviewed studies found that various interventions had positive impacts on park use and physical activity participation in parks. Interventions were classified into both demand and supply, with more studies focusing on the supply side. The strongest evidence on the effectiveness of various interventions was found for park prescriptions; safe access to parks; playgrounds, and park renovation and renewal/design. However, the assessment of quality of evidence and risk of bias showed that most studies suffer from potential biases and evidence weaknesses, suggesting a need to further establish external validity.
... Prince and colleagues point to the lack of specificity of the use of urban green spaces (such as having designated areas for different sports) to be what made men be unmotivated to use them and be physically active in them [45]. This was coherent with results found by many authors [77,[80][81][82][83][84]. They point to men being more likely to be observed in more active informally and formally organised activities, such as playing soccer in sports or grass fields. ...
In an increasingly urbanized world, where cardiometabolic issues in cities have raised public health concerns, urban greenness is known to be beneficial for some of the most common health issues. However, the examination of the contribution of sex and gender regarding the benefits of urban greenness for people’s cardiometabolic health is lacking. For that reason, we conducted a systematic review of previous literature on the topic following the PRISMA methodology. Additionally, we assessed the quality of the included articles, which we found satisfactory as most papers were of very good or good quality. We explored the relationship between urban greenness exposure and cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular diseases, and mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Results suggest that urban greenness is protective against cardiovascular risk factors, diseases, and mortality. When stratifying results by sex and gender, findings point to urban greenness being more beneficial for women and females in stroke and cardiovascular risk factors, except for hypertension and lipid accumulation product. On the other hand, males were more protected by urban greenness in terms of cardiovascular diseases and CVD-related mortality, thus proving that sex and gender health inequalities exist. Furthermore, looking towards the future, research needs to use the proper terminology for sex and gender and policy makers should design urban greenness with a gender perspective.
Given the finite space available for parks in most urban areas, understanding the impact of design and park amenities on park visitation and physical activity should be considered when remodeling or creating new parks. This study analyzed park use and engagement in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in specific park amenities across 198 parks in 27 US cities from the 2016 National Study of Neighborhood Parks based on each feature’s square footage. The study also specifically measured use of park space by age group and gender. After mapping the parks, measuring the square feet of the most common amenities and controlling for factors like population density, neighborhood poverty levels, and park size, we found varied and inequitable use of amenities by age and gender, with men and boys having considerably greater use than women and girls. The findings suggest that park management and design should support more efficient, equitable, and beneficial use of public spaces.
This study aimed to analyze the use of public open spaces and physical activity levels among children and adolescents in the city of Rivera, Uruguay. A total of 88 target areas located in 29 public open spaces were observed using the System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC). Systematic observations were made at different times of the day, covering both weekdays and weekends, for a total of 792 records in each public open spaces. Characteristics of the users were recorded according to gender (male and female), age group (infancy to early childhood 0–5 years, middle childhood 6–12 years, adolescence 13–18 years) and physical activity level (sedentary, moderate, or vigorous activity). Logistic regression was employed, considering variables such as day, period, type, and conditions, to assess factors associated with user presence and activity, with separate analyses by gender. Most of the users were adolescents (59.8%) between 13 and 18 years, 67.2% were male and half of the users were sedentary (50.1%). Furthermore, the majority of participants used the target areas on weekends (96.2%), particularly in the evening (99.2%). Multivariate analyses revealed elevated odds of having active girls and boys in the target area during the afternoon and evening, particularly in organized and equipped areas, compared to the morning. Based on this information, it is worth proposing the need to promote the active use of public open spaces in the city of Rivera (Uruguay).
Background: There is currently a nationwide effort to bring parks and green spaces within a 10-minute walk of the home. We examined the association between park area within 1 km of a child's residence and self-reported park-specific physical activity (PA) along with accelerometer-derived moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Methods: A subsample of K through eighth-grade youth (n = 493) from the Healthy Communities Study reported whether they engaged in park-specific PA during the last 24 hours and wore an accelerometer for up to 7 days. Park area was defined as the percentage of park land in a 1 km Euclidean buffer around the participant's residence, categorized into quintiles. Analysis consisted of logistic and linear regression modeling with interaction effects that controlled for clustering within communities. Results: Regression models estimated greater park-specific PA for participants in the fourth and fifth quintiles of park land. Age, sex, race ethnicity, and family income were unrelated to park-specific PA. Accelerometer analysis indicated that total MVPA was unrelated to park area. Older children (β = -8.73, P < .001) and girls (β = -13.44, P < .001) engaged in less MVPA. Seasonality significantly predicted both park-specific PA and total MVPA. Conclusion: Increasing park area is likely to improve youth PA patterns, lending support for the 10-minute walk initiative.
O estudo teve como objetivo sintetizar e analisar as evidências científicas sobre as características dos espaços públicos de lazer, o perfil da amostra e o nível de atividade física da população. trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, com busca realizada nas bases de dados da scielo, pubmed e lilacs. foram identificados 3045 artigos e após aplicar os critérios de inclusão/exclusão foram selecionados 16 artigos para compor o estudo. no total 331.285 pessoas participaram dos estudos, 53% eram do sexo feminino e apenas um trabalho coletou dados de menores de 18 anos. analisando a distribuição da amostra por região, 12 trabalhos foram realizados nas regiões sul e sudeste, 2 foram realizados na região nordeste e 2 coletaram dados de todas as capitais do brasil. em cinco estudos verificou-se associação positiva entre proximidade de espaços públicos de lazer e atividade física moderada a vigorosa. a disponibilidade de equipamentos para a prática de atividade física foi positivamente associada com o nível de atividade física no lazer em 3 trabalhos. indivíduos de extratos socioeconômicos mais elevados apresentaram associação positiva com diferentes tipos atividades físicas. estudos que analisam as características do ambiente tem se mostrado inconclusivos, são predominantemente oriundos de estudos transversais e não seguem um padrão metodológico, o que dificulta a comparação dos resultados. apesar da quantidade de estudos que avaliaram as características dos espaços públicos de lazer e o nível de atividade física, observamos uma carência de pesquisas na região nordeste e em cidades de médio e pequeno porte.
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The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) for measuring physical activity of elementary and middle school children. Students (N= 173, 92 boys and 81 girls) from Grades 1-8 completed a standardized protocol that included lying, sitting, standing, walking, running, curl-ups, and push-ups. Heart rates were used as a criterion for concurrent validity. The results confirm the validity of the physical activity codes of SOFIT for elementary and middle school children. Activity Categories 2-5 indicate different levels of energy expenditure, whereas Categories 1 (lying) and 2 (sitting) refer to the same energy expenditure level. The common distinction between SOFIT Levels 4 and 5 as MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity) and SOFIT Levels 1 to 3 as non-MVPA is valid. Curl-ups and push-ups should be coded as MVPA.
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This study was conducted to validate the System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time (SOFIT) for measuring physical activity levels of high-school students. Thirty-five students (21 girls and 14 boys from grades 9-12) completed a standardized protocol including lying, sitting, standing, walking, running, curl-ups, and push-ups. Heart rates and Energy Expenditure, that is, oxygen uptake, served as concurrent validity criteria. Results indicate that SOFIT discriminates accurately among high-school students' sedentary behaviors (i.e., lying down, sitting, standing) and moderate to vigorous physical activity behavior and is recommended for use in research and assessment of physical activity levels in physical education classes for this age group. Implications for use of SOFIT by both researchers and teachers in physical education are described, as well.
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We examined differences by sex and race/ethnicity in the observed moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) of youth and adults in diverse areas of 4 parks in Kansas City, Missouri, in 2009. Male youth were more active on playgrounds and pools or splashpads than female youth. White youth were less active than nonwhite youth in open spaces and on paved trails. Male adults were more active in open spaces than female adults, and white adults were more active on paved trails than nonwhite adults. Understanding variations in MVPA between user groups can inform park design efforts to foster increased activity among all visitors.
The aims of this study were to investigate the association between the neighbourhood environment and physical activity among young children in a Scandinavian setting, and to assess the influences of seasonal variations, age, sex and parental education. Physical activity was assessed with an accelerometer and neighbourhood resources were estimated using geographic information systems for 205 Swedish children aged 4-11 years. Neighbourhood resources were generated as the sum of three neighbourhood attributes: (a) foot and bike paths, (b) non-restricted destinations and (c) recreational area, all within 300 m of each child's home. Physical activity was assessed as: (a) total volume of physical activity (i.e. counts per minute), (b) sedentary time and (c) moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). The association between neighbourhood resources and physical activity was analysed using mixed linear models weighted by measurement time and adjusted for sex, age, season of activity measurement, type of housing and parental education. Children were more physically active in areas with intermediate access to neighbourhood resources for physical activity compared to areas with worst access, while the difference between intermediate and best neighbourhood resource areas was less clear. The association between physical activity and neighbourhood resources was weaker than with seasonal variations but compatible in magnitude with sex, age, type of housing and parental education. Among specific neighbourhood attributes, the amount of foot and bike paths was associated with less sedentary time and more MVPA. This study provides some, not entirely consistent, evidence overall for an association between the neighbourhood environment and physical activity among young children in Scandinavia. © 2015 the Nordic Societies of Public Health.
Public health institutions in many industrialised countries have been launching calls to address childhood obesity. As part of these efforts, Canadian physical activity campaigns have recently introduced children's play as a critical component of obesity prevention strategies. We consider this approach problematic as it may reshape the meanings and affective experiences of play for children. Drawing on the analytical concept of biopedagogies, we place Canadian public health discourse on play in dialogue with children's constructions of play to examine first, how play is promoted within obesity prevention strategies and second, whether children take up this public health discourse. Our findings suggest that: (i) the public health discourse on active play is taken up and reproduced by some children. However, for other children sedentary play is important for their social and emotional wellbeing; (ii) while active play is deemed to be a solution to the risk of obesity, it also embodies contradictions over risk in play, which children have to negotiate. We argue that the active play discourse, which valorises some representations of play (that is, active) while obscuring others (that is, sedentary), is reshaping meanings of play for children, and that this may have unintended consequences for children's wellbeing. © 2015 The Authors. Sociology of Health & Illness © 2015 Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness/John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Objective: To quantify the contribution of neighborhood parks to population-level, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Method: We studied park use in 83 neighborhood parks in Los Angeles between 2003 and 2014 using systematic observation and surveys of park users and local residents. We observed park use at least 3-4 times per day over 4-7 clement days. We conducted a meta-analysis to estimate total, age group and gender-specific park use and total MVPA time in parks. Results: An average park measuring 10 acres and with 40,000 local residents in a one-mile radius accrued 5301 h of use (SE=1083) during one week, with 35% (1850 h) spent in MVPA and 12% (635 h) spent in vigorous physical activity (VPA). As much as a 10.7-fold difference in weekly MVPA hours was estimated across study parks. Parks' main contribution to population-level MVPA is for males, teenagers, and residents living within a half mile. Conclusion: Neighborhood parks contribute substantially to population MVPA. The contribution may depend less on size and facilities than on "demand goods" - programming and activities--that draw users to a park.
Parks can play an important role in youth activity. This study used observational data to evaluate the relationship of environmental and social determinants to youth physical activity intensity levels in Las Vegas neighborhood parks. System for observing play and leisure activity in youth was used to code activity levels as sedentary, walking, or vigorous in five low-income and five high-income parks. Environmental determinants included amenities, incivilities, size, high-speed streets, sidewalk condition, and temperature. Social determinants included percent minority and Hispanic, gender, and income. A multinomial logistic regression model was performed. We observed 1,421 youth, 59 % male, 41 % female; 21 % were sedentary, 38 % walking, and 41 % vigorous. Males were more likely to be observed walking (OR 1.42) and vigorous (OR 2.21) when compared to sedentary. High-speed streets (OR 0.76), sidewalks condition (OR 0.34), and low-income neighborhoods (OR 0.07) was associated with decreased odds of vigorous activity; incivilities (OR 1.34) and amenities (OR 1.27) were associated with greater odds of being vigorous. Environmental and social determinants are associated with physical activity intensity levels at parks. Stakeholders should ensure quality parks, as they relate to physical activity levels in youth. Understanding environmental and social determinants that influence physical activity at parks is critical to utilizing their full potential in an effort to combat childhood obesity.
Young people are increasingly prone to physical inactivity, which may have severe negative effects on their health in adulthood. The aim of this literature review was to identify components and characteristics of parks that have an effect on youth physical activity, and to discuss how these findings can be applied in park design. The results show that access to green space is the most frequently reported predictor of park use among youth. The review identified a range of characteristics and components of urban green spaces important to youth physical activity. These include sports fields/facilities for movement, walkways and paths, shadow and shelter, trees, water elements, maintenance, renovation, form and size, openness, naturalness and safety. The study identifies some shortcomings in the currently available literature on the topic. Studies investigating the importance of specific park components and characteristics are few, and youth is an understudied age group.
Background: Reliable and comprehensive measurement of physical activity settings is needed to examine environment-behavior relations. Methods: Surveyed park professionals (n = 34) and users (n = 29) identified park and playground elements (e.g., trail) and qualities (e.g., condition). Responses guided observational instrument development for environmental assessment of public recreation spaces (EAPRS). Item inter-rater reliability was evaluated following observations in 92 parks and playgrounds. Instrument revision and further reliability testing were conducted with observations in 21 parks and 20 playgrounds. Results: EAPRS evaluates trail/path, specific use (e.g., picnic), water-related, amenity (e.g., benches), and play elements, and their qualities. Most EAPRS items had good-excellent reliability, particularly presence/number items. Reliability improved from the original (n = 1088 items) to revised (n = 646 items) instrument for condition, coverage/shade, and openness/visibility items. Reliability was especially good for play features, but cleanliness items were generally unreliable. Conclusions: The EAPRS instrument provides comprehensive assessment of parks' and playgrounds' physical environment, with generally high reliability.