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Games Research Today: Analyzing the Academic Landscape 2000-2014


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we present an analysis of the academic landscape of games research from the last 15 years. We employed a data driven approach utilizing co-word and co-venue analysis on 48 core venues to identify 20 major research themes and 7 distinct communities, with a total of 8,207 articles and 21,552 unique keywords being analyzed. Strategic diagrams and network maps are applied to visualize and further understand interrelationships and underlying trends within the field.
Strategic diagram characterizations based upon density and centrality. Ultimately, network analysis can be used on network graphs to describe a field of research. It segments the graph into clusters of nodes, and each cluster corresponds to a research theme or community within the field. Depending on how nodes and clusters are linked (e.g., co-word, co-author, co-venue, etc.), different network characteristics can be utilized to describe a research field in vastly different ways [17]. The network characteristics we are concerned with in our analysis are:  Centrality: the degree of interaction a cluster has with other parts of the network [18]. It essentially measures the strength of the links from one research theme or community to other research themes or communities, and is an indicator of the significance of a theme or community in the development of an entire field [19]. As a cluster obtains more strong links in a network, the more central it's position becomes [20].  Density: the measurement of a cluster's development [19]. It can be understood as the strength of all internal ties (edges) linking together nodes that make up a theme or community [13]. Density provides a good representation of a cluster's ability to maintain itself and grow over time [6]. As a cluster increases in density, the more coherent it becomes and the more likely it is to contain inseparable nodes [18].  Bridges: bridges between two nodes provides communication and facilitates flow among otherwise isolated regions of the network [17, 20]. Utilizing centrality and density, a strategic diagram can be created to better visualize and understand the maturity and cohesion of network clusters [14]. Strategic diagrams have been used widely in previous co-word analysis work [1, 14, 16 – 19, 25] where the density and centrality of clusters are plotted on a two-dimensional grid. The x-axis of the grid shows how strongly a cluster is connected to others and the y-axis shows a cluster's development. A cluster's location within a strategic diagram characterizes it in the context of the whole discipline [6] (Figure 1). In quadrant I, clusters are both coherent and central to the field as a whole. These mainstream clusters represent the focus of a large portion of the network. While clusters in quadrant II are also coherent, they tend to be specialized and separate from the overall focus. Clusters in quadrant III are in flux, representing emerging or declining portions of the network. Finally, quadrant IV contains clusters that represent a common, broad focus or have not yet matured but have the potential to be a primary network focus.
Strategic diagram for games research themes. For each research theme, Table 3 shows:  Keywords: the 10 most frequent keywords that constitute the theme. The three most frequent keywords are shown in bold and summarize the general topics of the theme.  Size: the total number of keywords encompassing the theme.  Frequency: how often a keyword from this theme will occur on average.  Centrality: the strength of a theme's interaction with other themes [13]. A localized version of this metric is calculated using a K-step reach of 2.  Density: the strength of the links tying together keywords within a theme (i.e., internal cohesion) [13]. Based on cluster centrality and density of the 20 themes in Table 3, we constructed a strategic diagram to visualize the maturity and cohesion of each theme (Figure 4). The origin of the diagram is set to the average cluster centrality and density (i.e., 0.7229, 2.45). C19 was excluded from the calculations since its values were a large enough outlier to notably skew the averages. Finally, to better understand and visualize the interactions between games research themes in Table 3, we created a granular network map of keywords [17, 18] (Figure 5). In the network map, each keyword is represented as a node and keywords that appear on the same paper are linked together. The size of a node in the figure is proportional to the frequency of the keyword and nodes of the same color belong to the same theme. To reduce visual clutter, only the two most frequent keywords from each research theme are used while links between keywords are shown if their correlation coefficient is above 0.33. A downside of this visual reduction is that the exclusion of weaker links can cause clustered nodes to appear disconnected. For instance, "Interactive Narrative" and "Interactive Storytelling" in Figure 5 appear separated, however this is not the case. It is simply because multiple weaker links between the two are not included.
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Games Research Today: Analyzing the Academic
Landscape 2000-2014
Edward Melcer1, Truong-Huy Dinh Nguyen2, Zhengxing Chen2, Alessandro Canossa2,
Magy Seif El-Nasr2, Katherine Isbister1
[1] Game Innovation Lab, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, 5 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY, 11201
{eddie.melcer, katherine.isbister}
[2] PLAIT Lab, College of Arts, Media, and Design, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115
{tru.nguyen, m.seifel-nasr, a.canossa},
In this paper we present an analysis of the academic landscape of
games research from the last 15 years. We employed a data driven
approach utilizing co-word and co-venue analysis on 48 core
venues to identify 20 major research themes and 7 distinct
communities, with a total of 8,207 articles and 21,552 unique
keywords being analyzed. Strategic diagrams and network maps
are applied to visualize and further understand interrelationships
and underlying trends within the field.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
K.2. [History of Computing]: Theory, People
General Terms
Games research; bibliometric study; co-word analysis; co-venue
Since the turn of the century, games research has both become an
established domain of study and broadly diversified the range of
topics explored under the heading of "games". While this
expansion can be viewed positively for the field as a whole, the
large number of venues and topics can become overwhelming for
researchers trying to understand where their work best fits and
should be published. Some studies have tried to reduce this
confusion by identifying paradigms of games research with
respect to particular domains and venues [9, 15, 24], but little has
been done to investigate the field as a whole.
In the absence of data analysis, there has been an anecdotal
understanding among some game researcherssuch as with [3,
4]that there are two overarching communities within the field,
one with research focused on technical approaches to
understanding and developing games (e.g. artificial intelligence,
computational modeling, visualization, graphics research, etc.)
and another addressing non-technical aspects of games with a
range of research approaches from the humanities, arts, design,
and social sciences (e.g., narrative, user experience, virtual
worlds, role play, design, philosophy, etc.). However, a clear
analysis of the interrelations and synergies among sub-
communities and research themes that comprise the current
academic landscape remains undocumented. In this paper, we
present our efforts at mapping the topology of games research
from the first part of this century.
We collected and analyzed publications from 48 core publication
venues of games research from the years 2000 through 2014. Our
analysis utilizes co-occurrence methods and community detection
techniques to provide a comprehensive overview of the field.
With co-word analysis we identified 20 distinct research themes,
and through co-venue analysis we also determined 7 communities
for these themes. We also note conferences and journals that act
as bridges between communities. Results are visualized using co-
occurrence analysis artifacts such as strategic diagrams and
keyword network maps. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of
the current state of the games research field.
While our work is among the first of its kind targeting the games
research community as a whole, there has been similar work
tracing the progress of other research fields such as Human
Computer Interaction [17], ubiquitous computing [18], library
and information science [11, 14, 16, 25], consumer behavior [19],
software engineering [10], biology [1, 8], and education [21].
Drawing from this past work, we use popular techniques such as
co-word analysis to examine the current academic landscape of
the games research field.
2.1 Co-word and Co-venue analysis
Co-word analysis is a widely used bibliometric approach that
identifies interactions and hierarchies among problems, concepts,
and ideas in a network [6, 7]. It builds upon the assumption that
an article's keywords provide a summary of its content, and thus
can be utilized to reduce a large space of descriptors (i.e., article
text) to a network graph of smaller related spaces (i.e. keywords)
[8]. Keywords are associated with a paper, and two keywords
associated with the same paper are connected to form a network
graph of keywords. The co-word network can then be analyzed for
clusters to identify a set of closely related themes [18]. A similar
approach can be used for co-venue analysis where venues are
associated with authors, and two venues where the same author
has published are linked to form a network graph of venues. A co-
venue network can be analyzed for clusters to identify a set of
closely related venues, or communities. This approach visualizes
the interrelated concepts and is easier to understand while
maintaining vital information necessary for analysis [10].
Figure 1. Strategic diagram characterizations based upon
density and centrality.
Ultimately, network analysis can be used on network graphs to
describe a field of research. It segments the graph into clusters of
nodes, and each cluster corresponds to a research theme or
community within the field. Depending on how nodes and clusters
are linked (e.g., co-word, co-author, co-venue, etc.), different
network characteristics can be utilized to describe a research field
in vastly different ways [17]. The network characteristics we are
concerned with in our analysis are:
Centrality: the degree of interaction a cluster has with other
parts of the network [18]. It essentially measures the strength
of the links from one research theme or community to other
research themes or communities, and is an indicator of the
significance of a theme or community in the development of
an entire field [19]. As a cluster obtains more strong links in
a network, the more central it's position becomes [20].
Density: the measurement of a cluster's development [19]. It
can be understood as the strength of all internal ties (edges)
linking together nodes that make up a theme or community
[13]. Density provides a good representation of a cluster's
ability to maintain itself and grow over time [6]. As a cluster
increases in density, the more coherent it becomes and the
more likely it is to contain inseparable nodes [18].
Bridges: bridges between two nodes provides communication
and facilitates flow among otherwise isolated regions of the
network [17, 20].
Utilizing centrality and density, a strategic diagram can be created
to better visualize and understand the maturity and cohesion of
network clusters [14]. Strategic diagrams have been used widely
in previous co-word analysis work [1, 14, 1619, 25] where the
density and centrality of clusters are plotted on a two-dimensional
grid. The x-axis of the grid shows how strongly a cluster is
connected to others and the y-axis shows a cluster's development.
A cluster's location within a strategic diagram characterizes it in
the context of the whole discipline [6] (Figure 1). In quadrant I,
clusters are both coherent and central to the field as a whole.
These mainstream clusters represent the focus of a large portion of
the network. While clusters in quadrant II are also coherent, they
tend to be specialized and separate from the overall focus.
Clusters in quadrant III are in flux, representing emerging or
declining portions of the network. Finally, quadrant IV contains
clusters that represent a common, broad focus or have not yet
matured but have the potential to be a primary network focus.
Table 1. Expert generated list of core games research journals.
Computers in Entertainment (CIE)
Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture (Eludamos)
Entertainment Computing
Game Studies
GAME The Italian Journal of Game Studies (G|A|M|E)
Games and Culture (G & C)
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in
Games (TCIAIG)
International Computer Games Association Journal (ICGA)
International Digital Media and Arts Association (iDMAa)
International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART)
International Journal of Computer Games Technology (IJCGT)
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL)
International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated
Simulations (IJGCMS)
International Journal of Role-Playing (IJRP)
International Journal of Serious Games (IJSG)
Journal of Game Design and Development Education (JGDDE)
Journal of Game Development (JOGD)
Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds (JGVW)
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (JVWR)
Simulation & Gaming (S&G)
The Computer Games Journal (TCGJ)
Well Played
To understand different games research communities, we obtained
meta-data of research papers in a set of core publication venues
vetted by field experts. The meta-data contains titles, authors,
published venues, keywords, and citations. This allows us to
establish relationships between papers and within communities.
3.1 Core Venue Identification
The first step in the data collection process was identifying core
games research venues. Having consulted with leading researchers
among major game research groups in the USsuch as UCSC,
NCSU, NYU, and NEUwe identified 21 core games research
journals (Table 1) and 27 core games research conferences (Table
2) that researchers often publish in and refer to for new games
Since our data collection is done using electronic means, we do
not account for venues that do not publish their papers in
dedicated online proceedings. We feel this exclusion is reasonable
since modern games research is conducted via electronic medium.
In fact, almost all of games research venues release their articles,
or at least the meta-data, online. We also excluded major
interdisciplinary venues that have published games research
related paperssuch as AAAI, SIGCHI and SIGGRAPHsince
their primary focus is not games research itself and the core games
research venues primarily cover the same topics. This exclusion is
acceptable according to Bradford's law of scattering [5] since a
relatively small core of venues will account for as much as 90% of
the literature while attempts to gather 100% will add venues and
articles at an exponential rate [12].
Table 2. Expert generated list of core research conferences.
AAAI Spring Symposium on AI and Interactive Entertainment
ACM SIGRAPH Sandbox Symposium (Sandbox)
Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE)
Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)
Digital Games Research Association Conference (DIGRA)
European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)
Foundations of Digital Games (FDG)
Future Play
Games Learning Society (GLS)
Intelligent Narrative Technologies Workshop (INT)
Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment
International Computer Games Conference (CGAMES)
International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment)
International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC)
International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling
International Conference on Virtual Storytelling (ICVS)
International Games Innovation Conference (IGIC)
International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference
Meaningful Play
Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA)
Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment
The Philosophy of Computer Games
Under the Mask
Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games
3.2 Collection and Completeness Verification
We contacted publishers of each venue for approval to batch
download articles from their repositories, and used a data crawler
to automate the collection process. However, for some venues
publications are only stored in PDF format. In such cases, we
hand-collected articles and used scripts to convert them into text
before running an additional script to extract meta-data.
In order to confirm the completeness of our collection process, we
conducted a verification step that randomly selects two papers
from each venue and checks for their existence in our database.
To make sure that the random selection is fair, for each venue, we
use the following retrieval URL to obtain the list of papers:
The value "<venue_name>" above is replaced by the names of the
venues, such as DIGRA, FDG, etc. The first two entries in the
retrieved list for each venue are used in our test set, and the
verification process shows that we have collected 86.17% of the
articles from our core games research venues.
3.3 Cleaning the Data
The data set collected originally suffered from entry duplication
and articles that were prematurely reported or not peer-reviewed,
such as extended abstracts, abstracts only, and panels. These
articles were detected and removed. Another issue was the
appearance of editors’ names in the co-author list of papers. In
particular, some online repositories show editors’ names
alongside with authors, which caused inconsistencies when batch
downloaded. Potential editors in the data were identified by
having more than 5 publications in a year. We then verified
whether the potential editors were actually editors or instead
authors and removed them accordingly. After the data was
cleaned, we were left with 8,207 papers from the games research
field in the last 15 years.
3.4 Keyword Generation
Over a third of the papers in the dataset we collected did not
originally contain keyword information. This was due to
incomplete data sources or lack of keywords in the original
publication. Since keywords are essential pieces of information to
connect papers in the same research community (and vital for our
co-word analysis), we implemented an algorithm to generate
keywords from paper titles and abstracts. Below are the steps for
each paper missing keywords:
1. Create a keyword candidate pool of existing keywords from
the papers in the database.
2. Create a 2-gram candidate pool by extracting 2-grams from
titles and abstracts of all papers in the database.
3. Manually screen out inappropriate 1- and 2-grams which are
either meaningless or semantically too general to be good
keywords, such as “recent years” or “considerable amount”.
4. Split titles and abstracts into phrases. Treat the phrases as
keywords if they already exist in the keyword candidate pool.
5. For papers with less than 3 phrases set as keywords, the valid
2-grams from their titles and abstracts are set as keywords.
Our justifications for the above generation steps are as follows:
1. Existing keywords cover N-grams well, for N ≤ 2.
2. 1-grams include too many frequently used words, which are
generally not very useful. (e.g., "Game", "Player", etc.).
3. Keywords are rarely long phrases, thus N-grams where N 3
are unlikely to be keywords.
This process automatically generates and tags keywords for most
papers without keywords in our database, however it still leaves
about 50 papers without any appropriate keywords. We asked the
researchers from our venue identification task to identify
keywords for these papers based on domain knowledge.
We would also like to note that Rake [22] is one of the widely
used algorithms for keyword generation. However, since the
algorithm adopts a scoring scheme that linearly combines the
scores of word pairs in candidate keywords, it tends to return high
scores for long phrases even though the frequency of such phrases
appearing altogether within one context is low. This led us to use
the modified algorithm above which is based on Rake.
Figure 2. Power-law distribution of keyword frequency with
logarithmic scale. Power-law distributions should appear
similar to a straight line when using a logarithmic scale.
4.1 Research Themes from Co-Word Analysis
To improve accuracy of the co-word analysis, we manually
standardized keywords with a frequency greater than 10 through
synonym mergence (e.g., "MMOG" and "Massively Multiplayer
Online Game") and plurality mergence (e.g., "Educational Game"
and "Educational Games"). As a result, from the 8,207 articles
collected, a total of 21,552 unique keywords were identified with
frequencies up to 466.
The frequency of keywords in the last 15 years of games research
follows a power-law distribution with an alpha of 2.28 and R2 of
0.92 (Figure 2). This indicates a scale-free network structure
where a small number of popular nodes (i.e., keywords) act as
hubs connecting other concepts; these hubs in turn shape the
network reflecting the overall intellectual structure of games
research through keywords [17]. The scale-free property of the
network also suggests that major research themes and influences
can be detected using a small subset of the most popular keywords
[25]. We therefore selected keywords that appeared more than 18
times in the dataset, covering 25% of the total keyword frequency.
This resulted in the 264 most frequent keywords for co-word
analysis (Figure 3).
We then constructed a weighted co-word network graph where
each keyword is represented by a node and an edge of weight n is
added between keywords that appeared together on n papers.
Research themes were determined using Blondel et al's
community detection algorithm on the network [2]. A total of 20
clusters (research themes) were detected from the 264 most
frequent keywords (Table 3).
Figure 3. Keyword cloud visualizing the 264 most frequent
keywords used in games research papers
Figure 4. Strategic diagram for games research themes.
For each research theme, Table 3 shows:
Keywords: the 10 most frequent keywords that constitute the
theme. The three most frequent keywords are shown in bold
and summarize the general topics of the theme.
Size: the total number of keywords encompassing the theme.
Frequency: how often a keyword from this theme will occur
on average.
Centrality: the strength of a theme's interaction with other
themes [13]. A localized version of this metric is calculated
using a K-step reach of 2.
Density: the strength of the links tying together keywords
within a theme (i.e., internal cohesion) [13].
Based on cluster centrality and density of the 20 themes in Table
3, we constructed a strategic diagram to visualize the maturity and
cohesion of each theme (Figure 4). The origin of the diagram is
set to the average cluster centrality and density (i.e., 0.7229,
2.4245). C19 was excluded from the calculations since its values
were a large enough outlier to notably skew the averages.
Finally, to better understand and visualize the interactions
between games research themes in Table 3, we created a granular
network map of keywords [17, 18] (Figure 5). In the network
map, each keyword is represented as a node and keywords that
appear on the same paper are linked together. The size of a node
in the figure is proportional to the frequency of the keyword and
nodes of the same color belong to the same theme. To reduce
visual clutter, only the two most frequent keywords from each
research theme are used while links between keywords are shown
if their correlation coefficient is above 0.33. A downside of this
visual reduction is that the exclusion of weaker links can cause
clustered nodes to appear disconnected. For instance, "Interactive
Narrative" and "Interactive Storytelling" in Figure 5 appear
separated, however this is not the case. It is simply because
multiple weaker links between the two are not included.
Table 3. Major themes in games research. The cluster ID, top keywords, size (S), frequency (F), centrality (C), and density (D).
10 Most Frequent Keywords
Game Design, Serious Games, Game Based Learning, Educational Games, Game Development,
Motivation, Case Study, Engagement, Gamification, Collaborative Learning
Interactive Storytelling, Interactive Narrative, Role Playing, Real World, Multiplayer Online,
Massively Multiplayer, Interactive Drama, Game World, Non Player, Digital Storytelling
Real Time, Virtual Reality, Virtual Environments, Virtual Characters, Game Engine, Motion
Capture, Time Strategy, Animation, Virtual Storytelling, Computer Animation
Virtual Words, Massively Multiplayer Online Games, Second Life, Online Games, Avatars, Social
Interaction, Gender, Multiplayer, World of Warcraft, Ethnography
Gameplay, User Experience, Entertainment, Player Experience, Immersion, Usability, Flow,
Interface, Ludology, Game Environment
Narrative, Art, Interactivity, Emotion, Aesthetics, Music, Agency, Interactive Art, Affective
Computing, Interactive Systems
Game Theory, Evolutionary Computation, Computational Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms, Search
Problems, Standards, Optimization, Trees Mathematics, Mathematical Model, Statistics
Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, User Interface, Pervasive Games, Mobile Games, Magic Circle,
Mobile, Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Gaming, Location Based
Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making, Planning, Context, Cognition, Game AI, Multi-Agent
Systems, Real-Time Systems, Human Player, Measurement
Human Computer Interaction, Digital Media, Interaction Design, New Media, Psychology,
Interactive Media, Human Factors, Interface Design, Level Design, Gesture Recognition
Simulation, Role Play, History, Experiential Learning, Cooperation, Representation, Modeling,
Negotiation, Participation, Simulation Gaming
Learning Artificial Intelligence, Training, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Learning
Systems, Game Playing, Data Mining, Sport, Predictive Models, Feature Extraction
Servers, Internet, Computer Architecture, Mobile Computing, Delay, Peer to Peer Computing,
Media, Tiles, Cloud Computing, Scalability
Learning, Education, Children, Storytelling, Creativity, Teaching, Reflection, Tangible Interfaces,
Educational Technology, Survey
Humans, Neural Networks, Software Agents, Testing, Navigation, Computer Simulation, Artificial
Neural Networks, Games of Skill, Robots
Interaction, Communication, Role Playing Games, Player Behavior, Content Creation, Personality,
Fun, Multi-Touch
Educational Institutions, Computer Aided Instruction, Software Engineering, Software, Computer
Science Education, Technological Innovation
Collaboration, Board Games, Social Networks, Multiplayer Games, Social Media
Monte Carlo Methods, Tree Searching, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Monte Carlo Tree Search
Computational Modeling, Visualization, Engines, Databases
Figure 5. Keyword network map (line represents link between two keywords with Pearson correlation coefficient ≥ 0.34).
4.2 Communities from Co-Venue Analysis
Using a similar approach to our co-word analysis, we constructed
a weighted co-venue network graph where each venue is
represented by a node and an edge of weight n is added between
venues that had n authors publish in both venues. Communities
were again determined using Blondel et al's community detection
algorithm on the network, and a total of 7 clusters (research
communities) were detected from the 48 venues (Table 4). In
addition to the most frequent keywords, centrality, and density of
each research community, Table 4 also shows venues that
comprise each community. Venues are ordered from greatest to
least by the total number of unique authors that have published at
that venue.
We also wanted to see which venues were most likely bridges
between communities. As a result, we calculated the betweenness
centrality for all venues in the network since nodes with high
betweenness centrality play a role as bridges between other
portions of the network [16]. The venue with the highest
betweenness centrality for each community is shown in bold. We
then constructed a strategic diagram to visualize the maturity and
cohesion of each research community (Figure 6). The origin of the
diagram is set to the average centrality and density of the
communities from Table 4 (i.e., 0.9393, 17.5656).
Lastly, to better understand and visualize the interaction between
games research communities, we constructed a granular network
map of venues (Figure 7). In the network map, each venue is
represented as a node in the graph and venues that have had the
same author publish are linked together. The size of a node in the
figure is proportional to its degree and nodes of the same color
belong to the same theme. To reduce visual clutter, only four
venues with the highest number of authors from each research
theme are used while links between venues are shown if their
correlation coefficient is above 0.33. Again, this visual reduction
has the same downsides as the visual reduction used for the
keyword network map.
Table 4. Communities in games research. Cluster ID, conferences, keywords, centrality (C), and density (D) are shown.
5 Most Frequent Keywords
DIGRA, S & G, JVWR, G & C, iDMAa, The Philosophy
of Computer Games, JGVW, Game Studies, Eludamos,
Under the Mask, ISAGA, G|A|M|E, IJRP
Virtual Worlds, Simulation, Game Design, Second Life,
Role Playing
ACE, ICEC, Edutainment, CIE, Intetain, Entertainment
Computing, IJCGT, NetGames
Augmented Reality, Real Time, Virtual Reality, Game
Design, Virtual Environments
IJART, Sandbox, IGIC, FuturePlay, CGames,
Gamification, JGDDE
Game Design, Serious Games, Education, Computer
Aided Instruction, Human Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory, Humans,
Evolutionary Computation, Computational Intelligence
Interactive Storytelling, Interactive Narrative, Real
Time, Interactive Drama, Digital Storytelling
GLS, Meaningful Play, IJGCMS, TCGJ, Well Played
Game Design, Gameplay, Educational Games, Real
World, Case Study
Game Based Learning, Serious Games, Game Design,
Learning, Educational Games, Education, Assessment
Figure 6. Strategic diagram for games
research communities.
Figure 7. Venue network map (line represents link between two venues with Pearson
correlation coefficient 0.34).
We took a data driven approach, using co-occurrence of keywords
and venues to identify major research themes and communities in
the last 15 years, and to understand how these communities and
themes interact. This data driven approach circumvents the pitfalls
of subjectively or intuitively trying to map the field, using
research that has been conducted and published as the basis for
analysis. Ultimately, while previous work has been focused on
specific communities and paradigms within games research, our
work provides a big picture overview of the landscape to offer
insights on common researcher questions such as to which
communities, themes, and venues their work applies and where
they should publish.
5.1 Connecting the Overarching Communities
Our results appear to support anecdotal evidence for the
separation of research with a technical focus (clustered around the
right side of Figure 5, and in the top left quadrant of Figure 4
e.g., Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making, Neural Networks,
etc.) from other games research topics. Similarly, technically
focused communities and venues in Figure 7 fall more towards the
left side (e.g., venues clustered in C4 and C5see Table 4) while
less technically focused ones fall more towards the right (e.g., C6
and C1). The two venues often anecdotally cited as the larger
umbrella conferencesFDG and DiGRAfall near the center of
the venue network map (Figure 7) as we would expect, with FDG
left of center indicating a greater presence of technical papers.
The data also shows that education has established itself as one of
the central research topics within the games research field, with
keywords such as “Serious Games”, “Game Based Learning”,
“Education”, “Educational Games”, "Computer Aided
Instruction", "Collaborative Learning", etc. relating to many
different research themes (T1, T11, T14, T17) and communities
(C3, C6, C7) at different levels of developmentas illustrated in
the strategic diagrams for Figures 4 & 6. Education related
keywords such as serious games or game based learning are also
among the most frequently used keywords and make up the largest
cluster (T1) in the network.
5.2 Too Many Venues?
One recent debate that has appeared on the Digital Games
Research Association Gamesnetwork mailing list is the question
of whether there are too many venues for games research [4].
Forty-eight core games research venues is a large number for a
relatively young field and we have noted a comparatively small
number of major communities in Table 4. However, there is a
large number of research themes in Table 3, suggesting that many
small and emerging sub-communities are encompassed within the
larger ones presented here. Additionally, the strategic diagram in
Figure 4 suggests that the games research field is still rapidly
evolving since many themes and corresponding sub-communities
are still isolated from the field (e.g., Monte Carlo methods in T19)
or have the potential to become a primary focus of games research
(e.g., augmented reality in T8). We hope that our presentation of
communities and trends through this paper can provide data-
driven insights that might inform the conversation about venues.
5.3 Where Should I Publish?
For many researchers, the large number of venues raises the
question of appropriate locations to publish their work. This
depends largely on what communities and themes their research
best matches and the interdisciplinary nature of their work. The
venue network map in Figure 7 illustrates the layout and strong
connections between venues and communities. Venues and
communities that are more central to the network tend to cover a
wider range of research and accept more interdisciplinary work,
while more peripheral venues and communities tend to be focused
on specific research themes. Therefore, the more interdisciplinary
a researcher's work is among communities in Table 4, the more
beneficial a venue with high betweenness centrality (more central
to the network in Figure 7) from one of the related communities
is. Conversely, research that is very focused within a specific
community may benefit from more peripheral venues within that
community. For instance, FDG in C4 might be a better venue for
submissions of AI work making use of narrative theory while CIG
in C4 would likely be a better venue for submissions of focused
AI work using neural networks in games.
Notably, the clustering of venues is not as focused with respect to
research themes since there are many venues that publish
interdisciplinary work, spanning a diverse range of topics.
Looking at the strategic diagram in Figure 6 and corresponding
communities in Table 4, a distinction between the breadth of
venues can be understood. For instance, between the two larger
umbrella conferences in Figure 6, FDG (C4) is shown to be more
focused and mainstream than DiGRA (C1). Considering FDG
tends to have a stronger technical focus while DiGRA is more
broad, this distinction seems appropriate.
One of the main limitations of this study is that it does not
account for games research works published in non-core venues
such as AAAI, SIGCHI, CogSci, and SIGGRAPHsince it is
difficult to auto-detect games research papers published in these
venues and existing methods to do so vary greatly in their success.
Additionally, accounting for papers in non-core but known games
research venues does not solve the general challenge of collecting
all games research papers. There are other interdisciplinary venues
that occasionally publish games papers and tracking every single
one of these venues and papers would be infeasible. However, we
do feel these exclusions are reasonable considering Bradford's law
of scattering, which demonstrates that almost all of a community's
literature can be accounted for using a small set of core of venues.
Another limitation to note is that our co-venue analysis cannot
determine the impact of a particular venue within its community
or the games research field as a whole. This is because (on top of
being subjective) many other factors contribute to the clout of a
venue besides its centrality, connectedness, or size. As a result,
the collection of additional meta-data for analysissuch as
acceptance rateswould be necessary.
Lastly, a limitation and direction for our future work is the lack of
an analysis of the evolution of the field. While our analysis
presented here provides a strong overall look at the current state
of the field over the past 15 years, the subtle nuances of how and
when communities have emerged, grown, merged, and declined is
difficult to grasp using just co-word analysis. We have begun
analyzing the co-evolution of the games research field using the
Evo-NetClus model [23], since it is ideal for better understanding
how games research has changed and what direction it might go in
the future.
In this paper, we presented an overview of the landscape of games
research over the last 15 years. Our findings identified 20 major
research themes and 7 distinct sub-communities. The results
validated the commonly held assumption that games research has
different clusters of papers and venues for technical versus non-
technical research, and identified interactions and synergies
between these research clusters. We hope the data driven
approach used can provide insight and aid further discussions and
questions that researchers may have about the field as a whole.
The authors would like to thank our colleagues including Tiffany
Barnes, Michael R. Young, T.L. Taylor, faculty members of the
Game Design Program at Northeastern University and at NYU
Polytechnic School of Engineering, for their recommendations
and suggestions in our selection of games research venues. We
would also like to thank the publishers and representatives that
granted us official access to the meta-data of their respective
venues: Jose Zagal (DIGRA), Drew Davidson (Well Played),
Brian Winn (Meaningful Play), and Craig Rodkin and Sandy
Yang (ACM). We would also like to thank Janet Morrow from
Northeastern University Libraries who helped us obtain access
approval from IEEE.
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... The stronger the link, the greater the significance of the research theme in the development of the field. The stronger the links, the more central the position and the more significant the value of the cluster to the research community [46]. Density refers to the strength of the internal linkages between clusters of words and envisages the ability of the cluster to grow over time (ibid.). ...
... Motor themes are considered to be fundamental, core or mainstream themes, and are central and developed [46,47]. ...
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Road traffic accidents are strongly associated with driver behaviour. Africa, as a region, has the highest road accident fatality rate, but there is very little research dealing with this critical issue on the continent. This paper, therefore, sought to establish the state of driver behaviour and road safety scholarship in Africa to determine current research trends as well as potential future research directions. To this end, two bibliometric analyses were conducted, one which considered the issue from an African perspective and the other which considered the broader body of work. The analysis revealed a critical shortage of research related to driver behaviour in Africa. The existing body of research primarily focused on the identification of issues and tended to focus on narrow research problems within limited geographical areas. A need was identified for the collection of broader macro-level data and statistical analyses thereof to indicate regional traffic crash patterns; causes and effects; country-level studies, particularly countries with high traffic fatality rates and low levels of research; cross-country comparisons; and modelling. Future research directions should also include the link between driver behaviour, traffic safety and the sustainable developments goals, as well as policy-related research to determine current and potential future country-level policies.
... We chose the interactive narrative genre for Resilient IN's design since interactive narratives are a highly accessible genre of games due to a low demand on player actions, focus on storytelling, and role-playing elements all helping to engage a larger audience [11,69]. This accessible aspect of interactive narratives has made them highly popular with men, women, and even novices to games [12], as well as for educational/training purposes both commercially and in academia [11,18,46,50]. Furthermore, the role-playing nature of interactive narratives has been shown to be highly effective at improving player attitudes [24,25], motivation [23], knowledge [45], and skills [44]. ...
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Stereotype threat and social identity threat are social phenomena that adversely affect underrepresented groups within STEM (i.e., women and people of color). While there are existing programs and techniques for training resiliency against these threats, the use of biofeedback and serious games may prove useful to enhance the efficacy and engagement of such training. In this paper, we present the work in progress on our interactive narrative biofeedback game (Resilient IN) that utilizes resonant frequency heart rate variability to train player resilience to stereotype and social identity threat as they move through a mock interview at a tech company within the game. Specifically, we discuss the design of the game in detail—focusing on how specific elements of the design draw from existing literature to evoke and train resilience during play, as well as design and validation of the game narrative/script with individuals in the technology and engineering industry. Finally, we provide future directions for the work, such as upcoming studies to validate the game’s efficacy in evoking and training resiliency to different kinds of threats.KeywordsSocial identity threatStereotype threatSerious gamesHeart rate variabilityBiofeedback
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Blockchain consensus mechanisms play a critical role in ensuring the security, decentralization, and integrity of distributed networks. As blockchain technology expands beyond cryptocurrencies into broader applications such as supply chain management and healthcare, the importance of efficient and scalable consensus algorithms has grown significantly. This study provides a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of blockchain and consensus mechanism research from 2014 to 2024, using tools such as VOSviewer and R’s Bibliometrix package. The analysis traces the evolution from foundational mechanisms like Proof of ork (PoW) to more advanced models such as Proof of Stake (PoS) and Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), with particular emphasis on Ethereum’s “The Merge” in 2022, which marked the historic shift from PoW to PoS. Key findings highlight emerging themes, including scalability, security, and the integration of blockchain with state-of-the-art technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and energy trading. The study also identifies influential authors, institutions, and countries, emphasizing the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of blockchain research. Through thematic analysis, this review uncovers the challenges and opportunities in decentralized systems, underscoring the need for continued innovation in consensus mechanisms to address efficiency, sustainability, scalability, and privacy concerns. These insights offer a valuable foundation for future research aimed at advancing blockchain technology across various industries.
Harmony between narratives and game mechanics is essential for sustaining player interest; temporal structures assume critical importance in this regard. This paper introduces the notion of temporal constraints, a component that researchers and designers can use to quantify and assess the way videogame systems regulate the advancement of players within the game, utilizing empirical observation and a review of the relevant literature. Techno-aesthetic ludo-narrative elements, which merge the ludic and narrative components of the game, are how time limitations are represented in video games. Consequently, a taxonomy of these limitations is suggested after an examination of crucial facets of the novel notion.
Mechanics and narrations must be in the appropriate consonance to keep gamers engaged with the game; here is where time structures become crucial. Based on bibliographical revision and empiric observation, this work proposes the idea of temporal constraints as a concrete design variable that allows designers and researchers to measure and analyze how the game systems regulate progression time of players in the game. Temporal constraints are presented as a techno-aesthetic ludo-narrative component of video games; it combines the ludic and narrative aspects of the game. As a result, critical aspects of the new concept are clarified, and future research ideas are outlined.
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The aim of this study is to consolidate the state of mobile commerce consumer research from 2001 to 2022. Based on a systematic literature review employing a bibliometric technique, this study not only reports the significant contributions of authors and their affiliations but also discusses the evolution of m-commerce research over the last two decades. Examination of annual production trends revealed that publications were on the rise all along; the year 2022 clocked the highest number of publications (53 documents), which further reinforces that the research on this domain is in its blooming season. China is the most contributing country in terms of the number of publications and citations received, followed by the USA. The author Keng-Boon Ooi has been the most productive researcher; his studies continue to be the foundation on which m-commerce consumer research continues to thrive. The analysis of scientific mapping revealed that, although many studies were carried out on mobile commerce adoption intention, the focus of the researchers lately shifted towards studying continuous use intention (since 2018). Further, it was observed that the base theory, the Technology Acceptance Model, which has been widely used for determining antecedents of technology adoption intention, is losing its significance and is being overtly replaced by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. While the topics “trust, loyalty, satisfaction, mobile banking, UTAUT, continuance intention, perceived enjoyment, and COVID-19” were identified as mother (engine) themes, the keywords “privacy, self-efficacy, social influence, TAM, attitude, and intention to use” became diminishing themes. The following topics have been identified as emerging themes: “Mobile social commerce, Mobile payment, Mobile marketing, Omnichannel, Fintech, and Live streaming commerce”. This study provides useful insights to potential researchers.
Many occupational environments require labor intensive activities, which could result in fatigue and injuries and cause decreased work performance. Recently, the breakthroughs of Industry 4.0 have allowed for tracking worker conditions. Based on these, various analytical models have been performed with the aim of guiding work design in occupational environments, which contributes to ultimately achieving a safe and productive Operator 4.0. However, there is a lack of systematic analysis and implementation guidelines. In this paper, we review the literature on upper-limb fatigue modeling in occupational settings, since it is reported shoulder injuries are a pressing issue. From the reviewed papers, our main observations are that the majority of studies focus on identifying human fatigue/reliability indices, and the corresponding factors contributing to these indices, through statistical and biomechanical models. However, existing models lack the consideration of several important aspects of upper-limb fatigue analysis, such as the full use of wearable sensor data in a real-time manner, consideration of the heterogeneity of workers and measurement devices, and the difference between simulated and actual work environment. Moreover, the issue of fatigue development for the workers' upper extremities, which could significantly have an impact on workers' performance, has not yet been studied from a system reliability point of view to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Reliability engineering models that are widely used to model machines can play an important role in modeling humans in occupational settings. We discuss the limitations of the reviewed articles and provide insights for future research.
Background As entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are implemented in graduate medical education, there is a great need for tools to efficiently and objectively evaluate clinical competence. Readiness for entrustment in surgery requires not only assessment of technical ability, but also the critical skill of clinical decision-making. Objective We report the development of ENTRUST, a serious game-based, virtual patient case creation and simulation platform to assess trainees' decision-making competence. A case scenario and corresponding scoring algorithm for the Inguinal Hernia EPA was iteratively developed and aligned with the description and essential functions outlined by the American Board of Surgery. In this study we report preliminary feasibility data and validity evidence. Methods In January 2021, the case scenario was deployed and piloted on ENTRUST with 19 participants of varying surgical expertise levels to demonstrate proof of concept and initial validity evidence. Total score, preoperative sub-score, and intraoperative sub-score were analyzed by training level and years of medical experience using Spearman rank correlations. Participants completed a Likert scale user acceptance survey (1=strongly agree to 7=strongly disagree). Results Median total score and intraoperative mode sub-score were higher with each progressive level of training (rho=0.79, P<.001 and rho=0.69, P=.001, respectively). There were significant correlations between performance and years of medical experience for total score (rho=0.82, P<.001) and intraoperative sub-scores (rho=0.70, P<.001). Participants reported high levels of platform engagement (mean 2.06) and ease of use (mean 1.88). Conclusions Our study demonstrates feasibility and early validity evidence for ENTRUST as an assessment platform for clinical decision-making.
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Background: Mapping scientific trends is one of the most important missions of scientometric research for effective research. The main goal of this paper was to visualize and draw the intellectual and cognitive structures of information retrieval (IR) in the medical sciences using science mapping. Methods: In this cross-sectional scientometric study, we recruited all documents indexed in the Web of Science database with the topic of storing and retrieval of information in medical sciences. To analyze the results, 3 software, SciMAT-v1.1.04, VOSviewer-v1.6.14, CitNetExplorer_v1.0.0, were used. Results: Our results showed that most scientific productions in this field fall into 2 categories: (1) effective methods of organizing information and (2) application and operation of the IR system in the process of intelligent questioning and answering, and analyzing information behaviors of physicians and health professionals. The results showed that the similarity index increased over time from 0.43 to 0.71. Analysis of the findings showed that similarity measures, expert systems, concepts, experience, answers, and multimodel IR clusters were considered as mature and completely centralized clusters in the first quarter of the strategic chart. Conclusion: Because of the dramatic approximation of the vocabulary used by researchers and a relative slowdown in the growth rate of the subject's domain in the last decade, it seems necessary to pay attention to the expansion of the fields of IR and the application of its concepts in medical information sciences. Also, it can be recommended that designers of IR systems and techniques in medical information sciences pay more attention to human factors attentively to develop new technologies and tools.
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The field of distance education is composed of a multiplicity of topics leading to a vast array of research literature. However, the research does not provide a chronological picture of the topics it addresses, making it difficult to develop an overview of the evolution and trends in the literature. To address this issue, a co-word analysis was performed on the abstracts of research articles found in two prominent North American research journals (N = 517), the American Journal of Distance Education and the Journal of Distance Education, between 1987 and 2005. The analysis yielded underlying trends and themes for three different periods (pre-Web, emerging Web, and maturing Web). Additionally, similarity index analyses were conducted across time periods. The pre-Web era was characterized by the need for quality and development. The emerging Web era was characterized by the development of theory. The maturing Web era was characterized by interaction and the use of tools for communication. The results demonstrate that the North American distance education research literature is characterized by having few consistent and focused lines of inquiry. Conclusions are provided.
Conference Paper
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The rapid growth of the Ubicomp field has recently raised concerns regarding its identity. These concerns have been compounded by the fact that there exists a lack of empirical evidence on how the field has evolved until today. In this study we applied co-word analysis to examine the status of Ubicomp research. We constructed the intellectual map of the field as reflected by 6858 keywords extracted from 1636 papers published in the HUC, UbiComp and Pervasive conferences during 1999-2013. Based on the results of a correspondence analysis we identify two major periods in the whole corpus: 1999-2007 and 2008-2013. We then examine the evolution of the field by applying graph theory and social network analysis methods to each period. We found that Ubicomp is increasingly focusing on mobile devices, and has in fact become more cohesive in the past 15 years. Our findings refute the assertion that Ubicomp research is now suffering an identity crisis.
Conference Paper
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This study employs hierarchical cluster analysis, strategic diagrams and network analysis to map and visualize the intellectual landscape of the CHI conference on Human Computer Interaction through the use of co-word analysis. The study quantifies and describes the thematic evolution of the field based on a total of 3152 CHI articles and their associated 16035 keywords published between 1994 and 2013. The analysis is conducted for two time periods (1994-2003, 2004-2013) and a comparison between them highlights the underlying trends in our community. More significantly, this study identifies the evolution of major themes in the discipline, and highlights individual topics as popular, core, or backbone research topics within HCI.
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Games constitute a research domain that is attracting the interest of scientists from numerous disciplines. This is particularly true from the perspective of computational intelligence. In order to examine the growing importance of this area in the gaming domain, we present an analysis of the scientific collaboration network of researchers working on computational intelligence in games (CIG). This network has been constructed from bibliographical data obtained from the Digital Bibliography & Library Project (DBLP). We have analyzed from a temporal perspective several properties of the CIG network at the macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic levels, studying the large-scale structure, the growth mechanics, and collaboration patterns among other features. Overall, computational intelligence in games exhibits similarities with other collaboration networks such as for example a log-normal degree distribution and sub-linear preferential attachment for new authors. It also has distinctive features, e.g. the number of papers co-authored is exponentially distributed, the internal preferential attachment (new collaborations among existing authors) is linear, and fidelity rates (measured as the relative preference for publishing with previous collaborators) grow super-linearly. The macroscopic and mesoscopic evolution of the network indicates the field is very active and vibrant, but it is still at an early developmental stage. We have also analyzed communities and central nodes and how these are reflected in research topics, thus identifying active research subareas.
This paper attempts to give a high-level overview of the field of artificial and computational intelligence (AI/CI) in games, with particular reference to how the different core research areas within this field inform and interact with each other, both actually and potentially. We identify ten main research areas within this field: NPC behavior learning, search and planning, player modeling, games as AI benchmarks, procedural content generation, computational narrative, believable agents, AI-assisted game design, general game artificial intelligence and AI in commercial games. We view and analyze the areas from three key perspectives: 1) the dominant AI method(s) used under each area; 2) the relation of each area with respect to the end (human) user; and 3) the placement of each area within a human-computer (player-game) interaction perspective. In addition, for each of these areas we consider how it could inform or interact with each of the other areas; in those cases where we find that meaningful interaction either exists or is possible, we describe the character of that interaction and provide references to published studies, if any. We believe that this paper improves understanding of the current nature of the game AI/CI research field and the interdependences between its core areas by providing a unifying overview. We also believe that the discussion of potential interactions between research areas provides a pointer to many interesting future research projects and unexplored subfields.
Conference Paper
In this paper we argue that games and play research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction can usefully be understood as existing within 4 distinct research paradigms. We provide our rationale for developing these paradigms and discuss their significance in the context of the inaugural CHI Play conference.
This empirical research demonstrates the effectiveness of content analysis to map the research literature of the software engineering discipline. The results suggest that certain research themes in software engineering have remained constant, but with changing thrusts. Other themes have arisen, matured, and then faded as major research topics, while still others seem transient or immature. Co-word analysis is the specific technique used. This methodology identifies associations among publication descriptors (indexing terms) from the ACM Computing Classification System and produces networks of descriptors that reveal these underlying patterns. This methodology is applicable to other domains with a supporting corpus of textual data. While this study utilizes index terms from a fixed taxonomy, that restriction is not inherent; the descriptors can be generated from the corpus. Hence, co-word analysis and the supporting software tools employed here can provide unique insights into any discipline's evolution.
Mining network evolution has emerged as an intriguing research topic in many domains such as data mining, social networks, and machine learning. While a bulk of research has focused on mining evolutionary patterns of homogeneous networks (e.g., networks of friends), however, most real-world networks are heterogeneous, containing objects of different types, such as authors, papers, venues, and terms in a bibliographic network. Modeling co-evolution of multityped objects can capture richer information than that on single-typed objects alone. For example, studying co-evolution of authors, venues, and terms in a bibliographic network can tell better the evolution of research areas than just examining co-author network or term network alone. In this paper, we study mining co-evolution of multityped objects in a special type of heterogeneous networks, called star networks, and examine how the multityped objects influence each other in the network evolution. A hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model-based evolution model is proposed, which detects the co-evolution of multityped objects in the form of multityped cluster evolution in dynamic star networks. An efficient inference algorithm is provided to learn the proposed model. Experiments on several real networks (DBLP, Twitter, and Delicious) validate the effectiveness of the model and the scalability of the algorithm.
The question of what counts as culture in the spaces of virtual worlds has emerged as a compelling topic for research, and will likely remain so into the foreseeable future. This is a question not just of theory, but of method. In this formative period for an emerging research community on culture in virtual worlds, it is thus crucial to foster a wide range of approaches, and to challenge forms of methodological partisanship that assert the superiority of any one approach.