The interpretation of trace findings on spermatozoa on clothing is often problematic, as the manner of deposition may not be readily determined. Particularly trouble- some are cases involvingcomplainants who are unable to relate a complete history. Small numbers of spermatozoa may be ,a result of some type of sexual activity or may be due to an unrelated, innocuous incident. Transfer of
... [Show full abstract] spermatozoa between items during machine washing has been theorized as one possible method of Indi- rect deposition. This research was undertaken to determine the likelihood of such transfer. A normal machine wash was simulated in three independent experiments. Pristine items of clothing were washed together with one pair of semen-stained panties. After washing, random samples (n=162)from nine unstained Items were examined microscopically. Some spermatozoa were detected on all nine previous- ly pristine items included in the wash loads. Three to eight spermatoza were iden- tified In 16%of the samples. One or twe»spermatozoa were identified In a further 38% of the samples. The original semen-stained panties were also examined fol- lowingwashing. Although there was no visible staining or acid phosphatase activ- ity, significant numbers of spermatozoa were retained in the original stain areas. The analysis and interpretation of these findings is discussed with reference to current DNAmethods.