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An Experimental Study On the Dehumidification Performance of a Low-flow Falling-film Liquid Desiccant Air-conditioner


Abstract and Figures

The dehumidifier is one of the main components in open-cycle liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems. An experimental study was carried out to evaluate the performance of a solar thermally driven, low-flow, falling-film, internally-cooled parallel- plate liquid desiccant air-conditioner in Kingston, Ontario at Queen’s University. A solution of LiCl and water was used as the desiccant. Unlike high-flow devices, the low-flow of desiccant solution flowing across the unit’s dehumidifier and regenerator sections produces large variations in solution concentration. In this study, a series of tests were undertaken to evaluate the performance of the dehumidifier section of the unit. Results presented are based on mass flow and energy transport measurements that allowed the moisture transport rate between the air and liquid desiccant solution to be determined. Based on these results, a relationship between the desiccant concentration and the rate of dehumidification rate was found and the effect of inlet-air humidity on the dehumidification effectiveness identified. The moisture removal rate of the system was found to range from 1.1 g/s to 3.5 g/s under the conditions evaluated. These result corresponded to an average dehumidification effectiveness of 0.55.
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Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 803
1877-0509 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs
doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.135
Available online at
The 5th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology
(SEIT 2015)
An experimental study on the dehumidification performance of a
low-flow falling-film liquid desiccant air-conditioner
S. Bouzenadaa*, C. McNevinb, S. Harrison c, A. N. Kaabid
a,d Laboratory of Energy and Environment, Department of Architecture, University 3 Constantine, 25000, Algeria
b,c Solar Calorimetry Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Que en’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
The dehumidifier is one of the main components in open-cycle liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems. An experimental
study was carried out to evaluate the performance of a solar thermally driven, low-flow, falling-film, internally-cooled parallel-
plate liquid desiccant air-conditioner in Kingston, Ontario at Queen’s University. A solution of LiCl and water was used as the
desiccant. Unlike high-flow devices, the low-flow of desiccant solution flowing across the unit’s dehumidifier and regenerator
sections produces large variations in solution concentration. In this study, a series of tests were undertaken to evaluate the
performance of the dehumidifier section of the unit. Results presented are based on mass flow and energy transport
measurements that allowed the moisture transport rate between the air and liquid desiccant solution to be determined. Based on
these results, a relationship between the desiccant concentration and the rate of dehumidification rate was found and the effect of
inlet-air humidity on the dehumidification effectiveness identified. The moisture removal rate of the system was found to range
from 1.1 g/s to 3.5 g/s under the conditions evaluated. These result corresponded to an average dehumidification effectiveness of
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Keywords: liquid desiccant; air-conditioning; dehumidification effectiveness; lithium chloride; falling film; low flow; HVAC
1. Introduction
The current energy crisis, climate change, and increased air-conditioning demand have generated a need to
develop new space cooling technologies based on renewable energy sources.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 663 330 227; Fax: +213 31 904 580.
E-mail address:
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs
S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
enthalpy of water vapour (kJ/kg)
air to desiccant
latent heat of condensation (kJ/kg)
mass flow rate (kg/s)
atmospheric pressure (Pa)
cooling water
partial pressure (Pa)
desiccant solution
power (kJ/s)
desiccant to cooling water
mass fraction (-)
effectiveness (-)
absolute humidity (kgw/kga)
Liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems (LDAC) have emerged as a potential alternative to conventional
vapour compression systems for air-conditioning. Desiccants are materials that have high affinity for absorbing
water vapour. This technology, which can efficiently serve large latent loads, can greatly improve indoor air quality
by allowing for easier humidity control while reducing the electrical energy consumption of traditional vapour
compression systems. Air dehumidification is an important process not only in industrial applications, but also in
space cooling for occupant health and comfort. In the case of desiccant based dehumidification systems, much of the
thermal energy required to operate the systems can be drawn from sustainable sources such as solar thermal
collectors. The present work studies one such desiccant system. The dehumidifier component (also referred to as the
conditioner) of this system is the principle topic under investigation as it is directly responsible for the
dehumidification of the air and the other components of the system exist to support its operation. Its performance
greatly influences the overall performance of the complete system.
In the dehumidifier of the system studied, the concentrated desiccant solution is brought into direct contact with
the process-air to absorb the moisture from the inlet-air (i.e., process air stream)1. During this process, the solution
becomes diluted by the water removed from the air-stream and its ability to further absorb moisture is reduced. In
order to reuse the desiccant solution in the process, the solution must be pumped through the regenerator section of
the unit. Regeneration occurs when the desiccant is exposed to a scavenging air-stream (separate from the
dehumidified process-air stream) while being heated. The heat drives off the absorbed water from the solution,
increasing its salt concentration and regenerating its capability to remove moisture. It is the heat consumed in the
regeneration process that can be provided from low-grade waste heat processes or renewable energy sources such as
solar thermal energy2.
An early liquid desiccant system was developed and experimentally tested by Löf3, who used triethylene glycol
as the hygroscopic solution. In this system, air was dehumidified and simultaneously cooled in an absorber and then
evaporatively cooled. Recently, the concept of air dehumidification by a liquid desiccant has again been investigated
by numerous researchers. Mesquita et al.1 developed mathematical and numerical models for falling-film liquid
desiccant dehumidifiers using three approaches. The first approach was based on heat and mass transfer correlations.
The second was numerically solved by the finite-difference method assuming constant film thickness. The third
approach introduced a variable film thickness to the numerical model. All approaches assumed fully developed
laminar flow for the liquid and air streams. Jain and Bansal4 proposed an analysis of packed bed dehumidifiers for
three commonly used desiccant materials; triethylene glycol, lithium chloride, and calcium chloride, using
effectiveness values drawn from the literature. The analysis revealed significant variations and anomalies in trends
between the predictions of various correlations for the same operating conditions. This highlighted the need for
benchmarking the performance of desiccant dehumidifiers. Sreelal and Hariharan5 studied the effect of air velocity
on the heat and mass transfer in a falling film type liquid desiccant dehumidifier using a two-dimensional simulation
of a two-phase system. The results indicated that the air velocity had a significant impact on the dehumidification
In the present work, an experimental study was carried out using a solar thermally driven LDAC to evaluate the
dehumidification effectiveness of an internally cooled, low-flow, falling-film, parallel plate desiccant dehumidifier,
designed and constructed by AIL research6. A liquid solution of lithium chloride and water was used as the
desiccating agent. This particular system has been studied previously in several works with a focus on the complete
798 S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
systems performance and modelling2,7,8. In the present work, the process parameters affecting the performance of
the dehumidifier, namely the desiccant inlet concentration, and the inlet-air relative humidity, were analysed. The
unit investigated had also recently suffered freezing damage in the internal cooling channels associated with the
conditioner plates. The freezing damaged of some of the flow channels resulting in the leakage of cooling water into
the desiccant solution. Most of the channels were repaired prior to this study but a small volume of continuous
leakage could not be stopped. It was feared that the slow leakage of cooling water into the desiccant solution would
reduce the performance of the unit, as the additional water might be diluting the desiccant solution faster than the
regenerator could reject the moisture. The performance of the dehumidifier was also analyzed to evaluate the
effectiveness of the repair.
The resulting performance data for the dehumidifier is presented in terms of moisture removal rates and
dehumidification effectiveness as determined from process-air measurements as described below.
2. System Description and Experimental study
The liquid desiccant air-conditioning system shown in Fig. 1(a) is principally composed of a dehumidifier and
regenerator, as well as: blowers; pumps; a desiccant sump; boiler; evaporative cooling tower; data acquisition; and
control equipment. Another major component is the evacuated tube solar thermal collector array shown in Fig. 1(b).
The array has a total area of 95 m² and is automatically controlled and fully instrumented. The array stores heat in a
pair of 435 litre insulated storage tanks. The capacity of these tanks is insufficient to store large quantities of energy
for the LDAC as their primary function is to operate as buffers between the solar array and the LDAC as both the
operating times and the water flow rates are different for each system. During times of low solar availability, the
natural gas boiler provided additional thermal energy to the system to maintain the hot water set-point temperature2.
Fig. 1. (a) Liquid desiccant air handling unit and cooling tower as installed at Queen's University; (b) Photo of the solar thermal collector array
The LDAC uses an internally cooled parallel-plate heat and mass exchangers for the conditioner, shown in Fig. 2
(a). The cooling water flows inside narrow channels within each plate, Fig. 2(b), while a thin film of desiccant
solution falls down the outer faces of each plate. A source of cooling water is required for continuous operation of
the unit. The water reduces the temperature of the desiccant, which improves its latent cooling rate, as well as
reducing the temperature of the air stream, allowing for a degree of sensible cooling. During the dehumidification
process, the latent heat of condensation heats up the desiccant as it flows down the plate, and if uncooled, will
reduce its ability to absorb moisture. Consequently, the unit tested uses integral cooling channels in the dehumidifier
plates to reduce the temperature of the desiccant solution as it runs down the entire length of the plate.
During normal operation, air is blown in-between the plates and across the desiccant flow, (i.e., in a crossflow
configuration). The complete dehumidifier consists of multiple (curved) plates separated by a 2.5 mm air gap. Each
conditioner plate was 2.5 mm thick, 305 mm wide, and 1250 mm from top to bottom. The plates had a thin (0.5 mm)
coating to promote uniform wetting by wicking” the desiccant solution across the surface of the plates. A sump
pump was used to deliver concentrated desiccant solution to the top of the conditioner and the solution returned to
the sump via gravity flow over the plates.
S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
Fig. 2 (a) Internally cooled low-flow parallel plate falling-film conditioner; (b) top-view of a single plate showing the internal channels6
The system used a lithium chloride and water solution as the desiccant. The cooling cycle is driven by the
dilution and re-concentration of the liquid desiccant solution. In addition to the heat of condensation being absorbed
into the desiccant stream (due to the conversion of latent energy into sensible heat); the chemical reaction caused by
the addition of water to the desiccant solution also releases the heat of dilution energy into the desiccant stream.
The conditioner and regenerator both return to and draw from a shared sump located beneath the unit. The
regenerator contains an additional heat exchanger to preheat the incoming desiccant solution from the sump using
the hot desiccant solution leaving the regenerator. The energy used to heat the water used in the regenerator was
supplied from the solar system and supplemented by an auxiliary natural gas boiler. Figure 3 shows a simplified
schematic of the system.
Fig. 3. Simplified system schematic8
The system was operated for four days during July and August 2014 at the Kingston, Ontario test site. During
this period, the temperature and humidity of the ambient air was monitored to identify the properties of the inlet air
streams for the conditioner and regenerator. The properties of the air exiting the regenerator and conditioner were
continuously measured with commercial air-temperature and humidity sensors. The air flow rate through the
conditioner was recorded with pitot-tube array positioned in a long uniform-cross-section air duct. The inlet and
outlet temperatures of the cooling and heating water were monitored as well as their flow rates. Desiccant
temperatures and flow rates were recorded throughout the experiment. Further details on the operation and
instrumentation of this system can be found in the original work on this system by Jones7. The data system scanned
the instruments every five seconds and recorded the averaged data every minute. Samples of desiccant solution were
regularly tested by a density meter. Correlations from Conde9 were then used to convert these density values to mass
fractions. A separate data logging system monitored the performance of the solar array as described by Crofoot et al.
800 S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
2. The estimated accuracy of the measurement instrumentation is shown in Table 1 based on the manufacturer’s
specifications. The accuracy data was used to estimate the relative uncertainty in the calculated values based on a
root mean squarepropagation of the component measurement errors. These values were used to set the magnitude
of the error bars shown in the data plots.
Table 1. Estimated measurement accuracy values
±0.3 °C
±0.5 LPM
±0.3 °C
±1.5 % of reading
±3% of reading
3. Performance analysis
The driving force for the mass transfer of moisture between the air stream and the liquid desiccant solution is the
difference between the water vapour-pressure caused by the desiccant solution and the partial-pressure of water
vapour in the process-air stream. The vapour-pressure of the desiccant solution is a function of its concentration and
temperature, whereas the partial-pressure of water-vapour in the air is a function of the air’s moisture content.
In the conditioner, there are three working fluids: moist air, liquid desiccant solution, and cooling water. Heat
transfer occurs between all three fluids, and mass transfer occurs between the air and the liquid desiccant. The mass
and energy balance for the moist air stream are given by Eq. (1) and Eq. (2).
,, , ,, ,a in c in c abs a in c out c
 
,, , ,, ,, ,, , ,, ,,a in c in c f in c a in c a out c out c f out c a out c abs fg a d
mhhm hhmhQ
The mass and energy balance equations for the desiccant stream are given by Eq. (3) and Eq. (4). The energy
balance is only valid if it is assumed that the moisture transferred into the desiccant (abs) is very small compared to
the total desiccant flow rate (d,in, c).
,, , , , , ,, ,
d in c in c d out c out c d in c abs out c
mX m X m mX
,, ,, , , ,
d in c d in c a d d outc d out c abs dil d cw
mh Q mh mh Q
The energy balance on the cooling water stream is given by Eq. (5). A mass balance is not needed for this stream
because the flow rate was effectively fixed. The amount of water lost due to leakage (caused by the freezing
damage) was considered to be is negligible as it was small compared to the total cooling water flow rate.
,,cw cw in d cw cw cw out
mh Q m h
The mass transfer performance of the dehumidifier was evaluated in terms of the moisture removal rate,
calculated using Eq. (1), and the dehumidification effectiveness (εde) as calculated by Eq. (6). The effectiveness
value was defined to describe the conditioners ability to dehumidify the air [2]. The dehumidifier effectiveness
represents the ratio of experimental humidity ratio change to the theoretical maximum possible change.
S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
The maximum possible change is dictated by the difference between the inlet air humidity ratio (ωin) and the
humidity ratio of air in equilibrium (
q) with lithium chloride solution at the inlet cooling-water temperature and
inlet desiccant-stream mass fraction. This is calculated from the standard psychrometric equation shown in Eq. (7)
where peq is determined using correlations by Conde9.
4. Results and discussion
The objective of the study was to determine the dehumidification rate and impact of several factors affecting the
dehumidification effectiveness in order to evaluate the conditioner’s performance. The parameters studied were the
difference between the desiccant solution’s inlet and outlet concentration as well as the effects of the inlet desiccant
concentration on the water condensation rate. The effect of the difference in the relative humidity of the process-air
at the inlet and outlet of the dehumidifier was studied and finally, the dehumidification effectiveness was analysed.
The LDAC ran for eight to ten hours each test day. The ambient temperature ranged from 15 °C to 26 °C during
the unit’s operation. Figure 4 shows the variation between inlet and outlet desiccant concentration during the
experiment on July 25th. As expected, this data indicated that the system was absorbing moisture into the desiccant.
In addition, the inlet concentration values were maintained at reasonably high levels and this was due to the
regeneration of desiccant solution. The data indicates that the small leaks in the cooling water channels in the
dehumidifier did not adversely affect the operation or capacity of the system.
A transient warm-up period is evident during the first hour of operation and is also reflected in the results, with
the desiccant solution rapidly becoming diluted until the regenerator reaches its operating temperature and capacity.
The data in Fig. 4 shows several outliers at 9:00, 13:00 and 14:00 hours. These outliers are attributed to
sampling error associated with the collection and analysis of the desiccant samples. The desiccant solution was
drawn from the working machine with syringes at thirty minute intervals and transferred to the density meter for
analysis. Bias measurement errors may have occurred if the samples were not well-mixed, or contained any
contaminants such as air bubbles. As these points were outside the bounds of the predicted measurement error a
smooth data line was chosen to represent the test data.
Fig.4. Inlet and outlet desiccant concentration during July 25
Fig. 5. Influence of inlet desiccant concentration on moisture
absorption rate
8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17: 00 18:00
Mass Fraction (-)
X in
X out
X out adjusted
0.355 0.36 0.365 0.37 0.375 0.38
Moisture Abs. Rate (g/s)
Desiccant Solution Inlet Mass Fraction (-)
802 S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
The graph shown in Fig. 5 illustrates the effect of inlet desiccant concentration on the moisture removal rate. It
can be seen that the dehumidification rate increased with the increasing inlet concentration. This increase was due to
the increase in the magnitude of the difference in the vapour pressure between the air and the desiccant solution.
This was due to the reduced vapour pressure of the desiccant solution at higher concentrations as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Vapour pressure of lithium chloride at different concentrations
and temperatures as calculated using the Conde9 correlations
Fig.7. Dehumidifier inlet- and outlet-air relative humidity over the
course of July 25
Figure 7 clearly shows the variation between the relative humidity of the process-air stream before and after the
dehumidification process on July 25th. The drop in relative humidity throughout the day can be attributed to the
increasing ambient temperature. From this figure, it can be seen that the inlet-air relative humidity does not have a
large effect on the outlet air relative humidity. The outlet-air relative humidity was primarily dependant on the
desiccant concentration, and the cooling water temperature (as would be expected according to Fig. 6). An important
note regarding this particular installation is that the cooling water temperature was closely linked to the ambient-air
temperature and humidity due to the use of an evaporative cooling tower to reject heat. High humidity levels should
increase the dehumidification rate in the conditioner, but higher ambient relative humidity will lower the capacity of
the cooling tower, leading to higher cooling water temperatures and reduced system capacity.
Figure 8 shows the results from August 1st during which the ambient air’s relative humidity changed from a high
to low value over the course of the test period. The spikes evident in the data records can be attributed the different
firing stages of the boiler as it cycled between low/high/off while attempting to maintain the unit’s set-point. Also,
the opening of the unit’s access doors for brief periods to obtain desiccant samples shut down the unit’s fans briefly
(for safety reasons) and this caused some fluctuations. The overall effect of these incursions was considered to be
Fig.8. Dehumidification effectiveness of system over August 1st shown with the inlet and outlet dehumidifier outlet air relative humidity
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Vapour Partial Pressure (kPa)
Temperature (oC)
8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16: 00 17:00 18:00
Ambient Temperature (oC)
Relative Humid ity (%)
T amb.
08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15: 00 16:00 17:00 18:00
Dehumidif ication E ffectivnes s
Relative Humid ity (%)
RH out
Dehumid. Eff.
S. Bouzenada et al. / Procedia Computer Science 52 ( 2015 ) 796 – 803
The large change in inlet-air relative humidity was only marginally reflected by a slight increase in outlet-air
relative humidity. This caused an increase in the dehumidification effectiveness. This is an interesting result, typical
of LDAC systems. In locations with high latent cooling loads, a LDAC system such as the one studied, would be a
suitable choice to maximize HVAC system efficiency. However, the lack of significant sensible cooling capacity
would make a desiccant system a poor choice in areas with low humidity and high temperatures.
Across all experimental days, the average value of conditioner effectiveness reached 0.55. A previous study2 on
the unit achieved an average value of 0.59. This value does vary depending on the ambient conditions so the
difference between the two is marginal.
5. Conclusion
This paper experimentally studied the performance of a liquid desiccant dehumidifier using aqueous lithium
chloride. Reliable sets of data for air dehumidification were obtained. The experimental results showed the effect of
the difference between the inlet and outlet relative humidity and the inlet and outlet desiccant concentration. It was
found that dehumidification rate increased with increasing desiccant inlet concentration. The inlet concentration of
the desiccant solution was relatively consistent throughout the day, indicating adequate regeneration capacity, even
with the additional dilution of desiccant caused by the minor cooling-water leak into the unit’s sump. The average
value of dehumidifier effectiveness was measured at 0.55, consistent with previous measurements and was shown to
be influenced by the inlet air’s relative humidity.
The authors would like to thank Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), the Smart Net-Zero Energy Buildings
Strategic Research Network (SNEBRN), and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) for their contributions to this research. This work was completed in support of Canada’s contribution to
the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Task 48.
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... 37 Each element in the room contributes to the di®erent heat exchange modes. 38,39 The top-most°oor of the buildings absorbs more heat by radiation compared to other°oors. 40 The personal factors which in°uence thermal comfort are metabolic rate and clothing. ...
... Bouzenada et al. 38 performed an experimental analysis on the performance of liquid desiccant airconditioner. It was carried out with solar energy as a resource. ...
... Besides, few other methods like nonhygroscopic rotary air-to-air heat exchangers, solar collectors, expansion valve dehu-midi¯er, heat pipe technique, etc., are used. Some of the advantages of solid desiccant are: no moving parts, it does not react with H 2 S or CO 2 and it has limitations such as it is unreliable, limited dew condensation, very sensitive to varying°ow rate, limited dew depression, etc. 38,83,84,86,87 Advantages of liquid desiccant include it removes moisture e®ectively, provides clean air, can use waste heat from other systems for regeneration and overall power consumption is reduced. 88,89,91,92 It has certain limitations such as higher initial cost, corrosive, the necessity of secondary cooling, the heat exchanger should be of good material, maintaining liquid concentration, etc. Table 7. shows a summary of the various dehumidi¯cation methods used by the researchers and their in°uence on thermal comfort. ...
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Heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) design mainly deals with moisture and its control. The moisture may be present inside ducts, conditioned spaces, or outdoors. The process of humidification and dehumidification requires equipment for mass and heat transfer, where the transfer of energy and mass takes place at varying concentrations and temperatures. The exchange of mass or heat depends on the type of flow and is conceivably in the form of gas to liquid or liquid–vapor. This paper aims to review the effect of moisture in the buildings and modulate its effect with several humidifying and dehumidifying techniques as sustainable techniques depending upon the external weather conditions to maintain thermal comfort. Various humidification and dehumidification techniques have been discussed with both their merits, limitations, applications and future scope to meet sustainable energy demands.
... The BCD effectiveness is determined by comparing the theoretical exit air enthalpy, which is calculated assuming the exit air is fully saturated at the water inlet temperature, with the theoretical exit seawater enthalpy, which is calculated under the assumption that its temperature matches the entrance air [18][19][20][21]. Bouzenada et al. [22] studied the performance of a solar thermally driven liquid desiccant air-conditioner, which included a dehumidifier as a key component. Unlike high-flow systems, this system employed low-flow desiccant, leading to significant fluctuations in solution concentration within the dehumidifier and regenerator sections. ...
... The BCD effectiveness ε deh may be defined as follows [22]: ...
... In the work of Ahmed and Kamal (2012) [13] the rate of moisture removal was tested in an experiment during which the entry parameters such as: rate, humidity ratio, desiccant flow rate, and concentration are changed. Bouzenada et al. (2015) [14] investigated experimentally the effectiveness of a low-flow falling-film liquid desiccant air-conditioner. The dehumidifier is one of the most important components in opencycle liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems. ...
... In the work of Ahmed and Kamal (2012) [13] the rate of moisture removal was tested in an experiment during which the entry parameters such as: rate, humidity ratio, desiccant flow rate, and concentration are changed. Bouzenada et al. (2015) [14] investigated experimentally the effectiveness of a low-flow falling-film liquid desiccant air-conditioner. The dehumidifier is one of the most important components in opencycle liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems. ...
Liquid desiccant air-conditioning systems remove directly the latent load from moist air and remove indirectly sensible load of this air by using an indirect evaporative cooling process. The liquid desiccant must subsequently be regeneration once again with a low-grade heat source like solar energy. In this study, calcium chloride solution was used as a desiccant. For the desiccant solution regeneration process, a flat plate solar collector was employed. Different variables, such as the primary airflow rate and desiccant flow rate, were changed during the experiments. The impact of these variables on the performance parameters of the desiccant systems such as moisture removal rate, moisture efficiency, enthalpy efficiency, sensible heat ratio, and the mass transfer coefficient was studied. The obtained results revealed that as the flow rate of primary air increases, the moisture removal rate, sensible heat ratio, and the mass transfer coefficient increase. For example, from 0.006 m/s to 0.0125m/s when the mass airflow rate increased from 0.1 kg/s to 0.18 kg/s.
... Qi et al. [28,29] investigated the liquid contact angle and its influence on the LDD system and the wetted area and film thickness for the falling film LDR system, respectively. Bouzenada et al. [30] and Dong et al. [31] reported the dehumidification performance of the LDAC system and enhanced the dehumidification performance by TiO 2 super-hydrophilic coating on the plate of LDD, whereas Lu et al. [32] investigated the dynamic characteristics of the counter-current flow for LDD system. ...
... In his study, the two wetting factors are considered to explain the inadequate wetting of the surface. Bouzenada et al. [17] studied the dehumidification effectiveness of falling film plate type dehumidifier using solar energy assistance, at Kingston Ontario. Das et al. [18] conducted an experimental investigation on a falling film dehumidifier to investigate the wave profile characterization and dehumidifier performance. ...
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The current paper experimentally studied the performance of solar-driven internally cooled liquid desiccant system for hot and humid climates using CaCl2 as a liquid desiccant. The system is designed to investigate the input conditions of the room by adjusting various air and solution variables. This internally cooled liquid desiccant system consists of the dehumidifier and regenerator in a single module and the regeneration of the solution is done by solar energy. The present study analyzes the effect of solution concentration, air mass flow rate and solution volume flow rate using different performance indices such as humidity reduction, moisture effectiveness, enthalpy effectiveness, and COP. The results demonstrate that the maximum moisture reduction of 4.2 g/kg d.a. is found at an airflow rate of 0.03195 kg/s, a solution volume flow rate of 12.5 LPM, and a solution concentration of 37%, while the maximum COP of 0.274 is obtained at an airflow rate of 0.0715 kg/s, a solution volume flow rate of 12.5 LPM, and a solution concentration of 37%. The maximum moisture and enthalpy effectiveness are obtained as 24.1% and 26.2%, respectively. The paper also presents the correlations for moisture and enthalpy effectiveness based on findings from experiments.
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In high temperature and high humidity zones, evaporative cooling is ineffective and vapour compression systems are less energy efficient. Therefore, an alternative system is highly desirable which is effective, energy efficient and enables the use of cheap and sustainable energy sources. Indirect evaporative cooling helps in retaining humidity level of air, but is less effective in attaining lower air temperatures. To mitigate this challenge, M-cycle indirect evaporative cooling system helps in achieving sub-wet bulb temperatures. In this work, performance of a novel modified indirect evaporative M-cycle cooling system assisted by 40% aqueous Li-Cl liquid desiccant is experimentally investigated against various parameters. The cooling system used in this study is a single unit system which can perform indirect evaporative cooling, liquid desiccant dehumidification and internal cooling to the liquid desiccant. With an air velocity of 1 m/s at the inlet, the introduction of openings in between inlet and exit of the cooling system has shown a maximum improvement of 19.2% in its dew point effectiveness, with unaffected dehumidification effectiveness. Furthermore, it is observed that the dew point effectiveness is decreased with the increasing distance of openings from the inlet. The investigated cooling and dehumidification system is useful as a pre-air-conditioner to conventional air-conditioning systems and also as a stand-alone air-conditioning system.
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In this study, silica gel and sodium polyacrylate desiccants are coated onto a finned tube heat exchanger (Desiccant Coating Heat Exchanger, DCHE), which can absorb the vapor in the process air for dehumidification. In the experiments, the desiccant is coated on fins using the dense coating method, which causes the fixed fin area to be coated with greater amounts of desiccants for a better dehumidification performance. This study discusses the dehumidification performances of a single stage DCHE and two-stage DCHEs in series under different relative humidity conditions of the inlet process air and different regeneration water temperatures. The results show that the thermal coefficient of performance (COP th) of the DCHEs for the two desiccants prepared by the dense coating method is better than that of DCHEs with the general immersing coating method by a factor of 2-2.4. The two-stage DCHEs in series have a lower supply humidity ratio than a single stage DCHE at different inlet humidity levels, and they can be used in the industry when a special low humidity manufacturing process is required. The overall dehumidifying capacities of two-stage series-connected DCHEs at regeneration temperatures of 50 • C and 70 • C are approximately twice as high as those of a single stage DCHE. The COP th value of a single stage or two stages increases with an increase in the inlet humidity of the process air. The COP th values of the sodium polyacrylate single stage and two-stage DCHEs are 1-1.3 times greater than those of the silica gel single stage and two-stage DCHEs at a high inlet air humidity. Finally, the effects of different regeneration water temperatures on the performance of DCHEs are investigated. With an increase in the regeneration water temperature, the COP th value, dehumidifying capacity and regeneration capacity of single stage or two-stage DCHEs increase as well.
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A novel liquid-desiccant air conditioner that dries and cools building supply air has been successfully designed, built and tested. The new air conditioner will transform the use of direct-contact liquid-desiccant systems in HVAC applications, improving comfort and indoor air quality, as well as providing energy-efficient humidity control. Liquid-desiccant conditioners and regenerators are traditionally implemented as adiabatic beds of contact media that are highly flooded with desiccant. The possibility of droplet carryover into the supply air has limited the sale of these systems in most HVAC applications. The characteristic of the new conditioner and regenerator that distinguishes them from conventional ones is their very low flows of liquid desiccant. Whereas a conventional conditioner operates typically at between 10 and 15 gpm (630 and 946 ml/s) of desiccant per 1000 cfm (0.47 m3/s) of process air, the new conditioner operates at 0.5 gpm (32 ml/s) per 1000 cfm (0.47 m3/s). At these low flooding rates, the supply air will not entrain droplets of liquid desiccant. This brings performance and maintenance for the new liquid-desiccant technology in line with HVAC market expectations. Low flooding rates are practical only if the liquid desiccant is continually cooled in the conditioner or continually heated in the regenerator as the mass exchange of water occurs. This simultaneous heat and mass exchange is accomplished by using the walls of a parallel-plate plastic heat exchanger as the air/desiccant contact surface. Compared to existing solid and liquid desiccant systems, the low-flow technology is more compact, has significantly lower pressure drops and does not “dump” heat back onto the building’s central air conditioner. Tests confirm the high sensible and latent effectiveness of the conditioner, the high COP of the regenerator, and the operation of both components without carryover.
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A thermal liquid desiccant air handling machine was procured, installed, and field tested. The goal of the present investigation is to evaluate the field performance of the machine and characterize its operation for the temperature range of a solar thermal array. The system studied includes a natural gas boiler supplying the heat, and a cooling tower for heat rejection. System performance was evaluated for the 50 to 90◦C temperature range, the operating range of solar thermal collectors. Cooling power varied between 4.3 kW and 22.8 kW for this range of temperature, with a latent heat ratio between 1.1 and 1.9, confirming that the unit is significantly dehumidifying the process air stream. Electrical COP varied between 0.58 and 4 .48. Performance data indicates higher temperature solar collectors such as evacuated tube or double glazed flat plat collectors would be optimum in a solar cooling application with this system. Empirical correlations for the regenerator and conditioner components were obtained using a multivariate linear regression model. 5 empirical relations were derived and can be used to characterize the thermal dehumidification concept. These relations and methods will be used in future work to simulate and optimiz e a solar thermal driven dehumidification system for dedicated outdoor air systems.
Conference Paper
The performance of a solar-augmented, liquid-desiccant air-conditioning system was evaluated over a 20 day period to study its suitability for use in a temperate climate. The unit utilized a low-flow, parallel-plate conditioner and regenerator design. Thermal input was provided by a 95 m2 evacuated-tube solar collector array and a natural-gas fired auxiliary boiler. During the monitoring period, the unit provided an average of 12.0 kW of total cooling power and 14.0 kW of latent cooling power with an average thermal COP of 0.40. The solar array operated with an average efficiency of 53% (based on absorber area), and provided 40% of the energy required to operate the LDAC on an 8 AM to 6 PM schedule. Computer simulations performed using measured weather data predicted the total cooling to within 15%, and the solar energy and hot water load to within 4% of the experimental results. Additional modeling indicated that overall system performance could be improved by increasing desiccant storage, improving control schemes, and replacing inefficient pumps and fans.
Conference Paper
A low-flow, liquid desiccant, air-conditioner (LDAC) was operated, using a solar thermal system to provide regeneration heat, for a 20 day period. The electrical coefficient of performance (COPe) ranged between 1.8 and 2.8, with an average of 2.4. The thermal coefficient of performance (COPt) ranged between 0.26 and 0.53 with an average of 0.40. Using a TRNSYS simulation of the system, several methods of improving the system’s performance were studied. The greatest improvements in electrical performance were seen by replacing pumps with high efficiency, variable speed pumps. This increased the COPe by an average of 55%. Improvements in the COPt through the use of heat and energy recovery ventilators (HRV/ERV) were estimated to range from 14 to 18%. The HRV also improved the solar fraction of the system by 8%. These improvements were based on estimates for the full cooling season. Peak performance improvements were also found to be considerably higher. Other approaches, such as rerouting and mixing various air streams, were not as successful at increasing performance.
In the last few years there has been renewed interest in solar driven air-conditioning. One concept that has been investigated is the use of liquid-desiccant cooling systems. Such systems have the advantage of improved humidity control, particularly in applications with high ventilation rates. Moreover, lower regeneration temperatures can be employed, allowing for a more efficient use of heat from low temperature sources, e.g., flat plate solar collectors. In the present work, mathematical and numerical models were developed for internally cooled liquid-desiccant dehumidifiers, using three different approaches. The first approach is based on heat and mass transfer correlations. The second one numerically solves, by the finite-difference method, the differential equations for energy and species assuming a constant film thickness. The third approach introduces a variable film thickness. All approaches assume fully developed laminar flow for the liquid and air streams. The variable thickness model results closely matched the experimental data available in the literature.
The dehydration of air, for air conditioning purposes, either for human comfort or for industrial processes, is done most of the times by making it contact a surface at a temperature below its dew point. In this process not only is it necessary to cool that surface continuously, but also the air is cooled beyond the temperature necessary to the process, thus requiring reheating after dehumidification. Although the equipment for this purpose is standard and mostly low-cost, the running costs are high and high grade energy is dissipated at very low efficiency. Alternative sorption-based processes require only low grade energy for regeneration of the sorbent materials, thus incurring lower running costs. On the other hand, sorption technology equipment is usually more expensive than standard mechanical refrigeration equipment, which is essentially due to their too small market share. This paper reports the development of calculation models for the thermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of the chlorides of lithium and calcium, particularly suited for use as desiccants in sorption-based air conditioning equipment. This development has been undertaken in order to create consistent methods suitable for use in the industrial design of liquid desiccant-based air conditioning equipment. We have reviewed sources of measured data from 1850 onwards, and propose calculation models for the following properties of those aqueous solutions: Solubility boundary, vapour pressure, density, surface tension, dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, specific thermal capacity and differential enthalpy of dilution.
Desiccant systems find applications in a very large variety of industrial and daily usage products including the new HVAC installations. An overview of liquid desiccant technology has been presented in this paper along with a compilation of experimental performance data of liquid desiccant dehumidifiers, empirical dehumidification effectiveness and mass transfer correlations in a useful and easy to read tabular format. The latest trends in this area suggest that hybrid systems are of current interest to HVAC industry, not only for high latent load applications but also for improving indoor air quality. The paper presents a comprehensive comparative parametric analysis of packed bed dehumidifiers for three commonly used desiccant materials viz. triethylene glycol, lithium chloride and calcium chloride, using empirical correlations for dehumidification effectiveness from the literature. The analysis reveals significant variations and anomalies in trends between the predictions by various correlations for the same operating conditions, and highlights the need for benchmarking the performance of desiccant dehumidifiers.
The effect of air velocity in liquid desiccant dehumidifier based on two phase flow model using computational method
  • B Sreelal
Sreelal B, and Hariharan R. The effect of air velocity in liquid desiccant dehumidifier based on two phase flow model using computational method. International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology. 2014; 2(7): 142-152.
Cooling with solar energy. Congress on Solar Energy
  • G Löf
Löf G. Cooling with solar energy. Congress on Solar Energy. Tucson, AZ; 1955; 171-189.