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The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, 9, (Suppl 1: M5) 89-100 89
1874-3641/15 2015 Bentham Open
Open Access
Present and New Treatment Strategies in the Management of Glaucoma
M. Kolko*,1,2,3
1Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, the Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
2Department of Ophthalmology, Roskilde University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark
3Center of Healthy Aging, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, the Panum Institute, University of
Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract: Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death and axonal loss. It
remains a major cause of blindness worldwide. All current modalities of treatment are focused on lowering intraocular
pressure (IOP), and it is evident that increased IOP is an important risk factor for progression of the disease. However, it
is clear that a significant number of glaucoma patients show disease progression despite of pressure lowering treatments.
Much attention has been given to the development of neuroprotective treatment strategies, but the identification of such
has been hampered by lack of understanding of the etiology of glaucoma. Hence, in spite of many attempts no
neuroprotective drug has yet been clinically approved. Even though neuroprotection is without doubt an important
treatment strategy, many glaucoma subjects are diagnosed after substantial loss of RGCs. In this matter, recent approaches
aim to rescue RGCs and regenerate axons in order to restore visual function in glaucoma. The present review seeks to
provide an overview of the present and new treatment strategies in the management of glaucoma. The treatment strategies
are divided into current available glaucoma medications, new pressure lowering targets, prospective neuroprotective
interventions, and finally possible neuroregenrative strategies.
Keywords: Glaucoma, intraocular pressure lowering drugs, neuroprotection, neuroregeneration, treatment strategies.
Glaucoma refers to a group of eye conditions, which
cause progressive damage to the optic nerve, retinal ganglion
cell (RGC) death, and characteristic damage to the visual
field. According to The World Health Organization,
glaucoma accounted for 2 percent of visual impairment and
8 percent of global blindness in 2010, and the number of
glaucoma patients is estimated to increase due to a growing
population [1]. The classification of glaucoma relies on the
appearance and obstruction of the drainage pathway. In open
angle glaucoma (OAG) the drainage pathway appears normal
and in angle-closure glaucoma (ACG) the drainage pathway
is obstructed. Glaucoma is also classified according to
whether it is primary or associated with detectable
comorbidity, secondary glaucoma. The most common
subtype of glaucoma is primary OAG (POAG). Despite the
normal clinical appearance of the drainage pathway the
aqueous outflow is restricted in most POAG and referred to
as high-tension glaucoma (HTG). Hence, glaucoma is
associated with an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), and
to date IOP lowering drugs remain the only clinically
validated treatment of glaucoma [2]. Despite the significant
importance of IOP in the risk of glaucoma progression, it is
recognized that elevated IOP appears in the absence of the
characteristic optic nerve changes (ocular hypertension
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Neuroscience
and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3b, 2200
Copenhagen, Denmark; Tel: 0045 29807667;
(OHT)) and conversely glaucomatous optic nerve damage
appears in the absence of an elevated IOP (low-tension
glaucoma (LTG)).
Therefore, despite the fact that IOP lowering
interventions reduce the risk of progression and delay the
disease onset of glaucoma, the pathogenesis is controversial
and not completely understood. In this matter non-IOP-
dependent risk factors appear to be responsible for
approximately 30-70 percent of glaucoma cases [3-6].
The present review seeks to 1) briefly summarize the
current treatment strategies for glaucoma, 2) discuss future
treatment strategies for glaucoma i.e. new targets for IOP-
lowering, targets for neuroprotection, and targets for
Although glaucoma is a complex and poorly understood
disorder, the primary goal of therapy is lowering IOP [2].
Hence, lowering IOP by 20 - 40 percent has been shown to
reduce the rate of progressive visual field loss by half [7,8].
The first anti-glaucomatous drop was introduced in 1875
and there are currently several types of IOP-lowering eye
drops used to treat glaucoma (Table 1). In addition, two
systemic IOP-lowering drugs are available (Table 2). The
eye drops include β-blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors,
prostaglandin analogs, α2-adrenergic agonists, and
parasympathomimetic drugs. In addition to the pure form,
90 The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 M. Kolko
the eye-drops often come as combined drops. To date fixed-
combination eye-drops include prostaglandin analogs/β-
blockers, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors/β-blockers, and α2-
adrenergic agonists/β-blockers. Finally, a combination of
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors /α2-adrenergic agonists was
approved by the United States Food and Drug
Administration in April 2013, and as an exception a triple
fixed combination of prostaglandin analogs/α2-adrenergic
agonists/β-blockers is available in Mexico.
Table 1. Time line for the introduction of glaucoma
IOP Lowering medication and year of introduction. Modified from European
Glaucoma Society Therminology and Guidelines for Glaucoma, 4th edition.
Over all, the current available glaucoma eye-drops all
seek to decrease the IOP. They can be grouped into
therapeutic agents that decrease the production of aqueous
humor production and/or increase the drainage through the
trabecular meshwork (TM) and/or increase uveoscleral
ß-blockers reduce the production of aqueous humor. In
addition, some ß-blockers contain α1 blocking effects
(levobunolol and nipradilol) [9-11], which reduce IOP by an
acceleration of the uveoscleral outflow. Ocular adverse reactions
include conjunctival allergies, conjunctival injection and corneal
epithelium disorder. Additionally, corneal sensitivity may be
reduced in case of the selective ß1-blocker, betaxolol, due to its
membrane-stabilizing effect. In contrast, another ß-blocker,
carteolol, has intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and therefore no
reduced corneal sensitivity [12]. One major challenge for the use
of ß-blockers is their frequent systemic adverse effect due to their
activation of both ß1- and ß2-receptors. In this matter adverse
effects of the respiratory system by ß2-blockers include
worsening of asthma attacks and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. To prevent the ß2-related side effects betaxolol can be
used in cases with respiratory issues [13]. The most critical
adverse effects of ß1-blockage are reduced heart rate and reduced
cardiac contractility. Hence, ß-blockers should be used with
caution in patients with slow or irregular heartbeat or congestive
heart failure. Finally, adverse effects from the use of ß-blockers
include depression, impotence, and drowsiness.
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (CAI)s reduce IOP by
inhibiting the ciliary epithelium and controlling aqueous
formation. Systemic CAIs have been used since 1956, but
are associated with a high incidence of adverse reactions,
including dysesthesia of the fingers and around the lips,
frequent urination, lassitude, anorexia, weight reduction,
kidney stones, metabolic acidosis, and hematopoietic cell
restraint anemia [14]. Since 1994 a topical CAI has been
available (Table 1). Even though the adverse effects are
much less compared to systemic administered CAIs, topical
CAIs have some ocular adverse reactions such as
conjunctival allergy and hyperemia [14]. Due to the fairly
acidic pH, CAIs generally cause ocular irritation. Moreover,
carbon anhydrase naturally exists in the endothelial cells,
and CAIs should be used with caution in patients with
corneal endothelial disorders [15]. No significant systemic
adverse reactions have been associated with the use of CAIs.
Prostaglandin Analogs
Prostaglandins lower IOP by accelerating the uveoscleral
outflow. The most common adverse effects are eye redness
or irritation, a change in eye color (mostly in hazel or green
eyes) [16,17], and an increase in thickness and number of
eyelashes [18]. In addition, prostaglandin administration has
been reported to recur corneal epithelium herpes, and should
therefore be used with caution in these patients [19]. No
significant systemic adverse reactions have been associated
with the use of prostaglandins.
Time line for the Introduction of Glaucoma
Medication. Table 1
IOP Lowering medication and year of introduction.
Modified from European Glaucoma Society
Therminology and Guidelines for Glaucoma, 4th edition.
1875 • Pilocarpine
1925 • Epinephrine
1956 • Diamox
1978 • Timolol
1992 • Pilocarpine/Timolol
1994 • Dorzolamide
• Latanoprost
• Brimonidine
• Brinzolamide
• Dorzolamide/Timolol
2000 • Bimatoprost
• Travoprost
• Lantanoprost/Timolol
2005 • Brimonidine/Timolol
• Bimatoprost/Timolol
• Travoprost/Timolol
2008 • Tafluprost
2009 • Brinzolamide/Timolol
2013 • Monoprost
• Brimonidine/Brinzolamide
• Tafluprost/Timolol
Present and New Treatment Strategies in the Management of Glaucoma The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 91
Sympathomimetic Drugs
Sympathomimetic drugs act on α2-receptors and activate
G protein-coupled receptors, thereby reducing cAMP. In this
way the production of aqueous humor production is reduced
and the uveoscleral outflow increased. Allergic reactions
frequently occur with this class of medication. Side effects
may further include irregular heart rate, elevated blood
pressure, headaches, blurred vision, fatigue, dry mouth, and
redness in or around the eye [20]. A randomized trial of the
α2-receptor agonist, brimonidine, versus the ß-blocker,
timolol, found evidence of a less likely visual field
progression in patients treated with brimonidine compared to
timolol, thereby indicating a neuroprotective role of α2
agonists [21].
Parasympathomimetic Drugs (Miotics)
Parasympathomimetic drugs are cholinergic agents that
cause the pupil to become much smaller in diameter and help
increase the rate of fluid drainage from the eye. The most
common ocular side effects include headache, red eyes,
miosis-caused visual field constriction, and night vision loss.
Systemic miotics may cause excessive salivation and tearing,
sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, and slowed heartbeat [22].
In addition to the main therapeutic agents all eye drops
contain additives, which stabilize the solution/suspension,
and/or extend the life of the drugs. The draw back of
additives is the ocular adverse reactions that follow these.
Hence, more anti-glaucomatous drops now come in
preservative free versions.
Another issue concerning adherence and adverse
reactions is the increasing introduction of generic glaucoma
medication. Within defined tolerances, generic drugs are
“equivalent” to original, patented medications. There is,
however, room for variability and error in manufacture,
packaging, and the adjuvants can vary considerably. Because
generic formulations do not necessarily undergo clinical
testing, physicians and patients need to make sure that the
medications are equally effective in real-life use. Even
though the challenge of adverse reactions from preservatives,
and the challenge of an increasing number of generic
products are important issues, these topics are beyond the
scope of this review.
Many mechanisms have been proposed to address the
pathogenesis of glaucoma. However, none seems to
characterize the disease sufficiently, and the multifactorial
etiologies of glaucoma become a fundamental challenge in
the development of new treatment strategies. Nevertheless
elevated IOP together with yet-to-be elucidated cellular and
molecular changes result in glaucomatous neurodegeneration.
In this aspect treatment strategies can be grouped into 1) IOP
Table 2 Current treatment strategies for glaucoma.
• Timolol (Optimol, Timacar Depot, Timoptol-LA, Timolol, Nyogel L.P., Timogel, Timosan, Aquanil)
• Levobunolol*
• Carteolol (Ocupress)*
• Metipranolol (OptiPranolol)*
• Betatoxol (Betoptic)
• Nipradilol*
Carbon anhydrase inhibitors
• Dorzolamide (Trusopt, Arzolamid, Dorzolamid)
• Brinzolamide (Azopt)
• Acetazolamide (Diamox) - oral medication
• Methazolamide (Neptazane) - oral medication*
Prostaglandin analogs
• Tafluprost (Taflutan, Saflutan, Zioptan*)
• Latanoprost (Xalatan, Monoprost, Latanoprost)
• Bimatoprost (Lumigan,)
• Travoprost (Travatan)
• Unoprostone isopropyl (Rescula)*
Sympathomimetic drugs
• Brimonidine (Alphagan, Αlphagan-P*, Bimonidintartrat, Brimoratio, Glaudin)
• Apraclonidine (Iopidine)
• Dipivefrin (Propine)*
• Epinephrine (Gluacon, Epifrin)*
Parasympathomimetic drugs
• Pilocarpine (Pilokarpin, Isopto Carpine*, Pilocar*, Pilopine HS*)
• Echothiophate (Phospholine Iodide)*
The list of glaucomatous medication is based on the current available products in Denmark.
* Requires special permission or is not available in Denmark.
92 The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 M. Kolko
lowering strategies, 2) neuroprotective strategies, and 3)
neuroregenerative strategies (Table 3).
It is clear that multiple factors give rise to glaucomatous
damage, and it is recognized that the most evident risk factor
is IOP. The cause of elevated IOP in POAG is thought to be
due to an increased accumulation of extracellular matrix
material (ECM) in the TM. From the current approved
glaucoma medications only prostaglandin analogues may
have a role on modulation of the molecular changes that
occur in the TM of glaucoma patients. Hence, prostaglandins
may induce stimulation of matrix metalloproteinases, and in
this way lead to increased spacing between the ciliary muscle
bundles [23,24].
Since the importance of IOP in the progression of
glaucoma is evident, current new strategies target IOP
lowering pathways. Among these exist two main approaches
that try to increase the outflow facilities in the TM. The first
strategy seeks to modulate the contractility of TM. It has
been shown that TM possesses smooth muscle cell-like
properties, and that TMs contractile properties can be
regulated by several enzymes [25-29]. The second
therapeutic concept includes alteration in the behavior of
TM, and strategies to affect the shape and loosen the cell-to-
cell junction and/or cell-to-ECM adhesion within the TM
have become experimental targets for lowering IOP [30]. In
addition, new therapeutic targets aim to decrease aqueous
humor production or to improve the uveoscleral outflow by
different subcellular pathways from those already existing
Rho-Associated Kinase
The Rho signaling pathway, mediated through Rho-
associated kinase (ROCK), plays a major role in regulation
of smooth muscle contraction. Therefore, ROCK inhibitors
may enhance aqueous drainage by acting on the actin
cytoskeleton and cellular motility in the TM, Schlemms
canal and ciliary muscle [34,35]. Multiple animal studies
have shown an IOP reduction by topical use of ROCK
inhibitors, and more ROCK inhibitors have been and are
currently tested in clinical trials for glaucoma and ocular
hypertension. The current (or completed without posted
results) clinical trials include K 115 (phase III, #JapicCTI-
111565), AMA0076 (phase II, #NCT01693315), AR-13324
(PG324) (phase III, #NCT02057575), AR12286 (Phase II,
#NCT02174991/ #NCT02173223) [36].
Although much attention is given to ROCK inhibition no
drugs are yet on the market, and during the clinical trials
concerns have been raised. Hence, ROCK inhibition in
humans seems to elicit different IOP responses compared to
animals and have resulted in side effects including moderate
to severe hyperemia, vascular disorders and other system
Table 3. Targets for new treatment strategies in the management of glaucoma.
IOP Lowering Strategies
Neuroprotective Strategies
Neuroregenerative Strategies
Increasing Trabecular Meshwork Outflow
Nitric Oxide
Angiopoietin-like7 molecules
Increasing the Uveoscleral Outflow
Angiotensin II
Decreasing Aqueous Humor Production
Angiotensin II
NMDA antagonists (Memantine)
Modulation of Müller cells
Oxidative stress
Antioxidants (α-tocopherol)
Ginkgo Biloba
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Mitochondrial targeted antioxidants (Q10)
Inflammation- Abnormal Immune Response
Biological response modifiers (Ethanrecept)
Modulation of T-cell reaction (Cop-1)
Modulation of PLA2-induced inflammation
Protein Misfolding
Agents targeting Aß
Heat shock proteins
Glial Cell Modulation
Other Pathways
Cell Repair
Inflammatory stimulation (CNTF)
Gene Therapy (Nogo Receptor interference)
Surgical Approaches
Lens Injury
Stem Cell Therapy
CNTF-secreting RPE cells
MSC transplantation
Current treatment strategies. Abbreviations are: Rho-associated Kinase (ROCK), Tumor Growth Factor-ß (TGF-ß), Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF), Tumor Necrosis
Factor-α (TNF-α), Phospholipase A2 (PLA2), Amyloid-ß (Aß), Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF), Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF), Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells (RPE),
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC).
Present and New Treatment Strategies in the Management of Glaucoma The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 93
problems [37-39]. Overall, ROCK inhibitors, however, offer
a potentially exciting alternative to the prostaglandin
analogues, and if one tested target overcomes the side effects
other beneficial effects of ROCK inhibition have been
shown. Hence, in addition to ROCK inhibitors modulative
effect on the TM, ROCK inhibition furthermore offers
neuroprotective effects as well as enhances blood flow to the
optic nerve [40].
Another modulator of TM is endothelin-1 (ET-1), and a
significant correlation has been found between IOP and ET-
1[41-43]. Hence, increased ET-1 levels may stimulate
contraction of both TM cells and the ECM, and thereby
reduce TM outflow [42,44]. In addition to reduced TM
outflow increased levels of ET-1 have been implicated in
vascular dysregulation. In this matter raised concentrations
of ET-1 in glaucoma patients may lead to vasoconstriction
by stimulation of ET-1 receptors on the vascular smooth
muscle cells [45,46]. In addition to a decreased IOP, ET-1
receptor inhibition has been shown to have neuroprotective
effects [47]. Overall, an ET-1 receptor antagonist constitutes
a potential treatment target to manage IOP reduction, which
may also favor the vascular regulation and RGC survival.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in more
mechanisms related to glaucoma such as auto regulation
[48], RGC survival and death [49], and low-grade
inflammation [50]. Hence, dependent on the mechanism, it
may be beneficial or damaging to glaucomatous progression.
In relation to the IOP, NO agonists induce relaxation of TM
cells and thereby increase the outflow [51,52].
Transforming Growth Factor-ß
Elevated levels of transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-β)
have been identified in the anterior chamber of glaucomatous
eyes [53], and increased levels of TGF-β have been
postulated to increase the risk of glaucoma [54]. TGF-β has
also been shown to directly cause increased IOP [55]. It is
believed that this occurs through complex interactions with
the TM, leading to decreased aqueous humor outflow
Beside a consistent beneficial effect by TGF-β inhibition
on IOP, the role of TGF-β in RGC maintenance has
contrasting beneficial effects. Hence, TGF-β has multiple
functions and among others, significant evidence shows a
neuroprotective effect of TGF-β [57-59]. Therefore, future
potential clinical relevance of TGF-β inhibition to reduce
IOP requires attention to potential side effects.
Connective Tissue Growth Factor
Recent studies have described a complex relationship
between increased connective tissue growth factor (CTGF)
expression, TGF-β activity, and fibrotic pathogenesis [60-
62], thereby highlighting the complex signaling interplay
between CTGF and TGF-β that results in increased fibrosis
in the TM. Hence, interfering with CTGF expression may
therefore prove beneficial in the treatment of glaucoma.
Adenosine and several adenosine derivatives increase
and/or decrease IOP via modulation of G protein coupled
receptors [63]. There are four adenosine receptor subtypes
known as A1, A2a, A2b, and A3. Activation of A1, A2a and
A3 agonists and A3 antagonists has been shown to lower
IOP by remodeling the ECM, through activation of
metalloproteinases, and thereby increase TM outflow [32].
A3 receptor antagonists have been shown to prevent
adenosine-induced activation of chloride channels of the
ciliary non-pigmented epithelial cells followed by an IOP
reduction [37,64]. Clinical trials are ongoing, but so far no
significant results have been reported (Phase II,
#NCT01917383) [37].
Other New Targets to Increase Trabecular Meshwork
In the search for targets to increase TM outflow, multiple
molecules are in consideration. Among these are
angiopoietin-like7 (ANGPTL7), a member of the ANGPTL
family, which has been shown to increase TM outflow [65].
Other potential molecules that could be targeted in the
regulation of TM outflow are cannabinoids, cochlin,
latrunculins, melatonin, and ghrelin [66].
Angiotensin II
Compounds that increase angiotensin-converting enzyme
2- (ACE2) activity and further the formation of angiotensin
(1-7) are new options as anti-glaucomatous drugs in addition
to classical ACE inhibitors and AT1 receptor blockers.
Furthermore, drugs that activate the angiotensin receptor
types, Mas receptors, directly have also been suggested as
possible targets for IOP lowering [67].
Other New Targets to Increase Uveoscleral Outflow
In addition to angiotensin II treatment, targets such as
serotonin [68], ghrelin [69], and cannabinoids [70] have also
been suggested as potential drugs to increase the uveoscleral
outflow [66].
Foskolin is a lipid-soluble compound that activates
cAMP in the ciliary epithelium thereby reducing the aqueous
humor production. It has been shown to be able to decrease
IOP after topical application by a mechanism that is not used
by the other drugs [71].
94 The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 M. Kolko
Other New Targets to Decrease Aqueous Humor
In addition to foskolin, targets such as serotonin,
cannabinoids and angiotensin II have also been suggested as
potential drugs that decrease the aqueous humor production
Beyond IOP, it is recognized that many other factors are
associated with an increased risk of developing glaucoma.
Hence, a significant number of glaucoma patients continue
to lose vision despite successful IOP control, and it has been
estimated that IOP-independent risk factors appear to be
responsible for approximately 30-70 percent of glaucoma
cases [4,6,72,73].
A variety of non-IOP dependent risk factors are being
proposed and in order to categorize and summarize the
current knowledge, this review seeks to group these into two
major groups i.e. neuroprotective- and neuroregenerative-
treatment strategies.
In order to simplify the complexity of the proposed new
neuroprotective treatment strategies, these can be grouped
into targets that interfere with excitotoxicity, oxidative
stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation - abnormal
immune response, protein misfolding, and glial cell
modulation. Obviously, such a division of treatment
strategies is not definite and most targets will interfere with
more pathways.
Exitotoxicity refers to the pathological process by which
neurons are damaged by the overactivation of glutamate
receptors. In glaucoma, the initial insult to RGCs has been
suggested to lead to elevated levels of extracellular
glutamate [74-76]. In line with this, a chronic elevation of
glutamate concentrations in the inner eye has been shown in
glaucoma patients [77-79]. As a consequence of increased
levels of glutamate, ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) receptors are overstimulated, resulting in a massive
influx of calcium into the neurons, thereby causing
glutamate-mediated RGC death. Strategies to modify
glutamate-induced neurotoxicity have been widely studied,
and in particular the NMDA antagonist, memantine, has
been shown to be a highly effective neuroprotective agent in
both acute and chronic animal models of RGC death [80-82].
In the well known memantine clinical trial no significant
benefit was found in the memantine-treated group compared
to the patients receiving placebo [83]. However, in line with
the substantive evidence that glutamate promotes RGC death
via NMDA over activation, the design and the clinical end
points of the memantine study have been questioned and it
still remains uncertain whether glutamate excitotoxicity is an
efficient target for therapeutical intervention in glaucoma
In addition to increased secretion of glutamate, reduced
clearance by the Müller cells may account for excitotoxicity
[84,85]. Hence, instead of, or together with, targeting the
ionotropic glutamate receptors, the homeostasis of Müller
cells could be a valuable target in the understanding of the
homeostasis in the inner retina. Furthermore, the
neurovascular junction (the interaction between pericytes,
Müller cells and inner retinal neurons) may account for
attention, since a dysfunctional nutrient and oxygen supply
may affect the Müller cells ability to remove excess
glutamate from the intercellular space and thereby their
ability to protect the RGCs [86,87].
Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress reflects an imbalance between the
production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the cells
ability to readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to
repair the resulting damage. Significant evidence has shown
that oxidative stress plays a role in RGC death in glaucoma,
and the concept of antioxidants as a neuroprotective
treatment strategy is widely accepted [88-92]. Among the
most studied antioxidants, vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and
gingko biloba have been shown to ameliorate NMDA-
induced RGC death. Vitamin E acts as a scavenger of
peroxyl radicals. Although some studies have suggested a
decreased rate of glaucomatous progression in patients
receiving vitamin E the long-term results are still lacking
[93,94]. To further elucidate a role of vitamin E in the
treatment of glaucoma, current studies are suggesting that
vitamin E, release from contact lenses may be used in
preventing ROS-induced glaucomatous damage [95,96].
Gingko biloba is an extract from Ginkgo biloba leaves. It
increases blood flow and has been shown to have a free
radical scavenger property [97]. In addition, gingko biloba
has been shown to interfere with glutamate signaling and to
preserve mitochondrial metabolism [98-100]. The precise
mechanism by which gingko biloba interferes with RGC
homeostasis is still not fully understood, however, the
studied literature on gingko biloba is in favor of a possible
beneficial effect on RGC survival [101].
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
In line with the role of oxidative stress in the
pathogenesis of glaucoma, increasing evidence points to a
mitochondrial dysfunction in glaucoma [102-105]. Even
though many antioxidants have shown promising effects on
RGC survival, many of them lack specificity to
mitochondria, the key regulator of ROS production. Hence,
compounds that specifically target the mitochondria have
been suggested to be more beneficial. Among mitochondrial-
targeted antioxidants, coenzyme Q10 (Q10) is one of the
most studied targets, and in animal models, Q10 protects
RGCs after ischemia [106,107] and oxidative stress [108].
To date, no human clinical trials have been published on the
use of Q10 in glaucoma.
Inflammation - Abnormal Immune Response
It is widely accepted that glaucomatous
neurodegeneration comes with an activation of glial cells and
Present and New Treatment Strategies in the Management of Glaucoma The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 95
accompanying production of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). TNF-α is
secreted by damaged glial cells and through the binding of
TNF-receptor-1 (TNF-R1) it causes apoptotic RGC death
[109]. However, the binding of TNF-R1 also triggers the
activation of transcription factor NF-KB, a cell survival
pathway [110,111]. Overall, growing evidence exists on the
role of TNF-α in RGC death [112-115], but opposing
consequences of TNF-α -signaling challenge any strategy for
neuroprotection [50,116].
More biologic response modifiers, such as ethanrecept,
have been shown to possess promising results as
neuroprotective agents by inhibiting TNF-α-induced RGC
damage [117].
Another anti-inflammatory agent, agmatine, has been
shown to protect RGCs from TNF-α-induced cell death
[118,119]. In addition, it is known that agmatine protects
neurons from apoptosis after exposure to NMDA and
glutamate [120]. Finally, agmatine has a role as an α2-
adrenergic agonist, and thus, can suppress RGC death by
neuroprotective mechanisms, and also protect RGCs by
lowering the IOP [121].
The inflammatory process in glaucoma has been found to
be associated with pro-inflammatory activities mediated in
part by T cell activity. In this aspect, Cop-1, a synthetic
peptide polymer, has been shown to modulate this T-cell
reaction by attenuating the normal inflammatory response.
Furthermore, it has been shown experimentally that
glutamate injections into the eye result in T cell reaction
[122,123], and in this aspect, Cop-1 immunization has
shown some protection against RGC death [122-124].
A recognized inflammatory pathway is initiated by
phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity. Hence, PLA2 activation
leads to the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-mediated
prostaglandin synthesis. Studies have shown an induction of
COX-2 in RGCs in response to elevated IOP [125,126]. In
line with this, COX-2 inhibition has been found to rescue
RGCs [127].
The precursor of COX-2 medicated prostaglandin
synthesis is arachidonic acid (AA), which is released by
PLA2-cleavage of phospholipids. Both AA and PLA2 have
been shown to be involved in RGC maintenance. In this
matter AA was found to ameliorate RGC death [128].
Opposing results have revealed a negative role of PLA2 on
neuronal survival. Hence, PLA2 has been shown to act
synergistically with glutamate-induced exitotoxicity [129].
Moreover, levels of the PLA2 subgroup sPLA2-IIA was
found to be increased in the aqueous humor of glaucoma
patients [130,131], and studies from the brain have revealed
that increased levels of PLA2 instigate neuronal cell death
Protein Misfolding
Protein aggregation is a prominent factor in
neurodegenative disorders such as Alzheimer disease (AD).
In AD, the peptide amyloid-ß (Aß) has been implicated in
the neuropathology, and growing evidence suggests that Aß
aggregation is also involved in the development of RGC
apoptosis. In line with this experimental studies for
glaucoma support the involvement of Aß, and different
agents targeting Aß formation have been shown to reduce
RGC apoptosis in models of glaucoma [135-138].
In addition to Aß another mechanism of protein
aggregation involves heat shock proteins (HSP). HSPs are
thought to prevent the aggregation of denatured proteins and
immunohistochemical analysis has demonstrated that HSP-
60 and -27 are greater in glaucomatous eyes compared to
non glaucomatous eyes of humans [139], thereby suggesting
that HSPs may be part of a defense mechanism that is
activated in glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Furthermore,
HSP72 upregulation has been shown to correlate with
increased survival of RGCs in a rat model of acute glaucoma
[140]. In glaucoma the HSP-inducer, geranylgeraylacetone,
has furthermore been shown to induce HSP72 and thereby
ameliorate RGC death. Even though no current HSP-
inducing drugs have been administered to glaucoma patients,
it may be a future target for preventing glaucomatous
damage [141,142].
Glial Cell Modulation
Much attention has been given to RGC maintenance in
the search for new treatment targets in glaucoma. However,
it is clear, that the surrounding cells tightly regulate RGC
homeostasis. Hence, in the non-myelinated region of the
RGCs, Müller cells and astrocytes (macroglial cells) are the
major glial cells to provide support, as well as to create the
interface between RGCs and blood vessels. They remove
excess glutamate from the synapse thereby preventing
exitotoxicity [87,143], and help to maintain ion homeostasis
and extracellular pH. In addition, macroglial cells liberate
cytokines such as TGF [144], ciliary neurotrophic factor
(CNTF) [145], and platelet-derived growth factor [146].
Hence, modulation of macroglial cell activity may therefore
be a key target in the understanding of RGC protection
Other Pathways
Considerable evidence exists on estrogen as a
neuroprotective drug, and a recent study has provided strong
evidence that topical estrogen drops are neuroprotective in a
rodent model of glaucoma [149]. Another suggested drug to
prevent glaucomatous damage is statins. Hence, long-term
use of statins has been shown to be associated with a reduced
risk of glaucoma [150,151]. Finally, the glycoprotein,
erythropoietin (EPO), has been suggested to be a potential
therapeutic neuroprotectant in glaucoma [152,153].
Growing evidence suggests cell repair or cell-
replacement therapy as a new treatment approach. Within the
potential group of cell repair treatment strategies, axonal
growth has become a target for investigation. Furthermore,
surgical approaches to enhance regenerative capacity of
RGCs have been suggested. Finally, stem cells hold great
promise for neurodegenerative disorders such as glaucoma.
96 The Open Ophthalmology Journal, 2015, Volume 9 M. Kolko
Cell Repair
Although the critical first step in the treatment of
glaucoma is enhancing RGC survival, a significant number
of patients will be diagnosed at a later stage by which their
axons have already been injured. In these cases, preventing
apoptosis will not be sufficient and the ideal therapies should
encourage axon regeneration to rebuild connections from the
RGCs to the brain.
In this aspect, more molecules have been shown to
possess regenerative properties due to their inflammatory
stimulation [154-156]. Among these, CNTF has been shown
to induce axonal growth and thereby suggested to provide a
new neuroregenative approach [147,157,158].
Because of the promising experimental results, a phase-I
trial in glaucoma has recently been performed (Phase I, #
NCT01408472). Through search, no final outcome is yet
available, however, although the study is a phase 1 trial and
designed to evaluate safety in the patient population being
studied, any hint of efficacy would be expected to drive
investigation in later-phase trials.
In addition to CNTF, studies have shown a potential role
of Nogo-66 receptor (NgR)1 therapy for glaucoma to prevent
RGC death and promote optic nerve axonal regeneration.
Hence, inhibition of NgR1 by RNA interference or by
transfection of the dominant-negative form of NgR1, has
been shown to stimulate optic nerve axon regrowth.
Furthermore, knockout of NgR1 has been shown effective
for enhancing axonal regeneration after optic nerve crush
Surgical Approaches for Neuroregeneration
Penetrating injury as well as lens injury has been
suggested to result in the release of low-grade inflammatory
molecules, which secondly leads to axonal regeneration
[161,162]. In order to consider this strategy in humans, a
number of issues would have to be considered including a
rapid formation of cataract, infection, etc. Hence, pursuing
the molecular basis of the effect may prove more realistic for
translation to human glaucoma treatment.
Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy holds great promise for
neurodegenerative diseases and emerging studies try to
identify the use of stem cells in experimental glaucoma.
Substantial evidence has correlated neurotrophic factor
deprivation with RGC death and new therapies aim to
supplement these [163]. To avoid repeated injections of
growth factors, cell-based delivery of neurotrophic factors
have been proposed. In this matter, an ongoing phase-I
clinical trial for glaucoma is using genetically modified
CNTF-secreting retinal pigment epithelium cells (Phase I,
#NCT01408472). In addition, transplantation with
mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) has been suggested, since
these produce neurotrophic factors [164-167]. Furthermore,
intracranial human umbilical cord blood MSC
transplantation has been shown to protect RGC and to induce
axonal regeneration [168]. Overall, the neuroprotective and
neuroregenerative effect of MSCs on RGC survival is
evident, and currently, a clinical trial using bone marrow-
derived MSCs on glaucoma is processed. The outcome of
this study is expected in 2017 (Phase I, #NCT01920867).
The present review highlights current treatment strategies
and possible future ways to rescue and regenerate RGCs.
Glaucoma remains a major cause of blindness worldwide.
Various new targets to treat glaucoma have been suggested,
but to date the only available glaucoma medication is IOP
lowering compounds, which are only decreasing the rate of
progression. Hence, no cure for glaucoma exists. The
identification of new therapeutic targets has been hampered
by lack of understanding of the etiology of glaucoma, and
the limited number of animal models available that likely
represent only a small subset of human glaucoma cases.
Since glaucoma may be a spectrum of different pathologies
leading to the same endpoint, the outcome from clinical trials
may be lost in the diversification of etiologies. In order to
identify future RGC rescuing drugs, attention must be given
to the study design. Hence, a more stringent patient selection
and more efficient outcome measurements will be necessary
to document the effectiveness of these.
The authors confirm that this article content has no
conflict of interest.
The time spent for writing the present review was granted
by The Danish Council for Independent Research|Medical
Sciences and the Velux Foundation for whom I am grateful.
I thank Kurt Bang for providing information of currents
treatment strategies, and for his enthusiasm of the present
manuscript. My apologies to all colleagues whose work I
have not included.
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Received: March 28, 2015 Revised: March 30, 2015 Accepted: March 30, 2015
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