The macro-mechanical behaviors of 2D-woven SiC/SiC composites produced with CVI technique were investigated by uniaxial tensile loading and unloading tests and compressive tests, and the changes in elastic modulus and residual strain were studied. Damage evolution and failure mode were analyzed by AE(Acoustic Emission) parameters and optical macroscope photos. Tensile test shows that the tensile stress-strain curve is obvious bilinear. Significant tensile damage begins at a specific tensile stress level of about 175 MPa. After the occurrence of significant damage, the unloading modulus decrease linearly as tensile stress increases, while the residual strains increase. The compressive stress-strain curve is almost linear until fracture, and compressive modulus slightly increase due to initial defects (pores and cracks) closure. Fracture surface shows that cracks in matrix can grow through fibers easily, and fibers suffer high extent of stress concentration during tensile test. The failure mode of compressive specimen is similar to crush which is correspond to high compressive strength. The main compressive damage mechanisms include cracks between bundles, within 90° bundles, and finally shear fracture occurs w'ithin 0° bundles.